/* Copyright (C) 2012-23 Miranda NG team (https://miranda-ng.org) This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "gg.h" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Info Page UI dialog class GaduUserInfoDlg : public CUserInfoPageDlg { GaduProto *gg; bool updating = false; CCtrlCombo cmbGender; CCtrlButton btnSave; void SetValue(int idCtrl, char *szModule, char *szSetting, int special) { DBVARIANT dbv = { 0 }; wchar_t str[256]; wchar_t *ptstr = nullptr; wchar_t* valT = nullptr; bool unspecified; dbv.type = DBVT_DELETED; if (szModule == nullptr) unspecified = true; else unspecified = db_get(m_hContact, szModule, szSetting, &dbv) != 0; if (!unspecified) { switch (dbv.type) { case DBVT_BYTE: if (special == SVS_GENDER) { if (dbv.cVal == 'M') ptstr = TranslateT("Male"); else if (dbv.cVal == 'F') ptstr = TranslateT("Female"); else unspecified = 1; } else if (special == SVS_MONTH) { if (dbv.bVal > 0 && dbv.bVal <= 12) { ptstr = str; GetLocaleInfo(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, LOCALE_SABBREVMONTHNAME1 - 1 + dbv.bVal, str, _countof(str)); } else unspecified = 1; } else if (special == SVS_TIMEZONE) { if (dbv.cVal == -100) unspecified = 1; else { ptstr = str; mir_snwprintf(str, dbv.cVal ? L"GMT%+d:%02d" : L"GMT", -dbv.cVal / 2, (dbv.cVal & 1) * 30); } } else { unspecified = (special == SVS_ZEROISUNSPEC && dbv.bVal == 0); ptstr = _itow(special == SVS_SIGNED ? dbv.cVal : dbv.bVal, str, 10); } break; case DBVT_WORD: if (special == SVS_COUNTRY) { char* pstr = (char*)CallService(MS_UTILS_GETCOUNTRYBYNUMBER, dbv.wVal, 0); if (pstr == nullptr) { unspecified = 1; } else { ptstr = str; mir_snwprintf(str, L"%S", pstr); } } else { unspecified = (special == SVS_ZEROISUNSPEC && dbv.wVal == 0); ptstr = _itow(special == SVS_SIGNED ? dbv.sVal : dbv.wVal, str, 10); } break; case DBVT_DWORD: unspecified = (special == SVS_ZEROISUNSPEC && dbv.dVal == 0); if (special == SVS_IP) { struct in_addr ia; ia.S_un.S_addr = htonl(dbv.dVal); char* pstr = inet_ntoa(ia); if (pstr == nullptr) { unspecified = 1; } else { ptstr = str; mir_snwprintf(str, L"%S", pstr); } if (dbv.dVal == 0) unspecified = 1; } else if (special == SVS_GGVERSION) { ptstr = str; mir_snwprintf(str, L"%S", (char *)gg_version2string(dbv.dVal)); } else { ptstr = _itow(special == SVS_SIGNED ? dbv.lVal : dbv.dVal, str, 10); } break; case DBVT_ASCIIZ: unspecified = (special == SVS_ZEROISUNSPEC && dbv.pszVal[0] == '\0'); ptstr = str; mir_snwprintf(str, L"%S", dbv.pszVal); break; case DBVT_WCHAR: unspecified = (special == SVS_ZEROISUNSPEC && dbv.pwszVal[0] == '\0'); ptstr = dbv.pwszVal; break; case DBVT_UTF8: unspecified = (special == SVS_ZEROISUNSPEC && dbv.pszVal[0] == '\0'); valT = mir_utf8decodeW(dbv.pszVal); ptstr = str; wcscpy_s(str, _countof(str), valT); mir_free(valT); break; default: ptstr = str; mir_wstrcpy(str, L"???"); break; } } if (m_hContact != 0) { EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(m_hwnd, idCtrl), !unspecified); if (unspecified) SetDlgItemText(m_hwnd, idCtrl, TranslateT("")); else SetDlgItemText(m_hwnd, idCtrl, ptstr); } else { EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(m_hwnd, idCtrl), TRUE); if (!unspecified) SetDlgItemText(m_hwnd, idCtrl, ptstr); } db_free(&dbv); } public: GaduUserInfoDlg(GaduProto *_gg, int idDialog) : CUserInfoPageDlg(g_plugin, idDialog), gg(_gg), btnSave(this, IDC_SAVE), cmbGender(this, IDC_GENDER) { btnSave.OnClick = Callback(this, &GaduUserInfoDlg::onClick_Save); } bool OnInitDialog() override { // Add genders cmbGender.AddString(L"", 0); cmbGender.AddString(TranslateT("Female"), 1); cmbGender.AddString(TranslateT("Male"), 2); return true; } bool OnRefresh() override { // Show updated message if (updating) { MessageBox(nullptr, TranslateT("Your details has been uploaded to the public directory."), gg->m_tszUserName, MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION); updating = false; return false; } char *szProto = (m_hContact == NULL) ? gg->m_szModuleName : Proto_GetBaseAccountName(m_hContact); if (szProto == nullptr) return false; // Disable when updating m_bInitialized = false; SetValue(IDC_UIN, szProto, GG_KEY_UIN, 