/* ICQ Corporate protocol plugin for Miranda IM. Copyright (C) 2003-2005 Eugene Tarasenko <zlyden13@inbox.ru> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "corp.h" ICQ icq; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// unsigned short toIcqStatus(unsigned short status) { /* unsigned short icqStatus[] = { ICQ_STATUS_OFFLINE, ICQ_STATUS_ONLINE, ICQ_STATUS_AWAY, ICQ_STATUS_DND, ICQ_STATUS_NA, ICQ_STATUS_OCCUPIED, ICQ_STATUS_FREEFORCHAT, ICQ_STATUS_PRIVATE }; return icqStatus[status - ID_STATUS_OFFLINE]; */ switch (status) { case ID_STATUS_OFFLINE: return ICQ_STATUS_OFFLINE; case ID_STATUS_ONLINE: return ICQ_STATUS_ONLINE; case ID_STATUS_AWAY: return ICQ_STATUS_AWAY; case ID_STATUS_DND: return ICQ_STATUS_DND; case ID_STATUS_NA: return ICQ_STATUS_NA; case ID_STATUS_OCCUPIED: return ICQ_STATUS_OCCUPIED; case ID_STATUS_FREECHAT: return ICQ_STATUS_FREECHAT; case ID_STATUS_INVISIBLE: return ICQ_STATUS_PRIVATE; } return ICQ_STATUS_ONLINE; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// unsigned short toIdStatus(unsigned short status) { switch (status) { case ICQ_STATUS_OFFLINE: return ID_STATUS_OFFLINE; case ICQ_STATUS_ONLINE: return ID_STATUS_ONLINE; case ICQ_STATUS_AWAY: return ID_STATUS_AWAY; case ICQ_STATUS_DND: return ID_STATUS_DND; case ICQ_STATUS_NA: return ID_STATUS_NA; case ICQ_STATUS_OCCUPIED: return ID_STATUS_OCCUPIED; case ICQ_STATUS_FREECHAT: return ID_STATUS_FREECHAT; case ICQ_STATUS_PRIVATE: return ID_STATUS_INVISIBLE; } return ID_STATUS_ONLINE; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// LRESULT WINAPI messageWndProc(HWND hWnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { SOCKET hSocket = (SOCKET)wParam; unsigned short netEvents = LOWORD(lParam); unsigned long result; switch (msg) { case WM_NETEVENT_SERVER: if (hSocket == icq.udpSocket.handleVal) { if (netEvents & FD_READ) icq.recvUDP(0); break; } break; case WM_NETEVENT_CONNECTION: if (hSocket == icq.tcpSocket.handleVal) { if (netEvents & FD_ACCEPT) icq.recvNewTCP(0); break; } break; case WM_NETEVENT_USER: if (netEvents & FD_READ) { ioctlsocket(hSocket, FIONREAD, &result); if (result > 0) icq.recvTCP(hSocket); } if (netEvents & FD_CLOSE) { unsigned int i; for (i=0; i<icqUsers.size(); i++) { if (hSocket == icqUsers[i]->socket.handleVal) { T("[tcp] user %d is aborted connection\n", icqUsers[i]->uin); icqUsers[i]->socket.closeConnection(); break; } } } break; case WM_NETEVENT_TRANSFER: if (netEvents & FD_READ) { ioctlsocket(hSocket, FIONREAD, &result); if (result > 0) icq.recvTransferTCP(hSocket); } if (netEvents & FD_CLOSE) { unsigned int i; for (i=0; i<icqTransfers.size(); i++) { if (hSocket == icqTransfers[i]->socket.handleVal) { T("[tcp] user %d is aborted file connection\n", icqTransfers[i]->uin); ProtoBroadcastAck(protoName, icqTransfers[i]->hContact, ACKTYPE_FILE, ACKRESULT_FAILED, icqTransfers[i], 0); delete icqTransfers[i]; icqTransfers[i] = icqTransfers[icqTransfers.size() - 1]; icqTransfers.pop_back(); break; } } } break; default: return DefWindowProc(hWnd, msg, wParam, lParam); } return 0; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void WINAPI pingTimerProc(HWND hWnd, UINT Msg, UINT_PTR hTimer, DWORD Time) { icq.ping(); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // ICQ // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ICQ::ICQ() : tcpSocket(WM_NETEVENT_CONNECTION), udpSocket(WM_NETEVENT_SERVER) { } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool ICQ::load() { WSADATA data; if (WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2,2), &data)) { MessageBox(NULL, Translate("ICQ Corporate plugin used only WinSock v2.2 or later."), protoName, MB_ICONWARNING|MB_OK); return false; } statusVal = ID_STATUS_OFFLINE; searchSequenceVal = 0; tcpSequenceVal = 0xFFFFFFFE; awayMessage = new char[1]; awayMessage[0] = 0; WNDCLASS wc = { 0, messageWndProc, 0, 0, hInstance, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, protoName }; if (!RegisterClass(&wc)) return false; hWnd = CreateWindowEx(0, protoName, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, (unsigned short)GetVersion() >= 5 ? HWND_MESSAGE : 0, NULL, hInstance, NULL); if (hWnd == NULL) return false; return true; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void ICQ::unload() { if (statusVal != ID_STATUS_OFFLINE) logoff(false); KillTimer(NULL, pingTimer); pingTimer = NULL; delete [] awayMessage; WSACleanup(); DestroyWindow(hWnd); UnregisterClass(protoName, hInstance); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool ICQ::logon(unsigned short logonStatus) { DBVARIANT dbv; char str[128]; if(!db_get(NULL, protoName, "Server", &dbv)) { lstrcpy(str, dbv.pszVal); db_free(&dbv); } else { MessageBox(NULL, Translate("You need specify ICQ Corporate login server."), protoName, MB_ICONWARNING|MB_OK); return false; } if (!tcpSocket.connected() && !tcpSocket.startServer()) return false; if (!udpSocket.connected()) { if (!udpSocket.setDestination(str, db_get_w(NULL, protoName, "Port", 4000))) return false; udpSocket.openConnection(); } if (pingTimer == NULL) pingTimer = SetTimer(NULL, 0, PING_FREQUENCY, (TIMERPROC)pingTimerProc); updateContactList(); uin = db_get_dw(NULL, protoName, "UIN", 0); if (!db_get(NULL, protoName, "Password", &dbv)) { lstrcpy(str, dbv.pszVal); db_free(&dbv); } timeStampLastMessage = 0; sequenceVal = 1; Packet loginPacket; loginPacket << ICQ_VERSION << ICQ_CMDxSND_LOGON << sequenceVal << sequenceVal << uin << (unsigned int)0x00 << tcpSocket.localPortVal << str << (unsigned short)0x7A << (unsigned short)0x02 // << LOCALHOST << udpSocket.localIPVal << (unsigned char)0x04 << (unsigned int)toIcqStatus(logonStatus) << (unsigned int)0x02 << (unsigned int)0x00 << (unsigned short)0x13 << (unsigned short)0x7A; T("[udp] requesting logon (%d)...\n", sequenceVal); sendICQ(udpSocket, loginPacket, ICQ_CMDxSND_LOGON, sequenceVal); desiredStatus = logonStatus; statusVal = ID_STATUS_CONNECTING; ProtoBroadcastAck(protoName, NULL, ACKTYPE_STATUS, ACKRESULT_SUCCESS, (HANDLE)ID_STATUS_OFFLINE, statusVal); return true; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void ICQ::logoff(bool reconnect) { unsigned int i; // if not connected then don't both logging off if (udpSocket.connected()) { Packet logoffPacket; logoffPacket << ICQ_VERSION << ICQ_CMDxSND_LOGOFF << (unsigned int)0x00 << uin << (unsigned int)0x00 << "B_USER_DISCONNECTED" << (unsigned short)0x0005; T("[udp] logging off.