/* Facebook plugin for Miranda Instant Messenger _____________________________________________ Copyright © 2009-11 Michal Zelinka, 2011-17 Robert Pösel, 2017-18 Miranda NG team This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "stdafx.h" int FacebookProto::RecvMsg(MCONTACT hContact, PROTORECVEVENT *pre) { StopTyping(hContact); return Proto_RecvMessage(hContact, pre); } void FacebookProto::SendMsgWorker(void *p) { if (p == nullptr) return; send_direct *data = static_cast(p); ptrA id(getStringA(data->hContact, FACEBOOK_KEY_ID)); if (!isOnline()) ProtoBroadcastAck(data->hContact, ACKTYPE_MESSAGE, ACKRESULT_FAILED, (HANDLE)data->msgid, (LPARAM)Translate("You cannot send messages when you are offline.")); else if (id == nullptr) ProtoBroadcastAck(data->hContact, ACKTYPE_MESSAGE, ACKRESULT_FAILED, (HANDLE)data->msgid, 0); else { int tries = getByte(FACEBOOK_KEY_SEND_MESSAGE_TRIES, 1); tries = min(max(tries, 1), 5); std::string error_text; int result = SEND_MESSAGE_ERROR; while (result == SEND_MESSAGE_ERROR && tries-- > 0) result = facy.send_message(data->msgid, data->hContact, data->msg, &error_text); if (result == SEND_MESSAGE_OK) { ProtoBroadcastAck(data->hContact, ACKTYPE_MESSAGE, ACKRESULT_SUCCESS, (HANDLE)data->msgid, 0); // Remove from "readers" list and clear statusbar facy.erase_reader(data->hContact); } else ProtoBroadcastAck(data->hContact, ACKTYPE_MESSAGE, ACKRESULT_FAILED, (HANDLE)data->msgid, (LPARAM)error_text.c_str()); } delete data; } void FacebookProto::SendChatMsgWorker(void *p) { if (p == nullptr) return; send_chat *data = static_cast(p); std::string err_message; // replace %% back to %, because chat automatically does this to sent messages utils::text::replace_all(&data->msg, "%%", "%"); MCONTACT hContact = ChatIDToHContact(data->chat_id); if (hContact) { ptrA tid_(getStringA(hContact, FACEBOOK_KEY_TID)); std::string tid; if (tid_ != nullptr && mir_strcmp(tid_, "null")) tid = tid_; else { // request info about chat thread http::response resp = facy.sendRequest(facy.threadInfoRequest(true, data->chat_id.c_str())); tid = utils::text::source_get_value(&resp.data, 2, "\"thread_id\":\"", "\""); if (!tid.empty() && tid.compare("null")) setString(hContact, FACEBOOK_KEY_TID, tid.c_str()); debugLogA(" Got thread info: %s = %s", data->chat_id.c_str(), tid.c_str()); } if (!tid.empty()) { if (facy.send_message(0, hContact, data->msg, &err_message) == SEND_MESSAGE_OK) UpdateChat(data->chat_id.c_str(), facy.self_.user_id.c_str(), facy.self_.real_name.c_str(), data->msg.c_str()); else { ptrA text(mir_utf8encode(err_message.c_str())); UpdateChat(data->chat_id.c_str(), nullptr, nullptr, text); } } } delete data; } int FacebookProto::SendMsg(MCONTACT hContact, int, const char *msg) { std::string message = msg; unsigned int msgId = InterlockedIncrement(&facy.msgid_); ForkThread(&FacebookProto::SendMsgWorker, new send_direct(hContact, message, msgId)); return msgId; } int FacebookProto::UserIsTyping(MCONTACT hContact, int type) { if (hContact && isOnline()) ForkThread(&FacebookProto::SendTypingWorker, new send_typing(hContact, type)); return 0; } void FacebookProto::SendTypingWorker(void *p) { if (p == nullptr) return; send_typing *typing = static_cast(p); // Don't send typing notifications when we are invisible and user don't want that bool typingWhenInvisible = getBool(FACEBOOK_KEY_TYPING_WHEN_INVISIBLE, DEFAULT_TYPING_WHEN_INVISIBLE); if (isInvisible() && !typingWhenInvisible) { delete typing; return; } // Dont send typing notifications to not friends - Facebook won't give them that info anyway if (!isChatRoom(typing->hContact) && getWord(typing->hContact, FACEBOOK_KEY_CONTACT_TYPE, 