/* Facebook plugin for Miranda Instant Messenger _____________________________________________ Copyright � 2009-11 Michal Zelinka, 2011-16 Robert P�sel This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "stdafx.h" void facebook_client::client_notify(wchar_t* message) { parent->NotifyEvent(parent->m_tszUserName, message, NULL, EVENT_CLIENT); } http::response facebook_client::flap(RequestType request_type, std::string *post_data, std::string *get_data) { http::response resp; if (parent->isOffline()) { resp.code = HTTP_CODE_FAKE_OFFLINE; return resp; } // Prepare the request NETLIBHTTPREQUEST nlhr = { sizeof(NETLIBHTTPREQUEST) }; std::string server = choose_server(request_type); // Set request URL std::string url = HTTP_PROTO_SECURE + server + choose_action(request_type, get_data); if (!parent->m_locale.empty()) url += "&locale=" + parent->m_locale; nlhr.szUrl = (char*)url.c_str(); // Set timeout (bigger for channel request) switch (request_type) { case REQUEST_MESSAGES_RECEIVE: nlhr.timeout = 1000 * 65; break; default: nlhr.timeout = 1000 * 20; break; } // Set request type (GET/POST) and eventually also POST data if (post_data != NULL) { nlhr.requestType = REQUEST_POST; nlhr.pData = (char*)(*post_data).c_str(); nlhr.dataLength = (int)post_data->length(); } else { nlhr.requestType = REQUEST_GET; } // Set headers - it depends on requestType so it must be after setting that nlhr.headers = get_request_headers(nlhr.requestType, &nlhr.headersCount); // Set flags nlhr.flags = NLHRF_HTTP11 | NLHRF_SSL; if (server == FACEBOOK_SERVER_MBASIC || server == FACEBOOK_SERVER_MOBILE) { nlhr.flags |= NLHRF_REDIRECT; } #ifdef _DEBUG nlhr.flags |= NLHRF_DUMPASTEXT; #else nlhr.flags |= NLHRF_NODUMP; #endif // Set persistent connection (or not) switch (request_type) { case REQUEST_LOGIN: nlhr.nlc = NULL; break; case REQUEST_MESSAGES_RECEIVE: nlhr.nlc = hMsgCon; nlhr.flags |= NLHRF_PERSISTENT; break; default: WaitForSingleObject(fcb_conn_lock_, INFINITE); nlhr.nlc = hFcbCon; nlhr.flags |= NLHRF_PERSISTENT; break; } parent->debugLogA("@@@ Sending request to '%s'", nlhr.szUrl); // Send the request NETLIBHTTPREQUEST *pnlhr = (NETLIBHTTPREQUEST*)CallService(MS_NETLIB_HTTPTRANSACTION, (WPARAM)handle_, (LPARAM)&nlhr); mir_free(nlhr.headers[3].szValue); mir_free(nlhr.headers); // Remember the persistent connection handle (or not) switch (request_type) { case REQUEST_LOGIN: case REQUEST_SETUP_MACHINE: break; case REQUEST_MESSAGES_RECEIVE: hMsgCon = pnlhr ? pnlhr->nlc : NULL; break; default: ReleaseMutex(fcb_conn_lock_); hFcbCon = pnlhr ? pnlhr->nlc : NULL; break; } // Check and copy response data if (pnlhr != NULL) { parent->debugLogA("@@@ Got response with code %d", pnlhr->resultCode); store_headers(&resp, pnlhr->headers, pnlhr->headersCount); resp.code = pnlhr->resultCode; resp.data = pnlhr->pData ? pnlhr->pData : ""; CallService(MS_NETLIB_FREEHTTPREQUESTSTRUCT, 0, (LPARAM)pnlhr); } else { parent->debugLogA("!!! No response from server (time-out)"); resp.code = HTTP_CODE_FAKE_DISCONNECTED; // Better to have something set explicitely as this value is compaired in all communication requests } // Get Facebook's error message if (resp.code == HTTP_CODE_OK) { std::string::size_type pos = resp.data.find("\"error\":"); if (pos != std::string::npos) { pos += 8; int error_num = atoi(resp.data.substr(pos, resp.data.find(",", pos) - pos).c_str()); if (error_num != 0) { std::string error; pos = resp.data.find("\"errorDescription\":\"", pos); if (pos != std::string::npos) { pos += 20; std::string::size_type pos2 = resp.data.find("\",\"", pos); if (pos2 == std::string::npos) { pos2 = resp.data.find("\"", pos); } error = resp.data.substr(pos, pos2 - pos); error = utils::text::trim(utils::text::html_entities_decode(utils::text::remove_html(utils::text::slashu_to_utf8(error)))); error = ptrA(mir_utf8decodeA(error.c_str())); } std::string title; pos = resp.data.find("\"errorSummary\":\"", pos); if (pos != std::string::npos) { pos += 16; title = resp.data.substr(pos, resp.data.find("\"", pos) - pos); title = utils::text::trim(utils::text::html_entities_decode(utils::text::remove_html(utils::text::slashu_to_utf8(title)))); title = ptrA(mir_utf8decodeA(title.c_str())); } bool silent = resp.data.find("\"silentError\":1") != std::string::npos; resp.error_number = error_num; resp.error_text = error; resp.error_title = title; resp.code = HTTP_CODE_FAKE_ERROR; parent->debugLogA("!!! Received Facebook error: %d -- %s", error_num, error.c_str()); if (notify_errors(request_type) && !silent) client_notify(_A2T(error.c_str())); } } } return resp; } bool facebook_client::handle_entry(const std::string &method) { parent->debugLogA(" >> Entering %s()", method.c_str()); return true; } bool facebook_client::handle_success(const std::string &method) { parent->debugLogA(" << Quitting %s()", method.c_str()); reset_error(); return true; } bool facebook_client::handle_error(const std::string &method, int action) { increment_error(); parent->debugLogA("!!! %s(): Something with Facebook went wrong", method.c_str()); bool result = (error_count_ <= (UINT)parent->getByte(FACEBOOK_KEY_TIMEOUTS_LIMIT, FACEBOOK_TIMEOUTS_LIMIT)); if (action == FORCE_DISCONNECT || action == FORCE_QUIT) result = false; if (!result) { reset_error(); if (action != FORCE_QUIT) parent->SetStatus(ID_STATUS_OFFLINE); } return result; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// std::string facebook_client::choose_server(RequestType request_type) { switch (request_type) { case REQUEST_LOGIN: return FACEBOOK_SERVER_LOGIN; case REQUEST_MESSAGES_RECEIVE: case REQUEST_ACTIVE_PING: { std::string server = FACEBOOK_SERVER_CHAT; utils::text::replace_first(&server, "%s", this->chat_conn_num_.empty() ? "0" : this->chat_conn_num_); utils::text::replace_first(&server, "%s", this->chat_channel_host_); return server; } case REQUEST_HOME: case REQUEST_DTSG: return FACEBOOK_SERVER_MOBILE; case REQUEST_LOAD_FRIENDSHIPS: case REQUEST_SEARCH: case REQUEST_USER_INFO_MOBILE: case REQUEST_PROFILE_PICTURE: return this->mbasicWorks ? FACEBOOK_SERVER_MBASIC : FACEBOOK_SERVER_MOBILE; // case REQUEST_LOGOUT: // case REQUEST_USER_INFO: // case REQUEST_USER_INFO_ALL: // case REQUEST_FEEDS: // case REQUEST_PAGES: // case REQUEST_NOTIFICATIONS: // case REQUEST_RECONNECT: // case REQUEST_POST_STATUS: // case REQUEST_IDENTITY_SWITCH: // case REQUEST_CAPTCHA_REFRESH: // case REQUEST_LINK_SCRAPER: // case REQUEST_MESSAGES_SEND: // case REQUEST_THREAD_INFO: // case REQUEST_THREAD_SYNC: // case REQUEST_VISIBILITY: // case REQUEST_POKE: // case REQUEST_MARK_READ: // case REQUEST_NOTIFICATIONS_READ: // case REQUEST_TYPING_SEND: // case REQUEST_SETUP_MACHINE: // case REQUEST_DELETE_FRIEND: // case REQUEST_ADD_FRIEND: // case REQUEST_CANCEL_FRIENDSHIP: // case REQUEST_FRIENDSHIP: // case REQUEST_UNREAD_THREADS: // case REQUEST_ON_THIS_DAY: // case REQUEST_LOGIN_SMS: default: return FACEBOOK_SERVER_REGULAR; } } std::string facebook_client::choose_action(RequestType request_type, std::string *get_data) { // NOTE: Parameter "client" used in some requests's POST data could be "jewel" (top bar?), "mercury" (chat window, source=source:chat:web) or "web_messenger" (whole chat messages page, source=source:titan:web) switch (request_type) { case REQUEST_LOGIN: { std::string action = "/login.php?login_attempt=1"; if (get_data != NULL) { action += *get_data; } return action; } case REQUEST_SETUP_MACHINE: return "/checkpoint/?next"; case REQUEST_LOGOUT: return "/logout.php?"; case REQUEST_HOME: return "/profile.php?v=info"; case REQUEST_DTSG: return "/editprofile.php?edit=current_city&type=basic"; case REQUEST_USER_INFO: // ok, 17.8.2016 return "/chat/user_info/?dpr=1"; case REQUEST_USER_INFO_ALL: // ok, 17.8.2016 return "/chat/user_info_all/?dpr=1&viewer=" + self_.user_id; case REQUEST_USER_INFO_MOBILE: { std::string action = "/%sv=info"; if (get_data != NULL) { utils::text::replace_all(&action, "%s", *get_data); } return action; } case REQUEST_LOAD_FRIENDSHIPS: { return "/friends/center/requests/?"; } case REQUEST_SEARCH: { std::string action = "/search/?search=people&query="; if (get_data != NULL) { action += *get_data; } return action; } case REQUEST_UNREAD_THREADS: // ok, 17.8.2016 { return "/ajax/mercury/unread_threads.php?dpr=1"; } case REQUEST_DELETE_FRIEND: { std::string action = "/ajax/profile/removefriendconfirm.php?__a=1"; if (get_data != NULL) { action += *get_data; } return action; } case REQUEST_ADD_FRIEND: { return "/ajax/add_friend/action.php?__a=1"; } case REQUEST_CANCEL_FRIENDSHIP: { return "/ajax/friends/requests/cancel.php?__a=1"; } case REQUEST_FRIENDSHIP: { return "/requests/friends/ajax/?__a=1"; } case REQUEST_FEEDS: { std::string action = "/ajax/home/generic.php?" + get_newsfeed_type(); action += "&__user=" + self_.user_id + "&__a=1"; /*std::string newest = utils::conversion::to_string((void*)&this->last_feeds_update_, UTILS_CONV_TIME_T); utils::text::replace_first(&action, "%s", newest); utils::text::replace_first(&action, "%s", self_.user_id);*/ return action; } case REQUEST_PAGES: { return "/bookmarks/pages?"; } case REQUEST_NOTIFICATIONS: // ok, 17.8.2016 { return "/ajax/notifications/client/get.php?dpr=1"; } case REQUEST_RECONNECT: // ok, 17.8.2016 { std::string action = "/ajax/presence/reconnect.php?__a=1&reason=%s&fb_dtsg=%s&__user=%s"; if (this->chat_reconnect_reason_.empty()) this->chat_reconnect_reason_ = "6"; utils::text::replace_first(&action, "%s", this->chat_reconnect_reason_); utils::text::replace_first(&action, "%s", this->dtsg_); utils::text::replace_first(&action, "%s", this->self_.user_id); action += "&__dyn=" + __dyn(); action += "&__req=" + __req(); action += "&__rev=" + __rev(); action += "&__pc=PHASED:DEFAULT&__be=-1&__a=1"; return action; } case REQUEST_POST_STATUS: return "/ajax/updatestatus.php?__a=1"; case REQUEST_IDENTITY_SWITCH: return "/identity_switch.php?__a=1"; case REQUEST_CAPTCHA_REFRESH: { std::string action = "/captcha/refresh_ajax.php?__a=1"; if (get_data != NULL) { action += "&" + (*get_data); } return action; } case REQUEST_LINK_SCRAPER: { std::string action = "/ajax/composerx/attachment/link/scraper/?__a=1&composerurihash=2&scrape_url="; if (get_data != NULL) { action += utils::url::encode(*get_data); } return action; } case REQUEST_MESSAGES_SEND: return "/messaging/send/?dpr=1"; case REQUEST_THREAD_INFO: // ok, 17.8.2016 return "/ajax/mercury/thread_info.php?dpr=1"; case REQUEST_THREAD_SYNC: // TODO: This doesn't work anymore return "/ajax/mercury/thread_sync.php?__a=1"; case REQUEST_MESSAGES_RECEIVE: case REQUEST_ACTIVE_PING: { bool isPing = (request_type == REQUEST_ACTIVE_PING); std::string action = (isPing ? "/active_ping" : "/pull"); action += "?channel=" + (this->chat_channel_.empty() ? "p_" + self_.user_id : this->chat_channel_); if (!isPing) action += "&seq=" + (this->chat_sequence_num_.empty() ? "0" : this->chat_sequence_num_); action += "&partition=" + (this->chat_channel_partition_.empty() ? "0" : this->chat_channel_partition_); action += "&clientid=" + this->chat_clientid_; action += "&cb=" + utils::text::rand_string(4, "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", &this->random_); /* original cb = return (1048576 * Math.random() | 0).toString(36); char buffer[10]; itoa(((int)(1048576 * (((double)rand()) / (RAND_MAX + 1))) | 0), buffer, 36); action += "&cb=" + buffer; */ int idleSeconds = parent->IdleSeconds(); if (idleSeconds > 0 && !parent->isInvisible()) action += "&idle=" + utils::conversion::to_string(&idleSeconds, UTILS_CONV_UNSIGNED_NUMBER); if (!isPing) { action += "&qp=y"; // TODO: what's this item? action += "&pws=fresh"; // TODO: what's this item? action += "&isq=487632"; // TODO: what's this item? action += "&msgs_recv=" + utils::conversion::to_string(&this->chat_msgs_recv_, UTILS_CONV_UNSIGNED_NUMBER); // TODO: sometimes there is &tur=1711 and &qpmade= and &isq=487632 // action += "&request_batch=1"; // it somehow batches up more responses to one - then response has special "t=batched" type and "batches" array with the data // action += "&msgr_region=LLA"; // it was here only for first pull, same as request_batch } action += "&cap=8"; // TODO: what's this item? Sometimes it's 0, sometimes 8 action += "&uid=" + self_.user_id; action += "&viewer_uid=" + self_.user_id; if (!this->chat_sticky_num_.empty() && !this->chat_sticky_pool_.empty()) { action += "&sticky_token=" + this->chat_sticky_num_; action += "&sticky_pool=" + this->chat_sticky_pool_; } if (!isPing && !this->chat_traceid_.empty()) action += "&traceid=" + this->chat_traceid_; if (parent->isInvisible()) action += "&state=offline"; else if (isPing || idleSeconds < 60) action += "&state=active"; return action; } case REQUEST_VISIBILITY: return "/ajax/chat/privacy/visibility.php?dpr=1"; // ok, 17.8.2016 case REQUEST_POKE: return "/pokes/dialog/?__a=1"; case REQUEST_MARK_READ: return "/ajax/mercury/change_read_status.php?__a=1"; case REQUEST_NOTIFICATIONS_READ: { std::string action = "/ajax/notifications/mark_read.php?__a=1"; if (get_data != NULL) { action += "&" + (*get_data); } return action; } case REQUEST_TYPING_SEND: return "/ajax/messaging/typ.php?dpr=1"; // ok, 17.8.2016 case REQUEST_ON_THIS_DAY: { std::string action = "/onthisday/story/query/?__a=1"; if (get_data != NULL) { action += "&" + (*get_data); } return action; } case REQUEST_LOGIN_SMS: { return "/ajax/login/approvals/send_sms?dpr=1"; } case REQUEST_PROFILE_PICTURE: { return "/profile/picture/view/?profile_id=" + self_.user_id; } default: return "/?