/* Facebook plugin for Miranda Instant Messenger _____________________________________________ Copyright © 2009-11 Michal Zelinka, 2011-12 Robert Pösel This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "common.h" void FacebookProto::ProcessBuddyList( void* data ) { if ( data == NULL ) return; ScopedLock s( facy.buddies_lock_ ); std::string* resp = (std::string*)data; if ( isOffline()) goto exit; LOG("***** Starting processing buddy list"); CODE_BLOCK_TRY facebook_json_parser* p = new facebook_json_parser( this ); p->parse_buddy_list( data, &facy.buddies ); delete p; for ( List::Item< facebook_user >* i = facy.buddies.begin( ); i != NULL; ) { LOG(" Now %s: %s", (i->data->status_id == ID_STATUS_OFFLINE ? "offline" : "online"), i->data->real_name.c_str()); facebook_user* fbu; if ( i->data->status_id == ID_STATUS_OFFLINE || i->data->deleted ) { fbu = i->data; if (fbu->handle) DBWriteContactSettingWord(fbu->handle, m_szModuleName, "Status", ID_STATUS_OFFLINE); std::string to_delete( i->key ); i = i->next; facy.buddies.erase( to_delete ); } else { fbu = i->data; i = i->next; if (!fbu->handle) { // just been added fbu->handle = AddToContactList(fbu, FACEBOOK_CONTACT_FRIEND); if (!fbu->real_name.empty()) { DBWriteContactSettingUTF8String(fbu->handle,m_szModuleName,FACEBOOK_KEY_NAME,fbu->real_name.c_str()); DBWriteContactSettingUTF8String(fbu->handle,m_szModuleName,FACEBOOK_KEY_NICK,fbu->real_name.c_str()); } } if (DBGetContactSettingWord(fbu->handle,m_szModuleName,"Status", 0) != fbu->status_id ) { DBWriteContactSettingWord(fbu->handle,m_szModuleName,"Status", fbu->status_id ); } if (DBGetContactSettingByte(fbu->handle, m_szModuleName, FACEBOOK_KEY_CONTACT_TYPE, 0) != FACEBOOK_CONTACT_FRIEND) { DBWriteContactSettingByte(fbu->handle, m_szModuleName, FACEBOOK_KEY_CONTACT_TYPE, FACEBOOK_CONTACT_FRIEND); // TODO: remove that popup and use "Contact added you" event? } // Wasn't contact removed from "server-list" someday? if ( DBGetContactSettingDword(fbu->handle, m_szModuleName, FACEBOOK_KEY_DELETED, 0)) { DBDeleteContactSetting(fbu->handle, m_szModuleName, FACEBOOK_KEY_DELETED); std::string url = FACEBOOK_URL_PROFILE + fbu->user_id; TCHAR* szTitle = mir_a2t_cp(fbu->real_name.c_str(), CP_UTF8); TCHAR* szUrl = mir_a2t_cp(url.c_str(), CP_UTF8); NotifyEvent(szTitle, TranslateT("Contact is back on server-list."), fbu->handle, FACEBOOK_EVENT_OTHER, szUrl); mir_free( szTitle ); // mir_free( szUrl ); // url is free'd in popup procedure } // Check avatar change CheckAvatarChange(fbu->handle, fbu->image_url); } } LOG("***** Buddy list processed"); CODE_BLOCK_CATCH LOG("***** Error processing buddy list: %s", e.what()); CODE_BLOCK_END exit: delete resp; } void FacebookProto::ProcessFriendList( void* data ) { if ( data == NULL ) return; std::string* resp = (std::string*)data; LOG("***** Starting processing friend list"); CODE_BLOCK_TRY std::map friends; facebook_json_parser* p = new facebook_json_parser( this ); p->parse_friends( data, &friends ); delete p; // Check and update old contacts for(HANDLE hContact = db_find_first(); hContact; hContact = db_find_next(hContact)) { if (!IsMyContact(hContact)) continue; DBVARIANT dbv; facebook_user *fbu; if ( !DBGetContactSettingString(hContact,m_szModuleName,FACEBOOK_KEY_ID,&dbv)) { std::string id = dbv.pszVal; DBFreeVariant(&dbv); std::map< std::string, facebook_user* >::iterator iter; if ((iter = friends.find(id)) != friends.end()) { // Found contact, update it and remove from map fbu = iter->second; DBVARIANT dbv; bool update_required = true; // TODO RM: remove, because contacts cant change it, so its only for "first run" // - but what with contacts, that was added after logon? // Update gender if ( DBGetContactSettingByte(hContact, m_szModuleName, "Gender", 0) != fbu->gender ) DBWriteContactSettingByte(hContact, m_szModuleName, "Gender", fbu->gender); // Update real name if ( !DBGetContactSettingUTF8String(hContact, m_szModuleName, FACEBOOK_KEY_NAME, &dbv)) { update_required = strcmp( dbv.pszVal, fbu->real_name.c_str()) != 0; DBFreeVariant(&dbv); } if ( update_required ) { DBWriteContactSettingUTF8String(hContact, m_szModuleName, FACEBOOK_KEY_NAME, fbu->real_name.c_str()); DBWriteContactSettingUTF8String(hContact, m_szModuleName, FACEBOOK_KEY_NICK, fbu->real_name.c_str()); } if (DBGetContactSettingByte(hContact, m_szModuleName, FACEBOOK_KEY_CONTACT_TYPE, 0) != FACEBOOK_CONTACT_FRIEND) { DBWriteContactSettingByte(hContact, m_szModuleName, FACEBOOK_KEY_CONTACT_TYPE, FACEBOOK_CONTACT_FRIEND); // TODO: remove that popup and use "Contact added you" event? } // Wasn't contact removed from "server-list" someday? if ( DBGetContactSettingDword(hContact, m_szModuleName, FACEBOOK_KEY_DELETED, 0)) { DBDeleteContactSetting(hContact, m_szModuleName, FACEBOOK_KEY_DELETED); std::string url = FACEBOOK_URL_PROFILE + fbu->user_id; TCHAR* szTitle = mir_a2t_cp(fbu->real_name.c_str(), CP_UTF8); TCHAR* szUrl = mir_a2t_cp(url.c_str(), CP_UTF8); NotifyEvent(szTitle, TranslateT("Contact is back on server-list."), hContact, FACEBOOK_EVENT_OTHER, szUrl); mir_free( szTitle ); // mir_free( szUrl ); // url is free'd in popup procedure } // Check avatar change CheckAvatarChange(hContact, fbu->image_url); delete fbu; friends.erase(iter); } else { // Contact was removed from "server-list", notify it // Wasnt we already been notified about this contact? And was this real friend? if (!DBGetContactSettingDword(hContact, m_szModuleName, FACEBOOK_KEY_DELETED, 0) && DBGetContactSettingByte(hContact, m_szModuleName, FACEBOOK_KEY_CONTACT_TYPE, 0) == FACEBOOK_CONTACT_FRIEND) { DBWriteContactSettingDword(hContact, m_szModuleName, FACEBOOK_KEY_DELETED, ::time(NULL)); DBWriteContactSettingByte(hContact, m_szModuleName, FACEBOOK_KEY_CONTACT_TYPE, FACEBOOK_CONTACT_NONE); std::string contactname = id; if ( !DBGetContactSettingUTF8String(hContact, m_szModuleName, FACEBOOK_KEY_NAME, &dbv)) { contactname = dbv.pszVal; DBFreeVariant(&dbv); } std::string url = FACEBOOK_URL_PROFILE + id; TCHAR* szTitle = mir_a2t_cp(contactname.c_str(), CP_UTF8); TCHAR* szUrl = mir_a2t_cp(url.c_str(), CP_UTF8); NotifyEvent(szTitle, TranslateT("Contact is no longer on server-list."), hContact, FACEBOOK_EVENT_OTHER, szUrl); mir_free( szTitle ); // mir_free( szUrl ); // url is free'd in popup procedure } } } } // Check remain contacts in map and add it to contact list for ( std::map< std::string, facebook_user* >::iterator iter = friends.begin(); iter != friends.end(); ++iter ) { facebook_user *fbu = iter->second; HANDLE hContact = AddToContactList(fbu, FACEBOOK_CONTACT_FRIEND, true); // This contact is surely new DBWriteContactSettingByte(hContact, m_szModuleName, "Gender", fbu->gender ); DBWriteContactSettingUTF8String(hContact, m_szModuleName, FACEBOOK_KEY_NAME, fbu->real_name.c_str()); DBWriteContactSettingUTF8String(hContact, m_szModuleName, FACEBOOK_KEY_NICK, fbu->real_name.c_str()); DBWriteContactSettingString(hContact, m_szModuleName, FACEBOOK_KEY_AV_URL, fbu->image_url.c_str()); // DBWriteContactSettingWord(hContact, m_szModuleName, "Status", ID_STATUS_OFFLINE ); } LOG("***** Friend list processed"); CODE_BLOCK_CATCH LOG("***** Error processing friend list: %s", e.what()); CODE_BLOCK_END delete resp; } void FacebookProto::ProcessUnreadMessages( void* ) { facy.handle_entry( "messages" ); std::string get_data = "sk=inbox&query=is%3Aunread"; std::string data = "post_form_id="; data += ( facy.post_form_id_.length( )) ? facy.post_form_id_ : "0"; data += "&fb_dtsg=" + facy.dtsg_; data += "&post_form_id_source=AsyncRequest&lsd=&phstamp="; data += utils::time::mili_timestamp(); data += "&__user="; data += facy.self_.user_id; // Get unread inbox threads http::response resp = facy.flap( FACEBOOK_REQUEST_ASYNC, &data, &get_data ); // sk=inbox, sk=other // Process result data facy.validate_response(&resp); if (resp.code != HTTP_CODE_OK) { facy.handle_error( "messages" ); return; } std::string threadlist = utils::text::slashu_to_utf8(resp.data); std::string::size_type pos = 0; while ( ( pos = threadlist.find( "
  • ", pos ); std::string thread_content = threadlist.substr( pos, pos2 - pos ); pos = pos2; get_data = "sk=inbox&query=is%3Aunread&thread_query=is%3Aunread&action=read&tid="; get_data += utils::text::source_get_value( &thread_content, 2, "id=\\\"", "\\\"" ); resp = facy.flap( FACEBOOK_REQUEST_ASYNC, &data, &get_data ); // TODO: move this to new thread... facy.validate_response(&resp); if (resp.code != HTTP_CODE_OK) { LOG(" !! !! Error when getting messages list"); continue; } std::string messageslist = utils::text::slashu_to_utf8(resp.data); std::string user_id = utils::text::source_get_value( &messageslist, 2, "single_thread_id\":", "," ); if (user_id.empty()) { LOG(" !! !! Thread id is empty - this is groupchat message."); // TODO: remove as this is not such 'error' continue; } facebook_user fbu; fbu.user_id = user_id; HANDLE hContact = AddToContactList(&fbu, FACEBOOK_CONTACT_NONE); // TODO: if contact is newly added, get his user info // TODO: maybe create new "receiveMsg" function and use it for offline and channel messages? pos2 = 0; while ( ( pos2 = messageslist.find( "class=\\\"MessagingMessage ", pos2 )) != std::string::npos ) { pos2 += 8; std::string strclass = messageslist.substr(pos2, messageslist.find("\\\"", pos2) - pos2); if (strclass.find("MessagingMessageUnread") == std::string::npos) continue; // ignoring old messages //std::string::size_type pos3 = messageslist.find( "/li>", pos2 ); // TODO: ne proti tomuhle li, protože i přílohy mají li... std::string::size_type pos3 = messageslist.find( "class=\\\"MessagingMessage ", pos2 ); std::string messagesgroup = messageslist.substr( pos2, pos3 - pos2 ); DWORD timestamp = utils::conversion::to_timestamp( utils::text::source_get_value( &messagesgroup, 2, "data-utime=\\\"", "\\\"" )); pos3 = 0; while ( ( pos3 = messagesgroup.find( "class=\\\"content noh", pos3 )) != std::string::npos ) { std::string message_attachments = ""; std::string::size_type pos4 = 0; if ((pos4 = messagesgroup.find( "class=\\\"attachments\\\"", pos4)) != std::string::npos) { std::string attachments = messagesgroup.substr( pos4, messagesgroup.find("<\\/ul", pos4) - pos4 ); pos4 = 0; while ( ( pos4 = attachments.find("", pos4) - pos4 ); std::string link = utils::text::source_get_value( &attachment, 4, "", "<\\/a>" ); std::string name = utils::text::trim( utils::text::special_expressions_decode( utils::text::remove_html( attachment )) ); if (link.find("/ajax/messaging/attachments/photo/dialog.php?uri=") != std::string::npos) { link = link.substr(49); link = utils::url::decode(link); } message_attachments += "< " + name + " > " + FACEBOOK_URL_HOMEPAGE; message_attachments += link + "\r\n"; pos4++; } } std::string message_text = messagesgroup.substr(pos3, messagesgroup.find( "<\\/div", pos3 ) + 6 - pos3); message_text = utils::text::source_get_value( &message_text, 2, "\\\">", "<\\/div" ); message_text = utils::text::trim( utils::text::special_expressions_decode( utils::text::remove_html( message_text )) ); if (!message_attachments.empty()) { if (!message_text.empty()) message_text += "\r\n\r\n"; message_text += Translate("Attachments:"); message_text += "\r\n" + message_attachments; } PROTORECVEVENT recv = {0}; CCSDATA ccs = {0}; recv.flags = PREF_UTF; recv.szMessage = const_cast(message_text.c_str()); recv.timestamp = timestamp; ccs.hContact = hContact; ccs.szProtoService = PSR_MESSAGE; ccs.lParam = reinterpret_cast(&recv); CallService(MS_PROTO_CHAINRECV,0,reinterpret_cast(&ccs)); pos3++; } } } } void FacebookProto::ProcessMessages( void* data ) { if ( data == NULL ) return; std::string* resp = (std::string*)data; if ( isOffline()) goto exit; LOG("***** Starting processing messages"); CODE_BLOCK_TRY std::vector< facebook_message* > messages; std::vector< facebook_notification* > notifications; facebook_json_parser* p = new facebook_json_parser( this ); p->parse_messages( data, &messages, ¬ifications ); delete p; bool local_timestamp = getByte(FACEBOOK_KEY_LOCAL_TIMESTAMP, 0) != 0; for(std::vector::size_type i=0; iuser_id != facy.self_.user_id ) { LOG(" Got message: %s", messages[i]->message_text.c_str()); facebook_user fbu; fbu.user_id = messages[i]->user_id; HANDLE hContact = AddToContactList(&fbu, FACEBOOK_CONTACT_NONE, false, messages[i]->sender_name.c_str()); // TODO: if contact is newly added, get his user info // TODO: maybe create new "receiveMsg" function and use it for offline and channel messages? PROTORECVEVENT recv = {0}; CCSDATA ccs = {0}; recv.flags = PREF_UTF; recv.szMessage = const_cast(messages[i]->message_text.c_str()); recv.timestamp = local_timestamp ? ::time(NULL) : messages[i]->time; ccs.hContact = hContact; ccs.szProtoService = PSR_MESSAGE; ccs.lParam = reinterpret_cast(&recv); CallService(MS_PROTO_CHAINRECV,0,reinterpret_cast(&ccs)); } delete messages[i]; } messages.clear(); for(std::vector::size_type i=0; itext.c_str()); TCHAR* szTitle = mir_a2t_cp(this->m_szModuleName, CP_UTF8); TCHAR* szText = mir_a2t_cp(notifications[i]->text.c_str(), CP_UTF8); TCHAR* szUrl = mir_a2t_cp(notifications[i]->link.c_str(), CP_UTF8); NotifyEvent( szTitle, szText, ContactIDToHContact(notifications[i]->user_id), FACEBOOK_EVENT_NOTIFICATION, szUrl ); mir_free( szTitle ); mir_free( szText ); // mir_free( szUrl ); // URL is free'd in popup procedure delete notifications[i]; } notifications.clear(); LOG("***** Messages processed"); CODE_BLOCK_CATCH LOG("***** Error processing messages: %s", e.what()); CODE_BLOCK_END exit: delete resp; } void FacebookProto::ProcessNotifications( void* ) { if ( isOffline()) return; if (!getByte( FACEBOOK_KEY_EVENT_NOTIFICATIONS_ENABLE, DEFAULT_EVENT_NOTIFICATIONS_ENABLE )) return; facy.handle_entry( "notifications" ); // Get notifications http::response resp = facy.flap( FACEBOOK_REQUEST_NOTIFICATIONS ); // Process result data facy.validate_response(&resp); if (resp.code != HTTP_CODE_OK) { facy.handle_error( "notifications" ); return; } // Process notifications LOG("***** Starting processing notifications"); CODE_BLOCK_TRY std::vector< facebook_notification* > notifications; facebook_json_parser* p = new facebook_json_parser( this ); p->parse_notifications( &(resp.data), ¬ifications ); delete p; for(std::vector::size_type i=0; itext.c_str()); TCHAR* szTitle = mir_a2t_cp(this->m_szModuleName, CP_UTF8); TCHAR* szText = mir_a2t_cp(notifications[i]->text.c_str(), CP_UTF8); TCHAR* szUrl = mir_a2t_cp(notifications[i]->link.c_str(), CP_UTF8); NotifyEvent( szTitle, szText, ContactIDToHContact(notifications[i]->user_id), FACEBOOK_EVENT_NOTIFICATION, szUrl ); mir_free( szTitle ); mir_free( szText ); // mir_free( szUrl ); // URL is free'd in popup procedure delete notifications[i]; } notifications.clear(); LOG("***** Notifications processed"); CODE_BLOCK_CATCH LOG("***** Error processing notifications: %s", e.what()); CODE_BLOCK_END } void FacebookProto::ProcessFriendRequests( void* ) { facy.handle_entry( "friendRequests" ); // Get notifications http::response resp = facy.flap( FACEBOOK_REQUEST_LOAD_REQUESTS ); // Process result data facy.validate_response(&resp); if (resp.code != HTTP_CODE_OK) { facy.handle_error( "friendRequests" ); return; } // Parse it std::string reqs = utils::text::source_get_value(&resp.data, 2, "
    "); std::string::size_type pos = 0; std::string::size_type pos2 = 0; bool last = false; while (!last && !reqs.empty()) { std::string req; if ((pos2 = reqs.find("
    "); std::string time = utils::text::source_get_value2(&get, "seenrequesttime=", "&\""); facebook_user *fbu = new facebook_user(); fbu->real_name = utils::text::source_get_value(&req, 2, "class=\"actor\">", "user_id = utils::text::source_get_value(&get, 2, "id=", "&"); if (fbu->user_id.length() && fbu->real_name.length()) { HANDLE hContact = AddToContactList(fbu, FACEBOOK_CONTACT_APPROVE, false, fbu->real_name.c_str()); DBWriteContactSettingByte(hContact, m_szModuleName, FACEBOOK_KEY_CONTACT_TYPE, FACEBOOK_CONTACT_APPROVE); bool seen = false; DBVARIANT dbv; if (!DBGetContactSettingString(hContact, m_szModuleName, "RequestTime", &dbv)) { seen = !strcmp(dbv.pszVal, time.c_str()); DBFreeVariant(&dbv); } if (!seen) { // This is new request