/* Copyright © 2016-17 Miranda NG team This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "stdafx.h" #pragma pack(4) struct CDiscordCommand { const wchar_t *szCommandId; GatewayHandlerFunc pFunc; } static handlers[] = // these structures must me sorted alphabetically { { L"CHANNEL_CREATE", &CDiscordProto::OnCommandChannelCreated }, { L"CHANNEL_DELETE", &CDiscordProto::OnCommandChannelDeleted }, { L"GUILD_SYNC", &CDiscordProto::OnCommandGuildSync }, { L"MESSAGE_ACK", &CDiscordProto::OnCommandMessageAck }, { L"MESSAGE_CREATE", &CDiscordProto::OnCommandMessage }, { L"MESSAGE_UPDATE", &CDiscordProto::OnCommandMessage }, { L"PRESENCE_UPDATE", &CDiscordProto::OnCommandPresence }, { L"READY", &CDiscordProto::OnCommandReady }, { L"RELATIONSHIP_ADD", &CDiscordProto::OnCommandFriendAdded }, { L"RELATIONSHIP_REMOVE", &CDiscordProto::OnCommandFriendRemoved }, { L"TYPING_START", &CDiscordProto::OnCommandTyping }, { L"USER_UPDATE", &CDiscordProto::OnCommandUserUpdate }, }; static int __cdecl pSearchFunc(const void *p1, const void *p2) { return wcscmp(((CDiscordCommand*)p1)->szCommandId, ((CDiscordCommand*)p2)->szCommandId); } GatewayHandlerFunc CDiscordProto::GetHandler(const wchar_t *pwszCommand) { CDiscordCommand tmp = { pwszCommand, NULL }; CDiscordCommand *p = (CDiscordCommand*)bsearch(&tmp, handlers, _countof(handlers), sizeof(handlers[0]), pSearchFunc); return (p != NULL) ? p->pFunc : NULL; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // channel operations void CDiscordProto::OnCommandChannelCreated(const JSONNode &pRoot) { const JSONNode &members = pRoot["recipients"]; for (auto it = members.begin(); it != members.end(); ++it) { CDiscordUser *pUser = PrepareUser(*it); pUser->lastMessageId = _wtoi64(pRoot["last_message_id"].as_mstring()); pUser->channelId = _wtoi64(pRoot["id"].as_mstring()); setId(pUser->hContact, DB_KEY_CHANNELID, pUser->channelId); } } void CDiscordProto::OnCommandChannelDeleted(const JSONNode &pRoot) { CDiscordUser *pUser = FindUserByChannel(_wtoi64(pRoot["id"].as_mstring())); if (pUser != NULL) { pUser->channelId = pUser->lastMessageId = 0; delSetting(pUser->hContact, DB_KEY_CHANNELID); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // reading a new message void CDiscordProto::OnCommandFriendAdded(const JSONNode &pRoot) { CDiscordUser *pUser = PrepareUser(pRoot["user"]); pUser->bIsPrivate = true; ProcessType(pUser, pRoot); } void CDiscordProto::OnCommandFriendRemoved(const JSONNode &pRoot) { SnowFlake id = _wtoi64(pRoot["id"].as_mstring()); CDiscordUser *pUser = FindUser(id); if (pUser != NULL) { if (pUser->hContact) { if (pUser->bIsPrivate) db_delete_contact(pUser->hContact); } arUsers.remove(pUser); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // reading a new message void CDiscordProto::OnCommandGuildSync(const JSONNode &pRoot) { struct Presence { Presence(SnowFlake _id, int status) : userid(_id), iStatus(status) {} SnowFlake userid; int iStatus; static int compare(const Presence *p1, const Presence *p2) { return p1->userid - p2->userid; } }; OBJLIST arPresences(1, &Presence::compare); const JSONNode &pStatuses = pRoot["presences"]; for (auto it = pStatuses.begin(); it != pStatuses.end(); ++it) { const JSONNode &s = *it; int iStatus = StrToStatus(s["status"].as_mstring()); if (iStatus) arPresences.insert(new Presence(_wtoi64(s["user"]["id"].as_mstring()), iStatus)); } SnowFlake guildId = _wtoi64(pRoot["id"].as_mstring()); const JSONNode &pMembers = pRoot["members"]; for (auto it = pMembers.begin(); it != pMembers.end(); ++it) { const JSONNode &m = *it; for (int i = 0; i < arUsers.getCount(); i++) { CDiscordUser &pUser = arUsers[i]; if (pUser.guildId != guildId) continue; GCDEST gcd = { m_szModuleName, pUser.wszUsername, GC_EVENT_JOIN }; GCEVENT gce = { &gcd }; CMStringW wszUsername = m["user"]["username"].as_mstring() + L"#" + m["user"]["discriminator"].as_mstring(); CMStringW wszUserId = m["user"]["id"].as_mstring(); SnowFlake userid = _wtoi64(wszUserId); gce.bIsMe = (userid == m_ownId); gce.ptszUID = wszUserId; gce.ptszNick = wszUsername; Chat_Event(&gce); int flags = GC_SSE_ONLYLISTED; Presence *p = arPresences.find((Presence*)&userid); if (p && (p->iStatus == ID_STATUS_ONLINE || p->iStatus == ID_STATUS_NA || p->iStatus == ID_STATUS_DND)) flags += GC_SSE_ONLINE; else flags += GC_SSE_OFFLINE; Chat_SetStatusEx(m_szModuleName, pUser.wszUsername, flags, wszUserId); } } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // reading a new message void CDiscordProto::OnCommandMessage(const JSONNode &pRoot) { PROTORECVEVENT recv = {}; CMStringW wszMessageId = pRoot["id"].as_mstring(); SnowFlake messageId = _wtoi64(wszMessageId); SnowFlake nonce = _wtoi64(pRoot["nonce"].as_mstring()); SnowFlake *p = arOwnMessages.find(&nonce); if (p != NULL) { // own message? skip it debugLogA("skipping own message with nonce=%lld, id=%lld", nonce, messageId); return; } // try to find a sender by his channel CMStringW wszChannelId = pRoot["channel_id"].as_mstring(); SnowFlake channelId = _wtoi64(wszChannelId); CDiscordUser *pUser = FindUserByChannel(channelId); if (pUser == NULL) { debugLogA("skipping message with unknown channel id=%lld", channelId); return; } // if a message has myself as an author, add some flags CMStringW wszUserId = pRoot["author"]["id"].as_mstring(); if (_wtoi64(wszUserId) == m_ownId) recv.flags = PREF_CREATEREAD | PREF_SENT; CMStringW wszText = pRoot["content"].as_mstring(); const JSONNode &edited = pRoot["edited_timestamp"]; if (!edited.isnull()) wszText.AppendFormat(L" (%s %s)", TranslateT("edited at"), edited.as_mstring().c_str()); if (pUser->bIsPrivate) { debugLogA("store a message from private user %lld, channel id %lld", pUser->id, pUser->channelId); ptrA buf(mir_utf8encodeW(wszText)); recv.timestamp = (DWORD)StringToDate(pRoot["timestamp"].as_mstring()); recv.szMessage = buf; recv.lParam = (LPARAM)wszMessageId.c_str(); ProtoChainRecvMsg(pUser->hContact, &recv); SnowFlake lastId = getId(pUser->hContact, DB_KEY_LASTMSGID); // as stored in a database if (lastId < messageId) setId(pUser->hContact, DB_KEY_LASTMSGID, messageId); } else { debugLogA("store a message into the group channel id %lld", channelId); CMStringW wszUserName = pRoot["author"]["id"].as_mstring(); CMStringW wszUserNick = pRoot["author"]["username"].as_mstring() + L"#" + pRoot["author"]["discriminator"].as_mstring(); GCDEST gcd = { m_szModuleName, wszChannelId, GC_EVENT_MESSAGE }; GCEVENT gce = { &gcd }; gce.dwFlags = GCEF_ADDTOLOG; gce.ptszUID = wszUserId; gce.ptszNick = wszUserNick; gce.ptszText = wszText; gce.time = (DWORD)StringToDate(pRoot["timestamp"].as_mstring()); gce.bIsMe = _wtoi64(wszUserId) == m_ownId; Chat_Event(&gce); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // someone changed its status void CDiscordProto::OnCommandMessageAck(const JSONNode &pRoot) { CDiscordUser *pUser = FindUserByChannel(pRoot["channel_id"]); if (pUser != NULL) pUser->lastMessageId = _wtoi64(pRoot["message_id"].as_mstring()); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // someone changed its status void CDiscordProto::OnCommandPresence(const JSONNode &pRoot) { CDiscordUser *pUser = PrepareUser(pRoot["user"]); if (pUser == NULL) return; int iStatus = StrToStatus(pRoot["status"].as_mstring()); if (iStatus != 0) setWord(pUser->hContact, "Status", iStatus); CMStringW wszGame = pRoot["game"]["name"].as_mstring(); if (!wszGame.IsEmpty()) setWString(pUser->hContact, "XStatusMsg", wszGame); else delSetting(pUser->hContact, "XStatusMsg"); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // gateway session start void CALLBACK CDiscordProto::HeartbeatTimerProc(HWND, UINT, UINT_PTR id, DWORD) { ((CDiscordProto*)id)->GatewaySendHeartbeat(); } static void __stdcall sttStartTimer(void *param) { CDiscordProto *ppro = (CDiscordProto*)param; SetTimer(g_hwndHeartbeat, (UINT_PTR)param, ppro->getHeartbeatInterval(), &CDiscordProto::HeartbeatTimerProc); } static SnowFlake sttGetLastRead(const JSONNode &reads, const wchar_t *wszChannelId) { for (auto it = reads.begin(); it != reads.end(); ++it) { const JSONNode &p = *it; if (p["id"].as_mstring() == wszChannelId) return _wtoi64(p["last_message_id"].as_mstring()); } return 0; } void