/* Plugin of Miranda IM for communicating with users of the AIM protocol. Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Boris Krasnovskiy Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Aaron Myles Landwehr This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "aim.h" ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Icons init static IconItem iconList[] = { { LPGEN("ICQ"), "icq", IDI_ICQ }, { LPGEN("Add"), "add", IDI_ADD }, { LPGEN("Block"), "block", IDI_BLOCK }, { LPGEN("Profile"), "profile", IDI_PROFILE }, { LPGEN("AOL Mail"), "mail", IDI_MAIL }, { LPGEN("AIM Icon"), "aim", IDI_AIM }, { LPGEN("Hiptop"), "hiptop", IDI_HIPTOP }, { LPGEN("AOL Bot"), "bot", IDI_BOT }, { LPGEN("Admin"), "admin", IDI_ADMIN }, { LPGEN("Confirmed"), "confirm", IDI_CONFIRMED }, { LPGEN("Not Confirmed"), "uconfirm", IDI_UNCONFIRMED }, { LPGEN("Blocked list"), "away", IDI_AWAY }, { LPGEN("Idle"), "idle", IDI_IDLE }, { LPGEN("AOL"), "aol", IDI_AOL }, { LPGEN("Foreground Color"), "foreclr", IDI_FOREGROUNDCOLOR }, { LPGEN("Background Color"), "backclr", IDI_BACKGROUNDCOLOR }, { LPGEN("Bold"), "bold", IDI_BOLD }, { LPGEN("Not Bold"), "nbold", IDI_NBOLD }, { LPGEN("Italic"), "italic", IDI_ITALIC }, { LPGEN("Not Italic"), "nitalic", IDI_NITALIC }, { LPGEN("Underline"), "undrln", IDI_UNDERLINE }, { LPGEN("Not Underline"), "nundrln", IDI_NUNDERLINE }, { LPGEN("Subscript"), "sub_scrpt", IDI_SUBSCRIPT }, { LPGEN("Not Subscript"), "nsub_scrpt", IDI_NSUBSCRIPT }, { LPGEN("Superscript"), "sup_scrpt", IDI_SUPERSCRIPT }, { LPGEN("Not Superscript"), "nsup_scrpt", IDI_NSUPERSCRIPT }, { LPGEN("Normal Script"), "norm_scrpt", IDI_NORMALSCRIPT }, { LPGEN("Not Normal Script"), "nnorm_scrpt", IDI_NNORMALSCRIPT } }; void InitIcons(void) { Icon_Register(hInstance, "Protocols/AIM", iconList, 14, "AIM"); Icon_Register(hInstance, "Protocols/AIM/"LPGEN("Profile Editor"), iconList+14, 14, "AIM"); } HICON LoadIconEx(const char* name, bool big) { char szSettingName[100]; mir_snprintf(szSettingName, sizeof(szSettingName), "AIM_%s", name); return Skin_GetIcon(szSettingName, big); } HANDLE GetIconHandle(const char* name) { for (int i=0; i < SIZEOF(iconList); i++) if ( !strcmp(iconList[i].szName, name)) return iconList[i].hIcolib; return NULL; } void ReleaseIconEx(const char* name, bool big) { char szSettingName[100]; mir_snprintf(szSettingName, sizeof(szSettingName ), "%s_%s", "AIM", name); Skin_ReleaseIcon(szSettingName, big); } void WindowSetIcon(HWND hWnd, const char* name) { SendMessage(hWnd, WM_SETICON, ICON_BIG, ( LPARAM )LoadIconEx( name, true )); SendMessage(hWnd, WM_SETICON, ICON_SMALL, ( LPARAM )LoadIconEx( name )); } void WindowFreeIcon(HWND hWnd) { Skin_ReleaseIcon((HICON)SendMessage(hWnd, WM_SETICON, ICON_BIG, 0)); Skin_ReleaseIcon((HICON)SendMessage(hWnd, WM_SETICON, ICON_SMALL, 0)); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Extra Icons extern OBJLIST g_Instances; static HANDLE bot_icon, icq_icon, aol_icon, hiptop_icon; static HANDLE admin_icon, confirmed_icon, unconfirmed_icon; static HANDLE hExtraAT, hExtraES; static const char* extra_AT_icon_name[5] = { "uconfirm", "confirm", "icq", "aol", "admin", }; static const char* extra_ES_icon_name[2] = { "bot", "hiptop", }; static void set_AT_icon(CAimProto* ppro, HANDLE hContact) { if (ppro->getByte(hContact, "ChatRoom", 0)) return; unsigned i = ppro->getByte(hContact, AIM_KEY_AC, 0) - 1; ExtraIcon_SetIcon(hExtraAT, hContact, (i < 5) ? GetIconHandle(extra_AT_icon_name[i]) : NULL); } static void set_ES_icon(CAimProto* ppro, HANDLE hContact) { if (ppro->getByte(hContact, "ChatRoom", 0)) return; unsigned i = ppro->getByte(hContact, AIM_KEY_ET, 0) - 