/* Miranda IM: the free IM client for Microsoft* Windows* Copyright 2000-2003 Miranda ICQ/IM project, all portions of this codebase are copyrighted to the people listed in contributors.txt. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "commonheaders.h" static int RenameGroup(WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam); static int MoveGroupBefore(WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam); static int CountGroups(void) { DBVARIANT dbv; int i; char str[33]; for(i=0;;i++) { itoa(i,str,10); if (DBGetContactSettingTString(NULL, "CListGroups", str, &dbv)) break; DBFreeVariant(&dbv); } return i; } static int GroupNameExists(const TCHAR *name, int skipGroup) { char idstr[33]; DBVARIANT dbv; int i; for(i=0;;i++) { if (i == skipGroup) continue; itoa(i,idstr,10); if (DBGetContactSettingTString(NULL, "CListGroups", idstr, &dbv)) break; if (!_tcscmp(((TCHAR*)dbv.ptszVal + 1), name)) { DBFreeVariant(&dbv); return 1; } DBFreeVariant(&dbv); } return 0; } static int CreateGroup(WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam) { int newId=CountGroups(); TCHAR newBaseName[127], newName[128]; char str[33]; int i; DBVARIANT dbv; if(wParam) { itoa(wParam-1,str,10); if (DBGetContactSettingTString(NULL, "CListGroups", str, &dbv)) return 0; mir_sntprintf( newBaseName, SIZEOF(newBaseName), _T("%s\\%s"), dbv.pszVal + 1, TranslateT("New Group")); mir_free(dbv.pszVal); } else lstrcpyn( newBaseName, TranslateT( "New Group" ), SIZEOF( newBaseName )); itoa(newId,str,10); i=1; lstrcpyn( newName + 1, newBaseName, SIZEOF(newName) - 1); while(GroupNameExists(newName+1,-1)) mir_sntprintf( newName + 1, SIZEOF(newName) - 1, _T("%s (%d)"), newBaseName, ++i ); newName[0]=1|GROUPF_EXPANDED; //1 is required so we never get '\0' DBWriteContactSettingTString(NULL, "CListGroups", str, newName); CallService(MS_CLUI_GROUPADDED,newId+1,1); return newId+1; } static int GetGroupName2(WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam) { char idstr[33]; DBVARIANT dbv; static char name[128]; itoa(wParam-1,idstr,10); if(DBGetContactSettingTString(NULL,"CListGroups",idstr,&dbv)) return (int)(char*)NULL; lstrcpynA(name, dbv.pszVal + 1, SIZEOF(name)); if ((DWORD *) lParam != NULL) *(DWORD *) lParam = dbv.pszVal[0]; DBFreeVariant(&dbv); return (int)name; } TCHAR* GetGroupNameTS( int idx, DWORD* pdwFlags ) { char idstr[33]; DBVARIANT dbv; static TCHAR name[128]; itoa( idx-1, idstr, 10); if (DBGetContactSettingTString( NULL, "CListGroups", idstr, &dbv )) return NULL; lstrcpyn( name, (TCHAR*)dbv.ptszVal + 1, SIZEOF( name )); if ( pdwFlags != NULL ) *pdwFlags = dbv.ptszVal[0]; DBFreeVariant( &dbv ); return name; } int GetGroupNameT(WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam) { return (int)GetGroupNameTS ((int) wParam, (DWORD*)lParam); } static int GetGroupName(WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam) { int ret; ret=GetGroupName2(wParam,lParam); if((int*)lParam) *(int*)lParam=0!