DBWriteContactSettingString(hContact, m_szModuleName, "RequestTime", time.c_str()); //blob is: uin( DWORD ), hContact( HANDLE ), nick( ASCIIZ ), first( ASCIIZ ), last( ASCIIZ ), email( ASCIIZ ), reason( ASCIIZ ) //blob is: 0( DWORD ), hContact( HANDLE ), nick( ASCIIZ ), ""( ASCIIZ ), ""( ASCIIZ ), ""( ASCIIZ ), ""( ASCIIZ ) DBEVENTINFO dbei = {0}; dbei.cbSize = sizeof( DBEVENTINFO ); dbei.szModule = m_szModuleName; dbei.timestamp = ::time( NULL ); dbei.flags = DBEF_UTF; dbei.eventType = EVENTTYPE_AUTHREQUEST; dbei.cbBlob = (DWORD)(sizeof( DWORD )*2 + fbu->real_name.length() + 5); PBYTE pCurBlob = dbei.pBlob = ( PBYTE ) mir_alloc( dbei.cbBlob ); *(PDWORD)pCurBlob = 0; pCurBlob += sizeof(DWORD); // UID *(PDWORD)pCurBlob = (DWORD)hContact; pCurBlob += sizeof(DWORD); // Contact Handle strcpy((char*)pCurBlob, fbu->real_name.data()); pCurBlob += fbu->real_name.length()+1; // Nickname *pCurBlob = '\0'; pCurBlob++; // First Name *pCurBlob = '\0'; pCurBlob++; // Last Name *pCurBlob = '\0'; pCurBlob++; // E-mail *pCurBlob = '\0'; // Reason CallService(MS_DB_EVENT_ADD, 0, (LPARAM)&dbei); LOG(" (New) Friendship request from: %s (%s) [%s]", fbu->real_name.c_str(), fbu->user_id.c_str(), time.c_str()); } else { LOG(" (Old) Friendship request from: %s (%s) [%s]", fbu->real_name.c_str(), fbu->user_id.c_str(), time.c_str()); } } else { LOG(" !!! Wrong friendship request"); LOG(req.c_str()); } } facy.handle_success( "friendRequests" ); } void FacebookProto::ProcessFeeds( void* data ) { if ( data == NULL ) return; std::string* resp = (std::string*)data; if (!isOnline()) goto exit; CODE_BLOCK_TRY LOG("***** Starting processing feeds"); std::vector< facebook_newsfeed* > news; std::string::size_type pos = 0; UINT limit = 0; *resp = utils::text::slashu_to_utf8(*resp); *resp = utils::text::source_get_value(resp, 2, "\"html\":\"", ">\""); while ( ( pos = resp->find( "
    find( "
    length(); std::string post = resp->substr( pos, pos2 - pos ); pos += 5; std::string post_header = utils::text::source_get_value(&post, 4, "
    ", "<\\/h6>"); std::string post_message = utils::text::source_get_value(&post, 3, "
    ", "<\\/h6>"); std::string post_link = utils::text::source_get_value(&post, 3, "", "<\\/span>"); std::string post_attach = utils::text::source_get_value(&post, 4, "
    ", "") + 5; post_message = post_header.substr(pos2, post_header.length() - pos2) + post_message; post_header = post_header.substr(0, pos2); // append attachement to message (if any) post_message += utils::text::trim( post_attach ); facebook_newsfeed* nf = new facebook_newsfeed; nf->title = utils::text::trim( utils::text::special_expressions_decode( utils::text::remove_html( post_header )) ); nf->user_id = utils::text::source_get_value( &post_header, 2, "user.php?id=", "\\\"" ); nf->link = utils::text::special_expressions_decode( utils::text::source_get_value( &post_link, 2, "href=\\\"", "\\\">" )); nf->text = utils::text::trim( utils::text::special_expressions_decode( utils::text::remove_html( utils::text::edit_html( post_message )) )); if ( !nf->title.length() || !nf->text.length()) { delete nf; continue; } if (nf->text.length() > 500) { nf->text = nf->text.substr(0, 500); nf->text += "..."; } news.push_back( nf ); pos++; limit++; } for(std::vector::size_type