/* IRC plugin for Miranda IM Copyright (C) 2003-05 Jurgen Persson Copyright (C) 2007-09 George Hazan This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "stdafx.h" #define DCCCHATTIMEOUT 300 #define DCCSENDTIMEOUT 120 using namespace irc; int CDccSession::nDcc = 0; static int CompareHandlers( const CIrcHandler* p1, const CIrcHandler* p2 ) { return mir_wstrcmp( p1->m_name, p2->m_name ); } OBJLIST<CIrcHandler> CIrcProto::m_handlers( 30, CompareHandlers ); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CIrcMessage::CIrcMessage( CIrcProto* _pro, const wchar_t* lpszCmdLine, int codepage, bool bIncoming, bool bNotify ) : m_proto( _pro ), m_bIncoming( bIncoming ), m_bNotify( bNotify ), m_codePage( codepage ), parameters( 10 ) { ParseIrcCommand(lpszCmdLine); } CIrcMessage::CIrcMessage(const CIrcMessage& m) : sCommand( m.sCommand ), m_bIncoming( m.m_bIncoming ), m_bNotify( m.m_bNotify ), m_codePage( m.m_codePage ), m_proto( m.m_proto ), parameters( m.parameters.getCount()) { prefix.sNick = m.prefix.sNick; prefix.sUser = m.prefix.sUser; prefix.sHost = m.prefix.sHost; for (int i = 0; i < m.parameters.getCount(); i++) parameters.insert(new CMStringW(m.parameters[i])); } CIrcMessage::~CIrcMessage() { } void CIrcMessage::Reset() { prefix.sNick = prefix.sUser = prefix.sHost = sCommand = L""; m_bIncoming = false; m_bNotify = true; parameters.destroy(); } CIrcMessage& CIrcMessage::operator = (const CIrcMessage& m) { if (&m != this) { sCommand = m.sCommand; parameters = m.parameters; prefix.sNick = m.prefix.sNick; prefix.sUser = m.prefix.sUser; prefix.sHost = m.prefix.sHost; m_bIncoming = m.m_bIncoming; m_bNotify = m.m_bNotify; } return *this; } CIrcMessage& CIrcMessage::operator = (const wchar_t* lpszCmdLine) { Reset(); ParseIrcCommand(lpszCmdLine); return *this; } void CIrcMessage::ParseIrcCommand(const wchar_t* lpszCmdLine) { const wchar_t* p1 = lpszCmdLine; const wchar_t* p2 = lpszCmdLine; // prefix exists ? if (*p1 == ':') { // break prefix into its components (nick!user@host) p2 = ++p1; while (*p2 && !wcschr(L" !", *p2)) ++p2; prefix.sNick.SetString(p1, p2 - p1); if (*p2 != '!') goto end_of_prefix; p1 = ++p2; while (*p2 && !wcschr(L" @", *p2)) ++p2; prefix.sUser.SetString(p1, p2 - p1); if (*p2 != '@') goto end_of_prefix; p1 = ++p2; while (*p2 && *p2 != ' ') ++p2; prefix.sHost.SetString(p1, p2 - p1); end_of_prefix: while (*p2 && *p2 == ' ') ++p2; p1 = p2; } // get command p2 = p1; while (*p2 && *p2 != ' ') ++p2; sCommand.SetString(p1, p2 - p1); sCommand.MakeUpper(); while (*p2 && *p2 == ' ') ++p2; p1 = p2; // get parameters while (*p1) { if (*p1 == ':') { ++p1; // seek end-of-message while (*p2) ++p2; parameters.insert(new CMStringW(p1, p2 - p1)); break; } else { // seek end of parameter while (*p2 && *p2 != ' ') ++p2; parameters.insert(new CMStringW(p1, p2 - p1)); // see next parameter while (*p2 && *p2 == ' ') ++p2; p1 = p2; } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int CIrcProto::getCodepage() const { return (con != NULL) ? codepage : CP_ACP; } void CIrcProto::SendIrcMessage(const wchar_t* msg, bool bNotify, int cp) { if (cp == -1) cp = getCodepage(); if (this) { char* str = mir_u2a_cp(msg, cp); rtrim(str); int cbLen = (int)mir_strlen(str); str = (char*)mir_realloc(str, cbLen + 3); mir_strcat(str, "\r\n"); NLSend((const BYTE*)str, cbLen + 2); mir_free(str); if (bNotify) { CIrcMessage ircMsg(this, msg, cp); if (!ircMsg.sCommand.IsEmpty() && ircMsg.sCommand != L"QUIT") Notify(&ircMsg); } } } bool CIrcProto::Connect(const CIrcSessionInfo& info) { codepage = m_codepage; NETLIBOPENCONNECTION ncon = { 0 }; ncon.cbSize = sizeof(ncon); ncon.szHost = info.sServer.c_str(); ncon.wPort = info.iPort; con = Netlib_OpenConnection(m_hNetlibUser, &ncon); if (con == NULL) { wchar_t szTemp[300]; mir_snwprintf(szTemp, L"\0035%s \002%s\002 (%S: %u).", TranslateT("Failed to connect to"), si.sNetwork.c_str(), si.sServer.c_str(), si.iPort); DoEvent(GC_EVENT_INFORMATION, SERVERWINDOW, NULL, szTemp, NULL, NULL, NULL, true, false); return false; } FindLocalIP(con); // get the local ip used for filetransfers etc if (info.m_iSSL > 0) { if (!Netlib_StartSsl(con, 0) && info.m_iSSL == 2) { Netlib_CloseHandle(con); con = NULL; m_info.Reset(); return false; } } if (Miranda_IsTerminated()) { Disconnect(); return false; } m_info = info; // start receiving messages from host ForkThread(&CIrcProto::ThreadProc, NULL); Sleep(100); if (info.sPassword.GetLength()) NLSend("PASS %s\r\n", info.sPassword.c_str()); NLSend(L"NICK %s\r\n", info.sNick.c_str()); CMStringW userID = GetWord(info.sUserID.c_str(), 0); wchar_t szHostName[MAX_PATH]; DWORD