//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Gadu-Gadu Plugin for Miranda IM // // Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Adam Strzelecki // Copyright (c) 2009-2012 Bartosz BiaƂek // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 // of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "gg.h" GaduProto::GaduProto(const char *pszProtoName, const wchar_t *tszUserName) : PROTO(pszProtoName, tszUserName), avatar_requests(1, NumericKeySortT), avatar_transfers(1, NumericKeySortT), m_gaduOptions(this) { #ifdef DEBUGMODE extendedLogging = 0; #endif // Init mutexes InitializeCriticalSection(&sess_mutex); InitializeCriticalSection(&ft_mutex); InitializeCriticalSection(&img_mutex); InitializeCriticalSection(&modemsg_mutex); InitializeCriticalSection(&avatar_mutex); InitializeCriticalSection(&sessions_mutex); // Register m_hNetlibUser user wchar_t name[128]; mir_snwprintf(name, TranslateT("%s connection"), m_tszUserName); NETLIBUSER nlu = {}; nlu.flags = NUF_UNICODE | NUF_OUTGOING | NUF_INCOMING | NUF_HTTPCONNS; nlu.szSettingsModule = m_szModuleName; nlu.szDescriptiveName.w = name; m_hNetlibUser = Netlib_RegisterUser(&nlu); // Register services CreateProtoService(PS_GETAVATARCAPS, &GaduProto::getavatarcaps); CreateProtoService(PS_GETAVATARINFO, &GaduProto::getavatarinfo); CreateProtoService(PS_GETMYAVATAR, &GaduProto::getmyavatar); CreateProtoService(PS_SETMYAVATAR, &GaduProto::setmyavatar); CreateProtoService(PS_GETMYAWAYMSG, &GaduProto::getmyawaymsg); CreateProtoService(PS_CREATEACCMGRUI, &GaduProto::get_acc_mgr_gui); CreateProtoService(PS_LEAVECHAT, &GaduProto::leavechat); // Offline contacts and clear logon time setalloffline(); setDword(GG_KEY_LOGONTIME, 0); db_set_resident(m_szModuleName, GG_KEY_AVATARREQUESTED); wchar_t szPath[MAX_PATH]; mir_snwprintf(szPath, L"%s\\%s\\ImageCache", (wchar_t*)VARSW(L"%miranda_userdata%"), m_tszUserName); hImagesFolder = FoldersRegisterCustomPathT(LPGEN("Images"), m_szModuleName, szPath, m_tszUserName); DWORD pluginVersion = getDword(GG_PLUGINVERSION, 0); if (pluginVersion < pluginInfo.version) cleanuplastplugin(pluginVersion); links_instance_init(); initavatarrequestthread(); } GaduProto::~GaduProto() { #ifdef DEBUGMODE debugLogA("~GaduProto(): destroying protocol interface"); #endif // Destroy modules block_uninit(); img_destroy(); keepalive_destroy(); gc_destroy(); Popup_UnregisterClass(hPopupError); Popup_UnregisterClass(hPopupNotify); // Close handles Netlib_CloseHandle(m_hNetlibUser); // Destroy mutexes DeleteCriticalSection(&sess_mutex); DeleteCriticalSection(&ft_mutex); DeleteCriticalSection(&img_mutex); DeleteCriticalSection(&modemsg_mutex); DeleteCriticalSection(&avatar_mutex); DeleteCriticalSection(&sessions_mutex); #ifdef DEBUGMODE debugLogA("~GaduProto(): DeleteCriticalSections. OK"); #endif // Free status messages if (modemsg.online) mir_free(modemsg.online); if (modemsg.away) mir_free(modemsg.away); if (modemsg.dnd) mir_free(modemsg.dnd); if (modemsg.freechat) mir_free(modemsg.freechat); if (modemsg.invisible) mir_free(modemsg.invisible); if (modemsg.offline) mir_free(modemsg.offline); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // when contact is added to list // MCONTACT GaduProto::AddToList(int flags, PROTOSEARCHRESULT *pmsr) { #ifdef DEBUGMODE debugLogA("AddToList(): id=%S", pmsr->id.w); #endif GGSEARCHRESULT *psr = (GGSEARCHRESULT *)pmsr; uin_t uin; if (psr->cbSize == sizeof(GGSEARCHRESULT)) uin = psr->uin; else uin = _wtoi(psr->id.w); return getcontact(uin, 1, flags & PALF_TEMPORARY ? 