/* ICQ Corporate protocol plugin for Miranda IM. Copyright (C) 2003-2005 Eugene Tarasenko <zlyden13@inbox.ru> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "stdafx.h" /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static INT_PTR icqGetCaps(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM) { switch (wParam) { case PFLAGNUM_1: return PF1_IM | PF1_FILE | PF1_MODEMSG | PF1_AUTHREQ | PF1_PEER2PEER | PF1_BASICSEARCH | PF1_EXTSEARCH | PF1_CANRENAMEFILE | PF1_FILERESUME | PF1_ADDSEARCHRES | PF1_SEARCHBYEMAIL | PF1_SEARCHBYNAME | PF1_NUMERICUSERID; case PFLAGNUM_2: return PF2_ONLINE | PF2_INVISIBLE | PF2_SHORTAWAY | PF2_LONGAWAY | PF2_LIGHTDND | PF2_HEAVYDND | PF2_FREECHAT; case PFLAGNUM_3: return PF2_SHORTAWAY | PF2_LONGAWAY | PF2_LIGHTDND | PF2_HEAVYDND | PF2_FREECHAT; case PFLAG_UNIQUEIDTEXT: return (INT_PTR)TranslateT("ICQ number"); } return 0; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static INT_PTR icqGetName(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { strncpy((char*)lParam, Translate(protoName), wParam); return 0; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static INT_PTR icqLoadIcon(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM) { int id; switch (wParam & 0xFFFF) { case PLI_PROTOCOL: id = IDI_ICQCORP; break; default: return NULL; } return (INT_PTR)LoadImage(g_plugin.getInst(), MAKEINTRESOURCE(id), IMAGE_ICON, GetSystemMetrics(wParam & PLIF_SMALL ? SM_CXSMICON : SM_CXICON), GetSystemMetrics(wParam & PLIF_SMALL ? SM_CYSMICON : SM_CYICON), 0); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static INT_PTR icqSetStatus(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM) { unsigned short desiredStatus = (unsigned short)wParam; Netlib_Logf(hNetlibUser, "[ ] set status\n"); // on change status to online set away msg not calling if (desiredStatus == ID_STATUS_ONLINE) icq.awayMessage[0] = 0; if (icq.desiredStatus == desiredStatus) return 0; if (desiredStatus == ID_STATUS_OFFLINE) { icq.desiredStatus = desiredStatus; icq.logoff(false); } else { if (icq.statusVal == ID_STATUS_OFFLINE) icq.logon(desiredStatus); else icq.setStatus(desiredStatus); } return 0; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static INT_PTR icqGetStatus(WPARAM, LPARAM) { return icq.statusVal; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static INT_PTR icqAuthAllow(WPARAM, LPARAM) { return 0; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static INT_PTR icqAuthDeny(WPARAM, LPARAM) { return 0; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static INT_PTR icqBasicSearch(WPARAM, LPARAM lParam) { Netlib_Logf(hNetlibUser, "[ ] basic search\n"); icq.startSearch(0, 0, (char*)lParam, 0); return 1; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static INT_PTR icqSearchByEmail(WPARAM, LPARAM lParam) { Netlib_Logf(hNetlibUser, "[ ] search by e-mail\n"); icq.startSearch(4, 0, (char*)lParam, 0); return 1; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static INT_PTR icqSearchByName(WPARAM, LPARAM lParam) { Netlib_Logf(hNetlibUser, "[ ] search by name\n"); PROTOSEARCHBYNAME *psbn = (PROTOSEARCHBYNAME*)lParam; icq.startSearch(1, 0, (char*)psbn->pszNick, 0); return 1; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static INT_PTR icqAddToList(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { Netlib_Logf(hNetlibUser, "[ ] add user to list\n"); ICQSEARCHRESULT *isr = (ICQSEARCHRESULT *)lParam; if (isr->hdr.cbSize != sizeof(ICQSEARCHRESULT) || isr->uin == icq.dwUIN) return NULL; bool persistent = (wParam & PALF_TEMPORARY) == 0; return icq.addUser(isr->uin, persistent)->hContact; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static INT_PTR icqGetInfo(WPARAM, LPARAM lParam) { Netlib_Logf(hNetlibUser, "[ ] get user info\n"); CCSDATA *ccs = (CCSDATA *)lParam; ICQUser *u = icq.getUserByContact(ccs->hContact); if (u == nullptr || icq.statusVal <= ID_STATUS_OFFLINE) return 1; icq.getUserInfo(u, ccs->wParam & SGIF_MINIMAL); return 0; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static INT_PTR icqSendMessage(WPARAM, LPARAM lParam) { Netlib_Logf(hNetlibUser, "[ ] send message\n"); CCSDATA *ccs = (CCSDATA *)lParam; ICQUser *u = icq.getUserByContact(ccs->hContact); if (u == nullptr || icq.statusVal <= ID_STATUS_OFFLINE) return 0; ICQEvent *icqEvent = icq.sendMessage(u, ptrA(mir_utf8decodeA((char*)ccs->lParam))); return icqEvent ? icqEvent->sequence : 0; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static INT_PTR icqRecvMessage(WPARAM, LPARAM lParam) { Netlib_Logf(hNetlibUser, "[ ] receive message\n"); CCSDATA *ccs = (CCSDATA*)lParam; Contact_Hide(ccs->hContact, false); PROTORECVEVENT *pre = (PROTORECVEVENT*)ccs->lParam; ptrA szMsg(mir_utf8encode(pre->szMessage)); DBEVENTINFO dbei = {}; dbei.szModule = protoName; dbei.timestamp = pre->timestamp; dbei.flags = DBEF_UTF; if (pre->flags & PREF_CREATEREAD) dbei.flags |= DBEF_READ; dbei.eventType = EVENTTYPE_MESSAGE; dbei.cbBlob = (DWORD)mir_strlen(szMsg) + 1; dbei.pBlob = (PBYTE)szMsg.get(); db_event_add(ccs->hContact, &dbei); return 0; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static INT_PTR icqSetAwayMsg(WPARAM, LPARAM lParam) { Netlib_Logf(hNetlibUser, "[ ] set away msg\n"); if (lParam == NULL) return 0; if (icq.awayMessage) delete[] icq.awayMessage; icq.awayMessage = new char[mir_strlen((char*)lParam) + 1]; mir_strcpy(icq.awayMessage, (char*)lParam); return 0; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static INT_PTR icqGetAwayMsg(WPARAM, LPARAM lParam) { Netlib_Logf(hNetlibUser, "[ ] send get away msg\n"); CCSDATA *ccs = (CCSDATA *)lParam; ICQUser *u = icq.getUserByContact(ccs->hContact); if (u == nullptr || u->statusVal <= ID_STATUS_ONLINE) return 0; ICQEvent *icqEvent = icq.sendReadAwayMsg(u); return icqEvent ? icqEvent->sequence : 0; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static INT_PTR icqRecvAwayMsg(WPARAM, LPARAM lParam) { Netlib_Logf(hNetlibUser, "[ ] receive away message\n"); CCSDATA *ccs = (CCSDATA *)lParam; PROTORECVEVENT *pre = (PROTORECVEVENT *)ccs->lParam; ProtoBroadcastAck(protoName, ccs->hContact, ACKTYPE_AWAYMSG, ACKRESULT_SUCCESS, (HANDLE)pre->lParam, _A2T(pre->szMessage)); return 0; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static INT_PTR icqSendFile(WPARAM, LPARAM lParam) { Netlib_Logf(hNetlibUser, "[ ] send file\n"); CCSDATA *ccs = (CCSDATA *)lParam; ICQUser *u = icq.getUserByContact(ccs->hContact); if (u == nullptr || u->statusVal == ID_STATUS_OFFLINE || icq.statusVal <= ID_STATUS_OFFLINE) return 0; unsigned long filesCount, directoriesCount, filesSize = 0; char filename[MAX_PATH], format[32]; WIN32_FIND_DATAW findData; wchar_t **files = (wchar_t**)ccs->lParam; for (filesCount = 0, directoriesCount = 0; files[filesCount]; filesCount++) { FindClose(FindFirstFileW(files[filesCount], &findData)); if (findData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) directoriesCount++; else filesSize += findData.nFileSizeLow; } filesCount -= directoriesCount; if (directoriesCount) { sprintf(format, "%s, %s", filesCount == 1 ? Translate("%d file") : Translate("%d files"), directoriesCount == 1 ? Translate("%d directory") : Translate("%d directories")); sprintf(filename, format, filesCount, directoriesCount); } else { if (filesCount == 1) { wchar_t *p = wcsrchr(files[0], '\\'); mir_strcpy(filename, _T2A(p ? p + 1 : files[0])); } else sprintf(filename, filesCount == 1 ? Translate("%d file") : Translate("%d files"), filesCount); } return (INT_PTR)icq.sendFile(u, (char*)ccs->wParam, filename, filesSize, files); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static INT_PTR icqFileAllow(WPARAM, LPARAM lParam) { Netlib_Logf(hNetlibUser, "[ ] send accept file request\n"); CCSDATA *ccs = (CCSDATA *)lParam; ICQUser *u = icq.getUserByContact(ccs->hContact); if (u == nullptr || u->statusVal == ID_STATUS_OFFLINE) return 0; ICQTransfer *t = (ICQTransfer *)ccs->wParam; t->path = _wcsdup((wchar_t*)ccs->lParam); icq.acceptFile(u, t->sequence, (char*)ccs->lParam); return (INT_PTR)t; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static INT_PTR icqFileDeny(WPARAM, LPARAM lParam) { Netlib_Logf(hNetlibUser, "[ ] send refuse file request\n"); CCSDATA *ccs = (CCSDATA *)lParam; ICQUser *u = icq.getUserByContact(ccs->hContact); if (u == nullptr || u->statusVal == ID_STATUS_OFFLINE) return 0; ICQTransfer *t = (ICQTransfer *)ccs->wParam; icq.refuseFile(u, t->sequence, (char*)ccs->lParam); unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < icqTransfers.size(); i++) { if (icqTransfers[i] == t) { delete icqTransfers[i]; icqTransfers[i] = icqTransfers[icqTransfers.size() - 1]; icqTransfers.pop_back(); break; } } return 0; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static INT_PTR icqFileCancel(WPARAM, LPARAM lParam) { Netlib_Logf(hNetlibUser, "[ ] file cancel\n"); CCSDATA *ccs = (CCSDATA *)lParam; ICQUser *u = icq.getUserByContact(ccs->hContact); if (u == nullptr || u->statusVal == ID_STATUS_OFFLINE) return 0; ICQTransfer *t = (ICQTransfer *)ccs->wParam; unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < icqTransfers.size(); i++) { if (icqTransfers[i] == t) { delete icqTransfers[i]; icqTransfers[i] = icqTransfers[icqTransfers.size() - 1]; icqTransfers.pop_back(); break; } } return 0; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static INT_PTR icqRecvFile(WPARAM, LPARAM lParam) { Netlib_Logf(hNetlibUser, "[ ] receive file\n"); CCSDATA *ccs = (CCSDATA *)lParam; Contact_Hide(ccs->hContact, false); PROTORECVEVENT *pre = (PROTORECVEVENT *)ccs->lParam; char *szFile = pre->szMessage + sizeof(DWORD); char *szDesc = szFile + mir_strlen(szFile) + 1; DBEVENTINFO dbei = {}; dbei.szModule = protoName; dbei.timestamp = pre->timestamp; dbei.flags = pre->flags & (PREF_CREATEREAD ? DBEF_READ : 0); dbei.eventType = EVENTTYPE_FILE; dbei.cbBlob = sizeof(DWORD) + (DWORD)mir_strlen(szFile) + (DWORD)mir_strlen(szDesc) + 2; dbei.pBlob = (PBYTE)pre->szMessage; db_event_add(ccs->hContact, &dbei); return 0; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static INT_PTR icqFileResume(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { Netlib_Logf(hNetlibUser, "[ ] send file resume\n"); PROTOFILERESUME *pfr = (PROTOFILERESUME*)lParam; ICQTransfer *t = (ICQTransfer *)wParam; t->resume(pfr->action, pfr->szFilename); return 0; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static INT_PTR icqSetApparentMode(WPARAM, LPARAM) { /* CCSDATA *ccs = (CCSDATA *)lParam; int oldMode, newMode = ccs->wParam; ICQUser *u; u = icq.getUserByContact(ccs->hContact); if (u == NULL) return 1; oldMode = db_get_w(u->hContact, ICQCORP_PROTONAME, "ApparentMode", 0); if (newMode == oldMode) return 1; Netlib_Logf(hNetlibUser, "[ ] set apparent mode\n"); if (newMode == ID_STATUS_ONLINE || newMode == ID_STATUS_OFFLINE) db_set_w(u->hContact, ICQCORP_PROTONAME, "ApparentMode", (WORD)newMode); else db_unset(u->hContact, ICQCORP_PROTONAME, "ApparentMode"); if (icq.statusVal <= ID_STATUS_OFFLINE) return 0; if (oldMode != 0) icq.updateUserList(u, oldMode == ID_STATUS_OFFLINE ? 1 : 2, 0); if (newMode != 0) icq.updateUserList(u, newMode == ID_STATUS_OFFLINE ? 1 : 2, 1); */ return 0; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static int icqContactDeleted(WPARAM hContact, LPARAM) { Netlib_Logf(hNetlibUser, "[ ] contact deleted\n"); ICQUser *u = icq.getUserByContact(hContact); if (u != nullptr) icq.removeUser(u); return 0; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static int icqModulesLoaded(WPARAM, LPARAM) { HookEvent(ME_USERINFO_INITIALISE, icqUserInfoInitialise); return 0; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int LoadServices() { if (!icq.load()) return 1; HookEvent(ME_DB_CONTACT_DELETED, icqContactDeleted); HookEvent(ME_OPT_INITIALISE, icqOptionsInitialise); HookEvent(ME_SYSTEM_MODULESLOADED, icqModulesLoaded); CreateProtoServiceFunction(protoName, PS_GETCAPS, icqGetCaps); CreateProtoServiceFunction(protoName, PS_GETNAME, icqGetName); CreateProtoServiceFunction(protoName, PS_LOADICON, icqLoadIcon); CreateProtoServiceFunction(protoName, PS_SETSTATUS, icqSetStatus); CreateProtoServiceFunction(protoName, PS_GETSTATUS, icqGetStatus); CreateProtoServiceFunction(protoName, PS_SETAWAYMSG, icqSetAwayMsg); CreateProtoServiceFunction(protoName, PS_AUTHALLOW, icqAuthAllow); CreateProtoServiceFunction(protoName, PS_AUTHDENY, icqAuthDeny); CreateProtoServiceFunction(protoName, PS_BASICSEARCH, icqBasicSearch); CreateProtoServiceFunction(protoName, PS_SEARCHBYEMAIL, icqSearchByEmail); CreateProtoServiceFunction(protoName, PS_SEARCHBYNAME, icqSearchByName); CreateProtoServiceFunction(protoName, PS_ADDTOLIST, icqAddToList); CreateProtoServiceFunction(protoName, PS_FILERESUME, icqFileResume); CreateProtoServiceFunction(protoName, PSS_GETINFO, icqGetInfo); CreateProtoServiceFunction(protoName, PSS_MESSAGE, icqSendMessage); CreateProtoServiceFunction(protoName, PSS_GETAWAYMSG, icqGetAwayMsg); CreateProtoServiceFunction(protoName, PSS_FILE, icqSendFile); CreateProtoServiceFunction(protoName, PSS_FILEALLOW, icqFileAllow); CreateProtoServiceFunction(protoName, PSS_FILEDENY, icqFileDeny); CreateProtoServiceFunction(protoName, PSS_FILECANCEL, icqFileCancel); CreateProtoServiceFunction(protoName, PSS_SETAPPARENTMODE, icqSetApparentMode); CreateProtoServiceFunction(protoName, PSR_MESSAGE, icqRecvMessage); CreateProtoServiceFunction(protoName, PSR_AWAYMSG, icqRecvAwayMsg); CreateProtoServiceFunction(protoName, PSR_FILE, icqRecvFile); return 0; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int UnloadServices() { icq.unload(); return 0; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////