/* Facebook plugin for Miranda Instant Messenger _____________________________________________ Copyright � 2009-11 Michal Zelinka, 2011-13 Robert P�sel This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include "common.h" int facebook_json_parser::parse_buddy_list(void* data, List::List< facebook_user >* buddy_list) { facebook_user* current = NULL; std::string jsonData = static_cast< std::string* >(data)->substr(9); JSONNODE *root = json_parse(jsonData.c_str()); if (root == NULL) return EXIT_FAILURE; JSONNODE *payload = json_get(root, "payload"); if (payload == NULL) { json_delete(root); return EXIT_FAILURE; } JSONNODE *list = json_get(payload, "buddy_list"); if (list == NULL) { json_delete(root); return EXIT_FAILURE; } // Set all contacts in map to offline for (List::Item< facebook_user >* i = buddy_list->begin(); i != NULL; i = i->next) { i->data->status_id = ID_STATUS_OFFLINE; } // Load last active times JSONNODE *lastActive = json_get(list, "last_active_times"); if (lastActive != NULL) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < json_size(lastActive); i++) { JSONNODE *it = json_at(lastActive, i); const char *id = json_name(it); current = buddy_list->find(id); if (current == NULL) { buddy_list->insert(std::make_pair(id, new facebook_user())); current = buddy_list->find(id); current->user_id = id; } current->last_active = json_as_int(it); } } // Find mobile friends JSONNODE *mobileFriends = json_get(list, "mobile_friends"); if (mobileFriends != NULL) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < json_size(mobileFriends); i++) { JSONNODE *it = json_at(mobileFriends, i); std::string id = json_as_pstring(it); current = buddy_list->find(id); if (current == NULL) { buddy_list->insert(std::make_pair(id, new facebook_user())); current = buddy_list->find(id); current->user_id = id; } current->status_id = ID_STATUS_OFFLINE; current->client = CLIENT_MOBILE; } } // Find now available contacts JSONNODE *nowAvailable = json_get(list, "nowAvailableList"); if (nowAvailable != NULL) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < json_size(nowAvailable); i++) { JSONNODE *it = json_at(nowAvailable, i); const char *id = json_name(it); current = buddy_list->find(id); if (current == NULL) { buddy_list->insert(std::make_pair(id, new facebook_user())); current = buddy_list->find(id); current->user_id = id; } current->status_id = ID_STATUS_ONLINE; JSONNODE *p = json_get(it, "p"); if (p != NULL) { JSONNODE *status = json_get(p, "status"); // this seems to be "active" everytime JSONNODE *webStatus = json_get(p, "webStatus"); // "active", "idle" or "offline" JSONNODE *fbAppStatus = json_get(p, "fbAppStatus"); // "offline" or "active" JSONNODE *messengerStatus = json_get(p, "messengerStatus"); // "offline" or "active" JSONNODE *otherStatus = json_get(p, "otherStatus"); // "offline" or "active" - this seems to be "active" when webStatus is "idle" or "active" only // this may never happen if (json_as_pstring(status) != "active") current->status_id = ID_STATUS_OFFLINE; bool b; // "webStatus" and "otherStatus" are marked as "WEB" on FB website if ((b = json_as_pstring(webStatus) == "active") || json_as_pstring(otherStatus) == "active") { current->status_id = ID_STATUS_ONLINE; current->client = b ? CLIENT_WEB : CLIENT_OTHER; } // "fbAppStatus" and "messengerStatus" are marked as "MOBILE" on FB website if ((b = json_as_pstring(fbAppStatus) == "active") || json_as_pstring(messengerStatus) == "active") { current->status_id = ID_STATUS_ONTHEPHONE; current->client = b ? CLIENT_APP : CLIENT_MESSENGER; } // this is not marked anyhow on website (yet?) current->idle = json_as_pstring(webStatus) == "idle" || json_as_pstring(otherStatus) == "idle" || json_as_pstring(fbAppStatus) == "idle" || json_as_pstring(messengerStatus) == "idle"; } } } // Get aditional informations about contacts (if available) JSONNODE *userInfos = json_get(list, "userInfos"); if (userInfos != NULL) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < json_size(userInfos); i++) { JSONNODE *it = json_at(userInfos, i); const char *id = json_name(it); current = buddy_list->find(id); if (current == NULL) continue; JSONNODE *name = json_get(it, "name"); JSONNODE *thumbSrc = json_get(it, "thumbSrc"); if (name != NULL) current->real_name = utils::text::slashu_to_utf8(utils::text::special_expressions_decode(json_as_pstring(name))); if (thumbSrc != NULL) current->image_url = utils::text::slashu_to_utf8(utils::text::special_expressions_decode(json_as_pstring(thumbSrc))); } } json_delete(root); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } void parseUser(JSONNODE *it, facebook_user *fbu) { fbu->user_id = json_name(it); JSONNODE *id = json_get(it, "id"); if (id == NULL || json_as_pstring(id) == "0" || json_as_pstring(id).empty()) { // this user has deleted account or is just unavailable for us (e.g., ignore list) -> don't read dummy name and avatar and rather ignore that completely return; } JSONNODE *name = json_get(it, "name"); JSONNODE *thumbSrc = json_get(it, "thumbSrc"); JSONNODE *gender = json_get(it, "gender"); JSONNODE *vanity = json_get(it, "vanity"); // username (this ISN'T nickname, but we will use it that way - but it's ugly and noone will use it) //JSONNODE *uri = json_get(it, "uri"); // profile url //JSONNODE *is_friend = json_get(it, "is_friend"); // e.g. "True" //JSONNODE *type = json_get(it, "type"); // e.g. "friend" (classic contact) or "user" (disabled/deleted account) if (name) fbu->real_name = utils::text::slashu_to_utf8(utils::text::special_expressions_decode(json_as_pstring(name))); if (thumbSrc) fbu->image_url = utils::text::slashu_to_utf8(utils::text::special_expressions_decode(json_as_pstring(thumbSrc))); if (vanity) fbu->nick = utils::text::slashu_to_utf8(utils::text::special_expressions_decode(json_as_pstring(vanity))); if (gender) switch (json_as_int(gender)) { case 1: // female fbu->gender = 70; break; case 2: // male fbu->gender = 77; break; // case 7: not available female? } } int facebook_json_parser::parse_friends(void* data, std::map< std::string, facebook_user* >* friends) { std::string jsonData = static_cast< std::string* >(data)->substr(9); JSONNODE *root = json_parse(jsonData.c_str()); if (root == NULL) return EXIT_FAILURE; JSONNODE *payload = json_get(root, "payload"); if (payload == NULL) { json_delete(root); return EXIT_FAILURE; } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < json_size(payload); i++) { JSONNODE *it = json_at(payload, i); facebook_user *fbu = new facebook_user(); parseUser(it, fbu); friends->insert(std::make_pair(fbu->user_id, fbu)); } json_delete(root); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } int facebook_json_parser::parse_notifications(void *data, std::map< std::string, facebook_notification* > *notifications) { std::string jsonData = static_cast< std::string* >(data)->substr(9); JSONNODE *root = json_parse(jsonData.c_str()); if (root == NULL) return EXIT_FAILURE; JSONNODE *payload = json_get(root, "payload"); if (payload == NULL) { json_delete(root); return EXIT_FAILURE; } JSONNODE *list = json_get(payload, "notifications"); if (list == NULL) { json_delete(root); return EXIT_FAILURE; } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < json_size(list); i++) { JSONNODE *it = json_at(list, i); const char *id = json_name(it); JSONNODE *markup = json_get(it, "markup"); JSONNODE *unread = json_get(it, "unread"); //JSONNODE *time = json_get(it, "time"); // Ignore empty and old notifications if (markup == NULL || unread == NULL || json_as_int(unread) == 0) continue; std::string text = utils::text::slashu_to_utf8(utils::text::special_expressions_decode(json_as_pstring(markup))); facebook_notification* notification = new facebook_notification(); notification->id = id; notification->link = utils::text::source_get_value(&text, 3, "<a ", "href=\"", "\""); notification->text = utils::text::remove_html(utils::text::source_get_value(&text, 1, "<abbr")); if (notifications->find(notification->id) == notifications->end()) notifications->insert(std::make_pair(notification->id, notification)); else delete notification; } json_delete(root); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } bool ignore_duplicits(FacebookProto *proto, std::string mid, std::string text) { ScopedLock