cbHostName = _countof(szHostName); GetComputerName(szHostName, &cbHostName); CMStringW HostName = GetWord(szHostName, 0); if (userID.IsEmpty()) userID = L"Miranda"; if (HostName.IsEmpty()) HostName = L"host"; NLSend(L"USER %s %s %s :%s\r\n", userID.c_str(), HostName.c_str(), L"server", info.sFullName.c_str()); return con != NULL; } void CIrcProto::Disconnect(void) { static const DWORD dwServerTimeout = 5 * 1000; if (con == NULL) return; KillIdent(); if (m_quitMessage[0]) NLSend(L"QUIT :%s\r\n", m_quitMessage); else NLSend("QUIT \r\n"); Sleep(50); if (con) Netlib_Shutdown(con); m_info.Reset(); return; } void CIrcProto::Notify(const CIrcMessage* pmsg) { OnIrcMessage(pmsg); } int CIrcProto::NLSend(const unsigned char* buf, int cbBuf) { if (!con || !buf) return 0; if (m_scriptingEnabled && cbBuf == 0) cbBuf = (int)mir_strlen((const char *)buf); return Netlib_Send(con, (const char*)buf, cbBuf, MSG_DUMPASTEXT); } int CIrcProto::NLSend(const wchar_t* fmt, ...) { va_list marker; va_start(marker, fmt); wchar_t szBuf[1024 * 4]; mir_vsnwprintf(szBuf, _countof(szBuf), fmt, marker); va_end(marker); char* buf = mir_u2a_cp(szBuf, getCodepage()); int result = NLSend((unsigned char*)buf, (int)mir_strlen(buf)); mir_free(buf); return result; } int CIrcProto::NLSend(const char* fmt, ...) { va_list marker; va_start(marker, fmt); char szBuf[1024 * 4]; int cbLen = mir_vsnprintf(szBuf, _countof(szBuf), fmt, marker); va_end(marker); return NLSend((unsigned char*)szBuf, cbLen); } int CIrcProto::NLSendNoScript(const unsigned char* buf, int cbBuf) { if (con) return Netlib_Send(con, (const char*)buf, cbBuf, MSG_DUMPASTEXT); return 0; } int CIrcProto::NLReceive(unsigned char* buf, int cbBuf) { return Netlib_Recv(con, (char*)buf, cbBuf, MSG_DUMPASTEXT); } void CIrcProto::KillIdent() { if (hBindPort) { HANDLE hPort = hBindPort; hBindPort = NULL; Netlib_CloseHandle(hPort); } } void CIrcProto::InsertIncomingEvent(wchar_t* pszRaw) { CIrcMessage msg(this, pszRaw, true); Notify(&msg); return; } void CIrcProto::createMessageFromPchar(const char* p) { wchar_t* ptszMsg; if (codepage != CP_UTF8 && m_utfAutodetect) { if (mir_utf8decodecp(NEWSTR_ALLOCA(p), codepage, &ptszMsg) == NULL) ptszMsg = mir_a2u_cp(p, codepage); } else ptszMsg = mir_a2u_cp(p, codepage); CIrcMessage msg(this, ptszMsg, codepage, true); Notify(&msg); mir_free(ptszMsg); } void CIrcProto::DoReceive() { char chBuf[1024 * 4 + 1]; int cbInBuf = 0; if (m_info.bIdentServer && m_info.iIdentServerPort != NULL) { NETLIBBIND nb = {}; nb.pfnNewConnectionV2 = DoIdent; nb.pExtra = this; nb.wPort = m_info.iIdentServerPort; hBindPort = Netlib_BindPort(m_hNetlibUser, &nb); if (!hBindPort || nb.wPort != m_info.iIdentServerPort) { debugLogA("Error: unable to bind local port %u", m_info.iIdentServerPort); KillIdent(); } } while (con) { int nLinesProcessed = 0; int cbRead = NLReceive((unsigned char*)chBuf + cbInBuf, sizeof(chBuf)-cbInBuf - 1); if (cbRead <= 0) break; cbInBuf += cbRead; chBuf[cbInBuf] = '\0'; char* pStart = chBuf; while (*pStart) { char* pEnd; // seek end-of-line for (pEnd = pStart; *pEnd && *pEnd != '\r' && *pEnd != '\n'; ++pEnd) ; if (*pEnd == '\0') break; // uncomplete message. stop parsing. ++nLinesProcessed; // replace end-of-line with NULLs and skip while (*pEnd == '\r' || *pEnd == '\n') *pEnd++ = '\0'; // process single message by monitor objects if (*pStart) { if (m_scriptingEnabled) { char* pszTemp = mir_strdup(pStart); if (pszTemp) { char* p1 = pszTemp; // replace end-of-line with NULLs while (*p1 != '\0') { if (*p1 == '\r' || *p1 == '\n') *p1 = '\0'; p1++; } createMessageFromPchar(pszTemp); } mir_free(pszTemp); } else createMessageFromPchar(pStart); } cbInBuf -= pEnd - pStart; pStart = pEnd; } // discard processed messages if (nLinesProcessed != 0) memmove(chBuf, pStart, cbInBuf + 1); } if (con) { Netlib_CloseHandle(con); con = NULL; } // notify monitor objects that the connection has been closed Notify(NULL); } void __cdecl CIrcProto::ThreadProc(void*) { Thread_SetName("IRC: CIrcProto"); DoReceive(); m_info.Reset(); } void CIrcProto::AddDCCSession(MCONTACT, CDccSession *dcc) { mir_cslock lck(m_dcc); CDccSession* p = m_dcc_chats.find(dcc); if (p) m_dcc_chats.remove(p); m_dcc_chats.insert(dcc); } void CIrcProto::AddDCCSession(DCCINFO*, CDccSession *dcc) { mir_cslock lck(m_dcc); m_dcc_xfers.insert(dcc); } void CIrcProto::RemoveDCCSession(MCONTACT hContact) { mir_cslock lck(m_dcc); for (int i = 0; i < m_dcc_chats.getCount(); i++) if (m_dcc_chats[i]->di->hContact == hContact) { m_dcc_chats.remove(i); break; } } void CIrcProto::RemoveDCCSession(DCCINFO *pdci) { mir_cslock