0 : 1, psr->nick.w); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // checks proto capabilities // DWORD_PTR GaduProto::GetCaps(int type, MCONTACT) { switch (type) { case PFLAGNUM_1: return PF1_IM | PF1_BASICSEARCH | PF1_EXTSEARCH | PF1_EXTSEARCHUI | PF1_SEARCHBYNAME | PF1_MODEMSG | PF1_NUMERICUSERID | PF1_VISLIST | PF1_FILE; case PFLAGNUM_2: return PF2_ONLINE | PF2_SHORTAWAY | PF2_HEAVYDND | PF2_FREECHAT | PF2_INVISIBLE | PF2_LONGAWAY; case PFLAGNUM_3: return PF2_ONLINE | PF2_SHORTAWAY | PF2_HEAVYDND | PF2_FREECHAT | PF2_INVISIBLE; case PFLAGNUM_4: return PF4_NOCUSTOMAUTH | PF4_SUPPORTTYPING | PF4_AVATARS | PF4_IMSENDOFFLINE; case PFLAGNUM_5: return PF2_LONGAWAY; case PFLAG_UNIQUEIDTEXT: return (DWORD_PTR)Translate("Gadu-Gadu Number"); } return 0; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // user info request // void __cdecl GaduProto::cmdgetinfothread(void *hContact) { debugLogA("cmdgetinfothread(): started. Failed info retreival."); gg_sleep(100, FALSE, "cmdgetinfothread", 103, 1); ProtoBroadcastAck((UINT_PTR)hContact, ACKTYPE_GETINFO, ACKRESULT_FAILED, (HANDLE)1, 0); debugLogA("cmdgetinfothread(): end."); } int GaduProto::GetInfo(MCONTACT hContact, int) { gg_pubdir50_t req; // Custom contact info if (hContact) { if (!(req = gg_pubdir50_new(GG_PUBDIR50_SEARCH))) { #ifdef DEBUGMODE debugLogA("GetInfo(): ForkThread 6 GaduProto::cmdgetinfothread"); #endif ForkThread(&GaduProto::cmdgetinfothread, (void*)hContact); return 1; } // Add uin and search it gg_pubdir50_add(req, GG_PUBDIR50_UIN, ditoa((uin_t)getDword(hContact, GG_KEY_UIN, 0))); gg_pubdir50_seq_set(req, GG_SEQ_INFO); debugLogA("GetInfo(): Requesting user info.", req->seq); if (isonline()) { gg_EnterCriticalSection(&sess_mutex, "GetInfo", 48, "sess_mutex", 1); if (!gg_pubdir50(m_sess, req)) { gg_LeaveCriticalSection(&sess_mutex, "GetInfo", 48, 1, "sess_mutex", 1); #ifdef DEBUGMODE debugLogA("GetInfo(): ForkThread 7 GaduProto::cmdgetinfothread"); #endif ForkThread(&GaduProto::cmdgetinfothread, (void*)hContact); return 1; } gg_LeaveCriticalSection(&sess_mutex, "GetInfo", 48, 2, "sess_mutex", 1); } } // Own contact info else { if (!(req = gg_pubdir50_new(GG_PUBDIR50_READ))) { #ifdef DEBUGMODE debugLogA("GetInfo(): ForkThread 8 GaduProto::cmdgetinfothread"); #endif ForkThread(&GaduProto::cmdgetinfothread, (void*)hContact); return 1; } // Add seq gg_pubdir50_seq_set(req, GG_SEQ_CHINFO); debugLogA("GetInfo(): Requesting owner info.", req->seq); if (isonline()) { gg_EnterCriticalSection(&sess_mutex, "GetInfo", 49, "sess_mutex", 1); if (!gg_pubdir50(m_sess, req)) { gg_LeaveCriticalSection(&sess_mutex, "GetInfo", 49, 1, "sess_mutex", 1); #ifdef DEBUGMODE debugLogA("GetInfo(): ForkThread 9 GaduProto::cmdgetinfothread"); #endif ForkThread(&GaduProto::cmdgetinfothread, (void*)hContact); gg_pubdir50_free(req); return 1; } gg_LeaveCriticalSection(&sess_mutex, "GetInfo", 49, 2, "sess_mutex", 1); } } debugLogA("GetInfo(): Seq %d.", req->seq); gg_pubdir50_free(req); return 1; } void __cdecl GaduProto::searchthread(void *) { debugLogA("searchthread(): started. Failed search."); gg_sleep(100, FALSE, "searchthread", 104, 