/* Facebook plugin for Miranda Instant Messenger _____________________________________________ Copyright © 2009-11 Michal Zelinka, 2011-17 Robert Pösel, 2017-18 Miranda NG team This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "stdafx.h" void parseUser(const JSONNode &it, facebook_user *fbu) { fbu->user_id = it.name(); std::string id = it["id"].as_string(); // same as element's name, but doesn't exists for "page" type std::string alternateName = it["alternateName"].as_string(); // nickname std::string name = it["name"].as_string(); std::string thumbSrc = it["thumbSrc"].as_string(); std::string vanity = it["vanity"].as_string(); // username std::string type = it["type"].as_string(); // "friend", "page", "user" (friend with disabled account or not friend) bool isFriend = it["is_friend"].as_bool(); // e.g. "True" or "False" for type="friend" (I don't know why), "False" for type="user", doesn't exist for type="page" int gender = it["gender"].as_int(); // bool isMessengerContact = it["is_nonfriend_messenger_contact"].as_bool(); // "True" or "False", but we don't care as "is_friend" and "type" are enough for us //const JSONNode &uri = it["uri"); // profile url if (type == "user" && (id.empty() || id == "0")) { // this user has deleted account or is just unavailable for us (e.g., ignore list) -> don't read dummy name and avatar and rather ignore that completely return; } if (type == "friend" && isFriend) fbu->type = CONTACT_FRIEND; else if (type == "user" || (type == "friend" && !isFriend)) fbu->type = CONTACT_NONE; else if (type == "page") fbu->type = CONTACT_PAGE; if (!name.empty()) fbu->real_name = utils::text::slashu_to_utf8(name); if (!thumbSrc.empty()) fbu->image_url = utils::text::slashu_to_utf8(thumbSrc); if (!vanity.empty()) fbu->username = utils::text::slashu_to_utf8(vanity); if (!alternateName.empty()) fbu->nick = alternateName; if (gender) { switch (gender) { case 1: // female fbu->gender = 70; break; case 2: // male fbu->gender = 77; break; // case 7: // not available female? // case 11: // page } } } void FacebookProto::ParseMessageType(facebook_message &message, const JSONNode &log_type_, const JSONNode &log_body_, const JSONNode &log_data_) { if (!log_type_ || !log_body_ || !log_data_) return; std::string logType = log_type_.as_string(); if (logType == "log:phone-call") { message.type = PHONE_CALL; } else if (logType == "log:video-call") { message.type = VIDEO_CALL; } else if (logType == "log:generic-admin-text") { message.type = ADMIN_TEXT; } else if (logType == "log:subscribe") { message.type = SUBSCRIBE; const JSONNode &fbids_ = log_data_["added_participants"]; for (auto it2 = fbids_.begin(); it2 != fbids_.end(); ++it2) { std::string id = (*it2).as_string().substr(5); // strip "fbid:" prefix if (!message.data.empty()) message.data += ";"; message.data += id; } } else if (logType == "log:unsubscribe") { message.type = UNSUBSCRIBE; const JSONNode &fbids_ = log_data_["removed_participants"]; for (auto it2 = fbids_.begin(); it2 != fbids_.end(); ++it2) { std::string id = (*it2).as_string().substr(5); // strip "fbid:" prefix if (!message.data.empty()) message.data += ";"; message.data += id; } } else if (logType == "log:thread-name") { message.type = THREAD_NAME; message.data = log_data_["name"].as_string(); } else if (logType == "log:thread-image") { message.type = THREAD_IMAGE; } else { debugLogA("!!! Unknown log type - %s", logType.c_str()); } } int FacebookProto::ParseChatParticipants(std::string *data, std::map* participants) { std::string jsonData = data->substr(9); JSONNode root = JSONNode::parse(jsonData.c_str()); if (!root) return EXIT_FAILURE; const JSONNode &profiles = root["payload"].at("profiles"); if (!profiles) return EXIT_FAILURE; for (auto it = profiles.begin(); it != profiles.end(); ++it) { std::string userId = (*it).name(); std::string userName = (*it)["name"].as_string(); std::string type = (*it)["type"].as_string(); if (userId.empty() || userName.empty()) continue; auto participant = participants->find(userId); if (participant != participants->end()) { chatroom_participant &user = participant->second; user.nick = userName; if (type == "friend") user.role = ROLE_FRIEND; else if (type == "user") user.role = ROLE_NONE; else if (type == "page") { user.role = ROLE_NONE; // Use prefix for "page" users user.nick = m_pagePrefix + " " + userName; } user.loaded = true; } } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } int FacebookProto::ParseFriends(std::string *data, std::map< std::string, facebook_user* >* friends, bool loadAllContacts) { std::string jsonData = data->substr(9); JSONNode root = JSONNode::parse(jsonData.c_str()); if (!root) return EXIT_FAILURE; const JSONNode &payload = root["payload"]; if (!payload) return EXIT_FAILURE; for (auto it = payload.begin(); it != payload.end(); ++it) { facebook_user *fbu = new facebook_user(); parseUser(*it, fbu); // Facebook now sends also other types of contacts, which we do not want here if (!loadAllContacts && fbu->type != CONTACT_FRIEND) { delete fbu; continue; } friends->insert(std::make_pair(fbu->user_id, fbu)); } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } int FacebookProto::ParseNotifications(std::string *data, std::map< std::string, facebook_notification* > *notifications) { std::string jsonData = data->substr(9); JSONNode root = JSONNode::parse(jsonData.c_str()); if (!root) return EXIT_FAILURE; const JSONNode &list = root["payload"].at("nodes"); if (!list) return EXIT_FAILURE; // Create notifications chatroom (if it doesn't exists), because we will be writing to it new notifications here PrepareNotificationsChatRoom(); for (auto it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it) { const JSONNode &id_ = (*it)["alert_id"]; const JSONNode &state_ = (*it)["seen_state"]; const JSONNode &time_ = (*it)["timestamp"]["time"]; const JSONNode &text_ = (*it)["title"]["text"]; const JSONNode &url_ = (*it)["url"]; const JSONNode &icon_ = (*it)["icon"]["uri"]; // Ignore empty and old notifications if (!text_ || !state_ || state_.as_string() == "SEEN_AND_READ" || !time_) continue; facebook_notification *notification = new facebook_notification(); notification->id = id_.as_string(); // Fix notification ID std::string::size_type pos = notification->id.find(":"); if (pos != std::string::npos) notification->id = notification->id.substr(pos + 1); notification->link = url_.as_string(); notification->text = utils::text::html_entities_decode(utils::text::slashu_to_utf8(text_.as_string())); notification->time = utils::time::from_string(time_.as_string()); notification->setIcon(icon_.as_string()); // Write notification to chatroom UpdateNotificationsChatRoom(notification); // If it's unseen, remember it, otherwise forget it if (notifications->find(notification->id) == notifications->end()) notifications->insert(std::make_pair(notification->id, notification)); else delete notification; } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } bool FacebookProto::IgnoreDuplicates(const std::string &mid) { ScopedLock s(facy.send_message_lock_); std::map::iterator it = facy.messages_ignore.find(mid); if (it != facy.messages_ignore.end()) { debugLogA("??? Ignoring duplicit/sent message ID: %s", mid.c_str()); it->second++; // increase counter (for deleting it later) return true; } // remember this id to ignore duplicits facy.messages_ignore.insert(std::make_pair(mid, 1)); return false; } std::string absolutizeUrl(std::string &url) { if (url.find("/") == 0) { url = HTTP_PROTO_SECURE FACEBOOK_SERVER_REGULAR + url; } return url; } void FacebookProto::ParseAttachments(std::string &message_text, const JSONNode &delta_, std::string other_user_fbid, bool legacy) { std::string attachments_text; std::wstring newText; const JSONNode &attachments_ = delta_["attachments"]; if (!attachments_ || attachments_.empty()) return; for (auto itAttachment = attachments_.begin(); itAttachment != attachments_.end(); ++itAttachment) { const JSONNode &attach_ = legacy ? (*itAttachment) : (*itAttachment)["mercury"]; if (const JSONNode sticker_ = attach_["sticker_attachment"]) { newText = TranslateT("a sticker"); attachments_text += "\n"; std::string link = sticker_["url"].as_string(); if (!link.empty()) attachments_text += absolutizeUrl(link) + "\n"; std::string label = sticker_["label"].as_string(); if (!label.empty()) attachments_text += label + "\n"; const JSONNode &stickerId_ = sticker_["id"]; if (stickerId_) { // Stickers as smileys if (getByte(FACEBOOK_KEY_CUSTOM_SMILEYS, DEFAULT_CUSTOM_SMILEYS) && !facy.loading_history) { // FIXME: rewrite smileyadd to use custom smileys per protocol and not per contact and then remove this ugliness if (!other_user_fbid.empty()) { std::string sticker = "[[sticker:" + stickerId_.as_string() + "]]"; StickerAsSmiley(sticker, link, ContactIDToHContact(other_user_fbid)); } } } } else if (const JSONNode blob_ = attach_["blob_attachment"]) { std::string type = blob_["__typename"].as_string(); if (type == "MessageAnimatedImage") { // a GIF newText = TranslateT("a GIF"); std::string link = blob_["animated_image"]["uri"].as_string(); if (!link.empty()) attachments_text += "\n" + absolutizeUrl(link) + "\n"; } else { newText = (attachments_.size() > 1) ? TranslateT("files") : TranslateT("a file"); std::string filename = blob_["filename"].as_string(); std::string filesize = attach_["fileSize"].as_string(); if (!filesize.empty()) filename += ", " + filesize + " bytes"; std::string link = blob_["url"].as_string(); if (!link.empty()) attachments_text += "\n" + (!filename.empty() ? "<" + filename + "> " : "") + absolutizeUrl(link) + "\n"; } } else if (const JSONNode story_ = attach_["extensible_attachment"]["story_attachment"]) { std::string type = story_["target"]["__typename"].as_string(); if (type == "ExternalUrl") { newText = TranslateT("a link"); std::string title = story_["title_with_entities"]["text"].as_string(); std::string description = story_["description"]["text"].as_string(); std::string link = story_["url"].as_string(); // shorten long descriptions description = utils::text::truncate_utf8(description, MAX_LINK_DESCRIPTION_LEN); if (link.find("//www." FACEBOOK_SERVER_DOMAIN "/l.php") != std::string::npos || link.find("//l." FACEBOOK_SERVER_DOMAIN) != std::string::npos) { // de-facebook this link link = utils::url::decode(utils::text::source_get_value2(&link, "l.php?u=", "&", true)); } if (!link.empty()) { attachments_text += "\n"; if (!title.empty()) attachments_text += title + "\n"; if (!description.empty()) attachments_text += description + "\n"; attachments_text += absolutizeUrl(link) + "\n"; } } else debugLogA("json::parseAttachments (%s) - Unknown extensible attachment type %s", legacy ? "legacy" : "not legacy", type.c_str()); } else debugLogA("json::parseAttachments (%s) - Unknown attachment type", legacy ? "legacy" : "not legacy"); } // TODO: have this as extra event, not replace or append message content if (!message_text.empty()) message_text += "\n\n"; if (!attachments_text.empty()) { wchar_t title[200]; mir_snwprintf(title, TranslateT("User sent %s:"), newText.c_str()); message_text += T2Utf(title); message_text += attachments_text; } else { message_text += T2Utf(TranslateT("User sent an unsupported attachment. Open your browser to see it.")); debugLogA("json::parseAttachments (%s) - Unsupported attachment:\n%s", legacy ? "legacy" : "not legacy", attachments_.as_string().c_str()); } } bool FacebookProto::ParseMessageMetadata(facebook_message &message, const JSONNode &meta_) { if (!meta_) return false; const JSONNode &actorFbId_ = meta_["actorFbId"]; // who did the action const JSONNode &adminText_ = meta_["adminText"]; // description of the event (only for special events, not for user messages) const JSONNode &messageId_ = meta_["messageId"]; const JSONNode &otherUserFbId_ = meta_["threadKey"]["otherUserFbId"]; // for whom the event is (only for