1; ExtraIcon_SetIcon(hExtraAT, hContact, (i < 2) ? GetIconHandle(extra_ES_icon_name[i]) : NULL); } void set_contact_icon(CAimProto* ppro, HANDLE hContact) { if (!ppro->getByte(AIM_KEY_AT, 0)) set_AT_icon(ppro, hContact); if (!ppro->getByte(AIM_KEY_ES, 0)) set_ES_icon(ppro, hContact); } void remove_AT_icons(CAimProto* ppro) { HANDLE hContact = db_find_first(); while (hContact) { if (ppro->is_my_contact(hContact) && !ppro->getByte(hContact, "ChatRoom", 0)) ExtraIcon_Clear(hExtraAT, hContact); hContact = db_find_next(hContact); } } void remove_ES_icons(CAimProto* ppro) { HANDLE hContact = db_find_first(); while (hContact) { if (ppro->is_my_contact(hContact) && !ppro->getByte(hContact, "ChatRoom", 0)) ExtraIcon_Clear(hExtraES, hContact); hContact = db_find_next(hContact); } } void add_AT_icons(CAimProto* ppro) { HANDLE hContact = db_find_first(); while (hContact) { if (ppro->is_my_contact(hContact)) set_AT_icon(ppro, hContact); hContact = db_find_next(hContact); } } void add_ES_icons(CAimProto* ppro) { HANDLE hContact = db_find_first(); while (hContact) { if (ppro->is_my_contact(hContact)) set_ES_icon(ppro, hContact); hContact = db_find_next(hContact); } } void InitExtraIcons(void) { hExtraAT = ExtraIcon_Register("aimaccounttype", LPGEN("AIM Account Type"), "AIM_aol"); hExtraES = ExtraIcon_Register("aimextstatus", LPGEN("AIM Extended Status"), "AIM_hiptop"); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Themes #define MGPROC(x) GetProcAddress(themeAPIHandle,x) HMODULE themeAPIHandle = NULL; // handle to uxtheme.dll HANDLE (WINAPI *MyOpenThemeData)(HWND,LPCWSTR) = 0; HRESULT (WINAPI *MyCloseThemeData)(HANDLE) = 0; HRESULT (WINAPI *MyDrawThemeBackground)(HANDLE,HDC,int,int,const RECT *,const RECT *) = 0; void InitThemeSupport(void) { if (!IsWinVerXPPlus()) return; themeAPIHandle = GetModuleHandleA("uxtheme"); if (themeAPIHandle) { MyOpenThemeData = (HANDLE (WINAPI *)(HWND,LPCWSTR))MGPROC("OpenThemeData"); MyCloseThemeData = (HRESULT (WINAPI *)(HANDLE))MGPROC("CloseThemeData"); MyDrawThemeBackground = (HRESULT (WINAPI *)(HANDLE,HDC,int,int,const RECT *,const RECT *))MGPROC("DrawThemeBackground"); } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // OnPreBuildContactMenu int CAimProto::OnPreBuildContactMenu(WPARAM wParam,LPARAM /*lParam*/) { HANDLE hContact = (HANDLE)wParam; bool isChatRoom = getByte(hContact, "ChatRoom", 0) != 0; //see if we should add the html away message context menu items CLISTMENUITEM mi = { sizeof(mi) }; mi.flags = CMIM_FLAGS | CMIF_NOTOFFLINE; if (getWord(hContact, AIM_KEY_ST, ID_STATUS_OFFLINE) != ID_STATUS_AWAY || isChatRoom) mi.flags |= CMIF_HIDDEN; CallService(MS_CLIST_MODIFYMENUITEM,(WPARAM)hHTMLAwayContextMenuItem,(LPARAM)&mi); mi.flags = CMIM_FLAGS | CMIF_NOTONLINE; if (getBuddyId(hContact, 1) || state == 0 || isChatRoom) mi.flags |= CMIF_HIDDEN; CallService(MS_CLIST_MODIFYMENUITEM,(WPARAM)hAddToServerListContextMenuItem,(LPARAM)&mi); DBVARIANT dbv; if (!getString(hContact, AIM_KEY_SN, &dbv)) { mi.flags = CMIM_NAME | CMIM_FLAGS; switch(pd_mode) { case 1: mi.pszName = LPGEN("&Block"); break; case 2: mi.pszName = LPGEN("&Unblock"); break; case 3: mi.pszName = (char*)(allow_list.find_id(dbv.pszVal) ? LPGEN("&Block") : LPGEN("&Unblock")); break; case 4: mi.pszName = (char*)(block_list.find_id(dbv.pszVal) ? LPGEN("&Unblock") : LPGEN("&Block")); break; default: mi.pszName = LPGEN("&Block"); mi.flags |= CMIF_HIDDEN; break; } CallService(MS_CLIST_MODIFYMENUITEM, (WPARAM)hBlockContextMenuItem, (LPARAM)&mi); DBFreeVariant(&dbv); } return 0; } void CAimProto::InitMainMenus(void) { //Do not put any services below HTML get away message!!! char service_name[200]; CLISTMENUITEM