1); ProtoBroadcastAck(NULL, ACKTYPE_SEARCH, ACKRESULT_FAILED, (HANDLE)1, 0); #ifdef DEBUGMODE debugLogA("searchthread(): end."); #endif } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // when basic search // HANDLE GaduProto::SearchBasic(const wchar_t *id) { if (!isonline()) return nullptr; gg_pubdir50_t req = gg_pubdir50_new(GG_PUBDIR50_SEARCH); if (!req) { #ifdef DEBUGMODE debugLogA("SearchBasic(): ForkThread 10 GaduProto::searchthread"); #endif ForkThread(&GaduProto::searchthread, nullptr); return (HANDLE)1; } // Add uin and search it gg_pubdir50_add(req, GG_PUBDIR50_UIN, T2Utf(id)); gg_pubdir50_seq_set(req, GG_SEQ_SEARCH); gg_EnterCriticalSection(&sess_mutex, "SearchBasic", 50, "sess_mutex", 1); if (!gg_pubdir50(m_sess, req)) { gg_LeaveCriticalSection(&sess_mutex, "SearchBasic", 50, 1, "sess_mutex", 1); #ifdef DEBUGMODE debugLogA("SearchBasic(): ForkThread 11 GaduProto::searchthread"); #endif ForkThread(&GaduProto::searchthread, nullptr); return (HANDLE)1; } gg_LeaveCriticalSection(&sess_mutex, "SearchBasic", 50, 2, "sess_mutex", 1); debugLogA("SearchBasic(): Seq %d.", req->seq); gg_pubdir50_free(req); return (HANDLE)1; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // search by details // HANDLE GaduProto::SearchByName(const wchar_t *nick, const wchar_t *firstName, const wchar_t *lastName) { // Check if connected and if there's a search data if (!isonline()) return nullptr; if (!nick && !firstName && !lastName) return nullptr; gg_pubdir50_t req = gg_pubdir50_new(GG_PUBDIR50_SEARCH); if (req == nullptr) { #ifdef DEBUGMODE debugLogA("SearchByName(): ForkThread 12 GaduProto::searchthread"); #endif ForkThread(&GaduProto::searchthread, nullptr); return (HANDLE)1; } // Add nick,firstName,lastName and search it CMStringA szQuery; if (nick) { T2Utf nick_utf8(nick); gg_pubdir50_add(req, GG_PUBDIR50_NICKNAME, nick_utf8); szQuery.Append(nick_utf8); } szQuery.AppendChar('.'); if (firstName) { T2Utf firstName_utf8(firstName); gg_pubdir50_add(req, GG_PUBDIR50_FIRSTNAME, firstName_utf8); szQuery.Append(firstName_utf8); } szQuery.AppendChar('.'); if (lastName) { T2Utf lastName_utf8(lastName); gg_pubdir50_add(req, GG_PUBDIR50_LASTNAME, lastName_utf8); szQuery.Append(lastName_utf8); } szQuery.AppendChar('.'); // Count crc & check if the data was equal if yes do same search with shift unsigned long crc = crc_get(szQuery.GetBuffer()); if (crc == last_crc && next_uin) gg_pubdir50_add(req, GG_PUBDIR50_START, ditoa(next_uin)); else last_crc = crc; gg_pubdir50_seq_set(req, GG_SEQ_SEARCH); gg_EnterCriticalSection(&sess_mutex, "SearchByName", 51, "sess_mutex", 1); if (!gg_pubdir50(m_sess, req)) { gg_LeaveCriticalSection(&sess_mutex, "SearchByName", 51, 1, "sess_mutex", 1); #ifdef DEBUGMODE debugLogA("SearchByName(): ForkThread 13 GaduProto::searchthread"); #endif ForkThread(&GaduProto::searchthread, nullptr); } else { gg_LeaveCriticalSection(&sess_mutex, "SearchByName", 51, 2, "sess_mutex", 1); debugLogA("SearchByName(): Seq %d.", req->seq); } gg_pubdir50_free(req); return (HANDLE)1; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // search by advanced // HWND GaduProto::SearchAdvanced(HWND hwndDlg) { // Check if connected if (!isonline()) return nullptr; gg_pubdir50_t req = gg_pubdir50_new(GG_PUBDIR50_SEARCH); if (!req) { #ifdef DEBUGMODE debugLogA("SearchAdvanced(): ForkThread 14 GaduProto::searchthread"); #endif