/* Facebook plugin for Miranda NG Copyright © 2019-22 Miranda NG team This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "stdafx.h" void FacebookProto::ConnectionFailed(int iErrorCode) { if (iErrorCode) { POPUPDATAW popup; popup.lchIcon = IcoLib_GetIconByHandle(Skin_GetIconHandle(SKINICON_ERROR), true); wcscpy_s(popup.lpwzContactName, m_tszUserName); mir_snwprintf(popup.lpwzText, TranslateT("Connection failed with error code %d"), iErrorCode); PUAddPopupW(&popup); } ProtoBroadcastAck(0, ACKTYPE_STATUS, ACKRESULT_FAILED, (HANDLE)m_iStatus, m_iDesiredStatus); m_iStatus = m_iDesiredStatus = ID_STATUS_OFFLINE; ProtoBroadcastAck(0, ACKTYPE_STATUS, ACKRESULT_SUCCESS, (HANDLE)m_iStatus, m_iDesiredStatus); OnShutdown(); } bool FacebookProto::ExtractOwnMessage(__int64 msgId, COwnMessage &res) { mir_cslock lck(m_csOwnMessages); for (auto &it : arOwnMessages) if (it->msgId == msgId) { res = *it; arOwnMessages.removeItem(&it); return true; } return false; } void FacebookProto::OnLoggedIn() { m_mid = 0; JSONNode root; root << BOOL_PARAM("foreground", true) << INT_PARAM("keepalive_timeout", 60); MqttPublish("/foreground_state", root); MqttSubscribe("/inbox", "/mercury", "/messaging_events", "/orca_presence", "/orca_typing_notifications", "/pp", "/t_ms", "/t_p", "/t_rtc", "/webrtc", "/webrtc_response", 0); MqttUnsubscribe("/orca_message_notifications", 0); // if sequence is not initialized, request SID from the server if (m_sid == 0) { if (!RefreshSid()) { ConnectionFailed(); return; } } // point of no return; ProtoBroadcastAck(0, ACKTYPE_STATUS, ACKRESULT_SUCCESS, (HANDLE)m_iStatus, m_iDesiredStatus); m_iStatus = m_iDesiredStatus; m_bOnline = true; m_impl.m_heartBeat.Start(60000); // connect message queue MqttQueueConnect(); // request message threads if needed if (m_bUseGroupchats) RefreshThreads(); } void FacebookProto::OnLoggedOut() { m_impl.m_heartBeat.Stop(); m_bOnline = false; ProtoBroadcastAck(0, ACKTYPE_STATUS, ACKRESULT_SUCCESS, (HANDLE)m_iStatus, ID_STATUS_OFFLINE); m_iStatus = m_iDesiredStatus = ID_STATUS_OFFLINE; setAllContactStatuses(ID_STATUS_OFFLINE, false); } FacebookUser* FacebookProto::AddContact(const CMStringW &wszId, bool bTemp) { MCONTACT hContact = db_add_contact(); setWString(hContact, DBKEY_ID, wszId); Proto_AddToContact(hContact, m_szModuleName); Clist_SetGroup(hContact, m_wszDefaultGroup); if (bTemp) Contact_RemoveFromList(hContact); return FindUser(_wtoi64(wszId)); } FacebookUser* FacebookProto::FindUser(__int64 id) { mir_cslock lck(m_csUsers); return m_users.find((FacebookUser *)&id); } FacebookUser* FacebookProto::UserFromJson(const JSONNode &root, CMStringW &wszUserId, bool &bIsChat) { bIsChat = false; wszUserId = root["threadKey"]["otherUserFbId"].as_mstring(); if (wszUserId.IsEmpty()) { // if only thread id is present, it must be a group chat wszUserId = root["threadKey"]["threadFbId"].as_mstring(); bIsChat = true; } auto *pUser = FindUser(_wtoi64(wszUserId)); if (pUser == nullptr) { debugLogA("Message from unknown contact %s, ignored", wszUserId.c_str()); return nullptr; } if (pUser->bIsChat != bIsChat) { debugLogA("Wrong chat user: %d vs %d for user %lld, ignored", pUser->bIsChat, bIsChat, pUser->id); return nullptr; } return pUser; } int FacebookProto::RefreshContacts() { CMStringA szCursor; bool bNeedUpdate = false; while (true) { JSONNode root; root << CHAR_PARAM("0", "user"); AsyncHttpRequest *pReq; if (szCursor.IsEmpty()) { pReq = CreateRequestGQL(FB_API_QUERY_CONTACTS); root << INT_PARAM("1", FB_API_CONTACTS_COUNT); } else { pReq = CreateRequestGQL(FB_API_QUERY_CONTACTS_AFTER); root << CHAR_PARAM("1", szCursor) << INT_PARAM("2", FB_API_CONTACTS_COUNT); } pReq << CHAR_PARAM("query_params", root.write().c_str()); pReq->flags |= NLHRF_NODUMPSEND; pReq->CalcSig(); JsonReply reply(ExecuteRequest(pReq)); if (int iErrorCode = reply.error()) return iErrorCode; // unknown error bool bLoadAll = m_bLoadAll; auto &data = reply.data()["viewer"]["messenger_contacts"]; for (auto &it : data["nodes"]) { auto &n = it["represented_profile"]; CMStringW wszId(n["id"].as_mstring()); __int64 id = _wtoi64(wszId); MCONTACT hContact; if (id != m_uid) { bool bIsFriend = bLoadAll || n["friendship_status"].as_mstring() == L"ARE_FRIENDS"; auto *pUser = FindUser(id); if (pUser == nullptr) { if (!bIsFriend) continue; pUser = AddContact(wszId, false); } else if (!bIsFriend) Contact_RemoveFromList(pUser->hContact); // adios! hContact = pUser->hContact; } else hContact = 0; if (auto &nName = it["structured_name"]) { CMStringW wszName(nName["text"].as_mstring()); setWString(hContact, DBKEY_NICK, wszName); for (auto &nn : nName["parts"]) { CMStringW wszPart(nn["part"].as_mstring()); int offset = nn["offset"].as_int(), length = nn["length"].as_int(); if (wszPart == L"first") setWString(hContact, "FirstName", wszName.Mid(offset, length)); else if (wszPart == L"last") setWString(hContact, "LastName", wszName.Mid(offset, length)); } } if (auto &nBirth = n["birthdate"]) { setDword(hContact, "BirthDay", nBirth["day"].as_int()); setDword(hContact, "BirthMonth", nBirth["month"].as_int()); } if (auto &nCity = n["current_city"]) setWString(hContact, "City", nCity["name"].as_mstring()); if (auto &nAva = it[(m_bUseBigAvatars) ? "hugePictureUrl" : "bigPictureUrl"]) { CMStringW wszOldUrl(getMStringW(hContact, DBKEY_AVATAR)), wszNewUrl(nAva["uri"].as_mstring()); if (wszOldUrl != wszNewUrl) { bNeedUpdate = true; setByte(hContact, "UpdateNeeded", 1); setWString(hContact, DBKEY_AVATAR, wszNewUrl); } } } if (!data["page_info"]["has_next_page"].as_bool()) { debugLogA("Got no next page, exiting", szCursor.c_str()); break; } szCursor = data["page_info"]["end_cursor"].as_mstring(); debugLogA("Got cursor: %s", szCursor.c_str()); } if (bNeedUpdate) ForkThread(&FacebookProto::AvatarsUpdate); return 0; } bool FacebookProto::RefreshSid() { auto *pReq = CreateRequestGQL(FB_API_QUERY_SEQ_ID); JSONNode root; root << CHAR_PARAM("1", "0"); pReq << CHAR_PARAM("query_params", root.write().c_str()); pReq->CalcSig(); JsonReply reply(ExecuteRequest(pReq)); if (reply.error()) return false; auto &n = reply.data()["viewer"]["message_threads"]; CMStringW wszSid(n["sync_sequence_id"].as_mstring()); setWString(DBKEY_SID, wszSid); m_sid = _wtoi64(wszSid); m_iUnread = n["unread_count"].as_int(); return true; } FacebookUser* FacebookProto::RefreshThread(JSONNode &n) { if (!n["is_group_thread"].as_bool()) return nullptr; CMStringW chatId(n["thread_key"]["thread_fbid"].as_mstring()); CMStringW name(n["name"].as_mstring()); if (name.IsEmpty()) { for (auto &u : n["all_participants"]["nodes"]) { auto &ur = u["messaging_actor"]; CMStringW userId(ur["id"].as_mstring()); if (_wtoi64(userId) == m_uid) continue; if (!name.IsEmpty()) name.Append(L", "); name += ur["name"].as_mstring(); } if (name.GetLength() > 128) { name.Truncate(125); name.Append(L"..."); } } auto *si = Chat_NewSession(GCW_CHATROOM, m_szModuleName, chatId, name); if (si == nullptr) return nullptr; setWString(si->hContact, DBKEY_ID, chatId); Chat_AddGroup(si, TranslateT("Participant")); for (auto &u : n["all_participants"]["nodes"]) { auto &ur = u["messaging_actor"]; CMStringW userId(ur["id"].as_mstring()); CMStringW userName(ur["name"].as_mstring()); GCEVENT gce = { m_szModuleName, 0, GC_EVENT_JOIN }; gce.pszID.w = chatId; gce.pszUID.w = userId; gce.pszNick.w = userName; gce.bIsMe = _wtoi64(userId) == m_uid; gce.time = time(0); Chat_Event(&gce); } Chat_Control(m_szModuleName, chatId, m_bHideGroupchats ? WINDOW_HIDDEN : SESSION_INITDONE); Chat_Control(m_szModuleName, chatId, SESSION_ONLINE); __int64 userId = _wtoi64(chatId); auto *pUser = FindUser(userId); if (pUser == nullptr) { mir_cslock lck(m_csUsers); pUser = new FacebookUser(userId, si->hContact, true, true); m_users.insert(pUser); } else { pUser->hContact = si->hContact; pUser->bIsChatInitialized = true; } return pUser; } FacebookUser* FacebookProto::RefreshThread(CMStringW &wszId) { auto *pReq = CreateRequestGQL(FB_API_QUERY_THREAD); pReq << WCHAR_PARAM("query_params", CMStringW(FORMAT, L"{\"0\":[\"%s\"], \"12\":0, \"13\":\"false\"}", wszId.c_str())); pReq->CalcSig(); JsonReply reply(ExecuteRequest(pReq)); if (!reply.error()) { auto &root = reply.data(); for (auto &n : root) return RefreshThread(n); } return nullptr; } void FacebookProto::RefreshThreads() { int threadsLimit = 40; auto * pReq = CreateRequestGQL(FB_API_QUERY_THREADS); JSONNode json; json << INT_PARAM("1", threadsLimit) << CHAR_PARAM("2", "true") << CHAR_PARAM("12", "false") << CHAR_PARAM("13", "false"); pReq << CHAR_PARAM("query_params", json.write().c_str()); pReq->CalcSig(); JsonReply reply(ExecuteRequest(pReq)); if (!reply.error()) { auto &root = reply.data()["viewer"]["message_threads"]; for (auto &n : root["nodes"]) { if (n["is_group_thread"].as_bool() && n["is_viewer_subscribed"].as_bool() && !n["has_viewer_archived"].as_bool()) RefreshThread(n); } // TODO: save timestamp of last message/action/... into DB // TODO: lower threadsLimit to 10, load next pages if timestamp of last message is higher than timestamp in DB } } int FacebookProto::RefreshToken() { auto *pReq = CreateRequest(FB_API_URL_AUTH, "authenticate", "auth.login"); pReq->flags |= NLHRF_NODUMP; pReq << CHAR_PARAM("email", getMStringA(DBKEY_LOGIN)); pReq << CHAR_PARAM("password", getMStringA(DBKEY_PASS)); pReq->CalcSig(); JsonReply reply(ExecuteRequest(pReq)); if (reply.error()) return reply.error(); m_szAuthToken = reply.data()["access_token"].as_mstring(); setString(DBKEY_TOKEN, m_szAuthToken); CMStringA m_szUid = reply.data()["uid"].as_mstring(); setString(DBKEY_ID, m_szUid); m_uid = _atoi64(m_szUid); return 0; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void FacebookProto::ServerThread(void *) { m_QueueCreated = false; LBL_Begin: m_szAuthToken = getMStringA(DBKEY_TOKEN); if (m_szAuthToken.IsEmpty()) { if (int iErrorCode = RefreshToken()) { ConnectionFailed(iErrorCode); return; } } int iErrorCode = RefreshContacts(); if (iErrorCode != 0) { if (iErrorCode == 401) { delSetting(DBKEY_TOKEN); goto LBL_Begin; } ConnectionFailed(iErrorCode); return; } // connect to MQTT server NETLIBOPENCONNECTION nloc = {}; nloc.szHost = "mqtt.facebook.com"; nloc.wPort = 443; nloc.flags = NLOCF_SSL | NLOCF_V2; m_mqttConn = Netlib_OpenConnection(m_hNetlibUser, &nloc); if (m_mqttConn == nullptr) { debugLogA("connection failed, exiting"); ConnectionFailed(); return; } // send initial packet MqttLogin(); while (!Miranda_IsTerminated()) { NETLIBSELECT nls = {}; nls.hReadConns[0] = m_mqttConn; nls.dwTimeout = 1000; int ret = Netlib_Select(&nls); if (ret == SOCKET_ERROR) { debugLogA("Netlib_Recv() failed, error=%d", WSAGetLastError()); break; } // no data, continue waiting if (ret == 0) continue; MqttMessage msg; if (!MqttRead(msg)) { debugLogA("MqttRead() failed"); break; } if (!MqttParse(msg)) { debugLogA("MqttParse() failed"); break; } } debugLogA("exiting ServerThread"); Netlib_CloseHandle(m_mqttConn); m_mqttConn = nullptr; OnLoggedOut(); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int FacebookProto::OnMarkedRead(WPARAM, LPARAM hDbEvent) { MCONTACT hContact = db_event_getContact(hDbEvent); if (!hContact) return 0; // filter out only events of my protocol const char *szProto = Proto_GetBaseAccountName(hContact); if (mir_strcmp(szProto, m_szModuleName)) return 0; if (m_bKeepUnread) return 0; JSONNode root; root << BOOL_PARAM("state", true) << INT_PARAM("syncSeqId", m_sid) << CHAR_PARAM("mark", "read"); if (isChatRoom(hContact)) root << CHAR_PARAM("threadFbId", getMStringA(hContact, DBKEY_ID)); else root << CHAR_PARAM("otherUserFbId", getMStringA(hContact, DBKEY_ID)); MqttPublish("/mark_thread", root); return 0; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void FacebookProto::OnPublish(const char *topic, const uint8_t *p, size_t cbLen) { FbThriftReader rdr; // that might be a zipped buffer if (cbLen >= 2) { size_t dataSize; void *pData = doUnzip(cbLen, p, dataSize); if (pData != nullptr) { debugLogA("UNZIP: %d bytes unzipped ok", dataSize); Netlib_Dump(m_mqttConn, pData, dataSize, false, 0); rdr.reset(dataSize, pData); mir_free(pData); } } if (rdr.size() == 0) rdr.reset(cbLen, (void*)p); if (!strcmp(topic, "/t_p")) OnPublishPresence(rdr); else if (!strcmp(topic, "/t_ms")) OnPublishMessage(rdr); else if (!strcmp(topic, "/orca_typing_notifications")) OnPublishUtn(rdr); } void FacebookProto::OnPublishPresence(FbThriftReader &rdr) { char *str = nullptr; rdr.readStr(str); mir_free(str); bool bVal; uint8_t fieldType; uint16_t fieldId; rdr.readField(fieldType, fieldId); assert(fieldType == FB_THRIFT_TYPE_BOOL); assert(fieldId == 1); rdr.readBool(bVal); rdr.readField(fieldType, fieldId); assert(fieldType == FB_THRIFT_TYPE_LIST); assert(fieldId == 1); uint32_t size; rdr.readList(fieldType, size); assert(fieldType == FB_THRIFT_TYPE_STRUCT); debugLogA("Received list of presences: %d records", size); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < size; i++) { uint64_t userId, timestamp, voipBits; rdr.readField(fieldType, fieldId); assert(fieldType == FB_THRIFT_TYPE_I64); assert(fieldId == 1); rdr.readInt64(userId); uint32_t u32; rdr.readField(fieldType, fieldId); assert(fieldType == FB_THRIFT_TYPE_I32); assert(fieldId == 1); rdr.readInt32(u32); auto *pUser = FindUser(userId); if (pUser == nullptr) debugLogA("Skipping presence from unknown user %lld", userId); else { debugLogA("Presence from user %lld => %d", userId, u32); setWord(pUser->hContact, "Status", (u32 != 0) ? ID_STATUS_ONLINE : ID_STATUS_OFFLINE); } rdr.readField(fieldType, fieldId); assert(fieldType == FB_THRIFT_TYPE_I64); assert(fieldId == 1 || fieldId == 3 || fieldId == 4); rdr.readInt64(timestamp); while (!rdr.isStop()) { rdr.readField(fieldType, fieldId); assert(fieldType == FB_THRIFT_TYPE_I64 || fieldType == FB_THRIFT_TYPE_I16 || fieldType == FB_THRIFT_TYPE_I32); rdr.readIntV(voipBits); } rdr.readByte(fieldType); assert(fieldType == FB_THRIFT_TYPE_STOP); } rdr.readByte(fieldType); assert(fieldType == FB_THRIFT_TYPE_STOP); } void FacebookProto::OnPublishUtn(FbThriftReader &rdr) { JSONNode root = JSONNode::parse(rdr.rest()); auto *pUser = FindUser(_wtoi64(root["sender_fbid"].as_mstring())); if (pUser != nullptr) { int length = (root["state"].as_int() == 0) ? PROTOTYPE_CONTACTTYPING_OFF : 60; CallService(MS_PROTO_CONTACTISTYPING, pUser->hContact, length); } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// struct { const char *messageType; void (FacebookProto:: *pFunc)(const JSONNode &); } static MsgHandlers[] = { { "deltaNewMessage", &FacebookProto::OnPublishPrivateMessage }, { "deltaThreadName", &FacebookProto::OnPublishThreadName }, { "deltaSentMessage", &FacebookProto::OnPublishSentMessage }, { "deltaReadReceipt", &FacebookProto::OnPublishReadReceipt }, { "deltaParticipantsAddedToGroupThread", &FacebookProto::OnPublishChatJoin }, { "deltaParticipantLeftGroupThread", &FacebookProto::OnPublishChatLeave }, }; void FacebookProto::OnPublishMessage(FbThriftReader &rdr) { uint8_t stop; if (rdr.isStop()) rdr.readByte(stop); else { uint8_t type; uint16_t id; rdr.readField(type, id); _ASSERT(type == FB_THRIFT_TYPE_STRING); _ASSERT(id == 1 || id == 2); char *szShit = nullptr; rdr.readStr(szShit); mir_free(szShit); rdr.readByte(stop); } CMStringA szJson(rdr.rest()); debugLogA("MS: <%s>", szJson.c_str()); JSONNode root = JSONNode::parse(szJson); CMStringA errorCode = root["errorCode"].as_mstring(); if (!errorCode.IsEmpty()) { if (!m_QueueCreated && (errorCode == "ERROR_QUEUE_OVERFLOW" || errorCode == "ERROR_QUEUE_NOT_FOUND" || errorCode == "ERROR_QUEUE_LOST" || errorCode == "ERROR_QUEUE_EXCEEDS_MAX_DELTAS")) { m_QueueCreated = true; // prevent queue creation request from being sent twice delSetting(DBKEY_SYNC_TOKEN); m_szSyncToken.Empty(); delSetting(DBKEY_SID); m_sid = 0; if (!RefreshSid()) { ConnectionFailed(); return; } MqttQueueConnect(); } } CMStringW str = root["lastIssuedSeqId"].as_mstring(); if (!str.IsEmpty()) { setWString(DBKEY_SID, str); m_sid = _wtoi64(str); } str = root["syncToken"].as_mstring(); if (!str.IsEmpty()) { m_szSyncToken = str; setString(DBKEY_SYNC_TOKEN, m_szSyncToken); return; } for (auto &it : root["deltas"]) { for (auto &handler : MsgHandlers) { auto &json = it[handler.messageType]; if (json) { (this->*(handler.pFunc))(json); break; } } } } // new message arrived struct { const char *szTag, *szClientVersion; } static facebookClients[] = { { "source:titan:web", "Facebook (website)" }, { "app_id:256002347743983", "Facebook (Facebook Messenger)" } }; void FacebookProto::FetchAttach(const CMStringA &mid, __int64 fbid, CMStringA &szBody) { for (int iAttempt = 0; iAttempt < 5; iAttempt++) { auto *pReq = CreateRequest(FB_API_URL_ATTACH, "getAttachment", "messaging.getAttachment"); pReq << CHAR_PARAM("mid", mid) << INT64_PARAM("aid", fbid); pReq->CalcSig(); JsonReply reply(ExecuteRequest(pReq)); switch (reply.error()) { case 0: { std::string uri = reply.data()["redirect_uri"].as_string(); std::string type = reply.data()["content_type"].as_string(); if (!uri.empty()) szBody.AppendFormat("\r\n%s: %s", TranslateU(type.find("image/") != -1 ? "Picture attachment" : "File attachment"), uri.c_str()); } return; case 509: // attachment isn't