single conversations) const JSONNode &threadFbId_ = meta_["threadKey"]["threadFbId"]; // thread of the event (only for multi chat conversations) const JSONNode ×tamp_ = meta_["timestamp"]; if (!actorFbId_ || !messageId_ || !timestamp_) return false; std::string actorFbId = (actorFbId_ ? actorFbId_.as_string() : ""); std::string otherUserFbId = (otherUserFbId_ ? otherUserFbId_.as_string() : ""); std::string threadFbId = (!otherUserFbId_ && threadFbId_ ? "id." + threadFbId_.as_string() : ""); // NOTE: we must add "id." prefix as this is threadFbId and we want threadId (but only for multi chats) message.isChat = otherUserFbId.empty(); message.isIncoming = (actorFbId_.as_string() != facy.self_.user_id); message.isUnread = message.isIncoming; message.message_text = (adminText_ ? adminText_.as_string() : ""); message.time = utils::time::from_string(timestamp_.as_string()); message.user_id = message.isChat ? actorFbId : otherUserFbId; message.message_id = messageId_.as_string(); message.thread_id = threadFbId; return true; } bool FacebookProto::ProcessSpecialMessage(std::vector* messages, const JSONNode &meta_, MessageType messageType, const std::string &messageData) { facebook_message message; message.type = messageType; message.data = messageData; // Parse message metadata if (!ParseMessageMetadata(message, meta_)) { debugLogA("json::ProcessSpecialMessage - given empty messageMetadata"); return false; } // Ignore duplicits or messages sent from miranda if (IgnoreDuplicates(message.message_id)) { return false; } messages->push_back(message); return true; } int FacebookProto::ParseMessages(std::string *pData, std::vector* messages, std::map< std::string, facebook_notification* >* notifications) { // remove old received messages from map for (std::map::iterator it = facy.messages_ignore.begin(); it != facy.messages_ignore.end();) { if (it->second > FACEBOOK_IGNORE_COUNTER_LIMIT) { it = facy.messages_ignore.erase(it); } else { it->second++; // increase counter on each request ++it; } } JSONNode root = JSONNode::parse(pData->substr(9).c_str()); if (!root) return EXIT_FAILURE; const JSONNode &ms = root["ms"]; if (!ms) return EXIT_FAILURE; for (auto it = ms.begin(); it != ms.end(); ++it) { const JSONNode &type = (*it)["type"]; if (!type) continue; std::string t = type.as_string(); if (t == "delta") { // new messaging stuff const JSONNode &delta_ = (*it)["delta"]; if (!delta_) continue; const JSONNode &cls_ = delta_["class"]; std::string cls = cls_.as_string(); if (cls == "NewMessage") { // revised 5.3.2017 facebook_message message; // Parse message metadata const JSONNode &meta_ = delta_["messageMetadata"]; if (!ParseMessageMetadata(message, meta_)) { debugLogA("json::ParseMessages - No messageMetadata element"); continue; } // Ignore duplicits or messages sent from miranda if (IgnoreDuplicates(message.message_id)) continue; const JSONNode &body_ = delta_["body"]; std::string messageText = body_.as_string(); // Process attachements and stickers ParseAttachments(messageText, delta_, (message.isChat ? "" : message.user_id), false); message.message_text = utils::text::trim(messageText, true); messages->push_back(message); } else if (cls == "ReplaceMessage") { // revised 5.3.2017 //const JSONNode &newMessage_ = delta_["newMessage"]; // In newMessage object: "attachments", "body", "data"["meta_ranges"], "messageMetadata"["actorFbId", "messageId", "threadKey"["otherUserFbId", "threadFbId"], "timestamp"], "ttl" // ttl is usually "TTL_OFF" // meta_ranges is e.g. meta_ranges=[{"offset":11,"length":3,"type":1,"data":{"name":"timestamp","value":1488715200}}] } else if (cls == "ReadReceipt") { // user read message // when read const JSONNode &time_ = delta_["actionTimestampMs"]; if (!time_) continue; time_t timestamp = utils::time::from_string(time_.as_string()); // for multi chats (not available for single) const JSONNode &actor_ = delta_["actorFbId"]; // who read the message const JSONNode &thread_ = delta_["threadKey"]["threadFbId"]; // chat thread // for single chats (not available for multi) const JSONNode &reader_ = delta_["threadKey"]["otherUserFbId"]; // who read the message if (actor_ && thread_) { // multi chat // ignore if disabled if (!m_enableChat) continue; std::string readerId = actor_.as_string(); std::string tid = "id." + thread_.as_string(); // NOTE: threadFbId means just numeric id of thread, without "id." prefix. We add it here to have it consistent with other methods (where threadId is used) MCONTACT hContact = ChatIDToHContact(tid); facy.insert_reader(hContact, timestamp, readerId); } else if (reader_) { // single chat std::string userId = reader_.as_string(); MCONTACT hContact = ContactIDToHContact(userId); facy.insert_reader(hContact, timestamp); } } else if (cls == "MarkRead") { // revised 5.3.2017 // Messages (thread) was marked as read on server //const JSONNode &other_user_id_ = delta_["threadKeys"]["otherUserFbId"]; // for whom the message is (only for single conversations) //const JSONNode &thread_fbid_ = delta_["threadKeys"]["threadFbId"]; // thread of the message (only for multi chat conversations) //const JSONNode &actionTimestamp_ = delta_["actionTimestamp"]; // timestamp; more recent than watermarkTimestamp //const JSONNode &watermarkTimestamp_ = delta_["watermarkTimestamp"]; // timestamp } else if (cls == "NoOp") { // revised 5.3.2017 //const JSONNode &numNoOps_ = delta_["numNoOps"]; // number, usually 1 but I don't know what is it for continue; } else if (cls == "ForcedFetch") { // revised 5.3.2017 // when something related to thread changes (e.g. change of nickname of other user, thread image, etc.) } else if (cls == "AdminTextMessage") { // revised 5.3.2017 // various system messages - approving friendship, changing thread nickname, etc. const JSONNode &meta_ = delta_["messageMetadata"]; MessageType messageType = ADMIN_TEXT; // TODO: Do something special with some delta types const JSONNode &type_ = delta_["type"]; //const