=(*(int*)lParam&GROUPF_EXPANDED); return ret; } static int DeleteGroup(WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam) { int i; char str[33]; DBVARIANT dbv; HANDLE hContact; TCHAR name[256], szNewParent[256], *pszLastBackslash; //get the name itoa(wParam-1,str,10); if (DBGetContactSettingTString(NULL, "CListGroups", str, &dbv)) return 1; if (DBGetContactSettingByte(NULL, "CList", "ConfirmDelete", SETTING_CONFIRMDELETE_DEFAULT)) if (MessageBox((HWND)CallService(MS_CLUI_GETHWND, 0, 0), TranslateT("Are you sure you want to delete this group? This operation can not be undone."), TranslateT("Delete Group"), MB_YESNO|MB_ICONQUESTION)==IDNO) return 1; lstrcpyn(name, (TCHAR*)dbv.ptszVal + 1, SIZEOF(name)); DBFreeVariant(&dbv); SetCursor(LoadCursor(NULL,IDC_WAIT)); //must remove setting from all child contacts too //children are demoted to the next group up, not deleted. lstrcpy(szNewParent, name); pszLastBackslash = _tcsrchr(szNewParent, '\\'); if (pszLastBackslash) pszLastBackslash[0] = '\0'; else szNewParent[0] = '\0'; hContact=(HANDLE)CallService(MS_DB_CONTACT_FINDFIRST,0,0); do { if (DBGetContactSettingTString(hContact, "CList", "Group", &dbv)) continue; if (_tcscmp(dbv.ptszVal, name)) { DBFreeVariant(&dbv); continue; } DBFreeVariant(&dbv); if (szNewParent[0]) DBWriteContactSettingTString(hContact, "CList", "Group", szNewParent); else DBDeleteContactSetting(hContact, "CList", "Group"); } while((hContact=(HANDLE)CallService(MS_DB_CONTACT_FINDNEXT,(WPARAM)hContact,0))!=NULL); //shuffle list of groups up to fill gap for(i=wParam-1;;i++) { itoa(i+1,str,10); if (DBGetContactSettingStringUtf(NULL, "CListGroups", str, &dbv)) break; itoa(i,str,10); DBWriteContactSettingStringUtf(NULL, "CListGroups", str, dbv.pszVal); DBFreeVariant(&dbv); } itoa(i,str,10); DBDeleteContactSetting(NULL,"CListGroups",str); //rename subgroups { TCHAR szNewName[256]; int len; len = lstrlen(name); for(i=0;;i++) { itoa(i,str,10); if (DBGetContactSettingTString(NULL, "CListGroups", str, &dbv)) break; if (!_tcsncmp((TCHAR*)dbv.ptszVal + 1, name, len) && dbv.ptszVal[len + 1] == '\\' && _tcschr(dbv.ptszVal + len + 2, '\\') == NULL) { if (szNewParent[0]) mir_sntprintf(szNewName, SIZEOF(szNewName), _T("%s\\%s"), szNewParent, dbv.ptszVal + len + 2); else lstrcpyn(szNewName, dbv.ptszVal + len + 2, SIZEOF(szNewName)); RenameGroupT((WPARAM)(i + 1), (LPARAM)szNewName); } DBFreeVariant(&dbv); } } SetCursor(LoadCursor(NULL,IDC_ARROW)); LoadContactTree(); return 0; } static int RenameGroupWithMove(int groupId,const TCHAR *szName,int move) { char idstr[33]; TCHAR str[256], oldName[256]; DBVARIANT dbv; HANDLE hContact; if(GroupNameExists(szName,groupId)) { MessageBox(NULL,TranslateT("You already have a group with that name. Please enter a unique name for the group."),TranslateT("Rename Group"),MB_OK); return 1; } //do the change itoa(groupId,idstr,10); if (DBGetContactSettingTString(NULL, "CListGroups", idstr, &dbv)) return 1; str[0]=dbv.ptszVal[0]; lstrcpyn(oldName, (TCHAR*)dbv.ptszVal + 1, SIZEOF(oldName)); DBFreeVariant(&dbv); { WORD l; l=lstrlen(szName)+sizeof(TCHAR); l=min(l,SIZEOF(str)); l--; lstrcpyn(str + 1, szName, l); str[l+1]=_T('\0'); } DBWriteContactSettingTString(NULL, "CListGroups", idstr, str); //must rename setting in all child contacts too hContact=(HANDLE)CallService(MS_DB_CONTACT_FINDFIRST,0,0); do { if (DBGetContactSettingTString(hContact, "CList", "Group", &dbv)) continue; if ( _tcscmp(dbv.ptszVal, oldName)) continue; DBWriteContactSettingTString(hContact, "CList", "Group", szName); } while ((hContact = (HANDLE) CallService(MS_DB_CONTACT_FINDNEXT, (WPARAM) hContact, 0)) != NULL); //rename subgroups { TCHAR szNewName[256]; int len,i; len = lstrlen(oldName); for(i=0;;i++) { if (i == groupId) continue; itoa(i,idstr,10); if (DBGetContactSettingTString(NULL, "CListGroups", idstr, &dbv)) break; if ( !_tcsncmp((TCHAR*)dbv.ptszVal + 1, oldName, len) && dbv.ptszVal[len + 1] == _T('\\') && _tcschr((TCHAR*)dbv.ptszVal+len + 2, _T('\\')) == NULL) { mir_sntprintf( szNewName, SIZEOF(szNewName), _T("%s\\%s"), szName,(TCHAR*)dbv.pszVal + len + 2 ); RenameGroupWithMove(i,szNewName,0); //luckily, child groups will never need reordering } DBFreeVariant(&dbv); } } //finally must make sure it's after any parent items if(move) { TCHAR *pszLastBackslash; int i; lstrcpyn(str, szName, SIZEOF(str)); pszLastBackslash = _tcsrchr(str, '\\'); if (pszLastBackslash == NULL) return 0; *pszLastBackslash='\0'; for(i=0;;i++) { itoa(i,idstr,10); if (DBGetContactSettingTString(NULL, "CListGroups", idstr, &dbv)) break; if (!lstrcmp((TCHAR*)dbv.ptszVal + 1, str)) { if (i < groupId) break; //is OK MoveGroupBefore(groupId+1,i+2); break; } DBFreeVariant(&dbv); } } return 0; } int RenameGroupT( WPARAM groupID, LPARAM newName ) { return -1 != RenameGroupWithMove( (int)groupID-1, (TCHAR*)newName, 1); } static int RenameGroup(WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam) { #if defined( _UNICODE ) WCHAR* temp = mir_a2u(( char* )lParam ); int result = ( -1 != RenameGroupWithMove(wParam - 1, temp, 1)); mir_free( temp ); return result; #else return -1 != RenameGroupWithMove(wParam - 1, (TCHAR*) lParam, 1); #endif } static int SetGroupExpandedState(WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam) { char idstr[33]; DBVARIANT dbv; itoa(wParam-1,idstr,10); if (DBGetContactSettingStringUtf(NULL, "CListGroups", idstr, &dbv)) return 1; if (lParam) dbv.pszVal[0] |= GROUPF_EXPANDED; else dbv.pszVal[0] = dbv.pszVal[0] & ~GROUPF_EXPANDED; DBWriteContactSettingStringUtf(NULL, "CListGroups", idstr, dbv.pszVal); DBFreeVariant(&dbv); return 0; } static int SetGroupFlags(WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam) { char idstr[33]; DBVARIANT dbv; int flags,oldval,newval; itoa(wParam-1,idstr,10); if (DBGetContactSettingStringUtf(NULL, "CListGroups", idstr, &dbv)) return 1; flags=LOWORD(lParam)&HIWORD(lParam); oldval=dbv.pszVal[0]; newval=dbv.pszVal[0]=(dbv.pszVal[0]&~HIWORD(lParam))|flags; DBWriteContactSettingStringUtf(NULL, "CListGroups", idstr, dbv.pszVal); DBFreeVariant(&dbv); if ((oldval & GROUPF_HIDEOFFLINE) != (newval & GROUPF_HIDEOFFLINE)) LoadContactTree(); return 0; } static int MoveGroupBefore(WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam) { int i,shuffleFrom,shuffleTo,shuffleDir; char str[33]; TCHAR *szMoveName; DBVARIANT dbv; if (wParam == 0 || (LPARAM) wParam == lParam) return 0; itoa(wParam-1,str,10); if (DBGetContactSettingTString(NULL, "CListGroups", str, &dbv)) return 0; szMoveName = dbv.ptszVal; //shuffle list of groups up to fill gap if (lParam == 0) { shuffleFrom = wParam - 1; shuffleTo = -1; shuffleDir = -1; } else { if ((LPARAM) wParam < lParam) { shuffleFrom = wParam - 1; shuffleTo = lParam - 2; shuffleDir = -1; } else { shuffleFrom = wParam - 1; shuffleTo = lParam - 1; shuffleDir = 1; } } if(shuffleDir==-1) { for(i=shuffleFrom;i!