IRC plugin for Miranda IM

Copyright (C) 2003-05 Jurgen Persson
Copyright (C) 2007-09 George Hazan

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.

#include "irc.h"

static CMString FormatOutput (const CIrcMessage* pmsg)
	CMString sMessage;

	if ( pmsg->m_bIncoming ) { // Is it an incoming message?
		if ( pmsg->sCommand == _T("WALLOPS") && pmsg->parameters.getCount() > 0 ) {
			TCHAR temp[200]; *temp = '\0';
			mir_sntprintf(temp, SIZEOF(temp), TranslateT("WallOps from %s: "), pmsg->prefix.sNick.c_str());
			sMessage = temp;
			for ( int i=0; i < (int)pmsg->parameters.getCount(); i++ ) {
				sMessage += pmsg->parameters[i];
				if (i != pmsg->parameters.getCount()-1)
					sMessage += _T(" ");
			goto THE_END;
		if ( pmsg->sCommand == _T("INVITE") && pmsg->parameters.getCount() > 1 ) {
			TCHAR temp[256]; *temp = '\0';
			mir_sntprintf(temp, SIZEOF(temp), TranslateT("%s invites you to %s"), pmsg->prefix.sNick.c_str(), pmsg->parameters[1].c_str());
			sMessage = temp;
			for ( int i=2; i < (int)pmsg->parameters.getCount(); i++ ) {
				sMessage += _T(": ") + pmsg->parameters[i];
				if ( i != pmsg->parameters.getCount()-1 )
					sMessage += _T(" ");
			goto THE_END;
		int index = StrToInt( pmsg->sCommand.c_str() );
		if ( index == 301 && pmsg->parameters.getCount() > 0 ) {
			TCHAR temp[500]; *temp = '\0';
			mir_sntprintf(temp, SIZEOF(temp), TranslateT("%s is away"), pmsg->parameters[1].c_str());
			sMessage = temp;
			for ( int i=2; i < (int)pmsg->parameters.getCount(); i++ ) {
				sMessage += _T(": ") + pmsg->parameters[i];
				if ( i != pmsg->parameters.getCount()-1 )
					sMessage += _T(" ");
			goto THE_END;
		if (( index == 443 || index == 441 ) && pmsg->parameters.getCount() > 3 )
			return pmsg->parameters[1] + _T(" ") + pmsg->parameters[3] + _T(": ") + pmsg->parameters[2];
		if ( index == 303 ) {  // ISON command
			sMessage = TranslateT("These are online: ");
			for ( int i=1; i < (int)pmsg->parameters.getCount(); i++ ) {
				sMessage += pmsg->parameters[i];
				if (i != pmsg->parameters.getCount()-1)
					sMessage += _T(", ");
			goto THE_END;
		if (( index > 400 || index < 500) && pmsg->parameters.getCount() > 2 && pmsg->sCommand[0] == '4' ) //all error messages
			return pmsg->parameters[2] + _T(": ") + pmsg->parameters[1];
	else if ( pmsg->sCommand == _T("NOTICE") && pmsg->parameters.getCount() > 1 ) {
		TCHAR temp[500]; *temp = '\0';

		int l = pmsg->parameters[1].GetLength();
		if ( l > 3 && pmsg->parameters[1][0] == 1 && pmsg->parameters[1][ l-1 ] == 1 ) {
			// CTCP reply
			CMString tempstr = pmsg->parameters[1];
			CMString type = GetWord(tempstr.c_str(), 0);
			if ( lstrcmpi(type.c_str(), _T("ping")) == 0)
				mir_sntprintf(temp, SIZEOF(temp), TranslateT("CTCP %s reply sent to %s"), type.c_str(), pmsg->parameters[0].c_str());
				mir_sntprintf(temp, SIZEOF(temp), TranslateT("CTCP %s reply sent to %s: %s"), type.c_str(), pmsg->parameters[0].c_str(), GetWordAddress(tempstr.c_str(), 1));
			sMessage = temp;
		else {
			mir_sntprintf(temp, SIZEOF(temp), TranslateT("Notice to %s: "), pmsg->parameters[0].c_str());
			sMessage = temp;
			for ( int i=1; i < (int)pmsg->parameters.getCount(); i++ ) {
				sMessage += pmsg->parameters[i];
				if (i != pmsg->parameters.getCount()-1)
					sMessage += _T(" ");
		}	}
		goto THE_END;

	// Default Message handler.	

	if ( pmsg->m_bIncoming ) {
		if ( pmsg->parameters.getCount() < 2 && pmsg->parameters.getCount() > 0 )
			return pmsg->sCommand + _T(" : ") + pmsg->parameters[0];
		if ( pmsg->parameters.getCount() > 1 )
			for ( int i=1; i < (int)pmsg->parameters.getCount(); i++ )
				sMessage += pmsg->parameters[i] + _T(" ");
	else {
		if ( pmsg->prefix.sNick.GetLength() )
			sMessage = pmsg->prefix.sNick + _T(" ");
		sMessage += pmsg->sCommand + _T(" ");
		for ( int i=0; i < (int)pmsg->parameters.getCount(); i++ )
			sMessage += pmsg->parameters[i] + _T(" ");

	return sMessage;

BOOL CIrcProto::ShowMessage (const CIrcMessage* pmsg)
	CMString mess = FormatOutput(pmsg);

	if ( !pmsg->m_bIncoming )
		ReplaceString( mess, _T("%%"), _T("%"));

	int iTemp = StrToInt( pmsg->sCommand.c_str() );

	//To active window
	if (( iTemp > 400 || iTemp < 500 ) && pmsg->sCommand[0] == '4' //all error messages	
		|| pmsg->sCommand == _T("303")		//ISON command
		|| pmsg->sCommand == _T("INVITE")
		|| ( (pmsg->sCommand == _T("NOTICE")) && ( (pmsg->parameters.getCount() > 2) ? (_tcsstr(pmsg->parameters[1].c_str(), _T("\001"))==NULL) : false) ) // CTCP answers should go to m_network Log window!
		|| pmsg->sCommand == _T("515"))		//chanserv error
		DoEvent(GC_EVENT_INFORMATION, NULL, pmsg->m_bIncoming?pmsg->prefix.sNick.c_str():m_info.sNick.c_str(), mess.c_str(), NULL, NULL, NULL, true, pmsg->m_bIncoming?false:true); 
		return TRUE;

	if ( m_useServer ) {
			( pmsg->m_bIncoming ) ? pmsg->prefix.sNick.c_str() : m_info.sNick.c_str(),
			mess.c_str(), NULL, NULL, NULL, true, pmsg->m_bIncoming ? false : true ); 
		return true;
	return false;