//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Gadu-Gadu Plugin for Miranda IM // // Copyright (c) 2009-2012 Bartosz BiaƂek // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 // of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "gg.h" #include #include #include "protocol.h" ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Avatars support // void GaduProto::getAvatarFilename(MCONTACT hContact, wchar_t *pszDest, int cbLen) { int tPathLen = mir_snwprintf(pszDest, cbLen, L"%s\\%S", VARSW(L"%miranda_avatarcache%"), m_szModuleName); if (_waccess(pszDest, 0)) { int ret = CreateDirectoryTreeW(pszDest); if (ret == 0) debugLogW(L"getAvatarFilename(): Created new directory for avatar cache: %s.", pszDest); else { debugLogW(L"getAvatarFilename(): Can not create directory for avatar cache: %s. errno=%d: %s", pszDest, errno, ws_strerror(errno)); wchar_t error[512]; mir_snwprintf(error, TranslateT("Cannot create avatars cache directory. ERROR: %d: %s\n%s"), errno, ws_strerror(errno), pszDest); showpopup(m_tszUserName, error, GG_POPUP_ERROR | GG_POPUP_ALLOW_MSGBOX | GG_POPUP_ONCE); } } const wchar_t *avatartype = ProtoGetAvatarExtension(getByte(hContact, GG_KEY_AVATARTYPE, GG_KEYDEF_AVATARTYPE)); if (hContact != NULL) { DBVARIANT dbv; if (!getString(hContact, GG_KEY_AVATARHASH, &dbv)) { wchar_t* avatarHashT = mir_a2u(dbv.pszVal); mir_snwprintf(pszDest + tPathLen, cbLen - tPathLen, L"\\%s%s", avatarHashT, avatartype); mir_free(avatarHashT); db_free(&dbv); } } else mir_snwprintf(pszDest + tPathLen, cbLen - tPathLen, L"\\%S avatar%s", m_szModuleName, avatartype); } bool GaduProto::getAvatarFileInfo(uin_t uin, char **avatarurl, char **avatarts) { *avatarurl = *avatarts = nullptr; char szUrl[128]; mir_snprintf(szUrl, "http://api.gadu-gadu.pl/avatars/%d/0.xml", uin); NETLIBHTTPREQUEST req = { sizeof(req) }; req.requestType = REQUEST_GET; req.szUrl = szUrl; req.flags = NLHRF_NODUMP | NLHRF_HTTP11 | NLHRF_REDIRECT; NETLIBHTTPREQUEST *resp = Netlib_HttpTransaction(m_hNetlibUser, &req); if (resp == nullptr) { debugLogA("getAvatarFileInfo(): No response from HTTP request"); return false; } if (resp->resultCode != 200 || !resp->dataLength || !resp->pData) { debugLogA("getAvatarFileInfo(): Invalid response code from HTTP request"); Netlib_FreeHttpRequest(resp); return false; } if ((strncmp(resp->pData, "", 8) == 0) || (strncmp(resp->pData, "pData) == 0) { auto *node = TiXmlConst(doc.FirstChildElement("result"))["users"]["user"]["avatars"]["avatar"].ToElement(); const char *blank = (node != nullptr) ? node->Attribute("blank") : nullptr; if (mir_strcmp(blank, "1")) { auto *p = node->FirstChildElement("timestamp"); if (p) *avatarts = mir_strdup(p->GetText()); p = node->FirstChildElement("bigavatar"); // new gg convention if (p) *avatarurl = mir_strdup(p->GetText()); } } } else if (strncmp(resp->pData, "{\"result\":", 10) == 0) { // if this url returns json data (11.2013 gg convention) JSONNode root = JSONNode::parse(resp->pData); if (root) { const JSONNode &respJSONavatars = root["result"].at("users").at("user").at("avatars"); if (respJSONavatars) { const JSONNode &respJSONavatar = *respJSONavatars.begin(); std::string respJSON_blank = respJSONavatar["_blank"].as_string(); std::string respJSONoriginBigAvatar = respJSONavatar["originBigAvatar"].as_string(); std::string respJSONtimestamp = respJSONavatar["timestamp"].as_string(); if (respJSON_blank == "1" && !respJSONoriginBigAvatar.empty() && !respJSONtimestamp.empty()) { *avatarurl = mir_strdup(respJSONoriginBigAvatar.c_str()); *avatarts = mir_strdup(respJSONtimestamp.c_str()); } } } } else { debugLogA("getAvatarFileInfo(): Invalid response code from HTTP request, unknown format"); Netlib_FreeHttpRequest(resp); return false; } Netlib_FreeHttpRequest(resp); return true; } char *gg_avatarhash(char *param) { char *result; if (param == nullptr || (result = (char *)mir_alloc(MIR_SHA1_HASH_SIZE * 2 + 1)) == nullptr) return nullptr; BYTE digest[MIR_SHA1_HASH_SIZE]; mir_sha1_hash((BYTE*)param, (int)mir_strlen(param), digest); return bin2hex(digest, sizeof(digest), result); } void GaduProto::requestAvatarTransfer(MCONTACT hContact, char *szAvatarURL) { if (pth_avatar.dwThreadId == NULL) { debugLogA("requestAvatarTransfer(): Can not list_add element to avatar_transfers list. No pth_avatar.dwThreadId"); return; } gg_EnterCriticalSection(&avatar_mutex, "requestAvatarTransfer", 1, "avatar_mutex", 1); if (avatar_transfers.getIndex((GGGETAVATARDATA*)&hContact) == -1) { GGGETAVATARDATA *data = (GGGETAVATARDATA*)mir_alloc(sizeof(GGGETAVATARDATA) + mir_strlen(szAvatarURL) + 1); data->hContact = hContact; data->szAvatarURL = mir_strcpy((char*)(data + 1), szAvatarURL); avatar_transfers.insert(data); } gg_LeaveCriticalSection(&avatar_mutex, "requestAvatarTransfer", 1, 1, "avatar_mutex", 1); } void GaduProto::requestAvatarInfo(MCONTACT hContact, int iWaitFor) { if (pth_avatar.dwThreadId == NULL) { debugLogA("requestAvatarInfo(): Can not list_add element to avatar_requests list. No pth_avatar.dwThreadId"); return; } if (!getByte(GG_KEY_ENABLEAVATARS, GG_KEYDEF_ENABLEAVATARS)) return; GGREQUESTAVATARDATA *data = nullptr; gg_EnterCriticalSection(&avatar_mutex, "requestAvatarInfo", 2, "avatar_mutex", 1); if (avatar_requests.getIndex((GGREQUESTAVATARDATA*)&hContact) == -1) { data = (GGREQUESTAVATARDATA*)mir_alloc(sizeof(GGREQUESTAVATARDATA)); data->hContact = hContact; data->iWaitFor = iWaitFor; avatar_requests.insert(data); } gg_LeaveCriticalSection(&avatar_mutex, "requestAvatarInfo", 2, 1, "avatar_mutex", 1); if (data != nullptr) setByte(hContact, GG_KEY_AVATARREQUESTED, 1); } void __cdecl GaduProto::avatarrequestthread(void*) { debugLogA("avatarrequestthread() started. Avatar Request Thread Starting"); while (pth_avatar.dwThreadId) { gg_EnterCriticalSection(&avatar_mutex, "avatarrequestthread", 3, "avatar_mutex", 1); if (avatar_requests.getCount()) { GGREQUESTAVATARDATA *data = avatar_requests[0]; int iWaitFor = data->iWaitFor; MCONTACT hContact = data->hContact; avatar_requests.remove(0); mir_free(data); gg_LeaveCriticalSection(&avatar_mutex, "avatarrequestthread", 3, 1, "avatar_mutex", 1); uin_t uin = (uin_t)getDword(hContact, GG_KEY_UIN, 0); debugLogA("avatarrequestthread() new avatar_requests item for uin=%d.", uin); char *AvatarURL, *AvatarTs; if (!getAvatarFileInfo(uin, &AvatarURL, &AvatarTs)) { if (iWaitFor) ProtoBroadcastAck(hContact, ACKTYPE_AVATAR, ACKRESULT_FAILED, nullptr, 0); } else { if (AvatarURL == nullptr && AvatarTs == nullptr) { delSetting(hContact, GG_KEY_AVATARURL); delSetting(hContact, GG_KEY_AVATARTS); if (iWaitFor) ProtoBroadcastAck(hContact, ACKTYPE_AVATAR, ACKRESULT_SUCCESS, nullptr, 0); } else { setString(hContact, GG_KEY_AVATARURL, AvatarURL); setString(hContact, GG_KEY_AVATARTS, AvatarTs); mir_free(AvatarURL); mir_free(AvatarTs); if (iWaitFor) { PROTO_AVATAR_INFORMATION ai = { 0 }; ai.hContact = hContact; INT_PTR res = getavatarinfo((WPARAM)GAIF_FORCE, (LPARAM)&ai); if (res == GAIR_NOAVATAR) ProtoBroadcastAck(hContact, ACKTYPE_AVATAR, ACKRESULT_SUCCESS, nullptr, 0); else if (res == GAIR_SUCCESS) ProtoBroadcastAck(hContact, ACKTYPE_AVATAR, ACKRESULT_SUCCESS, (HANDLE)&ai, 0); } else ProtoBroadcastAck(hContact, ACKTYPE_AVATAR, ACKRESULT_STATUS, nullptr, 0); delSetting(hContact, GG_KEY_AVATARREQUESTED); } } } else gg_LeaveCriticalSection(&avatar_mutex, "avatarrequestthread", 3, 2, "avatar_mutex", 1); gg_EnterCriticalSection(&avatar_mutex, "avatarrequestthread", 4, "avatar_mutex", 1); if (avatar_transfers.getCount()) { GGGETAVATARDATA *data = avatar_transfers[0]; avatar_transfers.remove(0); gg_LeaveCriticalSection(&avatar_mutex, "avatarrequestthread", 4, 1, "avatar_mutex", 1); debugLogA("avatarrequestthread() new avatar_transfers item for url=%s.", data->szAvatarURL); int result = 0; PROTO_AVATAR_INFORMATION ai = { 0 }; ai.hContact = data->hContact; ai.format = getByte(ai.hContact, GG_KEY_AVATARTYPE, GG_KEYDEF_AVATARTYPE); NETLIBHTTPREQUEST req = { sizeof(req) }; req.requestType = REQUEST_GET; req.szUrl = data->szAvatarURL; req.flags = NLHRF_NODUMP | NLHRF_HTTP11 | NLHRF_REDIRECT; NETLIBHTTPREQUEST *resp = Netlib_HttpTransaction(m_hNetlibUser, &req); if (resp) { if (resp->resultCode == 200 && resp->dataLength > 0 && resp->pData) { int file_fd; int avatarType = PA_FORMAT_UNKNOWN; if (strncmp(resp->pData, "\xFF\xD8", 2) == 0) avatarType = PA_FORMAT_JPEG; if (strncmp(resp->pData, "\x47\x49\x46\x38", 4) == 0) avatarType = PA_FORMAT_GIF; if (strncmp(resp->pData, "\x89\x50\x4E\x47\x0D\x0A\x1A\x0A", 8) == 0) avatarType = PA_FORMAT_PNG; setByte(data->hContact, GG_KEY_AVATARTYPE, (BYTE)avatarType); getAvatarFilename(ai.hContact, ai.filename, _countof(ai.filename)); file_fd = _wopen(ai.filename, _O_WRONLY | _O_TRUNC | _O_BINARY | _O_CREAT, _S_IREAD | _S_IWRITE); if (file_fd != -1) { _write(file_fd, resp->pData, resp->dataLength); _close(file_fd); result = 1; debugLogW(L"avatarrequestthread() new avatar_transfers item. Saved data to file=%s.", ai.filename); } else { debugLogW(L"avatarrequestthread(): _wopen file %s error. errno=%d: %s", ai.filename, errno, ws_strerror(errno)); wchar_t error[512]; mir_snwprintf(error, TranslateT("Cannot create avatar file. ERROR: %d: %s\n%s"), errno, ws_strerror(errno), ai.filename); showpopup(m_tszUserName, error, GG_POPUP_ERROR); } } else debugLogA("avatarrequestthread(): Invalid response code from HTTP request"); Netlib_FreeHttpRequest(resp); } else debugLogA("avatarrequestthread(): No response from HTTP request"); ProtoBroadcastAck(ai.hContact, ACKTYPE_AVATAR, result ? ACKRESULT_SUCCESS : ACKRESULT_FAILED, (HANDLE)&ai, 0); if (!ai.hContact) CallService(MS_AV_REPORTMYAVATARCHANGED, (WPARAM)m_szModuleName, 0); mir_free(data); } else gg_LeaveCriticalSection(&avatar_mutex, "avatarrequestthread", 4, 2, "avatar_mutex", 1); gg_sleep(100, FALSE, "avatarrequestthread", 