/* IRC plugin for Miranda IM Copyright (C) 2003-05 Jurgen Persson Copyright (C) 2007-09 George Hazan This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ // This file holds functions that are called upon receiving // certain commands from the server. #include "irc.h" using namespace irc; VOID CALLBACK IdentTimerProc( HWND, UINT, UINT_PTR idEvent, DWORD ) { CIrcProto* ppro = GetTimerOwner( idEvent ); if ( !ppro ) return; ppro->KillChatTimer( ppro->IdentTimer ); if ( ppro->m_iStatus == ID_STATUS_OFFLINE || ppro->m_iStatus == ID_STATUS_CONNECTING ) return; if ( ppro->IsConnected() && ppro->m_identTimer ) ppro->KillIdent(); } VOID CALLBACK TimerProc( HWND, UINT, UINT_PTR idEvent, DWORD ) { CIrcProto* ppro = GetTimerOwner( idEvent ); if ( !ppro ) return; ppro->KillChatTimer( ppro->InitTimer ); if ( ppro->m_iStatus == ID_STATUS_OFFLINE || ppro->m_iStatus == ID_STATUS_CONNECTING ) return; if ( ppro->m_forceVisible ) ppro->PostIrcMessage( _T("/MODE %s -i"), ppro->m_info.sNick.c_str()); if ( lstrlenA( ppro->m_myHost ) == 0 && ppro->IsConnected()) ppro->DoUserhostWithReason(2, (_T("S") + ppro->m_info.sNick).c_str(), true, _T("%s"), ppro->m_info.sNick.c_str()); } VOID CALLBACK KeepAliveTimerProc( HWND, UINT, UINT_PTR idEvent, DWORD ) { CIrcProto* ppro = GetTimerOwner( idEvent ); if ( !ppro ) return; if ( !ppro->m_sendKeepAlive || ( ppro->m_iStatus == ID_STATUS_OFFLINE || ppro->m_iStatus == ID_STATUS_CONNECTING )) { ppro->KillChatTimer( ppro->KeepAliveTimer ); return; } TCHAR temp2[270]; if ( !ppro->m_info.sServerName.IsEmpty()) mir_sntprintf(temp2, SIZEOF(temp2), _T("PING %s"), ppro->m_info.sServerName.c_str()); else mir_sntprintf(temp2, SIZEOF(temp2), _T("PING %u"), time(0)); if ( ppro->IsConnected()) ppro->SendIrcMessage( temp2, false ); } VOID CALLBACK OnlineNotifTimerProc3( HWND, UINT, UINT_PTR idEvent, DWORD ) { CIrcProto* ppro = GetTimerOwner( idEvent ); if ( !ppro ) return; if ( !ppro->m_channelAwayNotification || ppro->m_iStatus == ID_STATUS_OFFLINE || ppro->m_iStatus == ID_STATUS_CONNECTING || ( !ppro->m_autoOnlineNotification && !ppro->bTempForceCheck) || ppro->bTempDisableCheck ) { ppro->KillChatTimer( ppro->OnlineNotifTimer3 ); ppro->m_channelsToWho = _T(""); return; } CMString name = GetWord( ppro->m_channelsToWho.c_str(), 0 ); if ( name.IsEmpty()) { ppro->m_channelsToWho = _T(""); int count = (int)CallServiceSync(MS_GC_GETSESSIONCOUNT, 0, (LPARAM)ppro->m_szModuleName); for ( int i = 0; i < count; i++ ) { GC_INFO gci = {0}; gci.Flags = BYINDEX | NAME | TYPE | COUNT; gci.iItem = i; gci.pszModule = ppro->m_szModuleName; if ( !CallServiceSync( MS_GC_GETINFO, 0, (LPARAM)&gci ) && gci.iType == GCW_CHATROOM ) if ( gci.iCount <= ppro->m_onlineNotificationLimit ) ppro->m_channelsToWho += CMString(gci.pszName) + _T(" "); } } if ( ppro->m_channelsToWho.IsEmpty()) { ppro->SetChatTimer( ppro->OnlineNotifTimer3, 60*1000, OnlineNotifTimerProc3 ); return; } name = GetWord( ppro->m_channelsToWho.c_str(), 0 ); ppro->DoUserhostWithReason(2, _T("S") + name, true, _T("%s"), name.c_str()); CMString temp = GetWordAddress( ppro->m_channelsToWho.c_str(), 1 ); ppro->m_channelsToWho = temp; if ( ppro->m_iTempCheckTime ) ppro->SetChatTimer( ppro->OnlineNotifTimer3, ppro->m_iTempCheckTime*1000, OnlineNotifTimerProc3 ); else ppro->SetChatTimer( ppro->OnlineNotifTimer3, ppro->m_onlineNotificationTime*1000, OnlineNotifTimerProc3 ); } VOID CALLBACK OnlineNotifTimerProc( HWND, UINT, UINT_PTR idEvent, DWORD ) { CIrcProto* ppro = GetTimerOwner( idEvent ); if ( !ppro ) return; if ( ppro->m_iStatus == ID_STATUS_OFFLINE || ppro->m_iStatus == ID_STATUS_CONNECTING || ( !ppro->m_autoOnlineNotification && !ppro->bTempForceCheck) || ppro->bTempDisableCheck ) { ppro->KillChatTimer( ppro->OnlineNotifTimer ); ppro->m_namesToWho = _T(""); return; } CMString name = GetWord( ppro->m_namesToWho.c_str(), 0); CMString name2 = GetWord( ppro->m_namesToUserhost.c_str(), 0); if ( name.IsEmpty() && name2.IsEmpty()) { DBVARIANT dbv; char* szProto; HANDLE hContact = (HANDLE) CallService( MS_DB_CONTACT_FINDFIRST, 0, 0); while ( hContact ) { szProto = ( char* )CallService( MS_PROTO_GETCONTACTBASEPROTO, (WPARAM) hContact, 0); if ( szProto != NULL && !lstrcmpiA( szProto, ppro->m_szModuleName )) { BYTE bRoom = ppro->getByte(hContact, "ChatRoom", 0); if ( bRoom == 0 ) { BYTE bDCC = ppro->getByte(hContact, "DCC", 0); BYTE bHidden = DBGetContactSettingByte(hContact,"CList", "Hidden", 0); if ( bDCC == 0 && bHidden == 0 ) { if ( !ppro->getTString( hContact, "Default", &dbv )) { BYTE bAdvanced = ppro->getByte(hContact, "AdvancedMode", 0) ; if ( !bAdvanced ) { DBFreeVariant( &dbv ); if ( !ppro->getTString( hContact, "Nick", &dbv )) { ppro->m_namesToUserhost += CMString(dbv.ptszVal) + _T(" "); DBFreeVariant( &dbv ); } } else { DBFreeVariant( &dbv ); DBVARIANT dbv2; TCHAR* DBNick = NULL; TCHAR* DBWildcard = NULL; if ( !ppro->getTString( hContact, "Nick", &dbv )) DBNick = dbv.ptszVal; if ( !ppro->getTString( hContact, "UWildcard", &dbv2 )) DBWildcard = dbv2.ptszVal; if ( DBNick && ( !DBWildcard || !WCCmp(CharLower(DBWildcard), CharLower(DBNick)))) ppro->m_namesToWho += CMString(DBNick) + _T(" "); else if ( DBWildcard ) ppro->m_namesToWho += CMString(DBWildcard) + _T(" "); if ( DBNick ) DBFreeVariant(&dbv); if ( DBWildcard ) DBFreeVariant(&dbv2); } } } } } hContact = (HANDLE) CallService( MS_DB_CONTACT_FINDNEXT, (WPARAM) hContact, 0); } } if ( ppro->m_namesToWho.IsEmpty() && ppro->m_namesToUserhost.IsEmpty()) { ppro->SetChatTimer( ppro->OnlineNotifTimer, 60*1000, OnlineNotifTimerProc ); return; } name = GetWord( ppro->m_namesToWho.c_str(), 0); name2 = GetWord( ppro->m_namesToUserhost.c_str(), 0); CMString temp; if ( !name.IsEmpty()) { ppro->DoUserhostWithReason(2, _T("S") + name, true, _T("%s"), name.c_str()); temp = GetWordAddress( ppro->m_namesToWho.c_str(), 1 ); ppro->m_namesToWho = temp; } if ( !name2.IsEmpty()) { CMString params; for ( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) { params = _T(""); for ( int j = 0; j < 5; j++ ) params += GetWord( ppro->m_namesToUserhost, i *5 + j) + _T(" "); if ( params[0] != ' ' ) ppro->DoUserhostWithReason(1, CMString(_T("S")) + params, true, params); } temp = GetWordAddress( ppro->m_namesToUserhost.c_str(), 15 ); ppro->m_namesToUserhost = temp; } if ( ppro->m_iTempCheckTime ) ppro->SetChatTimer( ppro->OnlineNotifTimer, ppro->m_iTempCheckTime*1000, OnlineNotifTimerProc ); else ppro->SetChatTimer( ppro->OnlineNotifTimer, ppro->m_onlineNotificationTime*1000, OnlineNotifTimerProc ); } int CIrcProto::AddOutgoingMessageToDB(HANDLE hContact, TCHAR* msg) { if ( m_iStatus == ID_STATUS_OFFLINE || m_iStatus == ID_STATUS_CONNECTING ) return 0; CMString S = DoColorCodes( msg, TRUE, FALSE ); DBEVENTINFO dbei = {0}; dbei.cbSize = sizeof(dbei); dbei.szModule = m_szModuleName; dbei.eventType = EVENTTYPE_MESSAGE; dbei.timestamp = (DWORD)time(NULL); dbei.flags = DBEF_SENT + DBEF_UTF; dbei.pBlob = ( PBYTE )mir_utf8encodeW( S.c_str()); dbei.cbBlob = (DWORD)strlen(( char* )dbei.pBlob) + 1; CallService( MS_DB_EVENT_ADD, (WPARAM) hContact, (LPARAM) & dbei); mir_free( dbei.pBlob ); return 1; } void __cdecl CIrcProto::ResolveIPThread(LPVOID di) { IPRESOLVE* ipr = (IPRESOLVE *) di; EnterCriticalSection( &m_resolve); if ( ipr != NULL && (ipr->iType == IP_AUTO && lstrlenA(m_myHost) == 0 || ipr->iType == IP_MANUAL )) { hostent* myhost = gethostbyname( ipr->sAddr.c_str()); if ( myhost ) { IN_ADDR in; memcpy( &in, myhost->h_addr, 4 ); if ( ipr->iType == IP_AUTO ) mir_snprintf( m_myHost, sizeof( m_myHost ), "%s", inet_ntoa( in )); else mir_snprintf( m_mySpecifiedHostIP, sizeof( m_mySpecifiedHostIP ), "%s", inet_ntoa( in )); } } LeaveCriticalSection( &m_resolve ); delete ipr; } bool CIrcProto::OnIrc_PING(const CIrcMessage* pmsg) { TCHAR szResponse[100]; mir_sntprintf(szResponse, SIZEOF(szResponse), _T("PONG %s"), pmsg->parameters[0].c_str()); SendIrcMessage( szResponse ); return false; } bool CIrcProto::OnIrc_WELCOME( const CIrcMessage* pmsg ) { if ( pmsg->parameters[0] != m_info.sNick ) m_info.sNick = pmsg->parameters[0]; if ( pmsg->m_bIncoming && pmsg->parameters.getCount() > 1 ) { static TCHAR host[1024]; int i = 0; CMString word = GetWord( pmsg->parameters[1].c_str(), i ); while ( !word.IsEmpty()) { if ( _tcschr( word.c_str(), '!') && _tcschr( word.c_str(), '@' )) { lstrcpyn( host, word.c_str(), SIZEOF(host)); TCHAR* p1 = _tcschr( host, '@' ); if ( p1 ) ircFork( &CIrcProto::ResolveIPThread, new IPRESOLVE( _T2A(p1+1), IP_AUTO )); } word = GetWord(pmsg->parameters[1].c_str(), ++i); } } ShowMessage( pmsg ); return true; } bool CIrcProto::OnIrc_WHOTOOLONG( const CIrcMessage* pmsg ) { CMString command = GetNextUserhostReason(2); if ( command[0] == 'U' ) ShowMessage( pmsg ); return true; } bool CIrcProto::OnIrc_BACKFROMAWAY( const CIrcMessage* pmsg ) { if ( pmsg->m_bIncoming ) { int Temp = m_iStatus; m_iStatus = m_iDesiredStatus = ID_STATUS_ONLINE; ProtoBroadcastAck(m_szModuleName,NULL,ACKTYPE_STATUS,ACKRESULT_SUCCESS,(HANDLE)Temp, ID_STATUS_ONLINE); if ( m_perform ) DoPerform( "Event: Available" ); } ShowMessage( pmsg ); return true; } bool CIrcProto::OnIrc_SETAWAY( const CIrcMessage* pmsg ) { if ( pmsg->m_bIncoming ) { int Temp = m_iDesiredStatus; m_iStatus = m_iDesiredStatus = ID_STATUS_AWAY; ProtoBroadcastAck(m_szModuleName,NULL,ACKTYPE_STATUS,ACKRESULT_SUCCESS,(HANDLE)Temp, ID_STATUS_AWAY); if ( m_perform ) { switch ( m_iStatus ) { case ID_STATUS_AWAY: DoPerform( "Event: Away" ); break; case ID_STATUS_NA: DoPerform( "Event: N/A" ); break; case ID_STATUS_DND: DoPerform( "Event: DND" ); break; case ID_STATUS_OCCUPIED: DoPerform( "Event: