/* Chat module plugin for Miranda IM Copyright (C) 2003 J�rgen Persson This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #ifndef _CHAT_H_ #define _CHAT_H_ #define MIRANDA_VER 0x1000 //#pragma warning( disable : 4786 ) // limitation in MSVC's debugger. //#pragma warning( disable : 4996 ) // limitation in MSVC's debugger. #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0501 #define _WIN32_IE 0x0501 #include <m_stdhdr.h> #include <windows.h> #include <commctrl.h> #include <richedit.h> #include <ole2.h> #include <richole.h> #include <commdlg.h> #include <shellapi.h> #include <Initguid.h> #include <Oleacc.h> #include <time.h> #include <win2k.h> #include <newpluginapi.h> #include <m_system.h> #include <m_options.h> #include <m_database.h> #include <m_utils.h> #include <m_langpack.h> #include <m_skin.h> #include <m_button.h> #include <m_protomod.h> #include <m_protosvc.h> #include <m_addcontact.h> #include <m_clist.h> #include <m_clui.h> #include <m_message.h> #include <m_icolib.h> #include <m_popup.h> #include <m_chat.h> #include "resource.h" #include "version.h" #include "m_ieview.h" #include "m_smileyadd.h" #ifndef NDEBUG #define new new(_NORMAL_BLOCK, __FILE__, __LINE__) #endif //defines #define OPTIONS_FONTCOUNT 17 #define GC_UPDATETITLE (WM_USER+100) #define GC_SPLITTERMOVED (WM_USER+101) #define GC_CLOSEWINDOW (WM_USER+103) #define GC_GETITEMDATA (WM_USER+104) #define GC_SETITEMDATA (WM_USER+105) #define GC_UPDATESTATUSBAR (WM_USER+106) #define GC_SETVISIBILITY (WM_USER+107) #define GC_SETWNDPROPS (WM_USER+108) #define GC_REDRAWLOG (WM_USER+109) #define GC_FIREHOOK (WM_USER+110) #define GC_FILTERFIX (WM_USER+111) #define GC_CHANGEFILTERFLAG (WM_USER+112) #define GC_SHOWFILTERMENU (WM_USER+113) #define GC_SETWINDOWPOS (WM_USER+114) #define GC_SAVEWNDPOS (WM_USER+115) //#define GC_NICKLISTCLEAR (WM_USER+117) #define GC_REDRAWWINDOW (WM_USER+118) #define GC_SHOWCOLORCHOOSER (WM_USER+119) #define GC_ADDLOG (WM_USER+120) #define GC_ACKMESSAGE (WM_USER+121) //#define GC_ADDUSER (WM_USER+122) //#define GC_REMOVEUSER (WM_USER+123) //#define GC_NICKCHANGE (WM_USER+124) #define GC_UPDATENICKLIST (WM_USER+125) //#define GC_MODECHANGE (WM_USER+126) #define GC_TABCHANGE (WM_USER+127) #define GC_ADDTAB (WM_USER+128) #define GC_SCROLLTOBOTTOM (WM_USER+129) #define GC_REMOVETAB (WM_USER+130) #define GC_SESSIONNAMECHANGE (WM_USER+131) #define GC_FIXTABICONS (WM_USER+132) #define GC_DROPPEDTAB (WM_USER+133) #define GC_TABCLICKED (WM_USER+134) #define GC_SWITCHNEXTTAB (WM_USER+135) #define GC_SWITCHPREVTAB (WM_USER+136) #define GC_SWITCHTAB (WM_USER+137) #define GC_SETTABHIGHLIGHT (WM_USER+138) #define GC_SETMESSAGEHIGHLIGHT (WM_USER+139) #define GC_REDRAWLOG2 (WM_USER+140) #define GC_REDRAWLOG3 (WM_USER+141) #define EM_SUBCLASSED (WM_USER+200) #define EM_UNSUBCLASSED (WM_USER+201) #define EM_ACTIVATE (WM_USER+202) #define TIMERID_FLASHWND 205 #define GCW_TABROOM 10 #define GCW_TABPRIVMSG 11 #define GC_EVENT_HIGHLIGHT 0x1000 #define STATE_TALK 0x0001 #define ICON_ACTION 0 #define ICON_ADDSTATUS 1 #define ICON_HIGHLIGHT 2 #define ICON_INFO 3 #define