\n"); udpSocket.sendPacket(logoffPacket); // udpSocket.closeConnection(); // close all open events for (i=0; i<icqEvents.size(); i++) delete icqEvents[i]; icqEvents.clear(); } statusVal = ID_STATUS_OFFLINE; if (reconnect) logon(desiredStatus); else { udpSocket.closeConnection(); tcpSocket.closeConnection(); updateContactList(); ProtoBroadcastAck(protoName, NULL, ACKTYPE_STATUS, ACKRESULT_SUCCESS, (HANDLE)ID_STATUS_ONLINE, statusVal); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void ICQ::ping() { if (statusVal > ID_STATUS_OFFLINE) { Packet pingPacket; pingPacket << ICQ_VERSION << ICQ_CMDxSND_PING << sequenceVal << (unsigned short)0x00 << uin << (unsigned int)0x00; T("[udp] keep alive (%d)\n", sequenceVal); sendICQ(udpSocket, pingPacket, ICQ_CMDxSND_PING, sequenceVal); } if (statusVal == ID_STATUS_OFFLINE && desiredStatus != ID_STATUS_OFFLINE) logoff(true); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ICQEvent *ICQ::sendICQ(Socket &socket, Packet &packet, unsigned short cmd, unsigned long sequence, unsigned long uin, unsigned short subCmd, int reply) { ICQEvent *result; if (!socket.connected()) return NULL; if (cmd != ICQ_CMDxTCP_START) sequenceVal++; icqEvents.push_back(result = new ICQEvent(cmd, subCmd, sequence, uin, &socket, &packet, reply)); if (!result->start()) { cancelEvent(result); return NULL; } return result; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void ICQ::doneEvent(bool gotAck, int hSocket, int sequence) { unsigned int i; ICQEvent *e; for (i=0; i<icqEvents.size(); i++) { e = icqEvents[i]; if (e->isEvent(hSocket, sequence)) break; } if (i == icqEvents.size()) return; e->stop(); if (!gotAck || e->reply == 0) { icqEvents[i] = icqEvents[icqEvents.size() - 1]; icqEvents.pop_back(); } if (!gotAck) T("[ ] sending failed (%d)\n", sequence); switch (e->cmd) { case ICQ_CMDxTCP_START: doneUserFcn(gotAck, e); break; case ICQ_CMDxSND_THRUxSERVER: doneUserFcn(gotAck, e); break; case ICQ_CMDxSND_USERxGETxINFO: //emit doneUserInfo(true, e->uin); break; case ICQ_CMDxSND_SETxSTATUS: if (gotAck) { int oldStatus = statusVal; statusVal = desiredStatus; ProtoBroadcastAck(protoName, NULL, ACKTYPE_STATUS, ACKRESULT_SUCCESS, (HANDLE)oldStatus, statusVal); } break; case ICQ_CMDxSND_PING: //if (!gotAck) emit doneOwnerFcn(false, cmd); break; case ICQ_CMDxSND_USERxADD: //if (!gotAck) emit doneOwnerFcn(false, cmd); break; case ICQ_CMDxSND_AUTHORIZE: //emit doneOwnerFcn(gotAck, cmd); break; case ICQ_CMDxSND_LOGON: if (!gotAck) { logoff(false); //emit doneOwnerFcn(false, cmd); } break; case ICQ_CMDxSND_USERxLIST: //if (!gotAck) emit doneOwnerFcn(false, cmd); break; case ICQ_CMDxSND_VISxLIST: //if (!gotAck) emit doneOwnerFcn(false, cmd); break; case ICQ_CMDxSND_SYSxMSGxREQ: //if (!gotAck) emit doneOwnerFcn(false, cmd); break; case ICQ_CMDxSND_SYSxMSGxDONExACK: //if (!gotAck) emit doneOwnerFcn(false, cmd); break; } if (!gotAck && e->cmd != ICQ_CMDxTCP_START && e->cmd != ICQ_CMDxSND_LOGON) logoff(true); if (!gotAck || e->reply == 0) delete e; else e->reply--; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void ICQ::cancelEvent(ICQEvent *&e) { unsigned int i; for (i=0; i<icqEvents.size(); i++) if (icqEvents[i] == e) break; if (i == icqEvents.size()) return; e->stop(); icqEvents[i] = icqEvents[icqEvents.size() - 1]; icqEvents.pop_back(); delete e; e = NULL; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// unsigned short ICQ::processUdpPacket(Packet &packet) { unsigned short version, command, newCommand, theSequence, theSequence1, searchSequence, junkShort; unsigned int checkUin, userIP, realIP, junkl, newStatus, userPort, timedataStamp; unsigned char junkChar; char *message = NULL; ICQUser *u; ICQEvent *e; // read in the standard UDP header info packet >> version >> command >> theSequence >> theSequence1 >> checkUin >> junkl; if (version != ICQ_VERSION) { T("[udp] bad version number %d\n", version); return 0xFFFF; } /* on offline multi packet field checkUin not equal uin :( if (checkUin != uin) { T("[udp] bad uin number %d\n", checkUin); return 0xFFFF; } */ switch (command) { case ICQ_CMDxRCV_LOGIN_ERR: T("[udp] error loging to server.\n"); ackUDP(theSequence); packet >> message; T("%s\n", message); MessageBox(NULL, message, protoName, MB_ICONERROR|MB_OK); delete [] message; break; case ICQ_CMDxRCV_USERxONLINE: // initial user status packet packet >> checkUin; T("[udp] user %d is online\n", checkUin); ackUDP(theSequence); if ((u = getUserByUIN(checkUin, false)) == NULL) break; packet >> userIP >> userPort >> realIP >> junkChar >> newStatus; u->socket.closeConnection(); u->socket.setDestination(userIP, userPort); u->setStatus(toIdStatus(newStatus)); u->setInfo("IP", (unsigned int)ntohl(userIP)); u->setInfo("Port", (unsigned short)userPort); u->setInfo("RealIP", (unsigned int)ntohl(realIP)); break; case ICQ_CMDxRCV_USERxOFFLINE: // user just went offline packet packet >> checkUin; T("[udp] user %d is offline\n", checkUin); ackUDP(theSequence); if ((u = getUserByUIN(checkUin, false)) == NULL) break; u->setStatus(ID_STATUS_OFFLINE); u->socket.closeConnection(); break; case ICQ_CMDxRCV_USERxBASICxINFO: case ICQ_CMDxRCV_USERxINFO: case ICQ_CMDxRCV_USERxWORKxINFO: case ICQ_CMDxRCV_USERxWORKxPAGE: case ICQ_CMDxRCV_USERxHOMExINFO: case ICQ_CMDxRCV_USERxHOMExPAGE: T("[udp] user information packet (%d)\n", theSequence); ackUDP(theSequence); if ((e = getEvent(udpSocket.handleVal, theSequence1)) == NULL) break; checkUin = e->uin; if ((u = getUserByUIN(checkUin, false)) == NULL) break; char *buffer; buffer = new char[1024]; switch (command) { case ICQ_CMDxRCV_USERxBASICxINFO: case ICQ_CMDxRCV_USERxINFO: packet >> buffer; u->setInfo("Nick", buffer); packet >> buffer; u->setInfo("FirstName", buffer); packet >> buffer; u->setInfo("LastName", buffer); packet >> buffer; u->setInfo("e-mail", buffer); break; case ICQ_CMDxRCV_USERxWORKxINFO: packet >> buffer; u->setInfo("CompanyStreet", buffer); packet >> buffer; u->setInfo("CompanyCity", buffer); packet >> buffer; u->setInfo("CompanyState", buffer); packet >> junkShort; u->setInfo("CompanyCountry", junkShort); packet >> buffer; u->setInfo("Company", buffer); packet >> buffer; u->setInfo("CompanyPosition", buffer); packet >> junkl; packet >> buffer; u->setInfo("CompanyPhone", buffer); packet >> buffer; u->setInfo("CompanyFax", buffer); packet >> buffer; packet >> junkl; if (junkl && junkl != 0xFFFFFFFF) _itoa(junkl, buffer, 10); else buffer[0] = 0; u->setInfo("CompanyZIP", buffer); break; case ICQ_CMDxRCV_USERxWORKxPAGE: packet >> buffer; u->setInfo("CompanyHomepage", buffer); break; case ICQ_CMDxRCV_USERxHOMExINFO: packet >> buffer; u->setInfo("Street", buffer); packet >> buffer; u->setInfo("City", buffer); packet >> buffer; u->setInfo("State", buffer); packet >> junkShort; u->setInfo("Country", junkShort); packet >> buffer; u->setInfo("Phone", buffer); packet >> buffer; u->setInfo("Fax", buffer); packet >> buffer; u->setInfo("Cellular", buffer); packet >> junkl; if (junkl && junkl != 0xFFFFFFFF) _itoa(junkl, buffer, 10); else buffer[0] = 0; u->setInfo("ZIP", buffer); packet >> junkChar; if (junkChar == 1) junkChar = 'F'; if (junkChar == 2) junkChar = 'M'; u->setInfo("Gender", junkChar); packet >> junkShort; u->setInfo("Age", (unsigned char)junkShort); packet >> junkChar; u->setInfo("BirthDay", junkChar); packet >> junkChar; u->setInfo("BirthMonth", junkChar); packet >> junkShort; u->setInfo("BirthYear", junkShort); break; case ICQ_CMDxRCV_USERxHOMExPAGE: packet >> buffer; u->setInfo("Homepage", buffer); break; } if (e->reply == 0) ProtoBroadcastAck(protoName, u->hContact, ACKTYPE_GETINFO, ACKRESULT_SUCCESS, 0, 0); doneEvent(true, udpSocket.handleVal, theSequence1); delete [] buffer; break; case ICQ_CMDxRCV_USERxINVALIDxUIN: // not a good uin T("[udp] invalid uin\n"); ackUDP(theSequence); if ((e = getEvent(udpSocket.handleVal, theSequence1)) == NULL) break; checkUin = e->uin; T("invalid uin: %d\n", checkUin); /* delete icqEvents[i2]; icqEvents[i2] = icqEvents[icqEvents.size() - 1]; icqEvents.pop_back(); */ break; case ICQ_CMDxRCV_USERxSTATUS: // user changed status packet packet >> checkUin; T("[udp] user %d changed status\n", checkUin); ackUDP(theSequence); packet >> newStatus; if ((u = getUserByUIN(checkUin, false)) == NULL) break; u->setStatus(toIdStatus(newStatus)); break; case ICQ_CMDxRCV_USERxLISTxDONE: // end of user list T("[udp] end of user list.\n"); ackUDP(theSequence); break; case ICQ_CMDxRCV_SEARCHxFOUND: // user found in search T("[udp] search found user\n"); ackUDP(theSequence); char *alias, *firstName, *lastName, *email; unsigned char auth; alias = NULL; firstName = NULL; lastName = NULL; email = NULL; packet >> checkUin >> alias >> firstName >> lastName >> email >> auth; ICQSEARCHRESULT isr; isr.hdr.cbSize = sizeof(isr); isr.hdr.nick = alias; isr.hdr.firstName = firstName; isr.hdr.lastName = lastName; isr.hdr.email = email; isr.uin = checkUin; isr.auth = auth; ProtoBroadcastAck(protoName, NULL, ACKTYPE_SEARCH, ACKRESULT_DATA, (HANDLE)1, (LPARAM)&isr); delete [] alias; delete [] firstName; delete [] lastName; delete [] email; break; case ICQ_CMDxRCV_SEARCHxDONE: T("[udp] search finished.\n"); ackUDP(theSequence); packet >> searchSequence; searchSequence = theSequence1; ProtoBroadcastAck(protoName, NULL, ACKTYPE_SEARCH, ACKRESULT_SUCCESS, (HANDLE)1, 0); break; case ICQ_CMDxRCV_SYSxMSGxOFFLINE: // offline system message, now have to check the sub-command T("[udp] offline system message\n"); ackUDP(theSequence); packet >> checkUin >> timedataStamp >> newCommand; timeStampLastMessage = timedataStamp; timedataStamp = CallService(MS_DB_TIME_TIMESTAMPTOLOCAL, timedataStamp, 0); processSystemMessage(packet, checkUin, newCommand, timedataStamp); break; case ICQ_CMDxRCV_SYSxMSGxONLINE: // online system message, now have to check the sub-command T("[udp] online system message\n"); ackUDP(theSequence); packet >> checkUin >> newCommand; processSystemMessage(packet, checkUin, newCommand, time(NULL)); break; case ICQ_CMDxRCV_SYSxMSGxDONE: // end of system messages T("[udp] end of system messages.\n"); ackUDP(theSequence); if (timeStampLastMessage) { ackSYS(timeStampLastMessage); timeStampLastMessage = 0; } break; case ICQ_CMDxRCV_BROADCASTxMULTI: T("[udp] broadcast multi-packet (%d)\n", theSequence); ackUDP(theSequence); unsigned int i; unsigned char j, frameNo, frameSize; bool found; packet >> frameNo >> frameSize; icqEvents.push_back(new ICQEvent(ICQ_CMDxRCV_BROADCASTxMULTI, (unsigned short)frameNo, theSequence1, 0, &udpSocket, &packet, 0)); { Packet multiPacket; for (j=0; j<frameSize; j++) { found = false; for (i=0; i<icqEvents.size(); i++) { e = icqEvents[i]; if (e->cmd == ICQ_CMDxRCV_BROADCASTxMULTI && e->subCmd == j && e->isEvent(udpSocket.handleVal, theSequence1)) { multiPacket << e->packet; found = true; break; } } if (!found) break; } if (j == frameSize) { for (i=0; i<icqEvents.size(); i++) { e = icqEvents[i]; if (e->cmd == ICQ_CMDxRCV_BROADCASTxMULTI && e->isEvent(udpSocket.handleVal, theSequence1)) { icqEvents[i] = icqEvents[icqEvents.size() - 1]; icqEvents.pop_back(); delete e; } } multiPacket.reset(); processUdpPacket(multiPacket); } } break; case ICQ_CMDxRCV_BROADCASTxOFFLINE: T("[udp] offline broadcast message (%d)\n", theSequence); ackUDP(theSequence); packet >> checkUin >> timedataStamp >> newCommand; db_set_dw(NULL, protoName, "LastBroadcastTime", timedataStamp); timedataStamp = CallService(MS_DB_TIME_TIMESTAMPTOLOCAL, timedataStamp, 0); processSystemMessage(packet, checkUin, newCommand, timedataStamp); break; case ICQ_CMDxRCV_BROADCASTxONLINE: T("[udp] online broadcast message (%d)\n", theSequence); ackUDP(theSequence); packet >> checkUin >> newCommand; processSystemMessage(packet, checkUin, newCommand, time(NULL)); break; case ICQ_CMDxRCV_BROADCASTxDONE: T("[udp] end of broadcast messages.\n"); ackUDP(theSequence); break; case ICQ_CMDxRCV_SETxOFFLINE: // we got put offline by mirabilis for some reason T("[udp] kicked offline.\n"); logoff(true); break; case ICQ_CMDxRCV_ACK: // icq acknowledgement T("[udp] received ack (%d)\n", theSequence); doneEvent(true, udpSocket.handleVal, theSequence); break; case ICQ_CMDxRCV_ERROR: // icq says go away T("[udp] server says bugger off.\n"); logoff(true); break; case ICQ_CMDxRCV_HELLO: // hello packet from mirabilis received on logon T("[udp] received hello.\n"); ackUDP(theSequence); int oldStatus; requestSystemMsg(); requestBroadcastMsg(); // pingTimer.start(PING_FREQUENCY * 1000); oldStatus = statusVal; statusVal = desiredStatus; ProtoBroadcastAck(protoName, NULL, ACKTYPE_STATUS, ACKRESULT_SUCCESS, (HANDLE)oldStatus, statusVal); updateContactList(); // sendVisibleList(); // sendInvisibleList(); break; case ICQ_CMDxRCV_WRONGxPASSWD: // incorrect password sent in logon T("[udp] incorrect password.\n"); ProtoBroadcastAck(protoName, NULL, ACKTYPE_LOGIN, ACKRESULT_FAILED, NULL, LOGINERR_WRONGPASSWORD); MessageBox(NULL, Translate("Your ICQ Corp number and password combination was rejected by the ICQ Corporate server. Please go to M->Options->ICQCorp and try again."), protoName, MB_ICONERROR|MB_OK); break; case ICQ_CMDxRCV_BUSY: // server too busy to respond T("[udp] server busy, try again in a few minutes.\n"); break; default: // what the heck is this packet? T("[udp] unknown packet:\n%s", packet.print()); ackUDP(theSequence); break; } return command; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void ICQ::processSystemMessage(Packet &packet, unsigned long checkUin, unsigned short newCommand, time_t timeSent) { char *message/*, *sysMsg*/; ICQUser *u; unsigned int i, /*j,*/ messageLen; u = getUserByUIN(checkUin); message = NULL; packet >> message; switch (newCommand) { case ICQ_CMDxRCV_SYSxMSG: T("message through server from %d\n", checkUin); addMessage(u, message, ICQ_CMDxRCV_SYSxMSGxONLINE, ICQ_CMDxTCP_MSG, 0, timeSent); break; case ICQ_CMDxRCV_SYSxURL: T("url through server from %d\n", checkUin); addUrl(u, message, ICQ_CMDxRCV_SYSxMSGxONLINE, ICQ_CMDxTCP_URL, 0, timeSent); break; case ICQ_CMDxRCV_SYSxBROADCAST: T("broadcast message from %d\n", checkUin); messageLen = (unsigned int)strlen(message); for (i=0; i<messageLen; i++) if (message[i] == (char)0xFE) message[i] = '\n'; addMessage(u, message, ICQ_CMDxRCV_SYSxMSGxONLINE, ICQ_CMDxTCP_MSG, 0, timeSent); break; /* case ICQ_CMDxRCV_SYSxAUTHxREQ: // system message: authorisation request // 02 00 04 01 08 00 8F 76 20 00 06 00 41 00 41 70 6F 74 68 65 6F 73 69 73 // FE 47 72 61 68 61 6D FE 52 6F 66 66 FE 67 72 6F 66 66 40 75 77 61 74 65 // 72 6C 6F 6F 2E 63 61 FE 31 FE 50 6C 65 61 73 65 20 61 75 74 68 6F 72 69 // 7A 65 20 6D 65 2E 00 T("authorization request from %ld.