Occupied" ); break; case ID_STATUS_OUTTOLUNCH: DoPerform( "Event: Out for lunch" ); break; case ID_STATUS_ONTHEPHONE: DoPerform( "Event: On the phone" ); break; default: m_iStatus = ID_STATUS_AWAY; DoPerform( "Event: Away" ); break; } } } ShowMessage( pmsg ); return true; } bool CIrcProto::OnIrc_JOIN( const CIrcMessage* pmsg ) { if (pmsg->parameters.getCount() > 0 && pmsg->m_bIncoming && pmsg->prefix.sNick != m_info.sNick) { CMString host = pmsg->prefix.sUser + _T("@") + pmsg->prefix.sHost; DoEvent(GC_EVENT_JOIN, pmsg->parameters[0].c_str(), pmsg->prefix.sNick.c_str(), NULL, _T("Normal"), host.c_str(), NULL, true, false); DoEvent(GC_EVENT_SETCONTACTSTATUS, pmsg->parameters[0].c_str(),pmsg->prefix.sNick.c_str(), NULL, NULL, NULL, ID_STATUS_ONLINE, FALSE, FALSE); } else ShowMessage( pmsg ); return true; } bool CIrcProto::OnIrc_QUIT( const CIrcMessage* pmsg ) { if (pmsg->m_bIncoming) { CMString host = pmsg->prefix.sUser + _T("@") + pmsg->prefix.sHost; DoEvent(GC_EVENT_QUIT, NULL, pmsg->prefix.sNick.c_str(), pmsg->parameters.getCount()>0?pmsg->parameters[0].c_str():NULL, NULL, host.c_str(), NULL, true, false); struct CONTACT user = { (LPTSTR)pmsg->prefix.sNick.c_str(), (LPTSTR)pmsg->prefix.sUser.c_str(), (LPTSTR)pmsg->prefix.sHost.c_str(), false, false, false}; CList_SetOffline( &user ); if ( pmsg->prefix.sNick == m_info.sNick ) { GCDEST gcd = {0}; GCEVENT gce = {0}; gce.cbSize = sizeof(GCEVENT); gcd.pszID = NULL; gcd.pszModule = m_szModuleName; gcd.iType = GC_EVENT_CONTROL; gce.pDest = &gcd; CallChatEvent( SESSION_OFFLINE, (LPARAM)&gce); } } else ShowMessage( pmsg ); return true; } bool CIrcProto::OnIrc_PART( const CIrcMessage* pmsg ) { if ( pmsg->parameters.getCount() > 0 && pmsg->m_bIncoming ) { CMString host = pmsg->prefix.sUser + _T("@") + pmsg->prefix.sHost; DoEvent(GC_EVENT_PART, pmsg->parameters[0].c_str(), pmsg->prefix.sNick.c_str(), pmsg->parameters.getCount()>1?pmsg->parameters[1].c_str():NULL, NULL, host.c_str(), NULL, true, false); if ( pmsg->prefix.sNick == m_info.sNick ) { GCDEST gcd = {0}; GCEVENT gce = {0}; CMString S = MakeWndID( pmsg->parameters[0].c_str()); gce.cbSize = sizeof(GCEVENT); gcd.ptszID = ( TCHAR* )S.c_str(); gce.dwFlags = GC_TCHAR; gcd.pszModule = m_szModuleName; gcd.iType = GC_EVENT_CONTROL; gce.pDest = &gcd; CallChatEvent( SESSION_OFFLINE, (LPARAM)&gce); } } else ShowMessage( pmsg ); return true; } bool CIrcProto::OnIrc_KICK( const CIrcMessage* pmsg ) { if ( pmsg->m_bIncoming && pmsg->parameters.getCount() > 1 ) DoEvent( GC_EVENT_KICK, pmsg->parameters[0].c_str(), pmsg->parameters[1].c_str(), pmsg->parameters.getCount()>2?pmsg->parameters[2].c_str():NULL, pmsg->prefix.sNick.c_str(), NULL, NULL, true, false); else ShowMessage( pmsg ); if ( pmsg->parameters[1] == m_info.sNick ) { GCDEST gcd = {0}; GCEVENT gce = {0}; CMString S = MakeWndID( pmsg->parameters[0].c_str()); gce.cbSize = sizeof(GCEVENT); gce.dwFlags = GC_TCHAR; gcd.ptszID = ( TCHAR* )S.c_str(); gcd.pszModule = m_szModuleName; gcd.iType = GC_EVENT_CONTROL; gce.pDest = &gcd; CallChatEvent( SESSION_OFFLINE, (LPARAM)&gce); if ( m_rejoinIfKicked ) { CHANNELINFO* wi = (CHANNELINFO *)DoEvent(GC_EVENT_GETITEMDATA, pmsg->parameters[0].c_str(), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, FALSE, FALSE, 0); if ( wi && wi->pszPassword ) PostIrcMessage( _T("/JOIN %s %s"), pmsg->parameters[0].c_str(), wi->pszPassword); else PostIrcMessage( _T("/JOIN %s"), pmsg->parameters[0].c_str()); } } return true; } bool CIrcProto::OnIrc_MODEQUERY( const CIrcMessage* pmsg ) { if ( pmsg->parameters.getCount() > 2 && pmsg->m_bIncoming && IsChannel( pmsg->parameters[1] )) { CMString sPassword = _T(""); CMString sLimit = _T(""); bool bAdd = false; int iParametercount = 3; LPCTSTR p1 = pmsg->parameters[2].c_str(); while ( *p1 != '\0' ) { if ( *p1 == '+' ) bAdd = true; if ( *p1 == '-' ) bAdd = false; if ( *p1 == 'l' && bAdd ) { if (( int )pmsg->parameters.getCount() > iParametercount ) sLimit = pmsg->parameters[ iParametercount ]; iParametercount++; } if ( *p1 == 'k' && bAdd ) { if (( int )pmsg->parameters.getCount() > iParametercount ) sPassword = pmsg->parameters[ iParametercount ]; iParametercount++; } p1++; } AddWindowItemData( pmsg->parameters[1].c_str(), sLimit.IsEmpty() ? 0 : sLimit.c_str(), pmsg->parameters[2].c_str(), sPassword.IsEmpty() ? 0 : sPassword.c_str(), 0 ); } ShowMessage( pmsg ); return true; } bool CIrcProto::OnIrc_MODE( const CIrcMessage* pmsg ) { bool flag = false; bool bContainsValidModes = false; CMString sModes = _T(""); CMString sParams = _T(""); if ( pmsg->parameters.getCount() > 1 && pmsg->m_bIncoming ) { if ( IsChannel( pmsg->parameters[0] )) { bool bAdd = false; int iParametercount = 2; LPCTSTR p1 = pmsg->parameters[1].c_str(); while ( *p1 != '\0' ) { if ( *p1 == '+' ) { bAdd = true; sModes += _T("+"); } if ( *p1 == '-' ) { bAdd = false; sModes += _T("-"); } if ( *p1 == 'l' && bAdd && iParametercount < (int)pmsg->parameters.getCount()) { bContainsValidModes = true; sModes += _T("l"); sParams += _T(" ") + pmsg->parameters[iParametercount]; iParametercount++; } if ( *p1 == 'b' || *p1 == 'k' && iParametercount < (int)pmsg->parameters.getCount()) { bContainsValidModes = true; sModes += *p1; sParams += _T(" ") + pmsg->parameters[iParametercount]; iParametercount++; } if ( strchr( sUserModes.c_str(), (char)*p1 )) { CMString sStatus = ModeToStatus( *p1 ); if (( int )pmsg->parameters.getCount() > iParametercount ) { if ( !_tcscmp(pmsg->parameters[2].c_str(), m_info.sNick.c_str())) { char cModeBit = -1; CHANNELINFO* wi = (CHANNELINFO *)DoEvent( GC_EVENT_GETITEMDATA, pmsg->parameters[0].c_str(), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, false, false, 0 ); switch (*p1) { case 'v': cModeBit = 0; break; case 'h': cModeBit = 1; break; case 'o': cModeBit = 2; break; case 'a': cModeBit = 3; break; case 'q': cModeBit = 4; break; } // set bit for own mode on this channel (voice/hop/op/admin/owner) if ( bAdd && cModeBit >= 0 ) wi->OwnMode |= ( 1 << cModeBit ); else wi->OwnMode &= ~( 1 << cModeBit ); DoEvent( GC_EVENT_SETITEMDATA, pmsg->parameters[0].c_str(), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, (DWORD_PTR)wi, false, false, 0 ); } DoEvent( bAdd ? GC_EVENT_ADDSTATUS : GC_EVENT_REMOVESTATUS, pmsg->parameters[0].c_str(), pmsg->parameters[iParametercount].c_str(), pmsg->prefix.sNick.c_str(), sStatus.c_str(), NULL, NULL, m_oldStyleModes?false:true, false); iParametercount++; } } else if (*p1 != 'b' && *p1 != ' ' && *p1 != '+' && *p1 != '-' ) { bContainsValidModes = true; if (*p1 != 'l' && *p1 != 'k') sModes += *p1; flag = true; } p1++; } if ( m_oldStyleModes ) { TCHAR temp[256]; mir_sntprintf( temp, SIZEOF(temp), TranslateT("%s sets mode %s"), pmsg->prefix.sNick.c_str(), pmsg->parameters[1].c_str()); CMString sMessage = temp; for ( int i=2; i < (int)pmsg->parameters.getCount(); i++ ) sMessage += _T(" ") + pmsg->parameters[i]; DoEvent( GC_EVENT_INFORMATION, pmsg->parameters[0].c_str(), pmsg->prefix.sNick.c_str(), sMessage.c_str(), NULL, NULL, NULL, true, false ); } else if ( bContainsValidModes ) { for ( int i = iParametercount; i < (int)pmsg->parameters.getCount(); i++ ) sParams += _T(" ") + pmsg->parameters[i]; TCHAR temp[4000]; mir_sntprintf( temp, 3999, TranslateT( "%s sets mode %s%s" ), pmsg->prefix.sNick.c_str(), sModes.c_str(), sParams.c_str()); DoEvent(GC_EVENT_INFORMATION, pmsg->parameters[0].c_str(), pmsg->prefix.sNick.c_str(), temp, NULL, NULL, NULL, true, false); } if ( flag ) PostIrcMessage( _T("/MODE %s"), pmsg->parameters[0].c_str()); } else { TCHAR temp[256]; mir_sntprintf( temp, SIZEOF(temp), TranslateT("%s sets mode %s"), pmsg->prefix.sNick.c_str(), pmsg->parameters[1].c_str()); CMString sMessage = temp; for ( int i=2; i < (int)pmsg->parameters.getCount(); i++ ) sMessage += _T(" ") + pmsg->parameters[i]; DoEvent(GC_EVENT_INFORMATION, SERVERWINDOW, pmsg->prefix.sNick.c_str(), sMessage.c_str(), NULL, NULL, NULL, true, false); } } else ShowMessage( pmsg ); return true; } bool CIrcProto::OnIrc_NICK( const CIrcMessage* pmsg ) { if ( pmsg->m_bIncoming && pmsg->parameters.getCount() > 0 ) { bool bIsMe = pmsg->prefix.sNick.c_str() == m_info.sNick ? true : false; if ( m_info.sNick == pmsg->prefix.sNick && pmsg->parameters.getCount() > 0 ) { m_info.sNick = pmsg->parameters[0]; setTString("Nick", m_info.sNick.c_str()); } CMString host = pmsg->prefix.sUser + _T("@") + pmsg->prefix.sHost; DoEvent(GC_EVENT_NICK, NULL, pmsg->prefix.sNick.c_str(), pmsg->parameters[0].c_str(), NULL, host.c_str(), NULL, true, bIsMe); DoEvent(GC_EVENT_CHUID, NULL, pmsg->prefix.sNick.c_str(), pmsg->parameters[0].c_str(), NULL, NULL, NULL, true, false); struct CONTACT user = { (TCHAR*)pmsg->prefix.sNick.c_str(), (TCHAR*)pmsg->prefix.sUser.c_str(), (TCHAR*)pmsg->prefix.sHost.c_str(), false, false, false}; HANDLE hContact = CList_FindContact(&user); if (hContact) { if ( getWord(hContact, "Status", ID_STATUS_OFFLINE) == ID_STATUS_OFFLINE) setWord(hContact, "Status", ID_STATUS_ONLINE); setTString(hContact, "Nick", pmsg->parameters[0].c_str()); setTString(hContact, "User", pmsg->prefix.sUser.c_str()); setTString(hContact, "Host", pmsg->prefix.sHost.c_str()); } } else ShowMessage( pmsg ); return true; } bool CIrcProto::OnIrc_NOTICE( const CIrcMessage* pmsg ) { if ( pmsg->m_bIncoming && pmsg->parameters.getCount() > 1 ) { if ( IsCTCP( pmsg )) return true; if ( !m_ignore || !IsIgnored(pmsg->prefix.sNick, pmsg->prefix.sUser, pmsg->prefix.sHost, 'n' )) { CMString S; CMString S2; CMString S3; if ( pmsg->prefix.sNick.GetLength() > 0 ) S = pmsg->prefix.sNick; else S = m_info.sNetwork; S3 = m_info.sNetwork; if ( IsChannel( pmsg->parameters[0] )) S2 = pmsg->parameters[0].c_str(); else { GC_INFO gci = {0}; gci.Flags = BYID | TYPE; gci.pszModule = m_szModuleName; CMString S3 = GetWord( pmsg->parameters[1].c_str(), 0); if ( S3[0] == '[' && S3[1] == '#' && S3[S3.GetLength()-1] == ']' ) { S3.Delete(S3.GetLength()-1, 1); S3.Delete(0,1); CMString Wnd = MakeWndID( S3.c_str()); gci.pszID = ( TCHAR* )Wnd.c_str(); if ( !CallServiceSync( MS_GC_GETINFO, 0, (LPARAM)&gci ) && gci.iType == GCW_CHATROOM ) S2 = GetWord( gci.pszID, 0 ); else S2 = _T(""); } else S2 = _T(""); } DoEvent(GC_EVENT_NOTICE, S2.IsEmpty() ? 