/* Facebook plugin for Miranda Instant Messenger _____________________________________________ Copyright © 2009-11 Michal Zelinka, 2011-17 Robert Pösel, 2017-18 Miranda NG team This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "stdafx.h" void FacebookProto::SaveName(MCONTACT hContact, const facebook_user *fbu) { if (fbu->type == CONTACT_PAGE) { // Page has only nickname and no first/last names std::string nick = m_pagePrefix + " " + fbu->real_name; setStringUtf(hContact, FACEBOOK_KEY_NICK, nick.c_str()); delSetting(hContact, FACEBOOK_KEY_FIRST_NAME); delSetting(hContact, FACEBOOK_KEY_SECOND_NAME); delSetting(hContact, FACEBOOK_KEY_LAST_NAME); return; } // Save nick std::string nick = fbu->real_name; if (!getBool(FACEBOOK_KEY_NAME_AS_NICK, DEFAULT_NAME_AS_NICK) && !fbu->nick.empty()) nick = fbu->nick; setStringUtf(hContact, FACEBOOK_KEY_NICK, nick.c_str()); // Explode whole name into first, second and last name std::vector names; utils::text::explode(fbu->real_name, " ", &names); setStringUtf(hContact, FACEBOOK_KEY_FIRST_NAME, names.size() > 0 ? names.front().c_str() : ""); setStringUtf(hContact, FACEBOOK_KEY_LAST_NAME, names.size() > 1 ? names.back().c_str() : ""); std::string middle; if (names.size() > 2) { for (std::string::size_type i = 1; i < names.size() - 1; i++) { if (!middle.empty()) middle += " "; middle += names.at(i); } } setStringUtf(hContact, FACEBOOK_KEY_SECOND_NAME, middle.c_str()); } bool FacebookProto::IsMyContact(MCONTACT hContact, bool include_chat) { const char *proto = GetContactProto(hContact); if (proto && !mir_strcmp(m_szModuleName, proto)) { if (include_chat) return true; return !isChatRoom(hContact); } return false; } MCONTACT FacebookProto::ChatIDToHContact(const std::string &chat_id) { if (chat_id.empty()) { debugLogA("!!! Calling ChatIDToContactID() with empty chat_id"); return 0; } // First check cache auto it = facy.chat_id_to_hcontact.find(chat_id); if (it != facy.chat_id_to_hcontact.end()) { // Check if contact is still valid if (db_is_contact((WPARAM)it->second) == 1) return it->second; else facy.chat_id_to_hcontact.erase(it); } // Go through all local contacts for (MCONTACT hContact = db_find_first(m_szModuleName); hContact; hContact = db_find_next(hContact, m_szModuleName)) { if (!IsMyContact(hContact, true)) continue; ptrA id(getStringA(hContact, "ChatRoomID")); if (id && !mir_strcmp(id, chat_id.c_str())) { facy.chat_id_to_hcontact.insert(std::make_pair(chat_id, hContact)); return hContact; } } return 0; } MCONTACT FacebookProto::ContactIDToHContact(const std::string &user_id) { if (user_id.empty()) { debugLogA("!!! Calling ContactIDToHContact() with empty user_id"); return 0; } // First check cache std::map::iterator it = facy.user_id_to_hcontact.find(user_id); if (it != facy.user_id_to_hcontact.end()) { // Check if contact is still valid if (db_is_contact((WPARAM)it->second) == 1) return it->second; else facy.user_id_to_hcontact.erase(it); } // Go through all local contacts for (MCONTACT hContact = db_find_first(m_szModuleName); hContact; hContact = db_find_next(hContact, m_szModuleName)) { if (isChatRoom(hContact)) continue; ptrA id(getStringA(hContact, FACEBOOK_KEY_ID)); if (id && !mir_strcmp(id, user_id.c_str())) { facy.user_id_to_hcontact.insert(std::make_pair(user_id, hContact)); return