lck(m_dcc); for (int i = 0; i < m_dcc_xfers.getCount(); i++) { if (m_dcc_xfers[i]->di == pdci) { m_dcc_xfers.remove(i); break; } } } CDccSession* CIrcProto::FindDCCSession(MCONTACT hContact) { mir_cslock lck(m_dcc); for (int i = 0; i < m_dcc_chats.getCount(); i++) if (m_dcc_chats[i]->di->hContact == hContact) return m_dcc_chats[i]; return 0; } CDccSession* CIrcProto::FindDCCSession(DCCINFO *pdci) { mir_cslock lck(m_dcc); for (int i = 0; i < m_dcc_xfers.getCount(); i++) if (m_dcc_xfers[i]->di == pdci) return m_dcc_xfers[i]; return 0; } CDccSession* CIrcProto::FindDCCSendByPort(int iPort) { mir_cslock lck(m_dcc); for (int i = 0; i < m_dcc_xfers.getCount(); i++) { CDccSession *p = m_dcc_xfers[i]; if (p->di->iType == DCC_SEND && p->di->bSender && iPort == p->di->iPort) return p; } return 0; } CDccSession* CIrcProto::FindDCCRecvByPortAndName(int iPort, const wchar_t* szName) { mir_cslock lck(m_dcc); for (int i = 0; i < m_dcc_xfers.getCount(); i++) { CDccSession* p = m_dcc_xfers[i]; DBVARIANT dbv; if (!getWString(p->di->hContact, "Nick", &dbv)) { if (p->di->iType == DCC_SEND && !p->di->bSender && !mir_wstrcmpi(szName, dbv.ptszVal) && iPort == p->di->iPort) { db_free(&dbv); return p; } db_free(&dbv); } } return 0; } CDccSession* CIrcProto::FindPassiveDCCSend(int iToken) { mir_cslock lck(m_dcc); for (int i = 0; i < m_dcc_xfers.getCount(); i++) if (m_dcc_xfers[i]->iToken == iToken) return m_dcc_xfers[i]; return 0; } CDccSession* CIrcProto::FindPassiveDCCRecv(CMStringW sName, CMStringW sToken) { mir_cslock lck(m_dcc); for (int i = 0; i < m_dcc_xfers.getCount(); i++) { CDccSession *p = m_dcc_xfers[i]; if (sToken == p->di->sToken && sName == p->di->sContactName) return p; } return 0; } void CIrcProto::DisconnectAllDCCSessions(bool Shutdown) { mir_cslock lck(m_dcc); for (int i = 0; i < m_dcc_chats.getCount(); i++) if (m_disconnectDCCChats || Shutdown) m_dcc_chats[i]->Disconnect(); } void CIrcProto::CheckDCCTimeout(void) { mir_cslock lck(m_dcc); for (int i = 0; i < m_dcc_chats.getCount(); i++) { CDccSession* p = m_dcc_chats[i]; if (time(0) > p->tLastActivity + DCCCHATTIMEOUT) p->Disconnect(); } for (int j = 0; j < m_dcc_xfers.getCount(); j++) { CDccSession* p = m_dcc_xfers[j]; if (time(0) > p->tLastActivity + DCCSENDTIMEOUT) p->Disconnect(); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CIrcIgnoreItem::CIrcIgnoreItem(const wchar_t* _mask, const wchar_t* _flags, const wchar_t* _network) : mask(_mask), flags(_flags), network(_network) { } CIrcIgnoreItem::CIrcIgnoreItem(int codepage, const char* _mask, const char* _flags, const char* _network) : mask((wchar_t*)_A2T(_mask, codepage)), flags((wchar_t*)_A2T(_flags, codepage)), network((wchar_t*)_A2T(_network, codepage)) { } CIrcIgnoreItem::~CIrcIgnoreItem() { } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CIrcSessionInfo::CIrcSessionInfo() : iPort(0), bIdentServer(false), iIdentServerPort(0) { } CIrcSessionInfo::CIrcSessionInfo(const CIrcSessionInfo& si) : sServer(si.sServer), sServerName(si.sServerName), iPort(si.iPort), sNick(si.sNick), sUserID(si.sUserID), sFullName(si.sFullName), sPassword(si.sPassword), bIdentServer(si.bIdentServer), m_iSSL(si.m_iSSL), sIdentServerType(si.sIdentServerType), sNetwork(si.sNetwork), iIdentServerPort(si.iIdentServerPort) { } void CIrcSessionInfo::Reset() { sServer = ""; sServerName = L""; iPort = 0; sNick = L""; sUserID = L""; sFullName = L""; sPassword = ""; bIdentServer = false; bNickFlag = false; m_iSSL = 0; sIdentServerType = L""; iIdentServerPort = 0; sNetwork = L""; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CIrcProto::OnIrcMessage(const CIrcMessage* pmsg) { if (pmsg != NULL) { PfnIrcMessageHandler pfn = FindMethod(pmsg->sCommand.c_str()); if (pfn) { // call member function. if it returns 'false', // call the default handling if (!(this->*pfn)(pmsg)) OnIrcDefault(pmsg); } else // handler not found. call default handler OnIrcDefault(pmsg); } else OnIrcDisconnected(); } PfnIrcMessageHandler CIrcProto::FindMethod(const wchar_t* lpszName) { CIrcHandler temp(lpszName, NULL); CIrcHandler* p = m_handlers.find(&temp); return (p == NULL) ? NULL : p->m_handler; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define IPC_ADDR_SIZE 4 /* Size of IP address, change for IPv6. */ char* ConvertIntegerToIP(unsigned long int_ip_addr) { IN_ADDR intemp; IN_ADDR in; intemp.S_un.S_addr = int_ip_addr; in.S_un.S_un_b.s_b1 = intemp.S_un.S_un_b.s_b4; in.S_un.S_un_b.s_b2 = intemp.S_un.S_un_b.s_b3; in.S_un.S_un_b.s_b3 = intemp.S_un.S_un_b.s_b2; in.S_un.S_un_b.s_b4 = intemp.S_un.S_un_b.s_b1; return inet_ntoa(in); } unsigned long