0 : S2.c_str(), S.c_str(), pmsg->parameters[1].c_str(), NULL, S3.c_str(), NULL, true, false); } } else ShowMessage( pmsg ); return true; } bool CIrcProto::OnIrc_YOURHOST( const CIrcMessage* pmsg ) { if ( pmsg->m_bIncoming ) { static const TCHAR* lpszFmt = _T("Your host is %99[^ \x5b,], running version %99s"); TCHAR szHostName[100], szVersion[100]; if ( _stscanf(pmsg->parameters[1].c_str(), lpszFmt, &szHostName, &szVersion) > 0 ) m_info.sServerName = szHostName; if ( pmsg->parameters[0] != m_info.sNick) m_info.sNick = pmsg->parameters[0]; } ShowMessage( pmsg ); return true; } bool CIrcProto::OnIrc_INVITE( const CIrcMessage* pmsg ) { if ( pmsg->m_bIncoming && ( m_ignore && IsIgnored( pmsg->prefix.sNick, pmsg->prefix.sUser, pmsg->prefix.sHost, 'i' ))) return true; if ( pmsg->m_bIncoming && m_joinOnInvite && pmsg->parameters.getCount() >1 && lstrcmpi(pmsg->parameters[0].c_str(), m_info.sNick.c_str()) == 0 ) PostIrcMessage( _T("/JOIN %s"), pmsg->parameters[1].c_str()); ShowMessage( pmsg ); return true; } bool CIrcProto::OnIrc_PINGPONG( const CIrcMessage* pmsg ) { if ( pmsg->m_bIncoming && pmsg->sCommand == _T("PING")) { TCHAR szResponse[100]; mir_sntprintf(szResponse, SIZEOF(szResponse), _T("PONG %s"), pmsg->parameters[0].c_str()); SendIrcMessage( szResponse ); } return true; } bool CIrcProto::OnIrc_PRIVMSG( const CIrcMessage* pmsg ) { if ( pmsg->parameters.getCount() > 1 ) { if ( IsCTCP( pmsg )) return true; CMString mess = pmsg->parameters[1]; bool bIsChannel = IsChannel(pmsg->parameters[0]); if ( pmsg->m_bIncoming && !bIsChannel ) { CCSDATA ccs = {0}; PROTORECVEVENT pre; mess = DoColorCodes( mess.c_str(), TRUE, FALSE ); ccs.szProtoService = PSR_MESSAGE; struct CONTACT user = { (TCHAR*)pmsg->prefix.sNick.c_str(), (TCHAR*)pmsg->prefix.sUser.c_str(), (TCHAR*)pmsg->prefix.sHost.c_str(), false, false, false}; if ( CallService( MS_IGNORE_ISIGNORED, NULL, IGNOREEVENT_MESSAGE )) if ( !CList_FindContact( &user )) return true; if (( m_ignore && IsIgnored( pmsg->prefix.sNick, pmsg->prefix.sUser, pmsg->prefix.sHost, 'q' ))) { HANDLE hContact = CList_FindContact( &user ); if ( !hContact || ( hContact && DBGetContactSettingByte( hContact,"CList", "Hidden", 0) == 1 )) return true; } ccs.hContact = CList_AddContact( &user, false, true ); ccs.lParam = (LPARAM)⪯ pre.timestamp = (DWORD)time(NULL); pre.flags = PREF_UTF; pre.szMessage = mir_utf8encodeW( mess.c_str()); setTString(ccs.hContact, "User", pmsg->prefix.sUser.c_str()); setTString(ccs.hContact, "Host", pmsg->prefix.sHost.c_str()); CallService( MS_PROTO_CHAINRECV, 0, (LPARAM) & ccs); mir_free( pre.szMessage ); return true; } if ( bIsChannel ) { if ( !(pmsg->m_bIncoming && m_ignore && IsIgnored(pmsg->prefix.sNick, pmsg->prefix.sUser, pmsg->prefix.sHost, 'm' ))) { if ( !pmsg->m_bIncoming ) ReplaceString( mess, _T("%%"), _T("%")); DoEvent(GC_EVENT_MESSAGE, pmsg->parameters[0].c_str(), pmsg->m_bIncoming?pmsg->prefix.sNick.c_str():m_info.sNick.c_str(), mess.c_str(), NULL, NULL, NULL, true, pmsg->m_bIncoming?false:true); } return true; } } ShowMessage( pmsg ); return true; } bool CIrcProto::IsCTCP( const CIrcMessage* pmsg ) { // is it a ctcp command, i e is the first and last characer of a PRIVMSG or NOTICE text ASCII 1 CMString mess = pmsg->parameters[1]; if ( !( mess.GetLength() > 3 && mess[0] == 1 && mess[ mess.GetLength()-1] == 1 )) return false; // set mess to contain the ctcp command, excluding the leading and trailing ASCII 1 mess.Delete(0,1); mess.Delete(mess.GetLength()-1,1); // exploit??? if ( mess.Find(1) != -1 || mess.Find( _T("%newl")) != -1 ) { TCHAR temp[4096]; mir_sntprintf(temp, SIZEOF(temp), TranslateT( "CTCP ERROR: Malformed CTCP command received from %s!%s@%s. Possible attempt to take control of your irc client registered"), pmsg->prefix.sNick.c_str(), pmsg->prefix.sUser.c_str(), pmsg->prefix.sHost.c_str()); DoEvent( GC_EVENT_INFORMATION, 0, m_info.sNick.c_str(), temp, NULL, NULL, NULL, true, false); return true; } // extract the type of ctcp command CMString ocommand = GetWord(mess.c_str(), 0); CMString command = GetWord(mess.c_str(), 0); command.MakeLower(); // should it be ignored? if ( m_ignore ) { if ( IsChannel( pmsg->parameters[0] )) { if ( command == _T("action") && IsIgnored(pmsg->prefix.sNick, pmsg->prefix.sUser, pmsg->prefix.sHost, 'm')) return true; } else { if ( command == _T("action")) { if ( IsIgnored( pmsg->prefix.sNick, pmsg->prefix.sUser, pmsg->prefix.sHost, 'q' )) return true; } else if ( command == _T("dcc")) { if ( IsIgnored( pmsg->prefix.sNick, pmsg->prefix.sUser, pmsg->prefix.sHost, 'd' )) return true; } else if ( IsIgnored( pmsg->prefix.sNick, pmsg->prefix.sUser, pmsg->prefix.sHost, 'c' )) return true; } } if ( pmsg->sCommand == _T("PRIVMSG")) { // incoming ACTION if ( command == _T("action")) { mess.Delete(0,6); if ( IsChannel( pmsg->parameters[0] )) { if ( mess.GetLength() > 1 ) { mess.Delete(0,1); if ( !pmsg->m_bIncoming ) ReplaceString(mess, _T("%%"), _T("%")); DoEvent(GC_EVENT_ACTION, pmsg->parameters[0].c_str(), pmsg->m_bIncoming?pmsg->prefix.sNick.c_str():m_info.sNick.c_str(), mess.c_str(), NULL, NULL, NULL, true, pmsg->m_bIncoming?false:true); } } else if (pmsg->m_bIncoming) { mess.Insert(0, pmsg->prefix.sNick.c_str()); mess.Insert(0, _T("* ")); mess.Insert(mess.GetLength(), _T(" *")); CIrcMessage msg = *pmsg; msg.parameters[1] = mess; OnIrc_PRIVMSG(&msg); } } // incoming FINGER else if (pmsg->m_bIncoming && command == _T("finger")) { PostIrcMessage( _T("/NOTICE %s \001FINGER %s (%s)\001"), pmsg->prefix.sNick.c_str(), m_name, m_userID); TCHAR temp[300]; mir_sntprintf( temp, SIZEOF(temp), TranslateT("CTCP FINGER requested by %s"), pmsg->prefix.sNick.c_str()); DoEvent(GC_EVENT_INFORMATION, SERVERWINDOW, NULL, temp, NULL, NULL, NULL, true, false); } // incoming VERSION else if (pmsg->m_bIncoming && command == _T("version")) { PostIrcMessage( _T("/NOTICE %s \001VERSION Miranda IM %s (IRC v.%s%s), (c) 2003-09 J.Persson, G.Hazan\001"), pmsg->prefix.sNick.c_str(), _T("%mirver"), _T("%version"), _T(" Unicode")); TCHAR temp[300]; mir_sntprintf( temp, SIZEOF(temp), TranslateT("CTCP VERSION requested by %s"), pmsg->prefix.sNick.c_str()); DoEvent(GC_EVENT_INFORMATION, SERVERWINDOW, NULL, temp, NULL, NULL, NULL, true, false); } // incoming SOURCE else if (pmsg->m_bIncoming && command == _T("source")) { PostIrcMessage( _T("/NOTICE %s \001SOURCE Get Miranda IRC here: http://miranda-im.org/ \001"), pmsg->prefix.sNick.c_str()); TCHAR temp[300]; mir_sntprintf( temp, SIZEOF(temp), TranslateT("CTCP SOURCE requested by %s"), pmsg->prefix.sNick.c_str()); DoEvent(GC_EVENT_INFORMATION, SERVERWINDOW, NULL, temp, NULL, NULL, NULL, true, false); } // incoming USERINFO else if (pmsg->m_bIncoming && command == _T("userinfo")) { PostIrcMessage( _T("/NOTICE %s \001USERINFO %s\001"), pmsg->prefix.sNick.c_str(), m_userInfo ); TCHAR temp[300]; mir_sntprintf( temp, SIZEOF(temp), TranslateT("CTCP USERINFO requested by %s") , pmsg->prefix.sNick.c_str()); DoEvent(GC_EVENT_INFORMATION, SERVERWINDOW, NULL, temp, NULL, NULL, NULL, true, false); } // incoming PING else if (pmsg->m_bIncoming && command == _T("ping")) { PostIrcMessage( _T("/NOTICE %s \001%s\001"), pmsg->prefix.sNick.c_str(), mess.c_str()); TCHAR temp[300]; mir_sntprintf( temp, SIZEOF(temp), TranslateT("CTCP PING requested by %s"), pmsg->prefix.sNick.c_str()); DoEvent(GC_EVENT_INFORMATION, SERVERWINDOW, NULL, temp, NULL, NULL, NULL, true, false); } // incoming TIME else if (pmsg->m_bIncoming && command == _T("time")) { TCHAR temp[300]; time_t tim = time(NULL); lstrcpyn( temp, _tctime( &tim ), 25 ); PostIrcMessage( _T("/NOTICE %s \001TIME %s\001"), pmsg->prefix.sNick.c_str(), temp); mir_sntprintf(temp, SIZEOF(temp), TranslateT("CTCP TIME requested by %s"), pmsg->prefix.sNick.c_str()); DoEvent(GC_EVENT_INFORMATION, SERVERWINDOW, NULL, temp, NULL, NULL, NULL, true, false); } // incoming DCC request... lots of stuff happening here... else if (pmsg->m_bIncoming && command == _T("dcc")) { CMString type = GetWord(mess.c_str(), 1); type.MakeLower(); // components of a dcc message CMString sFile = _T(""); DWORD dwAdr = 0; int iPort = 0; unsigned __int64 dwSize = 0; CMString sToken = _T(""); bool bIsChat = ( type == _T("chat")); // 1. separate the dcc command into the correct pieces if ( bIsChat || type == _T("send")) { // if the filename is surrounded by quotes, do this if ( GetWord(mess.c_str(), 2)[0] == '\"' ) { int end = 0; int begin = mess.Find('\"', 0); if ( begin >= 0 ) { end = mess.Find('\"', begin + 1); if ( end >= 0 ) { sFile = mess.Mid(begin+1, end-begin-1); begin = mess.Find(' ', end); if ( begin >= 0 ) { CMString rest = mess.Mid(begin, mess.GetLength()); dwAdr = _tcstoul(GetWord(rest.c_str(), 0).c_str(), NULL, 10); iPort = _ttoi(GetWord(rest.c_str(), 1).c_str()); dwSize = _ttoi64(GetWord(rest.c_str(), 2).c_str()); sToken = GetWord(rest.c_str(), 3); } } } } // ... or try another method of separating the dcc command else if ( !GetWord(mess.c_str(), (bIsChat) ? 4 : 5 ).IsEmpty()) { int index = (bIsChat) ? 