0); SetValue(IDC_REALIP, szProto, GG_KEY_CLIENTIP, SVS_IP); SetValue(IDC_PORT, szProto, GG_KEY_CLIENTPORT, SVS_ZEROISUNSPEC); SetValue(IDC_VERSION, szProto, GG_KEY_CLIENTVERSION, SVS_GGVERSION); SetValue(IDC_FIRSTNAME, szProto, GG_KEY_PD_FIRSTNAME, SVS_NORMAL); SetValue(IDC_LASTNAME, szProto, GG_KEY_PD_LASTNAME, SVS_NORMAL); SetValue(IDC_NICKNAME, szProto, GG_KEY_PD_NICKNAME, SVS_NORMAL); SetValue(IDC_BIRTHYEAR, szProto, GG_KEY_PD_BIRTHYEAR, SVS_ZEROISUNSPEC); SetValue(IDC_CITY, szProto, GG_KEY_PD_CITY, SVS_NORMAL); SetValue(IDC_FAMILYNAME, szProto, GG_KEY_PD_FAMILYNAME, SVS_NORMAL); SetValue(IDC_CITYORIGIN, szProto, GG_KEY_PD_FAMILYCITY, SVS_NORMAL); if (m_hContact) { SetValue(IDC_GENDER, szProto, GG_KEY_PD_GENDER, SVS_GENDER); SetValue(IDC_STATUSDESCR, "CList", GG_KEY_STATUSDESCR, SVS_NORMAL); } else switch ((char)db_get_b(m_hContact, gg->m_szModuleName, GG_KEY_PD_GENDER, (uint8_t)'?')) { case 'F': SendDlgItemMessage(m_hwnd, IDC_GENDER, CB_SETCURSEL, 1, 0); break; case 'M': SendDlgItemMessage(m_hwnd, IDC_GENDER, CB_SETCURSEL, 2, 0); break; default: SendDlgItemMessage(m_hwnd, IDC_GENDER, CB_SETCURSEL, 0, 0); } // Disable when updating m_bInitialized = true; return false; } void OnChange() override { EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(m_hwnd, IDC_SAVE), TRUE); } void onClick_Save(CCtrlButton*) { wchar_t text[256]; if (!gg->isonline()) { MessageBox(nullptr, TranslateT("You have to be logged in before you can change your details."), gg->m_tszUserName, MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP); return; } EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(m_hwnd, IDC_SAVE), FALSE); gg_pubdir50_t req = gg_pubdir50_new(GG_PUBDIR50_WRITE); if (req == nullptr) return; GetDlgItemText(m_hwnd, IDC_FIRSTNAME, text, _countof(text)); if (mir_wstrlen(text)) gg_pubdir50_add(req, GG_PUBDIR50_FIRSTNAME, T2Utf(text)); GetDlgItemText(m_hwnd, IDC_LASTNAME, text, _countof(text)); if (mir_wstrlen(text)) gg_pubdir50_add(req, GG_PUBDIR50_LASTNAME, T2Utf(text)); GetDlgItemText(m_hwnd, IDC_NICKNAME, text, _countof(text)); if (mir_wstrlen(text)) gg_pubdir50_add(req, GG_PUBDIR50_NICKNAME, T2Utf(text)); GetDlgItemText(m_hwnd, IDC_CITY, text, _countof(text)); if (mir_wstrlen(text)) gg_pubdir50_add(req, GG_PUBDIR50_CITY, T2Utf(text)); // Gadu-Gadu Female <-> Male switch (SendDlgItemMessage(m_hwnd, IDC_GENDER, CB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0)) { case 1: gg_pubdir50_add(req, GG_PUBDIR50_GENDER, GG_PUBDIR50_GENDER_SET_FEMALE); break; case 2: gg_pubdir50_add(req, GG_PUBDIR50_GENDER, GG_PUBDIR50_GENDER_SET_MALE); break; default: gg_pubdir50_add(req, GG_PUBDIR50_GENDER, ""); } GetDlgItemText(m_hwnd, IDC_BIRTHYEAR, text, _countof(text)); if (mir_wstrlen(text)) gg_pubdir50_add(req, GG_PUBDIR50_BIRTHYEAR, T2Utf(text)); GetDlgItemText(m_hwnd, IDC_FAMILYNAME, text, _countof(text)); if (mir_wstrlen(text)) gg_pubdir50_add(req, GG_PUBDIR50_FAMILYNAME, T2Utf(text)); GetDlgItemText(m_hwnd, IDC_CITYORIGIN, text, _countof(text)); if (mir_wstrlen(text)) gg_pubdir50_add(req, GG_PUBDIR50_FAMILYCITY, T2Utf(text)); // Run update gg_pubdir50_seq_set(req, GG_SEQ_CHINFO); gg->gg_EnterCriticalSection(&gg->sess_mutex, "gg_detailsdlgproc", 35, "sess_mutex", 1); gg_pubdir50(gg->m_sess, req); gg->gg_LeaveCriticalSection(&gg->sess_mutex, "gg_genoptsdlgproc", 35, 1, "sess_mutex", 1); updating = true; gg_pubdir50_free(req); } }; int GaduProto::details_init(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM hContact) { int idDialog; // View/Change My Details if (hContact == NULL) { idDialog = IDD_CHINFO_GG; } // Other user details else { char* szProto = Proto_GetBaseAccountName(hContact); if (szProto == nullptr) return 0; if (mir_strcmp(szProto, m_szModuleName) || isChatRoom(hContact)) return 0; idDialog = IDD_INFO_GG; } USERINFOPAGE uip = {}; uip.flags = ODPF_DONTTRANSLATE | ODPF_UNICODE | ODPF_ICON; uip.position = -1900000000; uip.pDialog = new GaduUserInfoDlg(this, idDialog); uip.szTitle.w = m_tszUserName; uip.dwInitParam = LPARAM(g_plugin.getIconHandle(IDI_GG)); g_plugin.addUserInfo(wParam, &uip); // Start search for user data if (hContact == NULL) GetInfo(NULL, 0); return 0; }