ICON_JOIN 4 #define ICON_KICK 5 #define ICON_MESSAGE 6 #define ICON_MESSAGEOUT 7 #define ICON_NICK 8 #define ICON_NOTICE 9 #define ICON_PART 10 #define ICON_QUIT 11 #define ICON_REMSTATUS 12 #define ICON_TOPIC 13 #define ICON_STATUS1 14 #define ICON_STATUS2 15 #define ICON_STATUS3 16 #define ICON_STATUS4 17 #define ICON_STATUS0 18 #define ICON_STATUS5 19 // special service for tweaking performance #define MS_GC_GETEVENTPTR "GChat/GetNewEventPtr" typedef INT_PTR (*GETEVENTFUNC)(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); typedef struct { GETEVENTFUNC pfnAddEvent; }GCPTRS; //structs typedef struct MODULE_INFO_TYPE { char* pszModule; TCHAR* ptszModDispName; char* pszHeader; BOOL bBold; BOOL bUnderline; BOOL bItalics; BOOL bColor; BOOL bBkgColor; BOOL bChanMgr; BOOL bAckMsg; int nColorCount; COLORREF* crColors; HICON hOnlineIcon; HICON hOfflineIcon; HICON hOnlineTalkIcon; HICON hOfflineTalkIcon; int OnlineIconIndex; int OfflineIconIndex; int iMaxText; struct MODULE_INFO_TYPE *next; } MODULEINFO; typedef struct COMMAND_INFO_TYPE { char* lpCommand; struct COMMAND_INFO_TYPE *last, *next; } COMMAND_INFO; typedef struct { LOGFONT lf; COLORREF color; } FONTINFO; typedef struct LOG_INFO_TYPE { TCHAR* ptszText; TCHAR* ptszNick; TCHAR* ptszUID; TCHAR* ptszStatus; TCHAR* ptszUserInfo; BOOL bIsMe; BOOL bIsHighlighted; time_t time; int iType; struct LOG_INFO_TYPE *next; struct LOG_INFO_TYPE *prev; } LOGINFO; typedef struct STATUSINFO_TYPE { TCHAR* pszGroup; HICON hIcon; WORD Status; struct STATUSINFO_TYPE *next; } STATUSINFO; typedef struct USERINFO_TYPE { TCHAR* pszNick; TCHAR* pszUID; WORD Status; int iStatusEx; WORD ContactStatus; struct USERINFO_TYPE *next; } USERINFO; typedef struct TABLIST_TYPE { TCHAR* pszID; char* pszModule; struct TABLIST_TYPE *next; } TABLIST; typedef struct SESSION_INFO_TYPE { HWND hWnd; BOOL bFGSet; BOOL bBGSet; BOOL bFilterEnabled; BOOL bNicklistEnabled; BOOL bInitDone; char* pszModule; TCHAR* ptszID; TCHAR* ptszName; TCHAR* ptszStatusbarText; TCHAR* ptszTopic; // I hate m3x, Unicode, IRC, chats etc... #if defined( _UNICODE ) char* pszID; // ugly fix for returning static ANSI strings in GC_INFO char* pszName; // just to fix a bug quickly, should die after porting IRC to Unicode #endif int iType; int iFG; int iBG; int iSplitterY; int iSplitterX; int iLogFilterFlags; int nUsersInNicklist; int iEventCount; int iX; int iY; int iWidth; int iHeight; int iStatusCount; WORD wStatus; WORD wState; WORD wCommandsNum; DWORD dwItemData; DWORD dwFlags; HANDLE hContact; HWND hwndStatus; time_t LastTime; COMMAND_INFO* lpCommands; COMMAND_INFO* lpCurrentCommand; LOGINFO* pLog; LOGINFO* pLogEnd; USERINFO* pUsers; USERINFO* pMe; STATUSINFO* pStatuses; HWND hwndTooltip; int iOldItemID; IAccPropServices* pAccPropServicesForNickList; struct SESSION_INFO_TYPE *next; } SESSION_INFO; typedef struct { char* buffer; int bufferOffset, bufferLen; HWND hwnd; LOGINFO* lin; BOOL bStripFormat; BOOL bRedraw; SESSION_INFO* si; } LOGSTREAMDATA; struct CREOleCallback { IRichEditOleCallbackVtbl *lpVtbl; unsigned refCount; IStorage *pictStg; int nextStgId; }; struct