4 : 5; bool bFlag = false; // look for the part of the ctcp command that contains adress, port and size while ( !bFlag && !GetWord(mess.c_str(), index).IsEmpty()) { CMString sTemp; if ( type == _T("chat")) sTemp = GetWord(mess.c_str(), index-1) + GetWord(mess.c_str(), index); else sTemp = GetWord(mess.c_str(), index-2) + GetWord(mess.c_str(), index-1) + GetWord(mess.c_str(), index); // if all characters are number it indicates we have found the adress, port and size parameters int ind = 0; while ( sTemp[ind] != '\0' ) { if ( !_istdigit( sTemp[ind] )) break; ind++; } if ( sTemp[ind] == '\0' && GetWord( mess.c_str(), index + ((bIsChat) ? 1 : 2 )).IsEmpty()) bFlag = true; index++; } if ( bFlag ) { TCHAR* p1 = _tcsdup( GetWordAddress(mess.c_str(), 2 )); TCHAR* p2 = ( TCHAR* )GetWordAddress( p1, index-5 ); if ( type == _T("send")) { if ( p2 > p1 ) { p2--; while( p2 != p1 && *p2 == ' ' ) { *p2 = '\0'; p2--; } sFile = p1; } } else sFile = _T("chat"); free( p1 ); dwAdr = _tcstoul(GetWord(mess.c_str(), index - (bIsChat?2:3)).c_str(), NULL, 10); iPort = _ttoi(GetWord(mess.c_str(), index - (bIsChat?1:2)).c_str()); dwSize = _ttoi64(GetWord(mess.c_str(), index-1).c_str()); sToken = GetWord(mess.c_str(), index); } } } else if (type == _T("accept") || type == _T("resume")) { // if the filename is surrounded by quotes, do this if ( GetWord(mess.c_str(), 2)[0] == '\"' ) { int end = 0; int begin = mess.Find('\"', 0); if ( begin >= 0 ) { end = mess.Find('\"', begin + 1); if ( end >= 0 ) { sFile = mess.Mid(begin+1, end); begin = mess.Find(' ', end); if ( begin >= 0 ) { CMString rest = mess.Mid(begin, mess.GetLength()); iPort = _ttoi(GetWord(rest.c_str(), 0).c_str()); dwSize = _ttoi(GetWord(rest.c_str(), 1).c_str()); sToken = GetWord(rest.c_str(), 2); } } } } // ... or try another method of separating the dcc command else if ( !GetWord(mess.c_str(), 4).IsEmpty()) { int index = 4; bool bFlag = false; // look for the part of the ctcp command that contains adress, port and size while ( !bFlag && !GetWord(mess.c_str(), index).IsEmpty()) { CMString sTemp = GetWord(mess.c_str(), index-1) + GetWord(mess.c_str(), index); // if all characters are number it indicates we have found the adress, port and size parameters int ind = 0; while ( sTemp[ind] != '\0' ) { if ( !_istdigit( sTemp[ind] )) break; ind++; } if ( sTemp[ind] == '\0' && GetWord(mess.c_str(), index + 2).IsEmpty()) bFlag = true; index++; } if ( bFlag ) { TCHAR* p1 = _tcsdup(GetWordAddress(mess.c_str(), 2)); TCHAR* p2 = ( TCHAR* )GetWordAddress(p1, index-4); if ( p2 > p1 ) { p2--; while( p2 != p1 && *p2 == ' ' ) { *p2 = '\0'; p2--; } sFile = p1; } free( p1 ); iPort = _ttoi(GetWord(mess.c_str(), index-2).c_str()); dwSize = _ttoi64(GetWord(mess.c_str(), index-1).c_str()); sToken = GetWord(mess.c_str(), index); } } } // end separating dcc commands // 2. Check for malformed dcc commands or other errors if ( bIsChat || type == _T("send")) { TCHAR szTemp[256]; szTemp[0] = '\0'; unsigned long ulAdr = 0; if ( m_manualHost ) ulAdr = ConvertIPToInteger( m_mySpecifiedHostIP ); else ulAdr = ConvertIPToInteger( m_IPFromServer ? m_myHost : m_myLocalHost ); if ( bIsChat && !m_DCCChatEnabled) mir_sntprintf(szTemp, SIZEOF(szTemp), TranslateT("DCC: Chat request from %s denied"),pmsg->prefix.sNick.c_str()); else if(type == _T("send") && !m_DCCFileEnabled) mir_sntprintf(szTemp, SIZEOF(szTemp), TranslateT("DCC: File transfer request from %s denied"),pmsg->prefix.sNick.c_str()); else if(type == _T("send") && !iPort && ulAdr == 0) mir_sntprintf(szTemp, SIZEOF(szTemp), TranslateT("DCC: Reverse file transfer request from %s denied [No local IP]"),pmsg->prefix.sNick.c_str()); if ( sFile.IsEmpty() || dwAdr == 0 || dwSize == 0 || iPort == 0 && sToken.IsEmpty()) mir_sntprintf(szTemp, SIZEOF(szTemp), TranslateT("DCC ERROR: Malformed CTCP request from %s [%s]"),pmsg->prefix.sNick.c_str(), mess.c_str()); if ( szTemp[0] ) { DoEvent( GC_EVENT_INFORMATION, 0, m_info.sNick.c_str(), szTemp, NULL, NULL, NULL, true, false); return true; } // remove path from the filename if the remote client (stupidly) sent it CMString sFileCorrected = sFile; int i = sFile.ReverseFind( '\\' ); if (i != -1 ) sFileCorrected = sFile.Mid(i+1, sFile.GetLength()); sFile = sFileCorrected; } else if ( type == _T("accept") || type == _T("resume")) { TCHAR szTemp[256]; szTemp[0] = '\0'; if ( type == _T("resume") && !m_DCCFileEnabled) mir_sntprintf(szTemp, SIZEOF(szTemp), TranslateT("DCC: File transfer resume request from %s denied"),pmsg->prefix.sNick.c_str()); if ( sToken.IsEmpty() && iPort == 0 || sFile.IsEmpty()) mir_sntprintf(szTemp, SIZEOF(szTemp), TranslateT("DCC ERROR: Malformed CTCP request from %s [%s]"),pmsg->prefix.sNick.c_str(), mess.c_str()); if ( szTemp[0] ) { DoEvent( GC_EVENT_INFORMATION, 0, m_info.sNick.c_str(), szTemp, NULL, NULL, NULL, true, false); return true; } // remove path from the filename if the remote client (stupidly) sent it CMString sFileCorrected = sFile; int i = sFile.ReverseFind( '\\' ); if ( i != -1 ) sFileCorrected = sFile.Mid(i+1, sFile.GetLength()); sFile = sFileCorrected; } // 3. Take proper actions considering type of command // incoming chat request if ( bIsChat ) { CONTACT user = { (TCHAR*)pmsg->prefix.sNick.c_str(), 0, 0, false, false, true}; HANDLE hContact = CList_FindContact( &user ); // check if it should be ignored if ( m_DCCChatIgnore == 1 || m_DCCChatIgnore == 2 && hContact && DBGetContactSettingByte(hContact,"CList", "NotOnList", 0) == 0 && DBGetContactSettingByte(hContact,"CList", "Hidden", 0) == 0) { CMString host = pmsg->prefix.sUser + _T("@") + pmsg->prefix.sHost; CList_AddDCCChat(pmsg->prefix.sNick, host, dwAdr, iPort); // add a CHAT event to the clist } else { TCHAR szTemp[512]; mir_sntprintf( szTemp, SIZEOF(szTemp), TranslateT("DCC: Chat request from %s denied"),pmsg->prefix.sNick.c_str()); DoEvent(GC_EVENT_INFORMATION, 0, m_info.sNick.c_str(), szTemp, NULL, NULL, NULL, true, false); } } // remote requested that the file should be resumed if ( type == _T("resume")) { CDccSession* dcc; if ( sToken.IsEmpty()) dcc = FindDCCSendByPort( iPort ); else dcc = FindPassiveDCCSend( _ttoi( sToken.c_str())); // reverse ft if ( dcc ) { InterlockedExchange(&dcc->dwWhatNeedsDoing, (long)FILERESUME_RESUME); dcc->dwResumePos = dwSize; // dwSize is the resume position PostIrcMessage( _T("/PRIVMSG %s \001DCC ACCEPT %s\001"), pmsg->prefix.sNick.c_str(), GetWordAddress(mess.c_str(), 2)); } } // remote accepted your request for a file resume if ( type == _T("accept")) { CDccSession* dcc; if ( sToken.IsEmpty()) dcc = FindDCCRecvByPortAndName(iPort, pmsg->prefix.sNick.c_str()); else dcc = FindPassiveDCCRecv(pmsg->prefix.sNick, sToken); // reverse ft if ( dcc ) { InterlockedExchange( &dcc->dwWhatNeedsDoing, (long)FILERESUME_RESUME ); dcc->dwResumePos = dwSize; // dwSize is the resume position SetEvent( dcc->hEvent ); } } if ( type == _T("send")) { CMString sTokenBackup = sToken; bool bTurbo = false; // TDCC indicator if ( !sToken.IsEmpty() && sToken[sToken.GetLength()-1] == 'T' ) { bTurbo = true; sToken.Delete(sToken.GetLength()-1,1); } // if a token exists and the port is non-zero it is the remote // computer telling us that is has accepted to act as server for // a reverse filetransfer. The plugin should connect to that computer // and start sedning the file (if the token is valid). Compare to DCC RECV if ( !sToken.IsEmpty() && iPort ) { CDccSession* dcc = FindPassiveDCCSend( _ttoi( sToken.c_str())); if ( dcc ) { dcc->SetupPassive( dwAdr, iPort ); dcc->Connect(); } } else { struct CONTACT user = { (TCHAR*)pmsg->prefix.sNick.c_str(), (TCHAR*)pmsg->prefix.sUser.c_str(), (TCHAR*)pmsg->prefix.sHost.c_str(), false, false, false}; if ( CallService( MS_IGNORE_ISIGNORED, NULL, IGNOREEVENT_FILE )) if ( !CList_FindContact( &user )) return true; HANDLE hContact = CList_AddContact( &user, false, true ); if ( hContact ) { DCCINFO* di = new DCCINFO; di->hContact = hContact; di->sFile = sFile; di->dwSize = dwSize; di->sContactName = pmsg->prefix.sNick; di->dwAdr = dwAdr; di->iPort = iPort; di->iType = DCC_SEND; di->bSender = false; di->bTurbo = bTurbo; di->bSSL = false; di->bReverse = (iPort == 0 && !sToken.IsEmpty()) ? true : false; if ( di->bReverse ) di->sToken = sTokenBackup; setTString(hContact, "User", pmsg->prefix.sUser.c_str()); setTString(hContact, "Host", pmsg->prefix.sHost.c_str()); TCHAR* tszTemp = ( TCHAR* )sFile.c_str(); PROTORECVFILET pre = {0}; pre.flags = PREF_TCHAR; pre.timestamp = (DWORD)time(NULL); pre.fileCount = 1; pre.ptszFiles = &tszTemp; pre.lParam = (LPARAM)di; CCSDATA ccs = {0}; ccs.szProtoService = PSR_FILE; ccs.hContact = hContact; ccs.lParam = (LPARAM) & pre; CallService( MS_PROTO_CHAINRECV, 0, (LPARAM)&ccs ); } } } // end type == "send" } else if ( pmsg->m_bIncoming ) { TCHAR temp[300]; mir_sntprintf(temp, SIZEOF(temp), TranslateT("CTCP %s requested by %s"), ocommand.c_str(), pmsg->prefix.sNick.c_str()); DoEvent(GC_EVENT_INFORMATION, SERVERWINDOW, NULL, temp, NULL, NULL, NULL, true, false); } } // handle incoming ctcp in notices. This technique is used for replying to CTCP queries else if(pmsg->sCommand == _T("NOTICE")) { TCHAR szTemp[300]; szTemp[0] = '\0'; //if we got incoming CTCP Version for contact in CList - then write its as MirVer for that contact! if (pmsg->m_bIncoming && command == _T("version")) { struct CONTACT user = { (TCHAR*)pmsg->prefix.sNick.c_str(), (TCHAR*)pmsg->prefix.sUser.c_str(), (TCHAR*)pmsg->prefix.sHost.c_str(), false, false, false}; HANDLE hContact = CList_FindContact(&user); if (hContact) setTString( hContact, "MirVer", DoColorCodes(GetWordAddress(mess.c_str(), 