=shuffleTo;i++) { itoa(i+1,str,10); if (DBGetContactSettingStringUtf(NULL, "CListGroups", str, &dbv)) { shuffleTo = i; break; } itoa(i,str,10); DBWriteContactSettingStringUtf(NULL, "CListGroups", str, dbv.pszVal); DBFreeVariant(&dbv); } } else { for(i=shuffleFrom;i!=shuffleTo;i--) { itoa(i-1,str,10); if (DBGetContactSettingStringUtf(NULL, "CListGroups", str, &dbv)) { mir_free(szMoveName); return 1; } //never happens itoa(i,str,10); DBWriteContactSettingStringUtf(NULL, "CListGroups", str, dbv.pszVal); DBFreeVariant(&dbv); } } itoa(shuffleTo,str,10); DBWriteContactSettingTString(NULL, "CListGroups", str, szMoveName); mir_free(szMoveName); return shuffleTo+1; } static int BuildGroupMenu(WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam) { char idstr[33]; DBVARIANT dbv; int groupId; HMENU hRootMenu,hThisMenu; int nextMenuId=100; TCHAR *pBackslash,*pNextField,szThisField[128],szThisMenuItem[128]; int menuId,compareResult,menuItemCount; MENUITEMINFO mii={0}; if (DBGetContactSettingStringUtf(NULL, "CListGroups", "0", &dbv)) return (int) (HMENU) NULL; DBFreeVariant(&dbv); hRootMenu=CreateMenu(); for(groupId=0;;groupId++) { itoa(groupId,idstr,10); if (DBGetContactSettingTString(NULL, "CListGroups", idstr, &dbv)) break; pNextField = (TCHAR*)dbv.ptszVal + 1; hThisMenu=hRootMenu; mii.cbSize=MENUITEMINFO_V4_SIZE; do { pBackslash = _tcschr(pNextField, '\\'); if(pBackslash==NULL) { lstrcpyn(szThisField, pNextField, SIZEOF(szThisField)); pNextField=NULL; } else { lstrcpyn(szThisField, pNextField, min( SIZEOF(szThisField), pBackslash - pNextField + 1)); pNextField=pBackslash+1; } compareResult=1; menuItemCount=GetMenuItemCount(hThisMenu); for(menuId=0;menuId groupId) break; } if(compareResult) { mii.fMask=MIIM_TYPE|MIIM_ID; mii.wID=nextMenuId++; mii.dwTypeData=szThisField; mii.fType=MFT_STRING; if(pNextField) { mii.fMask|=MIIM_SUBMENU; mii.hSubMenu=CreateMenu(); } else { mii.fMask|=MIIM_DATA; mii.dwItemData=groupId+1; } InsertMenuItem(hThisMenu,menuId,TRUE,&mii); if(pNextField) { hThisMenu=mii.hSubMenu; } } } while(pNextField); DBFreeVariant(&dbv); } return (int)hRootMenu; } int InitGroupServices(void) { CreateServiceFunction(MS_CLIST_GROUPCREATE,CreateGroup); CreateServiceFunction(MS_CLIST_GROUPDELETE,DeleteGroup); CreateServiceFunction(MS_CLIST_GROUPRENAMET,RenameGroupT); CreateServiceFunction(MS_CLIST_GROUPGETNAME,GetGroupName); CreateServiceFunction(MS_CLIST_GROUPGETNAME2,GetGroupName2); CreateServiceFunction(MS_CLIST_GROUPGETNAMET,GetGroupNameT); CreateServiceFunction(MS_CLIST_GROUPSETEXPANDED,SetGroupExpandedState); CreateServiceFunction(MS_CLIST_GROUPSETFLAGS,SetGroupFlags); CreateServiceFunction(MS_CLIST_GROUPMOVEBEFORE,MoveGroupBefore); CreateServiceFunction(MS_CLIST_GROUPBUILDMENU,BuildGroupMenu); return 0; }