// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ICQ plugin for Miranda NG // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Copyright © 2018-24 Miranda NG team // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 // of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Long-poll thread and its item handlers #include "stdafx.h" void CIcqProto::ProcessBuddyList(const JSONNode &ev) { m_arGroups.destroy(); LIST tmpGroups(10); bool bEnableMenu = false; for (auto &it : ev["groups"]) { auto *pGroup = new IcqGroup(it["id"].as_int(), it["name"].as_mstring()); debugLogA("new group: id=%d, level=%d, name=%S", pGroup->id, pGroup->level, pGroup->wszName.c_str()); if (pGroup->level != 0) { for (auto &p : tmpGroups.rev_iter()) { if (p->level == pGroup->level-1) { pGroup->wszName = p->wszName + L"\\" + pGroup->wszName; debugLogA("Group name fixed as %S", pGroup->wszName.c_str()); break; } } } tmpGroups.insert(pGroup); m_arGroups.insert(pGroup); bool bCreated = false; for (auto &buddy : it["buddies"]) { MCONTACT hContact = ParseBuddyInfo(buddy); if (hContact == INVALID_CONTACT_ID) continue; ProcessOnline(buddy, hContact); setWString(hContact, "IcqGroup", pGroup->wszName); if (!bCreated) { Clist_GroupCreate(0, pGroup->wszName); bCreated = true; } ptrW mirGroup(Clist_GetGroup(hContact)); if (mir_wstrcmp(mirGroup, pGroup->wszName)) bEnableMenu = true; if (!mirGroup) Clist_SetGroup(hContact, pGroup->wszName); } } if (bEnableMenu) Menu_ShowItem(m_hUploadGroups, true); mir_cslock lck(m_csCache); for (auto &it : m_arCache) if (!it->m_bInList && !getBool(it->m_hContact, "IcqDeleted")) Contact::RemoveFromList(it->m_hContact); } void CIcqProto::ProcessDiff(const JSONNode &ev) { for (auto &block : ev) { CMStringW szType = block["type"].as_mstring(); if (szType != "updated" && szType != "created" && szType != "deleted") continue; for (auto &it : block["data"]) { int grpId = it["id"].as_int(); CMStringW wszName = it["name"].as_mstring(); auto *pGroup = m_arGroups.find((IcqGroup *)&grpId); if (pGroup == nullptr) { if (szType != "created") { debugLogA("Group %d isn't found", grpId); continue; } pGroup = new IcqGroup(grpId, wszName); m_arGroups.insert(pGroup); } else { pGroup->wszSrvName = wszName; pGroup->SetName(wszName); } bool bCreated = false, bDeleted = (szType == "deleted"); for (auto &buddy : it["buddies"]) { if (bDeleted) continue; MCONTACT hContact = ParseBuddyInfo(buddy, true); if (hContact == INVALID_CONTACT_ID) continue; ProcessOnline(buddy, hContact); setWString(hContact, "IcqGroup", pGroup->wszName); if (!bCreated) { Clist_GroupCreate(0, pGroup->wszName); bCreated = true; } ptrW wszGroup(Clist_GetGroup(hContact)); if (!wszGroup) Clist_SetGroup(hContact, pGroup->wszName); } if (bDeleted) m_arGroups.remove(pGroup); } RefreshGroups(); } } void CIcqProto::ProcessEvent(const JSONNode &ev) { const JSONNode &pData = ev["eventData"]; CMStringW szType = ev["type"].as_mstring(); if (szType == L"buddylist") ProcessBuddyList(pData); else if (szType == L"diff") ProcessDiff(pData); else if (szType == L"histDlgState") ProcessHistData(pData); else if (szType == L"imState") ProcessImState(pData); else if (szType == L"mchat") ProcessGroupChat(pData); else if (szType == L"myInfo") ProcessMyInfo(pData); else if (szType == L"notification") ProcessNotification(pData); else if (szType == L"permitDeny") ProcessPermissions(pData); else if (szType == L"presence") ProcessPresence(pData); else if (szType == L"sessionEnded") ProcessSessionEnd(pData); else if (szType == L"typing") ProcessTyping(pData); } void CIcqProto::ProcessHistData(const JSONNode &ev) { MCONTACT hContact; bool bVeryBeginning = m_bFirstBos; CMStringW wszId(ev["sn"].as_mstring()); auto *pUser = FindUser(wszId); // might be NULL for groupchats if (IsChat(wszId)) { SESSION_INFO *si = Chat_Find(wszId, m_szModuleName); if (si == nullptr) { CMStringW wszNick; for (auto &it : ev["persons"]) if (it["sn"].as_mstring() == wszId) { wszNick = it["friendly"].as_mstring(); break; } if ((si = GcCreate(wszId, wszNick)) == nullptr) return; } hContact = si->hContact; __int64 srvInfoVer = _wtoi64(ev["mchatState"]["infoVersion"].as_mstring()); __int64 srvMembersVer = _wtoi64(ev["mchatState"]["membersVersion"].as_mstring()); if (srvInfoVer != getId(hContact, "InfoVersion") || srvMembersVer != getId(hContact, "MembersVersion") || si->arUsers.getCount() == 0) RetrieveChatInfo(hContact); } else { hContact = CreateContact(wszId, true); // for temporary contacts that just gonna be created if (pUser == nullptr) { bVeryBeginning = true; pUser = FindUser(wszId); } } // restore reading from the previous point, if we just installed Miranda __int64 lastMsgId = getId(hContact, DB_KEY_LASTMSGID); if (lastMsgId == 0) { lastMsgId = _wtoi64(ev["yours"]["lastRead"].as_mstring()); setId(hContact, DB_KEY_LASTMSGID, lastMsgId); } ProcessPatchVersion(hContact, _wtoi64(ev["patchVersion"].as_mstring())); __int64 srvLastId = _wtoi64(ev["lastMsgId"].as_mstring()); // we load history in the very beginning or if the previous message if (bVeryBeginning) { if (pUser) { debugLogA("Setting cache = %lld for %d", srvLastId, hContact); pUser->m_iProcessedMsgId = srvLastId; } if (srvLastId > lastMsgId) { debugLogA("We need to retrieve history for %S: %lld > %lld", wszId.c_str(), srvLastId, lastMsgId); RetrieveUserHistory(hContact, lastMsgId, false); } } else { if (!(pUser && pUser->m_iProcessedMsgId >= srvLastId)) { if (pUser) debugLogA("Proceeding with cache for %d: %lld < %lld", hContact, pUser->m_iProcessedMsgId, srvLastId); else debugLogA("Proceeding with empty cache for %d", hContact); for (auto &it : ev["intro"]["messages"]) ParseMessage(hContact, lastMsgId, it, false, false); for (auto &it : ev["tail"]["messages"]) ParseMessage(hContact, lastMsgId, it, false, true); setId(hContact, DB_KEY_LASTMSGID, lastMsgId); if (pUser) { pUser->m_iProcessedMsgId = lastMsgId; debugLogA("Setting second cache = %lld for %d", srvLastId, hContact); } } } // check remote read if (g_bMessageState) { __int64 srvRemoteRead = _wtoi64(ev["theirs"]["lastRead"].as_mstring()); __int64 lastRemoteRead = getId(hContact, DB_KEY_REMOTEREAD); if (srvRemoteRead > lastRemoteRead) { setId(hContact, DB_KEY_REMOTEREAD, srvRemoteRead); if (g_bMessageState) CallService(MS_MESSAGESTATE_UPDATE, hContact, MRD_TYPE_READ); } } } void CIcqProto::ProcessImState(const JSONNode &ev) { for (auto &it : ev["imStates"]) { if (it["state"].as_mstring() != L"delivered") continue; CMStringA reqId(it["sendReqId"].as_mstring()); CMStringA msgId(it["histMsgId"].as_mstring()); MCONTACT hContact = CheckOwnMessage(reqId, msgId, false); if (hContact) CheckLastId(hContact, ev); } } void CIcqProto::ProcessMyInfo(const JSONNode &ev) { if (auto &var = ev["friendly"]) setWString("Nick", var.as_mstring()); if (auto &var = ev["attachedPhoneNumber"]) setWString(DB_KEY_PHONE, var.as_mstring()); CheckAvatarChange(0, ev); } void CIcqProto::ProcessNotification(const JSONNode &ev) { for (auto &fld : ev["fields"]) { const JSONNode &email = fld["mailbox.newMessage"]; if (email) { JSONROOT root(email.as_string().c_str()); CMStringW wszFrom((*root)["from"].as_mstring()); CMStringW wszSubj((*root)["subject"].as_mstring()); m_unreadEmails = (*root)["unreadCount"].as_int(); debugLogW(L"You received e-mail (%d) from <%s>: <%s>", m_unreadEmails, wszFrom.c_str(), wszSubj.c_str()); CMStringW wszMessage(FORMAT, TranslateT("You received e-mail from %s: %s"), wszFrom.c_str(), wszSubj.c_str()); EmailNotification(wszMessage); } const JSONNode &status = fld["mailbox.status"]; if (status) { int iOldCount = m_unreadEmails; JSONROOT root(status.as_string().c_str()); m_szMailBox = (*root)["email"].as_mstring(); m_unreadEmails = (*root)["unreadCount"].as_int(); // we've read/removed some messages from server if (iOldCount > m_unreadEmails) { Clist_RemoveEvent(0, ICQ_FAKE_EVENT_ID); return; } // we notify about initial mail count only during login if (m_bFirstBos && m_unreadEmails > 0) { CMStringW wszMessage(FORMAT, TranslateT("You have %d unread emails"), m_unreadEmails); EmailNotification(wszMessage); } } } } void CIcqProto::ProcessPresence(const JSONNode &ev) { CMStringW aimId = ev["aimId"].as_mstring(); auto *pUser = FindUser(aimId); if (pUser == nullptr) return; MCONTACT hContact = GetRealContact(pUser); int iNewStatus = StatusFromPresence(ev, hContact); if (iNewStatus != -1) ProcessStatus(pUser, iNewStatus); if (hContact != m_hFavContact) Json2string(hContact, ev, "friendly", "Nick", true); CheckAvatarChange(hContact, ev); } void CIcqProto::ProcessSessionEnd(const JSONNode &/*ev*/) { m_szRToken.Empty(); m_iRClientId = 0; delSetting(DB_KEY_RCLIENTID); ShutdownSession(); } void CIcqProto::ProcessTyping(const JSONNode &ev) { CMStringW aimId = ev["aimId"].as_mstring(); CMStringW wszStatus = ev["typingStatus"].as_mstring(); auto *pUser = FindUser(aimId); if (pUser) { MCONTACT hContact = GetRealContact(pUser); if (wszStatus == "typing") CallService(MS_PROTO_CONTACTISTYPING, hContact, 60); else CallService(MS_PROTO_CONTACTISTYPING, hContact, PROTOTYPE_CONTACTTYPING_OFF); } } void CIcqProto::OnFetchEvents(MHttpResponse *pReply, AsyncHttpRequest*) { JsonReply root(pReply); if (root.error() != 200) { ShutdownSession(); return; } JSONNode &data = root.data(); m_fetchBaseURL = data["fetchBaseURL"].as_mstring(); for (auto &it : data["events"]) ProcessEvent(it); } void __cdecl CIcqProto::PollThread(void*) { debugLogA("Polling thread started"); m_bFirstBos = true; while (m_bOnline && !m_fetchBaseURL.IsEmpty()) { CMStringA szUrl = m_fetchBaseURL; if (m_bFirstBos) szUrl.Append("&first=1"); else szUrl.Append("&timeout=25000"); auto *pReq = new AsyncHttpRequest(CONN_FETCH, REQUEST_GET, szUrl, &CIcqProto::OnFetchEvents); if (!m_bFirstBos) pReq->timeout = 62000; if (!ExecuteRequest(pReq)) { ShutdownSession(); break; } m_bFirstBos = false; } debugLogA("Polling thread ended"); }