GlobalLogSettings_t { BOOL ShowTime; BOOL ShowTimeIfChanged; BOOL LoggingEnabled; BOOL FlashWindow; BOOL HighlightEnabled; BOOL LogIndentEnabled; BOOL StripFormat; BOOL SoundsFocus; BOOL PopUpInactiveOnly; BOOL TrayIconInactiveOnly; BOOL AddColonToAutoComplete; BOOL TabsEnable; BOOL TabCloseOnDblClick; BOOL TabRestore; BOOL LogLimitNames; BOOL TabsAtBottom; BOOL TimeStampEventColour; DWORD dwIconFlags; DWORD dwTrayIconFlags; DWORD dwPopupFlags; int LogTextIndent; int LoggingLimit; int iEventLimit; int iPopupStyle; int iPopupTimeout; int iSplitterX; int iSplitterY; int iX; int iY; int iWidth; int iHeight; TCHAR* pszTimeStamp; TCHAR* pszTimeStampLog; TCHAR* pszIncomingNick; TCHAR* pszOutgoingNick; TCHAR* pszHighlightWords; TCHAR* pszLogDir; HFONT UserListFont; HFONT UserListHeadingsFont; HFONT MessageBoxFont; HFONT NameFont; COLORREF crLogBackground; COLORREF crUserListColor; COLORREF crUserListBGColor; COLORREF crUserListSelectedBGColor; COLORREF crUserListHeadingsColor; COLORREF crPUTextColour; COLORREF crPUBkgColour; BOOL ShowContactStatus; BOOL ContactStatusFirst; }; extern struct GlobalLogSettings_t g_Settings; typedef struct{ MODULEINFO* pModule; int xPosition; int yPosition; HWND hWndTarget; BOOL bForeground; SESSION_INFO* si; } COLORCHOOSER; //main.c void LoadIcons(void); void LoadLogIcons(void); void FreeIcons(void); void UpgradeCheck(void); //colorchooser.c INT_PTR CALLBACK DlgProcColorToolWindow(HWND hwndDlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); //log.c void Log_StreamInEvent(HWND hwndDlg, LOGINFO* lin, SESSION_INFO* si, BOOL bRedraw, BOOL bPhaseTwo); void LoadMsgLogBitmaps(void); void FreeMsgLogBitmaps(void); void ValidateFilename (TCHAR * filename); TCHAR* MakeTimeStamp(TCHAR* pszStamp, time_t time); char* Log_CreateRtfHeader(MODULEINFO * mi); //window.c INT_PTR CALLBACK RoomWndProc(HWND hwndDlg,UINT uMsg,WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam); int GetTextPixelSize( TCHAR* pszText, HFONT hFont, BOOL bWidth); //options.c int OptionsInit(void); int OptionsUnInit(void); void LoadMsgDlgFont(int i, LOGFONT * lf, COLORREF * colour); void LoadGlobalSettings(void); void AddIcons(void); HICON LoadIconEx(char* pszIcoLibName, BOOL big); void LoadLogFonts(void); //services.c void HookEvents(void); void UnhookEvents(void); void CreateServiceFunctions(void); void DestroyServiceFunctions(void); void CreateHookableEvents(void); void DestroyHookableEvents(void); void TabsInit(void); void ShowRoom(SESSION_INFO* si, WPARAM wp, BOOL bSetForeground); //manager.c void SetActiveSession(const TCHAR* pszID, const char* pszModule); void SetActiveSessionEx(SESSION_INFO* si); SESSION_INFO* GetActiveSession(void); SESSION_INFO* SM_AddSession(const TCHAR* pszID, const char* pszModule); int SM_RemoveSession(const TCHAR* pszID, const char* pszModule); SESSION_INFO* SM_FindSession(const TCHAR* pszID, const char* pszModule); USERINFO* SM_AddUser(const TCHAR* pszID, const char* pszModule, const TCHAR* pszUID, const TCHAR* pszNick, WORD wStatus); BOOL SM_ChangeUID(const TCHAR* pszID, const char* pszModule, const TCHAR* pszUID, const