IRC plugin for Miranda IM

Copyright (C) 2003-05 Jurgen Persson
Copyright (C) 2007-09 George Hazan

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.

#ifndef _IRC_H_
#define	_IRC_H_

#pragma warning (disable: 4786)

void DoIdent(HNETLIBCONN hConnection, DWORD dwRemoteIP, void* extra);
void DoIncomingDcc(HNETLIBCONN hConnection, DWORD dwRemoteIP, void* extra);
unsigned long ConvertIPToInteger(char * IP);
char* ConvertIntegerToIP(unsigned long int_ip_addr);

namespace irc {

const int BOLD = 0x02;
const int COLOR = 0x03;
const int RESET = 0x0F;
const int ITALICS = 0x1D;
const int UNDERLINE = 0x1F;

struct DCCINFO : public MZeroedObject
	DWORD    dwAdr;
	unsigned __int64   dwSize;
	DWORD    iType;
	CMStringW sToken;
	int      iPort;
	BOOL     bTurbo;
	BOOL     bSSL;
	BOOL     bSender;
	BOOL     bReverse;
	CMStringW sPath;
	CMStringW sFile;
	CMStringW sFileAndPath;
	CMStringW sHostmask;
	MCONTACT hContact;
	CMStringW sContactName;

class CIrcMessage
public :
	struct Prefix
		CMStringW sNick, sUser, sHost;

	CIrcProto* m_proto;
	CMStringW sCommand;
	OBJLIST<CMStringW> parameters;
	bool m_bIncoming;
	bool m_bNotify;
	int  m_codePage;

	//CIrcMessage( CIrcProto* ); // default constructor
	CIrcMessage( CIrcProto*, const wchar_t* lpszCmdLine, int codepage, bool bIncoming=false, bool bNotify = true); // parser constructor
	CIrcMessage( const CIrcMessage& m ); // copy constructor

	void Reset();

	CIrcMessage& operator=(const CIrcMessage& m);
	CIrcMessage& operator=(const wchar_t* lpszCmdLine);

private :
	void ParseIrcCommand(const wchar_t* lpszCmdLine);


struct CIrcSessionInfo
	CMStringA sServer;
	CMStringW sServerName;
	CMStringW sNick;
	CMStringW sUserID;
	CMStringW sFullName;
	CMStringA sPassword;
	CMStringW sIdentServerType;
	bool bIdentServer;
	bool bNickFlag;
	int m_iSSL;
	unsigned int iIdentServerPort;
	unsigned int iPort;

	CIrcSessionInfo(const CIrcSessionInfo& si);

	void Reset();


struct CIrcIgnoreItem
	CIrcIgnoreItem(const wchar_t *, const wchar_t *);
	CIrcIgnoreItem(int codepage, const char *, const char *);

   CMStringW mask, flags;


class CDccSession
	CIrcProto* m_proto;
	HNETLIBCONN con;			// connection handle	
	HNETLIBBIND hBindPort;	// handle for listening port
	static int nDcc;	// number of dcc objects
	unsigned __int64 dwTotal;		// total bytes sent/received

	int iPacketSize;	// size of outgoing packets
	int iGlobalToken;

	PROTOFILETRANSFERSTATUS pfts; // structure used to setup and update the filetransfer dialogs of miranda
	wchar_t* file[2];

	int SetupConnection();	
	void DoSendFile();
	void DoReceiveFile();
	void DoChatReceive();
	int NLSend( const unsigned char* buf, int cbBuf);
	int NLReceive(const unsigned char* buf, int cbBuf);
	static void __cdecl ThreadProc(void *pparam);
	static void __cdecl ConnectProc(void *pparam);

	CDccSession(CIrcProto*, DCCINFO *pdci);  // constructor
	~CDccSession();               // destructor, что характерно

	time_t tLastPercentageUpdate; // time of last update of the filetransfer dialog
	time_t tLastActivity;         // time of last in/out activity of the object
	time_t tLastAck;              // last acked filesize

	HANDLE hEvent;                // Manual object
	long   dwWhatNeedsDoing;      // Set to indicate what FILERESUME_ action is chosen by the user
	wchar_t* NewFileName;           // contains new file name if FILERESUME_RENAME chosen
	unsigned __int64 dwResumePos;           // position to resume from if FILERESUME_RESUME

	int iToken;                   // used to identify (find) objects in reverse dcc filetransfers

	DCCINFO* di;	// details regarding the filetrasnfer

	int Connect();					
	void SetupPassive( DWORD adr, DWORD port );
	int SendStuff(const wchar_t* fmt);
	int IncomingConnection(HNETLIBCONN hConnection, DWORD dwIP);
	int Disconnect();

}; // end of namespace irc

#endif // _IRC_H_