_fb_noscript=1"; } } bool facebook_client::notify_errors(RequestType request_type) { switch (request_type) { case REQUEST_MESSAGES_SEND: return false; default: return true; } } NETLIBHTTPHEADER *facebook_client::get_request_headers(int request_type, int *headers_count) { if (request_type == REQUEST_POST) *headers_count = 5; else *headers_count = 4; NETLIBHTTPHEADER *headers = (NETLIBHTTPHEADER*)mir_calloc(sizeof(NETLIBHTTPHEADER)*(*headers_count)); if (request_type == REQUEST_POST) { headers[4].szName = "Content-Type"; headers[4].szValue = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8"; } headers[3].szName = "Cookie"; headers[3].szValue = load_cookies(); headers[2].szName = "User-Agent"; headers[2].szValue = (char *)g_strUserAgent.c_str(); headers[1].szName = "Accept"; headers[1].szValue = "*/*"; headers[0].szName = "Accept-Language"; headers[0].szValue = "en,en-US;q=0.9"; return headers; } std::string facebook_client::get_newsfeed_type() { BYTE feed_type = parent->getByte(FACEBOOK_KEY_FEED_TYPE, 0); if (feed_type >= _countof(feed_types)) feed_type = 0; std::string ret = "sk="; ret += feed_types[feed_type].id; ret += "&key="; ret += (feed_type < 2 ? "nf" : feed_types[feed_type].id); return ret; } std::string facebook_client::get_server_type() { BYTE server_type = parent->getByte(FACEBOOK_KEY_SERVER_TYPE, 0); if (server_type >= _countof(server_types)) server_type = 0; return server_types[server_type].id; } std::string facebook_client::get_privacy_type() { BYTE privacy_type = parent->getByte(FACEBOOK_KEY_PRIVACY_TYPE, 0); if (privacy_type >= _countof(privacy_types)) privacy_type = 0; return privacy_types[privacy_type].id; } char* facebook_client::load_cookies() { ScopedLock s(cookies_lock_); std::string cookieString; if (!cookies.empty()) { for (std::map< std::string, std::string >::iterator iter = cookies.begin(); iter != cookies.end(); ++iter) { cookieString.append(iter->first); cookieString.append(1, '='); cookieString.append(iter->second); cookieString.append(1, ';'); } } return mir_strdup(cookieString.c_str()); } void facebook_client::store_headers(http::response* resp, NETLIBHTTPHEADER* headers, int headersCount) { ScopedLock c(cookies_lock_); for (int i = 0; i < headersCount; i++) { std::string header_name = headers[i].szName; std::string header_value = headers[i].szValue; if (header_name == "Set-Cookie") { std::string::size_type pos = header_value.find("="); std::string cookie_name = header_value.substr(0, pos); std::string cookie_value = header_value.substr(pos + 1, header_value.find(";", pos) - pos - 1); if (cookie_value == "deleted") cookies.erase(cookie_name); else cookies[cookie_name] = cookie_value; } else { resp->headers[header_name] = header_value; } } } void facebook_client::clear_cookies() { ScopedLock s(cookies_lock_); if (!cookies.empty()) cookies.clear(); } void facebook_client::clear_notifications() { ScopedLock s(notifications_lock_); for (auto it = notifications.begin(); it != notifications.end();) { if (it->second->hWndPopup != NULL) PUDeletePopup(it->second->hWndPopup); // close popup delete it->second; it = notifications.erase(it); } notifications.clear(); } void facebook_client::clear_chatrooms() { for (auto it = chat_rooms.begin(); it != chat_rooms.end();) { delete it->second; it = chat_rooms.erase(it); } chat_rooms.clear(); } /** * Clears readers info for all contacts from readers list and db */ void facebook_client::clear_readers() { for (std::map::iterator it = readers.begin(); it != readers.end();) { if (parent->isChatRoom(it->first)) parent->delSetting(it->first, FACEBOOK_KEY_MESSAGE_READERS); parent->delSetting(it->first, FACEBOOK_KEY_MESSAGE_READ); it = readers.erase(it); } readers.clear(); } /** * Inserts info to readers list, db and writes to statusbar */ void facebook_client::insert_reader(MCONTACT hContact, time_t timestamp, const std::string &readerId) { if (!hContact) return; if (parent->isChatRoom(hContact)) { std::string tid = ptrA(parent->getStringA(hContact, "ChatRoomID")); std::string name = readerId; // get name of this participant from chatroom's participants list auto itRoom = chat_rooms.find(tid); if (itRoom != chat_rooms.end()) { facebook_chatroom *chatroom = itRoom->second; std::map participants = chatroom->participants; // try to get name of this participant auto participant = participants.find(readerId); if (participant != participants.end()) { name = participant->second.nick; } } std::wstring treaderName = _A2T(name.c_str(), CP_UTF8); std::wstring treaders; // Load old readers ptrW told(parent->getWStringA(hContact, FACEBOOK_KEY_MESSAGE_READERS)); if (told) treaders = std::wstring(told) + L", "; // Append new reader name and remember them treaders += utils::text::prepare_name(treaderName, true); parent->setWString(hContact, FACEBOOK_KEY_MESSAGE_READERS, treaders.c_str()); } parent->setDword(hContact, FACEBOOK_KEY_MESSAGE_READ, timestamp); readers.insert(std::make_pair(hContact, timestamp)); parent->MessageRead(hContact); if (ServiceExists(MS_MESSAGESTATE_UPDATE)) { MessageReadData data(timestamp, MRD_TYPE_READTIME); CallService(MS_MESSAGESTATE_UPDATE, hContact, (LPARAM)&data); } } /** * Removes info from readers list, db and clears statusbar */ void facebook_client::erase_reader(MCONTACT hContact) { if (parent->isChatRoom(hContact)) { parent->delSetting(hContact, FACEBOOK_KEY_MESSAGE_READERS); } parent->delSetting(hContact, FACEBOOK_KEY_MESSAGE_READ); readers.erase(hContact); CallService(MS_MSG_SETSTATUSTEXT, (WPARAM)hContact); } void loginError(FacebookProto *proto, std::string error_str) { utils::text::replace_all(&error_str, "
", "\n"); utils::text::replace_all(&error_str, "\n\n\n", "\n\n"); error_str = utils::text::trim( utils::text::html_entities_decode( utils::text::remove_html(error_str))); proto->debugLogA("!!! Login error: %s", !error_str.empty() ? error_str.c_str() : "Unknown error"); wchar_t buf[200]; mir_snwprintf(buf, TranslateT("Login error: %s"), (error_str.empty()) ? TranslateT("Unknown error") : ptrW(mir_utf8decodeW(error_str.c_str()))); proto->facy.client_notify(buf); } void parseJsCookies(const std::string &search, const std::string &data, std::map &cookies) { std::string::size_type pos = 0; while ((pos = data.find(search, pos)) != std::string::npos) { pos += search.length(); std::string::size_type pos2 = data.find("\",\"", pos); if (pos2 == std::string::npos) continue; std::string name = utils::url::encode(data.substr(pos, pos2 - pos)); pos = pos2 + 3; pos2 = data.find("\"", pos); if (pos2 == std::string::npos) continue; std::string value = data.substr(pos, pos2 - pos); cookies[name] = utils::url::encode(utils::text::html_entities_decode(value)); } } bool facebook_client::login(const char *username, const char *password) { handle_entry("login"); username_ = username; password_ = password; // Prepare login data std::string data = "persistent=1"; data += "&email=" + utils::url::encode(username); data += "&pass=" + utils::url::encode(password); std::string get_data = ""; if (cookies.empty()) { // Set device ID ptrA device(parent->getStringA(FACEBOOK_KEY_DEVICE_ID)); if (device != NULL) cookies["datr"] = device; // Get