#include "stdafx.h" CMPlugin g_plugin; static HWND hTimerWnd = (HWND)nullptr; static UINT TID = (UINT)12021; HANDLE hCheckEvent = nullptr; HANDLE hCheckHook = nullptr; HANDLE hConnectionCheckThread = nullptr; HANDLE hFilterOptionsThread = nullptr; HANDLE killCheckThreadEvent = nullptr; HANDLE hExceptionsMutex = nullptr; DWORD FilterOptionsThreadId; DWORD ConnectionCheckThreadId; CONNECTION *first = nullptr; CONNECTION *connExceptions = nullptr; CONNECTION *connCurrentEdit; int currentStatus = ID_STATUS_OFFLINE, diffstat = 0; wchar_t *tcpStates[] = { L"CLOSED", L"LISTEN", L"SYN_SENT", L"SYN_RCVD", L"ESTAB", L"FIN_WAIT1", L"FIN_WAIT2", L"CLOSE_WAIT", L"CLOSING", L"LAST_ACK", L"TIME_WAIT", L"DELETE_TCB" }; int ConnectionNotifyOptInit(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// PLUGININFOEX pluginInfoEx = { sizeof(PLUGININFOEX), PLUGINNAME, __VERSION_DWORD, __DESCRIPTION, __AUTHOR, __COPYRIGHT, __AUTHORWEB, UNICODE_AWARE, //not transient // 4BB5B4AA-C364-4F23-9746-D5B708A286A5 { 0x4bb5b4aa, 0xc364, 0x4f23, { 0x97, 0x46, 0xd5, 0xb7, 0x8, 0xa2, 0x86, 0xa5 } } }; CMPlugin::CMPlugin() : PLUGIN(PLUGINNAME, pluginInfoEx) { RegisterProtocol(PROTOTYPE_PROTOCOL); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) const MUUID MirandaInterfaces[] = { MIID_PROTOCOL, MIID_LAST }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // authentication callback futnction from extension manager BOOL strrep(wchar_t *src, wchar_t *needle, wchar_t *newstring) { wchar_t *found, begining[MAX_SETTING_STR], tail[MAX_SETTING_STR]; size_t pos = 0; //strset(begining, ' '); //strset(tail, ' '); if (!(found = wcsstr(src, needle))) return FALSE; pos = (found - src); wcsncpy_s(begining, src, pos); begining[pos] = 0; pos = pos + mir_wstrlen(needle); wcsncpy_s(tail, src + pos, _TRUNCATE); begining[pos] = 0; pos = mir_snwprintf(src, mir_wstrlen(src), L"%s%s%s", begining, newstring, tail); return TRUE; } void saveSettingsConnections(CONNECTION *connHead) { char buff[128]; int i = 0; CONNECTION *tmp = connHead; while (tmp != nullptr) { mir_snprintf(buff, "%dFilterIntIp", i); g_plugin.setWString(buff, tmp->strIntIp); mir_snprintf(buff, "%dFilterExtIp", i); g_plugin.setWString(buff, tmp->strExtIp); mir_snprintf(buff, "%dFilterPName", i); g_plugin.setWString(buff, tmp->PName); mir_snprintf(buff, "%dFilterIntPort", i); g_plugin.setDword(buff, tmp->intIntPort); mir_snprintf(buff, "%dFilterExtPort", i); g_plugin.setDword(buff, tmp->intExtPort); mir_snprintf(buff, "%dFilterAction", i); g_plugin.setDword(buff, tmp->Pid); i++; tmp = tmp->next; } g_plugin.iFiltersCount = i; g_plugin.setDword("FiltersCount", g_plugin.iFiltersCount); } //load filters from db CONNECTION* LoadSettingsConnections() { CONNECTION *connHead = nullptr; DBVARIANT dbv; char buff[128]; int i = 0; for (i = g_plugin.iFiltersCount - 1; i >= 0; i--) { CONNECTION *conn = (CONNECTION*)mir_alloc(sizeof(CONNECTION)); mir_snprintf(buff, "%dFilterIntIp", i); if (!g_plugin.getWString(buff, &dbv)) wcsncpy(conn->strIntIp, dbv.pwszVal, _countof(conn->strIntIp)); db_free(&dbv); mir_snprintf(buff, "%dFilterExtIp", i); if (!g_plugin.getWString(buff, &dbv)) wcsncpy(conn->strExtIp, dbv.pwszVal, _countof(conn->strExtIp)); db_free(&dbv); mir_snprintf(buff, "%dFilterPName", i); if (!g_plugin.getWString(buff, &dbv)) wcsncpy(conn->PName, dbv.pwszVal, _countof(conn->PName)); db_free(&dbv); mir_snprintf(buff, "%dFilterIntPort", i); conn->intIntPort = g_plugin.getDword(buff, -1); mir_snprintf(buff, "%dFilterExtPort", i); conn->intExtPort = g_plugin.getDword(buff, -1); mir_snprintf(buff, "%dFilterAction", i); conn->Pid = g_plugin.getDword(buff, 0); conn->next = connHead; connHead = conn; } return connHead; } //called to load settings from database void LoadSettings() { g_plugin.iInterval = g_plugin.getDword("Interval", 500); g_plugin.iInterval1 = g_plugin.getDword("PopupInterval"); g_plugin.bResolveIp = g_plugin.getBool("ResolveIp", true); g_plugin.iDefaultAction = g_plugin.getByte("FilterDefaultAction", TRUE); g_plugin.bSetColours = g_plugin.getBool("PopupSetColours"); g_plugin.BgColor = g_plugin.getDword("PopupBgColor", (DWORD)0xFFFFFF); g_plugin.FgColor = g_plugin.getDword("PopupFgColor", (DWORD)0x000000); g_plugin.iFiltersCount = g_plugin.getDword("FiltersCount"); g_plugin.iStatusMask = g_plugin.getWord("StatusMask", 16); for (int i = 0; i < MAX_STATUS_COUNT; i++) { char buff[128]; mir_snprintf(buff, "Status%d", i); g_plugin.iStatus[i] = (g_plugin.getByte(buff, 0) == 1); } } // gives protocol avainable statuses INT_PTR GetCaps(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM) { if (wParam == PFLAGNUM_1) return 0; if (wParam == PFLAGNUM_2) return PF2_ONLINE; // add the possible statuses here. if (wParam == PFLAGNUM_3) return 0; return 0; } // gives name to protocol module INT_PTR GetName(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { mir_strncpy((char*)lParam, PLUGINNAME, wParam); return 0; } // gives icon for proto module INT_PTR TMLoadIcon(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM) { UINT id; switch (wParam & 0xFFFF) { case PLI_PROTOCOL: id = IDI_ICON1; break; // IDI_TM is the main icon for the protocol default: return 0; } return (INT_PTR)LoadImage(g_plugin.getInst(), MAKEINTRESOURCE(id), IMAGE_ICON, GetSystemMetrics(wParam&PLIF_SMALL ? SM_CXSMICON : SM_CXICON), GetSystemMetrics(wParam&PLIF_SMALL ? SM_CYSMICON : SM_CYICON), 0); } //======================================================= //SetStatus //======================================================= INT_PTR SetStatus(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { if (wParam == ID_STATUS_OFFLINE) { diffstat = 0; //PostThreadMessage(ConnectionCheckThreadId,WM_QUIT ,0, 0); SetEvent(killCheckThreadEvent); } else if (wParam == ID_STATUS_ONLINE) { diffstat = 0; ResetEvent(killCheckThreadEvent); if (!hConnectionCheckThread) hConnectionCheckThread = (HANDLE)mir_forkthreadex(checkthread, nullptr, (unsigned int*)&ConnectionCheckThreadId); } else { int retv = 0; if (g_plugin.iStatus[wParam - ID_STATUS_ONLINE]) retv = SetStatus(ID_STATUS_OFFLINE, lParam); else retv = SetStatus(ID_STATUS_ONLINE, lParam); //LNEnableMenuItem(hMenuHandle ,TRUE); diffstat = wParam; return retv; // the status has been changed to unknown (maybe run some more code) } //broadcast the message //oldStatus = currentStatus; if (currentStatus != (int)wParam) ProtoBroadcastAck(PLUGINNAME, NULL, ACKTYPE_STATUS, ACKRESULT_SUCCESS, (HANDLE)currentStatus, wParam); currentStatus = wParam; return 0; } //======================================================= //GetStatus //======================================================= INT_PTR GetStatus(WPARAM, LPARAM) { return currentStatus; } //thread function with connections check loop static unsigned __stdcall checkthread(void *) { #ifdef _DEBUG _OutputDebugString(L"check thread started"); #endif while (1) { CONNECTION* conn = nullptr, *connOld = first, *cur = nullptr; #ifdef _DEBUG _OutputDebugString(L"checking connections table..."); #endif if (WAIT_OBJECT_0 == WaitForSingleObject(killCheckThreadEvent, 100)) { hConnectionCheckThread = nullptr; return 0; } conn = GetConnectionsTable(); cur = conn; while (cur != nullptr) { if (searchConnection(first, cur->strIntIp, cur->strExtIp, cur->intIntPort, cur->intExtPort, cur->state) == nullptr && (g_plugin.iStatusMask & (1 << (cur->state - 1)))) { #ifdef _DEBUG wchar_t msg[1024]; mir_snwprintf(msg, L"%s:%d\n%s:%d", cur->strIntIp, cur->intIntPort, cur->strExtIp, cur->intExtPort); _OutputDebugString(L"New connection: %s", msg); #endif pid2name(cur->Pid, cur->PName, _countof(cur->PName)); if (WAIT_OBJECT_0 == WaitForSingleObject(hExceptionsMutex, 100)) { if (checkFilter(connExceptions, cur)) { showMsg(cur->PName, cur->Pid, cur->strIntIp, cur->strExtIp, cur->intIntPort, cur->intExtPort, cur->state); Skin_PlaySound(PLUGINNAME_NEWSOUND); } ReleaseMutex(hExceptionsMutex); } } cur = cur->next; } first = conn; deleteConnectionsTable(connOld); Sleep(g_plugin.iInterval); } hConnectionCheckThread = nullptr; return 1; } //popup reactions static LRESULT CALLBACK PopupDlgProc(HWND hWnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch (message) { case WM_COMMAND: if (HIWORD(wParam) == STN_CLICKED)//client clicked on popup with left mouse button { CONNECTION *conn = (CONNECTION*)mir_alloc(sizeof(CONNECTION)); CONNECTION *mpd = (CONNECTION*) PUGetPluginData(hWnd); memcpy(conn, mpd, sizeof(CONNECTION)); PUDeletePopup(hWnd); PostThreadMessage(FilterOptionsThreadId, WM_ADD_FILTER, 0, (LPARAM)conn); } break; case WM_RBUTTONUP: PUDeletePopup(hWnd); break; case UM_INITPOPUP: //struct CONNECTON *conn=NULL; //conn = (CONNECTION*)PUGetPluginData(hWnd,(LPARAM)conn); //MessageBox(NULL,conn->extIp); //PUDeletePopUp(hWnd); break; case UM_FREEPLUGINDATA: CONNECTION *mpd = (CONNECTION*)PUGetPluginData(hWnd); if (mpd > 0) mir_free(mpd); return TRUE; //TRUE or FALSE is the same, it gets ignored. } return DefWindowProc(hWnd, message, wParam, lParam); } //show popup void showMsg(wchar_t *pName, DWORD pid, wchar_t *intIp, wchar_t *extIp, int intPort, int extPort, int state) { CONNECTION *mpd = (CONNECTION*)mir_alloc(sizeof(CONNECTION)); POPUPDATAW ppd; ppd.lchContact = NULL;//(HANDLE)hContact; //Be sure to use a GOOD handle, since this will not be checked. ppd.lchIcon = LoadIcon(g_plugin.getInst(), MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_ICON1)); if (g_plugin.bResolveIp) { wchar_t hostName[128]; getDnsName(extIp, hostName, _countof(hostName)); mir_snwprintf(ppd.lpwzText, L"%s:%d\n%s:%d", hostName, extPort, intIp, intPort); } else