ConvertIPToInteger(char* IP) { IN_ADDR in; IN_ADDR intemp; if (IP == 0 || mir_strlen(IP) == 0) return 0; intemp.S_un.S_addr = inet_addr(IP); in.S_un.S_un_b.s_b1 = intemp.S_un.S_un_b.s_b4; in.S_un.S_un_b.s_b2 = intemp.S_un.S_un_b.s_b3; in.S_un.S_un_b.s_b3 = intemp.S_un.S_un_b.s_b2; in.S_un.S_un_b.s_b4 = intemp.S_un.S_un_b.s_b1; return in.S_un.S_addr; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // initialize basic stuff needed for the dcc objects, also start a timer for checking the status of connections (timeouts) CDccSession::CDccSession(CIrcProto* _pro, DCCINFO *pdci) : m_proto(_pro), NewFileName(0), dwWhatNeedsDoing(0), tLastPercentageUpdate(0), dwTotal(0), iGlobalToken(), dwResumePos(0), hEvent(0), con(0), hBindPort(0) { tLastActivity = time(0); di = pdci; // Setup values passed to the constructor memset(&pfts, 0, sizeof(PROTOFILETRANSFERSTATUS)); pfts.cbSize = sizeof(PROTOFILETRANSFERSTATUS); if (di->iType == DCC_SEND && di->bSender == false) hEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL); if (nDcc == 0) m_proto->SetChatTimer(m_proto->DCCTimer, 20 * 1000, DCCTimerProc); nDcc++; // increase the count of existing objects iGlobalToken++; if (iGlobalToken == 1000) iGlobalToken = 1; iToken = iGlobalToken; iPacketSize = m_proto->getWord("PacketSize", 4096); if (di->dwAdr) m_proto->setDword(di->hContact, "IP", di->dwAdr); // mtooltip stuff } CDccSession::~CDccSession() // destroy all that needs destroying { if (di->iType == DCC_SEND) { // ack SUCCESS or FAILURE if (dwTotal == di->dwSize) ProtoBroadcastAck(m_proto->m_szModuleName, di->hContact, ACKTYPE_FILE, ACKRESULT_SUCCESS, (void *)di, 0); else ProtoBroadcastAck(m_proto->m_szModuleName, di->hContact, ACKTYPE_FILE, ACKRESULT_FAILED, (void *)di, 0); } if (di->iType == DCC_CHAT) { CDccSession *dcc = m_proto->FindDCCSession(di->hContact); if (dcc && this == dcc) { m_proto->RemoveDCCSession(di->hContact); // objects automatically remove themselves from the list of objects m_proto->setWord(di->hContact, "Status", ID_STATUS_OFFLINE); } } if (di->iType == DCC_SEND) m_proto->RemoveDCCSession(di); if (hEvent != NULL) { SetEvent(hEvent); CloseHandle(hEvent); hEvent = NULL; } delete di; nDcc--; if (nDcc < 0) nDcc = 0; if (nDcc == 0) m_proto->KillChatTimer(m_proto->DCCTimer); // destroy the timer when no dcc objects remain } int CDccSession::NLSend(const unsigned char* buf, int cbBuf) { tLastActivity = time(0); if (con) return Netlib_Send(con, (const char*)buf, cbBuf, di->iType == DCC_CHAT ? MSG_DUMPASTEXT : MSG_NODUMP); return 0; } int CDccSession::NLReceive(const unsigned char* buf, int cbBuf) { int n = 0; if (con) n = Netlib_Recv(con, (char*)buf, cbBuf, di->iType == DCC_CHAT ? MSG_DUMPASTEXT : MSG_NODUMP); tLastActivity = time(0); return n; } int CDccSession::SendStuff(const wchar_t* fmt) { CMStringA buf = _T2A(fmt, m_proto->getCodepage()); return NLSend((const unsigned char*)buf.c_str(), buf.GetLength()); } // called when the user wants to connect/create a new connection given the parameters in the constructor. int CDccSession::Connect() { if (!di->bSender || di->bReverse) { if (!con) mir_forkthread(ConnectProc, this); // spawn a new thread for time consuming activities, ie when connecting to a remote computer return true; } if (!con) return SetupConnection(); // no need to spawn thread for setting up a listening port locally return false; } void __cdecl CDccSession::ConnectProc(void *pparam) { Thread_SetName("IRC: ConnectProc"); CDccSession* pThis = (CDccSession*)pparam; if (!pThis->con) pThis->SetupConnection(); } // small function to setup the address and port of the remote computer fror passive filetransfers void CDccSession::SetupPassive(DWORD adress, DWORD port) { di->dwAdr = adress; di->iPort = (int)port; m_proto->setDword(di->hContact, "IP", di->dwAdr); // mtooltip stuff } int CDccSession::SetupConnection() { // if it is a dcc chat connection make sure it is "offline" to begin with, since no connection exists still if (di->iType == DCC_CHAT) m_proto->setWord(di->hContact, "Status", ID_STATUS_OFFLINE); // Set up stuff needed for the filetransfer dialog (if it is a filetransfer) if (di->iType == DCC_SEND) { file[0] = (wchar_t*)di->sFileAndPath.c_str(); file[1] = 0; pfts.tszCurrentFile = (wchar_t*)di->sFileAndPath.c_str(); pfts.tszWorkingDir = (wchar_t*)di->sPath.c_str(); pfts.hContact = di->hContact; pfts.flags = PFTS_UNICODE + ((di->bSender) ? PFTS_SENDING : PFTS_RECEIVING); pfts.totalFiles = 1; pfts.currentFileNumber = 0; pfts.totalBytes = di->dwSize; pfts.currentFileSize = pfts.totalBytes; pfts.ptszFiles = file; pfts.totalProgress = 0; pfts.currentFileProgress = 0; pfts.currentFileTime = (unsigned long)time(0); } // create a listening socket for outgoing chat/send requests. The remote computer connects to this computer. Used for both chat and filetransfer. if (di->bSender && !di->bReverse) { NETLIBBIND nb = {}; nb.pfnNewConnectionV2 = DoIncomingDcc; // this is the (helper) function to be called once an incoming connection is made. The 'real' function that is called is IncomingConnection() nb.pExtra = this; hBindPort = Netlib_BindPort(m_proto->hNetlibDCC, &nb); if (hBindPort == NULL) { delete this; // dcc objects destroy themselves when the connection has been closed or failed for some reasson. return 0; } di->iPort = nb.wPort; // store the port internally so it is possible to search for it (for resuming of filetransfers purposes) return nb.wPort; // return the created port so it can be sent to the remote computer in a ctcp/dcc command } // If a remote computer initiates a chat session this is used to connect to the remote computer (user already accepted at this point). // also used for connecting to a remote computer for remote file transfers if (di->iType == DCC_CHAT && !di->bSender || di->iType == DCC_SEND && di->bSender && di->bReverse) { NETLIBOPENCONNECTION ncon = { 0 }; ncon.cbSize = sizeof(ncon); ncon.szHost = ConvertIntegerToIP(di->dwAdr); ncon.wPort = (WORD)di->iPort; con = Netlib_OpenConnection(m_proto->hNetlibDCC, &ncon); } // If a remote computer initiates a filetransfer this is used to connect to that computer (the user has chosen to accept but it is possible the file exists/needs to be resumed etc still) if (di->iType == DCC_SEND && !di->bSender) { // this following code is for miranda to be able to show the resume/overwrite etc dialog if the file that we are receiving already exists. // It must be done before we create the connection or else the other party will begin sending packets while the user is still deciding if // s/he wants to resume/cancel or whatever. Just the way dcc is... // if the file exists (dialog is shown) WaitForSingleObject() till the dialog is closed and PS_FILERESUME has been processed. // dwWhatNeedsDoing will be set using InterlockedExchange() (from other parts of the code depending on action) before SetEvent() is called. // If the user has chosen rename then InterlockedExchange() will be used for setting NewFileName to a string containing the new name. // Furthermore dwResumePos will be set using InterlockedExchange() to indicate what the file position to start from is. if (ProtoBroadcastAck(m_proto->m_szModuleName, di->hContact, ACKTYPE_FILE, ACKRESULT_FILERESUME, (void *)di, (LPARAM)&pfts)) { WaitForSingleObject(hEvent, INFINITE); switch (dwWhatNeedsDoing) { case FILERESUME_RENAME: // If the user has chosen to rename the file we need to change variables accordingly. NewFileName has been set using // InterlockedExchange() if (NewFileName) { // the user has chosen to rename the new incoming file. di->sFileAndPath = NewFileName; int i = di->sFileAndPath.ReverseFind('\\'); if (i != -1) { di->sPath = di->sFileAndPath.Mid(0, i + 1); di->sFile = di->sFileAndPath.Mid(i + 1); } pfts.tszCurrentFile = di->sFileAndPath.GetBuffer(); pfts.tszWorkingDir = di->sPath.GetBuffer(); pfts.totalBytes = di->dwSize; pfts.currentFileSize = pfts.totalBytes; delete[] NewFileName; NewFileName = NULL; } break; case FILERESUME_OVERWRITE: case FILERESUME_RESUME: // no action needed at this point, just break out of the switch statement break; case FILERESUME_CANCEL: return FALSE; case FILERESUME_SKIP: default: delete this; // per usual dcc objects destroy themselves when they fail or when connection is closed return FALSE; } } // hack for passive filetransfers if (di->iType == DCC_SEND && !di->bSender && di->bReverse) { NETLIBBIND nb = {}; nb.pfnNewConnectionV2 = DoIncomingDcc; // this is the (helper) function to be called once an incoming connection is made. The 'real' function that is called is IncomingConnection() nb.pExtra = this; hBindPort = Netlib_BindPort(m_proto->hNetlibDCC, &nb); if (hBindPort == NULL) { m_proto->DoEvent(GC_EVENT_INFORMATION, 0, m_proto->m_info.sNick.c_str(), LPGENW("DCC ERROR: Unable to bind local port for passive file transfer"), NULL, NULL, NULL, true, false); delete this; // dcc objects destroy themselves when the connection has been closed or failed for some reasson. return 0; } di->iPort = nb.wPort; // store the port internally so it is possible to search for it (for resuming of filetransfers purposes) CMStringW sFileWithQuotes = di->sFile; // if spaces in the filename surround with quotes if (sFileWithQuotes.Find(' ', 