//*************************************************************************************** // // Google Extension plugin for the Miranda IM's Jabber protocol // Copyright (c) 2011 bems@jabber.org, George Hazan (ghazan@jabber.ru) // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 // of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. // //*************************************************************************************** #include "StdAfx.h" #include "notifications.h" #include "db.h" #include "options.h" #include "inbox.h" const LPTSTR _T(NUMBER_EMAILS_MESSAGE) = LPGENT("You've received an e-mail\n%s unread threads"); const LPTSTR PLUGIN_DATA_PROP_NAME = _T("{DB5CE833-C3AC-4851-831C-DDEBD9FA0508}"); #define MESSAGE_CLOSEPOPUP RegisterWindowMessage(_T("{7A60EA87-3E77-41DF-8A69-59B147F0C9C6}")) const LPSTR CLIST_MODULE_NAME = "CList"; const LPSTR CONTACT_DISPLAY_NAME_SETTING = "MyHandle"; const LPSTR STATUS_MSG_SETTING = "StatusMsg"; const LPSTR UNREAD_THREADS_SETTING = "UnreadThreads"; struct POPUP_DATA_HEADER { LPTSTR jid; LPTSTR url; }; extern DWORD itlsSettings; LPCSTR GetJidAcc(LPCTSTR jid) { int count = 0; PROTOACCOUNT **protos; ProtoEnumAccounts(&count, &protos); DBVARIANT dbv; for (int i=0; i < count; i++) if (getJabberApi(protos[i]->szModuleName)) if (!DBGetContactSettingTString(0, protos[i]->szModuleName, "jid", &dbv)) __try { if (!lstrcmpi(jid, dbv.ptszVal)) return protos[i]->szModuleName; } __finally { DBFreeVariant(&dbv); } return NULL; } LRESULT CALLBACK PopupProc(HWND wnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { POPUP_DATA_HEADER *ppdh = (POPUP_DATA_HEADER*)PUGetPluginData(wnd); LPCSTR acc; if (MESSAGE_CLOSEPOPUP == msg) PUDeletePopUp(wnd); switch (msg) { case UM_INITPOPUP: SetProp(wnd, PLUGIN_DATA_PROP_NAME, (HANDLE)ppdh); return 0; case UM_FREEPLUGINDATA: RemoveProp(wnd, PLUGIN_DATA_PROP_NAME); free(ppdh); return 0; case WM_LBUTTONUP: acc = NULL; __try { if (!(acc = GetJidAcc(ppdh->jid))) return 0; ReadNotificationSettings(acc); OpenUrl(acc, ppdh->jid, ppdh->url); } __finally { CloseNotifications(acc, ppdh->url, ppdh->jid, TRUE); } return 0; case WM_RBUTTONUP: SendMessage(wnd, MESSAGE_CLOSEPOPUP, 0, 0); return 0; } return DefWindowProc(wnd, msg, wParam, lParam); } static bool DoAddPopup(POPUPDATAT *data) { bool result = false; HWND handle = 0; if (ReadCheckbox(0, IDC_POPUPSINFULLSCREEN, (DWORD)TlsGetValue(itlsSettings))) { handle = CreateWindowEx(WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW, TEMP_WINDOW_CLASS_NAME, NULL, WS_OVERLAPPED | WS_VISIBLE, -100, -100, 10, 10, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (handle) { ShowWindow(handle, SW_MINIMIZE); ShowWindow(handle, SW_RESTORE); } } result = PUAddPopUpT(data) == 0; if (handle) DestroyWindow(handle); return result; } void FormatPseudocontactDisplayName(LPTSTR buff, LPCTSTR jid, LPCTSTR unreadCount) { if (lstrcmp(unreadCount, _T("0"))) wsprintf(buff, _T("%s [%s]"), jid, unreadCount); else wsprintf(buff, _T("%s"), jid); } BOOL UsePopups() { return ServiceExists(MS_POPUP_QUERY) && CallService(MS_POPUP_QUERY, PUQS_GETSTATUS, 0) && ReadCheckbox(0, IDC_POPUPSENABLED, (DWORD)TlsGetValue(itlsSettings)); } void