/* Facebook plugin for Miranda Instant Messenger _____________________________________________ Copyright © 2009-11 Michal Zelinka, 2011-17 Robert Pösel, 2017-20 Miranda NG team This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #pragma once #define MODULENAME "Facebook" // Contact DB keys #define DBKEY_LOGIN "Email" #define DBKEY_ID "ID" #define DBKEY_SID "SID" #define DBKEY_TID "ThreadID" #define DBKEY_FIRST_NAME "FirstName" #define DBKEY_SECOND_NAME "SecondName" #define DBKEY_LAST_NAME "LastName" #define DBKEY_NICK "Nick" #define DBKEY_PASS "Password" #define DBKEY_CLIENT_ID "ClientID" #define DBKEY_DEVICE_ID "DeviceID" #define DBKEY_AVATAR "Avatar" #define DBKEY_CONTACT_TYPE "ContactType" #define DBKEY_TOKEN "Token" #define DBKEY_SYNC_TOKEN "SyncToken" // Thread specific DB keys #define DBKEY_CHAT_CAN_REPLY "CanReply" #define DBKEY_CHAT_READ_ONLY "ReadOnly" #define DBKEY_CHAT_IS_ARCHIVED "IsArchived" #define DBKEY_CHAT_IS_SUBSCRIBED "IsSubscribed" // Contact and account DB keys #define DBKEY_KEEP_UNREAD "KeepUnread" // (byte) 1 = don't mark messages as read on server (works globally or per contact) // Account DB keys #define DBKEY_DEF_GROUP "DefaultGroup" #define DBKEY_SET_MIRANDA_STATUS "SetMirandaStatus" #define DBKEY_SYSTRAY_NOTIFY "UseSystrayNotify" #define DBKEY_DISABLE_STATUS_NOTIFY "DisableStatusNotify" #define DBKEY_BIG_AVATARS "UseBigAvatars" #define DBKEY_DISCONNECT_CHAT "DisconnectChatEnable" #define DBKEY_MAP_STATUSES "MapStatuses" #define DBKEY_CUSTOM_SMILEYS "CustomSmileys" #define DBKEY_SERVER_TYPE "ServerType" #define DBKEY_PRIVACY_TYPE "PrivacyType" #define DBKEY_PLACE "Place" #define DBKEY_LAST_WALL "LastWall" #define DBKEY_LOAD_PAGES "LoadPages" #define DBKEY_FILTER_ADS "FilterAds" #define DBKEY_LOGON_TS "LogonTS" #define DBKEY_LAST_ACTION_TS "LastActionTS" #define DBKEY_MESSAGES_ON_OPEN "MessagesOnOpen" #define DBKEY_MESSAGES_ON_OPEN_COUNT "MessagesOnOpenCount" #define DBKEY_HIDE_CHATS "HideChats" #define DBKEY_ENABLE_CHATS "EnableChat" #define DBKEY_JOIN_EXISTING_CHATS "JoinExistingChats" #define DBKEY_NOTIFICATIONS_CHATROOM "NotificationsChatroom" #define DBKEY_NAME_AS_NICK "NameAsNick" #define DBKEY_LOAD_ALL_CONTACTS "LoadAllContacts" #define DBKEY_PAGES_ALWAYS_ONLINE "PagesAlwaysOnline" #define DBKEY_TYPING_WHEN_INVISIBLE "TypingWhenInvisible" // Account DB keys - notifications #define DBKEY_EVENT_NOTIFICATIONS_ENABLE "EventNotificationsEnable" #define DBKEY_EVENT_FEEDS_ENABLE "EventFeedsEnable" #define DBKEY_EVENT_FRIENDSHIP_ENABLE "EventFriendshipEnable" #define DBKEY_EVENT_TICKER_ENABLE "EventTickerEnable" #define DBKEY_EVENT_ON_THIS_DAY_ENABLE "EventMemoriesEnable" #define DBKEY_FEED_TYPE "EventFeedsType" // Hidden account DB keys (can't be changed through GUI) #define DBKEY_POLL_RATE "PollRate" // [HIDDEN] - (byte) #define DBKEY_TIMEOUTS_LIMIT "TimeoutsLimit" // [HIDDEN] - (byte) #define DBKEY_LOCALE "Locale" // [HIDDEN] - (string) en_US, cs_CZ, etc. (requires restart to apply) #define DBKEY_NASEEMS_SPAM_MODE "NaseemsSpamMode" // [HIDDEN] - (byte) 1 = don't load messages sent from other instances (e.g., browser) - known as "Naseem's spam mode" #define DBKEY_OPEN_URL_BROWSER "OpenUrlBrowser" // [HIDDEN] - (unicode) = absolute path to browser to open url links with #define DBKEY_SEND_MESSAGE_TRIES "SendMessageTries" // [HIDDEN] - (byte) = number of tries to send message, default=1, min=1, max=5 #define DBKEY_PAGE_PREFIX "PagePrefix" // [HIDDEN] - (unicode) = prefix for name of "page" contacts (requires restart to apply), default is emoji :page_facing_up: (written as unicode char)