TCHAR* pszNewUID); BOOL SM_ChangeNick(const TCHAR* pszID, const char* pszModule, GCEVENT * gce); BOOL SM_RemoveUser(const TCHAR* pszID, const char* pszModule, const TCHAR* pszUID); BOOL SM_SetOffline(const TCHAR* pszID, const char* pszModule); BOOL SM_SetTabbedWindowHwnd(SESSION_INFO* si, HWND hwnd); HICON SM_GetStatusIcon(SESSION_INFO* si, USERINFO * ui); BOOL SM_SetStatus(const TCHAR* pszID, const char* pszModule, int wStatus); BOOL SM_SetStatusEx(const TCHAR* pszID, const char* pszModule, const TCHAR* pszText, int flags ); BOOL SM_SendUserMessage(const TCHAR* pszID, const char* pszModule, const TCHAR* pszText); STATUSINFO* SM_AddStatus(const TCHAR* pszID, const char* pszModule, const TCHAR* pszStatus); SESSION_INFO* SM_GetNextWindow(SESSION_INFO* si); SESSION_INFO* SM_GetPrevWindow(SESSION_INFO* si); BOOL SM_AddEventToAllMatchingUID(GCEVENT * gce); BOOL SM_AddEvent(const TCHAR* pszID, const char* pszModule, GCEVENT * gce, BOOL bIsHighlighted); LRESULT SM_SendMessage(const TCHAR* pszID, const char* pszModule, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); BOOL SM_PostMessage(const TCHAR* pszID, const char* pszModule, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); BOOL SM_BroadcastMessage(const char* pszModule, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL bAsync); BOOL SM_RemoveAll (void); BOOL SM_GiveStatus(const TCHAR* pszID, const char* pszModule, const TCHAR* pszUID, const TCHAR* pszStatus); BOOL SM_SetContactStatus(const TCHAR* pszID, const char* pszModule, const TCHAR* pszUID, WORD pszStatus); BOOL SM_TakeStatus(const TCHAR* pszID, const char* pszModule, const TCHAR* pszUID, const TCHAR* pszStatus); BOOL SM_MoveUser(const TCHAR* pszID, const char* pszModule, const TCHAR* pszUID); void SM_AddCommand(const TCHAR* pszID, const char* pszModule, const char* lpNewCommand); char* SM_GetPrevCommand(const TCHAR* pszID, const char* pszModule); char* SM_GetNextCommand(const TCHAR* pszID, const char* pszModule); int SM_GetCount(const char* pszModule); SESSION_INFO* SM_FindSessionByIndex(const char* pszModule, int iItem); char* SM_GetUsers(SESSION_INFO* si); USERINFO* SM_GetUserFromIndex(const TCHAR* pszID, const char* pszModule, int index); MODULEINFO* MM_AddModule(const char* pszModule); MODULEINFO* MM_FindModule(const char* pszModule); void MM_FixColors(); void MM_FontsChanged(void); void MM_IconsChanged(void); BOOL MM_RemoveAll (void); BOOL TabM_AddTab(const TCHAR* pszID, const char* pszModule); BOOL TabM_RemoveAll (void); STATUSINFO* TM_AddStatus(STATUSINFO** ppStatusList, const TCHAR* pszStatus, int* iCount); STATUSINFO* TM_FindStatus(STATUSINFO* pStatusList, const TCHAR* pszStatus); WORD TM_StringToWord(STATUSINFO* pStatusList, const TCHAR* pszStatus); TCHAR* TM_WordToString(STATUSINFO* pStatusList, WORD Status); BOOL TM_RemoveAll (STATUSINFO** pStatusList); BOOL UM_SetStatusEx(USERINFO* pUserList,const TCHAR* pszText, int onlyMe ); USERINFO* UM_AddUser(STATUSINFO* pStatusList, USERINFO** pUserList, const TCHAR* pszUID, const TCHAR* pszNick, WORD wStatus); USERINFO* UM_SortUser(USERINFO** ppUserList, const