#ifndef __popup_history_h__ #define __popup_history_h__ #include "sdk/m_ieview.h" //need this for special renderers /****HISTORY ++ STUFF ***/ //there's no include file for h++ yet #ifndef MS_HPP_EG_WINDOW #define MS_HPP_EG_WINDOW "History++/ExtGrid/NewWindow" #endif #ifndef MS_HPP_EG_EVENT #define MS_HPP_EG_EVENT "History++/ExtGrid/Event" #endif #ifndef MS_HPP_EG_NAVIGATE #define MS_HPP_EG_NAVIGATE "History++/ExtGrid/Navigate" #endif #ifndef MS_HPP_EG_OPTIONSCHANGED #define MS_HPP_EG_OPTIONSCHANGED "History++/ExtGrid/OptionsChanged" #endif /************************/ #define HISTORY_SIZE 200 //number of popup history items #define PHDF_UNICODE 1 #define POPUPMENU_TITLE 100 #define POPUPMENU_MESSAGE 101 #define POPUPMENU_TIMESTAMP 102 #define RENDER_DEFAULT 0x00000 #define RENDER_HISTORYPP 0x00001 #define RENDER_IEVIEW 0x00002 struct PopupHistoryData{ DWORD flags; //PHDF_* flags union{ char *message; wchar_t *messageW; TCHAR *messageT; }; union{ char *title; wchar_t *titleW; TCHAR *titleT; }; time_t timestamp; }; class PopupHistoryList{ private: PopupHistoryData *historyData; //historyData[0] - oldest, historyData[size - 1] - newest int count; int size; int renderer; void DeleteData(int index); void AddItem(PopupHistoryData item); //adds a PopupHistoryData item void RemoveItem(int index); public: PopupHistoryList(int renderer = RENDER_DEFAULT); ~PopupHistoryList(); int GetRenderer() { return renderer; } void SetRenderer(int newRenderer) { renderer = newRenderer; } void Add(char *title, char *message, time_t timestamp); void Add(wchar_t *title, wchar_t *message, time_t timestamp); PopupHistoryData *Get(int index); void Clear(); int Count() { return count; } int Size() { return size; } }; /*Shows a history with the last popups. Useful if you've missed a popup when it appeared. wParam - 0 lParam - 0 */ #define MS_POPUP_SHOWHISTORY "PopUp/ShowHistory" extern PopupHistoryList lstPopupHistory; //defined in main.cpp extern HWND hHistoryWindow; //the history window extern HICON hiPopupHistory; void RefreshPopupHistory(HWND hWnd, int renderer); INT_PTR CALLBACK DlgProcHistLst(HWND hWnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); #endif //__popup_history_h__