CDiscordProto::OnCommandReady(const JSONNode &pRoot) { GatewaySendHeartbeat(); CallFunctionAsync(sttStartTimer, this); m_szGatewaySessionId = pRoot["session_id"].as_mstring(); const JSONNode &readState = pRoot["read_state"]; const JSONNode &guilds = pRoot["guilds"]; for (auto it = guilds.begin(); it != guilds.end(); ++it) { const JSONNode &p = *it; SnowFlake guildId = _wtoi64(p["id"].as_mstring()); GatewaySendGuildInfo(guildId); CMStringW wszGuildName = p["name"].as_mstring(); GCSessionInfoBase *si = Chat_NewSession(GCW_SERVER, m_szModuleName, wszGuildName, wszGuildName); Chat_Control(m_szModuleName, wszGuildName, WINDOW_HIDDEN); Chat_Control(m_szModuleName, wszGuildName, SESSION_ONLINE); const JSONNode &channels = p["channels"]; for (auto itc = channels.begin(); itc != channels.end(); ++itc) { const JSONNode &pch = *itc; if (pch["type"].as_int() != 0) continue; CMStringW wszChannelName = pch["name"].as_mstring(); CMStringW wszChannelId = pch["id"].as_mstring(); SnowFlake channelId = _wtoi64(wszChannelId); si = Chat_NewSession(GCW_CHATROOM, m_szModuleName, wszChannelId, wszGuildName + L"#" + wszChannelName); Chat_AddGroup(m_szModuleName, wszChannelId, TranslateT("User")); Chat_Control(m_szModuleName, wszChannelId, WINDOW_HIDDEN); Chat_Control(m_szModuleName, wszChannelId, SESSION_ONLINE); CDiscordUser *pUser = FindUserByChannel(channelId); if (pUser == NULL) { // missing channel - create it pUser = new CDiscordUser(channelId); pUser->bIsPrivate = false; pUser->hContact = si->hContact; pUser->channelId = channelId; arUsers.insert(pUser); } pUser->wszUsername = wszChannelId; pUser->guildId = guildId; pUser->lastMessageId = _wtoi64(pch["last_message_id"].as_mstring()); pUser->lastReadId = sttGetLastRead(readState, wszChannelId); setId(pUser->hContact, DB_KEY_CHANNELID, channelId); } } const JSONNode &relations = pRoot["relationships"]; for (auto it = relations.begin(); it != relations.end(); ++it) { const JSONNode &p = *it; CDiscordUser *pUser = PrepareUser(p["user"]); ProcessType(pUser, p); } const JSONNode &channels = pRoot["private_channels"]; for (auto it = channels.begin(); it != channels.end(); ++it) { const JSONNode &p = *it; CDiscordUser *pUser = NULL; const JSONNode &recipients = p["recipients"]; for (auto it2 = recipients.begin(); it2 != recipients.end(); ++it2) pUser = PrepareUser(*it2); if (pUser == NULL) continue; CMStringW wszChannelId = p["id"].as_mstring(); pUser->channelId = _wtoi64(wszChannelId); pUser->lastMessageId = _wtoi64(p["last_message_id"].as_mstring()); pUser->lastReadId = sttGetLastRead(readState, wszChannelId); pUser->bIsPrivate = true; setId(pUser->hContact, DB_KEY_CHANNELID, pUser->channelId); SnowFlake oldMsgId = getId(pUser->hContact, DB_KEY_LASTMSGID); if (pUser->lastMessageId > oldMsgId) RetrieveHistory(pUser->hContact, MSG_AFTER, oldMsgId, 99); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // UTN support void CDiscordProto::OnCommandTyping(const JSONNode &pRoot) { SnowFlake userId = _wtoi64(pRoot["user_id"].as_mstring()); SnowFlake channelId = _wtoi64(pRoot["channel_id"].as_mstring()); debugLogA("user typing notification: userid=%lld, channelid=%lld", userId, channelId); CDiscordUser *pUser = FindUser(userId); if (pUser == NULL) { debugLogA("user with id=%lld is not found", userId); return; } if (pUser->channelId == channelId) { debugLogA("user is typing in his private channel"); CallService(MS_PROTO_CONTACTISTYPING, pUser->hContact, 20); } else { debugLogA("user is typing in a group channel, skipped"); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // UTN support void CDiscordProto::OnCommandUserUpdate(const JSONNode &pRoot) { SnowFlake id = _wtoi64(pRoot["id"].as_mstring()); MCONTACT hContact; if (id != m_ownId) { CDiscordUser *pUser = FindUser(id); if (pUser == NULL) return; hContact = pUser->hContact; } else hContact = 0; // force rereading avatar ptrW wszOldHash(getWStringA(hContact, DB_KEY_AVHASH)); CMStringW wszNewHash(pRoot["avatar"].as_mstring()); if (mir_wstrcmp(wszOldHash, wszNewHash)) { setWString(hContact, DB_KEY_AVHASH, wszNewHash); RetrieveAvatar(hContact); } }