s(proto->facy.send_message_lock_); std::map<std::string, bool>::iterator it = proto->facy.messages_ignore.find(mid); if (it != proto->facy.messages_ignore.end()) { proto->debugLogA("????? Ignoring duplicit/sent message\n%s", text.c_str()); it->second = true; // mark to delete it at the end return true; } // remember this id to ignore duplicits proto->facy.messages_ignore.insert(std::make_pair(mid, true)); return false; } void parseAttachments(FacebookProto *proto, std::string *message_text, JSONNODE *it) { // Process attachements and stickers JSONNODE *has_attachment = json_get(it, "has_attachment"); if (has_attachment != NULL && json_as_bool(has_attachment)) { // Append attachements std::string type = ""; std::string attachments_text = ""; JSONNODE *attachments = json_get(it, "attachments"); for (unsigned int j = 0; j < json_size(attachments); j++) { JSONNODE *itAttachment = json_at(attachments, j); JSONNODE *attach_type = json_get(itAttachment, "attach_type"); // "sticker", "photo", "file" if (attach_type != NULL) { // Get attachment type - "file" has priority over other types if (type.empty() || type != "file") type = json_as_pstring(attach_type); } JSONNODE *name = json_get(itAttachment, "name"); JSONNODE *url = json_get(itAttachment, "url"); if (url != NULL) { std::string link = json_as_pstring(url); if (link.find("/ajax/mercury/attachments/photo/view/") != std::string::npos) // fix photo url link = utils::url::decode(utils::text::source_get_value(&link, 2, "?uri=", "&")); else if (link.find("/") == 0) { // make absolute url bool useHttps = proto->getByte(FACEBOOK_KEY_FORCE_HTTPS, 1) > 0; link = (useHttps ? HTTP_PROTO_SECURE : HTTP_PROTO_REGULAR) + std::string(FACEBOOK_SERVER_REGULAR) + link; } if (!link.empty()) { std::string filename; if (name != NULL) filename = json_as_pstring(name); if (filename == "null") filename.clear(); attachments_text += "\n" + (!filename.empty() ? "<" + filename + "> " : "") + link + "\n"; } } } // TODO: have this as extra event, not replace or append message content if (!message_text->empty()) *message_text += "\n\n"; if (!attachments_text.empty()) { // we can't use this as offline messages doesn't have it /* JSONNODE *admin_snippet = json_get(it, "admin_snippet"); if (admin_snippet != NULL) { *message_text += json_as_pstring(admin_snippet); } */ std::tstring newText; if (type == "sticker") newText = TranslateT("a sticker"); else if (type == "file") newText = (json_size(attachments) > 1) ? TranslateT("files") : TranslateT("a file"); else if (type == "photo") newText = (json_size(attachments) > 1) ? TranslateT("photos") : TranslateT("a photo"); else newText = _A2T(type.c_str()); TCHAR title[200]; mir_sntprintf(title, SIZEOF(title), TranslateT("User sent %s:"), newText.c_str()); *message_text += ptrA(mir_utf8encodeT(title)); *message_text += attachments_text; } else { // TODO: better support for these attachments (parse it from "m_messaging" instead of "messaging" *message_text += ptrA(mir_utf8encodeT(TranslateT("User sent an unsupported attachment. Open your browser to see it."))); } } } int facebook_json_parser::parse_messages(void* data, std::vector< facebook_message* >* messages, std::map< std::string, facebook_notification* >* notifications, bool inboxOnly) { // remove old received messages from map for (std::map<std::string, bool>::iterator it = proto->facy.messages_ignore.begin(); it != proto->facy.messages_ignore.end();) { if (it->second) it = proto->facy.messages_ignore.erase(it); else ++it; } std::string jsonData = static_cast< std::string* >(data)->substr(9); JSONNODE *root = json_parse(jsonData.c_str()); if (root == NULL) return EXIT_FAILURE; JSONNODE *ms = json_get(root, "ms"); if (ms == NULL) { json_delete(root); return EXIT_FAILURE; } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < json_size(ms); i++) { JSONNODE *it = json_at(ms, i); JSONNODE *type = json_get(it, "type"); if (type == NULL) continue; std::string t = json_as_pstring(type); if (t == "messaging") { // various messaging stuff (received and sent messages, getting seen info) JSONNODE *type = json_get(it, "event"); if (type == NULL) continue; std::string t = json_as_pstring(type); if (t == "read_receipt") { // user read message JSONNODE *reader = json_get(it, "reader"); JSONNODE *time = json_get(it, "time"); if (reader == NULL || time == NULL) continue; // check if we should use use local_timestamp for unread messages and use it for read time too bool local_timestamp = proto->getBool(FACEBOOK_KEY_LOCAL_TIMESTAMP_UNREAD, 0); time_t timestamp = local_timestamp ? ::time(NULL) : utils::time::fix_timestamp(json_as_float(time)); TCHAR ttime[64]; _tcsftime(ttime, SIZEOF(ttime), _T("%X"), localtime(×tamp)); JSONNODE *threadid = json_get(it, "tid"); if (threadid != NULL) { // multi user chat std::tstring tid = json_as_string(threadid); std::string reader_id = json_as_pstring(reader); std::map<std::tstring, facebook_chatroom>::iterator chatroom = proto->facy.chat_rooms.find(tid); if (chatroom != proto->facy.chat_rooms.end()) { std::map<std::string, std::string>::const_iterator participant = chatroom->second.participants.find(reader_id); if (participant == chatroom->second.participants.end()) { // TODO: load name of this participant std::string name = reader_id; proto->AddChatContact(tid.c_str(), reader_id.c_str(), name.c_str()); } participant = chatroom->second.participants.find(reader_id); if (participant != chatroom->second.participants.end()) { MCONTACT hChatContact = proto->ChatIDToHContact(tid); if (!chatroom->second.message_readers.empty()) chatroom->second.message_readers += ", "; chatroom->second.message_readers += participant->second; ptrT readers(mir_utf8decodeT(chatroom->second.message_readers.c_str())); TCHAR tstr[200]; mir_sntprintf(tstr, SIZEOF(tstr), TranslateT("Message read: %s by %s"), ttime, readers); CallService(MS_MSG_SETSTATUSTEXT, (WPARAM)hChatContact, (LPARAM)tstr); } } } else { // classic contact MCONTACT hContact = proto->ContactIDToHContact(json_as_pstring(reader)); if (hContact) { TCHAR tstr[100]; mir_sntprintf(tstr, SIZEOF(tstr), TranslateT("Message read: %s"), ttime); CallService(MS_MSG_SETSTATUSTEXT, hContact, (LPARAM)tstr); } } } else if (t == "deliver") { // inbox message (multiuser or direct) JSONNODE *msg = json_get(it, "message"); JSONNODE *folder = json_get(it, "folder"); if (inboxOnly && json_as_pstring(folder) != "inbox") continue; JSONNODE *sender_fbid = json_get(msg, "sender_fbid"); JSONNODE *sender_name = json_get(msg, "sender_name"); JSONNODE *body = json_get(msg, "body"); JSONNODE *tid = json_get(msg, "tid"); JSONNODE *mid = json_get(msg, "mid"); JSONNODE *timestamp = json_get(msg, "timestamp"); JSONNODE *filtered = json_get(it, "is_filtered_content"); if (sender_fbid == NULL || sender_name == NULL || body == NULL || mid == NULL || timestamp == NULL) continue; std::string id = json_as_pstring(sender_fbid); std::string message_id = json_as_pstring(mid); std::string message_text = json_as_pstring(body); // Process attachements and stickers parseAttachments(proto, &message_text, msg); // Ignore duplicits or messages sent from miranda if (body == NULL || ignore_duplicits(proto, message_id, message_text)) continue; if (json_as_bool(filtered) && message_text.empty()) message_text = Translate("This message is no longer available, because it was marked as abusive or spam."); message_text = utils::text::trim(utils::text::special_expressions_decode(utils::text::slashu_to_utf8(message_text)), true); if (message_text.empty()) continue; JSONNODE *gthreadinfo = json_get(msg, "group_thread_info"); if (gthreadinfo != NULL) { // Multi-user message facebook_message* message = new facebook_message(); message->isChat = true; message->isUnread = true; message->isIncoming = (id != proto->facy.self_.user_id); message->message_text = message_text; message->sender_name = utils::text::special_expressions_decode(utils::text::slashu_to_utf8(json_as_pstring(sender_name))); // TODO: or if not incomming use my own name from facy.self_ ? message->time = utils::time::fix_timestamp(json_as_float(timestamp)); message->thread_id = json_as_pstring(tid); // TODO: or if not incomming use my own id from facy.self_ ? message->user_id = id; message->message_id = message_id; messages->push_back(message); } else { // Standard message facebook_message* message = new