mir_snwprintf(ppd.lpwzText, L"%s:%d\n%s:%d", extIp, extPort, intIp, intPort); mir_snwprintf(ppd.lpwzContactName, L"%s (%s)", pName, tcpStates[state - 1]); if (g_plugin.bSetColours) { ppd.colorBack = g_plugin.BgColor; ppd.colorText = g_plugin.FgColor; } ppd.PluginWindowProc = PopupDlgProc; ppd.iSeconds = g_plugin.iInterval1; //Now the "additional" data. wcsncpy_s(mpd->strIntIp, intIp, _TRUNCATE); wcsncpy_s(mpd->strExtIp, extIp, _TRUNCATE); wcsncpy_s(mpd->PName, pName, _TRUNCATE); mpd->intIntPort = intPort; mpd->intExtPort = extPort; mpd->Pid = pid; //Now that the plugin data has been filled, we add it to the PopUpData. ppd.PluginData = mpd; //Now that every field has been filled, we want to see the popup. PUAddPopupW(&ppd); } //called after all plugins loaded. //all Connection staff will be called, that will not hang miranda on startup static int modulesloaded(WPARAM, LPARAM) { #ifdef _DEBUG _OutputDebugString(L"Modules loaded, lets start TN..."); #endif // hConnectionCheckThread = (HANDLE)mir_forkthreadex(checkthread, 0, 0, ConnectionCheckThreadId); //#ifdef _DEBUG // _OutputDebugString("started check thread %d",hConnectionCheckThread); //#endif killCheckThreadEvent = CreateEvent(nullptr, FALSE, FALSE, L"killCheckThreadEvent"); hFilterOptionsThread = startFilterThread(); //updaterRegister(); return 0; } //function hooks before unload static int preshutdown(WPARAM, LPARAM) { deleteConnectionsTable(first); deleteConnectionsTable(connExceptions); PostThreadMessage(ConnectionCheckThreadId, WM_QUIT, 0, 0); PostThreadMessage(FilterOptionsThreadId, WM_QUIT, 0, 0); return 0; } int CMPlugin::Load() { #ifdef _DEBUG _OutputDebugString(L"Entering Load dll"); #endif hExceptionsMutex = CreateMutex(nullptr, FALSE, L"ExceptionsMutex"); LoadSettings(); connExceptions = LoadSettingsConnections(); // set all contacts to offline for (auto &hContact : Contacts(PLUGINNAME)) g_plugin.setWord(hContact, "status", ID_STATUS_OFFLINE); CreateProtoServiceFunction(PLUGINNAME, PS_GETCAPS, GetCaps); CreateProtoServiceFunction(PLUGINNAME, PS_GETNAME, GetName); CreateProtoServiceFunction(PLUGINNAME, PS_LOADICON, TMLoadIcon); CreateProtoServiceFunction(PLUGINNAME, PS_SETSTATUS, SetStatus); CreateProtoServiceFunction(PLUGINNAME, PS_GETSTATUS, GetStatus); g_plugin.addSound(PLUGINNAME_NEWSOUND, _A2W(PLUGINNAME), LPGENW("New Connection Notification")); HookEvent(ME_OPT_INITIALISE, ConnectionNotifyOptInit); // register service to hook option call HookEvent(ME_SYSTEM_MODULESLOADED, modulesloaded); // hook event that all plugins are loaded HookEvent(ME_SYSTEM_PRESHUTDOWN, preshutdown); return 0; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int CMPlugin::Unload() { WaitForSingleObjectEx(hConnectionCheckThread, INFINITE, FALSE); if (hConnectionCheckThread) CloseHandle(hConnectionCheckThread); if (hCheckEvent) DestroyHookableEvent(hCheckEvent); if (hCheckHook) UnhookEvent(hCheckHook); if (killCheckThreadEvent) CloseHandle(killCheckThreadEvent); if (hExceptionsMutex) CloseHandle(hExceptionsMutex); #ifdef _DEBUG _OutputDebugString(L"Unloaded"); #endif return 0; }