ShowNotification(LPCSTR acc, POPUPDATAT *data, LPCTSTR jid, LPCTSTR url, LPCTSTR unreadCount) { if (!UsePopups()) return; extern HICON g_hPopupIcon; data->lchIcon = g_hPopupIcon; data->iSeconds = (int)DBGetContactSettingDword(0, SHORT_PLUGIN_NAME, TIMEOUT_SETTING, 0); data->colorBack = (COLORREF)DBGetContactSettingDword(0, SHORT_PLUGIN_NAME, BACK_COLOR_SETTING, 0); data->colorText = (COLORREF)DBGetContactSettingDword(0, SHORT_PLUGIN_NAME, TEXT_COLOR_SETTING, 0); if (data->colorBack == data->colorText) { data->colorBack = 0; data->colorText = 0; } data->PluginWindowProc = PopupProc; int lurl = (lstrlen(url) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR); int ljid = (lstrlen(jid) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR); POPUP_DATA_HEADER *ppdh = (POPUP_DATA_HEADER*)malloc(sizeof(POPUP_DATA_HEADER) + lurl + ljid); ppdh->jid = (LPTSTR)((PBYTE)ppdh + sizeof(*ppdh)); memcpy(ppdh->jid, jid, ljid); ppdh->url = (LPTSTR)((PBYTE)ppdh->jid + ljid); memcpy(ppdh->url, url, lurl); data->PluginData = ppdh; if ( !DoAddPopup(data)) free(data->PluginData); } void UnreadMailNotification(LPCSTR acc, LPCTSTR jid, LPCTSTR url, LPCTSTR unreadCount) { POPUPDATAT data = {0}; FormatPseudocontactDisplayName(&data.lptzContactName[0], jid, unreadCount); wsprintf(&data.lptzText[0], TranslateT(NUMBER_EMAILS_MESSAGE), unreadCount); ShowNotification(acc, &data, jid, url, unreadCount); } void UnreadThreadNotification(LPCSTR acc, LPCTSTR jid, LPCTSTR url, LPCTSTR unreadCount, const MAIL_THREAD_NOTIFICATION *mtn) { POPUPDATAT data = {0}; FormatPseudocontactDisplayName(&data.lptzContactName[0], jid, unreadCount); LPTSTR senders = (LPTSTR)malloc(SENDER_COUNT * 100 * sizeof(TCHAR)); LPTSTR currSender = senders; for (int i = 0; i < SENDER_COUNT && mtn->senders[i].addr; i++) { wsprintf(currSender, _T(" %s <%s>\n"), mtn->senders[i].name, mtn->senders[i].addr); currSender += lstrlen(currSender); } if (ReadCheckbox(0, IDC_ADDSNIP, (DWORD)TlsGetValue(itlsSettings))) wsprintf(&data.lptzText[0], TranslateTS(FULL_NOTIFICATION_FORMAT), mtn->subj, senders, mtn->snip); else wsprintf(&data.lptzText[0], TranslateTS(SHORT_NOTIFICATION_FORMAT), mtn->subj, senders); free(senders); ShowNotification(acc, &data, jid, url, unreadCount); } DWORD ReadNotificationSettings(LPCSTR acc) { DWORD result = ReadCheckboxes(0, acc); TlsSetValue(itlsSettings, (PVOID)result); return result; } struct POPUP_IDENT_STRINGS { LPCTSTR url; LPCTSTR jid; }; BOOL CALLBACK ClosePopupFunc(__in HWND hwnd, __in LPARAM lParam) { DWORD pid = 0; GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwnd, &pid); if (pid != GetCurrentProcessId()) return TRUE; POPUP_IDENT_STRINGS *ppis = (POPUP_IDENT_STRINGS*)lParam; POPUP_DATA_HEADER *ppdh = (POPUP_DATA_HEADER*)GetProp(hwnd, PLUGIN_DATA_PROP_NAME); if (!ppdh) return TRUE; if (!lstrcmpi(ppis->url, ppdh->url) && !lstrcmpi(ppis->jid, ppdh->jid)) SendMessage(hwnd, MESSAGE_CLOSEPOPUP, 0, 0); return TRUE; } void CloseNotifications(LPCSTR acc, LPCTSTR url, LPCTSTR jid, BOOL PopupsOnly) { POPUP_IDENT_STRINGS pis = {url, jid}; EnumWindows(ClosePopupFunc, (LPARAM)&pis); }