mi = { sizeof(mi) }; HGENMENU hRoot = MO_GetProtoRootMenu(m_szModuleName); if (hRoot == NULL) { mi.flags = CMIF_ROOTPOPUP | CMIF_ICONFROMICOLIB | CMIF_TCHAR | CMIF_KEEPUNTRANSLATED; mi.icolibItem = GetIconHandle("aim"); mi.ptszName = m_tszUserName; mi.hParentMenu = HGENMENU_ROOT; mi.popupPosition = 500090000; mi.position = 500090000; hRoot = hMenuRoot = Menu_AddProtoMenuItem(&mi); } else { RemoveMainMenus(); hMenuRoot = NULL; } mi.pszService = service_name; mi.hParentMenu = hRoot; mi.flags = CMIF_ICONFROMICOLIB | CMIF_CHILDPOPUP; mir_snprintf(service_name, sizeof(service_name), "%s%s", m_szModuleName, "/ManageAccount"); CreateProtoService("/ManageAccount", &CAimProto::ManageAccount); mi.position = 201001; mi.icolibItem = GetIconHandle("aim"); mi.pszName = LPGEN("Manage Account"); hMainMenu[0] = Menu_AddProtoMenuItem(&mi); mir_snprintf(service_name, sizeof(service_name), "%s%s", m_szModuleName, "/InstantIdle"); CreateProtoService("/InstantIdle",&CAimProto::InstantIdle); mi.position = 201002; mi.icolibItem = GetIconHandle("idle"); mi.pszName = LPGEN("Instant Idle"); hMainMenu[1] = Menu_AddProtoMenuItem(&mi); mir_snprintf(service_name, sizeof(service_name), "%s%s", m_szModuleName, "/JoinChatRoom"); CreateProtoService("/JoinChatRoom", &CAimProto::JoinChatUI); mi.position = 201003; mi.icolibItem = GetIconHandle("aol"); mi.pszName = LPGEN( "Join Chat Room" ); hMainMenu[2] = Menu_AddProtoMenuItem(&mi); } void CAimProto::InitContactMenus(void) { //Do not put any services below HTML get away message!!! char service_name[200]; CLISTMENUITEM mi = { sizeof(mi) }; mi.pszService = service_name; mi.pszContactOwner = m_szModuleName; mir_snprintf(service_name, sizeof(service_name), "%s%s", m_szModuleName, "/GetHTMLAwayMsg"); CreateProtoService("/GetHTMLAwayMsg",&CAimProto::GetHTMLAwayMsg); mi.position = -2000006000; mi.icolibItem = GetIconHandle("away"); mi.pszName = LPGEN("Read &HTML Away Message"); mi.flags = CMIF_NOTOFFLINE | CMIF_HIDDEN | CMIF_ICONFROMICOLIB; hHTMLAwayContextMenuItem = Menu_AddContactMenuItem(&mi); mir_snprintf(service_name, sizeof(service_name), "%s%s", m_szModuleName, "/GetProfile"); CreateProtoService("/GetProfile", &CAimProto::GetProfile); mi.position = -2000005090; mi.icolibItem = GetIconHandle("profile"); mi.pszName = LPGEN("Read Profile"); mi.flags = CMIF_NOTOFFLINE | CMIF_ICONFROMICOLIB; hReadProfileMenuItem = Menu_AddContactMenuItem(&mi); mir_snprintf(service_name, sizeof(service_name), "%s%s", m_szModuleName, "/AddToServerList"); CreateProtoService("/AddToServerList", &CAimProto::AddToServerList); mi.position = -2000005080; mi.icolibItem = GetIconHandle("add"); mi.pszName = LPGEN("Add To Server List"); mi.flags = CMIF_NOTONLINE | CMIF_HIDDEN | CMIF_ICONFROMICOLIB; hAddToServerListContextMenuItem = Menu_AddContactMenuItem(&mi); mir_snprintf(service_name, sizeof(service_name), "%s%s", m_szModuleName, "/BlockCommand"); CreateProtoService("/BlockCommand", &CAimProto::BlockBuddy); mi.position = -2000005060; mi.icolibItem = GetIconHandle("block"); mi.pszName = LPGEN("&Block"); mi.flags = CMIF_ICONFROMICOLIB | CMIF_HIDDEN; hBlockContextMenuItem = Menu_AddContactMenuItem(&mi); } void CAimProto::RemoveMainMenus(void) { if (hMenuRoot) CallService(MS_CLIST_REMOVEMAINMENUITEM, (WPARAM)hMenuRoot, 0); } void CAimProto::RemoveContactMenus(void) { CallService(MS_CLIST_REMOVECONTACTMENUITEM, (WPARAM)hHTMLAwayContextMenuItem, 0); CallService(MS_CLIST_REMOVECONTACTMENUITEM, (WPARAM)hReadProfileMenuItem, 0); CallService(MS_CLIST_REMOVECONTACTMENUITEM, (WPARAM)hAddToServerListContextMenuItem, 0); CallService(MS_CLIST_REMOVECONTACTMENUITEM, (WPARAM)hBlockContextMenuItem, 0); }