/* IRC plugin for Miranda IM Copyright (C) 2003-05 Jurgen Persson Copyright (C) 2007-09 George Hazan This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "ui_utils.h" ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Dialogs struct CMessageBoxDlg : public CProtoDlgBase<CIrcProto> { DCCINFO* pdci; CMessageBoxDlg( CIrcProto* _pro, DCCINFO* _dci ); CCtrlButton m_Ok; void OnOk( CCtrlButton* ); virtual void OnInitDialog(); }; struct CCoolIrcDlg : public CProtoDlgBase<CIrcProto> { CCoolIrcDlg( CIrcProto* _pro, int dlgId, HWND parent = NULL ); virtual INT_PTR DlgProc(UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); virtual void OnInitDialog(); virtual void OnDestroy(); }; struct CWhoisDlg : public CCoolIrcDlg { CWhoisDlg( CIrcProto* _pro ); CCtrlCombo m_InfoNick; CCtrlEdit m_Reply; CCtrlBase m_Caption, m_AwayTime; CCtrlBase m_InfoName, m_InfoId, m_InfoAddress, m_InfoChannels, m_InfoAuth, m_InfoServer, m_InfoAway2, m_InfoOther; CCtrlButton m_Ping, m_Version, m_Time, m_userInfo, m_Refresh, m_Query; void ShowMessage( const CIrcMessage* ); void ShowMessageNoUser( const CIrcMessage* ); void OnGo( CCtrlButton* ); void OnQuery( CCtrlButton* ); void OnPing( CCtrlButton* ); void OnUserInfo( CCtrlButton* ); void OnTime( CCtrlButton* ); void OnVersion( CCtrlButton* ); virtual void OnInitDialog(); virtual void OnClose(); virtual void OnDestroy(); }; struct CNickDlg : public CCoolIrcDlg { CNickDlg( CIrcProto* _pro ); CCtrlCombo m_Enick; CCtrlButton m_Ok; virtual void OnInitDialog(); virtual void OnDestroy(); void OnOk( CCtrlButton* ); }; struct CListDlg : public CProtoDlgBase<CIrcProto> { CListDlg( CIrcProto* _pro ); virtual void OnInitDialog(); virtual void OnChange( CCtrlBase* ctrl ); virtual INT_PTR DlgProc(UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); virtual void OnDestroy(); virtual int Resizer(UTILRESIZECONTROL *urc); TCHAR m_title[255]; CCtrlListView m_list, m_list2; CCtrlEdit m_filter, m_status; UINT_PTR m_timer; CCtrlButton m_Join; void OnJoin( CCtrlButton* ); void List_OnColumnClick( CCtrlListView::TEventInfo* ev ); void UpdateList( void ); }; struct CJoinDlg : public CCoolIrcDlg { CJoinDlg( CIrcProto* _pro ); virtual void OnInitDialog(); virtual void OnDestroy(); CCtrlButton m_Ok; void OnOk( CCtrlButton* ); }; struct CQuickDlg : public CCoolIrcDlg { CQuickDlg( CIrcProto* _pro ); virtual void OnInitDialog(); virtual void OnDestroy(); CCtrlCombo m_serverCombo; void OnServerCombo( CCtrlData* ); CCtrlButton m_Ok; void OnOk( CCtrlButton* ); private: struct SERVER_INFO* m_si; }; struct CManagerDlg : public CCoolIrcDlg { CManagerDlg( CIrcProto* _pro ); CCtrlCheck m_check1, m_check2, m_check3, m_check4, m_check5, m_check6, m_check7, m_check8, m_check9; CCtrlEdit m_key, m_limit; CCtrlCombo m_topic; CCtrlCheck m_radio1, m_radio2, m_radio3; CCtrlMButton m_add, m_edit, m_remove, m_applyTopic, m_applyModes; CCtrlListBox m_list; virtual void OnInitDialog(); virtual void OnClose(); virtual void OnDestroy(); void OnCheck( CCtrlData* ); void OnCheck5( CCtrlData* ); void OnCheck6( CCtrlData* ); void OnRadio( CCtrlData* ); void OnAdd( CCtrlButton* ); void OnEdit( CCtrlButton* ); void OnRemove( CCtrlButton* ); void OnListDblClick( CCtrlListBox* ); void OnChangeList( CCtrlListBox* ); void OnChangeModes( CCtrlData* ); void OnChangeTopic( CCtrlData* ); void OnApplyModes( CCtrlButton* ); void OnApplyTopic( CCtrlButton* ); void ApplyQuestion(); void CloseQuestion(); void InitManager( int mode, const TCHAR* window ); }; struct CQuestionDlg : public CCoolIrcDlg { CQuestionDlg( CIrcProto* _pro, CManagerDlg* owner = NULL ); virtual void OnInitDialog(); virtual void OnClose(); CCtrlButton m_Ok; void OnOk( CCtrlButton* ); void Activate(); private: CManagerDlg* m_owner; }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // options //---- the first property page: Account ------------------------------------------------- struct CConnectPrefsDlg : public CProtoDlgBase<CIrcProto> { bool m_serverlistModified; CCtrlCombo m_serverCombo; CCtrlEdit m_server, m_port, m_port2, m_pass; CCtrlMButton m_add, m_edit, m_del; CCtrlEdit m_nick, m_nick2, m_name, m_userID; CCtrlCheck m_ident, m_identTimer; CCtrlEdit m_identSystem, m_identPort; CCtrlCheck m_retry; CCtrlEdit m_retryCount, m_retryWait; CCtrlCheck m_forceVisible, m_rejoinOnKick, m_rejoinChannels, m_disableError, m_address, m_useServer, m_showServer, m_keepAlive, m_autoJoin, m_oldStyle, m_onlineNotif, m_channelAway, m_enableServer; CCtrlEdit m_onlineTimer, m_limit, m_spin1, m_spin2, m_ssl; CConnectPrefsDlg( CIrcProto* _pro ); static CDlgBase* Create( void* param ) { return new CConnectPrefsDlg(( CIrcProto* )param ); } virtual void OnInitDialog(); virtual void OnApply(); void OnServerCombo( CCtrlData* ); void OnAddServer( CCtrlButton* ); void OnDeleteServer( CCtrlButton* ); void OnEditServer( CCtrlButton* ); void OnStartup( CCtrlData* ); void OnIdent( CCtrlData* ); void OnUseServer( CCtrlData* ); void OnOnlineNotif( CCtrlData* ); void OnChannelAway( CCtrlData* ); void OnRetry( CCtrlData* ); }; //---- the second property page: DCC/CTCP ----------------------------------------------- struct CCtcpPrefsDlg : public CProtoDlgBase<CIrcProto> { CCtrlCombo m_combo; CCtrlCheck m_slow, m_fast, m_disc, m_passive, m_sendNotice, m_enableIP, m_fromServer; CCtrlEdit m_ip, m_userInfo; CCtrlCheck m_radio1, m_radio2, m_radio3; CCtcpPrefsDlg( CIrcProto* _pro ); static CDlgBase* Create( void* param ) { return new CCtcpPrefsDlg(( CIrcProto* )param ); } virtual void OnInitDialog(); virtual void OnApply(); void OnClicked( CCtrlData* ); }; //---- the third property page: Other --------------------------------------------------- struct COtherPrefsDlg : public CProtoDlgBase<CIrcProto> { bool m_performlistModified; CCtrlButton m_url; CCtrlMButton m_add, m_delete; CCtrlCombo m_performCombo, m_codepage; CCtrlEdit m_pertormEdit, m_quitMessage, m_alias; CCtrlCheck m_perform, m_scripting, m_autodetect; COtherPrefsDlg( CIrcProto* _pro ); static CDlgBase* Create( void* param ) { return new COtherPrefsDlg(( CIrcProto* )param ); } virtual void OnInitDialog(); virtual void OnApply(); virtual void OnDestroy(); void OnUrl( CCtrlButton* ); void OnPerformCombo( CCtrlData* ); void OnCodePage( CCtrlData* ); void OnPerformEdit( CCtrlData* ); void OnPerform( CCtrlData* ); void OnAdd( CCtrlButton* ); void OnDelete( CCtrlButton* ); void addPerformComboValue( int idx, const char* szValueName ); }; //---- the fourth property page: Ignore ------------------------------------------------- struct CIgnorePrefsDlg : public CProtoDlgBase<CIrcProto> { CCtrlMButton m_add, m_edit, m_del; CCtrlCheck m_enable, m_ignoreChat, m_ignoreFile, m_ignoreChannel, m_ignoreUnknown; CCtrlListView m_list; CIgnorePrefsDlg( CIrcProto* _pro ); static CDlgBase* Create( void* param ) { return new CIgnorePrefsDlg(( CIrcProto* )param ); } virtual void OnInitDialog(); virtual void OnDestroy(); virtual void OnApply(); virtual INT_PTR DlgProc(UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); void List_OnColumnClick( CCtrlListView::TEventInfo* ); void OnEnableIgnore( CCtrlData* ); void OnIgnoreChat( CCtrlData* ); void OnAdd( CCtrlButton* ); void OnEdit( CCtrlButton* ); void OnDelete( CCtrlButton* ); void FixButtons( void ); void RebuildList( void ); void UpdateList( void ); }; struct CAddIgnoreDlg : public CProtoDlgBase<CIrcProto> { CCtrlButton m_Ok; CIgnorePrefsDlg* m_owner; TCHAR szOldMask[500]; CAddIgnoreDlg( CIrcProto* _pro, const TCHAR* mask, CIgnorePrefsDlg* parent ); virtual void OnInitDialog(); virtual void OnClose(); void OnOk( CCtrlButton* ); };