0) != -1) { sFileWithQuotes.Insert(0, L"\""); sFileWithQuotes.Insert(sFileWithQuotes.GetLength(), L"\""); } // send out DCC RECV command for passive filetransfers unsigned long ulAdr = 0; if (m_proto->m_manualHost) ulAdr = ConvertIPToInteger(m_proto->m_mySpecifiedHostIP); else ulAdr = m_proto->m_IPFromServer ? ConvertIPToInteger(m_proto->m_myHost) : nb.dwExternalIP; if (di->iPort && ulAdr) m_proto->PostIrcMessage(L"/CTCP %s DCC SEND %s %u %u %I64u %s", di->sContactName.c_str(), sFileWithQuotes.c_str(), ulAdr, di->iPort, di->dwSize, di->sToken.c_str()); return TRUE; } // connect to the remote computer from which you are receiving the file (now all actions to take (resume/overwrite etc) have been decided NETLIBOPENCONNECTION ncon = { 0 }; ncon.cbSize = sizeof(ncon); ncon.szHost = ConvertIntegerToIP(di->dwAdr); ncon.wPort = (WORD)di->iPort; con = Netlib_OpenConnection(m_proto->hNetlibDCC, &ncon); } // if for some reason the plugin has failed to connect to the remote computer the object is destroyed. if (con == NULL) { delete this; return FALSE; // failed to connect } // if it is a chat connection set the user to online now since we now know there is a connection if (di->iType == DCC_CHAT) m_proto->setWord(di->hContact, "Status", ID_STATUS_ONLINE); // spawn a new thread to handle receiving/sending of data for the new chat/filetransfer connection to the remote computer mir_forkthread(ThreadProc, this); return con != NULL; } // called by netlib for incoming connections on a listening socket (chat/filetransfer) int CDccSession::IncomingConnection(HNETLIBCONN hConnection, DWORD dwIP) { con = hConnection; if (con == NULL) { delete this; return false; // failed to connect } m_proto->setDword(di->hContact, "IP", dwIP); // mToolTip stuff if (di->iType == DCC_CHAT) m_proto->setWord(di->hContact, "Status", ID_STATUS_ONLINE); // set chat to online // same as above, spawn a new thread to handle receiving/sending of data for the new incoming chat/filetransfer connection mir_forkthread(ThreadProc, this); return true; } // here we decide which function to use for communicating with the remote computer, depending on connection type void __cdecl CDccSession::ThreadProc(void *pparam) { Thread_SetName("IRC: CDccSession::ThreadProc"); CDccSession* pThis = (CDccSession*)pparam; // if it is an incoming connection on a listening port, then we should close the listenting port so only one can connect (the one you offered // the connection to) can connect and not evil IRCopers with haxxored IRCDs if (pThis->hBindPort) { Netlib_CloseHandle(pThis->hBindPort); pThis->hBindPort = NULL; } if (pThis->di->iType == DCC_CHAT) pThis->DoChatReceive(); // dcc chat else if (!pThis->di->bSender) pThis->DoReceiveFile(); // receive a file else if (pThis->di->bSender) pThis->DoSendFile(); // send a file } // this is done when the user is initiating a filetransfer to a remote computer void CDccSession::DoSendFile() { // initialize the filetransfer dialog ProtoBroadcastAck(m_proto->m_szModuleName, di->hContact, ACKTYPE_FILE, ACKRESULT_INITIALISING, (void *)di, 0); ProtoBroadcastAck(m_proto->m_szModuleName, di->hContact, ACKTYPE_FILE, ACKRESULT_NEXTFILE, (void *)di, 0); WORD wPacketSize = m_proto->getWord("DCCPacketSize", 1024 * 4); if (wPacketSize < 256) wPacketSize = 256; if (wPacketSize > 32 * 1024) wPacketSize = 32 * 1024; BYTE* chBuf = new BYTE[wPacketSize + 1]; // is there a connection? if (con) { // open the file for reading int hFile = _wopen(di->sFileAndPath.c_str(), _O_RDONLY | _O_BINARY, _S_IREAD); if (hFile >= 0) { unsigned __int64 dwLastAck = 0; // if the user has chosen to resume a file, dwResumePos will contain a value (set using InterlockedExchange()) // and then the variables and the file pointer are changed accordingly. if (dwResumePos && dwWhatNeedsDoing == FILERESUME_RESUME) { _lseeki64(hFile, dwResumePos, SEEK_SET); dwTotal = dwResumePos; dwLastAck = dwResumePos; pfts.totalProgress = dwResumePos; pfts.currentFileProgress = dwResumePos; } // initial ack to set the 'percentage-ready meter' to the correct value ProtoBroadcastAck(m_proto->m_szModuleName, di->hContact, ACKTYPE_FILE, ACKRESULT_DATA, (void *)di, (LPARAM)&pfts); tLastActivity = time(0); // create a packet receiver to handle receiving ack's from the remote computer. HANDLE hPackrcver = Netlib_CreatePacketReceiver(con, sizeof(DWORD)); NETLIBPACKETRECVER npr = {}; npr.dwTimeout = 60 * 1000; npr.bufferSize = sizeof(DWORD); // until the connection is dropped it will spin around in this while() loop while (con) { // read a packet int iRead = _read(hFile, chBuf, wPacketSize); if (iRead <= 