hContact; } } return 0; } std::string FacebookProto::ThreadIDToContactID(const std::string &thread_id) { if (thread_id.empty()) { debugLogA("!!! Calling ThreadIDToContactID() with empty thread_id"); return ""; } // First check cache std::map::iterator it = facy.thread_id_to_user_id.find(thread_id); if (it != facy.thread_id_to_user_id.end()) { return it->second; } // Go through all local contacts for (MCONTACT hContact = db_find_first(m_szModuleName); hContact; hContact = db_find_next(hContact, m_szModuleName)) { if (!IsMyContact(hContact)) continue; ptrA tid(getStringA(hContact, FACEBOOK_KEY_TID)); if (tid && !mir_strcmp(tid, thread_id.c_str())) { ptrA id(getStringA(hContact, FACEBOOK_KEY_ID)); std::string user_id = (id ? id : ""); if (!user_id.empty()) { facy.thread_id_to_user_id.insert(std::make_pair(thread_id, user_id)); return user_id; } break; // this shouldn't happen unless user manually deletes ID from FB contact in DB } } // We don't have any contact with this thread_id cached, we must ask server if (isOffline()) return ""; http::response resp = facy.sendRequest(facy.threadInfoRequest(true, thread_id.c_str())); std::string user_id; if (resp.code == HTTP_CODE_OK) { try { ParseThreadInfo(&resp.data, &user_id); if (!user_id.empty()) facy.thread_id_to_user_id.insert(std::make_pair(thread_id, user_id)); debugLogA("*** Thread info processed"); } catch (const std::exception &e) { debugLogA("*** Error processing thread info: %s", e.what()); } } return user_id; } void FacebookProto::LoadContactInfo(facebook_user* fbu) { if (isOffline()) return; LIST userIds(1); userIds.insert(mir_strdup(fbu->user_id.c_str())); http::response resp = facy.sendRequest(facy.userInfoRequest(userIds)); FreeList(userIds); userIds.destroy(); if (resp.code == HTTP_CODE_OK) { try { ParseUserInfo(&resp.data, fbu); debugLogA("*** Contact thread info processed"); } catch (const std::exception &e) { debugLogA("*** Error processing contact thread info: %s", e.what()); } } } MCONTACT FacebookProto::AddToContactList(facebook_user* fbu, bool force_add, bool add_temporarily) { // Ignore self user completely if (fbu->user_id == facy.self_.user_id) return 0; // First, check if this contact exists (and if does, just return it) if (!force_add) { MCONTACT hContact = ContactIDToHContact(fbu->user_id); if (hContact) return hContact; } // Try to make a new contact MCONTACT hContact = db_add_contact(); if (hContact && Proto_AddToContact(hContact, m_szModuleName) != 0) { db_delete_contact(hContact); hContact = 0; } // If we have some contact, we'll save its data if (hContact) { // Save these values only when adding new contact, not when updating existing if (add_temporarily) { db_set_b(hContact, "CList", "Hidden", 1); db_set_b(hContact, "CList", "NotOnList", 1); } setString(hContact, FACEBOOK_KEY_ID, fbu->user_id.c_str()); std::string homepage = FACEBOOK_URL_PROFILE + fbu->user_id; setString(hContact, "Homepage", homepage.c_str()); setWString(hContact, "MirVer", fbu->getMirVer()); db_unset(hContact, "CList", "MyHandle"); if (m_tszDefaultGroup) db_set_ws(hContact, "CList", "Group", m_tszDefaultGroup); setByte(hContact, FACEBOOK_KEY_CONTACT_TYPE, fbu->type); if (getByte(FACEBOOK_KEY_DISABLE_STATUS_NOTIFY, 0)) CallService(MS_IGNORE_IGNORE, hContact, (LPARAM)IGNOREEVENT_USERONLINE); if (!fbu->real_name.empty()) SaveName(hContact, fbu); if (!fbu->username.empty()) setString(hContact, FACEBOOK_KEY_USERNAME, fbu->username.c_str()); if (fbu->gender) setByte(hContact, "Gender", fbu->gender); // CheckAvatarChange(hContact, fbu->image_url); } return hContact; } void FacebookProto::DeleteContactFromServer(void *data) { facy.handle_entry("DeleteContactFromServer"); if (data == nullptr) return; std::string id = *(std::string*)data; delete (std::string*)data; if (isOffline()) return; // Delete contact from server HttpRequest *request = facy.deleteFriendRequest(id.c_str()); http::response resp = facy.sendRequest(request); if (resp.data.find("\"payload\":null", 0) != std::string::npos) { // If contact wasn't deleted from database MCONTACT hContact = ContactIDToHContact(id); if (hContact != 0) { setWord(hContact, "Status", ID_STATUS_OFFLINE); setByte(hContact, FACEBOOK_KEY_CONTACT_TYPE, CONTACT_NONE); setDword(hContact, FACEBOOK_KEY_DELETED, ::time(nullptr)); } NotifyEvent(m_tszUserName, TranslateT("Contact was removed from your server list."), 0, EVENT_FRIENDSHIP); } else facy.client_notify(TranslateT("Error occurred when removing contact from server.")); if (resp.code != HTTP_CODE_OK) facy.handle_error("DeleteContactFromServer"); } void FacebookProto::AddContactToServer(void *data) { facy.handle_entry("AddContactToServer"); if (data == nullptr) return; std::string id = *(std::string*)data; delete (std::string*)data; if (isOffline()) return; // Request friendship HttpRequest *request = facy.addFriendRequest(id.c_str()); http::response resp = facy.sendRequest(request); if (resp.data.find("\"success\":true", 0) != std::string::npos) { MCONTACT hContact = ContactIDToHContact(id); // If contact wasn't deleted from database if (hContact != 0) setByte(hContact, FACEBOOK_KEY_CONTACT_TYPE, CONTACT_REQUEST); NotifyEvent(m_tszUserName, TranslateT("Request for friendship was sent."), 0, EVENT_FRIENDSHIP); } else facy.client_notify(TranslateT("Error occurred when requesting friendship.")); if (resp.code != HTTP_CODE_OK) facy.handle_error("AddContactToServer"); } void FacebookProto::ApproveContactToServer(void *data) { facy.handle_entry("ApproveContactToServer"); if (data == nullptr) return; MCONTACT hContact = *(MCONTACT*)data; delete (MCONTACT*)data; if (isOffline()) return; ptrA id(getStringA(hContact, FACEBOOK_KEY_ID)); if (!id) return; // Confirm friendship request http::response resp = facy.sendRequest(facy.answerFriendshipRequest(id, true)); if (resp.data.find("\"success\":true") != std::string::npos) { setByte(hContact, FACEBOOK_KEY_CONTACT_TYPE, CONTACT_FRIEND); NotifyEvent(m_tszUserName, TranslateT("Request for friendship was accepted."), 0, EVENT_FRIENDSHIP); } else facy.client_notify(TranslateT("Error occurred when accepting friendship request.")); if (resp.code != HTTP_CODE_OK) facy.handle_error("ApproveContactToServer"); } void FacebookProto::CancelFriendsRequest(void *data) { facy.handle_entry("CancelFriendsRequest"); if (data == nullptr) return; MCONTACT hContact = *(MCONTACT*)data; delete (MCONTACT*)data; if (isOffline()) return; ptrA id(getStringA(hContact, FACEBOOK_KEY_ID)); if (!id) return; // Cancel (our) friendship request http::response resp = facy.sendRequest(facy.cancelFriendshipRequest(id)); if (resp.data.find("\"payload\":null", 0) != std::string::npos) { setByte(hContact, FACEBOOK_KEY_CONTACT_TYPE, CONTACT_NONE); NotifyEvent(m_tszUserName, TranslateT("Request for friendship was canceled."), 0, EVENT_FRIENDSHIP); } else facy.client_notify(TranslateT("Error occurred when canceling friendship request.")); if (resp.code != HTTP_CODE_OK) facy.handle_error("CancelFriendsRequest"); } void FacebookProto::IgnoreFriendshipRequest(void *data) { facy.handle_entry("IgnoreFriendshipRequest"); if (data == nullptr) return; MCONTACT hContact = *(MCONTACT*)data; delete (MCONTACT*)data; if (isOffline()) return; ptrA id(getStringA(hContact, FACEBOOK_KEY_ID)); if (!id) return; // Ignore friendship request http::response resp = facy.sendRequest(facy.answerFriendshipRequest(id, false)); if (resp.data.find("\"success\":true") != std::string::npos) { setByte(hContact, FACEBOOK_KEY_CONTACT_TYPE, CONTACT_NONE); NotifyEvent(m_tszUserName, TranslateT("Request for friendship was ignored."), 0, EVENT_FRIENDSHIP); // Delete this contact, if he's temporary if (db_get_b(hContact, "CList", "NotOnList", 0)) db_delete_contact(hContact); } else facy.client_notify(TranslateT("Error occurred when ignoring friendship request.")); if (resp.code != HTTP_CODE_OK) facy.handle_error("IgnoreFriendshipRequest"); } void FacebookProto::SendPokeWorker(void *p) { facy.handle_entry("SendPokeWorker"); if (p == nullptr) return; std::string *id = (std::string*)p; if (isOffline()) { delete id; return; } // Send poke http::response resp = facy.sendRequest(facy.sendPokeRequest(id->c_str())); if (resp.data.find("\"payload\":null", 0) != std::string::npos) { resp.data = utils::text::slashu_to_utf8( utils::text::source_get_value(&resp.data, 2, "__html\":\"", "\"}")); std::string message = utils::text::source_get_value(&resp.data, 4, "", "<\\/div>"); if (message.empty()) // message has different format, show whole message message = resp.data; message = utils::text::html_entities_decode( utils::text::remove_html(message)); ptrW tmessage(mir_utf8decodeW(message.c_str())); NotifyEvent(m_tszUserName, tmessage, 0, EVENT_OTHER); } facy.handle_success("SendPokeWorker"); delete id; } void FacebookProto::RefreshUserInfo(void *data) { if (data == nullptr) return; MCONTACT hContact = *(MCONTACT*)data; delete (MCONTACT*)data; ptrA user_id(getStringA(hContact, FACEBOOK_KEY_ID)); if (user_id == nullptr || isOffline()) { ProtoBroadcastAck(hContact, ACKTYPE_GETINFO, ACKRESULT_FAILED, (HANDLE)nullptr, 0); return; } facebook_user fbu; fbu.user_id = user_id; LoadContactInfo(&fbu); // TODO: don't duplicate code this way, refactor all this userInfo loading // TODO: load more info about user (authorization state,...) std::string homepage = FACEBOOK_URL_PROFILE + fbu.user_id; setString(hContact, "Homepage", homepage.c_str()); if (!fbu.real_name.empty()) SaveName(hContact, &fbu); if (fbu.gender) setByte(hContact, "Gender", fbu.gender); int oldType = getByte(hContact, FACEBOOK_KEY_CONTACT_TYPE, CONTACT_NONE); // From server we won't get request/approve types, only none, so we don't want to overwrite and lost it in that