/* Facebook plugin for Miranda Instant Messenger _____________________________________________ Copyright � 2009-11 Michal Zelinka, 2011-15 Robert P�sel This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include "stdafx.h" void FacebookProto::ChangeStatus(void*) { ScopedLock s(signon_lock_); ScopedLock b(facy.buddies_lock_); int new_status = m_iDesiredStatus; int old_status = m_iStatus; if (new_status == ID_STATUS_OFFLINE) { // Logout debugLogA("### Beginning SignOff process"); m_signingOut = true; SetEvent(update_loop_lock_); // Shutdown and close channel handle Netlib_Shutdown(facy.hMsgCon); if (facy.hMsgCon) Netlib_CloseHandle(facy.hMsgCon); facy.hMsgCon = NULL; // Turn off chat on Facebook if (getByte(FACEBOOK_KEY_DISCONNECT_CHAT, DEFAULT_DISCONNECT_CHAT)) facy.chat_state(false); facy.logout(); OnLeaveChat(NULL, NULL); SetAllContactStatuses(ID_STATUS_OFFLINE); ToggleStatusMenuItems(false); delSetting(FACEBOOK_KEY_LOGON_TS); facy.chat_traceid_.clear(); facy.chat_sticky_num_.clear(); facy.chat_sticky_pool_.clear(); facy.chat_msgs_recv_ = 0; facy.clear_cookies(); facy.clear_notifications(); facy.clear_chatrooms(); facy.clear_readers(); facy.buddies.clear(); facy.messages_ignore.clear(); facy.messages_timestamp.clear(); facy.pages.clear(); facy.typers.clear(); // Clear thread/user id caches? /* Right now it's commented out because it's not really needed to erase - maybe only when user changes login/pass in same account, but even then it shouldn't cause problems facy.thread_id_to_user_id.clear(); facy.chat_id_to_hcontact.clear(); facy.user_id_to_hcontact.clear(); */ // Close connection handle if (facy.hFcbCon) Netlib_CloseHandle(facy.hFcbCon); facy.hFcbCon = NULL; m_iStatus = facy.self_.status_id = ID_STATUS_OFFLINE; ProtoBroadcastAck(0, ACKTYPE_STATUS, ACKRESULT_SUCCESS, (HANDLE)old_status, m_iStatus); m_signingOut = false; debugLogA("### SignOff complete"); return; } else if (old_status == ID_STATUS_OFFLINE) { // Login SYSTEMTIME t; GetLocalTime(&t); debugLogA("[%d.%d.%d] Using Facebook Protocol RM %s", t.wDay, t.wMonth, t.wYear, __VERSION_STRING_DOTS); debugLogA("*** Beginning SignOn process"); m_enableChat = getBool(FACEBOOK_KEY_ENABLE_CHATS, DEFAULT_ENABLE_CHATS); m_iStatus = facy.self_.status_id = ID_STATUS_CONNECTING; ProtoBroadcastAck(0, ACKTYPE_STATUS, ACKRESULT_SUCCESS, (HANDLE)old_status, m_iStatus); ResetEvent(update_loop_lock_); if (NegotiateConnection() && facy.home() && facy.reconnect()) { // Load all friends ProcessFriendList(NULL); // Process friendship requests ForkThread(&FacebookProto::ProcessFriendRequests, NULL); // Sync threads, get messages - or get unread messages if (getBool(FACEBOOK_KEY_LOGIN_SYNC, DEFAULT_LOGIN_SYNC)) ForkThread(&FacebookProto::SyncThreads, NULL); else ForkThread(&FacebookProto::ProcessUnreadMessages, NULL); // Get notifications ForkThread(&FacebookProto::ProcessNotifications, NULL); // Load pages for post status dialog ForkThread(&FacebookProto::ProcessPages, NULL); setDword(FACEBOOK_KEY_LOGON_TS, (DWORD)time(NULL)); ForkThread(&FacebookProto::UpdateLoop, NULL); ForkThread(&FacebookProto::MessageLoop, NULL); if (getByte(FACEBOOK_KEY_SET_MIRANDA_STATUS, DEFAULT_SET_MIRANDA_STATUS)) ForkThread(&FacebookProto::SetAwayMsgWorker, NULL); } else { ProtoBroadcastAck(0, ACKTYPE_STATUS, ACKRESULT_FAILED, (HANDLE)old_status, m_iStatus); if (facy.hFcbCon) Netlib_CloseHandle(facy.hFcbCon); facy.hFcbCon = NULL; facy.clear_cookies(); // Set to offline m_iStatus = m_iDesiredStatus = facy.self_.status_id = ID_STATUS_OFFLINE; ProtoBroadcastAck(0, ACKTYPE_STATUS, ACKRESULT_SUCCESS, (HANDLE)old_status, m_iStatus); debugLogA("*** SignOn failed"); return; } ToggleStatusMenuItems(true); debugLogA("*** SignOn complete"); } m_invisible = (new_status == ID_STATUS_INVISIBLE); facy.chat_state(!m_invisible); ForkThread(&FacebookProto::ProcessBuddyList, NULL); m_iStatus = facy.self_.status_id = new_status; ProtoBroadcastAck(0, ACKTYPE_STATUS, ACKRESULT_SUCCESS, (HANDLE)old_status, m_iStatus); debugLogA("*** ChangeStatus complete"); } /** Return true on success, false on error. */ bool FacebookProto::NegotiateConnection() { debugLogA("*** Negotiating connection with Facebook"); ptrA username(getStringA(FACEBOOK_KEY_LOGIN)); if (!username || !mir_strlen(username)) { NotifyEvent(m_tszUserName, TranslateT("Please enter a username."), NULL, FACEBOOK_EVENT_CLIENT); return false; } ptrA password(getStringA(FACEBOOK_KEY_PASS)); if (!password || !*password) { NotifyEvent(m_tszUserName, TranslateT("Please enter a password."), NULL, FACEBOOK_EVENT_CLIENT); return false; } password = mir_utf8encode(password); // Refresh last time of feeds update facy.last_feeds_update_ = ::time(NULL); // Generate random clientid for this connection facy.chat_clientid_ = utils::text::rand_string(8, "0123456789abcdef", &facy.random_); // Create default group for new contacts if (m_tszDefaultGroup) Clist_CreateGroup(0, m_tszDefaultGroup); return facy.login(username, password); } void FacebookProto::UpdateLoop(void *) { time_t tim = ::time(NULL); debugLogA(">>> Entering Facebook::UpdateLoop[%d]", tim); for (int i = -1; !isOffline(); i = (i + 1) % 50) { if (i != -1) { ProcessBuddyList(NULL); if (getByte(FACEBOOK_KEY_EVENT_FEEDS_ENABLE, DEFAULT_EVENT_FEEDS_ENABLE)) ProcessFeeds(NULL); } debugLogA("*** FacebookProto::UpdateLoop[%d] going to sleep...", tim); if (WaitForSingleObjectEx(update_loop_lock_, GetPollRate() * 1000, true) != WAIT_TIMEOUT) break; debugLogA("*** FacebookProto::UpdateLoop[%d] waking up...", tim); } ResetEvent(update_loop_lock_); debugLogA("<<< Exiting FacebookProto::UpdateLoop[%d]", tim); } void FacebookProto::MessageLoop(void *) { time_t tim = ::time(NULL); debugLogA(">>> Entering Facebook::MessageLoop[%d]", tim); while (facy.channel()) { if (isOffline() || m_signingOut) break; // If we're not idle, send activity_ping every few minutes... if (!m_idleTS && (::time(NULL) - m_pingTS) > FACEBOOK_PING_TIME) { debugLogA("*** FacebookProto::MessageLoop[%d] pinging...", tim); facy.activity_ping(); } debugLogA("*** FacebookProto::MessageLoop[%d] refreshing...", tim); } debugLogA("<<< Exiting FacebookProto::MessageLoop[%d]", tim); } BYTE FacebookProto::GetPollRate() { BYTE poll_rate = getByte(FACEBOOK_KEY_POLL_RATE, FACEBOOK_DEFAULT_POLL_RATE); return ( (poll_rate >= FACEBOOK_MINIMAL_POLL_RATE && poll_rate <= FACEBOOK_MAXIMAL_POLL_RATE) ? poll_rate : FACEBOOK_DEFAULT_POLL_RATE); }