\n", checkUin); packet >> messageLen; message = new char[messageLen + 1]; for (i=0; i<=messageLen; i++) { packet >> message[i]; if (message[i] == (char)0xFE) message[i] = '\n'; } sysMsg = new char[messageLen + 128]; sprintf(sysMsg, "(%s) Authorization request from %ld:\n%s", sm.timeRec(), checkUin, message); icqOwner.addMessage(sysMsg, ICQ_CMDxRCV_SYSxMSGxONLINE, ICQ_CMDxRCV_SMxREQxAUTH, 0, timeSent); sprintf(sysMsg, "Authorization request from %ld:\n%s", checkUin, message); addToSystemMessageHistory(sysMsg); playSound(soundSysMsg); delete sysMsg; delete message; break; case ICQ_CMDxRCV_SYSxAUTHxGRANTED: // system message: authorization granted outputWindow->wprintf(" (%s) Authorization granted from %ld.", sm.timeRec(), checkUin); packet >> messageLen; message = new char[messageLen + 1]; for (i = 0; i <= messageLen; i++) { packet >> message[i]; if (message[i] == (char)0xFE) message[i] = '\n'; } sysMsg = new char[messageLen + 128]; sprintf(sysMsg, "(%s) Authorization granted from %ld:\n%s", sm.timeRec(), checkUin, message); icqOwner.addMessage(sysMsg, ICQ_CMDxRCV_SYSxMSGxONLINE, ICQ_CMDxRCV_SMxREQxAUTH, 0, timeSent); sprintf(sysMsg, "Authorization granted from %ld:\n%s", checkUin, message); addToSystemMessageHistory(sysMsg); playSound(soundSysMsg); delete sysMsg; delete message; break; */ /* case ICQ_CMDxRCV_SYSxADDED: // system message: added to a contact list outputWindow->wprintf(" %C(%s) user %C%ld%C added you to their contact list.", COLOR_RECEIVE, sm.timeRec(), COLOR_DATA, checkUin, COLOR_RECEIVE); sysMsg = new char[128]; sprintf(sysMsg, "(%s) User %ld added you to their contact list.", sm.timeRec(), checkUin); icqOwner.addMessage(sysMsg, ICQ_CMDxRCV_SYSxMSGxONLINE, ICQ_CMDxRCV_SMxADDED, 0, timeSent); sprintf(sysMsg, "User %ld added you to their contact list.", checkUin); addToSystemMessageHistory(sysMsg); delete sysMsg; playSound(soundSysMsg); */ /* there is a bunch of info about the given user in the packet but the read routine to get at it is totally broken right now int infoLen, j; packet >> infoLen; // declare all the strings we will need for reading in the user data char *userInfo, *aliasField, *firstNameField, *lastNameField, *emailField; userInfo = new char[infoLen]; aliasField = new char[infoLen]; firstNameField = new char[infoLen]; lastNameField = new char[infoLen]; emailField = new char[infoLen]; // read in the user data from the packet for (i = 0; i < infoLen; i++) packet >> userInfo[i]; // parse the user info string for the four fields i = j = 0; do { aliasField[j] = userInfo[i]; i++; j++;} while (userInfo[i] != (char)0xFE); aliasField[j] = '\0'; j = 0; do { firstNameField[j] = userInfo[i]; i++; j++;} while (userInfo[i] != (char)0xFE); firstNameField[j] = '\0'; j = 0; do { lastNameField[j] = userInfo[i]; i++; j++;} while (userInfo[i] != (char)0xFE); lastNameField[j] = '\0'; j = 0; do { emailField[j] = userInfo[i]; i++; j++;} while (i < infoLen); emailField[j] = '\0'; *outputWindow << " " << aliasField << " (" << firstNameField << " " << lastNameField << "), " << emailField << "."; delete userInfo; delete aliasField; delete firstNameField; delete lastNameField; delete emailField; break; */ default: T("[udp] unknown system packet:\n%s", packet.print()); break; } delete [] message; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void ICQ::ackUDP(unsigned short theSequence) { Packet packet; packet << ICQ_VERSION << ICQ_CMDxSND_ACK << theSequence << (unsigned short)0x00 << uin << (unsigned int)0x00; T("[udp] sending ack (%d)\n", theSequence); udpSocket.sendPacket(packet); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void ICQ::ackSYS(unsigned int timeStamp) { Packet packet; packet << ICQ_VERSION << ICQ_CMDxSND_SYSxMSGxDONExACK << sequenceVal << sequenceVal << uin << (unsigned int)0x00 << timeStamp; T("[udp] sending system message ack (%d)\n", sequenceVal); sendICQ(udpSocket, packet, ICQ_CMDxSND_SYSxMSGxDONExACK, sequenceVal); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ICQUser *ICQ::getUserByUIN(unsigned long uin, bool allowAdd) { unsigned long i; ICQUser *u; for (i=0; i<icqUsers.size(); i++) { u = icqUsers[i]; if (u->uin == uin) return u; } if (allowAdd) { T("unknown user %d, adding them to your list\n", uin); return addUser(uin, false); } T("ICQ sent unknown user %d\n", uin); return NULL; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ICQUser *ICQ::getUserByContact(MCONTACT hContact) { unsigned long i; ICQUser *u; // uin = db_get_dw(ccs->hContact, protoName, "UIN", 0); for (i=0; i<icqUsers.size(); i++) { u = icqUsers[i]; if (u->hContact == hContact) return u; } return NULL; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void ICQ::requestSystemMsg() { // request offline system messages // 02 00 4C 04 02 00 50 A5 82 00 Packet packet; packet << ICQ_VERSION << ICQ_CMDxSND_SYSxMSGxREQ << sequenceVal << sequenceVal << uin << (unsigned int)0x00; T("[udp] sending offline system messages request (%d)...\n", sequenceVal); sendICQ(udpSocket, packet, ICQ_CMDxSND_SYSxMSGxREQ, sequenceVal); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void ICQ::requestBroadcastMsg() { unsigned int timeStamp = db_get_dw(NULL, protoName, "LastBroadcastTime", 0); Packet packet; packet << ICQ_VERSION << ICQ_CMDxSND_BROADCASTxREQ << sequenceVal << sequenceVal << uin << (unsigned int)0x00 << timeStamp << (unsigned int)0x00; T("[udp] sending offline broadcast messages request (%d)...\n", sequenceVal); sendICQ(udpSocket, packet, ICQ_CMDxSND_SYSxMSGxREQ, sequenceVal); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool ICQ::setStatus(unsigned short newStatus) { if (!udpSocket.connected()) return false; Packet packet; packet << ICQ_VERSION << ICQ_CMDxSND_SETxSTATUS << sequenceVal << sequenceVal << uin << (unsigned int)0x00 << toIcqStatus(newStatus); T("[udp] sending set status packet (%d)\n", sequenceVal); sendICQ(udpSocket, packet, ICQ_CMDxSND_SETxSTATUS, sequenceVal); desiredStatus = newStatus; return true; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void ICQ::updateContactList() { char *proto; unsigned int i; int userCount; //HANDLE hContact; ICQUser *u; for (MCONTACT hContact = db_find_first(); hContact; hContact = db_find_next(hContact)) { proto = (char*)CallService(MS_PROTO_GETCONTACTBASEPROTO, (WPARAM)hContact, 0); if (proto && !strcmp(proto, protoName)) { if ((u = getUserByContact(hContact)) == NULL) { u = new ICQUser(); u->hContact = hContact; u->uin = db_get_dw(hContact, protoName, "UIN", 0); icqUsers.push_back(u); } if (statusVal <= ID_STATUS_OFFLINE) u->setStatus(ID_STATUS_OFFLINE); else u->statusVal = db_get_w(hContact, protoName, "Status", ID_STATUS_OFFLINE); } } if (statusVal <= ID_STATUS_OFFLINE) return; // create user info packet Packet userPacket; for (i=0; i<icqUsers.size(); ) { userCount = (unsigned int)icqUsers.size() - i; if (userCount > 100) userCount = 100; userPacket.clearPacket(); userPacket << ICQ_VERSION << ICQ_CMDxSND_USERxLIST << sequenceVal << sequenceVal << uin << (unsigned int)0x00 << (unsigned char)userCount; for (; userCount>0; userCount--) userPacket << icqUsers[i++]->uin; // send user info packet T("[udp] sending contact list (%d)...