/* IRC plugin for Miranda IM Copyright (C) 2003-05 Jurgen Persson Copyright (C) 2007-09 George Hazan This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "stdafx.h" void CIrcProto::OnBuildProtoMenu() { CMenuItem mi(&g_plugin); mi.root = Menu_GetProtocolRoot(this); if (m_iStatus != ID_STATUS_OFFLINE) mi.flags |= CMIF_GRAYED; mi.name.a = LPGEN("&Join channel"); mi.hIcolibItem = Skin_GetIconHandle(SKINICON_CHAT_JOIN); mi.pszService = IRC_JOINCHANNEL; mi.position = 201002; hMenuJoin = Menu_AddProtoMenuItem(&mi, m_szModuleName); mi.name.a = LPGEN("&Change your nickname"); mi.hIcolibItem = g_plugin.getIconHandle(IDI_RENAME); mi.pszService = IRC_CHANGENICK; mi.position = 201003; hMenuNick = Menu_AddProtoMenuItem(&mi, m_szModuleName); mi.name.a = LPGEN("Show the &list of available channels"); mi.hIcolibItem = g_plugin.getIconHandle(IDI_LIST); mi.pszService = IRC_SHOWLIST; mi.position = 201004; hMenuList = Menu_AddProtoMenuItem(&mi, m_szModuleName); if (m_useServer) mi.flags &= ~CMIF_GRAYED; mi.name.a = LPGEN("&Show the server window"); mi.hIcolibItem = g_plugin.getIconHandle(IDI_SERVER); mi.pszService = IRC_SHOWSERVER; mi.position = 201005; hMenuServer = Menu_AddProtoMenuItem(&mi, m_szModuleName); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static HGENMENU hUMenuChanSettings, hUMenuWhois, hUMenuDisconnect, hUMenuIgnore; static INT_PTR IrcMenuChanSettings(WPARAM hContact, LPARAM lParam) { CIrcProto *ppro = CMPlugin::getInstance(hContact); return (ppro) ? ppro->OnMenuChanSettings(hContact, lParam) : 0; } static INT_PTR IrcMenuWhois(WPARAM hContact, LPARAM lParam) { CIrcProto *ppro = CMPlugin::getInstance(hContact); return (ppro) ? ppro->OnMenuWhois(hContact, lParam) : 0; } static INT_PTR IrcMenuDisconnect(WPARAM hContact, LPARAM lParam) { CIrcProto *ppro = CMPlugin::getInstance(hContact); return (ppro) ? ppro->OnMenuDisconnect(hContact, lParam) : 0; } static INT_PTR IrcMenuIgnore(WPARAM hContact, LPARAM lParam) { CIrcProto *ppro = CMPlugin::getInstance(hContact); return (ppro) ? ppro->OnMenuIgnore(hContact, lParam) : 0; } int IrcPrebuildContactMenu(WPARAM hContact, LPARAM lParam) { Menu_ShowItem(hUMenuChanSettings, false); Menu_ShowItem(hUMenuWhois, false); Menu_ShowItem(hUMenuDisconnect, false); Menu_ShowItem(hUMenuIgnore, false); CIrcProto *ppro = CMPlugin::getInstance(hContact); return (ppro) ? ppro->OnMenuPreBuild(hContact, lParam) : 0; } void InitContactMenus(void) { char temp[MAXMODULELABELLENGTH]; char *d = temp + mir_snprintf(temp, "IRC"); CMenuItem mi(&g_plugin); mi.pszService = temp; SET_UID(mi, 0x5f01196f, 0xfbcd, 0x4034, 0xbd, 0x90, 0x12, 0xa0, 0x20, 0x68, 0x15, 0xc0); mi.name.a = LPGEN("Channel &settings"); mi.hIcolibItem = g_plugin.getIconHandle(IDI_MANAGER); mir_strcpy(d, IRC_UM_CHANSETTINGS); mi.position = 500090002; hUMenuChanSettings = Menu_AddContactMenuItem(&mi); CreateServiceFunction(temp, IrcMenuChanSettings); SET_UID(mi, 0x778eb1f6, 0x73c4, 0x4951, 0xb2, 0xca, 0xa1, 0x69, 0x94, 0x7b, 0xb7, 0x87); mi.name.a = LPGEN("&WhoIs info"); mi.hIcolibItem = g_plugin.getIconHandle(IDI_WHOIS); mir_strcpy(d, IRC_UM_WHOIS); mi.position = 500090001; hUMenuWhois = Menu_AddContactMenuItem(&mi); CreateServiceFunction(temp, IrcMenuWhois); SET_UID(mi, 0x1c51ae05, 0x9eee, 0x4887, 0x88, 0x96, 0x55, 0xd2, 0xdd, 0xf9, 0x25, 0x6f); mi.name.a = LPGEN("Di&sconnect"); mi.hIcolibItem = g_plugin.getIconHandle(IDI_DELETE); mir_strcpy(d, IRC_UM_DISCONNECT); mi.position = 500090001; hUMenuDisconnect = Menu_AddContactMenuItem(&mi); CreateServiceFunction(temp, IrcMenuDisconnect); SET_UID(mi, 0xc6169b8f, 0x53ab, 0x4242, 