ForkThread(&GaduProto::searchthread, nullptr); return (HWND)1; } CMStringA szQuery; // Fetch search data wchar_t text[64]; GetDlgItemText(hwndDlg, IDC_FIRSTNAME, text, _countof(text)); if (mir_wstrlen(text)) { T2Utf firstName_utf8(text); gg_pubdir50_add(req, GG_PUBDIR50_FIRSTNAME, firstName_utf8); szQuery.Append(firstName_utf8); } /* 1 */ szQuery.AppendChar('.'); GetDlgItemText(hwndDlg, IDC_LASTNAME, text, _countof(text)); if (mir_wstrlen(text)) { T2Utf lastName_utf8(text); gg_pubdir50_add(req, GG_PUBDIR50_LASTNAME, lastName_utf8); szQuery.Append(lastName_utf8); } /* 2 */ szQuery.AppendChar('.'); GetDlgItemText(hwndDlg, IDC_NICKNAME, text, _countof(text)); if (mir_wstrlen(text)) { T2Utf nickName_utf8(text); gg_pubdir50_add(req, GG_PUBDIR50_NICKNAME, nickName_utf8); szQuery.Append(nickName_utf8); } /* 3 */ szQuery.AppendChar('.'); GetDlgItemText(hwndDlg, IDC_CITY, text, _countof(text)); if (mir_wstrlen(text)) { T2Utf city_utf8(text); gg_pubdir50_add(req, GG_PUBDIR50_CITY, city_utf8); szQuery.Append(city_utf8); } /* 4 */ szQuery.AppendChar('.'); GetDlgItemText(hwndDlg, IDC_AGEFROM, text, _countof(text)); if (mir_wstrlen(text)) { int yearTo = _tstoi(text); int yearFrom; time_t t = time(nullptr); struct tm *lt = localtime(&t); int ay = lt->tm_year + 1900; char age[16]; GetDlgItemTextA(hwndDlg, IDC_AGETO, age, _countof(age)); yearFrom = atoi(age); // Count & fix ranges if (!yearTo) yearTo = ay; else yearTo = ay - yearTo; if (!yearFrom) yearFrom = 0; else yearFrom = ay - yearFrom; mir_snwprintf(text, L"%d %d", yearFrom, yearTo); T2Utf age_utf8(text); gg_pubdir50_add(req, GG_PUBDIR50_BIRTHYEAR, age_utf8); szQuery.Append(age_utf8); } /* 5 */ szQuery.AppendChar('.'); switch (SendDlgItemMessage(hwndDlg, IDC_GENDER, CB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0)) { case 1: gg_pubdir50_add(req, GG_PUBDIR50_GENDER, GG_PUBDIR50_GENDER_FEMALE); szQuery.Append(GG_PUBDIR50_GENDER_MALE); break; case 2: gg_pubdir50_add(req, GG_PUBDIR50_GENDER, GG_PUBDIR50_GENDER_MALE); szQuery.Append(GG_PUBDIR50_GENDER_FEMALE); break; } /* 6 */ szQuery.AppendChar('.'); if (IsDlgButtonChecked(hwndDlg, IDC_ONLYCONNECTED)) { gg_pubdir50_add(req, GG_PUBDIR50_ACTIVE, GG_PUBDIR50_ACTIVE_TRUE); szQuery.Append(GG_PUBDIR50_ACTIVE_TRUE); } /* 7 */ szQuery.AppendChar('.'); // No data entered if (szQuery.GetLength() <= 7 || (szQuery.GetLength() == 8 && IsDlgButtonChecked(hwndDlg, IDC_ONLYCONNECTED))) { gg_pubdir50_free(req); return nullptr; } // Count crc & check if the data was equal if yes do same search with shift unsigned long crc = crc_get(szQuery.GetBuffer()); if (crc == last_crc && next_uin) gg_pubdir50_add(req, GG_PUBDIR50_START, ditoa(next_uin)); else last_crc = crc; gg_pubdir50_seq_set(req, GG_SEQ_SEARCH); if (isonline()) { gg_EnterCriticalSection(&sess_mutex, "SearchAdvanced", 52, "sess_mutex", 1); if (!gg_pubdir50(m_sess, req)) { gg_LeaveCriticalSection(&sess_mutex, "SearchAdvanced", 52, 1, "sess_mutex", 1); #ifdef DEBUGMODE debugLogA("SearchAdvanced(): ForkThread 15 GaduProto::searchthread"); #endif ForkThread(&GaduProto::searchthread, nullptr); return (HWND)1; } gg_LeaveCriticalSection(&sess_mutex, "SearchAdvanced", 52, 2, "sess_mutex", 1); } debugLogA("SearchAdvanced(): Seq %d.", req->seq); gg_pubdir50_free(req); return (HWND)1; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // create adv search dialog // static