initial cookies http::response resp = flap(REQUEST_LOGIN); // Also parse cookies set by JavaScript (more variant exists in time, so check all known now) parseJsCookies("[\"DeferredCookie\",\"addToQueue\",[],[\"", resp.data, cookies); parseJsCookies("[\"Cookie\",\"setIfFirstPartyContext\",[],[\"", resp.data, cookies); // Parse hidden inputs and other data std::string form = utils::text::source_get_value(&resp.data, 2, ""); utils::text::replace_all(&form, "\\\"", "\""); data += "&" + utils::text::source_get_form_data(&form, true); get_data += "&" + utils::text::source_get_value(&form, 2, "login.php?login_attempt=1&", "\""); } data += "&lgndim=eyJ3IjoxOTIwLCJoIjoxMDgwLCJhdyI6MTgzNCwiYWgiOjEwODAsImMiOjMyfQ=="; // means base64 encoded: {"w":1920,"h":1080,"aw":1834,"ah":1080,"c":32} // Send validation http::response resp = flap(REQUEST_LOGIN, &data, &get_data); // Save Device ID if (!cookies["datr"].empty()) parent->setString(FACEBOOK_KEY_DEVICE_ID, cookies["datr"].c_str()); if (resp.code == HTTP_CODE_FOUND && resp.headers.find("Location") != resp.headers.end()) { std::string location = resp.headers["Location"]; // Check for invalid requests if (location.find("invalid_request.php") != std::string::npos) { client_notify(TranslateT("Login error: Invalid request.")); parent->debugLogA("!!! Login error: Invalid request."); return handle_error("login", FORCE_QUIT); } // Check whether login checks are required if (location.find("/checkpoint/") != std::string::npos) { resp = flap(REQUEST_SETUP_MACHINE, NULL, NULL); if (resp.data.find("login_approvals_no_phones") != std::string::npos) { // Code approval - but no phones in account loginError(parent, utils::text::source_get_value(&resp.data, 4, "login_approvals_no_phones", "", "")); return handle_error("login", FORCE_QUIT); } if (resp.data.find("name=\"submit[Continue]\"") != std::string::npos) { std::string inner_data; int attempt = 0; // Check if we need to put approval code (aka "two-factor auth") while (resp.data.find("id=\"approvals_code\"") != std::string::npos) { parent->debugLogA(" Login info: Approval code required."); std::string fb_dtsg = utils::url::encode(utils::text::source_get_value(&resp.data, 3, "name=\"fb_dtsg\"", "value=\"", "\"")); CFacebookGuardDialog guardDialog(parent, fb_dtsg.c_str()); if (guardDialog.DoModal() != DIALOG_RESULT_OK) { parent->SetStatus(ID_STATUS_OFFLINE); return false; } // We need verification code from user (he can get it via Facebook application on phone or by requesting code via SMS) std::string givenCode = guardDialog.GetCode(); inner_data = "submit[Continue]=Continue"; inner_data += "&nh=" + utils::text::source_get_value(&resp.data, 3, "name=\"nh\"", "value=\"", "\""); inner_data += "&fb_dtsg=" + fb_dtsg; inner_data += "&approvals_code=" + givenCode; resp = flap(REQUEST_SETUP_MACHINE, &inner_data); if (resp.data.find("id=\"approvals_code\"") != std::string::npos) { // We get no error message if we put wrong code. Facebook just shows same form again. if (++attempt >= 3) { client_notify(TranslateT("You entered too many invalid verification codes. Plugin will disconnect.")); parent->debugLogA("!!! Login error: Too many invalid attempts to verification code."); return handle_error("login", FORCE_QUIT); } else { client_notify(TranslateT("You entered wrong verification code. Try it again.")); } } else { // After successfull verification is showed different page - classic form to save device (as handled at the bottom) break; } } // Check if we need to approve also last unapproved device // 1) Continue (it might have been sent with approval code above already) if (resp.data.find("name=\"submit[Continue]\"") != std::string::npos) { inner_data = "submit[Continue]=Continue"; inner_data += "&nh=" + utils::text::source_get_value(&resp.data, 3, "name=\"nh\"", "value=\"", "\""); inner_data += "&fb_dtsg=" + utils::url::encode(utils::text::source_get_value(&resp.data, 3, "name=\"fb_dtsg\"", "value=\"", "\"")); resp = flap(REQUEST_SETUP_MACHINE, &inner_data); } // In this step might be needed identity confirmation if (resp.data.find("name=\"birthday_captcha_") != std::string::npos) { // Account is locked and needs identity confirmation client_notify(TranslateT("Login error: Your account is temporarily locked. You need to confirm this device from web browser.")); parent->debugLogA("!!! Login error: Birthday confirmation."); return handle_error("login", FORCE_QUIT); } // 2) Approve last unknown login if (resp.data.find("name=\"submit[This was me]\"") != std::string::npos) { CMStringW tszTitle; tszTitle.AppendFormat(L"%s - %s", parent->m_tszUserName, TranslateT("Check last login")); CMStringW tszMessage(TranslateT("Do you recognize this activity?")); std::string activity = utils::text::slashu_to_utf8(utils::text::source_get_value(&resp.data, 3, "", "")); activity = utils::text::trim(utils::text::html_entities_decode(utils::text::remove_html(activity))); if (!activity.empty()) { tszMessage.AppendFormat(L"\n\n%s", ptrW(mir_utf8decodeW(activity.c_str()))); } if (MessageBox(0, tszMessage, tszTitle, MB_ICONWARNING | MB_YESNO | MB_DEFBUTTON1) == IDYES) { // Recognized activity, will continue with login inner_data = "submit[This was me]=This was me"; } else { // Don't recognize - this will force to change account password inner_data = "submit[This wasn't me]=This wasn't me"; // We won't continue with this and rather cancel connecting right away, because we don't want to handle password changing via Miranda client_notify(TranslateT("Login error: You need to confirm last unknown login or revoke it from web browser.")); return handle_error("login", FORCE_QUIT); } inner_data += "&nh=" + utils::text::source_get_value(&resp.data, 3, "name=\"nh\"", "value=\"", "\""); inner_data += "&fb_dtsg=" + utils::url::encode(utils::text::source_get_value(&resp.data, 3, "name=\"fb_dtsg\"", "value=\"", "\"")); resp = flap(REQUEST_SETUP_MACHINE, &inner_data); // 3) Save last device inner_data = "submit[Continue]=Continue"; inner_data += "&nh=" + utils::text::source_get_value(&resp.data, 3, "name=\"nh\"", "value=\"", "\""); inner_data += "&fb_dtsg=" + utils::url::encode(utils::text::source_get_value(&resp.data, 3, "name=\"fb_dtsg\"", "value=\"", "\"")); inner_data += "&name_action_selected=save_device"; // Save device - or "dont_save" resp = flap(REQUEST_SETUP_MACHINE, &inner_data); } // Save this actual device if (resp.data.find("name=\"submit[Continue]\"") != std::string::npos) { inner_data = "submit[Continue]=Continue"; inner_data += "&nh=" + utils::text::source_get_value(&resp.data, 3, "name=\"nh\"", "value=\"", "\""); inner_data += "&fb_dtsg=" + utils::url::encode(utils::text::source_get_value(&resp.data, 3, "name=\"fb_dtsg\"", "value=\"", "\"")); inner_data += "&name_action_selected=save_device"; // Save device - or "dont_save" resp = flap(REQUEST_SETUP_MACHINE, &inner_data); } } else if (resp.data.find("name=\"submit[Get Started]\"") != std::string::npos) { if (!parent->getBool(FACEBOOK_KEY_TRIED_DELETING_DEVICE_ID)) { // Try to remove DeviceID and login again cookies["datr"] = ""; parent->delSetting(FACEBOOK_KEY_DEVICE_ID); parent->setByte(FACEBOOK_KEY_TRIED_DELETING_DEVICE_ID, 1); return login(username, password); } else { // Reset flag parent->delSetting(FACEBOOK_KEY_TRIED_DELETING_DEVICE_ID); // Facebook things that computer was infected by malware and needs cleaning client_notify(TranslateT("Login error: Facebook thinks your computer is infected. Solve it by logging in via 'private browsing' mode of your web browser and run their antivirus check.")); parent->debugLogA("!!! Login error: Facebook requires computer scan."); return handle_error("login", FORCE_QUIT); } } } } switch (resp.code) { case HTTP_CODE_FAKE_DISCONNECTED: { // When is error only because timeout, try login once more if (handle_error("login")) return login(username, password); else return handle_error("login", FORCE_QUIT); } case HTTP_CODE_OK: // OK page returned, but that is regular login page we don't want in fact { // Check whether captcha code is required if (resp.data.find("id=\"captcha\"") != std::string::npos) { client_notify(TranslateT("Login error: Captcha code is required. You need to confirm this device from web browser.")); parent->debugLogA("!!! Login error: Captcha code is required."); return handle_error("login", FORCE_QUIT); } // Get and notify error message std::string error = utils::text::slashu_to_utf8(utils::text::source_get_value(&resp.data, 3, "[\"LoginFormError\"", "\"__html\":\"", "\"}")); if (error.empty()) error = utils::text::slashu_to_utf8(utils::text::source_get_value(&resp.data, 3, "role=\"alert\"", ">", "", "", "debugLogA("!!! Login error: Unexpected redirect: %s (Original: %s) (Expected: %s)", redirectUrl.c_str(), resp.headers["Location"].c_str(), expectedUrl.c_str()); } } if (cookies.find("c_user") != cookies.end()) { // Probably logged in, everything seems OK this->self_.user_id = cookies.find("c_user")->second; parent->setString(FACEBOOK_KEY_ID, this->self_.user_id.c_str()); parent->debugLogA(" Got self user id: %s", this->self_.user_id.c_str()); return handle_success("login"); } else { client_notify(TranslateT("Login error, probably bad login credentials.")); parent->debugLogA("!!! Login error, probably bad login credentials."); return handle_error("login", FORCE_QUIT); } } } } bool facebook_client::logout() { handle_entry("logout"); std::string data = "fb_dtsg=" + this->dtsg_; data += "&ref=mb&h=" + this->logout_hash_; http::response resp = flap(REQUEST_LOGOUT, &data); this->username_.clear(); this->password_.clear(); this->self_.user_id.clear(); switch (resp.code) { case HTTP_CODE_OK: case HTTP_CODE_FOUND: return handle_success("logout"); default: return false; // Logout not finished properly, but..okay, who cares :P } } bool facebook_client::home() { handle_entry("home"); // get fb_dtsg http::response resp = flap(REQUEST_DTSG); this->dtsg_ = utils::url::encode(utils::text::source_get_value(&resp.data, 3, "name=\"fb_dtsg\"", "value=\"", "\"")); { // Compute ttstamp from dtsg_ std::stringstream csrf; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < this->dtsg_.length(); i++) { csrf << (int)this->dtsg_.at(i); } this->ttstamp_ = "2" + csrf.str(); } if (this->dtsg_.empty()) { parent->debugLogA("!!! Empty dtsg. Source code:\n%s", resp.data.c_str()); client_notify(TranslateT("Could not load communication token. You should report this and wait for plugin update.")); return handle_error("home", FORCE_QUIT); } else { parent->debugLogA(" Got self dtsg"); } resp = flap(REQUEST_HOME); switch (resp.code) { case HTTP_CODE_OK: { std::string touchSearch = "{\"id\":" + this->self_.user_id; std::string touchData = utils::text::source_get_value(&resp.data, 2, touchSearch.c_str(), "}"); // Get real name (from touch version) if (!touchData.empty()) this->self_.real_name = utils::text::html_entities_decode(utils::text::slashu_to_utf8(utils::text::source_get_value(&touchData, 2, "\"name\":\"", "\""))); // Another attempt to get real name (from mbasic version) if (this->self_.real_name.empty()) this->self_.real_name = utils::text::source_get_value(&resp.data, 4, "id=\"root", "", ""); // Try to get name again, if we've got some some weird version of Facebook if (this->self_.real_name.empty()) this->self_.real_name = utils::text::source_get_value(&resp.data, 5, "id=\"root", "", "", ""); // Another attempt to get name if (this->self_.real_name.empty()) this->self_.real_name = utils::text::source_get_value(&resp.data, 5, "id=\"root", "", "", ""); // Get and strip optional nickname std::string::size_type pos = this->self_.real_name.find(""); if (pos != std::string::npos) { this->self_.nick = utils::text::source_get_value(&this->self_.real_name, 2, "(", ")"); parent->debugLogA(" Got self nick name: %s", this->self_.nick.c_str()); this->self_.real_name = this->self_.real_name.substr(0, pos - 1); } // Another attempt to get optional nickname if (this->self_.nick.empty()) this->self_.nick = utils::text::html_entities_decode(utils::text::slashu_to_utf8(utils::text::source_get_value(&resp.data, 3, "class=\\\"alternate_name\\\"", ">(", ")\\u003C\\/"))); this->self_.real_name = utils::text::remove_html(this->self_.real_name); parent->debugLogA(" Got self real name (nickname): %s (%s)", this->self_.real_name.c_str(), this->self_.nick.c_str()); parent->SaveName(NULL, &this->self_); // Get avatar (from touch version) if (!touchData.empty()) this->self_.image_url = utils::text::html_entities_decode(utils::text::slashu_to_utf8(utils::text::source_get_value(&touchData, 2, "\"pic\":\"", "\""))); // Another attempt to get avatar(from mbasic version) if (this->self_.image_url.empty()) this->self_.image_url = utils::text::source_get_value(&resp.data, 3, "id=\"root", "self_.image_url.empty()) { this->self_.image_url = utils::text::source_get_value(&resp.data, 3, "id=\"root", "/photo.php?", "\""); // Prepare this special url (not direct image url) to be handled correctly in CheckAvatarChange() // It must contain "/" at the beginning and also shouldn't contain "?" as parameters after that are stripped if (!this->self_.image_url.empty()) this->self_.image_url = "/" + this->self_.image_url; } // Final attempt to get avatar as on some pages is only link to photo page and not link to image itself if (this->self_.image_url.empty()) { http::response resp2 = flap(REQUEST_PROFILE_PICTURE); // Get avatar (from mbasic version of photo page) this->self_.image_url = utils::text::html_entities_decode(utils::text::source_get_value(&resp2.data, 3, "id=\"root", "self_.image_url.empty()) this->self_.image_url = utils::text::html_entities_decode(utils::text::source_get_value(&resp2.data, 3, "id=\"root", "background-image: url("", "")")); // Sometimes even Facebook doesn't