0xbe, 0x90, 0xe2, 0x4a, 0xa5, 0x73, 0x88, 0x32); mi.name.a = LPGEN("&Add to ignore list"); mi.hIcolibItem = g_plugin.getIconHandle(IDI_BLOCK); mir_strcpy(d, IRC_UM_IGNORE); mi.position = 500090002; hUMenuIgnore = Menu_AddContactMenuItem(&mi); CreateServiceFunction(temp, IrcMenuIgnore); HookEvent(ME_CLIST_PREBUILDCONTACTMENU, IrcPrebuildContactMenu); } void UninitContactMenus(void) { Menu_RemoveItem(hUMenuChanSettings); Menu_RemoveItem(hUMenuWhois); Menu_RemoveItem(hUMenuDisconnect); Menu_RemoveItem(hUMenuIgnore); } INT_PTR __cdecl CIrcProto::OnDoubleclicked(WPARAM, LPARAM lParam) { if (!lParam) return 0; CLISTEVENT* pcle = (CLISTEVENT*)lParam; if (getByte(pcle->hContact, "DCC", 0) != 0) { DCCINFO *pdci = (DCCINFO*)pcle->lParam; CMessageBoxDlg* dlg = new CMessageBoxDlg(this, pdci); dlg->Show(); HWND hWnd = dlg->GetHwnd(); wchar_t szTemp[500]; mir_snwprintf(szTemp, TranslateT("%s (%s) is requesting a client-to-client chat connection."), pdci->sContactName.c_str(), pdci->sHostmask.c_str()); SetDlgItemText(hWnd, IDC_TEXT, szTemp); ShowWindow(hWnd, SW_SHOW); return 1; } return 0; } void CIrcProto::OnContactDeleted(MCONTACT hContact) { if (!hContact) return; DBVARIANT dbv; if (!getWString(hContact, "Nick", &dbv)) { int type = getByte(hContact, "ChatRoom", 0); if (type != 0) { CMStringW S; if (type == GCW_CHATROOM) S = dbv.pwszVal; if (type == GCW_SERVER) S = SERVERWINDOW; int i = Chat_Terminate(m_szModuleName, S); if (i && type == GCW_CHATROOM) PostIrcMessage(L"/PART %s %s", dbv.pwszVal, m_userInfo); } else { BYTE bDCC = getByte(hContact, "DCC", 0); if (bDCC) { CDccSession *dcc = FindDCCSession(hContact); if (dcc) dcc->Disconnect(); } } db_free(&dbv); } } INT_PTR __cdecl CIrcProto::OnJoinChat(WPARAM wp, LPARAM) { if (!wp) return 0; DBVARIANT dbv; if (!getWString((MCONTACT)wp, "Nick", &dbv)) { if (getByte((MCONTACT)wp, "ChatRoom", 0) == GCW_CHATROOM) PostIrcMessage(L"/JOIN %s", dbv.pwszVal); db_free(&dbv); } return 0; } INT_PTR __cdecl CIrcProto::OnLeaveChat(WPARAM wp, LPARAM) { if (!wp) return 0; DBVARIANT dbv; if (!getWString((MCONTACT)wp, "Nick", &dbv)) { if (getByte((MCONTACT)wp, "ChatRoom", 0) == GCW_CHATROOM) { PostIrcMessage(L"/PART %s %s", dbv.pwszVal, m_userInfo); Chat_Terminate(m_szModuleName, dbv.pwszVal); } db_free(&dbv); } return 0; } INT_PTR __cdecl CIrcProto::OnMenuChanSettings(WPARAM wp, LPARAM) { if (!wp) return 0; MCONTACT hContact = (MCONTACT)wp; DBVARIANT dbv; if (!getWString(hContact, "Nick", &dbv)) { PostIrcMessageWnd(dbv.pwszVal, NULL, L"/CHANNELMANAGER"); db_free(&dbv); } return 0; } INT_PTR __cdecl CIrcProto::OnMenuWhois(WPARAM wp, LPARAM) { if (!wp) return 0; DBVARIANT dbv; if (!getWString((MCONTACT)wp, "Nick", &dbv)) { PostIrcMessage(L"/WHOIS %s %s", dbv.pwszVal, dbv.pwszVal); db_free(&dbv); } return 0; } INT_PTR __cdecl CIrcProto::OnMenuDisconnect(WPARAM wp, LPARAM) { CDccSession *dcc = FindDCCSession((MCONTACT)wp); if (dcc) dcc->Disconnect(); return 0; } INT_PTR __cdecl CIrcProto::OnMenuIgnore(WPARAM wp, LPARAM) { if (!wp) return 0; MCONTACT hContact = (MCONTACT)wp; DBVARIANT dbv; if (!getWString(hContact, "Nick", &dbv)) { if (!isChatRoom(hContact)) { char* host = nullptr; DBVARIANT dbv1; if (!getString(hContact, "Host", &dbv1)) host = dbv1.pszVal; if (host) { CMStringA S; if (m_ignoreChannelDefault) S = "+qnidcm"; else S = "+qnidc"; PostIrcMessage(L"/IGNORE %%question=\"%s\",\"%s\",\"*!