INT_PTR CALLBACK gg_advancedsearchdlgproc(HWND hwndDlg, UINT message, WPARAM, LPARAM) { switch (message) { case WM_INITDIALOG: TranslateDialogDefault(hwndDlg); SendDlgItemMessage(hwndDlg, IDC_GENDER, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)L""); // 0 SendDlgItemMessage(hwndDlg, IDC_GENDER, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)TranslateT("Female")); // 1 SendDlgItemMessage(hwndDlg, IDC_GENDER, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)TranslateT("Male")); // 2 return TRUE; } return FALSE; } HWND GaduProto::CreateExtendedSearchUI(HWND owner) { return CreateDialogParam(hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_GGADVANCEDSEARCH), owner, gg_advancedsearchdlgproc, (LPARAM)this); } struct GG_SEQ_ACK { MCONTACT hContact; int seq; }; void __cdecl GaduProto::sendackthread(void *ack) { GG_SEQ_ACK *pAck = (GG_SEQ_ACK *)ack; gg_sleep(100, FALSE, "sendackthread", 105, 1); ProtoBroadcastAck(pAck->hContact, ACKTYPE_MESSAGE, ACKRESULT_SUCCESS, (HANDLE)pAck->seq, 0); mir_free(ack); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // when messsage sent // int GaduProto::SendMsg(MCONTACT hContact, int, const char *msg) { uin_t uin = (uin_t)getDword(hContact, GG_KEY_UIN, 0); if (!isonline() || !uin) return 0; if (!msg) return 0; gg_EnterCriticalSection(&sess_mutex, "SendMsg", 53, "sess_mutex", 1); int seq = gg_send_message(m_sess, GG_CLASS_CHAT, uin, (BYTE*)msg); gg_LeaveCriticalSection(&sess_mutex, "SendMsg", 53, 1, "sess_mutex", 1); if (!m_gaduOptions.useMsgDeliveryAcknowledge) { // Auto-ack message without waiting for server ack GG_SEQ_ACK *ack = (GG_SEQ_ACK*)mir_alloc(sizeof(GG_SEQ_ACK)); if (ack) { ack->seq = seq; ack->hContact = hContact; #ifdef DEBUGMODE debugLogA("SendMsg(): ForkThread 16 GaduProto::sendackthread"); #endif ForkThread(&GaduProto::sendackthread, ack); } } return seq; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // visible lists // int GaduProto::SetApparentMode(MCONTACT hContact, int mode) { setWord(hContact, GG_KEY_APPARENT, (WORD)mode); notifyuser(hContact, 1); return 0; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // sets protocol status // int GaduProto::SetStatus(int iNewStatus) { int nNewStatus = gg_normalizestatus(iNewStatus); gg_EnterCriticalSection(&modemsg_mutex, "SetStatus", 54, "modemsg_mutex", 1); m_iDesiredStatus = nNewStatus; gg_LeaveCriticalSection(&modemsg_mutex, "SetStatus", 54, 1, "modemsg_mutex", 1); // If waiting for connection retry attempt then signal to stop that if (hConnStopEvent) SetEvent(hConnStopEvent); if (m_iStatus == nNewStatus) return 0; debugLogA("SetStatus(): PS_SETSTATUS(%d) normalized to %d.", iNewStatus, nNewStatus); refreshstatus(nNewStatus); return 0; } void __cdecl GaduProto::getawaymsgthread(void *arg) { DBVARIANT dbv; MCONTACT hContact = (UINT_PTR)arg; debugLogA("getawaymsgthread(): started"); gg_sleep(100, FALSE, "getawaymsgthread", 106, 1); if (!db_get_s(hContact, "CList", GG_KEY_STATUSDESCR, &dbv, DBVT_WCHAR)) { ProtoBroadcastAck(hContact, ACKTYPE_AWAYMSG, ACKRESULT_SUCCESS, (HANDLE)1, (LPARAM)dbv.ptszVal); debugLogW(L"getawaymsgthread(): Reading away msg <%s>.", dbv.ptszVal); db_free(&dbv); } else { ProtoBroadcastAck(hContact, ACKTYPE_AWAYMSG, ACKRESULT_SUCCESS, (HANDLE)1, 0); } debugLogA("getawaymsgthread(): end"); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // when away message is requested // HANDLE GaduProto::GetAwayMsg(MCONTACT hContact) { #ifdef DEBUGMODE debugLogA("GetAwayMsg(): ForkThread 17 GaduProto::getawaymsgthread"); #endif ForkThread(&GaduProto::getawaymsgthread, (void*)hContact); return (HANDLE)1; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // when away message is being set // registered as ProtoService PS_SETAWAYMSGT // int GaduProto::SetAwayMsg(int iStatus, const wchar_t *newMsg) { int status = gg_normalizestatus(iStatus); wchar_t **msgPtr; debugLogW(L"SetAwayMsg(): PS_SETAWAYMSG(%d, \"%s\".)", iStatus, newMsg); gg_EnterCriticalSection(&modemsg_mutex, "SetAwayMsg", 55, "modemsg_mutex", 1); // Select proper our msg ptr switch (status) { case ID_STATUS_ONLINE: msgPtr = &modemsg.online; break; case ID_STATUS_AWAY: msgPtr = &modemsg.away; break; case ID_STATUS_DND: msgPtr = &modemsg.dnd; break; case ID_STATUS_FREECHAT: msgPtr = &modemsg.freechat; break; case ID_STATUS_INVISIBLE: msgPtr = &modemsg.invisible; break; default: gg_LeaveCriticalSection(&modemsg_mutex, "SetAwayMsg", 55, 1, "modemsg_mutex", 1); return 1; } // Check if we change status here somehow if (*msgPtr && newMsg && !mir_wstrcmp(*msgPtr, newMsg) || !*msgPtr && (!newMsg || !*newMsg)) { if (status == m_iDesiredStatus && m_iDesiredStatus == m_iStatus) { debugLogA("SetAwayMsg(): Message hasn't been changed, return."); gg_LeaveCriticalSection(&modemsg_mutex, "SetAwayMsg", 55, 2, "modemsg_mutex", 1); return 0; } } else { if (*msgPtr) mir_free(*msgPtr); *msgPtr = newMsg && *newMsg ? mir_wstrdup(newMsg) : nullptr; #ifdef DEBUGMODE debugLogA("SetAwayMsg(): Message changed."); #endif } gg_LeaveCriticalSection(&modemsg_mutex, "SetAwayMsg", 55, 3, "modemsg_mutex", 1); // Change the status if it was desired by PS_SETSTATUS if (status == m_iDesiredStatus) refreshstatus(status); return 0; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // sends a notification that the user is typing a message // int GaduProto::UserIsTyping(MCONTACT hContact, int type) { uin_t uin = getDword(hContact, GG_KEY_UIN, 0); if (!uin || !isonline()) return 0; if (type == PROTOTYPE_SELFTYPING_ON || type == PROTOTYPE_SELFTYPING_OFF) { gg_EnterCriticalSection(&sess_mutex, "UserIsTyping", 56, "sess_mutex", 1); gg_typing_notification(m_sess, uin, (type == PROTOTYPE_SELFTYPING_ON)); gg_LeaveCriticalSection(&sess_mutex, "UserIsTyping", 56, 1, "sess_mutex", 1); } return 0; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Custom protocol event // int GaduProto::OnEvent(PROTOEVENTTYPE eventType, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch (eventType) { case EV_PROTO_ONLOAD: HookProtoEvent(ME_OPT_INITIALISE, &GaduProto::options_init); HookProtoEvent(ME_USERINFO_INITIALISE, &GaduProto::details_init); // Init misc stuff gg_icolib_init(); initpopups(); gc_init(); keepalive_init(); img_init(); block_init(); // Try to fetch user avatar getOwnAvatar(); break; case EV_PROTO_ONEXIT: // Stop avatar request thread pth_avatar.dwThreadId = 0; // Stop main connection session thread pth_sess.dwThreadId = 0; img_shutdown(); sessions_closedlg(); break; case EV_PROTO_ONOPTIONS: return options_init(wParam, lParam); case EV_PROTO_ONMENU: menus_init(); break; case EV_PROTO_ONCONTACTDELETED: return contactdeleted(wParam, lParam); case EV_PROTO_DBSETTINGSCHANGED: return dbsettingchanged(wParam, lParam); } return TRUE; }