i=0; ititle.c_str(), news[i]->text.c_str()); TCHAR* szTitle = mir_a2t_cp(news[i]->title.c_str(), CP_UTF8); TCHAR* szText = mir_a2t_cp(news[i]->text.c_str(), CP_UTF8); TCHAR* szUrl = mir_a2t_cp(news[i]->link.c_str(), CP_UTF8); NotifyEvent(szTitle,szText,this->ContactIDToHContact(news[i]->user_id),FACEBOOK_EVENT_NEWSFEED, szUrl); mir_free(szTitle); mir_free(szText); // mir_free(szUrl); // URL is free'd in popup procedure delete news[i]; } news.clear(); this->facy.last_feeds_update_ = ::time(NULL); LOG("***** Feeds processed"); CODE_BLOCK_CATCH LOG("***** Error processing feeds: %s", e.what()); CODE_BLOCK_END exit: delete resp; } void FacebookProto::SearchAckThread(void *targ) { facy.handle_entry( "searchAckThread" ); int count = 0; char *arg = mir_utf8encodeT((TCHAR*)targ); std::string search = utils::url::encode( arg ); std::string ssid; while (count < 50 && !isOffline()) { std::string get_data = search + "&s=" + utils::conversion::to_string(&count, UTILS_CONV_UNSIGNED_NUMBER); if (!ssid.empty()) get_data += "&ssid=" + ssid; // Get notifications http::response resp = facy.flap( FACEBOOK_REQUEST_SEARCH, NULL, &get_data ); // Process result data facy.validate_response(&resp); if (resp.code == HTTP_CODE_OK) { std::string items = utils::text::source_get_value(&resp.data, 3, "", ""); std::string::size_type pos = 0; std::string::size_type pos2 = 0; bool last = false; while (!last) { std::string item; if ((pos2 = items.find("
    ", pos)) != std::string::npos) { item = items.substr(pos, pos2 - pos); pos = pos2 + 14; } else { item = items.substr(pos); last = true; } count++; std::string id = utils::text::source_get_value2(&item, "?id=", "&\""); if (id.empty()) id = utils::text::source_get_value2(&item, "?slog=", "&\""); std::string name = utils::text::source_get_value(&item, 2, "", ""); std::string surname; std::string nick; std::string common = utils::text::source_get_value(&item, 2, "", ""); if ((pos2 = name.find(" ")) != std::string::npos) { nick = name.substr(pos2 + 31, name.length() - pos2 - 32); // also remove brackets around nickname name = name.substr(0, pos2); } if ((pos2 = name.find(" ")) != std::string::npos) { surname = name.substr(pos2 + 1, name.length() - pos2 - 1); name = name.substr(0, pos2); } // ignore self contact and empty ids if (id.empty() || id == facy.self_.user_id) continue; TCHAR* tid = mir_a2t_cp(id.c_str(), CP_UTF8); TCHAR* tname = mir_a2t_cp(name.c_str(), CP_UTF8); TCHAR* tsurname = mir_a2t_cp(surname.c_str(), CP_UTF8); TCHAR* tnick = mir_a2t_cp(nick.c_str(), CP_UTF8); TCHAR* tcommon = mir_a2t_cp(common.c_str(), CP_UTF8); PROTOSEARCHRESULT isr = {0}; isr.cbSize = sizeof(isr); isr.flags = PSR_TCHAR; isr.id = tid; isr.nick = tnick; isr.firstName = tname; isr.lastName = tsurname; isr.email = tcommon; ProtoBroadcastAck(m_szModuleName, NULL, ACKTYPE_SEARCH, ACKRESULT_DATA, targ, (LPARAM)&isr); mir_free(tid); mir_free(tnick); mir_free(tname); mir_free(tsurname); mir_free(tcommon); } ssid = utils::text::source_get_value(&items, 3, "id=\"more_objects\"", "ssid=", "&"); if (ssid.empty()) break; // No more results } } ProtoBroadcastAck(m_szModuleName, NULL, ACKTYPE_SEARCH, ACKRESULT_SUCCESS, targ, 0); facy.handle_success( "searchAckThread" ); mir_free(targ); mir_free(arg); }