*@%S\" %s", TranslateT("Please enter the hostmask (nick!user@host)\nNOTE! Contacts on your contact list are never ignored"), TranslateT("Ignore"), host, S.c_str()); db_free(&dbv1); } } db_free(&dbv); } return 0; } INT_PTR __cdecl CIrcProto::OnJoinMenuCommand(WPARAM, LPARAM) { if (!m_joinDlg) { m_joinDlg = new CJoinDlg(this); m_joinDlg->Show(); } SetDlgItemText(m_joinDlg->GetHwnd(), IDC_CAPTION, TranslateT("Join channel")); SetDlgItemText(m_joinDlg->GetHwnd(), IDC_TEXT, TranslateT("Please enter a channel to join")); SendDlgItemMessage(m_joinDlg->GetHwnd(), IDC_ENICK, EM_SETSEL, 0, MAKELPARAM(0, -1)); ShowWindow(m_joinDlg->GetHwnd(), SW_SHOW); SetActiveWindow(m_joinDlg->GetHwnd()); return 0; } INT_PTR __cdecl CIrcProto::OnShowListMenuCommand(WPARAM, LPARAM) { PostIrcMessage(L"/LIST"); return 0; } INT_PTR __cdecl CIrcProto::OnShowServerMenuCommand(WPARAM, LPARAM) { Chat_Control(m_szModuleName, SERVERWINDOW, WINDOW_VISIBLE); return 0; } INT_PTR __cdecl CIrcProto::OnChangeNickMenuCommand(WPARAM, LPARAM) { if (!m_nickDlg) { m_nickDlg = new CNickDlg(this); m_nickDlg->Show(); } SetDlgItemText(m_nickDlg->GetHwnd(), IDC_CAPTION, TranslateT("Change nickname")); SetDlgItemText(m_nickDlg->GetHwnd(), IDC_TEXT, TranslateT("Please enter a unique nickname")); m_nickDlg->m_Enick.SetText(m_info.sNick.c_str()); m_nickDlg->m_Enick.SendMsg(CB_SETEDITSEL, 0, MAKELPARAM(0, -1)); ShowWindow(m_nickDlg->GetHwnd(), SW_SHOW); SetActiveWindow(m_nickDlg->GetHwnd()); return 0; } static int mapSrmm2irc[] = { 1, 2, 10, 6, 3, 7, 5, 14, 15, 12, 11, 13, 9, 8, 4, 0 }; static wchar_t* DoPrintColor(wchar_t *pDest, int iFG, int iBG) { *pDest = irc::COLOR; if (iFG == -1) { if (iBG == -1) pDest[1] = 0; else mir_snwprintf(pDest+1, 49, L",%d", iBG); } else { if (iBG == -1) mir_snwprintf(pDest+1, 49, L"%d", iFG); else mir_snwprintf(pDest+1, 49, L"%d,%d", iFG, iBG); } return pDest; } static void DoChatFormatting(CMStringW &wszText) { int iFG = -1, iBG = -1; wchar_t InsertThis[50]; for (int i = 0; i < wszText.GetLength(); i++) { if (wszText[i] != '%') continue; switch (wszText[i + 1]) { case 'B': case 'b': wszText.Delete(i, 2); wszText.Insert(i, irc::BOLD); break; case 'I': case 'i': wszText.Delete(i, 2); wszText.Insert(i, irc::ITALICS); break; case 'U': case 'u': wszText.Delete(i, 2); wszText.Insert(i, irc::UNDERLINE); break; case 'c': wszText.Delete(i, 2); iFG = _wtoi(wszText.GetString() + i); wszText.Delete(i, (iFG < 10) ? 1 : 2); iFG = (iFG < 0 || iFG >= _countof(mapSrmm2irc)) ? -1 : mapSrmm2irc[iFG]; wszText.Insert(i, DoPrintColor(InsertThis, iFG, iBG)); break; case 'C': if (wszText[i + 2] == '%' && wszText[i + 3] == 'F') { wszText.Delete(i, 4); iBG = -1; } else wszText.Delete(i, 2); iFG = -1; wszText.Insert(i, DoPrintColor(InsertThis, iFG, iBG)); break; case 'f': wszText.Delete(i, 2); iBG = _wtoi(wszText.GetString() + i); wszText.Delete(i, (iBG < 10) ? 1 : 2); iBG = (iBG < 0 || iBG >= _countof(mapSrmm2irc)) ? -1 : mapSrmm2irc[iBG]; wszText.Insert(i, DoPrintColor(InsertThis, iFG, iBG)); break; case 'F': wszText.Delete(i, 2); iBG = -1; wszText.Insert(i, DoPrintColor(InsertThis, iFG, iBG)); break; case '%': wszText.Delete(i, 1); i++; break; default: wszText.Delete(i, 2); break; } } } int __cdecl CIrcProto::GCEventHook(WPARAM, LPARAM lParam) { // handle the hook GCHOOK *gch = (GCHOOK*)lParam; if (mir_strcmpi(gch->si->pszModule, m_szModuleName)) return 0; CMStringW S = L""; mir_cslock lock(m_csGcHook); wchar_t *p1 = mir_wstrdup(gch->si->ptszID); wchar_t *p2 = wcsstr(p1, L" - "); if (p2) *p2 = 0; switch (gch->iType) { case GC_SESSION_TERMINATE: FreeWindowItemData(p1, (CHANNELINFO*)gch->dwData); break; case GC_USER_MESSAGE: if (gch && gch->ptszText && *gch->ptszText) { CMStringW wszText(gch->ptszText); DoChatFormatting(wszText); PostIrcMessageWnd(p1, NULL, wszText); } break; case