show any picture at all! So just ignore this error in that case... if (this->self_.image_url.empty()) { parent->debugLogA("!!! Empty avatar even from avatar page. Source code:\n%s", resp2.data.c_str()); // Set dumb avatar "url" (see how it works in CheckAvatarChange()) so we can't tell if/when the avatar changed, but it will be loaded at least once this->self_.image_url = "/NO_AVATAR/"; } } parent->debugLogA(" Got self avatar: %s", this->self_.image_url.c_str()); parent->CheckAvatarChange(NULL, this->self_.image_url); // Get logout hash this->logout_hash_ = utils::text::source_get_value2(&resp.data, "/logout.php?h=", "&\""); parent->debugLogA(" Got self logout hash: %s", this->logout_hash_.c_str()); if (this->self_.real_name.empty() || this->self_.image_url.empty() || this->logout_hash_.empty()) { parent->debugLogA("!!! Empty nick/avatar/hash. Source code:\n%s", resp.data.c_str()); client_notify(TranslateT("Could not load all required data. Plugin may still work correctly, but you should report this and wait for plugin update.")); } return handle_success("home"); } case HTTP_CODE_FOUND: // Work-around for replica_down, f**king hell what's that? parent->debugLogA("!!! REPLICA_DOWN is back in force!"); return this->home(); default: return handle_error("home", FORCE_QUIT); } } bool facebook_client::chat_state(bool online) { handle_entry("chat_state"); std::string data = (online ? "visibility=1" : "visibility=0"); data += "&window_id=0"; data += "&fb_dtsg=" + dtsg_; data += "&__user=" + self_.user_id; data += "&__dyn=" + __dyn(); data += "&__req=" + __req(); data += "&ttstamp=" + ttstamp_; data += "&__rev=" + __rev(); data += "&__a=1&__pc=PHASED:DEFAULT&__be=-1"; http::response resp = flap(REQUEST_VISIBILITY, &data); // NOTE: Request revised 17.8.2016 if (!resp.error_title.empty()) return handle_error("chat_state"); return handle_success("chat_state"); } bool facebook_client::reconnect() { handle_entry("reconnect"); // Request reconnect http::response resp = flap(REQUEST_RECONNECT); switch (resp.code) { case HTTP_CODE_OK: { this->chat_channel_ = utils::text::source_get_value(&resp.data, 2, "\"user_channel\":\"", "\""); parent->debugLogA(" Got self channel: %s", this->chat_channel_.c_str()); this->chat_channel_partition_ = utils::text::source_get_value2(&resp.data, "\"partition\":", ",}"); parent->debugLogA(" Got self channel partition: %s", this->chat_channel_partition_.c_str()); this->chat_channel_host_ = utils::text::source_get_value(&resp.data, 2, "\"host\":\"", "\""); parent->debugLogA(" Got self channel host: %s", this->chat_channel_host_.c_str()); this->chat_sequence_num_ = utils::text::source_get_value2(&resp.data, "\"seq\":", ",}"); parent->debugLogA(" Got self sequence number: %s", this->chat_sequence_num_.c_str()); this->chat_conn_num_ = utils::text::source_get_value2(&resp.data, "\"max_conn\":", ",}"); parent->debugLogA(" Got self max_conn: %s", this->chat_conn_num_.c_str()); this->chat_sticky_num_ = utils::text::source_get_value(&resp.data, 2, "\"sticky_token\":\"", "\""); parent->debugLogA(" Got self sticky_token: %s", this->chat_sticky_num_.c_str()); //std::string retry_interval = utils::text::source_get_value2(&resp.data, "\"retry_interval\":", ",}"); //parent->debugLogA(" Got self retry_interval: %s", retry_interval.c_str()); //std::string visibility = utils::text::source_get_value2(&resp.data, "\"visibility\":", ",}"); //parent->debugLogA(" Got self visibility: %s", visibility.c_str()); // Send activity_ping after each reconnect activity_ping(); return handle_success("reconnect"); } default: return handle_error("reconnect", FORCE_DISCONNECT); } } bool facebook_client::channel() { handle_entry("channel"); // Get update http::response resp = flap(REQUEST_MESSAGES_RECEIVE); if (resp.data.empty()) { // Something went wrong return handle_error("channel"); } // Load traceId, if present std::string traceId = utils::text::source_get_value(&resp.data, 2, "\"tr\":\"", "\""); if (!traceId.empty()) { this->chat_traceid_ = traceId; } std::string type = utils::text::source_get_value(&resp.data, 2, "\"t\":\"", "\""); parent->debugLogA("Pull response type = %s", type.c_str()); if (type == "continue" || type == "heartbeat") { // Everything is OK, no new message received } else if (type == "lb") { // Some new stuff (idk how does it work yet) this->chat_sticky_pool_ = utils::text::source_get_value(&resp.data, 2, "\"pool\":\"", "\""); parent->debugLogA(" Got self sticky pool: %s", this->chat_sticky_pool_.c_str()); this->chat_sticky_num_ = utils::text::source_get_value2(&resp.data, "\"sticky\":\"", "\""); parent->debugLogA(" Got self sticky number: %s", this->chat_sticky_num_.c_str()); } else if (type == "refresh") { // Requested relogin (due to some settings change, removing this session, etc.) parent->debugLogA("!!! Requested refresh"); this->chat_sequence_num_ = utils::text::source_get_value2(&resp.data, "\"seq\":", ",}"); parent->debugLogA(" Got self sequence number: %s", this->chat_sequence_num_.c_str()); this->chat_reconnect_reason_ = utils::text::source_get_value2(&resp.data, "\"reason\":", ",}"); parent->debugLogA(" Got reconnect reason: %s", this->chat_reconnect_reason_.c_str()); return this->reconnect(); } else if (!type.empty()) { // for "msg", "fullReload" and maybe also other types // Something has been received, throw to new thread to process std::string* response_data = new std::string(resp.data); parent->ForkThread(&FacebookProto::ProcessMessages, response_data); // Get new sequence number std::string seq = utils::text::source_get_value2(&resp.data, "\"seq\":", ",}"); parent->debugLogA(" Got self sequence number: %s", seq.c_str()); if (type == "msg") { // Update msgs_recv number for every "msg" type we receive (during fullRefresh/reload responses it stays the same) this->chat_msgs_recv_++; } else if (type == "fullReload") { // At fullReload we force our seq number to received value (there may have been some error or something) this->chat_sequence_num_ = seq; } // Check if it's different from our old one (which means we should increment our old one) if (seq != this->chat_sequence_num_) { // Facebook now often return much bigger number which results in skipping few data requests, so we increment it manually // Bigger skips (when there is some problem or something) are handled when fullreload/refresh response type int iseq = 0; if (utils::conversion::from_string(iseq, this->chat_sequence_num_, std::dec)) { // Increment and convert it back to string iseq++; std::string newSeq = utils::conversion::to_string(&iseq, UTILS_CONV_SIGNED_NUMBER); // Check if we have different seq than the one from Facebook if (newSeq != seq) { parent->debugLogA("!!! Use self incremented sequence number: %s (instead of: %s)", newSeq.c_str(), seq.c_str()); seq = newSeq; } } } this->chat_sequence_num_ = seq; } else { // No type? This shouldn't happen unless