ready, wait a bit and retry ::Sleep(100); continue; default: // shit happened, exiting return; } } } void FacebookProto::OnPublishPrivateMessage(const JSONNode &root) { auto &metadata = root["messageMetadata"]; __int64 offlineId = _wtoi64(metadata["offlineThreadingId"].as_mstring()); if (!offlineId) { debugLogA("We care about messages only, event skipped"); return; } bool bIsChat; CMStringW wszUserId; auto *pUser = UserFromJson(metadata, wszUserId, bIsChat); if (!bIsChat && pUser == nullptr) pUser = AddContact(wszUserId, true); else if (bIsChat && (pUser == nullptr || !pUser->bIsChatInitialized)) // chat room does not exists or is not initialized pUser = RefreshThread(wszUserId); if (pUser == nullptr) { debugLogA("User not found and adding failed, event skipped"); return; } for (auto &it : metadata["tags"]) { auto *szTagName = it.name(); for (auto &cli : facebookClients) { if (!mir_strcmp(szTagName, cli.szTag)) { setString(pUser->hContact, "MirVer", cli.szClientVersion); break; } } } CMStringA szId(metadata["messageId"].as_mstring()); if (CheckOwnMessage(pUser, offlineId, szId)) { debugLogA("own message <%s> skipped", szId.c_str()); return; } if (db_event_getById(m_szModuleName, szId)) { debugLogA("this message <%s> was already stored, exiting", szId.c_str()); return; } // parse message body CMStringA szBody(root["body"].as_string().c_str()); if (szBody.IsEmpty()) szBody = metadata["snippet"].as_string().c_str(); // parse stickers CMStringA stickerId = root["stickerId"].as_mstring(); if (!stickerId.IsEmpty()) { if (ServiceExists(MS_SMILEYADD_LOADCONTACTSMILEYS)) { CMStringW wszPath(FORMAT, L"%s\\%S\\Stickers", VARSW(L"%miranda_avatarcache%").get(), m_szModuleName); CreateDirectoryTreeW(wszPath); bool bSuccess = false; CMStringW wszFileName(FORMAT, L"%s\\STK{%S}.png", wszPath.c_str(), stickerId.c_str()); uint32_t dwAttrib = GetFileAttributesW(wszFileName); if (dwAttrib == INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) { wszFileName.Format(L"%s\\STK{%S}.webp", wszPath.c_str(), stickerId.c_str()); dwAttrib = GetFileAttributesW(wszFileName); } // new sticker if (dwAttrib == INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) { auto *pReq = CreateRequestGQL(FB_API_QUERY_STICKER); pReq << CHAR_PARAM("query_params", CMStringA(FORMAT, "{\"0\":[\"%s\"]}", stickerId.c_str())); pReq->CalcSig(); JsonReply reply(ExecuteRequest(pReq)); if (!reply.error()) { for (auto &sticker : reply.data()) { // std::string szUrl = sticker["animated_image"]["uri"].as_string(); // if (szUrl.empty()) // szUrl = sticker["thread_image"]["uri"].as_string(); // else // wszFileName.Format(L"%s\\STK{%S}.webp", wszPath.c_str(), stickerId.c_str()); std::string szUrl = sticker["thread_image"]["uri"].as_string(); NETLIBHTTPREQUEST req = {}; req.cbSize = sizeof(req); req.flags = NLHRF_NODUMP | NLHRF_SSL | NLHRF_HTTP11 | NLHRF_REDIRECT; req.requestType = REQUEST_GET; req.szUrl = (char*)szUrl.c_str(); NETLIBHTTPREQUEST *pReply = Netlib_HttpTransaction(m_hNetlibUser, &req); if (pReply != nullptr && pReply->resultCode == 200 && pReply->pData && pReply->dataLength) { bSuccess = true; FILE *out = _wfopen(wszFileName, L"wb"); fwrite(pReply->pData, 1, pReply->dataLength, out); fclose(out); } } } } else bSuccess = true; if (bSuccess) { if (!szBody.IsEmpty()) szBody += "\r\n"; szBody += "STK{" + stickerId + "}"; SMADD_CONT cont = { 1, m_szModuleName, wszFileName }; CallService(MS_SMILEYADD_LOADCONTACTSMILEYS, 