facebook_message(); message->isChat = false; message->isUnread = true; message->isIncoming = (id != proto->facy.self_.user_id); message->message_text = message_text; message->sender_name = message->isIncoming ? utils::text::special_expressions_decode(utils::text::slashu_to_utf8(json_as_pstring(sender_name))) : ""; message->time = utils::time::fix_timestamp(json_as_float(timestamp)); message->thread_id = json_as_pstring(tid); message->user_id = message->isIncoming ? id : proto->ThreadIDToContactID(message->thread_id); // TODO: Check if we have contact with this user_id in friendlist and otherwise do something different? message->message_id = message_id; messages->push_back(message); } } } else if (t == "notification_json") { // event notification JSONNODE *nodes = json_get(it, "nodes"); for (unsigned int j = 0; j < json_size(nodes); j++) { JSONNODE *itNodes = json_at(nodes, j); //JSONNODE *text = json_get(itNodes, "title/text"); // use this when popups will be ready to allow changes of their content JSONNODE *text_ = json_get(itNodes, "unaggregatedTitle"); // notifications one by one, not grouped if (text_ == NULL) continue; JSONNODE *text = json_get(text_, "text"); JSONNODE *url = json_get(itNodes, "url"); JSONNODE *alert_id = json_get(itNodes, "alert_id"); JSONNODE *time_ = json_get(itNodes, "timestamp"); if (time_ == NULL) continue; JSONNODE *time = json_get(time_, "time"); if (time == NULL || text == NULL || url == NULL || alert_id == NULL) continue; unsigned __int64 timestamp = json_as_float(time); if (timestamp > proto->facy.last_notification_time_) { // Only new notifications proto->facy.last_notification_time_ = timestamp; facebook_notification* notification = new facebook_notification(); notification->text = utils::text::slashu_to_utf8(json_as_pstring(text)); notification->link = utils::text::special_expressions_decode(json_as_pstring(url)); notification->id = json_as_pstring(alert_id); std::string::size_type pos = notification->id.find(":"); if (pos != std::string::npos) notification->id = notification->id.substr(pos+1); if (notifications->find(notification->id) == notifications->end()) notifications->insert(std::make_pair(notification->id, notification)); else delete notification; } } } else if (t == "typ") { // chat typing notification JSONNODE *from = json_get(it, "from"); if (from == NULL) continue; facebook_user fbu; fbu.user_id = json_as_pstring(from); MCONTACT hContact = proto->AddToContactList(&fbu, CONTACT_FRIEND); // only friends are able to send typing notifications JSONNODE *st = json_get(it, "st"); if (json_as_int(st) == 1) CallService(MS_PROTO_CONTACTISTYPING, hContact, (LPARAM)60); else CallService(MS_PROTO_CONTACTISTYPING, hContact, (LPARAM)PROTOTYPE_CONTACTTYPING_OFF); } else if (t == "ttyp") { // multi chat typing notification JSONNODE *from_ = json_get(it, "from"); JSONNODE *thread_ = json_get(it, "thread"); JSONNODE *st_ = json_get(it, "st"); if (from_ == NULL || thread_ == NULL || st_ == NULL) continue; std::tstring tid = json_as_string(thread_); std::string from_id = json_as_pstring(from_); std::map<std::tstring, facebook_chatroom>::iterator chatroom = proto->facy.chat_rooms.find(tid); if (chatroom != proto->facy.chat_rooms.end()) { std::map<std::string, std::string>::const_iterator participant = chatroom->second.participants.find(from_id); if (participant == chatroom->second.participants.end()) { // TODO: load name of this participant std::string name = from_id; proto->AddChatContact(tid.c_str(), from_id.c_str(), name.c_str()); } participant = chatroom->second.participants.find(from_id); if (participant != chatroom->second.participants.end()) { MCONTACT hChatContact = proto->ChatIDToHContact(tid); ptrT name(mir_utf8decodeT(participant->second.c_str())); TCHAR tstr[200]; if (json_as_int(st_) == 1) mir_sntprintf(tstr, SIZEOF(tstr), TranslateT("%s is typing a message..."), name); else mir_sntprintf(tstr, SIZEOF(tstr), _T("")); // TODO: support proper MS_PROTO_CONTACTISTYPING service for chatrooms (when it will be implemented) CallService(MS_MSG_SETSTATUSTEXT, (WPARAM)hChatContact, (LPARAM)tstr); } } } else if (t == "privacy_changed") { // settings