GC_USER_CHANMGR: PostIrcMessageWnd(p1, NULL, L"/CHANNELMANAGER"); break; case GC_USER_PRIVMESS: PostIrcMessageWnd(p1, NULL, CMStringW(FORMAT, L"/QUERY %s", gch->ptszUID)); break; case GC_USER_LOGMENU: switch (gch->dwData) { case 1: OnChangeNickMenuCommand(NULL, NULL); break; case 2: PostIrcMessageWnd(p1, NULL, L"/CHANNELMANAGER"); break; case 3: PostIrcMessage(L"/PART %s %s", p1, m_userInfo); Chat_Terminate(m_szModuleName, p1); break; case 4: // show server window PostIrcMessageWnd(p1, NULL, L"/SERVERSHOW"); break; /* case 5: // nickserv register nick PostIrcMessage( L"/nickserv REGISTER %%question=\"%s\",\"%s\"", TranslateT("Please enter your authentication code"), TranslateT("Authenticate nick")); break; */ case 6: // nickserv Identify PostIrcMessage(L"/nickserv AUTH %%question=\"%s\",\"%s\"", TranslateT("Please enter your authentication code"), TranslateT("Authenticate nick")); break; case 7: // nickserv drop nick if (MessageBox(nullptr, TranslateT("Are you sure you want to unregister your current nick?"), TranslateT("Delete nick"), MB_ICONERROR + MB_YESNO + MB_DEFBUTTON2) == IDYES) PostIrcMessage(L"/nickserv DROP"); break; case 8: // nickserv Identify { CQuestionDlg* dlg = new CQuestionDlg(this); dlg->Show(); HWND question_hWnd = dlg->GetHwnd(); HWND hEditCtrl = GetDlgItem(question_hWnd, IDC_EDIT); SetDlgItemText(question_hWnd, IDC_CAPTION, TranslateT("Identify nick")); SetDlgItemText(question_hWnd, IDC_TEXT, TranslateT("Please enter your password")); SetDlgItemText(question_hWnd, IDC_HIDDENEDIT, L"/nickserv IDENTIFY %question=\"%s\",\"%s\""); SetWindowLongPtr(GetDlgItem(question_hWnd, IDC_EDIT), GWL_STYLE, (LONG)GetWindowLongPtr(GetDlgItem(question_hWnd, IDC_EDIT), GWL_STYLE) | ES_PASSWORD); SendMessage(hEditCtrl, EM_SETPASSWORDCHAR, (WPARAM)'*', 0); SetFocus(hEditCtrl); dlg->Activate(); } break; case 9: // nickserv remind password { DBVARIANT dbv; if (!getWString("Nick", &dbv)) { PostIrcMessage(L"/nickserv SENDPASS %s", dbv.pwszVal); db_free(&dbv); } } break; case 10: // nickserv set new password PostIrcMessage(L"/nickserv SET PASSWORD %%question=\"%s\",\"%s\"", TranslateT("Please enter your new password"), TranslateT("Set new password")); break; case 11: // nickserv set language PostIrcMessage(L"/nickserv SET LANGUAGE %%question=\"%s\",\"%s\"", TranslateT("Please enter desired language ID (numeric value, depends on server)"), TranslateT("Change language of NickServ messages")); break; case 12: // nickserv set homepage PostIrcMessage(L"/nickserv SET URL %%question=\"%s\",\"%s\"", TranslateT("Please enter URL that will be linked to your nick"), TranslateT("Set URL, linked to nick")); break; case 13: // nickserv set email PostIrcMessage(L"/nickserv SET EMAIL %%question=\"%s\",\"%s\"", TranslateT("Please enter your e-mail, that will be linked to your nick"), TranslateT("Set e-mail, linked to nick")); break; case 14: // nickserv set info PostIrcMessage(L"/nickserv SET INFO %%question=\"%s\",\"%s\"", TranslateT("Please enter some information about your nick"), TranslateT("Set information for nick")); break; case 15: // nickserv kill unauth off PostIrcMessage(L"/nickserv SET KILL OFF"); break; case 16: // nickserv kill unauth on PostIrcMessage(L"/nickserv SET KILL ON"); break; case 17: // nickserv kill unauth quick PostIrcMessage(L"/nickserv SET KILL QUICK"); break; case 18: // nickserv hide nick from /LIST PostIrcMessage(L"/nickserv SET PRIVATE ON"); break; case 19: // nickserv show nick to /LIST PostIrcMessage(L"/nickserv SET PRIVATE OFF"); break; case 20: // nickserv