1), TRUE, FALSE)); } // if the whois window is visible and the ctcp reply belongs to the user in it, then show the reply in the whois window if ( m_whoisDlg && IsWindowVisible( m_whoisDlg->GetHwnd())) { m_whoisDlg->m_InfoNick.GetText( szTemp, SIZEOF(szTemp)); if ( lstrcmpi(szTemp, pmsg->prefix.sNick.c_str()) == 0 ) { if ( pmsg->m_bIncoming && (command == _T("version") || command == _T("userinfo") || command == _T("time"))) { SetActiveWindow( m_whoisDlg->GetHwnd()); m_whoisDlg->m_Reply.SetText( DoColorCodes(GetWordAddress(mess.c_str(), 1), TRUE, FALSE)); return true; } if (pmsg->m_bIncoming && command == _T("ping")) { SetActiveWindow( m_whoisDlg->GetHwnd()); int s = (int)time(0) - (int)_ttol(GetWordAddress(mess.c_str(), 1)); TCHAR szTemp[30]; if ( s == 1 ) mir_sntprintf( szTemp, SIZEOF(szTemp), _T("%u second"), s ); else mir_sntprintf( szTemp, SIZEOF(szTemp), _T("%u seconds"), s ); m_whoisDlg->m_Reply.SetText( DoColorCodes( szTemp, TRUE, FALSE )); return true; } } } //... else show the reply in the current window if ( pmsg->m_bIncoming && command == _T("ping")) { int s = (int)time(0) - (int)_ttol(GetWordAddress(mess.c_str(), 1)); mir_sntprintf( szTemp, SIZEOF(szTemp), TranslateT("CTCP PING reply from %s: %u sec(s)"), pmsg->prefix.sNick.c_str(), s); DoEvent( GC_EVENT_INFORMATION, SERVERWINDOW, NULL, szTemp, NULL, NULL, NULL, true, false ); } else { mir_sntprintf( szTemp, SIZEOF(szTemp), TranslateT("CTCP %s reply from %s: %s"), ocommand.c_str(), pmsg->prefix.sNick.c_str(), GetWordAddress(mess.c_str(), 1)); DoEvent( GC_EVENT_INFORMATION, SERVERWINDOW, NULL, szTemp, NULL, NULL, NULL, true, false ); } } return true; } bool CIrcProto::OnIrc_NAMES( const CIrcMessage* pmsg ) { if ( pmsg->m_bIncoming && pmsg->parameters.getCount() > 3 ) sNamesList += pmsg->parameters[3] + _T(" "); ShowMessage( pmsg ); return true; } bool CIrcProto::OnIrc_ENDNAMES( const CIrcMessage* pmsg ) { if ( pmsg->m_bIncoming && pmsg->parameters.getCount() > 1 ) { CMString name = _T("a"); int i = 0; BOOL bFlag = false; // Is the user on the names list? while ( !name.IsEmpty()) { name = GetWord( sNamesList.c_str(), i ); i++; if ( !name.IsEmpty()) { int index = 0; while ( _tcschr( sUserModePrefixes.c_str(), name[index] )) index++; if ( !lstrcmpi( name.Mid(index, name.GetLength()).c_str(), m_info.sNick.c_str())) { bFlag = true; break; } } } if ( bFlag ) { const TCHAR* sChanName = pmsg->parameters[1].c_str(); if ( sChanName[0] == '@' || sChanName[0] == '*' || sChanName[0] == '=' ) sChanName++; // Add a new chat window GCSESSION gcw = {0}; CMString sID = MakeWndID( sChanName ); BYTE btOwnMode = 0; gcw.cbSize = sizeof(GCSESSION); gcw.iType = GCW_CHATROOM; gcw.dwFlags = GC_TCHAR; gcw.ptszID = sID.c_str(); gcw.pszModule = m_szModuleName; gcw.ptszName = sChanName; if ( !CallServiceSync( MS_GC_NEWSESSION, 0, ( LPARAM )&gcw )) { DBVARIANT dbv; GCDEST gcd = {0}; GCEVENT gce = {0}; CMString sTemp; int i = 0; PostIrcMessage( _T("/MODE %s"), sChanName ); gcd.ptszID = ( TCHAR* )sID.c_str(); gcd.pszModule = m_szModuleName; gcd.iType = GC_EVENT_ADDGROUP; gce.time = 0; gce.dwFlags = GC_TCHAR; //register the statuses gce.cbSize = sizeof(GCEVENT); gce.pDest = &gcd; gce.ptszStatus = _T("Owner"); CallChatEvent(0, (LPARAM)&gce); gce.ptszStatus = _T("Admin"); CallChatEvent(0, (LPARAM)&gce); gce.ptszStatus = _T("Op"); CallChatEvent(0, (LPARAM)&gce); gce.ptszStatus = _T("Halfop"); CallChatEvent(0, (LPARAM)&gce); gce.ptszStatus = _T("Voice"); CallChatEvent(0, (LPARAM)&gce); gce.ptszStatus = _T("Normal"); CallChatEvent(0, (LPARAM)&gce); i = 0; sTemp = GetWord(sNamesList.c_str(), i); // Fill the nicklist while ( !sTemp.IsEmpty()) { CMString sStat; CMString sTemp2 = sTemp; sStat = PrefixToStatus(sTemp[0]); // fix for networks like freshirc where they allow more than one prefix while ( PrefixToStatus(sTemp[0]) != _T("Normal")) sTemp.Delete(0,1); gcd.iType = GC_EVENT_JOIN; gce.ptszUID = sTemp.c_str(); gce.ptszNick = sTemp.c_str(); gce.ptszStatus = sStat.c_str(); BOOL bIsMe = ( !lstrcmpi( gce.ptszNick, m_info.sNick.c_str())) ? TRUE : FALSE; if ( bIsMe ) { char BitNr = -1; switch ( sTemp2[0] ) { case '+': BitNr = 0; break; case '%': BitNr = 1; break; case '@': BitNr = 2; break; case '!': BitNr = 3; break; case '*': BitNr = 4; break; } if (BitNr >=0) btOwnMode = ( 1 << BitNr ); else btOwnMode = 0; } gce.dwFlags = GC_TCHAR; gce.bIsMe = bIsMe; gce.time = bIsMe?time(0):0; CallChatEvent(0, (LPARAM)&gce); DoEvent( GC_EVENT_SETCONTACTSTATUS, sChanName, sTemp.c_str(), NULL, NULL, NULL, ID_STATUS_ONLINE, FALSE, FALSE ); // fix for networks like freshirc where they allow more than one prefix if ( PrefixToStatus( sTemp2[0]) != _T("Normal")) { sTemp2.Delete(0,1); sStat = PrefixToStatus(sTemp2[0]); while ( sStat != _T("Normal")) { DoEvent( GC_EVENT_ADDSTATUS, sID.c_str(), sTemp.c_str(), _T("system"), sStat.c_str(), NULL, NULL, false, false, 0 ); sTemp2.Delete(0,1); sStat = PrefixToStatus(sTemp2[0]); } } i++; sTemp = GetWord(sNamesList.c_str(), i); } //Set the item data for the window { CHANNELINFO* wi = (CHANNELINFO *)DoEvent(GC_EVENT_GETITEMDATA, sChanName, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, FALSE, FALSE, 0); if (!wi) wi = new CHANNELINFO; wi->OwnMode = btOwnMode; wi->pszLimit = 0; wi->pszMode = 0; wi->pszPassword = 0; wi->pszTopic = 0; wi->codepage = getCodepage(); DoEvent(GC_EVENT_SETITEMDATA, sChanName, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, (DWORD_PTR)wi, false, false, 0); if ( !sTopic.IsEmpty() && !lstrcmpi(GetWord(sTopic.c_str(), 0).c_str(), sChanName )) { DoEvent(GC_EVENT_TOPIC, sChanName, sTopicName.IsEmpty() ? NULL : sTopicName.c_str(), GetWordAddress(sTopic.c_str(), 1), NULL, sTopicTime.IsEmpty() ? NULL : sTopicTime.c_str(), NULL, true, false); AddWindowItemData(sChanName, 0, 0, 0, GetWordAddress(sTopic.c_str(), 1)); sTopic = _T(""); sTopicName = _T(""); sTopicTime = _T(""); } } gcd.ptszID = (TCHAR*)sID.c_str(); gcd.iType = GC_EVENT_CONTROL; gce.cbSize = sizeof(GCEVENT); gce.dwFlags = GC_TCHAR; gce.bIsMe = false; gce.dwItemData = false; gce.pszNick = NULL; gce.pszStatus = NULL; gce.pszText = NULL; gce.pszUID = NULL; gce.pszUserInfo = NULL; gce.time = time(0); gce.pDest = &gcd; if ( !getTString( "JTemp", &dbv )) { CMString command = _T("a"); CMString save = _T(""); int i = 0; while ( !command.IsEmpty()) { command = GetWord( dbv.ptszVal, i ); i++; if ( !command.IsEmpty()) { CMString S = command.Mid(1, command.GetLength()); if ( !lstrcmpi( sChanName, S.c_str())) break; save += command + _T(" "); } } if ( !command.IsEmpty()) { save += GetWordAddress( dbv.ptszVal, i ); switch ( command[0] ) { case 'M': CallChatEvent( WINDOW_HIDDEN, (LPARAM)&gce); break; case 'X': CallChatEvent( WINDOW_MAXIMIZE, (LPARAM)&gce); break; default: CallChatEvent( SESSION_INITDONE, (LPARAM)&gce); break; } } else CallChatEvent( SESSION_INITDONE, (LPARAM)&gce); if ( save.IsEmpty()) DBDeleteContactSetting(NULL, m_szModuleName, "JTemp"); else setTString("JTemp", save.c_str()); DBFreeVariant(&dbv); } else CallChatEvent( SESSION_INITDONE, (LPARAM)&gce); { gcd.iType = GC_EVENT_CONTROL; gce.pDest = &gcd; CallChatEvent( SESSION_ONLINE, (LPARAM)&gce); } } } } sNamesList = _T(""); ShowMessage( pmsg ); return true; } bool CIrcProto::OnIrc_INITIALTOPIC( const CIrcMessage* pmsg ) { if ( pmsg->m_bIncoming && pmsg->parameters.getCount() > 2 ) { AddWindowItemData( pmsg->parameters[1].c_str(), 0, 0, 0, pmsg->parameters[2].c_str()); sTopic = pmsg->parameters[1] + _T(" ") + pmsg->parameters[2]; sTopicName = _T(""); sTopicTime = _T(""); } ShowMessage( pmsg ); return true; } bool CIrcProto::OnIrc_INITIALTOPICNAME( const CIrcMessage* pmsg ) { if ( pmsg->m_bIncoming && pmsg->parameters.getCount() > 3 ) { TCHAR tTimeBuf[128], *tStopStr; time_t ttTopicTime; sTopicName = pmsg->parameters[2]; ttTopicTime = _tcstol( pmsg->parameters[3].c_str(), &tStopStr, 10); _tcsftime(tTimeBuf, 128, _T("%#c"), localtime(&ttTopicTime)); sTopicTime = tTimeBuf; } ShowMessage( pmsg ); return true; } bool CIrcProto::OnIrc_TOPIC( const CIrcMessage* pmsg ) { if ( pmsg->parameters.getCount() > 1 && pmsg->m_bIncoming ) { DoEvent( GC_EVENT_TOPIC, pmsg->parameters[0].c_str(), pmsg->prefix.sNick.c_str(), pmsg->parameters[1].c_str(), NULL, sTopicTime.IsEmpty() ? NULL : sTopicTime.c_str(), NULL, true, false); AddWindowItemData(pmsg->parameters[0].c_str(), 0, 0, 0, pmsg->parameters[1].c_str()); } ShowMessage( pmsg ); return true; } static void __stdcall sttShowDlgList( void* param ) { CIrcProto* ppro = ( CIrcProto* )param; if ( ppro->m_listDlg == NULL ) { ppro->m_listDlg = new CListDlg( ppro ); ppro->m_listDlg->Show(); } SetEvent( ppro->m_evWndCreate ); } bool CIrcProto::OnIrc_LISTSTART( const CIrcMessage* pmsg ) { if ( pmsg->m_bIncoming ) { CallFunctionAsync( sttShowDlgList, this ); WaitForSingleObject( m_evWndCreate, INFINITE ); m_channelNumber = 0; } ShowMessage( pmsg ); return true; } bool CIrcProto::OnIrc_LIST( const CIrcMessage* pmsg ) { if ( pmsg->m_bIncoming == 1 && m_listDlg && pmsg->parameters.getCount() > 2 ) { m_channelNumber++; LVITEM lvItem; HWND hListView = GetDlgItem( m_listDlg->GetHwnd(), IDC_INFO_LISTVIEW ); lvItem.iItem = ListView_GetItemCount( hListView ); lvItem.mask = LVIF_TEXT | LVIF_PARAM; lvItem.iSubItem = 0; lvItem.pszText = (TCHAR*)pmsg->parameters[1].c_str(); lvItem.lParam = lvItem.iItem; lvItem.iItem = ListView_InsertItem( hListView, &lvItem ); lvItem.mask = LVIF_TEXT; lvItem.iSubItem =1; lvItem.pszText = (TCHAR*)pmsg->parameters[pmsg->parameters.getCount()-2].c_str(); ListView_SetItem( hListView, &lvItem ); TCHAR* temp = mir_tstrdup( pmsg->parameters[pmsg->parameters.getCount()-1] ); TCHAR* find = _tcsstr( temp , _T("[+")); TCHAR* find2 = _tcsstr( temp , _T("]")); TCHAR* save = temp; if ( find == temp && find2 != NULL && find+8 >= find2 ) { temp = _tcsstr( temp, _T("]")); if ( lstrlen(temp) > 1 ) { temp++; temp[0] = '\0'; lvItem.iSubItem =2; lvItem.pszText = save; ListView_SetItem(hListView,&lvItem); temp[0] = ' '; temp++; } else temp =save; } lvItem.iSubItem =3; CMString S = DoColorCodes(temp, TRUE, FALSE); lvItem.pszText = ( TCHAR* )S.c_str(); ListView_SetItem( hListView, &lvItem ); temp = save; mir_free( temp ); int percent = 100; if ( m_noOfChannels > 0 ) percent = (int)(m_channelNumber*100) / m_noOfChannels; TCHAR text[100]; if ( percent < 100) mir_sntprintf(text, SIZEOF(text), TranslateT("Downloading list (%u%%) - %u channels"), percent, m_channelNumber); else mir_sntprintf(text, SIZEOF(text), TranslateT("Downloading list - %u channels"), m_channelNumber); m_listDlg->m_status.SetText( text ); } return true; } bool CIrcProto::OnIrc_LISTEND( const CIrcMessage* pmsg ) { if ( pmsg->m_bIncoming && m_listDlg ) { EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(m_listDlg->GetHwnd(), IDC_JOIN), true); ListView_SetSelectionMark(GetDlgItem(m_listDlg->GetHwnd(), IDC_INFO_LISTVIEW), 0); ListView_SetColumnWidth(GetDlgItem(m_listDlg->GetHwnd(), IDC_INFO_LISTVIEW), 1, LVSCW_AUTOSIZE); ListView_SetColumnWidth(GetDlgItem(m_listDlg->GetHwnd(), IDC_INFO_LISTVIEW), 2, LVSCW_AUTOSIZE); ListView_SetColumnWidth(GetDlgItem(m_listDlg->GetHwnd(), IDC_INFO_LISTVIEW), 3, LVSCW_AUTOSIZE); m_listDlg->UpdateList(); TCHAR text[100]; mir_sntprintf( text, SIZEOF(text), TranslateT("Done: %u channels"), m_channelNumber ); int percent = 100; if ( m_noOfChannels > 0 ) percent = (int)(m_channelNumber*100) / m_noOfChannels; if ( percent < 70 ) { lstrcat( text, _T(" ")); lstrcat( text, TranslateT("(probably truncated by server)")); } SetDlgItemText( m_listDlg->GetHwnd(), IDC_TEXT, text ); } ShowMessage( pmsg ); return true; } bool CIrcProto::OnIrc_BANLIST( const CIrcMessage* pmsg ) { if ( pmsg->m_bIncoming && pmsg->parameters.getCount() > 2 ) { if ( m_managerDlg->GetHwnd() && ( m_managerDlg->m_radio1.GetState() && pmsg->sCommand == _T("367") || m_managerDlg->m_radio2.GetState() && pmsg->sCommand == _T("346") || m_managerDlg->m_radio3.GetState() && pmsg->sCommand == _T("348")) && !m_managerDlg->m_radio1.Enabled() && !m_managerDlg->m_radio2.Enabled() && !m_managerDlg->m_radio3.Enabled()) { CMString S = pmsg->parameters[2]; if ( pmsg->parameters.getCount() > 3 ) { S += _T(" - "); S += pmsg->parameters[3]; if ( pmsg->parameters.getCount() > 4 ) { S += _T(" - ( "); time_t time = StrToInt( pmsg->parameters[4].c_str()); S += _tctime( &time ); ReplaceString( S, _T("\n"), _T(" ")); S += _T(")"); } } SendDlgItemMessage(m_managerDlg->GetHwnd(), IDC_LIST, LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)S.c_str()); } } ShowMessage( pmsg ); return true; } bool CIrcProto::OnIrc_BANLISTEND( const CIrcMessage* pmsg ) { if ( pmsg->m_bIncoming && pmsg->parameters.getCount() > 1 ) { if ( m_managerDlg->GetHwnd() && ( m_managerDlg->m_radio1.GetState() && pmsg->sCommand == _T("368") || m_managerDlg->m_radio2.GetState() && pmsg->sCommand == _T("347") || m_managerDlg->m_radio3.GetState() && pmsg->sCommand == _T("349")) && !m_managerDlg->m_radio1.Enabled() && !m_managerDlg->m_radio2.Enabled() && !m_managerDlg->m_radio3.Enabled()) { if ( strchr( sChannelModes.c_str(), 'b' )) m_managerDlg->m_radio1.Enable(); if ( strchr( sChannelModes.c_str(), 'I' )) m_managerDlg->m_radio2.Enable(); if ( strchr( sChannelModes.c_str(), 'e' )) m_managerDlg->m_radio3.Enable(); if ( !IsDlgButtonChecked(m_managerDlg->GetHwnd(), IDC_NOTOP)) m_managerDlg->m_add.Enable(); } } ShowMessage( pmsg ); return true; } static void __stdcall sttShowWhoisWnd( void* param ) { CIrcMessage* pmsg = ( CIrcMessage* )param; CIrcProto* ppro = ( CIrcProto* )pmsg->m_proto; if ( ppro->m_whoisDlg == NULL ) { ppro->m_whoisDlg = new CWhoisDlg( ppro ); ppro->m_whoisDlg->Show(); } SetEvent( ppro->m_evWndCreate ); ppro->m_whoisDlg->ShowMessage( pmsg ); delete pmsg; } bool CIrcProto::OnIrc_WHOIS_NAME( const CIrcMessage* pmsg ) { if ( pmsg->m_bIncoming && pmsg->parameters.getCount() > 5 && m_manualWhoisCount > 0 ) { CallFunctionAsync( sttShowWhoisWnd, new CIrcMessage( *pmsg )); WaitForSingleObject( m_evWndCreate, INFINITE ); } ShowMessage( pmsg ); return true; } bool CIrcProto::OnIrc_WHOIS_CHANNELS( const CIrcMessage* pmsg ) { if ( pmsg->m_bIncoming && m_whoisDlg && pmsg->parameters.getCount() > 2 && m_manualWhoisCount > 0 ) m_whoisDlg->m_InfoChannels.SetText( pmsg->parameters[2].c_str()); ShowMessage( pmsg ); return true; } bool CIrcProto::OnIrc_WHOIS_AWAY( const CIrcMessage* pmsg ) { if ( pmsg->m_bIncoming && m_whoisDlg && pmsg->parameters.getCount() > 2 && m_manualWhoisCount > 0 ) m_whoisDlg->m_InfoAway2.SetText( pmsg->parameters[2].c_str()); if ( m_manualWhoisCount < 1 && pmsg->m_bIncoming && pmsg->parameters.getCount() > 2 ) WhoisAwayReply = pmsg->parameters[2]; ShowMessage( pmsg ); return true; } bool CIrcProto::OnIrc_WHOIS_OTHER( const CIrcMessage* pmsg ) { if ( pmsg->m_bIncoming && m_whoisDlg && pmsg->parameters.getCount() > 2 && m_manualWhoisCount > 0 ) { TCHAR temp[1024], temp2[1024]; m_whoisDlg->m_InfoOther.GetText( temp, 1000 ); lstrcat( temp, _T("%s\r\n")); mir_sntprintf( temp2, 1020, temp, pmsg->parameters[2].c_str()); m_whoisDlg->m_InfoOther.SetText( temp2 ); } ShowMessage( pmsg ); return true; } bool CIrcProto::OnIrc_WHOIS_END( const CIrcMessage* pmsg ) { if ( pmsg->m_bIncoming && pmsg->parameters.getCount() > 1 && m_manualWhoisCount < 1 ) { CONTACT user = { (TCHAR*)pmsg->parameters[1].c_str(), NULL, NULL, false, false, true}; HANDLE hContact = CList_FindContact( &user ); if ( hContact ) ProtoBroadcastAck( m_szModuleName, hContact, ACKTYPE_AWAYMSG, ACKRESULT_SUCCESS, (HANDLE) 1, (LPARAM)WhoisAwayReply.c_str()); } m_manualWhoisCount--; if (m_manualWhoisCount < 0) m_manualWhoisCount = 0; ShowMessage( pmsg ); return true; } bool CIrcProto::OnIrc_WHOIS_IDLE( const CIrcMessage* pmsg ) { int D = 0; int H = 0; int M = 0; int S = 0; if ( pmsg->m_bIncoming && m_whoisDlg && pmsg->parameters.getCount() > 2 && m_manualWhoisCount > 0 ) { S = StrToInt(pmsg->parameters[2].c_str()); D = S/(60*60*24); S -= (D * 60 * 60 *24); H = S/(60*60); S -= (H * 60 * 60); M = S/60; S -= (M * 60 ); TCHAR temp[100]; if ( D ) mir_sntprintf(temp, 99, _T("%ud, %uh, %um, %us"), D, H, M, S); else if (H) mir_sntprintf(temp, 99, _T("%uh, %um, %us"), H, M, S); else if (M) mir_sntprintf(temp, 99, _T("%um, %us"), M, S); else if (S) mir_sntprintf(temp, 99, _T("%us"), S); else temp[0] = 0; TCHAR temp3[256]; TCHAR tTimeBuf[128], *tStopStr; time_t ttTime = _tcstol( pmsg->parameters[3].c_str(), &tStopStr, 10); _tcsftime(tTimeBuf, 128, _T("%c"), localtime(&ttTime)); mir_sntprintf( temp3, SIZEOF(temp3), _T("online since %s, idle %s"), tTimeBuf, temp); m_whoisDlg->m_AwayTime.SetText( temp3 ); } ShowMessage( pmsg ); return true; } bool CIrcProto::OnIrc_WHOIS_SERVER( const CIrcMessage* pmsg ) { if ( pmsg->m_bIncoming && m_whoisDlg && pmsg->parameters.getCount() > 2 && m_manualWhoisCount > 0 ) m_whoisDlg->m_InfoServer.SetText( pmsg->parameters[2].c_str()); ShowMessage( pmsg ); return true; } bool CIrcProto::OnIrc_WHOIS_AUTH( const CIrcMessage* pmsg ) { if ( pmsg->m_bIncoming && m_whoisDlg && pmsg->parameters.getCount() > 2 && m_manualWhoisCount > 0 ) { if ( pmsg->sCommand == _T("330")) m_whoisDlg->m_InfoAuth.SetText( pmsg->parameters[2].c_str()); else if ( pmsg->parameters[2] == _T("is an identified user") || pmsg->parameters[2] == _T("is a registered nick")) m_whoisDlg->m_InfoAuth.SetText( pmsg->parameters[2].c_str()); else OnIrc_WHOIS_OTHER( pmsg ); } ShowMessage( pmsg ); return true; } bool CIrcProto::OnIrc_WHOIS_NO_USER( const CIrcMessage* pmsg ) { if ( pmsg->m_bIncoming && pmsg->parameters.getCount() > 2 && !IsChannel( pmsg->parameters[1] )) { if ( m_whoisDlg ) m_whoisDlg->ShowMessageNoUser( pmsg ); CONTACT user = { (TCHAR*)pmsg->parameters[1].c_str(), NULL, NULL, false, false, false}; HANDLE hContact = CList_FindContact( &user ); if ( hContact ) { AddOutgoingMessageToDB( hContact, (TCHAR*)((CMString)_T("> ") + pmsg->parameters[2] + (CMString)_T(": ") + pmsg->parameters[1]).c_str()); DBVARIANT dbv; if ( !getTString( hContact, "Default", &dbv )) { setTString( hContact, "Nick", dbv.ptszVal ); DBVARIANT dbv2; if ( getByte( hContact, "AdvancedMode", 0 ) == 0 ) DoUserhostWithReason(1, ((CMString)_T("S") + dbv.ptszVal).c_str(), true, dbv.ptszVal ); else { if ( !getTString( hContact, "UWildcard", &dbv2 )) { DoUserhostWithReason(2, ((CMString)_T("S") + dbv2.ptszVal).c_str(), true, dbv2.ptszVal ); DBFreeVariant(&dbv2); } else DoUserhostWithReason(2, ((CMString)_T("S") + dbv.ptszVal).c_str(), true, dbv.ptszVal ); } setString(hContact, "User", ""); setString(hContact, "Host", ""); DBFreeVariant(&dbv); } } } ShowMessage( pmsg ); return true; } static void __stdcall sttShowNickWnd( void* param ) { CIrcMessage* pmsg = ( CIrcMessage* )param; CIrcProto* ppro = pmsg->m_proto; if ( ppro->m_nickDlg == NULL ) { ppro->m_nickDlg = new CNickDlg( ppro ); ppro->m_nickDlg->Show(); } SetEvent( ppro->m_evWndCreate ); SetWindowText( GetDlgItem( ppro->m_nickDlg->GetHwnd(), IDC_CAPTION ), TranslateT("Change nickname")); SetWindowText( GetDlgItem( ppro->m_nickDlg->GetHwnd(), IDC_TEXT ), pmsg->parameters.getCount() > 2 ? pmsg->parameters[2].c_str() : _T("")); ppro->m_nickDlg->m_Enick.SetText( pmsg->parameters[1].c_str()); ppro->m_nickDlg->m_Enick.SendMsg( CB_SETEDITSEL, 0, MAKELPARAM(0,-1)); delete pmsg; } bool