/* Copyright © 2016-20 Miranda NG team This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "stdafx.h" ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // sends a piece of JSON to a server via a websocket, masked void CDiscordProto::GatewaySend(const JSONNode &pRoot) { if (m_hGatewayConnection == nullptr) return; json_string szText = pRoot.write(); debugLogA("Gateway send: %s", szText.c_str()); WebSocket_Send(m_hGatewayConnection, szText.c_str(), szText.length()); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // gateway worker thread void CDiscordProto::GatewayThread(void*) { while (GatewayThreadWorker()) ; ShutdownSession(); } bool CDiscordProto::GatewayThreadWorker() { NETLIBHTTPHEADER hdrs[] = { { "Sec-WebSocket-Key", "KFShSwLlp4E6C7JZc5h4sg==" }, { 0, 0 } }; auto *pReply = WebSocket_Connect(m_hGatewayNetlibUser, m_szGateway + "/?encoding=json&v=6", hdrs); if (pReply == nullptr) { debugLogA("Gateway connection failed, exiting"); return false; } debugLogA("Gateway connection succeeded"); m_hGatewayConnection = pReply->nlc; Netlib_FreeHttpRequest(pReply); bool bExit = false; int offset = 0; MBinBuffer netbuf; while (!bExit) { if (m_bTerminated) break; unsigned char buf[2048]; int bufSize = Netlib_Recv(m_hGatewayConnection, (char*)buf + offset, _countof(buf) - offset, MSG_NODUMP); if (bufSize == 0) { debugLogA("Gateway connection gracefully closed"); bExit = !m_bTerminated; break; } if (bufSize < 0) { debugLogA("Gateway connection error, exiting"); break; } WSHeader hdr; if (!WebSocket_InitHeader(hdr, buf, bufSize)) { offset += bufSize; continue; } offset = 0; debugLogA("Got packet: buffer = %d, opcode = %d, headerSize = %d, final = %d, masked = %d", bufSize, hdr.opCode, hdr.headerSize, hdr.bIsFinal, hdr.bIsMasked); // we have some additional data, not only opcode if ((size_t)bufSize > hdr.headerSize) { size_t currPacketSize = bufSize - hdr.headerSize; netbuf.append(buf, bufSize); while (currPacketSize < hdr.payloadSize) { int result = Netlib_Recv(m_hGatewayConnection, (char*)buf, _countof(buf), MSG_NODUMP); if (result == 0) { debugLogA("Gateway connection gracefully closed"); bExit = !m_bTerminated; break; } if (result < 0) { debugLogA("Gateway connection error, exiting"); break; } currPacketSize += result; netbuf.append(buf, result); } } // read all payloads from the current buffer, one by one size_t prevSize = 0; while (true) { switch (hdr.opCode) { case 0: // text packet case 1: // binary packet case 2: // continuation if (hdr.bIsFinal) { // process a packet here CMStringA szJson(netbuf.data() + hdr.headerSize, (int)hdr.payloadSize); debugLogA("JSON received:\n%s", szJson.c_str()); JSONNode root = JSONNode::parse(szJson); if (root) GatewayProcess(root); } break; case 8: // close debugLogA("server required to exit"); bExit = true; // simply reconnect, don't exit break; case 9: // ping debugLogA("ping received"); Netlib_Send(m_hGatewayConnection, (char*)buf + hdr.headerSize, bufSize - int(hdr.headerSize), 0); break; } if (hdr.bIsFinal) netbuf.remove(hdr.headerSize + hdr.payloadSize); if (netbuf.length() == 0) break; // if we have not enough data for header, continue reading if (!WebSocket_InitHeader(hdr, netbuf.data(), netbuf.length())) break; // if we have not enough data for data, continue reading if (hdr.headerSize + hdr.payloadSize > netbuf.length()) break; debugLogA("Got inner packet: buffer = %d, opcode = %d, headerSize = %d, payloadSize = %d, final = %d, masked = %d", netbuf.length(), hdr.opCode, hdr.headerSize, hdr.payloadSize, hdr.bIsFinal, hdr.bIsMasked); if (prevSize == netbuf.length()) { netbuf.remove(prevSize); debugLogA("dropping current packet, exiting"); break; } prevSize = netbuf.length(); } } Netlib_CloseHandle(m_hGatewayConnection); m_hGatewayConnection = nullptr; return bExit; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // handles server commands void CDiscordProto::GatewayProcess(const JSONNode &pRoot) { int opCode = pRoot["op"].as_int(); switch (opCode) { case 0: // process incoming command { int iSeq = pRoot["s"].as_int(); if (iSeq != 0) m_iGatewaySeq = iSeq; CMStringW wszCommand = pRoot["t"].as_mstring(); debugLogA("got a server command to dispatch: %S", wszCommand.c_str()); GatewayHandlerFunc pFunc = GetHandler(wszCommand); if (pFunc) (this->*pFunc)(pRoot["d"]); } break; case 9: // session invalidated if (pRoot["d"].as_bool()) // session can be resumed GatewaySendResume(); else { Sleep(5000); // 5 seconds - recommended timeout GatewaySendIdentify(); } break; case 10: // hello m_iHartbeatInterval = pRoot["d"]["heartbeat_interval"].as_int(); GatewaySendIdentify(); break; case 11: // heartbeat ack break; default: debugLogA("ACHTUNG! Unknown opcode: %d, report it to developer", opCode); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // requests to be sent to a gateway void CDiscordProto::GatewaySendHeartbeat() { // we don't send heartbeat packets until we get logged in if (!m_iHartbeatInterval || !m_iGatewaySeq) return; JSONNode root; root << INT_PARAM("op", 1) << INT_PARAM("d", m_iGatewaySeq); GatewaySend(root); } void CDiscordProto::GatewaySendIdentify() { if (m_szAccessToken == nullptr) { ConnectionFailed(LOGINERR_WRONGPASSWORD); return; } char szOs[256]; OS_GetDisplayString(szOs, _countof(szOs)); char szVersion[256]; Miranda_GetVersionText(szVersion, _countof(szVersion)); JSONNode props; props.set_name("properties"); props << CHAR_PARAM("os", szOs) << CHAR_PARAM("browser", "Chrome") << CHAR_PARAM("device", szVersion) << CHAR_PARAM("referrer", "https://miranda-ng.org") << CHAR_PARAM("referring_domain", "miranda-ng.org"); JSONNode payload; payload.set_name("d"); payload << CHAR_PARAM("token", m_szAccessToken) << props << BOOL_PARAM("compress", false) << INT_PARAM("large_threshold", 250); JSONNode root; root << INT_PARAM("op", 2) << payload; GatewaySend(root); } void CDiscordProto::GatewaySendResume() { char szRandom[40]; uint8_t random[16]; Utils_GetRandom(random, _countof(random)); bin2hex(random, _countof(random), szRandom); JSONNode root; root << CHAR_PARAM("token", szRandom) << CHAR_PARAM("session_id", m_szGatewaySessionId) << INT_PARAM("seq", m_iGatewaySeq); GatewaySend(root); }