there is a big API change. return handle_error("channel"); } // Return switch (resp.code) { case HTTP_CODE_OK: return handle_success("channel"); case HTTP_CODE_GATEWAY_TIMEOUT: // Maybe we have same clientid as other connected client, try to generate different one this->chat_clientid_ = utils::text::rand_string(8, "0123456789abcdef", &this->random_); // Intentionally fall to handle_error() below case HTTP_CODE_FAKE_DISCONNECTED: case HTTP_CODE_FAKE_ERROR: default: return handle_error("channel"); } } bool facebook_client::activity_ping() { // Don't send ping when we are not online if (parent->m_iStatus != ID_STATUS_ONLINE) return true; handle_entry("activity_ping"); http::response resp = flap(REQUEST_ACTIVE_PING); // Remember this last ping time parent->m_pingTS = ::time(NULL); if (resp.data.empty() || resp.data.find("\"t\":\"pong\"") == resp.data.npos) { // Something went wrong return handle_error("activity_ping"); } return handle_success("activity_ping"); } int facebook_client::send_message(int seqid, MCONTACT hContact, const std::string &message_text, std::string *error_text, const std::string &captcha_persist_data, const std::string &captcha) { handle_entry("send_message"); http::response resp; std::string data; if (!captcha.empty()) { data += "&captcha_persist_data=" + captcha_persist_data; data += "&recaptcha_challenge_field="; data += "&captcha_response=" + captcha; } boolean isChatRoom = parent->isChatRoom(hContact); ptrA userId( parent->getStringA(hContact, FACEBOOK_KEY_ID)); ptrA threadId( parent->getStringA(hContact, FACEBOOK_KEY_TID)); // Check if we have userId/threadId to be able to send message if ((isChatRoom && (threadId == NULL || !mir_strcmp(threadId, "null"))) || (!isChatRoom && (userId == NULL || !mir_strcmp(userId, "null")))) { // This shouldn't happen unless user manually deletes some data via Database Editor++ *error_text = Translate("Contact doesn't have required data in database."); handle_error("send_message"); return SEND_MESSAGE_ERROR; } data += "&client=mercury"; // or "web_messenger" (whole messages page) data += "&action_type=ma-type:user-generated-message"; // Experimental sticker sending support if (message_text.substr(0, 10) == "[[sticker:" && message_text.substr(message_text.length() - 2) == "]]") { data += "&body="; data += "&sticker_id=" + utils::url::encode(message_text.substr(10, message_text.length() - 10 - 2)); data += "&has_attachment=true"; // TODO: For sending GIF images instead of "sticker_id=" there is "image_ids[0]=", otherwise it's same } else { data += "&body=" + utils::url::encode(message_text); data += "&has_attachment=false"; } data += "&ephemeral_ttl_mode=0"; // data += "&force_sms=true" // TODO: This is present always when sending via "web_messenger" // Probably we can generate any random messageID, it just have to be numeric and don't start with "0". We will receive it in response as "client_message_id". std::string messageId = utils::text::rand_string(10, "123456789", &this->random_); data += "&message_id=" + messageId; data += "&offline_threading_id=" + messageId; // Same as message ID if (isChatRoom) { // NOTE: Remove "id." prefix as here we need to give threadFbId and not threadId std::string thread_fbid = threadId; if (thread_fbid.substr(0, 3) == "id.") thread_fbid = thread_fbid.substr(3); data += "&thread_fbid=" + thread_fbid; } else { data += "&other_user_fbid=" + std::string(userId); data += "&specific_to_list[0]=fbid:" + std::string(userId); data += "&specific_to_list[1]=fbid:" + this->self_.user_id; } data += "&signature_id="; // TODO: How to generate signature ID? It is present only when sending via "mercury" data += "&source=source:chat:web"; // or "source:titan:web" for web_messenger data += "×tamp=" + utils::time::mili_timestamp(); data += "&ui_push_phase=V3"; data += "&__user=" + this->self_.user_id; data += "&__a=1"; data += "&__dyn=" + __dyn(); data += "&__req=" + __req(); data += "&__be=-1"; data += "&__pc=PHASED:DEFAULT"; data += "&fb_dtsg=" + this->dtsg_; data += "&ttstamp=" + ttstamp_; data += "&__rev=" + __rev(); { ScopedLock s(send_message_lock_); resp = flap(REQUEST_MESSAGES_SEND, &data); // NOTE: Request revised 17.8.2016 *error_text = resp.error_text; if (resp.error_number == 0) { // Everything is OK // Remember this message id std::string mid = utils::text::source_get_value(&resp.data, 2, "\"message_id\":\"", "\""); if (mid.empty()) mid = utils::text::source_get_value(&resp.data, 2, "\"mid\":\"", "\""); // TODO: This is probably not used anymore // For classic contacts remember last message id if (!parent->isChatRoom(hContact)) parent->setString(hContact, FACEBOOK_KEY_MESSAGE_ID, mid.c_str()); // Get timestamp std::string timestamp = utils::text::source_get_value(&resp.data, 2, "\"timestamp\":", ","); time_t time = utils::time::from_string(timestamp); // Remember last action timestamp for history sync parent->setDword(FACEBOOK_KEY_LAST_ACTION_TS, time); // For classic conversation we try to replace timestamp of added event in OnPreCreateEvent() if (seqid > 0) messages_timestamp.insert(std::make_pair(seqid, time)); // We have this message in database, so ignore further tries (in channel) to add it again messages_ignore.insert(std::make_pair(mid, 0)); } } switch (resp.error_number) { case 0: // Everything is OK break; // case 1356002: // You are offline (probably you can't use mercury or some other request when chat is offline) case 1356003: // Contact is offline parent->setWord(hContact, "Status", ID_STATUS_OFFLINE); return SEND_MESSAGE_ERROR; case 1356026: // Contact has alternative client client_notify(TranslateT("Need confirmation for sending messages to other clients.\nOpen Facebook website and try to send message to this contact again!")); return SEND_MESSAGE_ERROR; case 1357007: // Security check (captcha) is required { std::string imageUrl = utils::text::html_entities_decode(utils::text::slashu_to_utf8(utils::text::source_get_value(&resp.data, 3, "img class=\\\"img\\\"", "src=\\\"", "\\\""))); std::string captchaPersistData = utils::text::source_get_value(&resp.data, 3, "\\\"captcha_persist_data\\\"", "value=\\\"", "\\\""); parent->debugLogA(" Got imageUrl (first): %s", imageUrl.c_str()); parent->debugLogA(" Got captchaPersistData (first): %s", captchaPersistData.c_str()); std::string capStr = "new_captcha_type=TFBCaptcha&skipped_captcha_data=" + captchaPersistData; capStr += "&__dyn=" + __dyn(); capStr += "&__req=" + __req(); capStr += "&__rev=" + __rev(); capStr += "&__user=" + this->self_.user_id; http::response capResp = flap(REQUEST_CAPTCHA_REFRESH, NULL, &capStr); if (capResp.code == HTTP_CODE_OK) { imageUrl = utils::text::html_entities_decode(utils::text::slashu_to_utf8(utils::text::source_get_value(&capResp.data, 3, "img class=\\\"img\\\"", "src=\\\"", "\\\""))); captchaPersistData = utils::text::source_get_value(&capResp.data, 