JSONNode &untyped_ = delta_["untypedData"]; std::string deltaType = type_.as_string(); if (deltaType == "confirm_friend_request") { //const JSONNode &connection_type_ = untyped_["connection_type"]; // e.g. "friend_request" //const JSONNode &friend_request_recipient_ = untyped_["friend_request_recipient"]; // userid //const JSONNode &friend_request_sender_ = untyped_["friend_request_sender"]; // userid } else if (deltaType == "change_thread_nickname") { //const JSONNode &nickname_ = untyped_["nickname"]; // new nickname //const JSONNode &participant_id_ = untyped_["participant_id"]; // user fbid of that participant } else if (deltaType == "change_thread_theme") { //const JSONNode &theme_color_ = untyped_["theme_color"]; // hexa format aarrggbb } else if (deltaType == "type=change_thread_icon") { //const JSONNode &thread_icon_ = untyped_["thread_icon"]; // emoji symbol } else { debugLogA("json::ParseMessages - Unknown AdminTextMessage type '%s'", deltaType.c_str()); } if (!ProcessSpecialMessage(messages, meta_, messageType)) { // Message wasn't added - either it is duplicate or there was some error continue; } } else if (cls == "RTCEventLog") { // revised 5.3.2017 // various voice/video calls events const JSONNode &meta_ = delta_["messageMetadata"]; MessageType messageType = ADMIN_TEXT; // TODO: Do something special with some types //const JSONNode &duration_ = delta_["duration"]; // numeric, probably length of call, e.g. 0 const JSONNode &eventType_ = delta_["eventType"]; // e.g. "VOICE_EVENT", "VIDEO_EVENT" std::string eventType = eventType_.as_string(); if (eventType == "VOICE_EVENT") messageType = PHONE_CALL; else if (eventType == "VIDEO_EVENT") messageType = VIDEO_CALL; else debugLogA("json::ParseMessages - Unknown RTCEventLog type '%s'", eventType.c_str()); if (!ProcessSpecialMessage(messages, meta_, messageType)) { // Message wasn't added - either it is duplicate or there was some error continue; } } else if (cls == "ThreadName") { // changed thread name (multi user chat) const JSONNode &meta_ = delta_["messageMetadata"]; const JSONNode &name_ = delta_["name"]; // new name of the chat (could be empty) std::string data = (name_ ? name_.as_string() : ""); ProcessSpecialMessage(messages, meta_, THREAD_NAME, data); } else if (cls == "ThreadMuteSettings") { //const JSONNode &expireTime_ = delta_["expireTime"]; // timestamp until which this thread will be muted; could be 0 = unmuted // _delta["threadKey"] contains "threadFbId" or "otherUserId" identifier } else if (cls == "ParticipantLeftGroupThread") { // user was removed from multi user chat const JSONNode &meta_ = delta_["messageMetadata"]; const JSONNode &leftParticipantFbId_ = delta_["leftParticipantFbId"]; std::string data = (leftParticipantFbId_ ? leftParticipantFbId_.as_string() : ""); ProcessSpecialMessage(messages, meta_, UNSUBSCRIBE, data); } else if (cls == "ParticipantsAddedToGroupThread") { // user was added to multi user chat const JSONNode &meta_ = delta_["messageMetadata"]; std::string data = ""; const JSONNode &addedParticipants_ = delta_["addedParticipants"]; // array of added participants for (auto it2 = addedParticipants_.begin(); it2 != addedParticipants_.end(); ++it2) { //const JSONNode &firstName_ = (*it2)["firstName"]; //const JSONNode &fullName_ = (*it2)["fullName"]; //const JSONNode &isMessengerUser_ = (*it2)["isMessengerUser"]; // boolean const JSONNode &userFbId_ = (*it2)["userFbId"]; // userid // TODO: Take advantage of given fullName so we don't need to load it manually afterwards if (userFbId_) { if (!data.empty()) data += ";"; data += userFbId_.as_string(); } } ProcessSpecialMessage(messages, meta_, SUBSCRIBE, data); } else { // DeliveryReceipt, MarkRead, ThreadDelete debugLogA("json::ParseMessages - Unknown delta class '%s'", cls.c_str()); } } else if (t == "notification_json") { // event notification const JSONNode &nodes = (*it)["nodes"]; // Create notifications chatroom (if it doesn't exists), because we will be writing to it new notifications here PrepareNotificationsChatRoom(); for (auto itNodes = nodes.begin(); itNodes != nodes.end(); ++itNodes) { const JSONNode &text_ = (*itNodes)["unaggregatedTitle"]; // notifications one by one, not grouped if (!text_) continue; const JSONNode &text = text_["text"]; const JSONNode &url = (*itNodes)["url"]; const JSONNode &alert_id = (*itNodes)["alert_id"]; const JSONNode &icon_ = (*itNodes)["icon"]["uri"]; const JSONNode &time_ = (*itNodes)["timestamp"]; if (!time_) continue; const JSONNode &time = time_["time"]; if (!time || !text || !url || !alert_id) continue; time_t timestamp = utils::time::from_string(time.as_string()); if (timestamp > facy.last_notification_time_) { // Only new notifications facy.last_notification_time_ = timestamp; facebook_notification *notification = new facebook_notification(); notification->text = utils::text::slashu_to_utf8(text.as_string()); notification->link = url.as_string(); notification->id = alert_id.as_string(); notification->time = timestamp; notification->setIcon(icon_.as_string()); // Fix notification ID std::string::size_type pos = notification->id.find(":"); if (pos != std::string::npos) notification->id = notification->id.substr(pos + 1); // Write notification to chatroom UpdateNotificationsChatRoom(notification); // If it's unseen, remember it, otherwise forget it (here it will always be unseen) if (notifications->find(notification->id) == notifications->end() && !notification->seen) notifications->insert(std::make_pair(notification->id, notification)); else delete notification; } } } else if (t == "m_notification") { const JSONNode &data = (*it)["data"]; if (!data) continue; const JSONNode &html_ = data["body"]["__html"]; const JSONNode &href_ = data["href"]; const JSONNode &unread_ = data["unread"]; if (!html_ || !href_ || !unread_ || unread_.as_int() == 0) continue; std::string alert_id = data["alert_id"].as_string(); const JSONNode &type_ = data["type"]; if (type_.as_string() == "friend_confirmed") { std::string text = utils::text::remove_html(utils::text::slashu_to_utf8(html_.as_string())); std::string url = href_.as_string(); // Notify it, if user wants to be notified if (getByte(FACEBOOK_KEY_EVENT_FRIENDSHIP_ENABLE, DEFAULT_EVENT_FRIENDSHIP_ENABLE)) NotifyEvent(m_tszUserName, ptrW(mir_utf8decodeW(text.c_str())), 0, EVENT_FRIENDSHIP, &url, alert_id.empty() ? nullptr : &alert_id); } else { // new comment, like or reaction PrepareNotificationsChatRoom(); // Fix notification ID std::string::size_type pos = alert_id.find(":"); if (pos != std::string::npos) alert_id = alert_id.substr(pos + 1); facebook_notification *notification = new facebook_notification(); notification->text = utils::text::remove_html(utils::text::html_entities_decode(html_.as_string())); notification->link = href_.as_string(); notification->id = alert_id; notification->time = utils::time::from_string(data["time"].as_string()); // Write notification to chatroom UpdateNotificationsChatRoom(notification); notifications->insert(std::make_pair(notification->id, notification)); } } else if (t == "jewel_requests_add") { // New friendship request, load them all with real names (because there is only user_id in "from" field) ForkThread(&FacebookProto::ProcessFriendRequests, nullptr); } else if (t == "typ") { // revised 5.3.2017 // chat typing notification const JSONNode &from_ = (*it)["from"]; // user fbid const JSONNode &to_ = (*it)["to"]; // user fbid (should be our own, but could be from our page too) //const JSONNode &realtime_viewer_fbid_ = (*it)["realtime_viewer_fbid"]; // our user fbid //const JSONNode &from_mobile_ = (*it)["from_mobile"]; // boolean // TODO: perhaps we should update user client based on this? const JSONNode &st_ = (*it)["st"]; // typing status - 1 = started typing, 0 = stopped typing // Ignore wrong (without "from") typing notifications or that are not meant for us (but e.g. for our page) if (!from_ || to_.as_string() != facy.self_.user_id) continue; facebook_user fbu; fbu.user_id = from_.as_string(); fbu.type = CONTACT_FRIEND; // only friends are able to send typing notifications MCONTACT hContact = AddToContactList(&fbu); if (st_.as_int() == 1) StartTyping(hContact); else StopTyping(hContact); } else if (t == "ttyp") { // multi chat typing notification if (!m_enableChat) continue; const JSONNode &from_ = (*it)["from"]; const JSONNode &thread_ = (*it)["thread"]; const JSONNode &st_ = (*it)["st"]; if (!from_ || !thread_ || !st_) continue; std::string tid = thread_.as_string(); std::string from_id = from_.as_string(); auto itRoom = facy.chat_rooms.find(thread_.as_string()); if (itRoom != facy.chat_rooms.end()) { facebook_chatroom *chatroom = itRoom->second; std::map participants = chatroom->participants; auto participant = participants.find(from_id); if (participant == participants.end()) { // TODO: load name of this participant chatroom_participant new_participant; new_participant.user_id = from_id; new_participant.nick = from_id; AddChatContact(tid.c_str(), new_participant, true); } participant = participants.find(from_id); if (participant != participants.end()) { MCONTACT hChatContact = ChatIDToHContact(tid); ptrW name(mir_utf8decodeW(participant->second.nick.c_str())); if (st_.as_int() == 1) Srmm_SetStatusText(hChatContact, CMStringW(FORMAT, TranslateT("%s is typing a message..."), name)); else Srmm_SetStatusText(hChatContact, nullptr); // TODO: support proper MS_PROTO_CONTACTISTYPING service for chatrooms (when it will be implemented) } } } else if (t == "privacy_changed") { // settings changed const JSONNode &event_type = (*it)["event"]; const JSONNode &event_data = (*it)["data"]; if (!event_type || !event_data) continue; std::string et = event_type.as_string(); if (et == "visibility_update") { // change of chat status const JSONNode &visibility = event_data["visibility"]; bool isVisible = visibility && visibility.as_bool(); debugLogA(" Requested chat switch to %s", isVisible ? "Online" : "Offline"); // If actual status is not what server says, change it (handle also local away status, which means online) if (isVisible != (m_iStatus != ID_STATUS_INVISIBLE)) SetStatus(isVisible ? ID_STATUS_ONLINE : ID_STATUS_INVISIBLE); } } else if (t == "chatproxy-presence") { const JSONNode &buddyList = (*it)["buddyList"]; if (!buddyList) continue; time_t offlineThreshold = time(nullptr) - 15 * 60; // contacts last active more than 15 minutes will be marked offline for (auto itNodes = buddyList.begin(); itNodes != buddyList.end(); ++itNodes) { std::string id = (*itNodes).name(); // Facebook now sends info also about some nonfriends, so we just ignore status change of contacts we don't have in list MCONTACT hContact = ContactIDToHContact(id); if (!hContact) continue; // TODO: Check for friends existence/inexistence? Here we should get all friends (but we're already doing friendslist request, so we should have fresh data already) const JSONNode &p_ = (*itNodes)["p"]; // possible values: 0, 2 (something more?) (might not be present) const JSONNode &lat_ = (*itNodes)["lat"]; // timestamp of last activity (could be 0) (is always present) const JSONNode &vc_ = (*itNodes)["vc"]; // possible values: 0, 8, 10 (something more?) (might not be present) int status = ID_STATUS_DND; // DND to easily spot some problem, as we expect it will always be p==0 or p==2 below // Probably means presence: 0 = away, 2 = online, when not present then that probably means don't change that status if (p_) { int p = p_.as_int(); if (p == 0) status = ID_STATUS_AWAY; else if (p == 2) status = ID_STATUS_ONLINE; setWord(hContact, "Status", status); } // Last active time if (lat_) { time_t last_active = utils::time::from_string(lat_.as_string()); if (last_active > 0) setDword(hContact, "LastActiveTS", last_active); else delSetting(hContact, "LastActiveTS"); // Set users inactive for too long as offline if (last_active > 