case if (fbu.type != CONTACT_NONE || (oldType != CONTACT_REQUEST && oldType != CONTACT_APPROVE)) { setByte(hContact, FACEBOOK_KEY_CONTACT_TYPE, fbu.type); } // If this contact is page, set it as invisible (if enabled in options) if (getBool(FACEBOOK_KEY_PAGES_ALWAYS_ONLINE, DEFAULT_PAGES_ALWAYS_ONLINE) && fbu.type == CONTACT_PAGE) setWord(hContact, "Status", ID_STATUS_INVISIBLE); CheckAvatarChange(hContact, fbu.image_url); // Load additional info from profile page (e.g., birthday) http::response resp = facy.sendRequest(facy.profileInfoRequest(fbu.user_id.c_str())); if (resp.code == HTTP_CODE_OK) { std::string birthday = utils::text::source_get_value(&resp.data, 4, ">Birthday", ""); birthday = utils::text::remove_html(birthday); std::string::size_type pos = birthday.find(" "); std::string::size_type pos2 = birthday.find(","); if (pos != std::string::npos) { std::string month = birthday.substr(0, pos); std::string day = birthday.substr(pos + 1, pos2 != std::string::npos ? pos2 - pos - 1 : std::string::npos); setByte(hContact, "BirthDay", atoi(day.c_str())); const static char *months[] = { "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December" }; for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) { if (!mir_strcmp(months[i], month.c_str())) { setByte(hContact, "BirthMonth", i + 1); break; } } if (pos2 != std::string::npos) { std::string year = birthday.substr(pos2 + 2, 4); setWord(hContact, "BirthYear", atoi(year.c_str())); } else // We have to set ANY year, otherwise UserInfoEx shows completely wrong date setWord(hContact, "BirthYear", 1800); } } ProtoBroadcastAck(hContact, ACKTYPE_GETINFO, ACKRESULT_SUCCESS, (HANDLE)nullptr, 0); } HANDLE FacebookProto::GetAwayMsg(MCONTACT) { return nullptr; // Status messages are disabled } int FacebookProto::OnContactDeleted(WPARAM hContact, LPARAM) { // Remove this contact from caches ptrA id(getStringA(hContact, FACEBOOK_KEY_ID)); if (id) facy.user_id_to_hcontact.erase(std::string(id)); ptrA tid(getStringA(hContact, FACEBOOK_KEY_TID)); if (tid) facy.thread_id_to_user_id.erase(std::string(tid)); if (isChatRoom(hContact)) { ptrA chat_id(getStringA(hContact, "ChatRoomID")); if (chat_id) facy.chat_id_to_hcontact.erase(std::string(chat_id)); } // Cancel friendship (with confirmation) CancelFriendship(hContact, 1); return 0; } void FacebookProto::StartTyping(MCONTACT hContact) { // ignore if contact is already typing if (facy.typers.find(hContact) != facy.typers.end()) return; // show notification and insert into typing set CallService(MS_PROTO_CONTACTISTYPING, hContact, (LPARAM)FACEBOOK_TYPING_TIME); facy.typers.insert(hContact); } void FacebookProto::StopTyping(MCONTACT hContact) { // ignore if contact is not typing if (facy.typers.find(hContact) == facy.typers.end()) return; // show notification and remove from typing set CallService(MS_PROTO_CONTACTISTYPING, hContact, (LPARAM)PROTOTYPE_CONTACTTYPING_OFF); facy.typers.erase(hContact); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // handling friends requests HttpRequest* facebook_client::addFriendRequest(const char *userId) { HttpRequest *p = new HttpRequest(REQUEST_POST, FACEBOOK_SERVER_REGULAR "/ajax/add_friend/action.php"); p->Url << INT_PARAM("__a", 1); p->Body << CHAR_PARAM("to_friend", userId) << CHAR_PARAM("fb_dtsg", dtsg_.c_str()) << CHAR_PARAM("__user", self_.user_id.c_str()) << CHAR_PARAM("action", "add_friend") << CHAR_PARAM("how_found", "profile_button") << CHAR_PARAM("ref_param", "ts") << CHAR_PARAM("no_flyout_on_click", "false"); return p; } HttpRequest* facebook_client::deleteFriendRequest(const char *userId) { HttpRequest *p = new HttpRequest(REQUEST_POST, FACEBOOK_SERVER_REGULAR "/ajax/profile/removefriendconfirm.php"); p->Url << INT_PARAM("__a", 1) << BOOL_PARAM("norefresh", true) << CHAR_PARAM("unref", "button_dropdown") << CHAR_PARAM("uid", userId); p->Body << CHAR_PARAM("uid", userId) << CHAR_PARAM("fb_dtsg", dtsg_.c_str()) << CHAR_PARAM("__user", self_.user_id.c_str()) << CHAR_PARAM("ttstamp", ttstamp_.c_str()) << CHAR_PARAM("norefresh", "true") << CHAR_PARAM("unref", "button_dropdown") << INT_PARAM("confirmed", 1) << INT_PARAM("__a", 1); return p; } HttpRequest* facebook_client::getFriendshipsRequest() { HttpRequest *p = new HttpRequest(REQUEST_GET, FORMAT, "%s/friends/center/requests/", mbasicWorks ? FACEBOOK_SERVER_MBASIC : FACEBOOK_SERVER_MOBILE); p->flags |= NLHRF_REDIRECT; return p; } HttpRequest* facebook_client::cancelFriendshipRequest(const char *userId) { HttpRequest *p = new HttpRequest(REQUEST_POST, FACEBOOK_SERVER_REGULAR "/ajax/friends/requests/cancel.php"); p->Url << INT_PARAM("__a", 1); p->Body << INT_PARAM("confirmed", 1) << CHAR_PARAM("friend", userId) << CHAR_PARAM("fb_dtsg", dtsg_.c_str()) << CHAR_PARAM("__user", self_.user_id.c_str()); return p; } HttpRequest* facebook_client::answerFriendshipRequest(const char *userId, bool bConfirm) { HttpRequest *p = new HttpRequest(REQUEST_POST, FACEBOOK_SERVER_REGULAR "/requests/friends/ajax/"); p->Url << INT_PARAM("__a", 1); p->Body << CHAR_PARAM("action", (bConfirm) ? "confirm" : "reject") << CHAR_PARAM("id", userId) << CHAR_PARAM("fb_dtsg", dtsg_.c_str()) << CHAR_PARAM("__user", self_.user_id.c_str()); return p; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // requesting user info HttpRequest* facebook_client::userInfoRequest(const LIST &userIds) { HttpRequest *p = new HttpRequest(REQUEST_POST, FACEBOOK_SERVER_REGULAR "/chat/user_info/"); p->Url << INT_PARAM("dpr", 1); for (int i = 0; i < userIds.getCount(); i++) { CMStringA id(::FORMAT, "ids[%i]", i); p->Body << CHAR_PARAM(id, userIds[i]); } p->Body << CHAR_PARAM("fb_dtsg", dtsg_.c_str()) << CHAR_PARAM("ttstamp", ttstamp_.c_str()) << CHAR_PARAM("__user", self_.user_id.c_str()) << CHAR_PARAM("__dyn", __dyn()) << CHAR_PARAM("__req", __req()) << CHAR_PARAM("__rev", __rev()) << INT_PARAM("__a", 1) << INT_PARAM("__be", 1) << CHAR_PARAM("__pc", "PHASED:DEFAULT"); return p; } HttpRequest* facebook_client::userInfoAllRequest() { HttpRequest *p = new HttpRequest(REQUEST_POST, FACEBOOK_SERVER_REGULAR "/chat/user_info_all/"); p->Url << INT_PARAM("dpr", 1) << CHAR_PARAM("viewer", self_.user_id.c_str()); p->Body << CHAR_PARAM("fb_dtsg", dtsg_.c_str()) << CHAR_PARAM("ttstamp", ttstamp_.c_str()) << CHAR_PARAM("__user", self_.user_id.c_str()) << CHAR_PARAM("__dyn", __dyn()) << CHAR_PARAM("__req", __req()) << CHAR_PARAM("__rev", __rev()) << CHAR_PARAM("__pc", "PHASED:DEFAULT") << INT_PARAM("__a", 1) << INT_PARAM("__be", -1); return p; }