changed JSONNODE *event_type = json_get(it, "event"); JSONNODE *event_data = json_get(it, "data"); if (event_type == NULL || event_data == NULL) continue; std::string t = json_as_pstring(event_type); if (t == "visibility_update") { // change of chat status JSONNODE *visibility = json_get(event_data, "visibility"); bool isVisible = (visibility != NULL) && json_as_bool(visibility); proto->debugLogA(" Requested chat switch to %s", isVisible ? "Online" : "Offline"); proto->SetStatus(isVisible ? ID_STATUS_ONLINE : ID_STATUS_INVISIBLE); } } else if (t == "buddylist_overlay") { // we opened/closed chat window - pretty useless info for us continue; } else if (t == "ticker_update:home") { JSONNODE *actor_ = json_get(it, "actor"); JSONNODE *time_ = json_get(it, "actor"); JSONNODE *story_ = json_get(it, "story_xhp"); time_t time = json_as_float(time_); std::string text = json_as_pstring(story_); text = utils::text::slashu_to_utf8(text); text = utils::text::trim( utils::text::special_expressions_decode( utils::text::source_get_value(&text, 3, "<h5", ">", "</h5>"))); // TODO: notify ticker updates /* if (!text.empty()) { proto->NotifyEvent() }*/ } else if (t == "mercury") { // rename multi user chat, ... JSONNODE *actions_ = json_get(it, "actions"); if (actions_ == NULL) continue; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < json_size(actions_); i++) { JSONNODE *action_ = json_at(actions_, i); JSONNODE *thread_id_ = json_get(action_, "thread_id"); JSONNODE *log_body_ = json_get(action_, "log_message_body"); JSONNODE *log_data_ = json_get(action_, "log_message_data"); if (!log_data_ || !thread_id_) continue; JSONNODE *name_ = json_get(log_data_, "name"); std::string name = json_as_pstring(name_); std::tstring thread_id = json_as_string(thread_id_); std::string message = json_as_pstring(log_body_); // proto->RenameChat(thread_id.c_str(), name.c_str()); // this don't work, why? proto->setStringUtf(proto->ChatIDToHContact(thread_id), FACEBOOK_KEY_NICK, name.c_str()); proto->UpdateChat(thread_id.c_str(), NULL, NULL, message.c_str()); } } else if (t == "notifications_read" || t == "notifications_seen") { JSONNODE *alerts = json_get(it, "alert_ids"); for (unsigned int j = 0; j < json_size(alerts); j++) { JSONNODE *itAlerts = json_at(alerts, j); std::string id = json_as_pstring(itAlerts); std::map<std::string, facebook_notification*>::iterator it = notifications->find(id); if (it != notifications->end()) { if (it->second->hWndPopup != NULL) PUDeletePopup(it->second->hWndPopup); // close popup delete it->second; notifications->erase(it); } } } else continue; } json_delete(root); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } int facebook_json_parser::parse_unread_threads(void* data, std::vector< std::string >* threads, bool inboxOnly) { std::string jsonData = static_cast< std::string* >(data)->substr(9); JSONNODE *root = json_parse(jsonData.c_str()); if (root == NULL) return EXIT_FAILURE; JSONNODE *payload = json_get(root, "payload"); if (payload == NULL) { json_delete(root); return EXIT_FAILURE; } JSONNODE *unread_threads = json_get(payload, "unread_thread_ids"); if (unread_threads == NULL) { json_delete(root); return EXIT_FAILURE; } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < json_size(unread_threads); i++) { JSONNODE *it = json_at(unread_threads, i); JSONNODE *folder = json_get(it, "folder"); JSONNODE *thread_ids = json_get(it, "thread_ids"); if (inboxOnly && json_as_pstring(folder) != "inbox") continue; for (unsigned int j = 0; j < json_size(thread_ids); j++) { JSONNODE *id = json_at(thread_ids, j); threads->push_back(json_as_pstring(id)); } } json_delete(root); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } int facebook_json_parser::parse_thread_messages(void* data, std::vector< facebook_message* >* messages, std::map< std::string, facebook_chatroom* >* chatrooms, bool unreadOnly, bool inboxOnly, int limit) { std::string jsonData = static_cast< std::string* >(data)->substr(9); JSONNODE *root = json_parse(jsonData.c_str()); if (root == NULL) return EXIT_FAILURE; JSONNODE *payload = json_get(root, "payload"); if (payload == NULL) { json_delete(root); return