Hide e-mail from info PostIrcMessage(L"/nickserv SET HIDE EMAIL ON"); break; case 21: // nickserv Show e-mail in info PostIrcMessage(L"/nickserv SET HIDE EMAIL OFF"); break; case 22: // nickserv Set security for nick PostIrcMessage(L"/nickserv SET SECURE ON"); break; case 23: // nickserv Remove security for nick PostIrcMessage(L"/nickserv SET SECURE OFF"); break; case 24: // nickserv Link nick to current PostIrcMessage(L"/nickserv LINK %%question=\"%s\",\"%s\"", TranslateT("Please enter nick you want to link to your current nick"), TranslateT("Link another nick to current nick")); break; case 25: // nickserv Unlink nick from current PostIrcMessage(L"/nickserv LINK %%question=\"%s\",\"%s\"", TranslateT("Please enter nick you want to unlink from your current nick"), TranslateT("Unlink another nick from current nick")); break; case 26: // nickserv Set main nick PostIrcMessage(L"/nickserv LINK %%question=\"%s\",\"%s\"", TranslateT("Please enter nick you want to set as your main nick"), TranslateT("Set main nick")); break; case 27: // nickserv list all linked nicks PostIrcMessage(L"/nickserv LISTLINKS"); break; case 28: // nickserv list all channels owned PostIrcMessage(L"/nickserv LISTCHANS"); break; } break; case GC_USER_NICKLISTMENU: switch (gch->dwData) { case 1: PostIrcMessage(L"/MODE %s +o %s", p1, gch->ptszUID); break; case 2: PostIrcMessage(L"/MODE %s -o %s", p1, gch->ptszUID); break; case 3: PostIrcMessage(L"/MODE %s +v %s", p1, gch->ptszUID); break; case 4: PostIrcMessage(L"/MODE %s -v %s", p1, gch->ptszUID); break; case 5: PostIrcMessage(L"/KICK %s %s", p1, gch->ptszUID); break; case 6: PostIrcMessage(L"/KICK %s %s %%question=\"%s\",\"%s\",\"%s\"", p1, gch->ptszUID, TranslateT("Please enter the reason"), TranslateT("Kick"), ""); break; case 7: DoUserhostWithReason(1, L"B" + (CMStringW)p1, true, L"%s", gch->ptszUID); break; case 8: DoUserhostWithReason(1, L"K" + (CMStringW)p1, true, L"%s", gch->ptszUID); break; case 9: DoUserhostWithReason(1, L"L" + (CMStringW)p1, true, L"%s", gch->ptszUID); break; case 10: PostIrcMessage(L"/WHOIS %s %s", gch->ptszUID, gch->ptszUID); break; // case 11: // DoUserhostWithReason(1, "I", true, "%s", gch->ptszUID ); // break; // case 12: // DoUserhostWithReason(1, "J", true, "%s", gch->ptszUID ); // break; case 13: PostIrcMessage(L"/DCC CHAT %s", gch->ptszUID); break; case 14: PostIrcMessage(L"/DCC SEND %s", gch->ptszUID); break; case 15: DoUserhostWithReason(1, L"I", true, L"%s", gch->ptszUID); break; case 16: PostIrcMessage(L"/MODE %s +h %s", p1, gch->ptszUID); break; case 17: PostIrcMessage(L"/MODE %s -h %s", p1, gch->ptszUID); break; case 18: PostIrcMessage(L"/MODE %s +q %s", p1, gch->ptszUID); break; case 19: PostIrcMessage(L"/MODE %s -q %s", p1, gch->ptszUID); break; case 20: PostIrcMessage(L"/MODE %s +a %s", p1, gch->ptszUID); break; case 21: PostIrcMessage(L"/MODE %s -a %s", p1, gch->ptszUID); break; case 22: PostIrcMessage(L"/NOTICE %s %%question=\"%s\",\"%s\"", gch->ptszUID, TranslateT("Please enter the notice text"), TranslateT("Send notice")); break; case 23: PostIrcMessage(L"/INVITE %s %%question=\"%s\",\"%s\"", gch->ptszUID, TranslateT("Please enter the channel name to invite to"), TranslateT("Invite to channel")); break; case 30: { PROTOSEARCHRESULT psr = {}; psr.cbSize = sizeof(psr); psr.flags = PSR_UNICODE; psr.id.w = gch->ptszUID; psr.nick.w = gch->ptszUID; Contact_AddBySearch(m_szModuleName, &psr); } break; case 31: //slap PostIrcMessageWnd(p1, NULL, CMStringW(FORMAT, L"/slap %s", gch->ptszUID)); break; case 32: //nickserv info