3, "\\\"captcha_persist_data\\\"", "value=\\\"", "\\\""); parent->debugLogA(" Got imageUrl (second): %s", imageUrl.c_str()); parent->debugLogA(" Got captchaPersistData (second): %s", captchaPersistData.c_str()); std::string result; if (!parent->RunCaptchaForm(imageUrl, result)) { *error_text = Translate("User cancel captcha challenge."); return SEND_MESSAGE_CANCEL; } return send_message(seqid, hContact, message_text, error_text, captchaPersistData, result); } } return SEND_MESSAGE_CANCEL; // Cancel because we failed to load captcha image so we can't continue only with error //case 1404123: // Blocked sending messages (with URLs) because Facebook think our computer is infected with malware default: // Other error parent->debugLogA("!!! Send message error #%d: %s", resp.error_number, resp.error_text.c_str()); return SEND_MESSAGE_ERROR; } switch (resp.code) { case HTTP_CODE_OK: handle_success("send_message"); return SEND_MESSAGE_OK; case HTTP_CODE_FAKE_ERROR: case HTTP_CODE_FAKE_DISCONNECTED: default: *error_text = Translate("Timeout when sending message."); handle_error("send_message"); return SEND_MESSAGE_ERROR; } } bool facebook_client::post_status(status_data *status) { if (status == NULL || (status->text.empty() && status->url.empty())) return false; handle_entry("post_status"); if (status->isPage) { std::string data = "fb_dtsg=" + this->dtsg_; data += "&user_id=" + status->user_id; data += "&url=" + std::string(FACEBOOK_URL_HOMEPAGE); flap(REQUEST_IDENTITY_SWITCH, &data); } std::string data; if (!status->url.empty()) { data = "fb_dtsg=" + this->dtsg_; data += "&targetid=" + (status->user_id.empty() ? this->self_.user_id : status->user_id); data += "&xhpc_targetid=" + (status->user_id.empty() ? this->self_.user_id : status->user_id); data += "&istimeline=1&composercontext=composer&onecolumn=1&nctr[_mod]=pagelet_timeline_recent&__a=1&ttstamp=" + ttstamp_; data += "&__user=" + (status->isPage && !status->user_id.empty() ? status->user_id : this->self_.user_id); data += "&loaded_components[0]=maininput&loaded_components[1]=backdateicon&loaded_components[2]=withtaggericon&loaded_components[3]=cameraicon&loaded_components[4]=placetaggericon&loaded_components[5]=mainprivacywidget&loaded_components[6]=withtaggericon&loaded_components[7]=backdateicon&loaded_components[8]=placetaggericon&loaded_components[9]=cameraicon&loaded_components[10]=mainprivacywidget&loaded_components[11]=maininput&loaded_components[12]=explicitplaceinput&loaded_components[13]=hiddenplaceinput&loaded_components[14]=placenameinput&loaded_components[15]=hiddensessionid&loaded_components[16]=withtagger&loaded_components[17]=backdatepicker&loaded_components[18]=placetagger&loaded_components[19]=citysharericon"; http::response resp = flap(REQUEST_LINK_SCRAPER, &data, &status->url); std::string temp = utils::text::html_entities_decode(utils::text::slashu_to_utf8(resp.data)); data = "&xhpc_context=profile&xhpc_ismeta=1&xhpc_timeline=1&xhpc_composerid=u_jsonp_2_0&is_explicit_place=&composertags_place=&composer_session_id=&composertags_city=&disable_location_sharing=false&composer_predicted_city=&nctr[_mod]=pagelet_composer&__a=1&__dyn=&__req=1f&ttstamp=" + ttstamp_; std::string form = utils::text::source_get_value(&temp, 2, ""); utils::text::replace_all(&form, "\\\"", "\""); data += "&" + utils::text::source_get_form_data(&form) + "&"; //data += "&no_picture=0"; } std::string text = utils::url::encode(status->text); data += "fb_dtsg=" + this->dtsg_; data += "&xhpc_targetid=" + (status->user_id.empty() ? this->self_.user_id : status->user_id); data += "&__user=" + (status->isPage && !status->user_id.empty() ? status->user_id : this->self_.user_id); data += "&xhpc_message=" + text; data += "&xhpc_message_text=" + text; if (!status->isPage) data += "&audience[0][value]=" + get_privacy_type(); if (!status->place.empty()) { data += "&composertags_place_name="; data += utils::url::encode(status->place); } for (std::vector::size_type i = 0; i < status->users.size(); i++) { data += "&composertags_with[" + utils::conversion::to_string(&i, UTILS_CONV_UNSIGNED_NUMBER); data += "]=" + status->users[i]->user_id; data += "&text_composertags_with[" + utils::conversion::to_string(&i, UTILS_CONV_UNSIGNED_NUMBER); data += "]=" + status->users[i]->real_name; delete status->users[i]; } status->users.clear(); data += "&xhpc_context=profile&xhpc_ismeta=1&xhpc_timeline=1&xhpc_composerid=u_0_2y&is_explicit_place=&composertags_place=&composertags_city="; http::response resp = flap(REQUEST_POST_STATUS, &data); if (status->isPage) { std::string query = "fb_dtsg=" + this->dtsg_; query += "&user_id=" + this->self_.user_id; query += "&url=" + std::string(FACEBOOK_URL_HOMEPAGE); flap(REQUEST_IDENTITY_SWITCH, &query); } if (resp.isValid()) { parent->NotifyEvent(parent->m_tszUserName, TranslateT("Status update was successful."), NULL, EVENT_OTHER); return handle_success("post_status"); } return handle_error("post_status"); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool facebook_client::save_url(const std::string &url, const std::wstring &filename, HANDLE &nlc) { NETLIBHTTPREQUEST req = { sizeof(req) }; NETLIBHTTPREQUEST *resp; req.requestType = REQUEST_GET; req.szUrl = const_cast(url.c_str()); req.flags = NLHRF_HTTP11 | NLHRF_REDIRECT | NLHRF_PERSISTENT | NLHRF_NODUMP; req.nlc = nlc; resp = reinterpret_cast(CallService(MS_NETLIB_HTTPTRANSACTION, reinterpret_cast(handle_), reinterpret_cast(&req))); bool ret = false; if (resp) { nlc = resp->nlc; parent->debugLogA("@@@ Saving URL %s to file %s", url.c_str(), _T2A(filename.c_str())); // Create folder if necessary std::wstring dir = filename.substr(0, filename.rfind('\\')); if (_waccess(dir.c_str(), 0)) CreateDirectoryTreeW(dir.c_str()); // Write to file FILE *f = _wfopen(filename.c_str(), L"wb"); if (f != NULL) { fwrite(resp->pData, 1, resp->dataLength, f); fclose(f); ret = _waccess(filename.c_str(), 0) == 0; } CallService(MS_NETLIB_FREEHTTPREQUESTSTRUCT, 0, (LPARAM)resp); } else { nlc = NULL; } return ret; } bool facebook_client::sms_code(const char *fb_dtsg) { std::string inner_data = "method_requested=sms_requested"; inner_data += "¤t_time=" + (utils::time::unix_timestamp() + ".000"); inner_data += "&__a=1"; inner_data += "&__user=0"; inner_data += "&__dyn=" + __dyn(); inner_data += "&__req=" + __req(); inner_data += "&__be=0"; inner_data += "&__pc=EXP1:DEFAULT"; inner_data += "&fb_dtsg=" + std::string(fb_dtsg); inner_data += "&ttstamp=" + ttstamp_; inner_data += "&__rev=" + __rev(); http::response resp = flap(REQUEST_LOGIN_SMS, &inner_data); if (resp.data.find("\"is_valid\":true", 0) == std::string::npos) { // Code wasn't send client_notify(TranslateT("Error occurred when requesting verification SMS code.")); return false; } parent->NotifyEvent(parent->m_tszUserName, TranslateT("Verification SMS code was sent to your mobile phone."), NULL, EVENT_OTHER); return true; }