EXIT_FAILURE; } JSONNODE *actions = json_get(payload, "actions"); JSONNODE *threads = json_get(payload, "threads"); if (actions == NULL || threads == NULL) { json_delete(root); return EXIT_FAILURE; } JSONNODE *roger = json_get(payload, "roger"); if (roger != NULL) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < json_size(roger); i++) { JSONNODE *it = json_at(roger, i); facebook_chatroom *room = new facebook_chatroom(); room->thread_id = _A2T(json_name(it)); for (unsigned int j = 0; j < json_size(it); j++) { JSONNODE *jt = json_at(it, j); std::string user_id = json_name(jt); room->participants.insert(std::make_pair(user_id, user_id)); // TODO: get name somehow } chatrooms->insert(std::make_pair((char*)_T2A(room->thread_id.c_str()), room)); } } std::map<std::string, std::string> thread_ids; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < json_size(threads); i++) { JSONNODE *it = json_at(threads, i); JSONNODE *is_canonical_user = json_get(it, "is_canonical_user"); JSONNODE *canonical = json_get(it, "canonical_fbid"); JSONNODE *thread_id = json_get(it, "thread_id"); JSONNODE *name = json_get(it, "name"); //JSONNODE *message_count = json_get(it, "message_count"); JSONNODE *unread_count = json_get(it, "unread_count"); // TODO: use it to check against number of loaded messages... but how? JSONNODE *folder = json_get(it, "folder"); if (canonical == NULL || thread_id == NULL) continue; std::string id = json_as_pstring(canonical); std::string tid = json_as_pstring(thread_id); std::map<std::string, facebook_chatroom*>::iterator iter = chatrooms->find(tid); if (iter != chatrooms->end()) { if (json_as_bool(is_canonical_user)) { chatrooms->erase(iter); // this is not chatroom } else { iter->second->chat_name = json_as_string(name); // TODO: create name from users if there is no name... } } if (inboxOnly && json_as_pstring(folder) != "inbox") continue; if (id == "null") continue; thread_ids.insert(std::make_pair(tid, id)); } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < json_size(actions); i++) { JSONNODE *it = json_at(actions, i); JSONNODE *author = json_get(it, "author"); JSONNODE *author_email = json_get(it, "author_email"); JSONNODE *body = json_get(it, "body"); JSONNODE *tid = json_get(it, "thread_id"); JSONNODE *mid = json_get(it, "message_id"); JSONNODE *timestamp = json_get(it, "timestamp"); JSONNODE *filtered = json_get(it, "is_filtered_content"); JSONNODE *folder = json_get(it, "folder"); if (author == NULL || body == NULL || mid == NULL || tid == NULL || timestamp == NULL) continue; if (inboxOnly && json_as_pstring(folder) != "inbox") continue; std::string thread_id = json_as_pstring(tid); std::string message_id = json_as_pstring(mid); std::string message_text = json_as_pstring(body); std::string author_id = json_as_pstring(author); std::string::size_type pos = author_id.find(":"); if (pos != std::string::npos) author_id = author_id.substr(pos+1); // Process attachements and stickers parseAttachments(proto, &message_text, it); if (json_as_bool(filtered) && message_text.empty()) message_text = Translate("This message is no longer available, because it was marked as abusive or spam."); message_text = utils::text::trim(utils::text::special_expressions_decode(utils::text::slashu_to_utf8(message_text)), true); if (message_text.empty()) continue; facebook_message* message = new facebook_message(); message->message_text = message_text; if (author_email != NULL) message->sender_name = json_as_pstring(author_email); message->time = utils::time::fix_timestamp(json_as_float(timestamp)); message->thread_id = thread_id; message->message_id = message_id; message->isIncoming = (author_id != proto->facy.self_.user_id); std::map<std::string, facebook_chatroom*>::iterator iter = chatrooms->find(thread_id); if (iter != chatrooms->end()) { // this is chatroom message message->isChat = true; message->user_id = author_id; } else { // this is standard message // Ignore read messages if we want only unread messages JSONNODE *is_unread = json_get(it, "is_unread"); if (unreadOnly && (is_unread == NULL || !json_as_bool(is_unread))) continue; message->isChat = false; std::map<std::string, std::string>::iterator iter = thread_ids.find(thread_id); if (iter != thread_ids.end()) { message->user_id = iter->second; // TODO: Check if we have contact with this ID in friendlist and otherwise do something different? } else { continue; } } messages->push_back(message); } json_delete(root); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } int facebook_json_parser::parse_thread_info(void* data, std::string* user_id) { std::string jsonData = static_cast< std::string* >(data)->substr(9); JSONNODE *root = json_parse(jsonData.c_str()); if (root == NULL) return EXIT_FAILURE; JSONNODE *payload = json_get(root, "payload"); if (payload == NULL) { json_delete(root); return EXIT_FAILURE; } JSONNODE *threads = json_get(payload, "threads"); if (threads == NULL) { json_delete(root); return EXIT_FAILURE; } std::map<std::string, std::string> thread_ids; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < json_size(threads); i++) { JSONNODE *it = json_at(threads, i); JSONNODE *canonical = json_get(it, "canonical_fbid"); JSONNODE *thread_id = json_get(it, "thread_id"); JSONNODE *message_count = json_get(it, "message_count"); // TODO: this could be useful for loading history from server if (canonical == NULL || thread_id == NULL) continue; std::string id = json_as_pstring(canonical); if (id == "null") continue; *user_id = id; } json_delete(root); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } int facebook_json_parser::parse_user_info(void* data, facebook_user* fbu) { std::string jsonData = static_cast< std::string* >(data)->substr(9); JSONNODE *root = json_parse(jsonData.c_str()); if (root == NULL) return EXIT_FAILURE; JSONNODE *payload = json_get(root, "payload"); if (payload == NULL) { json_delete(root); return EXIT_FAILURE; } JSONNODE *profiles = json_get(payload, "profiles"); if (profiles == NULL) { json_delete(root); return EXIT_FAILURE; } std::map<std::string, std::string> user_ids; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < json_size(profiles); i++) { JSONNODE *it = json_at(profiles, i); // TODO: allow more users to parse at once std::string id = json_name(it); if (fbu->user_id == id) { parseUser(it, fbu); break; } } json_delete(root); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } /* TODO: implement this somehow int facebook_json_parser::parse_chat_info(void* data, facebook_chat* fbu) { // This is a recent 5 person listing of participants. JSONNODE *participants_ids = json_get(gthreadinfo, "participant_ids"); JSONNODE *participants_names = json_get(gthreadinfo, "participant_names"); JSONNODE *thread_name_ = json_get(gthreadinfo, "name"); std::tstring name = json_as_string(thread_name_); // if there is no name for this room, set own name if (name.empty()) { unsigned int namesCount = 3; // how many names should be in room name; max. 5 for (unsigned int n = 0; n < json_size(participants_names) && n < namesCount; n++) { JSONNODE *nameItr = json_at(participants_names, n); if (!name.empty()) name += _T(", "); name += json_as_string(nameItr); } JSONNODE *count_ = json_get(gthreadinfo, "participant_total_count"); unsigned int count = json_as_int(count_); if (count > namesCount) { TCHAR more[200]; mir_sntprintf(more, SIZEOF(more), TranslateT("%s and more (%d)"), name.c_str(), count - namesCount); name = more; } } if (name.empty()) name = thread_id; for (unsigned int n = 0; n < json_size(participants_ids); n++) { JSONNODE *idItr = json_at(participants_ids, n); std::string pId = json_as_pstring(idItr); JSONNODE *nameItr = json_at(participants_names, n); std::string pName = json_as_pstring(nameItr); if (!proto->IsChatContact(thread_id.c_str(), pId.c_str())) { proto->AddChatContact(thread_id.c_str(), pId.c_str(), pName.c_str()); } } std::string senderName = json_as_pstring(sender_name); std::string::size_type pos; if ((pos = senderName.find(" ")) != std::string::npos) { senderName = senderName.substr(0, pos); } // Last fall-back for adding this sender (in case he was not in the participants) - is this even needed? if (!proto->IsChatContact(thread_id.c_str(), id.c_str())) { proto->AddChatContact(thread_id.c_str(), id.c_str(), senderName.c_str()); } } */