CIrcProto::OnIrc_NICK_ERR( const CIrcMessage* pmsg ) { if ( pmsg->m_bIncoming ) { if ( nickflag && ((m_alternativeNick[0] != 0)) && (pmsg->parameters.getCount() > 2 && _tcscmp(pmsg->parameters[1].c_str(), m_alternativeNick))) { TCHAR m[200]; mir_sntprintf( m, SIZEOF(m), _T("NICK %s"), m_alternativeNick ); if ( IsConnected()) SendIrcMessage( m ); } else { CallFunctionAsync( sttShowNickWnd, new CIrcMessage( *pmsg )); WaitForSingleObject( m_evWndCreate, INFINITE ); } } ShowMessage( pmsg ); return true; } bool CIrcProto::OnIrc_JOINERROR( const CIrcMessage* pmsg ) { if ( pmsg->m_bIncoming ) { DBVARIANT dbv; if ( !getTString( "JTemp", &dbv )) { CMString command = _T("a"); CMString save = _T(""); int i = 0; while ( !command.IsEmpty()) { command = GetWord( dbv.ptszVal, i ); i++; if ( !command.IsEmpty() && pmsg->parameters[0] == command.Mid(1, command.GetLength())) save += command + _T(" "); } DBFreeVariant(&dbv); if ( save.IsEmpty()) DBDeleteContactSetting( NULL, m_szModuleName, "JTemp" ); else setTString( "JTemp", save.c_str()); } } ShowMessage( pmsg ); return true; } bool CIrcProto::OnIrc_UNKNOWN( const CIrcMessage* pmsg ) { if ( pmsg->m_bIncoming && pmsg->parameters.getCount() > 0 ) { if ( pmsg->parameters[0] == _T("WHO") && GetNextUserhostReason(2) != _T("U")) return true; if ( pmsg->parameters[0] == _T("USERHOST") && GetNextUserhostReason(1) != _T("U")) return true; } ShowMessage( pmsg ); return true; } bool CIrcProto::OnIrc_ENDMOTD( const CIrcMessage* pmsg ) { if ( pmsg->m_bIncoming && !bPerformDone ) DoOnConnect( pmsg ); ShowMessage( pmsg ); return true; } bool CIrcProto::OnIrc_NOOFCHANNELS( const CIrcMessage* pmsg ) { if ( pmsg->m_bIncoming && pmsg->parameters.getCount() > 1 ) m_noOfChannels = StrToInt( pmsg->parameters[1].c_str()); if ( pmsg->m_bIncoming && !bPerformDone ) DoOnConnect( pmsg ); ShowMessage( pmsg ); return true; } bool CIrcProto::OnIrc_ERROR( const CIrcMessage* pmsg ) { if ( pmsg->m_bIncoming && !m_disableErrorPopups && m_iDesiredStatus != ID_STATUS_OFFLINE) { MIRANDASYSTRAYNOTIFY msn; msn.cbSize = sizeof(MIRANDASYSTRAYNOTIFY); msn.szProto = m_szModuleName; msn.tszInfoTitle = TranslateT("IRC error"); CMString S; if ( pmsg->parameters.getCount() > 0 ) S = DoColorCodes( pmsg->parameters[0].c_str(), TRUE, FALSE ); else S = TranslateT( "Unknown" ); msn.tszInfo = ( TCHAR* )S.c_str(); msn.dwInfoFlags = NIIF_ERROR | NIIF_INTERN_UNICODE; msn.uTimeout = 15000; CallService( MS_CLIST_SYSTRAY_NOTIFY, 0, ( LPARAM )&msn ); } ShowMessage( pmsg ); return true; } bool CIrcProto::OnIrc_WHO_END( const CIrcMessage* pmsg ) { CMString command = GetNextUserhostReason(2); if ( command[0] == 'S' ) { if ( pmsg->m_bIncoming && pmsg->parameters.getCount() > 1 ) { // is it a channel? if ( IsChannel( pmsg->parameters[1] )) { CMString S; CMString User = GetWord( m_whoReply.c_str(), 0 ); while ( !User.IsEmpty()) { if ( GetWord( m_whoReply.c_str(), 3)[0] == 'G' ) { S += User; S += _T("\t"); DoEvent( GC_EVENT_SETCONTACTSTATUS, pmsg->parameters[1].c_str(), User.c_str(), NULL, NULL, NULL, ID_STATUS_AWAY, FALSE, FALSE); } else DoEvent( GC_EVENT_SETCONTACTSTATUS, pmsg->parameters[1].c_str(), User.c_str(), NULL, NULL, NULL, ID_STATUS_ONLINE, FALSE, FALSE); CMString SS = GetWordAddress( m_whoReply.c_str(), 4 ); if ( SS.IsEmpty()) break; m_whoReply = SS; User = GetWord(m_whoReply.c_str(), 0); } DoEvent( GC_EVENT_SETSTATUSEX, pmsg->parameters[1].c_str(), NULL, S.IsEmpty() ? NULL : S.c_str(), NULL, NULL, GC_SSE_TABDELIMITED, FALSE, FALSE); return true; } /// if it is not a channel TCHAR* UserList = mir_tstrdup( m_whoReply.c_str()); const TCHAR* p1= UserList; m_whoReply = _T(""); CONTACT user = { (TCHAR*)pmsg->parameters[1].c_str(), NULL, NULL, false, true, false}; HANDLE hContact = CList_FindContact( &user ); if ( hContact && getByte( hContact, "AdvancedMode", 0 ) == 1 ) { DBVARIANT dbv1, dbv2, dbv3, dbv4, dbv5, dbv6, dbv7; TCHAR *DBDefault = NULL, *DBNick = NULL, *DBWildcard = NULL; TCHAR *DBUser = NULL, *DBHost = NULL, *DBManUser = NULL, *DBManHost = NULL; if ( !getTString(hContact, "Default", &dbv1)) DBDefault = dbv1.ptszVal; if ( !getTString(hContact, "Nick", &dbv2)) DBNick = dbv2.ptszVal; if ( !getTString(hContact, "UWildcard", &dbv3)) DBWildcard = dbv3.ptszVal; if ( !getTString(hContact, "UUser", &dbv4)) DBUser = dbv4.ptszVal; if ( !getTString(hContact, "UHost", &dbv5)) DBHost = dbv5.ptszVal; if ( !getTString(hContact, "User", &dbv6)) DBManUser = dbv6.ptszVal; if ( !getTString(hContact, "Host", &dbv7)) DBManHost = dbv7.ptszVal; if ( DBWildcard ) CharLower( DBWildcard ); CMString nick; CMString user; CMString host; CMString away = GetWord(p1, 3); while ( !away.IsEmpty()) { nick = GetWord(p1, 0); user = GetWord(p1, 1); host = GetWord(p1, 2); if (( DBWildcard && WCCmp( DBWildcard, nick.c_str()) || DBNick && !lstrcmpi(DBNick, nick.c_str()) || DBDefault && !lstrcmpi(DBDefault, nick.c_str())) && (WCCmp(DBUser, user.c_str()) && WCCmp(DBHost, host.c_str()))) { if (away[0] == 'G' && getWord( hContact, "Status", ID_STATUS_OFFLINE) != ID_STATUS_AWAY) setWord(hContact, "Status", ID_STATUS_AWAY); else if (away[0] == 'H' && getWord( hContact, "Status", ID_STATUS_OFFLINE) != ID_STATUS_ONLINE) setWord(hContact, "Status", ID_STATUS_ONLINE); if (( DBNick && lstrcmpi( nick.c_str(), DBNick)) || !DBNick ) setTString( hContact, "Nick", nick.c_str()); if (( DBManUser && lstrcmpi( user.c_str(), DBManUser)) || !DBManUser ) setTString( hContact, "User", user.c_str()); if (( DBManHost && lstrcmpi(host.c_str(), DBManHost)) || !DBManHost ) setTString(hContact, "Host", host.c_str()); goto LBL_Exit; } p1 = GetWordAddress(p1, 4); away = GetWord(p1, 3); } if ( DBWildcard && DBNick && !WCCmp( CharLower( DBWildcard ), CharLower( DBNick ))) { setTString(hContact, "Nick", DBDefault); DoUserhostWithReason(2, ((CMString)_T("S") + DBWildcard).c_str(), true, DBWildcard); setString(hContact, "User", ""); setString(hContact, "Host", ""); goto LBL_Exit; } if ( getWord( hContact, "Status", ID_STATUS_OFFLINE ) != ID_STATUS_OFFLINE ) { setWord(hContact, "Status", ID_STATUS_OFFLINE); setTString(hContact, "Nick", DBDefault); setString(hContact, "User", ""); setString(hContact, "Host", ""); } LBL_Exit: if ( DBDefault ) DBFreeVariant(&dbv1); if ( DBNick ) DBFreeVariant(&dbv2); if ( DBWildcard ) DBFreeVariant(&dbv3); if ( DBUser ) DBFreeVariant(&dbv4); if ( DBHost ) DBFreeVariant(&dbv5); if ( DBManUser ) DBFreeVariant(&dbv6); if ( DBManHost ) DBFreeVariant(&dbv7); } mir_free( UserList ); } } else ShowMessage( pmsg ); return true; } bool CIrcProto::OnIrc_WHO_REPLY( const CIrcMessage* pmsg ) { CMString command = PeekAtReasons(2); if ( pmsg->m_bIncoming && pmsg->parameters.getCount() > 6 && command[0] == 'S' ) { m_whoReply.AppendFormat( _T("%s %s %s %s "), pmsg->parameters[5].c_str(), pmsg->parameters[2].c_str(), pmsg->parameters[3].c_str(), pmsg->parameters[6].c_str()); if ( lstrcmpi( pmsg->parameters[5].c_str(), m_info.sNick.c_str()) == 0 ) { TCHAR host[1024]; lstrcpyn( host, pmsg->parameters[3].c_str(), 1024 ); ircFork( &CIrcProto::ResolveIPThread, new IPRESOLVE( _T2A(host), IP_AUTO )); } } if ( command[0] == 'U' ) ShowMessage( pmsg ); return true; } bool CIrcProto::OnIrc_TRYAGAIN( const CIrcMessage* pmsg ) { CMString command = _T(""); if ( pmsg->m_bIncoming && pmsg->parameters.getCount() > 1 ) { if ( pmsg->parameters[1] == _T("WHO")) command = GetNextUserhostReason(2); if ( pmsg->parameters[1] == _T("USERHOST")) command = GetNextUserhostReason(1); } if (command[0] == 'U') ShowMessage( pmsg ); return true; } bool CIrcProto::OnIrc_USERHOST_REPLY( const CIrcMessage* pmsg ) { CMString command = _T(""); if ( pmsg->m_bIncoming ) { command = GetNextUserhostReason(1); if ( !command.IsEmpty() && command != _T("U") && pmsg->parameters.getCount() > 1 ) { CONTACT finduser = {NULL, NULL, NULL, false, false, false}; TCHAR* p1 = NULL; TCHAR* p2 = NULL; int awaystatus = 0; CMString sTemp; CMString host; CMString user; CMString nick; CMString mask; CMString mess; CMString channel; int i; int j; // Status-check pre-processing: Setup check-list OBJLIST<CMString> checklist( 10 ); if ( command[0] == 'S' ) { j = 0; sTemp = GetWord(command.c_str(), 0); sTemp.Delete(0,1); while ( !sTemp.IsEmpty()) { checklist.insert( new CMString( sTemp )); j++; sTemp = GetWord(command.c_str(), j); } } // Cycle through results j = 0; sTemp = GetWord( pmsg->parameters[1].c_str(), j ); while ( !sTemp.IsEmpty()) { p1 = mir_tstrdup( sTemp.c_str()); p2 = p1; // Pull out host, user and nick p2 = _tcschr(p1, '@'); if ( p2 ) { *p2 = '\0'; p2++; host = p2; } p2 = _tcschr(p1, '='); if ( p2 ) { if (*(p2-1) == '*') *(p2-1) = '\0'; // remove special char for IRCOps *p2 = '\0'; p2++; awaystatus = *p2; p2++; user = p2; nick = p1; } mess = _T(""); mask = nick + _T("!") + user + _T("@") + host; if ( host.IsEmpty() || user.IsEmpty() || nick.IsEmpty()) { mir_free( p1 ); continue; } // Do command switch ( command[0] ) { case 'S': // Status check { finduser.name = (TCHAR*)nick.c_str(); finduser.host = (TCHAR*)host.c_str(); finduser.user = (TCHAR*)user.c_str(); HANDLE hContact = CList_FindContact(&finduser); if ( hContact && getByte( hContact, "AdvancedMode", 0 ) == 0 ) { setWord(hContact, "Status", awaystatus == '-'? ID_STATUS_AWAY : ID_STATUS_ONLINE); setTString(hContact, "User", user.c_str()); setTString(hContact, "Host", host.c_str()); setTString(hContact, "Nick", nick.c_str()); // If user found, remove from checklist for ( i = 0; i < checklist.getCount(); i++ ) if ( !lstrcmpi(checklist[i].c_str(), nick.c_str())) checklist.remove( i ); } break; } case 'I': // m_ignore mess = _T("/IGNORE %question=\""); mess += TranslateT("Please enter the hostmask (nick!user@host)\nNOTE! Contacts on your contact list are never ignored"); mess += (CMString)_T("\",\"") + TranslateT("Ignore") + _T("\",\"*!