0) != CONTACT_FRIEND) { delete typing; return; } const char *value = (isChatRoom(typing->hContact) ? FACEBOOK_KEY_TID : FACEBOOK_KEY_ID); ptrA id(getStringA(typing->hContact, value)); if (id != nullptr) http::response resp = facy.sendRequest(facy.sendTypingRequest(id, isChatRoom(typing->hContact), typing->status == PROTOTYPE_SELFTYPING_ON)); delete typing; } void FacebookProto::ReadMessageWorker(void *p) { if (p == nullptr) return; if (getBool(FACEBOOK_KEY_KEEP_UNREAD, 0)) return; std::set *hContacts = (std::set*)p; if (hContacts->empty()) { delete hContacts; return; } LIST ids(1); for (auto &hContact : *hContacts) { if (getBool(hContact, FACEBOOK_KEY_KEEP_UNREAD, 0)) continue; // mark message read (also send seen info) const char *value = (isChatRoom(hContact) ? FACEBOOK_KEY_TID : FACEBOOK_KEY_ID); ptrA id(getStringA(hContact, value)); if (id == nullptr) continue; ids.insert(mir_strdup(id)); } hContacts->clear(); delete hContacts; facy.sendRequest(facy.markMessageReadRequest(ids)); FreeList(ids); ids.destroy(); } void FacebookProto::StickerAsSmiley(std::string sticker, const std::string &url, MCONTACT hContact) { // Don't load stickers as smileys when we're loading history if (facy.loading_history) return; std::string b64 = ptrA(mir_base64_encode(sticker.c_str(), sticker.length())); b64 = utils::url::encode(b64); std::wstring filename = GetAvatarFolder() + L"\\stickers\\"; ptrW dir(mir_wstrdup(filename.c_str())); filename += (wchar_t*)_A2T(b64.c_str()); filename += L".png"; // Check if we have this sticker already and download it if not if (GetFileAttributes(filename.c_str()) == INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) { HNETLIBCONN nlc = nullptr; facy.save_url(url, filename, nlc); Netlib_CloseHandle(nlc); } SMADD_CONT cont; cont.cbSize = sizeof(SMADD_CONT); cont.hContact = hContact; cont.type = 0; cont.path = dir; CallService(MS_SMILEYADD_LOADCONTACTSMILEYS, 0, (LPARAM)&cont); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// HttpRequest* facebook_client::sendMessageRequest( const char *userId, const char *threadId, const char *messageId, const char *messageText, bool isChat, const char *captcha, const char *captchaPersistData) { HttpRequest *p = new HttpRequest(REQUEST_POST, FACEBOOK_SERVER_REGULAR "/messaging/send/"); // Don't notify errors for this request, because we're getting them inline in messaging window p->NotifyErrors = false; // Use own persistent connection for sending messages p->Persistent = p->MESSAGES; p->Url << INT_PARAM("dpr", 1); if (mir_strlen(captcha) > 0) p->Body << CHAR_PARAM("captcha_persist_data", captchaPersistData) << CHAR_PARAM("captcha_response", captcha); p->Body << CHAR_PARAM("client", "mercury") << CHAR_PARAM("action_type", "ma-type:user-generated-message"); // Experimental sticker sending support std::string message_text = messageText; // FIXME: Rewrite this without std::string... if (message_text.substr(0, 10) == "[[sticker:" && message_text.substr(message_text.length() - 2) == "]]") // TODO: For sending GIF images instead of "sticker_id=" there is "image_ids[0]=", otherwise it's same p->Body << "body=" << CHAR_PARAM("sticker_id", message_text.substr(10, message_text.length() - 10 - 2).c_str()) << BOOL_PARAM("has_attachment", true); else p->Body << CHAR_PARAM("body", messageText) << BOOL_PARAM("has_attachment", false); p->Body << INT_PARAM("ephemeral_ttl_mode", 0) << CHAR_PARAM("message_id", messageId) << CHAR_PARAM("offline_threading_id", messageId); // Same as message ID if (isChat) { // NOTE: Remove "id." prefix as here we need to give threadFbId and not threadId std::string threadFbid = threadId; // FIXME: Rewrite this without std::string... if (threadFbid.substr(0, 3) == "id.") threadFbid = threadFbid.substr(3); p->Body << CHAR_PARAM("thread_fbid", threadFbid.c_str()); } else p->Body << CHAR_PARAM("other_user_fbid", userId) << CHAR_PARAM("specific_to_list[0]", CMStringA(::FORMAT, "fbid:%s", userId)) << CHAR_PARAM("specific_to_list[1]", CMStringA(::FORMAT, "fbid:%s", self_.user_id.c_str())); p->Body // << "signature_id=" // TODO: How to generate signature ID? It is present only when sending via "mercury" << CHAR_PARAM("source", "source:chat:web") // or "source:titan:web" for web_messenger << CHAR_PARAM("timestamp", utils::time::mili_timestamp().c_str()) << CHAR_PARAM("ui_push_phase", "V3") << CHAR_PARAM("__user", self_.user_id.c_str()) << CHAR_PARAM("__dyn", __dyn()) << CHAR_PARAM("__req", __req()) << CHAR_PARAM("__rev", __rev()) << CHAR_PARAM("fb_dtsg", dtsg_.c_str()) << CHAR_PARAM("ttstamp", ttstamp_.c_str()) << INT_PARAM("__a", 1) << CHAR_PARAM("__pc", "PHASED:DEFAULT") << INT_PARAM("__be", -1); return p; } HttpRequest* facebook_client::sendTypingRequest(const char *userId, bool isChat, bool isTyping) { HttpRequest *p = new HttpRequest(REQUEST_POST, FACEBOOK_SERVER_REGULAR "/ajax/messaging/typ.php"); p->Url << INT_PARAM("dpr", 1); p->Body << INT_PARAM("typ", isTyping ? 1 : 0) << CHAR_PARAM("to", isChat ? "" : userId) << CHAR_PARAM("thread", userId) << CHAR_PARAM("source", "mercury-chat") << CHAR_PARAM("__user", self_.user_id.c_str()) << CHAR_PARAM("__dyn", __dyn()) << CHAR_PARAM("__req", __req()) << CHAR_PARAM("__rev", __rev()) << CHAR_PARAM("fb_dtsg", dtsg_.c_str()) << CHAR_PARAM("ttstamp", ttstamp_.c_str()) << CHAR_PARAM("__pc", "PHASED:DEFAULT") << INT_PARAM("__a", 1) << INT_PARAM("__be", -1); return p; } HttpRequest* facebook_client::markMessageReadRequest(const LIST &ids) { HttpRequest *p = new HttpRequest(REQUEST_POST, FACEBOOK_SERVER_REGULAR "/ajax/mercury/change_read_status.php"); p->Url << INT_PARAM("__a", 1); for (int i = 0; i < ids.getCount(); i++) { std::string id_ = ids[i]; // NOTE: Remove "id." prefix as here we need to give threadFbId and not threadId if (id_.substr(0, 3) == "id.") id_ = id_.substr(3); CMStringA id(::FORMAT, "ids[%s]", ptrA(mir_urlEncode(id_.c_str()))); p->Body << BOOL_PARAM(id, true); } p->Body << CHAR_PARAM("fb_dtsg", dtsg_.c_str()) << CHAR_PARAM("ttstamp", ttstamp_.c_str()) << CHAR_PARAM("__user", self_.user_id.c_str()) << CHAR_PARAM("__dyn", __dyn()) << CHAR_PARAM("__req", __req()) << CHAR_PARAM("__rev", __rev()) << INT_PARAM("__a", 1); return p; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// HttpRequest* facebook_client::exitThreadRequest(facebook_chatroom *fbc) { HttpRequest *p = new HttpRequest(REQUEST_POST, FACEBOOK_SERVER_REGULAR "/messaging/send/"); p->Url << INT_PARAM("dpr", 1); std::string msgid = utils::text::rand_string(15); p->Body << CHAR_PARAM("client", "mercury") << CHAR_PARAM("action_type", "ma-type:log-message") << CHAR_PARAM("log_message_data[removed_participants][0]", ("fbid:" + self_.user_id).c_str()) << CHAR_PARAM("log_message_type", "log:unsubscribe") << CHAR_PARAM("message_id", msgid.c_str()) << CHAR_PARAM("offline_threading_id", msgid.c_str()) << CHAR_PARAM("source", "source:chat:web") << CHAR_PARAM("thread_fbid", fbc->thread_id.substr(3).c_str()) << CHAR_PARAM("fb_dtsg", dtsg_.c_str()) << INT64_PARAM("timestamp", ::time(nullptr) * 1000) << CHAR_PARAM("__user", self_.user_id.c_str()) << CHAR_PARAM("__dyn", __dyn()) << CHAR_PARAM("__req", __req()) << CHAR_PARAM("__rev", __rev()) << CHAR_PARAM("__pc", "PHASED:DEFAULT") << INT_PARAM("__a", 1) << INT_PARAM("__be", 1); return p; }