0 && last_active < offlineThreshold) setWord(hContact, "Status", ID_STATUS_OFFLINE); } // Probably means client: guess 0 = web, 8 = messenger, 10 = something else? if (vc_) { wchar_t *client; switch (vc_.as_int()) { case 0: client = FACEBOOK_CLIENT_WEB; break; case 8: client = FACEBOOK_CLIENT_MESSENGER; break; case 10: client = FACEBOOK_CLIENT_MOBILE; break; default: client = FACEBOOK_CLIENT_OTHER; break; } setWString(hContact, "MirVer", client); } } } else if (t == "buddylist_overlay") { // TODO: This is now supported also via /ajax/mercury/tabs_presence.php request (probably) // additional info about user status (status, used client) const JSONNode &overlay_ = (*it)["overlay"]; if (!overlay_) continue; time_t offlineThreshold = time(nullptr) - 15 * 60; // contacts last active more than 15 minutes will be marked offline for (auto itNodes = overlay_.begin(); itNodes != overlay_.end(); ++itNodes) { std::string id = (*itNodes).name(); MCONTACT hContact = ContactIDToHContact(id); if (!hContact) { // Facebook now sends info also about some nonfriends, so we just ignore status change of contacts we don't have in list continue; } /* ptrW client(getWStringA(fbu->handle, "MirVer")); if (!client || mir_wstrcmp(client, fbu->getMirVer())) setWString(fbu->handle, "MirVer", fbu->getMirVer()); */ const JSONNode &a_ = (*itNodes)["a"]; // possible values: 0, 2 (something more?) const JSONNode &la_ = (*itNodes)["la"]; // timestamp of last activity (could be 0) const JSONNode &s_ = (*itNodes)["s"]; // possible values: push (something more?) const JSONNode &vc_ = (*itNodes)["vc"]; // possible values: 0, 8, 10 (something more?) // Friller account has also these: // const JSONNode &ol_ = (*itNodes)["ol"]; // possible values: -1 (when goes to offline), 0 (when goes back online) (something more?) // const JSONNode &p_ = (*itNodes)["p"]; // class with fbAppStatus, messengerStatus, otherStatus, status, webStatus int status = ID_STATUS_FREECHAT; // FREECHAT to easily spot some problem, as we expect it will always be p==0 or p==2 below if (a_) { int a = a_.as_int(); if (a == 0) status = ID_STATUS_OFFLINE; else if (a == 2) status = ID_STATUS_ONLINE; } else { status = ID_STATUS_OFFLINE; } if (la_ /*&& status != ID_STATUS_ONLINE*/) { time_t last_active = utils::time::from_string(la_.as_string()); // we should set IdleTS only when contact is IDLE, or OFFLINE //if (getDword(hContact, "IdleTS", 0) != last_active) { // if (/*(fbu->idle || status == ID_STATUS_OFFLINE) &&*/ last_active > 0) // setDword(hContact, "IdleTS", last_active); // else // delSetting(hContact, "IdleTS"); //} /*if (last_active > 0) setDword(hContact, "LastActiveTS", last_active); else delSetting(hContact, "LastActiveTS"); */ // Set users inactive for too long as offline if (last_active > 0 && last_active < offlineThreshold) status = ID_STATUS_OFFLINE; } else { delSetting(hContact, "IdleTS"); } setWord(hContact, "Status", status); if (s_) { // what to do with this? } // Probably means client: guess 0 = web, 8 = messenger, 10 = something else? if (vc_) { wchar_t *client = FACEBOOK_CLIENT_WEB; /*if (vc == 0) { // means active some time ago? (on messenger or also on web) client = FACEBOOK_CLIENT_WEB; } else if (vc == 8) { client = FACEBOOK_CLIENT_MESSENGER; // I was online on Miranda, but when looked at myself at messenger.com I had icon of Messenger. } else if (vc == 10) { // means actually active on messenger client = FACEBOOK_CLIENT_MOBILE; } else { client = FACEBOOK_CLIENT_OTHER; }*/ setWString(hContact, "MirVer", client); } } } else if (t == "ticker_update:home") { if (!getByte(FACEBOOK_KEY_EVENT_TICKER_ENABLE, DEFAULT_EVENT_TICKER_ENABLE)) continue; const JSONNode &actor_ = (*it)["actor"]; const JSONNode &story_ = (*it)["story_xhp"]; std::string text = story_.as_string(); text = utils::text::html_entities_decode(utils::text::slashu_to_utf8(text)); std::string url = utils::text::source_get_value(&text, 3, "\"tickerStoryLink\"", "href=\"", "\""); std::string story_type = utils::text::source_get_value2(&text, "\"type\":\"", "\""); std::string story_class = utils::text::source_get_value2(&text, "\"entstory_class\":\"", "\""); text = utils::text::trim(utils::text::remove_html(text)); std::string userId = actor_.as_string(); MCONTACT hContact = ContactIDToHContact(userId); debugLogA("+++ Got ticker type='%s' class='%s'", story_type.c_str(), story_class.c_str()); if (!text.empty()) NotifyEvent(m_tszUserName, ptrW(mir_utf8decodeW(text.c_str())), hContact, EVENT_TICKER, &url); } else if (t == "notifications_read" || t == "notifications_seen") { // revised 5.3.2017 ScopedLock s(facy.notifications_lock_); const JSONNode &alerts = (*it)["alert_ids"]; for (auto itAlerts = alerts.begin(); itAlerts != alerts.end(); ++itAlerts) { std::string id = (*itAlerts).as_string(); auto itAlert = notifications->find(id); if (itAlert != notifications->end()) { if (itAlert->second->hWndPopup != nullptr) PUDeletePopup(itAlert->second->hWndPopup); // close popup delete itAlert->second; notifications->erase(itAlert); } } } /*else if (t == "mobile_requests_count") { // revised 5.3.2017 // Notifies about remaining friendship requests (happens e.g. after approving friendship) const JSONNode &num_friend_confirmed_unseen_ = (*it)["num_friend_confirmed_unseen"]; // number, e.g. "0" const JSONNode &num_unread_ = (*it)["num_unread"]; // number, e.g. "0" const JSONNode &num_unseen_ = (*it)["num_unseen"]; // number, e.g. "0" const JSONNode &realtime_viewer_fbid_ = (*it)["realtime_viewer_fbid"]; // our user fbid } else if (t == "friending_state_change") { // revised 5.3.2017 const JSONNode &userid_ = (*it)["userid"]; // fbid of user this event is about const JSONNode &realtime_viewer_fbid_ = (*it)["realtime_viewer_fbid"]; // our user fbid const JSONNode &action_ = (*it)["action"]; // "confirm" = when we approved friendship if (action_.as_string() == "confirm") { // ... } } else if (t == "inbox") { // revised 5.3.2017 const