\n", sequenceVal); sendICQ(udpSocket, userPacket, ICQ_CMDxSND_USERxLIST, sequenceVal); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void ICQ::sendVisibleList() { /* unsigned int i, numUsers = 0; ICQUser *u; if (statusVal != ID_STATUS_INVISIBLE) return; Packet userPacket; userPacket << ICQ_VERSION << ICQ_CMDxSND_VISxLIST << sequenceVal << sequenceVal << uin << (unsigned int)0x00; for (i=0; i<icqUsers.size(); i++) { u = icqUsers[i]; if (u->statusVal != ID_STATUS_OFFLINE && db_get_w(u->hContact, protoName, "ApparentMode", 0) == ID_STATUS_ONLINE) numUsers++; } if (numUsers == 0) return; userPacket << (char)numUsers; for (i=0; i<icqUsers.size(); i++) { u = icqUsers[i]; if (u->statusVal != ID_STATUS_OFFLINE && db_get_w(u->hContact, protoName, "ApparentMode", 0) == ID_STATUS_ONLINE) userPacket << icqUsers[i]->uin; } T("[udp] sending visible list (%d)\n", sequenceVal); sendICQ(udpSocket, userPacket, ICQ_CMDxSND_VISxLIST, sequenceVal); */ } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void ICQ::sendInvisibleList() { /* unsigned int i, numUsers = 0; Packet userPacket; userPacket << ICQ_VERSION << ICQ_CMDxSND_INVISxLIST << sequenceVal << sequenceVal << uin << (unsigned int)0x00; for (i=0; i<icqUsers.size(); i++) { if (db_get_w(icqUsers[i]->hContact, protoName, "ApparentMode", 0) == ID_STATUS_OFFLINE) numUsers++; } if (numUsers == 0) return; userPacket << (char)numUsers; for (i=0; i<icqUsers.size(); i++) { if (db_get_w(icqUsers[i]->hContact, protoName, "ApparentMode", 0) == ID_STATUS_OFFLINE) userPacket << icqUsers[i]->uin; } T("[udp] sending invisible list (%d)\n", sequenceVal); sendICQ(udpSocket, userPacket, ICQ_CMDxSND_INVISxLIST, sequenceVal); */ } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void ICQ::updateUserList(ICQUser *u, char list, char add) { /* Packet userPacket; userPacket << ICQ_VERSION << ICQ_CMDxSND_UPDATExLIST << sequenceVal << sequenceVal << uin << (unsigned int)0x00 << u->uin << list << add; T("[udp] update user list (%d)\n", sequenceVal); sendICQ(udpSocket, userPacket, ICQ_CMDxSND_UPDATExLIST, sequenceVal); */ } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ICQUser *ICQ::addUser(unsigned int uin, bool persistent) { unsigned int i; ICQUser *u; for (i=0; i<icqUsers.size(); i++) { u = icqUsers[i]; if (u->uin == uin) { if (persistent) { db_unset(u->hContact, "CList", "NotOnList"); db_unset(u->hContact, "CList", "Hidden"); } return u; } } u = new ICQUser(); u->uin = uin; u->hContact = (MCONTACT)CallService(MS_DB_CONTACT_ADD, 0, 0); icqUsers.push_back(u); CallService(MS_PROTO_ADDTOCONTACT, (WPARAM)u->hContact, (LPARAM)protoName); u->setInfo("UIN", uin); if (persistent) getUserInfo(u, true); else { db_set_b(u->hContact, "CList", "NotOnList", 1); db_set_b(u->hContact, "CList", "Hidden", 1); } updateContactList(); return u; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void ICQ::addNewUser(ICQUser *u) { /* // update the users info from the server if (statusVal != ICQ_STATUS_OFFLINE) { Packet packet; // alert server to new user packet << ICQ_VERSION << ICQ_CMDxSND_USERxADD << sequenceVal << sequenceVal << uin << (unsigned int)0x00 << u->uin; T("[udp] alerting server to new user (%d)...\n", sequenceVal); sendICQ(udpSocket, packet, ICQ_CMDxSND_USERxADD, sequenceVal); // getUserInfo(u); } */ updateContactList(); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void ICQ::removeUser(ICQUser *u) { unsigned int i; for (i=0; i<icqUsers.size(); i++) if (icqUsers[i] == u) break; if (i == icqUsers.size()) return; icqUsers[i] = icqUsers[icqUsers.size() - 1]; icqUsers.pop_back(); delete u; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void ICQ::startSearch(unsigned char skrit, unsigned char smode, char *sstring, unsigned int s) { Packet packet; packet << ICQ_VERSION << ICQ_CMDxSND_SEARCHxSTART << sequenceVal << (unsigned short)s // << (unsigned short)(icqOwner.sequence1()) << uin << (unsigned int)0x00 << (unsigned char)0xFF << skrit << (unsigned char)0x00 << smode << sstring; T("[udp] starting search for user (%d)...\n", s); sendICQ(udpSocket, packet, ICQ_CMDxSND_SEARCHxSTART, sequenceVal); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ICQEvent *ICQ::send(ICQUser *u, unsigned short cmd, char *cmdStr, char *m) { ICQEvent *result; if (u->statusVal > ID_STATUS_OFFLINE && (result = sendTCP(u, cmd, cmdStr, m)) != NULL) return result; else return sendUDP(u, cmd, cmdStr, m); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool ICQ::openConnection(TCPSocket &socket) { T("[tcp] connecting to %s on port %d...\n", inet_ntoa(*(in_addr*)&socket.remoteIPVal), socket.remotePortVal); socket.openConnection(); if (!socket.connected()) { T("[tcp] connect failed\n"); return false; } T("[tcp] connection successful\n"); Packet packet; // packet << ICQ_CMDxTCP_HANDSHAKE3 packet << (unsigned char)0xFF << (unsigned int)0x02 << (unsigned int)0x00 // << (unsigned long)tcpSocket.localPortVal << uin << socket.localIPVal << socket.localIPVal << (unsigned char)0x04 << (unsigned int)0x00; // << (unsigned long)tcpSocket.localPortVal; T("[tcp] sending handshake\n"); if (!socket.sendPacket(packet)) { T("[tcp] send failed\n"); return false; } T("[tcp] setup completed\n"); return true; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ICQEvent *ICQ::sendTCP(ICQUser *u, unsigned short cmd, char *cmdStr, char *m) { if (!u->socket.connected() && !openConnection(u->socket)) return NULL; unsigned int status; if (accept) { switch (statusVal) { case ID_STATUS_ONLINE: status = 0x00100000; break; case ID_STATUS_FREECHAT: status = 0x00000000; break; // ?? case ID_STATUS_AWAY: status = 0x01100000; break; case ID_STATUS_NA: status = 0x00100000; break; case ID_STATUS_DND: status = 0x00100000; break; case ID_STATUS_OCCUPIED: status = 0x02100000; break; case ID_STATUS_INVISIBLE: status = 0x00900000; break; // ?? default: status = 0x00100000; break; } } else status = 0x00000001; Packet packet; packet << uin << (unsigned short)0x02 // ICQ_VERSION << ICQ_CMDxTCP_START // ICQ_CMDxTCP_ACK, ICQ_CMDxTCP_START, ICQ_CMDxTCP_CANCEL << (unsigned short)0x00 << uin << cmd << m << udpSocket.localIPVal << udpSocket.localIPVal << tcpSocket.localPortVal << (unsigned char)0x04 << status << tcpSequenceVal--; T("[tcp] sending %s (%d)\n", cmdStr, tcpSequenceVal + 1); return sendICQ(u->socket, packet, ICQ_CMDxTCP_START, tcpSequenceVal + 1, u->uin, cmd); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ICQEvent *ICQ::sendUDP(ICQUser *u, unsigned short cmd, char *cmdStr, char *m) { Packet packet; packet << ICQ_VERSION << ICQ_CMDxSND_THRUxSERVER << sequenceVal << sequenceVal << uin << (unsigned int)0x00 << u->uin << cmd << m; /* write for offline multi packet, but not work - little architecturial trouble: one big packet must divided on several little packets and Miranda use returned ONE event for control process sending, but not several events if (packet.size() > 450) { unsigned int i, j = 0; unsigned char c, frameNo, frameSize; packet.reset(); frameSize = (packet.size()+449) / 450; for (frameNo=0; frameNo<frameSize; frameNo++) { Packet frame; frame << ICQ_VERSION << ICQ_CMDxSND_MULTI << sequenceVal << sequenceVal << uin << (unsigned int)0x00 << frameSize << frameNo; for (i=0; i<450 && j<packet.size(); i++, j++) { packet >> c; frame << c; } T("[udp] sending %s through server, part %d of %d (%d)\n", cmdStr, frameNo, frameSize, sequenceVal); sendICQ(udpSocket, packet, ICQ_CMDxSND_THRUxSERVER, sequenceVal, u->uin, cmd); } } else */ { T("[udp] sending %s through server (%d)\n", cmdStr, sequenceVal); return sendICQ(udpSocket, packet, ICQ_CMDxSND_THRUxSERVER, sequenceVal, u->uin, cmd); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ICQEvent *ICQ::sendMessage(ICQUser *u, char *m) { return send(u, ICQ_CMDxTCP_MSG, "message", m); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ICQEvent *ICQ::sendUrl(ICQUser *u, char *url) { unsigned int nameLen, descriptionLen; char *m, *description; ICQEvent *result; nameLen = (unsigned int)strlen(url); description = (char*)url + nameLen + 1; descriptionLen = (unsigned int)strlen(description); m = new char[nameLen + descriptionLen + 2]; strcpy(m, description); strcpy(m + descriptionLen + 1, url); m[descriptionLen] = (char)0xFE; result = send(u, ICQ_CMDxTCP_URL, "url", m); delete [] m; return result; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ICQEvent *ICQ::sendReadAwayMsg(ICQUser *u) { unsigned short cmd; switch (u->statusVal) { case ID_STATUS_AWAY: cmd = ICQ_CMDxTCP_READxAWAYxMSG; break; case ID_STATUS_DND: cmd = ICQ_CMDxTCP_READxDNDxMSG; break; case ID_STATUS_NA: cmd = ICQ_CMDxTCP_READxNAxMSG; break; case ID_STATUS_OCCUPIED: cmd = ICQ_CMDxTCP_READxOCCUPIEDxMSG; break; case ID_STATUS_FREECHAT: cmd = ICQ_CMDxTCP_READxFREECHATxMSG; break; default: return NULL; } return sendTCP(u, cmd, "away message request", ""); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ICQTransfer *ICQ::sendFile(ICQUser *u, char *description, char *filename, unsigned int size, char **files) { if (!u->socket.connected() && !openConnection(u->socket)) return NULL; unsigned int i; ICQTransfer *transfer = new ICQTransfer(u, tcpSequenceVal); for (i=0; files[i]; i++); transfer->files = new char*[i + 1]; for (i=0; files[i]; i++) transfer->files[i] = _strdup(files[i]); transfer->files[i] = 0; transfer->description = _strdup(description); transfer->count = i; transfer->totalSize = size; transfer->path = _strdup(files[0]); *strrchr(transfer->path, '\\') = 0; icqTransfers.push_back(transfer); transfer->ack(ACKRESULT_SENTREQUEST); unsigned short cmd = ICQ_CMDxTCP_FILE; char *m = description; unsigned int status; if (accept) { switch (statusVal) { case ID_STATUS_ONLINE: status = 0x00100000; break; case ID_STATUS_FREECHAT: status = 0x00000000; break; // ?? case ID_STATUS_AWAY: status = 0x01100000; break; case ID_STATUS_NA: status = 0x00100000; break; case ID_STATUS_DND: status = 0x00100000; break; case ID_STATUS_OCCUPIED: status = 0x02100000; break; case ID_STATUS_INVISIBLE: status = 0x00900000; break; // ?? default: status = 0x00100000; break; } } else status = 0x00000001; Packet packet; packet << uin << (unsigned short)0x02 // ICQ_VERSION << ICQ_CMDxTCP_START // ICQ_CMDxTCP_ACK, ICQ_CMDxTCP_START, ICQ_CMDxTCP_CANCEL << (unsigned short)0x00 << uin << cmd << m << udpSocket.localIPVal << udpSocket.localIPVal << tcpSocket.localPortVal << (unsigned char)0x04 << status; packet << (unsigned int)0x00 << filename << size << (unsigned int)0x00; packet << tcpSequenceVal--; T("[tcp] sending file request (%d)\n", tcpSequenceVal + 1); sendICQ(u->socket, packet, ICQ_CMDxTCP_START, tcpSequenceVal + 1, u->uin, cmd); return transfer; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void ICQ::acceptFile(ICQUser *u, unsigned long hTransfer, char *path) { unsigned int theSequence = hTransfer; unsigned short cmd = ICQ_CMDxTCP_FILE; char m[1] = { 0 }; unsigned long status; if (accept) { switch (statusVal) { case ID_STATUS_ONLINE: status = 0x00100000; break; case ID_STATUS_FREECHAT: status = 0x00000000; break; // ?? case ID_STATUS_AWAY: status = 0x01100000; break; case ID_STATUS_NA: status = 0x00100000; break; case ID_STATUS_DND: status = 0x00100000; break; case ID_STATUS_OCCUPIED: status = 0x02100000; break; case ID_STATUS_INVISIBLE: status = 0x00900000; break; // ?? default: status = 0x00100000; break; } } else status = 0x00000001; Packet packet; packet << uin << (unsigned short)0x02 // ICQ_VERSION << ICQ_CMDxTCP_ACK // ICQ_CMDxTCP_ACK, ICQ_CMDxTCP_START, ICQ_CMDxTCP_CANCEL << (unsigned short)0x00 << uin << cmd << m << udpSocket.localIPVal << udpSocket.localIPVal << tcpSocket.localPortVal << (unsigned char)0x04 // << status; << (unsigned int)0x00; packet << (unsigned int)htons(tcpSocket.localPortVal) << m << (unsigned int)0x00 << tcpSocket.localPortVal; packet << theSequence; T("[tcp] sending accept file ack (%d)\n", theSequence); u->socket.sendPacket(packet); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void ICQ::refuseFile(ICQUser *u, unsigned long hTransfer, char *reason) { unsigned int theSequence = hTransfer; unsigned short cmd = ICQ_CMDxTCP_FILE; char m[1] = { 0 }; unsigned int status; if (accept) { switch (statusVal) { case ID_STATUS_ONLINE: status = 0x00100000; break; case ID_STATUS_FREECHAT: status = 0x00000000; break; // ?? case ID_STATUS_AWAY: status = 0x01100000; break; case ID_STATUS_NA: status = 0x00100000; break; case ID_STATUS_DND: status = 0x00100000; break; case ID_STATUS_OCCUPIED: status = 0x02100000; break; case ID_STATUS_INVISIBLE: status = 0x00900000; break; // ?? default: status = 0x00100000; break; } } else status = 0x00000001; Packet packet; packet << uin << (unsigned short)0x02 // ICQ_VERSION << ICQ_CMDxTCP_ACK // ICQ_CMDxTCP_ACK, ICQ_CMDxTCP_START, ICQ_CMDxTCP_CANCEL << (unsigned short)0x00 << uin << cmd << reason << udpSocket.localIPVal << udpSocket.localIPVal << tcpSocket.localPortVal << (unsigned char)0x04 // << status; << (unsigned int)0x00000001; packet << (unsigned int)0x00 << m << (unsigned int)0x00 << (unsigned int)0x00; packet << theSequence; T("[tcp] sending refuse file ack (%d)\n", theSequence); u->socket.sendPacket(packet); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool ICQ::getUserInfo(ICQUser *u, bool basicInfo) { unsigned short cmd = basicInfo ? ICQ_CMDxSND_USERxGETxBASICxINFO : ICQ_CMDxSND_USERxGETxINFO; Packet request; request << ICQ_VERSION << cmd << sequenceVal << sequenceVal << uin << (unsigned int)0x00 << u->uin; T("[udp] sending user %s info request (%d)...