TCHAR* pszUID); USERINFO* UM_FindUser(USERINFO* pUserList, const TCHAR* pszUID); USERINFO* UM_FindUserFromIndex(USERINFO* pUserList, int index); USERINFO* UM_GiveStatus(USERINFO* pUserList, const TCHAR* pszUID, WORD status); USERINFO* UM_SetContactStatus(USERINFO* pUserList, const TCHAR* pszUID, WORD status); USERINFO* UM_TakeStatus(USERINFO* pUserList, const TCHAR* pszUID, WORD status); TCHAR* UM_FindUserAutoComplete(USERINFO* pUserList, const TCHAR* pszOriginal, const TCHAR* pszCurrent); BOOL UM_RemoveUser(USERINFO** pUserList, const TCHAR* pszUID); BOOL UM_RemoveAll (USERINFO** ppUserList); LOGINFO* LM_AddEvent(LOGINFO** ppLogListStart, LOGINFO** ppLogListEnd); BOOL LM_TrimLog(LOGINFO** ppLogListStart, LOGINFO** ppLogListEnd, int iCount); BOOL LM_RemoveAll (LOGINFO** ppLogListStart, LOGINFO** ppLogListEnd); //clist.c HANDLE CList_AddRoom(const char* pszModule, const TCHAR* pszRoom, const TCHAR* pszDisplayName, int iType); BOOL CList_SetOffline(HANDLE hContact, BOOL bHide); BOOL CList_SetAllOffline(BOOL bHide, const char *pszModule); int CList_RoomDoubleclicked(WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam); INT_PTR CList_EventDoubleclicked(WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam); INT_PTR CList_JoinChat(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); INT_PTR CList_LeaveChat(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); int CList_PrebuildContactMenu(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); INT_PTR CList_PrebuildContactMenuSvc(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); void CList_CreateGroup(TCHAR* group); BOOL CList_AddEvent(HANDLE hContact, HICON hIcon, HANDLE hEvent, int type, TCHAR* fmt, ... ) ; HANDLE CList_FindRoom (const char* pszModule, const TCHAR* pszRoom) ; int WCCmp(TCHAR* wild, TCHAR*string); //tools.c TCHAR* RemoveFormatting(const TCHAR* pszText); BOOL DoSoundsFlashPopupTrayStuff(SESSION_INFO* si, GCEVENT * gce, BOOL bHighlight, int bManyFix); int GetColorIndex(const char* pszModule, COLORREF cr); void CheckColorsInModule(const char* pszModule); const TCHAR* my_strstri(const TCHAR* s1, const TCHAR* s2) ; int GetRichTextLength(HWND hwnd); BOOL IsHighlighted(SESSION_INFO* si, const TCHAR* pszText); UINT CreateGCMenu(HWND hwndDlg, HMENU *hMenu, int iIndex, POINT pt, SESSION_INFO* si, TCHAR* pszUID, TCHAR* pszWordText); void DestroyGCMenu(HMENU *hMenu, int iIndex); BOOL DoEventHookAsync(HWND hwnd, const TCHAR* pszID, const char* pszModule, int iType, TCHAR* pszUID, TCHAR* pszText, DWORD dwItem); BOOL DoEventHook(const TCHAR* pszID, const char* pszModule, int iType, const TCHAR* pszUID, const TCHAR* pszText, DWORD dwItem); BOOL IsEventSupported(int eventType); BOOL LogToFile(SESSION_INFO* si, GCEVENT * gce); // message.c char* Message_GetFromStream(HWND hwndDlg, SESSION_INFO* si); TCHAR* DoRtfToTags( char* pszRtfText, SESSION_INFO* si); #pragma comment(lib,"comctl32.lib") ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TCHAR* a2tf( const TCHAR* str, int flags ); TCHAR* replaceStr( TCHAR** dest, const TCHAR* src ); char* replaceStrA( char** dest, const char* src ); #endif