0, LPARAM(&cont)); } else szBody += TranslateU("Sticker received"); } else szBody += TranslateU("SmileyAdd plugin required to support stickers"); } // parse attachments (links, files, ...) for (auto &it : root["attachments"]) { // madness... json inside json CMStringA szJson(it["xmaGraphQL"].as_mstring()); if (szJson.IsEmpty()) { __int64 fbid = _wtoi64(it["fbid"].as_mstring()); if (fbid == 0) { debugLogA("Neither a GQL nor an inline attachment, nothing to do"); continue; } // inline attachment, request its description FetchAttach(szId, fbid, szBody); continue; } JSONROOT nBody(szJson); if (!nBody) continue; const JSONNode &attach = (*nBody).at((json_index_t)0)["story_attachment"]; szBody += "\r\n-----------------------------------"; CMStringA str = attach["url"].as_mstring(); if (!str.IsEmpty()) { if (str.Left(8) == "fbrpc://") { int iStart = str.Find("target_url="); if (iStart != 0) { CMStringA tmp; iStart += 11; int iEnd = str.Find("&", iStart); if (iEnd != -1) tmp = str.Mid(iStart, iEnd - iStart); else tmp = str.Right(iStart); mir_urlDecode(tmp.GetBuffer()); szBody.AppendFormat("\r\n\t%s: %s", TranslateU("URL"), tmp.c_str()); } } else szBody.AppendFormat("\r\n\t%s: %s", TranslateU("URL"), str.c_str()); } str = attach["title"].as_string().c_str(); if (!str.IsEmpty()) szBody.AppendFormat("\r\n\t%s: %s", TranslateU("Title"), str.c_str()); str = attach["source"]["text"].as_string().c_str(); if (!str.IsEmpty()) szBody.AppendFormat("\r\n\t%s: %s", TranslateU("Source"), str.c_str()); str = attach["description"]["text"].as_string().c_str(); if (!str.IsEmpty()) szBody.AppendFormat("\r\n\t%s: %s", TranslateU("Description"), str.c_str()); str = attach["media"]["playable_url"].as_string().c_str(); if (!str.IsEmpty()) szBody.AppendFormat("\r\n\t%s: %s", TranslateU("Playable media"), str.c_str()); } // if that's a group chat, send it to the room CMStringW wszActorFbId(metadata["actorFbId"].as_mstring()); __int64 actorFbId = _wtoi64(wszActorFbId); if (pUser->bIsChat) { szBody.Replace("%", "%%"); ptrW wszText(mir_utf8decodeW(szBody)); // TODO: GC_EVENT_JOIN for chat participants which are missing (for example added later during group chat) GCEVENT gce = { m_szModuleName, 0, GC_EVENT_MESSAGE }; gce.pszID.w = wszUserId; gce.dwFlags = GCEF_ADDTOLOG; gce.pszUID.w = wszActorFbId; gce.pszText.w = wszText; gce.time = time(0); gce.bIsMe = actorFbId == m_uid; Chat_Event(&gce); debugLogA("New channel %lld message from %S: %s", pUser->id, gce.pszUID.w, gce.pszText.w); } else { // otherwise store a private message PROTORECVEVENT pre = {}; pre.timestamp = uint32_t(_wtoi64(metadata["timestamp"].as_mstring()) / 1000); pre.szMessage = (char *)szBody.c_str(); pre.szMsgId = (char *)szId.c_str(); if (m_uid == actorFbId) pre.flags |= PREF_SENT; ProtoChainRecvMsg(pUser->hContact, &pre); } } // changing thread name void FacebookProto::OnPublishThreadName(const JSONNode &root) { auto &metadata = root["messageMetadata"]; __int64 offlineId = _wtoi64(metadata["offlineThreadingId"].as_mstring()); if (!offlineId) { debugLogA("We care about messages only, event skipped"); return; } bool bIsChat; CMStringW wszUserId; auto *pUser = UserFromJson(metadata, wszUserId, bIsChat); if (!bIsChat || pUser == nullptr) return; CMStringW wszTitle = root["name"].as_mstring(); if (!wszTitle.IsEmpty()) setWString(pUser->hContact, DBKEY_NICK, wszTitle); else delSetting(pUser->hContact, DBKEY_NICK); } // user joined chat