JSONNode &realtime_viewer_fbid_ = (*it)["realtime_viewer_fbid"]; // our user fbid const JSONNode &recent_unread_ = (*it)["recent_unread"]; // number const JSONNode &seen_timestamp_ = (*it)["seen_timestamp"]; // number const JSONNode &unread_ = (*it)["unread"]; // number const JSONNode &unseen_ = (*it)["unseen"]; // number } else if (t == "webrtc") { // revised 5.3.2017 const JSONNode &realtime_viewer_fbid_ = (*it)["realtime_viewer_fbid"]; // our user fbid const JSONNode &source_ = (*it)["source"]; // e.g. "www" const JSONNode &msg_type_ = (*it)["msg_type"]; // e.g. "hang_up", "other_dismiss", "ice_candidate", "offer", "offer_ack", ...? const JSONNode &id_ = (*it)["id"]; // some numeric id const JSONNode &call_id_ = (*it)["call_id"]; // some numeric id const JSONNode &from_ = (*it)["from"]; // user fbid that started this event const JSONNode &payload_ = (*it)["payload"]; // string with some metadata (usually same as above) }*/ else continue; } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } int FacebookProto::ParseUnreadThreads(std::string *data, std::vector< std::string >* threads) { std::string jsonData = data->substr(9); JSONNode root = JSONNode::parse(jsonData.c_str()); if (!root) return EXIT_FAILURE; const JSONNode &unread_threads = root["payload"].at("unread_thread_fbids"); if (!unread_threads) return EXIT_FAILURE; for (auto it = unread_threads.begin(); it != unread_threads.end(); ++it) { // For multi user chats const JSONNode &thread_fbids = (*it)["thread_fbids"]; for (auto jt = thread_fbids.begin(); jt != thread_fbids.end(); ++jt) threads->push_back((*jt).as_string()); // For classic conversations const JSONNode &other_user_fbids = (*it)["other_user_fbids"]; for (auto jt = other_user_fbids.begin(); jt != other_user_fbids.end(); ++jt) threads->push_back((*jt).as_string()); } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } int FacebookProto::ParseThreadMessages(std::string *data, std::vector< facebook_message >* messages, bool unreadOnly) { std::string jsonData = data->substr(9); JSONNode root = JSONNode::parse(jsonData.c_str()); if (!root) return EXIT_FAILURE; const JSONNode &payload = root["payload"]; if (!payload) return EXIT_FAILURE; const JSONNode &actions = payload["actions"]; const JSONNode &threads = payload["threads"]; if (!actions || !threads) return EXIT_FAILURE; for (auto it = actions.begin(); it != actions.end(); ++it) { const JSONNode &author_ = (*it)["author"]; const JSONNode &other_user_fbid_ = (*it)["other_user_fbid"]; const JSONNode &body_ = (*it)["body"]; const JSONNode &thread_id_ = (*it)["thread_id"]; const JSONNode &thread_fbid_ = (*it)["thread_fbid"]; const JSONNode &mid_ = (*it)["message_id"]; const JSONNode ×tamp_ = (*it)["timestamp"]; const JSONNode &filtered_ = (*it)["is_filtered_content"]; const JSONNode &is_unread_ = (*it)["is_unread"]; // Either there is "body" (for classic messages), or "log_message_type" and "log_message_body" (for log messages) const JSONNode &log_type_ = (*it)["log_message_type"]; const JSONNode &log_body_ = (*it)["log_message_body"]; const JSONNode &log_data_ = (*it)["log_message_data"]; // additional data for this log message if (!author_ || (!body_ && !log_body_) || !mid_ || (!thread_fbid_ && !thread_id_) || !timestamp_) { debugLogA("ParseThreadMessages: ignoring message (%s) - missing attribute", mid_.as_string().c_str()); continue; } std::string thread_id = thread_id_.as_string(); std::string thread_fbid = thread_fbid_.as_string(); std::string message_id = mid_.as_string(); std::string message_text = body_ ? body_.as_string() : log_body_.as_string(); std::string author_id = author_.as_string(); std::string other_user_fbid = other_user_fbid_ ? other_user_fbid_.as_string() : ""; std::string::size_type pos = author_id.find(":"); // strip "fbid:" prefix if (pos != std::string::npos) author_id = author_id.substr(pos + 1); // Process attachements and stickers ParseAttachments(message_text, *it, other_user_fbid, true); if (filtered_.as_bool() && message_text.empty()) message_text = Translate("This message is no longer available, because it was marked as abusive or spam."); message_text = utils::text::trim(utils::text::slashu_to_utf8(message_text), true); if (message_text.empty()) { debugLogA("ParseThreadMessages: ignoring message (%s) - empty message text", mid_.as_string().c_str()); continue; } bool isUnread = is_unread_.as_bool(); // Ignore read messages if we want only unread messages if (unreadOnly && !isUnread) continue; facebook_message message; message.message_text = message_text; message.time = utils::time::from_string(timestamp_.as_string()); message.message_id = message_id; message.isIncoming = (author_id != facy.self_.user_id); message.isUnread = isUnread; message.isChat = other_user_fbid.empty(); if (message.isChat) { message.user_id = author_id; message.thread_id = "id." + thread_fbid; } else { message.user_id = other_user_fbid; message.thread_id = thread_id; } ParseMessageType(message, log_type_, log_body_, log_data_); messages->push_back(message); } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } int FacebookProto::ParseHistory(std::string *data, std::vector< facebook_message >* messages, std::string *firstTimestamp) { std::string jsonData = data->substr(9); JSONNode root = JSONNode::parse(jsonData.c_str()); if (!root) return EXIT_FAILURE; const JSONNode &payload = root["payload"]; if (!payload) return EXIT_FAILURE; const JSONNode &actions = payload["actions"]; if (!actions) return EXIT_FAILURE; bool first = true; for (auto it = actions.begin(); it != actions.end(); ++it) { const JSONNode &author = (*it)["author"]; const JSONNode &other_user_fbid = (*it)["other_user_fbid"]; const JSONNode &body = (*it)["body"]; const JSONNode &tid = (*it)["thread_id"]; const JSONNode &mid = (*it)["message_id"]; const JSONNode ×tamp = (*it)["timestamp"]; const JSONNode &filtered = (*it)["is_filtered_content"]; const JSONNode &is_unread = (*it)["is_unread"]; // Either