0) break; // break out if everything has already been read // send the package int cbSent = NLSend((unsigned char*)chBuf, iRead); if (cbSent <= 0) break; // break out if connection is lost or a transmission error has occured if (!con) break; dwTotal += cbSent; // block connection and receive ack's from remote computer (if applicable) if (m_proto->m_DCCMode == 0) { DWORD dwRead = 0; DWORD dwPacket = NULL; do { dwRead = Netlib_GetMorePackets(hPackrcver, &npr); npr.bytesUsed = sizeof(DWORD); if (dwRead <= 0) break; // connection closed, or a timeout occurred. dwPacket = *(DWORD*)npr.buffer; dwLastAck = ntohl(dwPacket); } while (con && dwTotal != dwLastAck); if (!con || dwRead <= 0) goto DCC_STOP; } if (m_proto->m_DCCMode == 1) { DWORD dwRead = 0; DWORD dwPacket = 0; do { dwRead = Netlib_GetMorePackets(hPackrcver, &npr); npr.bytesUsed = sizeof(DWORD); if (dwRead <= 0) break; // connection closed, or a timeout occurred. dwPacket = *(DWORD*)npr.buffer; dwLastAck = ntohl(dwPacket); } while (con && (di->dwSize != dwTotal && dwTotal - dwLastAck >= 100 * 1024 || di->dwSize == dwTotal // get the last packets when the whole file has been sent && dwTotal != dwLastAck)); if (!con || dwRead <= 0) goto DCC_STOP; } // update the filetransfer dialog's 'percentage-ready meter' once per second only to save cpu if (tLastPercentageUpdate < time(0)) { tLastPercentageUpdate = time(0); pfts.totalProgress = dwTotal; pfts.currentFileProgress = dwTotal; ProtoBroadcastAck(m_proto->m_szModuleName, di->hContact, ACKTYPE_FILE, ACKRESULT_DATA, (void *)di, (LPARAM)&pfts); } // close the connection once the whole file has been sent an completely ack'ed if (dwLastAck >= di->dwSize) { Netlib_CloseHandle(con); con = NULL; } } DCC_STOP: // need to close the connection if it isn't allready if (con) { Netlib_CloseHandle(con); con = NULL; } // ack the progress one final time tLastActivity = time(0); pfts.totalProgress = dwTotal; pfts.currentFileProgress = dwTotal; ProtoBroadcastAck(m_proto->m_szModuleName, di->hContact, ACKTYPE_FILE, ACKRESULT_DATA, (void *)di, (LPARAM)&pfts); _close(hFile); } else { // file was not possible to open for reading ProtoBroadcastAck(m_proto->m_szModuleName, di->hContact, ACKTYPE_FILE, ACKRESULT_FAILED, (void *)di, 0); if (con) { Netlib_CloseHandle(con); con = NULL; } } } delete[]chBuf; delete this; // ... and hopefully all went right, cuz here the object is deleted in any case } // This is called when receiving a file from a remote computer. void CDccSession::DoReceiveFile() { // initialize the filetransfer dialog ProtoBroadcastAck(m_proto->m_szModuleName, di->hContact, ACKTYPE_FILE, ACKRESULT_INITIALISING, (void *)di, 0); BYTE chBuf[1024 * 32 + 1]; // do some stupid thing so the filetransfer dialog shows the right thing ProtoBroadcastAck(m_proto->m_szModuleName, di->hContact, ACKTYPE_FILE, ACKRESULT_NEXTFILE, (void *)di, 0); // open the file for writing (and reading in case it is a resume) int hFile = _wopen(di->sFileAndPath.c_str(), (dwWhatNeedsDoing == FILERESUME_RESUME ? _O_APPEND : _O_TRUNC | _O_CREAT) | _O_RDWR | _O_BINARY, _S_IREAD | _S_IWRITE); if (hFile >= 0) { unsigned __int64 dwLastAck = 0; // dwResumePos and dwWhatNeedsDoing has possibly been set using InterlockedExchange() // if set it is a resume and we adjust variables and the file pointer accordingly. if (dwResumePos && dwWhatNeedsDoing == FILERESUME_RESUME) { _lseeki64(hFile, dwResumePos, SEEK_SET); dwTotal = dwResumePos; dwLastAck = dwResumePos; pfts.totalProgress = dwResumePos; pfts.currentFileProgress = dwResumePos; } // send an initial ack for the percentage-ready meter ProtoBroadcastAck(m_proto->m_szModuleName, di->hContact, ACKTYPE_FILE, ACKRESULT_DATA, (void *)di, (LPARAM)&pfts); // the while loop will spin around till the connection is dropped, locally or by the remote computer. while (con) { // read int cbRead = NLReceive((unsigned char*)chBuf, sizeof(chBuf)); if (cbRead <= 0) break; // write it to the file _write(hFile, chBuf, cbRead); dwTotal += cbRead; // this snippet sends out an ack for every 4 kb received in send ahead // or every packet for normal mode if (!di->bTurbo) { DWORD no = dwTotal; no = htonl(no); NLSend((unsigned char *)&no, sizeof(DWORD)); dwLastAck = dwTotal; } else dwLastAck = dwTotal; // sets the 'last update time' to check for timed out connections, and also make sure we only // ack the 'percentage-ready meter' only once a second to save CPU. if (tLastPercentageUpdate < time(0)) { tLastPercentageUpdate = time(0); pfts.totalProgress = dwTotal; pfts.currentFileProgress = dwTotal; ProtoBroadcastAck(m_proto->m_szModuleName, di->hContact, ACKTYPE_FILE, ACKRESULT_DATA, (void *)di, (LPARAM)&pfts); } // if file size is known and everything is received then disconnect if (di->dwSize && di->dwSize == dwTotal) { Netlib_CloseHandle(con); con = NULL; } } // receiving loop broken locally or by remote computer, just some cleaning up left.... pfts.totalProgress = dwTotal; pfts.currentFileProgress = dwTotal; ProtoBroadcastAck(m_proto->m_szModuleName, di->hContact, ACKTYPE_FILE, ACKRESULT_DATA, (void *)di, (LPARAM)&pfts); _close(hFile); } else { ProtoBroadcastAck(m_proto->m_szModuleName, di->hContact, ACKTYPE_FILE, ACKRESULT_FAILED, (void *)di, 0); if (con) { // file not possible to open for writing so we ack FAILURE and close the handle Netlib_CloseHandle(con); con = NULL; } } delete this; // and finally the object is deleted } // this function handles receiving text in dcc chats and then send it in the protochain. very uncomplicated... // For sending text the SendStuff() function is called (with the help of some function in CIrcProto to find the right // Dcc object). See CIrcProto for info on how the dcc objects are stored, retrieved and deleted. void CDccSession::DoChatReceive() { char chBuf[1024 * 4 + 1]; int cbInBuf = 0; // loop to spin around while there is a connection while (con) { int cbRead; int nLinesProcessed = 0; cbRead = NLReceive((unsigned char*)chBuf + cbInBuf, sizeof(chBuf)-cbInBuf - 1); if (cbRead <= 0) break; cbInBuf += cbRead; chBuf[cbInBuf] = '\0'; char* pStart = chBuf; while (*pStart) { char* pEnd; // seek end-of-line for (pEnd = pStart; *pEnd && *pEnd != '\r' && *pEnd != '\n'; ++pEnd) ; if (*pEnd == '\0') break; // uncomplete message. stop parsing. ++nLinesProcessed; // replace end-of-line with NULLs and skip while (*pEnd == '\r' || *pEnd == '\n') *pEnd++ = '\0'; if (*pStart) { // send it off to some messaging module PROTORECVEVENT pre = { 0 }; pre.timestamp = (DWORD)time(NULL); pre.szMessage = pStart; ProtoChainRecvMsg(di->hContact, &pre); } cbInBuf -= pEnd - pStart; pStart = pEnd; } // discard processed messages if (nLinesProcessed != 0) memmove(chBuf, pStart, cbInBuf + 1); } delete this; // delete the object when the connection is dropped } // disconnect the stuff int CDccSession::Disconnect() { if (hBindPort) { Netlib_CloseHandle(hBindPort); hBindPort = NULL; } // if 'con' exists it is cuz a connection exists. // Terminating 'con' will cause any spawned threads to die and then the object will destroy itself. if (con) { Netlib_CloseHandle(con); con = NULL; } else delete this; // if 'con' do not exist (no connection made so far from the object) the object is destroyed return TRUE; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // check if the dcc chats should disconnect ( default 5 minute timeout ) VOID CALLBACK DCCTimerProc(HWND, UINT, UINT_PTR idEvent, DWORD) { CIrcProto *ppro = GetTimerOwner(idEvent); if (ppro) ppro->CheckDCCTimeout(); } // helper function for incoming dcc connections. void DoIncomingDcc(HNETLIBCONN hConnection, DWORD dwRemoteIP, void * p1) { CDccSession *dcc = (CDccSession*)p1; dcc->IncomingConnection(hConnection, dwRemoteIP); } // ident server void DoIdent(HNETLIBCONN hConnection, DWORD, void* extra) { CIrcProto *ppro = (CIrcProto*)extra; char szBuf[1024]; int cbTotal = 0; while (true) { int cbRead = Netlib_Recv(hConnection, szBuf + cbTotal, sizeof(szBuf)-1 - cbTotal, 0); if (cbRead == SOCKET_ERROR || cbRead == 0) break; cbTotal += cbRead; szBuf[cbTotal] = '\0'; LBL_Parse: char* EOLPos = strstr(szBuf, "\r\n"); if (EOLPos == NULL) continue; EOLPos[0] = EOLPos[1] = '\0'; rtrim(szBuf); ppro->debugLogA("Got Ident request: %s", szBuf); unsigned int PeerPortNrRcvd = 0, LocalPortNrRcvd = 0; int iParamCnt = sscanf(szBuf, "%d , %d", &LocalPortNrRcvd, &PeerPortNrRcvd); int cbLen = 0; char buf[1024 * 4]; if (iParamCnt != 2) cbLen = mir_snprintf(buf, "%s : ERROR : UNKNOWN-ERROR\r\n", szBuf); else { for (int i = 0; i < g_Instances.getCount(); i++) { if (PeerPortNrRcvd == g_Instances[i]->m_info.iPort && LocalPortNrRcvd == g_Instances[i]->m_myLocalPort) { cbLen = mir_snprintf(buf, "%s : USERID : %S : %S\r\n", szBuf, g_Instances[i]->m_info.sIdentServerType.c_str(), g_Instances[i]->m_info.sUserID.c_str()); break; } } if (cbLen == 0) cbLen = mir_snprintf(buf, "%s : ERROR : INVALID-PORT\r\n", szBuf); } if (Netlib_Send(hConnection, (const char*)buf, cbLen, 0) > 0) ppro->debugLogA("Sent Ident answer: %s", buf); else ppro->debugLogA("Sending Ident answer failed."); if (ppro->m_identTimer) break; cbTotal -= EOLPos + 2 - szBuf; strdel(szBuf, int(EOLPos + 2 - szBuf)); goto LBL_Parse; } Netlib_CloseHandle(hConnection); }