PostIrcMessageWnd(p1, NULL, CMStringW(FORMAT, L"/nickserv INFO %s ALL", gch->ptszUID)); break; case 33: //nickserv ghost PostIrcMessageWnd(p1, NULL, CMStringW(FORMAT, L"/nickserv GHOST %s", gch->ptszUID)); break; } break; } mir_free(p1); return 1; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static gc_item logItems[] = { { LPGENW("&Change your nickname"), 1, MENU_ITEM, FALSE }, { LPGENW("Channel &settings"), 2, MENU_ITEM, FALSE }, { L"", 0, MENU_SEPARATOR, FALSE }, { LPGENW("NickServ"), 0, MENU_NEWPOPUP, FALSE }, { LPGENW("Register nick"), 5, MENU_POPUPITEM, TRUE }, { LPGENW("Auth nick"), 6, MENU_POPUPITEM, FALSE }, { LPGENW("Delete nick"), 7, MENU_POPUPITEM, FALSE }, { LPGENW("Identify nick"), 8, MENU_POPUPITEM, FALSE }, { LPGENW("Remind password"), 9, MENU_POPUPITEM, FALSE }, { LPGENW("Set new password"), 10, MENU_POPUPITEM, TRUE }, { LPGENW("Set language"), 11, MENU_POPUPITEM, FALSE }, { LPGENW("Set homepage"), 12, MENU_POPUPITEM, FALSE }, { LPGENW("Set e-mail"), 13, MENU_POPUPITEM, FALSE }, { LPGENW("Set info"), 14, MENU_POPUPITEM, FALSE }, { L"", 0, MENU_POPUPSEPARATOR, FALSE }, { LPGENW("Hide e-mail from info"), 20, MENU_POPUPITEM, FALSE }, { LPGENW("Show e-mail in info"), 21, MENU_POPUPITEM, FALSE }, { L"", 0, MENU_POPUPSEPARATOR, FALSE }, { LPGENW("Set security for nick"), 22, MENU_POPUPITEM, FALSE }, { LPGENW("Remove security for nick"), 23, MENU_POPUPITEM, FALSE }, { L"", 0, MENU_POPUPSEPARATOR, FALSE }, { LPGENW("Link nick to current"), 24, MENU_POPUPITEM, FALSE }, { LPGENW("Unlink nick from current"), 25, MENU_POPUPITEM, FALSE }, { LPGENW("Set main nick"), 26, MENU_POPUPITEM, FALSE }, { LPGENW("List all your nicks"), 27, MENU_POPUPITEM, FALSE }, { LPGENW("List your channels"), 28, MENU_POPUPITEM, FALSE }, { L"", 0, MENU_POPUPSEPARATOR, FALSE }, { LPGENW("Kill unauthorized: off"), 15, MENU_POPUPITEM, FALSE }, { LPGENW("Kill unauthorized: on"), 16, MENU_POPUPITEM, FALSE }, { LPGENW("Kill unauthorized: quick"), 17, MENU_POPUPITEM, FALSE }, { L"", 0, MENU_POPUPSEPARATOR, FALSE }, { LPGENW("Hide nick from list"), 18, MENU_POPUPITEM, FALSE }, { LPGENW("Show nick to list"), 19, MENU_POPUPITEM, FALSE }, { LPGENW("Show the server &window"), 4, MENU_ITEM, FALSE }, { L"", 0, MENU_SEPARATOR, FALSE }, { LPGENW("&Leave the channel"), 3, MENU_ITEM, FALSE } }; static gc_item nickItems[] = { { LPGENW("&WhoIs info"), 10, MENU_ITEM, FALSE }, //0 { LPGENW("&Invite to channel"), 23, MENU_ITEM, FALSE }, { LPGENW("Send ¬ice"), 22, MENU_ITEM, FALSE }, { LPGENW("&Slap"), 31, MENU_ITEM, FALSE }, { LPGENW("Nickserv info"), 32, MENU_ITEM, FALSE }, { LPGENW("Nickserv kill ghost"), 33, MENU_ITEM, FALSE }, //5 { LPGENW("&Control"), 0, MENU_NEWPOPUP, FALSE }, { LPGENW("Give Owner"), 18, MENU_POPUPITEM, FALSE }, //7 { LPGENW("Take Owner"), 19, MENU_POPUPITEM, FALSE }, { LPGENW("Give Admin"), 20, MENU_POPUPITEM, FALSE }, { LPGENW("Take Admin"), 21, MENU_POPUPITEM, FALSE }, //10 { LPGENW("Give &Op"), 1, MENU_POPUPITEM, FALSE }, { LPGENW("Take O&p"), 2, MENU_POPUPITEM, FALSE }, { LPGENW("Give &Halfop"), 16, MENU_POPUPITEM, FALSE }, { LPGENW("Take H&alfop"), 17, MENU_POPUPITEM, FALSE }, { LPGENW("Give &Voice"), 3, MENU_POPUPITEM, FALSE }, //15 { LPGENW("Take V&oice"), 4, MENU_POPUPITEM, FALSE }, { L"", 0, MENU_POPUPSEPARATOR, FALSE }, { LPGENW("&Kick"), 5, MENU_POPUPITEM, FALSE }, { LPGENW("Ki&ck (reason)"), 6, MENU_POPUPITEM, FALSE }, { LPGENW("&Ban"), 7, MENU_POPUPITEM, FALSE }, //20 { LPGENW("Ban'&n kick"), 8, MENU_POPUPITEM, FALSE }, { LPGENW("Ban'n kick (&reason)"), 9, MENU_POPUPITEM, FALSE }, { LPGENW("&Direct Connection"), 0, MENU_NEWPOPUP, FALSE }, { LPGENW("Request &Chat"), 13, MENU_POPUPITEM, FALSE }, { LPGENW("Send &File"), 14, MENU_POPUPITEM, FALSE }, //25 { LPGENW("Add to &ignore list"), 15, MENU_ITEM, FALSE }, { L"", 12, MENU_SEPARATOR, FALSE }, { LPGENW("&Add User"), 30, MENU_ITEM, FALSE } }; int __cdecl CIrcProto::GCMenuHook(WPARAM, LPARAM lParam) { GCMENUITEMS *gcmi = (GCMENUITEMS*)lParam; if (gcmi) { if (!mir_strcmpi(gcmi->pszModule, m_szModuleName)) { if (gcmi->Type == MENU_ON_LOG) { if (mir_wstrcmpi(gcmi->pszID, SERVERWINDOW)) Chat_AddMenuItems(gcmi->hMenu, _countof(logItems), logItems, &g_plugin); } if (gcmi->Type == MENU_ON_NICKLIST) { CONTACT user = { (wchar_t*)gcmi->pszUID, nullptr, nullptr, false, false, false }; MCONTACT hContact = CList_FindContact(&user); BOOL bIsInList = hContact && Contact_OnList(hContact); nickItems[_countof(nickItems)-1].bDisabled = bIsInList; unsigned long ulAdr = 0; if (m_manualHost) ulAdr = ConvertIPToInteger(m_mySpecifiedHostIP); else ulAdr = ConvertIPToInteger(m_IPFromServer ? m_myHost : m_myLocalHost); nickItems[23].bDisabled = ulAdr == 0 ? TRUE : FALSE; // DCC submenu CHANNELINFO *wi = (CHANNELINFO *)Chat_GetUserInfo(m_szModuleName, gcmi->pszID); BOOL bServOwner = strchr(sUserModes.c_str(), 'q') == nullptr ? FALSE : TRUE; BOOL bServAdmin = strchr(sUserModes.c_str(), 'a') == nullptr ? FALSE : TRUE; BOOL bOwner = bServOwner ? ((wi->OwnMode >> 4) & 01) : FALSE; BOOL bAdmin = bServAdmin ? ((wi->OwnMode >> 3) & 01) : FALSE; BOOL bOp = strchr(sUserModes.c_str(), 'o') == nullptr ? FALSE : ((wi->OwnMode >> 2) & 01); BOOL bHalfop = strchr(sUserModes.c_str(), 'h') == nullptr ? FALSE : ((wi->OwnMode >> 1) & 01); BOOL bForceEnable = GetAsyncKeyState(VK_CONTROL); nickItems[6].bDisabled = !(bForceEnable || bHalfop || bOp || bAdmin || bOwner); nickItems[7].uType = nickItems[8].uType = bServOwner ? MENU_POPUPITEM : 0; nickItems[9].uType = nickItems[10].uType = bServAdmin ? MENU_POPUPITEM : 0; nickItems[7].bDisabled = nickItems[8].bDisabled = nickItems[9].bDisabled = nickItems[10].bDisabled = !(bForceEnable || bOwner); nickItems[11].bDisabled = nickItems[12].bDisabled = nickItems[13].bDisabled = nickItems[14].bDisabled = !(bForceEnable || bOp || bAdmin || bOwner); Chat_AddMenuItems(gcmi->hMenu, _countof(nickItems), nickItems, &g_plugin); } } } return 0; } void CIrcProto::OnShutdown() { mir_cslock lock(m_csSession); if (m_perform && IsConnected()) if (DoPerform("Event: Disconnect")) Sleep(200); DisconnectAllDCCSessions(true); if (IsConnected()) Disconnect(); if (m_listDlg) m_listDlg->Close(); if (m_nickDlg) m_nickDlg->Close(); if (m_joinDlg) m_joinDlg->Close(); } int __cdecl CIrcProto::OnMenuPreBuild(WPARAM hContact, LPARAM) { DBVARIANT dbv; if (hContact == NULL) return 0; char *szProto = Proto_GetBaseAccountName(hContact); if (szProto && !mir_strcmpi(szProto, m_szModuleName)) { bool bIsOnline = getWord(hContact, "Status", ID_STATUS_OFFLINE) != ID_STATUS_OFFLINE; // context menu for chatrooms if (getByte(hContact, "ChatRoom", 0) == GCW_CHATROOM) Menu_ShowItem(hUMenuChanSettings, true); // context menu for contact else if (!getWString(hContact, "Default", &dbv)) { Menu_ShowItem(hUMenuChanSettings, false); // for DCC contact BYTE bDcc = getByte(hContact, "DCC", 0); if (bDcc) Menu_ShowItem(hUMenuDisconnect, true); else { // for normal contact Menu_ShowItem(hUMenuWhois, IsConnected()); bool bEnabled = true; if (bIsOnline) { DBVARIANT dbv3; if (!getString(hContact, "Host", &dbv3)) { if (dbv3.pszVal[0] == 0) bEnabled = false; db_free(&dbv3); } } Menu_ShowItem(hUMenuIgnore, bEnabled); } db_free(&dbv); } } return 0; } int __cdecl CIrcProto::OnDbSettingChanged(WPARAM hContact, LPARAM lParam) { if (hContact == NULL || !IsConnected()) return 0; DBCONTACTWRITESETTING* cws = (DBCONTACTWRITESETTING*)lParam; if (strcmp(cws->szModule, "CList")) return 0; if (cws->value.type != DBVT_DELETED && !