void FacebookProto::OnPublishChatJoin(const JSONNode &root) { auto &metadata = root["messageMetadata"]; __int64 offlineId = _wtoi64(metadata["offlineThreadingId"].as_mstring()); if (!offlineId) { debugLogA("We care about messages only, event skipped"); return; } bool bIsChat; CMStringW wszUserId; auto *pUser = UserFromJson(metadata, wszUserId, bIsChat); if (!bIsChat || pUser == nullptr) return; CMStringW wszText(metadata["adminText"].as_mstring()); for (auto &it : root["addedParticipants"]) { CMStringW wszNick(it["fullName"].as_mstring()), wszId(it["userFbId"].as_mstring()); GCEVENT gce = { m_szModuleName, 0, GC_EVENT_JOIN }; gce.pszID.w = wszUserId; gce.dwFlags = GCEF_ADDTOLOG; gce.pszNick.w = wszNick; gce.pszUID.w = wszId; gce.pszText.w = wszText; gce.time = time(0); gce.bIsMe = _wtoi64(wszId) == m_uid; Chat_Event(&gce); } } // user left chat void FacebookProto::OnPublishChatLeave(const JSONNode &root) { auto &metadata = root["messageMetadata"]; __int64 offlineId = _wtoi64(metadata["offlineThreadingId"].as_mstring()); if (!offlineId) { debugLogA("We care about messages only, event skipped"); return; } bool bIsChat; CMStringW wszUserId; auto *pUser = UserFromJson(metadata, wszUserId, bIsChat); if (!bIsChat || pUser == nullptr) return; CMStringW wszText(metadata["adminText"].as_mstring()), wszId(root["leftParticipantFbId"].as_mstring()); GCEVENT gce = { m_szModuleName, 0, GC_EVENT_PART }; gce.pszID.w = wszUserId; gce.dwFlags = GCEF_ADDTOLOG; gce.pszUID.w = wszId; gce.pszText.w = wszText; gce.time = time(0); gce.bIsMe = _wtoi64(wszId) == m_uid; Chat_Event(&gce); } // read notification void FacebookProto::OnPublishReadReceipt(const JSONNode &root) { CMStringW wszUserId; bool bIsChat; auto *pUser = UserFromJson(root, wszUserId, bIsChat); if (pUser == nullptr) { debugLogA("Message from unknown contact %S, ignored", wszUserId.c_str()); return; } uint32_t timestamp = _wtoi64(root["watermarkTimestampMs"].as_mstring()); for (MEVENT ev = db_event_firstUnread(pUser->hContact); ev != 0; ev = db_event_next(pUser->hContact, ev)) { DBEVENTINFO dbei = {}; if (db_event_get(ev, &dbei)) continue; if (dbei.timestamp > timestamp) break; if (!dbei.markedRead()) db_event_markRead(pUser->hContact, ev); } } // my own message was sent bool FacebookProto::CheckOwnMessage(FacebookUser *pUser, __int64 offlineId, const char *pszMsgId) { COwnMessage tmp; if (!ExtractOwnMessage(offlineId, tmp)) return false; if (pUser->bIsChat) { CMStringW wszId(FORMAT, L"%lld", m_uid); tmp.wszText.Replace(L"%", L"%%"); wchar_t userId[100]; _i64tow_s(pUser->id, userId, _countof(userId), 10); GCEVENT gce = { m_szModuleName, 0, GC_EVENT_MESSAGE }; gce.pszID.w = userId; gce.dwFlags = GCEF_ADDTOLOG; gce.pszUID.w = wszId; gce.pszText.w = tmp.wszText; gce.time = time(0); gce.bIsMe = true; Chat_Event(&gce); } else ProtoBroadcastAck(pUser->hContact, ACKTYPE_MESSAGE, ACKRESULT_SUCCESS, (HANDLE)tmp.reqId, (LPARAM)pszMsgId); return true; } void FacebookProto::OnPublishSentMessage(const JSONNode &root) { auto &metadata = root["messageMetadata"]; __int64 offlineId = _wtoi64(metadata["offlineThreadingId"].as_mstring()); CMStringW wszUserId; bool bIsChat; auto *pUser = UserFromJson(metadata, wszUserId, bIsChat); if (pUser == nullptr) { debugLogA("Message from unknown contact %s, ignored", wszUserId.c_str()); return; } std::string szMsgId(metadata["messageId"].as_string()); CheckOwnMessage(pUser, offlineId, szMsgId.c_str()); }