\n", basicInfo ? "basic" : "details", sequenceVal); sendICQ(udpSocket, request, cmd, sequenceVal, u->uin, 0, basicInfo ? 1 : 5); return true; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void ICQ::authorize(unsigned int uinToAuthorize) { Packet packet; packet << ICQ_VERSION << ICQ_CMDxSND_AUTHORIZE << sequenceVal << sequenceVal << uin << (unsigned int)0x00 << uinToAuthorize << (unsigned int)0x00010008 // who knows, seems to be constant << (unsigned char)0x00; T("[udp] sending authorization (%d)\n", sequenceVal); sendICQ(udpSocket, packet, ICQ_CMDxSND_AUTHORIZE, sequenceVal); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void ICQ::processTcpPacket(Packet &packet, unsigned int hSocket) { unsigned int i, checkUin, senderIp, localIp, userStatus, senderPort, junkLong, thePort, theTCPSequence; unsigned short version, command, junkShort, newCommand, /*messageLen,*/ cicqVersion; unsigned char cicqChar, junkChar; char *message = NULL; ICQUser *u; static unsigned int chatUin, chatSequence; packet >> checkUin >> version >> command // so far either message stuff or message ack >> junkShort // 00 00 to fill in the MSB of the command long int which is read in as a short >> checkUin >> newCommand // if a message then what type, message/chat/read away message/... >> message >> senderIp >> localIp >> senderPort >> junkChar >> userStatus; u = getUserByUIN(checkUin); switch(command) { case ICQ_CMDxTCP_START: // incoming tcp packet containing one of many possible things switch(newCommand) // do a switch on what it could be { case ICQ_CMDxTCP_MSG: // straight message from a user T("[tcp] message from %d.\n", checkUin); packet >> theTCPSequence; ackTCP(packet, u, newCommand, theTCPSequence); addMessage(u, message, ICQ_CMDxTCP_START, ICQ_CMDxTCP_MSG, theTCPSequence, time(NULL)); break; case ICQ_CMDxTCP_CHAT: T("[tcp] chat request from %d.\n", checkUin); packet >> junkLong >> junkLong >> junkShort >> junkChar >> theTCPSequence >> cicqChar >> cicqVersion; /* char *chatReq; chatReq = new char[messageLen + 32]; sprintf(chatReq, "Chat request:\n %s", message); // u->addMessage(chatReq, ICQ_CMDxTCP_START, ICQ_CMDxTCP_CHAT, theTCPSequence, 0, (cicqChar == 'C'), cicqVersion); delete chatReq; */ break; case ICQ_CMDxTCP_URL: // url sent T("[tcp] url from %d.\n", checkUin); packet >> theTCPSequence; ackTCP(packet, u, newCommand, theTCPSequence); addUrl(u, message, ICQ_CMDxTCP_START, ICQ_CMDxTCP_URL, theTCPSequence, time(NULL)); break; case ICQ_CMDxTCP_FILE: unsigned int size; char *fileName; fileName = NULL; packet >> junkLong >> fileName >> size >> junkLong >> theTCPSequence; T("[tcp] file transfer request from %d (%d)\n", checkUin, theTCPSequence); addFileReq(u, message, fileName, size, ICQ_CMDxTCP_START, ICQ_CMDxTCP_FILE, theTCPSequence, time(NULL)); delete [] fileName; break; case ICQ_CMDxTCP_READxAWAYxMSG: // read away message case ICQ_CMDxTCP_READxOCCUPIEDxMSG: case ICQ_CMDxTCP_READxNAxMSG: case ICQ_CMDxTCP_READxDNDxMSG: case ICQ_CMDxTCP_READxFREECHATxMSG: T("[tcp] %d requested read of away message.\n", checkUin); packet >> theTCPSequence; ackTCP(packet, u, newCommand, theTCPSequence); break; } break; case ICQ_CMDxTCP_ACK: // message received packet switch (newCommand) { case ICQ_CMDxTCP_MSG: packet >> theTCPSequence; break; case ICQ_CMDxTCP_CHAT: packet >> junkShort >> junkChar >> junkLong // port backwards >> thePort // port to connect to for chat >> theTCPSequence; if (chatSequence != theTCPSequence || chatUin != checkUin) // only if this is the first chat ack packet { // do we do anything chatSequence = theTCPSequence; chatUin = checkUin; // emit eventResult(u, ICQ_CMDxTCP_CHAT, userStatus == 0x0000 ? true : false, thePort); } break; case ICQ_CMDxTCP_URL: packet >> theTCPSequence; break; case ICQ_CMDxTCP_FILE: packet >> junkLong >> junkShort >> junkChar >> junkLong >> thePort >> theTCPSequence; T("[tcp] file transfer ack from %d (%d)\n", u->uin, theTCPSequence); ICQTransfer *t; for (i=0; i<icqTransfers.size(); i++) { t = icqTransfers[i]; if (t->uin == checkUin && !t->socket.connected()) { if (userStatus != 0) { T("[tcp] file transfer denied by %d\n", checkUin); ProtoBroadcastAck(protoName, t->hContact, ACKTYPE_FILE, ACKRESULT_DENIED, t, 0); delete t; icqTransfers[i] = icqTransfers[icqTransfers.size() - 1]; icqTransfers.pop_back(); break; } if (!t->socket.setDestination(u->socket.remoteIPVal, thePort)) { T("[tcp] can't set destination\n"); break; } t->ack(ACKRESULT_CONNECTING); if (openConnection(t->socket)) { t->ack(ACKRESULT_CONNECTED); t->sendPacket0x00(); } break; } } break; case ICQ_CMDxTCP_READxAWAYxMSG: case ICQ_CMDxTCP_READxOCCUPIEDxMSG: case ICQ_CMDxTCP_READxNAxMSG: case ICQ_CMDxTCP_READxDNDxMSG: case ICQ_CMDxTCP_READxFREECHATxMSG: packet >> theTCPSequence; addAwayMsg(u, message, ICQ_CMDxTCP_START, ICQ_CMDxTCP_READxAWAYxMSG, theTCPSequence, time(NULL)); break; } // output the away message if there is one (ie if user status is not online) if (userStatus == 0x0000) T("[tcp] ack from %d (%d).\n", u->uin, theTCPSequence); else if (userStatus == 0x0001) { T("[tcp] refusal from %d (%d): %s\n", u->uin, theTCPSequence, message); } else { // u->setAwayMessage(message); T("[tcp] ack from %d (%d).\n", u->uin, theTCPSequence); // T("[tcp] ack from %d (%ld): %s\n", u->uin, theTCPSequence, message); } doneEvent(true, hSocket, theTCPSequence); break; case ICQ_CMDxTCP_CANCEL: switch (newCommand) { case ICQ_CMDxTCP_CHAT: T("[tcp] chat request from %d (%d) cancelled.\n", checkUin, theTCPSequence); // u->addMessage(chatReq, ICQ_CMDxTCP_CANCEL, ICQ_CMDxTCP_CHAT, 0); break; case ICQ_CMDxTCP_FILE: T("[tcp] file transfer request from %d (%d) cancelled.