(cws->value.type == DBVT_BYTE && cws->value.bVal == 0)) return 0; if (!strcmp(cws->szSetting, "NotOnList")) { DBVARIANT dbv; if (!getWString(hContact, "Nick", &dbv)) { if (getByte("MirVerAutoRequest", 1)) PostIrcMessage(L"/PRIVMSG %s \001VERSION\001", dbv.pwszVal); db_free(&dbv); } } return 0; } void __cdecl CIrcProto::ConnectServerThread(void*) { Thread_SetName("IRC: ConnectServer"); InterlockedIncrement((long *)&m_bConnectThreadRunning); InterlockedIncrement((long *)&m_bConnectRequested); while (!Miranda_IsTerminated() && m_bConnectRequested > 0) { while (m_bConnectRequested > 0) InterlockedDecrement((long *)&m_bConnectRequested); if (IsConnected()) { Sleep(200); Disconnect(); } m_info.bNickFlag = false; int Temp = m_iStatus; m_iStatus = ID_STATUS_CONNECTING; nickflag = true; ProtoBroadcastAck(NULL, ACKTYPE_STATUS, ACKRESULT_SUCCESS, (HANDLE)Temp, ID_STATUS_CONNECTING); Sleep(100); { mir_cslock lock(m_csSession); Connect(m_sessionInfo); } if (IsConnected()) { if (m_mySpecifiedHost[0]) ForkThread(&CIrcProto::ResolveIPThread, new IPRESOLVE(m_mySpecifiedHost, IP_MANUAL)); } else { Temp = m_iDesiredStatus; m_iStatus = m_iDesiredStatus = ID_STATUS_OFFLINE; ProtoBroadcastAck(NULL, ACKTYPE_LOGIN, ACKRESULT_FAILED, nullptr, LOGINERR_NONETWORK); ProtoBroadcastAck(NULL, ACKTYPE_STATUS, ACKRESULT_SUCCESS, (HANDLE)Temp, ID_STATUS_OFFLINE); Sleep(100); } } InterlockedDecrement((long *)&m_bConnectThreadRunning); } void __cdecl CIrcProto::DisconnectServerThread(void*) { Thread_SetName("IRC: DisconnectServer"); mir_cslock lck(m_csSession); if (IsConnected()) Disconnect(); } void CIrcProto::ConnectToServer(void) { m_portCount = atoi(m_portStart); m_sessionInfo.sServer = GetWord(m_serverName, 0); m_sessionInfo.iPort = m_portCount; m_sessionInfo.sNick = m_nick; m_sessionInfo.sUserID = m_userID; m_sessionInfo.sFullName = m_name; m_sessionInfo.sPassword = m_password; m_sessionInfo.bIdentServer = ((m_ident) ? (true) : (false)); m_sessionInfo.iIdentServerPort = _wtoi(m_identPort); m_sessionInfo.sIdentServerType = m_identSystem; m_sessionInfo.m_iSSL = m_iSSL; bPerformDone = false; bTempDisableCheck = false; bTempForceCheck = false; m_iTempCheckTime = 0; sChannelPrefixes = L"&#"; sUserModes = "ov"; sUserModePrefixes = L"@+"; sChannelModes = "btnimklps"; if (!m_bConnectThreadRunning) ForkThread(&CIrcProto::ConnectServerThread, nullptr); else if (m_bConnectRequested < 1) InterlockedIncrement((long *)&m_bConnectRequested); wchar_t szTemp[300]; mir_snwprintf(szTemp, L"\033%s %c%s%c (%S: %u)", TranslateT("Connecting to"), irc::BOLD, m_tszUserName, irc::BOLD, m_sessionInfo.sServer.c_str(), m_sessionInfo.iPort); DoEvent(GC_EVENT_INFORMATION, SERVERWINDOW, nullptr, szTemp, nullptr, nullptr, NULL, true, false); } void CIrcProto::DisconnectFromServer(void) { if (m_perform && IsConnected()) DoPerform("Event: Disconnect"); Chat_Terminate(m_szModuleName, nullptr); ForkThread(&CIrcProto::DisconnectServerThread, nullptr); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // GetMyAwayMsg - obtain the current away message INT_PTR __cdecl CIrcProto::GetMyAwayMsg(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { if ((int)wParam != m_iStatus) return 0; const wchar_t* p = m_statusMessage.c_str(); return (lParam & SGMA_UNICODE) ? (INT_PTR)mir_wstrdup(p) : (INT_PTR)mir_u2a(p); }