/* Copyright © 2016-22 Miranda NG team This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include "stdafx.h" #define WM_ERROR (WM_USER + 1) ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class CMfaDialog : public CDiscordDlgBase { bool m_bHasSms, m_bHasTotp; int m_mode = 0; CMStringA m_szTicket; CCtrlBase m_label; CCtrlEdit edtCode; CCtrlCombo cmbAnother; CCtrlButton btnCancel, btnOk; UI_MESSAGE_MAP(CMfaDialog, CDiscordDlgBase); UI_MESSAGE(WM_ERROR, OnError); UI_MESSAGE_MAP_END(); public: CMfaDialog(CDiscordProto *ppro, const JSONNode &pRoot) : CDiscordDlgBase(ppro, IDD_MFA), btnOk(this, IDOK), btnCancel(this, IDCANCEL), m_label(this, IDC_LABEL), edtCode(this, IDC_CODE), cmbAnother(this, IDC_ANOTHER) { btnCancel.OnClick = Callback(this, &CMfaDialog::onClick_Cancel); edtCode.OnChange = Callback(this, &CMfaDialog::onChange_Edit); cmbAnother.OnChange = Callback(this, &CMfaDialog::onChange_Combo); m_bHasSms = pRoot["sms"].as_bool(); m_bHasTotp = pRoot["totp"].as_bool(); m_szTicket = pRoot["ticket"].as_mstring(); } bool OnInitDialog() override { m_proto->pMfaDialog = this; if (m_bHasTotp) cmbAnother.AddString(TranslateT("Use authentication app"), 0); if (m_bHasSms) cmbAnother.AddString(TranslateT("Use a code sent to your phone"), 1); cmbAnother.AddString(TranslateT("Use a backup code"), 2); cmbAnother.SetCurSel(0); onChange_Combo(0); return true; } bool OnApply() override { CMStringW wszCode(ptrW(edtCode.GetText())); if (wszCode.IsEmpty()) return false; wszCode.Replace(L"-", L""); JSONNode root; root << CHAR_PARAM("ticket", m_szTicket) << WCHAR_PARAM("code", wszCode); auto *pReq = new AsyncHttpRequest(m_proto, REQUEST_POST, (m_mode == 1) ? "/auth/mfa/sms" : "/auth/mfa/totp", &CDiscordProto::OnSendTotp, &root); pReq->pUserInfo = this; m_proto->Push(pReq); return false; } void OnDestroy() override { m_proto->pMfaDialog = nullptr; } void onChange_Combo(CCtrlCombo *) { edtCode.SetText(L""); switch (m_mode = cmbAnother.GetCurData()) { case 0: m_label.SetText(TranslateT("Enter Discord verification code:")); break; case 1: m_label.SetText(TranslateT("Enter SMS code you received:")); { JSONNode root; root << CHAR_PARAM("ticket", m_szTicket); m_proto->Push(new AsyncHttpRequest(m_proto, REQUEST_POST, "/auth/mfa/sms/send", 0, &root)); } break; default: m_label.SetText(TranslateT("Enter one of your backup codes")); } } void onChange_Edit(CCtrlEdit *) { ptrW wszCode(edtCode.GetText()); btnOk.Enable(mir_wstrlen(wszCode) > 0); } void onClick_Cancel(CCtrlButton *) { m_proto->ConnectionFailed(LOGINERR_WRONGPASSWORD); } INT_PTR OnError(UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM) { edtCode.SetText(L""); MessageBox(m_hwnd, TranslateT("Wrong code entered"), TranslateT("MFA initialization"), MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR); return 0; } }; static void CALLBACK LaunchDialog(void *param) { ((CMfaDialog *)param)->Show(); } void CDiscordProto::ShowMfaDialog(const JSONNode &pRoot) { CallFunctionAsync(LaunchDialog, new CMfaDialog(this, pRoot)); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CDiscordProto::OnSendTotp(MHttpResponse *pReply, struct AsyncHttpRequest *pReq) { auto *pDlg = (CMfaDialog *)pReq->pUserInfo; JsonReply root(pReply); if (!root) { PostMessage(pDlg->GetHwnd(), WM_ERROR, 0, 0); return; } pDlg->Close(); auto &data = root.data(); CMStringA szToken = data["token"].as_mstring(); m_szAccessToken = szToken.Detach(); setString(DB_KEY_TOKEN, m_szAccessToken); RetrieveMyInfo(); }