*@") + host + _T("\""); if ( m_ignoreChannelDefault ) mess += _T(" +qnidcm"); else mess += _T(" +qnidc"); break; case 'J': // Unignore mess = _T("/UNIGNORE *!*@") + host; break; case 'B': // Ban channel = (command.c_str() + 1); mess = _T("/MODE ") + channel + _T(" +b *!*@") + host; break; case 'K': // Ban & Kick channel = (command.c_str() + 1); mess.Format( _T("/MODE %s +b *!*@%s%%newl/KICK %s %s"), channel.c_str(), host.c_str(), channel.c_str(), nick.c_str()); break; case 'L': // Ban & Kick with reason channel = (command.c_str() + 1); mess.Format( _T("/MODE %s +b *!*@%s%%newl/KICK %s %s %%question=\"%s\",\"%s\",\"%s\""), channel.c_str(), host.c_str(), channel.c_str(), nick.c_str(), TranslateT("Please enter the reason"), TranslateT("Ban'n Kick"), TranslateT("Jerk")); break; } mir_free( p1 ); // Post message if ( !mess.IsEmpty()) PostIrcMessageWnd( NULL, NULL, mess.c_str()); j++; sTemp = GetWord(pmsg->parameters[1].c_str(), j); } // Status-check post-processing: make buddies in ckeck-list offline if ( command[0] == 'S' ) { for ( i = 0; i < checklist.getCount(); i++ ) { finduser.name = (TCHAR*)checklist[i].c_str(); finduser.ExactNick = true; CList_SetOffline( &finduser ); } } return true; } } if ( !pmsg->m_bIncoming || command == _T("U")) ShowMessage( pmsg ); return true; } bool CIrcProto::OnIrc_SUPPORT( const CIrcMessage* pmsg ) { static const TCHAR* lpszFmt = _T("Try server %99[^ ,], port %19s"); TCHAR szAltServer[100]; TCHAR szAltPort[20]; if ( pmsg->parameters.getCount() > 1 && _stscanf(pmsg->parameters[1].c_str(), lpszFmt, &szAltServer, &szAltPort) == 2 ) { ShowMessage( pmsg ); lstrcpynA( m_serverName, _T2A(szAltServer), 99 ); lstrcpynA( m_portStart, _T2A(szAltPort), 9 ); m_noOfChannels = 0; ConnectToServer(); return true; } if ( pmsg->m_bIncoming && !bPerformDone ) DoOnConnect(pmsg); if ( pmsg->m_bIncoming && pmsg->parameters.getCount() > 0 ) { CMString S; for ( int i = 0; i < pmsg->parameters.getCount(); i++ ) { TCHAR* temp = mir_tstrdup( pmsg->parameters[i].c_str()); if ( _tcsstr( temp, _T("CHANTYPES="))) { TCHAR* p1 = _tcschr( temp, '=' ); p1++; if ( lstrlen( p1 ) > 0 ) sChannelPrefixes = p1; } if ( _tcsstr(temp, _T("CHANMODES="))) { TCHAR* p1 = _tcschr( temp, '=' ); p1++; if ( lstrlen( p1 ) > 0) sChannelModes = ( char* )_T2A( p1 ); } if ( _tcsstr( temp, _T("PREFIX="))) { TCHAR* p1 = _tcschr( temp, '(' ); TCHAR* p2 = _tcschr( temp, ')' ); if ( p1 && p2 ) { p1++; if ( p1 != p2 ) sUserModes = ( char* )_T2A( p1 ); sUserModes = sUserModes.Mid(0, p2-p1); p2++; if ( *p2 != '\0' ) sUserModePrefixes = p2; } else { p1 = _tcschr( temp, '=' ); p1++; sUserModePrefixes = p1; for ( int i =0; i < sUserModePrefixes.GetLength()+1; i++ ) { if ( sUserModePrefixes[i] == '@' ) sUserModes.SetAt( i, 'o' ); else if ( sUserModePrefixes[i] == '+' ) sUserModes.SetAt( i, 'v' ); else if ( sUserModePrefixes[i] == '-' ) sUserModes.SetAt( i, 'u' ); else if ( sUserModePrefixes[i] == '%' ) sUserModes.SetAt( i, 'h' ); else if ( sUserModePrefixes[i] == '!' ) sUserModes.SetAt( i, 'a' ); else if ( sUserModePrefixes[i] == '*' ) sUserModes.SetAt( i, 'q' ); else if ( sUserModePrefixes[i] == '\0' ) sUserModes.SetAt( i, '\0' ); else sUserModes.SetAt( i, '_' ); } } } mir_free( temp ); } } ShowMessage( pmsg ); return true; } void CIrcProto::OnIrcDefault( const CIrcMessage* pmsg ) { ShowMessage( pmsg ); } void CIrcProto::OnIrcDisconnected() { m_statusMessage = _T(""); DBDeleteContactSetting(NULL, m_szModuleName, "JTemp"); bTempDisableCheck = false; bTempForceCheck = false; m_iTempCheckTime = 0; m_myHost[0] = '\0'; int Temp = m_iStatus; KillIdent(); KillChatTimer( OnlineNotifTimer ); KillChatTimer( OnlineNotifTimer3 ); KillChatTimer( KeepAliveTimer ); KillChatTimer( InitTimer ); KillChatTimer( IdentTimer ); m_iStatus = m_iDesiredStatus = ID_STATUS_OFFLINE; ProtoBroadcastAck(m_szModuleName,NULL,ACKTYPE_STATUS,ACKRESULT_SUCCESS,(HANDLE)Temp, ID_STATUS_OFFLINE); CMString sDisconn = _T("\0035\002"); sDisconn += TranslateT("*Disconnected*"); DoEvent(GC_EVENT_INFORMATION, SERVERWINDOW, NULL, sDisconn.c_str(), NULL, NULL, NULL, true, false); { GCDEST gcd = {0}; GCEVENT gce = {0}; gce.cbSize = sizeof(GCEVENT); gcd.pszModule = m_szModuleName; gcd.iType = GC_EVENT_CONTROL; gce.pDest = &gcd; CallChatEvent( SESSION_OFFLINE, (LPARAM)&gce); } if ( !Miranda_Terminated()) CList_SetAllOffline( m_disconnectDCCChats ); // restore the original nick, cause it might be changed memcpy( m_nick, m_pNick, sizeof( m_nick )); setTString( "Nick", m_pNick ); CLISTMENUITEM clmi = {0}; clmi.cbSize = sizeof( clmi ); clmi.flags = CMIM_FLAGS | CMIF_GRAYED; CallService( MS_CLIST_MODIFYMENUITEM, ( WPARAM )hMenuJoin, ( LPARAM )&clmi ); CallService( MS_CLIST_MODIFYMENUITEM, ( WPARAM )hMenuList, ( LPARAM )&clmi ); CallService( MS_CLIST_MODIFYMENUITEM, ( WPARAM )hMenuNick, ( LPARAM )&clmi ); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // OnConnect static void __stdcall sttMainThrdOnConnect( void* param ) { CIrcProto* ppro = ( CIrcProto* )param; ppro->SetChatTimer( ppro->InitTimer, 1*1000, TimerProc ); if ( ppro->m_identTimer ) ppro->SetChatTimer( ppro->IdentTimer, 60*1000, IdentTimerProc ); if ( ppro->m_sendKeepAlive ) ppro->SetChatTimer( ppro->KeepAliveTimer, 60*1000, KeepAliveTimerProc ); if ( ppro->m_autoOnlineNotification && !ppro->bTempDisableCheck || ppro->bTempForceCheck ) { ppro->SetChatTimer( ppro->OnlineNotifTimer, 1000, OnlineNotifTimerProc ); if ( ppro->m_channelAwayNotification ) ppro->SetChatTimer( ppro->OnlineNotifTimer3, 3000, OnlineNotifTimerProc3); } } bool CIrcProto::DoOnConnect( const CIrcMessage* ) { bPerformDone = true; nickflag = true; CLISTMENUITEM clmi = {0}; clmi.cbSize = sizeof( clmi ); clmi.flags = CMIM_FLAGS; CallService( MS_CLIST_MODIFYMENUITEM, ( WPARAM )hMenuJoin, ( LPARAM )&clmi ); CallService( MS_CLIST_MODIFYMENUITEM, ( WPARAM )hMenuList, ( LPARAM )&clmi ); CallService( MS_CLIST_MODIFYMENUITEM, ( WPARAM )hMenuNick, ( LPARAM )&clmi ); int Temp = m_iStatus; m_iStatus = ID_STATUS_ONLINE; ProtoBroadcastAck( m_szModuleName, NULL, ACKTYPE_STATUS, ACKRESULT_SUCCESS, ( HANDLE )Temp, m_iStatus ); if ( m_iDesiredStatus == ID_STATUS_AWAY ) PostIrcMessage( _T("/AWAY %s"), m_statusMessage.Mid(0,450).c_str()); if ( m_perform ) { DoPerform( "ALL NETWORKS" ); if ( IsConnected()) { DoPerform( _T2A( m_info.sNetwork.c_str())); switch( m_iStatus ) { case ID_STATUS_FREECHAT: DoPerform( "Event: Free for chat" ); break; case ID_STATUS_ONLINE: DoPerform( "Event: Available" ); break; } } } if ( m_rejoinChannels ) { int count = CallServiceSync( MS_GC_GETSESSIONCOUNT, 0, (LPARAM)m_szModuleName); for ( int i = 0; i < count ; i++ ) { GC_INFO gci = {0}; gci.Flags = BYINDEX | DATA | NAME | TYPE; gci.iItem = i; gci.pszModule = m_szModuleName; if ( !CallServiceSync( MS_GC_GETINFO, 0, (LPARAM)&gci) && gci.iType == GCW_CHATROOM ) { CHANNELINFO* wi = ( CHANNELINFO* )gci.dwItemData; if ( wi && wi->pszPassword ) PostIrcMessage( _T("/JOIN %s %s"), gci.pszName, wi->pszPassword); else PostIrcMessage( _T("/JOIN %s"), gci.pszName); } } } DoEvent( GC_EVENT_ADDGROUP, SERVERWINDOW, NULL, NULL, _T("Normal"), NULL, NULL, FALSE, TRUE); { GCDEST gcd = {0}; GCEVENT gce = {0}; gce.dwFlags = GC_TCHAR; gce.cbSize = sizeof(GCEVENT); gcd.ptszID = SERVERWINDOW; gcd.pszModule = m_szModuleName; gcd.iType = GC_EVENT_CONTROL; gce.pDest = &gcd; CallChatEvent( SESSION_ONLINE, (LPARAM)&gce); } CallFunctionAsync( sttMainThrdOnConnect, this ); nickflag = false; return 0; } static void __cdecl AwayWarningThread(LPVOID) { MessageBox(NULL, TranslateT("The usage of /AWAY in your perform buffer is restricted\n as IRC sends this command automatically."), TranslateT("IRC Error"), MB_OK); } int CIrcProto::DoPerform( const char* event ) { String sSetting = String("PERFORM:") + event; sSetting.MakeUpper(); DBVARIANT dbv; if ( !getTString( sSetting.c_str(), &dbv )) { if ( !my_strstri( dbv.ptszVal, _T("/away"))) PostIrcMessageWnd( NULL, NULL, dbv.ptszVal ); else mir_forkthread( AwayWarningThread, NULL ); DBFreeVariant( &dbv ); return 1; } return 0; } int CIrcProto::IsIgnored( const CMString& nick, const CMString& address, const CMString& host, char type) { return IsIgnored( nick + _T("!") + address + _T("@") + host, type ); } int CIrcProto::IsIgnored( CMString user, char type ) { for ( int i=0; i < m_ignoreItems.getCount(); i++ ) { const CIrcIgnoreItem& C = m_ignoreItems[i]; if ( type == '\0' ) if ( !lstrcmpi( user.c_str(), C.mask.c_str())) return i+1; bool bUserContainsWild = ( _tcschr( user.c_str(), '*') != NULL || _tcschr( user.c_str(), '?' ) != NULL ); if ( !bUserContainsWild && WCCmp( C.mask.c_str(), user.c_str()) || bUserContainsWild && !lstrcmpi( user.c_str(), C.mask.c_str())) { if ( C.flags.IsEmpty() || C.flags[0] != '+' ) continue; if ( !_tcschr( C.flags.c_str(), type )) continue; if ( C.network.IsEmpty()) return i+1; if ( IsConnected() && !lstrcmpi( C.network.c_str(), m_info.sNetwork.c_str())) return i+1; } } return 0; } bool CIrcProto::AddIgnore( const TCHAR* mask, const TCHAR* flags, const TCHAR* network ) { RemoveIgnore( mask ); m_ignoreItems.insert( new CIrcIgnoreItem( mask, (_T("+") + CMString(flags)).c_str(), network )); RewriteIgnoreSettings(); if ( m_ignoreDlg ) m_ignoreDlg->RebuildList(); return true; } bool CIrcProto::RemoveIgnore( const TCHAR* mask ) { int idx; while (( idx = IsIgnored( mask, '\0')) != 0 ) m_ignoreItems.remove( idx-1 ); RewriteIgnoreSettings(); if ( m_ignoreDlg ) m_ignoreDlg->RebuildList(); return true; }