\n", u->uin, theTCPSequence); // u->addMessage(fileReq, ICQ_CMDxTCP_CANCEL, ICQ_CMDxTCP_FILE, 0); break; } break; default: T("[tcp] unknown packet:\n%s", packet.print()); packet.reset(); } delete [] message; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void ICQ::ackTCP(Packet &packet, ICQUser *u, unsigned short newCommand, unsigned int theSequence) { unsigned int status; switch (statusVal) { case ID_STATUS_ONLINE: status = 0x00100000; break; case ID_STATUS_FREECHAT: status = 0x00000000; break; // ?? case ID_STATUS_AWAY: status = 0x01100000; break; case ID_STATUS_NA: status = 0x00100000; break; case ID_STATUS_DND: status = 0x00100000; break; case ID_STATUS_OCCUPIED: status = 0x02100000; break; case ID_STATUS_INVISIBLE: status = 0x00900000; break; // ?? default: status = 0x00100000; break; } packet.clearPacket(); packet << uin << (unsigned short)0x02 << (unsigned short)ICQ_CMDxTCP_ACK // ICQ_CMDxTCP_ACK, ICQ_CMDxTCP_START, ICQ_CMDxTCP_CANCEL << (unsigned short)0x00 << uin << newCommand << awayMessage << u->socket.localIPVal << u->socket.localIPVal << u->socket.localPortVal << (unsigned char)0x04 << status << theSequence; T("[tcp] sending ack (%d)\n", theSequence); u->socket.sendPacket(packet); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void ICQ::recvUDP(int) { Packet packet; // mirabilis contacts us using udp on this server if (udpSocket.receivePacket(packet)) processUdpPacket(packet); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void ICQ::recvNewTCP(int) { ICQUser *u; Packet handshake; // our tcp incoming server TCPSocket newSocket(0); tcpSocket.receiveConnection(newSocket); newSocket.receivePacket(handshake); unsigned int ulJunk, newUin, localHost; unsigned short command, usJunk; unsigned char ucJunk; handshake >> command; if (command != ICQ_CMDxTCP_HANDSHAKE && command != ICQ_CMDxTCP_HANDSHAKE2 && command != ICQ_CMDxTCP_HANDSHAKE3) { T("[tcp] garbage packet:\n%s", handshake.print()); handshake.reset(); } else { handshake >> ulJunk >> usJunk >> ucJunk >> newUin >> localHost >> localHost >> ulJunk >> ucJunk; u = getUserByUIN(newUin); if (!u->socket.connected()) { T("[tcp] connection from uin %d.\n", newUin); u->socket.transferConnectionFrom(newSocket); } else { unsigned int i; ICQTransfer *t; T("[tcp] file direct connection from uin %d.\n", newUin); for (i=0; i<icqTransfers.size(); i++) { t = icqTransfers[i]; if (t->uin == newUin && !t->socket.connected()) t->socket.transferConnectionFrom(newSocket); } } } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void ICQ::recvTCP(SOCKET hSocket) { unsigned int i; Packet packet; ICQUser *u; for(i=0; i<icqUsers.size(); i++) { u = icqUsers[i]; if (u->socket.handleVal == hSocket) { if (!u->socket.receivePacket(packet)) { T("[tcp] connection to %d lost.\n", u->uin); return; } processTcpPacket(packet, hSocket); return; } } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void ICQ::recvTransferTCP(SOCKET hSocket) { unsigned int i; Packet packet; ICQTransfer *transfer; for(i=0; i<icqTransfers.size(); i++) { transfer = icqTransfers[i]; if (transfer->socket.handleVal == hSocket) { if (!transfer->socket.receivePacket(packet)) { // T("[tcp] connection to %d lost.\n", s->uin); return; } transfer->processTcpPacket(packet); return; } } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void ICQ::addMessage(ICQUser *u, char *m, unsigned short theCmd, unsigned short theSubCmd, unsigned long theSequence, time_t t) { CCSDATA ccs; PROTORECVEVENT pre; T("message: %s\n", m); ccs.hContact = u->hContact; ccs.szProtoService = PSR_MESSAGE; ccs.wParam = 0; ccs.lParam = (LPARAM)⪯ pre.flags = 0; pre.timestamp = t; pre.szMessage = (char*)m; pre.lParam = 0; CallService(MS_PROTO_CHAINRECV, 0, (LPARAM)&ccs); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void ICQ::addUrl(ICQUser *u, char *m, unsigned short theCmd, unsigned short theSubCmd, unsigned long theSequence, time_t t) { unsigned int i, messageLen; char *url; CCSDATA ccs; PROTORECVEVENT pre; messageLen = lstrlen(m); for (i=0; i<messageLen; i++) if (m[i] == (char)0xFE) m[i] = 0; url = new char[messageLen + 1]; lstrcpy(url, m + lstrlen(m) + 1); lstrcpy(url + lstrlen(url) + 1, m); ccs.hContact = u->hContact; ccs.szProtoService = PSR_URL; ccs.wParam = 0; ccs.lParam = (LPARAM)⪯ pre.flags = 0; pre.timestamp = t; pre.szMessage = url; pre.lParam = 0; CallService(MS_PROTO_CHAINRECV, 0, (LPARAM)&ccs); delete [] url; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void ICQ::addAwayMsg(ICQUser *u, char *m, unsigned short theCmd, unsigned short theSubCmd, unsigned long theSequence, time_t t) { CCSDATA ccs; PROTORECVEVENT pre; T("away msg: %s\n", m); ccs.hContact = u->hContact; ccs.szProtoService = PSR_AWAYMSG; ccs.wParam = u->statusVal; ccs.lParam = (LPARAM)⪯ pre.flags = 0; pre.timestamp = t; pre.szMessage = (char*)m; pre.lParam = theSequence; CallService(MS_PROTO_CHAINRECV, 0, (LPARAM)&ccs); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* void ICQ::addAdded(ICQUser *u, char *m, unsigned short theCmd, unsigned short theSubCmd, unsigned long theSequence, time_t t) { DBEVENTINFO dbei; PBYTE pCurBlob; //blob is: uin(DWORD), nick(ASCIIZ), first(ASCIIZ), last(ASCIIZ), email(ASCIIZ) ZeroMemory(&dbei, sizeof(dbei)); dbei.cbSize=sizeof(dbei); dbei.szModule="ICQ"; dbei.timestamp=TimestampLocalToGMT(YMDHMSToTime(year,month,day,hour,minute,0)); dbei.flags=0; dbei.eventType=EVENTTYPE_ADDED; dbei.cbBlob=sizeof(DWORD)+strlen(nick)+strlen(first)+strlen(last)+strlen(email)+4; pCurBlob=dbei.pBlob=(PBYTE)malloc(dbei.cbBlob); CopyMemory(pCurBlob,&uin,sizeof(DWORD)); pCurBlob+=sizeof(DWORD); CopyMemory(pCurBlob,nick,strlen(nick)+1); pCurBlob+=strlen(nick)+1; CopyMemory(pCurBlob,first,strlen(first)+1); pCurBlob+=strlen(first)+1; CopyMemory(pCurBlob,last,strlen(last)+1); pCurBlob+=strlen(last)+1; CopyMemory(pCurBlob,email,strlen(email)+1); pCurBlob+=strlen(email)+1; CallService(MS_DB_EVENT_ADD,(WPARAM)(HANDLE)NULL,(LPARAM)&dbei); } */ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void ICQ::addFileReq(ICQUser *u, char *m, char *filename, unsigned long size, unsigned short theCmd, unsigned short theSubCmd, unsigned long theSequence, time_t t) { CCSDATA ccs; PROTORECVEVENT pre; char *szBlob; /* filetransfer *ft; // Initialize a filetransfer struct ft = new filetransfer; memset(ft, 0, sizeof(filetransfer)); ft->status = 0; ft->wCookie = wCookie; ft->szFilename = _strdup(fileName); ft->szDescription = _strdup(m); ft->dwUin = u->uin; ft->fileId = -1; ft->dwTotalSize = size; ft->nVersion = nVersion; ft->TS1 = dwID1; ft->TS2 = dwID2; */ ICQTransfer *transfer = new ICQTransfer(u, theSequence); transfer->description = _strdup(m); transfer->totalSize = size; icqTransfers.push_back(transfer); // Send chain event szBlob = new char[sizeof(DWORD) + strlen(filename) + strlen(m) + 2]; *(PDWORD)szBlob = (DWORD)transfer; strcpy(szBlob + sizeof(DWORD), filename); strcpy(szBlob + sizeof(DWORD) + strlen(filename) + 1, m); ccs.hContact = u->hContact; ccs.szProtoService = PSR_FILE; ccs.wParam = 0; ccs.lParam = (LPARAM)⪯ pre.flags = 0; pre.timestamp = t; pre.szMessage = szBlob; pre.lParam = theSequence; CallService(MS_PROTO_CHAINRECV, 0, (LPARAM)&ccs); delete [] szBlob; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void ICQ::doneUserFcn(bool ack, ICQEvent *icqEvent) { unsigned int type = 0; if (icqEvent->subCmd == ICQ_CMDxTCP_MSG) type = ACKTYPE_MESSAGE; if (icqEvent->subCmd == ICQ_CMDxTCP_URL) type = ACKTYPE_URL; ProtoBroadcastAck(protoName, getUserByUIN(icqEvent->uin)->hContact, type, ack ? ACKRESULT_SUCCESS : ACKRESULT_FAILED, (HANDLE)icqEvent->sequence, 0); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////