101, 1); } for (auto &it : avatar_requests) mir_free(it); avatar_requests.destroy(); for (auto &it : avatar_transfers) mir_free(it); avatar_transfers.destroy(); debugLogA("avatarrequestthread(): end. Avatar Request Thread Ending"); } void GaduProto::initavatarrequestthread() { DWORD exitCode = 0; GetExitCodeThread(pth_avatar.hThread, &exitCode); if (exitCode != STILL_ACTIVE) { avatar_requests.destroy(); avatar_transfers.destroy(); #ifdef DEBUGMODE debugLogA("initavatarrequestthread(): ForkThreadEx 1 GaduProto::avatarrequestthread"); #endif pth_avatar.hThread = ForkThreadEx(&GaduProto::avatarrequestthread, nullptr, &pth_avatar.dwThreadId); } } void __cdecl GaduProto::getOwnAvatarThread(void*) { debugLogA("getOwnAvatarThread() started"); char *AvatarURL, *AvatarTs; if (getAvatarFileInfo(getDword(GG_KEY_UIN, 0), &AvatarURL, &AvatarTs)) { if (AvatarURL != nullptr && AvatarTs != nullptr) { setString(GG_KEY_AVATARURL, AvatarURL); setString(GG_KEY_AVATARTS, AvatarTs); mir_free(AvatarURL); mir_free(AvatarTs); } else { delSetting(GG_KEY_AVATARURL); delSetting(GG_KEY_AVATARTS); } setByte(GG_KEY_AVATARREQUESTED, 1); PROTO_AVATAR_INFORMATION ai = { 0 }; getavatarinfo((WPARAM)GAIF_FORCE, (LPARAM)&ai); } #ifdef DEBUGMODE debugLogA("getOwnAvatarThread(): end"); #endif } void GaduProto::getOwnAvatar() { if (getByte(GG_KEY_ENABLEAVATARS, GG_KEYDEF_ENABLEAVATARS) && getDword(GG_KEY_UIN, 0)) { #ifdef DEBUGMODE debugLogA("getOwnAvatar(): ForkThread 2 GaduProto::getOwnAvatarThread"); #endif ForkThread(&GaduProto::getOwnAvatarThread, nullptr); } } void __cdecl GaduProto::setavatarthread(void *param) { debugLogA("setavatarthread(): started. Trying to set user avatar."); //read file wchar_t *szFilename = (wchar_t*)param; int file_fd = _wopen(szFilename, _O_RDONLY | _O_BINARY, _S_IREAD); if (file_fd == -1) { debugLogW(L"setavatarthread(): Failed to open avatar file errno=%d: %s", errno, ws_strerror(errno)); wchar_t error[512]; mir_snwprintf(error, TranslateT("Cannot open avatar file. ERROR: %d: %s\n%s"), errno, ws_strerror(errno), szFilename); showpopup(m_tszUserName, error, GG_POPUP_ERROR); mir_free(szFilename); int prevType = getByte(GG_KEY_AVATARTYPEPREV, -1); if (prevType != -1) setByte(GG_KEY_AVATARTYPE, prevType); delSetting(GG_KEY_AVATARTYPEPREV); getOwnAvatar(); #ifdef DEBUGMODE debugLogA("setavatarthread(): end. err1"); #endif return; } long avatarFileLen = _filelength(file_fd); char* avatarFile = (char*)mir_alloc(avatarFileLen); _read(file_fd, avatarFile, avatarFileLen); _close(file_fd); ptrA avatarFileB64(mir_base64_encode(avatarFile, avatarFileLen)); mir_free(avatarFile); CMStringA avatarFileB64Enc(mir_urlEncode(avatarFileB64)); char dataPrefix[64]; mir_snprintf(dataPrefix, "uin=%d&photo=", getDword(GG_KEY_UIN, 0)); size_t dataPrefixLen = mir_strlen(dataPrefix); size_t dataLen = dataPrefixLen + avatarFileB64Enc.GetLength(); char* data = (char*)mir_alloc(dataLen); memcpy(data, dataPrefix, dataPrefixLen); memcpy(data + dataPrefixLen, avatarFileB64Enc, avatarFileB64Enc.GetLength()); //check if we have token, if no - receive new one oauth_checktoken(0); char* token = getStringA(GG_KEY_TOKEN); //construct request NETLIBHTTPREQUEST req = { 0 }; req.cbSize = sizeof(req); req.requestType = REQUEST_POST; req.szUrl = "http://avatars.nowe.gg/upload"; req.flags = NLHRF_NODUMP | NLHRF_HTTP11; req.headersCount = 10; NETLIBHTTPHEADER httpHeaders[10]; httpHeaders[0].szName = "X-Request"; httpHeaders[0].szValue = "JSON"; httpHeaders[1].szName = "Authorization"; httpHeaders[1].szValue = token; httpHeaders[2].szName = "X-Requested-With"; httpHeaders[2].szValue = "XMLHttpRequest"; httpHeaders[3].szName = "From"; httpHeaders[3].szValue = "avatars to avatars"; httpHeaders[4].szName = "X-IM-Web-App-Version"; httpHeaders[4].szValue = "10,5,2,13164"; httpHeaders[5].szName = "User-Agent"; httpHeaders[5].szValue = "avatars to avatars"; httpHeaders[6].szName = "From"; httpHeaders[6].szValue = NETLIB_USER_AGENT; httpHeaders[7].szName = "Content-type"; httpHeaders[7].szValue = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8"; httpHeaders[8].szName = "Accept"; httpHeaders[8].szValue = "application/json"; httpHeaders[9].szName = "Referer"; httpHeaders[9].szValue = "http://avatars.nowe.gg/.static/index_new_22.0.2_595nwh.html"; req.headers = httpHeaders; req.pData = data; req.dataLength = int(dataLen); //send request int resultSuccess = 0; int needRepeat = 0; NETLIBHTTPREQUEST* resp = Netlib_HttpTransaction(m_hNetlibUser, &req); if (resp) { if (resp->resultCode == 200 && resp->dataLength > 0 && resp->pData) { debugLogA("setavatarthread(): 1 resp.data= %s", resp->pData); resultSuccess = 1; } else { debugLogA("setavatarthread() Invalid response code from HTTP request [%d]", resp->resultCode); if (resp->resultCode == 399 || resp->resultCode == 403 || resp->resultCode == 401) { needRepeat = 1; } } Netlib_FreeHttpRequest(resp); } else { debugLogA("setavatarthread(): No response from HTTP request"); } //check if we should repeat request if (needRepeat) { // Access Token expired - force obtain new oauth_checktoken(1); mir_free(token); token = getStringA(GG_KEY_TOKEN); httpHeaders[1].szValue = token; //construct 2nd request memset(&req, 0, sizeof(req)); req.cbSize = sizeof(req); req.requestType = REQUEST_POST; req.szUrl = "http://avatars.nowe.gg/upload"; req.flags = NLHRF_NODUMP | NLHRF_HTTP11; req.headersCount = 10; req.headers = httpHeaders; req.pData = data; req.dataLength = int(dataLen); resp = Netlib_HttpTransaction(m_hNetlibUser, &req); if (resp) { if (resp->resultCode == 200 && resp->dataLength > 0 && resp->pData) { debugLogA("setavatarthread(): 2 resp.data= %s", resp->pData); resultSuccess = 1; } else debugLogA("setavatarthread(): Invalid response code from HTTP request [%d]", resp->resultCode); Netlib_FreeHttpRequest(resp); } else debugLogA("setavatarthread(): No response from HTTP request"); } //clean and end thread mir_free(token); mir_free(data); if (resultSuccess) { debugLogA("setavatarthread(): User avatar set successfully."); } else { int prevType = getByte(GG_KEY_AVATARTYPEPREV, -1); if (prevType != -1) setByte(GG_KEY_AVATARTYPE, prevType); debugLogA("setavatarthread(): Failed to set user avatar."); } delSetting(GG_KEY_AVATARTYPEPREV); mir_free(szFilename); getOwnAvatar(); #ifdef DEBUGMODE debugLogA("setavatarthread(): end."); #endif } void GaduProto::setAvatar(const wchar_t *szFilename) { #ifdef DEBUGMODE debugLogA("setAvatar(): ForkThread 3 GaduProto::setavatarthread"); #endif ForkThread(&GaduProto::setavatarthread, mir_wstrdup(szFilename)); }