there is "body" (for classic messages), or "log_message_type" and "log_message_body" (for log messages) const JSONNode &log_type_ = (*it)["log_message_type"]; const JSONNode &log_body_ = (*it)["log_message_body"]; const JSONNode &log_data_ = (*it)["log_message_data"]; if (!author || (!body && !log_body_) || !mid || !tid || !timestamp) { debugLogA("ParseHistory: ignoring message (%s) - missing attribute", mid.as_string().c_str()); continue; } if (first) { *firstTimestamp = timestamp.as_string(); first = false; } std::string thread_id = tid.as_string(); std::string message_id = mid.as_string(); std::string message_text = body ? body.as_string() : log_body_.as_string(); std::string author_id = author.as_string(); std::string other_user_id = other_user_fbid ? other_user_fbid.as_string() : ""; std::string::size_type pos = author_id.find(":"); // strip "fbid:" prefix if (pos != std::string::npos) author_id = author_id.substr(pos + 1); // Process attachements and stickers ParseAttachments(message_text, *it, other_user_id, true); if (filtered.as_bool() && message_text.empty()) message_text = Translate("This message is no longer available, because it was marked as abusive or spam."); message_text = utils::text::trim(utils::text::slashu_to_utf8(message_text), true); if (message_text.empty()) { debugLogA("ParseHistory: ignoring message (%s) - empty message text", mid.as_string().c_str()); continue; } facebook_message message; message.message_text = message_text; message.time = utils::time::from_string(timestamp.as_string()); message.thread_id = thread_id; message.message_id = message_id; message.isIncoming = (author_id != facy.self_.user_id); message.isUnread = is_unread.as_bool(); message.isChat = false; message.user_id = other_user_id; ParseMessageType(message, log_type_, log_body_, log_data_); messages->push_back(message); } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } int FacebookProto::ParseThreadInfo(std::string *data, std::string* user_id) { std::string jsonData = data->substr(9); JSONNode root = JSONNode::parse(jsonData.c_str()); if (!root) return EXIT_FAILURE; const JSONNode &threads = root["payload"].at("threads"); if (!threads) return EXIT_FAILURE; //std::map thread_ids; for (auto it = threads.begin(); it != threads.end(); ++it) { const JSONNode &canonical = (*it)["canonical_fbid"]; const JSONNode &thread_id = (*it)["thread_id"]; //const JSONNode &message_count = (*it)["message_count"); // TODO: this could be useful for loading history from server if (!canonical || !thread_id) continue; std::string id = canonical.as_string(); if (id == "null") continue; *user_id = id; } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } int FacebookProto::ParseUserInfo(std::string *data, facebook_user* fbu) { std::string jsonData = data->substr(9); JSONNode root = JSONNode::parse(jsonData.c_str()); if (!root) return EXIT_FAILURE; const JSONNode &profiles = root["payload"].at("profiles"); if (!profiles) return EXIT_FAILURE; //std::map user_ids; for (auto it = profiles.begin(); it != profiles.end(); ++it) { // TODO: allow more users to parse at once std::string id = (*it).name(); if (fbu->user_id == id) { parseUser(*it, fbu); break; } } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } int FacebookProto::ParseChatInfo(std::string *data, facebook_chatroom* fbc) { std::string jsonData = data->substr(9); JSONNode root = JSONNode::parse(jsonData.c_str()); if (!root) return EXIT_FAILURE; const JSONNode &threads = root["payload"].at("threads"); if (!threads) return EXIT_FAILURE; for (auto it = threads.begin(); it != threads.end(); ++it) { const JSONNode &is_canonical_user_ = (*it)["is_canonical_user"]; const JSONNode &thread_fbid_ = (*it)["thread_fbid"]; const JSONNode &name_ = (*it)["name"]; //const JSONNode &message_count_ = (*it)["message_count"); //const JSONNode &unread_count_ = (*it)["unread_count"); // TODO: use it to check against number of loaded messages... but how? if (!thread_fbid_ || !is_canonical_user_ || is_canonical_user_.as_bool()) continue; std::string tid = "id." + thread_fbid_.as_string(); // TODO: allow more chats to parse at once if (fbc->thread_id != tid) continue; chatroom_participant user; user.is_former = true; const JSONNode &former_participants = (*it)["former_participants"]; for (auto jt = former_participants.begin(); jt != former_participants.end(); ++jt) { user.role = (*jt)["is_friend"].as_bool() ? ROLE_FRIEND : ROLE_NONE; user.user_id = (*jt)["id"].as_string().substr(5); // strip "fbid:" prefix fbc->participants.insert(std::make_pair(user.user_id, user)); } user.is_former = false; user.role = ROLE_NONE; const JSONNode &participants = (*it)["participants"]; for (auto jt = participants.begin(); jt != participants.end(); ++jt) { user.user_id = (*jt).as_string().substr(5); // strip "fbid:" prefix fbc->participants.insert(std::make_pair(user.user_id, user)); } // TODO: don't automatically join unsubscribed or archived chatrooms fbc->can_reply = (*it)["can_reply"].as_bool(); fbc->is_archived = (*it)["is_archived"].as_bool(); fbc->is_subscribed = (*it)["is_subscribed"].as_bool(); fbc->read_only = (*it)["read_only"].as_bool(); fbc->chat_name = std::wstring(ptrW(mir_utf8decodeW(name_.as_string().c_str()))); } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } int FacebookProto::ParseMessagesCount(std::string *data, int *messagesCount, int *unreadCount) { std::string jsonData = data->substr(9); JSONNode root = JSONNode::parse(jsonData.c_str()); if (!root) return EXIT_FAILURE; const JSONNode &threads = root["payload"].at("threads"); if (!threads) return EXIT_FAILURE; for (auto it = threads.begin(); it != threads.end(); ++it) { const JSONNode &message_count_ = (*it)["message_count"]; const JSONNode &unread_count_ = (*it)["unread_count"]; if (!message_count_ || !unread_count_) return EXIT_FAILURE; *messagesCount = message_count_.as_int(); *unreadCount = unread_count_.as_int(); } return EXIT_SUCCESS; }