// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ICQ plugin for Miranda NG // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Copyright © 2018 Miranda NG team // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 // of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "stdafx.h" #pragma comment(lib, "libeay32.lib") void CIcqProto::CheckAvatarChange(MCONTACT hContact, const JSONNode &ev) { CMStringW wszIconId(ev["iconId"].as_mstring()); CMStringW oldIconID(getMStringW(hContact, "IconId")); if (wszIconId != oldIconID) { setWString(hContact, "IconId", wszIconId); CMStringA szUrl(ev["buddyIcon"].as_mstring()); auto *p = new AsyncHttpRequest(CONN_MAIN, REQUEST_GET, szUrl, &CIcqProto::OnReceiveAvatar); p->pUserInfo = (void*)hContact; Push(p); } } void CIcqProto::CheckNickChange(MCONTACT hContact, const JSONNode &ev) { CMStringW wszNick(getMStringW(hContact, "Nick")); if (!wszNick.IsEmpty()) return; wszNick = ev["friendly"].as_mstring(); if (!wszNick.IsEmpty()) setWString(hContact, "Nick", wszNick); } void CIcqProto::CheckPassword() { char mirVer[100]; Miranda_GetVersionText(mirVer, _countof(mirVer)); m_szAToken = getMStringA(DB_KEY_ATOKEN); m_szRToken = getMStringA(DB_KEY_RTOKEN); m_iRClientId = getDword(DB_KEY_RCLIENTID); m_szSessionKey = getMStringA(DB_KEY_SESSIONKEY); if (m_szAToken.IsEmpty() || m_szSessionKey.IsEmpty()) { auto *pReq = new AsyncHttpRequest(CONN_MAIN, REQUEST_POST, "https://api.login.icq.net/auth/clientLogin", &CIcqProto::OnCheckPassword); pReq << CHAR_PARAM("clientName", "Miranda NG") << CHAR_PARAM("clientVersion", mirVer) << CHAR_PARAM("devId", ICQ_APP_ID) << CHAR_PARAM("f", "json") << CHAR_PARAM("tokenType", "longTerm") << INT_PARAM("s", m_dwUin) << WCHAR_PARAM("pwd", m_szPassword); pReq->flags |= NLHRF_NODUMPSEND; Push(pReq); } else StartSession(); } void CIcqProto::ConnectionFailed(int iReason) { debugLogA("ConnectionFailed -> reason %d", iReason); ProtoBroadcastAck(0, ACKTYPE_LOGIN, ACKRESULT_FAILED, nullptr, iReason); ShutdownSession(); } void CIcqProto::OnLoggedIn() { debugLogA("CIcqProto::OnLoggedIn"); m_bOnline = true; SetServerStatus(m_iDesiredStatus); } void CIcqProto::OnLoggedOut() { debugLogA("CIcqProto::OnLoggedOut"); m_bOnline = false; ProtoBroadcastAck(0, ACKTYPE_STATUS, ACKRESULT_SUCCESS, (HANDLE)m_iStatus, ID_STATUS_OFFLINE); m_iStatus = m_iDesiredStatus = ID_STATUS_OFFLINE; setAllContactStatuses(ID_STATUS_OFFLINE, false); } MCONTACT CIcqProto::ParseBuddyInfo(const JSONNode &buddy) { DWORD dwUin = _wtol(buddy["aimId"].as_mstring()); MCONTACT hContact = CreateContact(dwUin, false); FindContactByUIN(dwUin)->m_bInList = true; CMStringW str(buddy["state"].as_mstring()); setDword(hContact, "Status", StatusFromString(str)); const JSONNode &profile = buddy["profile"]; if (profile) { str = profile["firstName"].as_mstring(); if (!str.IsEmpty()) setWString(hContact, "FirstName", str); str = profile["lastName"].as_mstring(); if (!str.IsEmpty()) setWString(hContact, "LastName", str); str = profile["friendlyName"].as_mstring(); if (!str.IsEmpty()) setWString(hContact, "Nick", str); time_t birthDate = profile["birthDate"].as_int(); if (birthDate != 0) { struct tm *timeinfo = localtime(&birthDate); if (timeinfo != nullptr) { setWord(hContact, "BirthDay", timeinfo->tm_mday); setWord(hContact, "BirthMonth", timeinfo->tm_mon+1); setWord(hContact, "BirthYear", timeinfo->tm_year+1900); } } str = profile["gender"].as_mstring(); if (!str.IsEmpty()) { if (str == "male") setByte(hContact, "Gender", 'M'); else if (str == "female") setByte(hContact, "Gender", 'F'); } for (auto &it : profile["homeAddress"]) { str = it["city"].as_mstring(); if (!str.IsEmpty()) setWString(hContact, "City", str); str = it["state"].as_mstring(); if (!str.IsEmpty()) setWString(hContact, "State", str); str = it["country"].as_mstring(); if (!str.IsEmpty()) setWString(hContact, "Country", str); } } CheckNickChange(hContact, buddy); int lastLogin = buddy["lastseen"].as_int(); if (lastLogin) setDword(hContact, "LastSeen", lastLogin); str = buddy["statusMsg"].as_mstring(); if (str.IsEmpty()) db_unset(hContact, "CList", "StatusMsg"); else db_set_ws(hContact, "CList", "StatusMsg", str); CheckAvatarChange(hContact, buddy); return hContact; } void CIcqProto::ParseMessage(MCONTACT hContact, const JSONNode &it) { CMStringA msgId(it["msgId"].as_mstring()); CMStringW type(it["mediaType"].as_mstring()); if (type != "text" && !type.IsEmpty()) return; // ignore duplicates MEVENT hDbEvent = db_event_getById(m_szModuleName, msgId); if (hDbEvent != 0) return; // skip own messages, just set the server msgid bool bSkipped = false; CMStringA reqId(it["reqId"].as_mstring()); for (auto &ownMsg : m_arOwnIds) if (!mir_strcmp(reqId, ownMsg->m_guid)) { bSkipped = true; if (m_bSlowSend) ProtoBroadcastAck(ownMsg->m_hContact, ACKTYPE_MESSAGE, ACKRESULT_SUCCESS, (HANDLE)ownMsg->m_msgid, (LPARAM)msgId.c_str()); m_arOwnIds.remove(m_arOwnIds.indexOf(&ownMsg)); break; } if (bSkipped) return; bool bIsOutgoing = it["outgoing"].as_bool(); ptrA szUtf(mir_utf8encodeW(it["text"].as_mstring())); PROTORECVEVENT pre = {}; pre.flags = (bIsOutgoing) ? PREF_SENT : 0; pre.szMsgId = msgId; pre.timestamp = it["time"].as_int(); pre.szMessage = szUtf; ProtoChainRecvMsg(hContact, &pre); } bool CIcqProto::RefreshRobustToken() { if (!m_szRToken.IsEmpty()) return true; bool bRet = false; auto *tmp = new AsyncHttpRequest(CONN_RAPI, REQUEST_POST, ICQ_ROBUST_SERVER "/genToken"); time_t ts = time(0); tmp << CHAR_PARAM("a", m_szAToken) << CHAR_PARAM("k", ICQ_APP_ID) << CHAR_PARAM("nonce", CMStringA(FORMAT, "%d-%d", ts, rand() % 10)) << INT_PARAM("ts", ts); CalcHash(tmp); tmp->flags |= NLHRF_PERSISTENT; tmp->nlc = m_ConnPool[CONN_RAPI]; tmp->dataLength = tmp->m_szParam.GetLength(); tmp->pData = tmp->m_szParam.Detach(); tmp->szUrl = tmp->m_szUrl.GetBuffer(); CMStringA szAgent(FORMAT, "%d Mail.ru Windows ICQ (version 10.0.1999)", DWORD(m_dwUin)); tmp->AddHeader("User-Agent", szAgent); NETLIBHTTPREQUEST *reply = Netlib_HttpTransaction(m_hNetlibUser, tmp); m_ConnPool[CONN_RAPI] = nullptr; if (reply != nullptr) { RobustReply result(reply); if (result.error() == 20000) { const JSONNode &results = result.results(); m_szRToken = results["authToken"].as_mstring(); setString(DB_KEY_RTOKEN, m_szRToken); // now add this token auto *add = new AsyncHttpRequest(CONN_RAPI, REQUEST_POST, ICQ_ROBUST_SERVER, &CIcqProto::OnAddClient); JSONNode request, params; params.set_name("params"); request << CHAR_PARAM("method", "addClient") << CHAR_PARAM("reqId", add->m_reqId) << CHAR_PARAM("authToken", m_szRToken) << params; add->m_szParam = ptrW(json_write(&request)); add->pUserInfo = &bRet; ExecuteRequest(add); } m_ConnPool[CONN_RAPI] = reply->nlc; Netlib_FreeHttpRequest(reply); } delete tmp; return bRet; } void CIcqProto::RetrieveUserInfo(MCONTACT hContact) { auto *pReq = new AsyncHttpRequest(CONN_MAIN, REQUEST_GET, ICQ_API_SERVER "/presence/get", &CIcqProto::OnGetUserInfo); pReq->flags |= NLHRF_NODUMPSEND; pReq->pUserInfo = (void*)hContact; pReq << CHAR_PARAM("f", "json") << CHAR_PARAM("aimsid", m_aimsid) << INT_PARAM("mdir", 1) << INT_PARAM("t", getDword(hContact, DB_KEY_UIN)); Push(pReq); } void CIcqProto::RetrieveUserHistory(MCONTACT hContact, __int64 startMsgId, __int64 endMsgId) { if (startMsgId == 0) startMsgId = -1; if (endMsgId == 0) endMsgId = -1; auto *pReq = new AsyncHttpRequest(CONN_RAPI, REQUEST_POST, ICQ_ROBUST_SERVER, &CIcqProto::OnGetUserHistory); //pReq->flags |= NLHRF_NODUMPSEND; pReq->pUserInfo = (void*)hContact; char buf[100]; itoa(getDword(hContact, DB_KEY_UIN), buf, 10); JSONNode request, params; params.set_name("params"); params << CHAR_PARAM("sn", buf) << INT64_PARAM("fromMsgId", startMsgId); if (endMsgId != -1) params << INT64_PARAM("tillMsgId", endMsgId); params << INT_PARAM("count", -1000) << CHAR_PARAM("aimSid", m_aimsid) << CHAR_PARAM("patchVersion", "1") << CHAR_PARAM("language", "ru-ru"); request << CHAR_PARAM("method", "getHistory") << CHAR_PARAM("reqId", pReq->m_reqId) << CHAR_PARAM("authToken", m_szRToken) << INT_PARAM("clientId", m_iRClientId) << params; pReq->m_szParam = ptrW(json_write(&request)); Push(pReq); } void CIcqProto::SetServerStatus(int iStatus) { const char *szStatus = "online"; int invisible = 0; switch (iStatus) { case ID_STATUS_OFFLINE: szStatus = "offline"; break; case ID_STATUS_NA: szStatus = "occupied"; break; case ID_STATUS_AWAY: case ID_STATUS_DND: szStatus = "away"; break; case ID_STATUS_INVISIBLE: invisible = 1; } auto *pReq = new AsyncHttpRequest(CONN_MAIN, REQUEST_GET, ICQ_API_SERVER "/presence/setState"); pReq->flags |= NLHRF_NODUMPSEND; pReq << CHAR_PARAM("f", "json") << CHAR_PARAM("aimsid", m_aimsid) << CHAR_PARAM("r", pReq->m_reqId) << CHAR_PARAM("view", szStatus) << INT_PARAM("invisible", invisible); Push(pReq); int iOldStatus = m_iStatus; m_iStatus = iStatus; ProtoBroadcastAck(0, ACKTYPE_STATUS, ACKRESULT_SUCCESS, (HANDLE)iOldStatus, m_iStatus); } void CIcqProto::ShutdownSession() { if (m_bTerminated) return; debugLogA("CIcqProto::ShutdownSession"); // shutdown all resources if (m_hWorkerThread) SetEvent(m_evRequestsQueue); for (auto &it : m_ConnPool) if (it) Netlib_Shutdown(it); OnLoggedOut(); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define CAPS "094613504c7f11d18222444553540000,094613514c7f11d18222444553540000,094613534c7f11d18222444553540000,094613544c7f11d18222444553540000,094613594c7f11d18222444553540000,0946135b4c7f11d18222444553540000,0946135a4c7f11d18222444553540000" #define EVENTS "myInfo,presence,buddylist,typing,dataIM,userAddedToBuddyList,webrtcMsg,mchat,hist,hiddenChat,diff,permitDeny,imState,notification,apps" #define FIELDS "aimId,buddyIcon,bigBuddyIcon,iconId,bigIconId,largeIconId,displayId,friendly,offlineMsg,state,statusMsg,userType,phoneNumber,cellNumber,smsNumber,workNumber,otherNumber,capabilities,ssl,abPhoneNumber,moodIcon,lastName,abPhones,abContactName,lastseen,mute,livechat,official" void CIcqProto::StartSession() { ptrA szDeviceId(getStringA("DeviceId")); if (szDeviceId == nullptr) { UUID deviceId; UuidCreate(&deviceId); RPC_CSTR szId; UuidToStringA(&deviceId, &szId); szDeviceId = mir_strdup((char*)szId); setString("DeviceId", szDeviceId); RpcStringFreeA(&szId); } int ts = time(0); CMStringA nonce(FORMAT, "%d-2", ts); auto *pReq = new AsyncHttpRequest(CONN_MAIN, REQUEST_POST, ICQ_API_SERVER "/aim/startSession", &CIcqProto::OnStartSession); pReq << CHAR_PARAM("a", m_szAToken) << INT_PARAM("activeTimeout", 180) << CHAR_PARAM("assertCaps", CAPS) << INT_PARAM("buildNumber", __BUILD_NUM) << CHAR_PARAM("deviceId", szDeviceId) << CHAR_PARAM("events", EVENTS) << CHAR_PARAM("f", "json") << CHAR_PARAM("imf", "plain") << CHAR_PARAM("inactiveView", "offline") << CHAR_PARAM("includePresenceFields", FIELDS) << CHAR_PARAM("invisible", "false") << CHAR_PARAM("k", ICQ_APP_ID) << INT_PARAM("mobile", 0) << CHAR_PARAM("nonce", nonce) << CHAR_PARAM("r", pReq->m_reqId) << INT_PARAM("rawMsg", 0) << INT_PARAM("sessionTimeout", 7776000) << INT_PARAM("ts", ts) << CHAR_PARAM("view", "online"); CalcHash(pReq); Push(pReq); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CIcqProto::OnAddBuddy(NETLIBHTTPREQUEST *pReply, AsyncHttpRequest *pReq) { MCONTACT hContact = (MCONTACT)pReq->pUserInfo; JsonReply root(pReply); if (root.error() == 200) { RetrieveUserInfo(getDword(hContact, DB_KEY_UIN)); db_unset(hContact, "CList", "NotOnList"); } } void CIcqProto::OnAddClient(NETLIBHTTPREQUEST *pReply, AsyncHttpRequest *pReq) { bool *pRet = (bool*)pReq->pUserInfo; RobustReply reply(pReply); if (reply.error() != 20000) { *pRet = false; return; } const JSONNode &results = reply.results(); m_iRClientId = results["clientId"].as_int(); setDword(DB_KEY_RCLIENTID, m_iRClientId); *pRet = true; } void CIcqProto::OnCheckPassword(NETLIBHTTPREQUEST *pReply, AsyncHttpRequest*) { JsonReply root(pReply); switch (root.error()) { case 200: break; case 330: case 440: ConnectionFailed(LOGINERR_WRONGPASSWORD); return; default: ConnectionFailed(LOGINERR_WRONGPROTOCOL); return; } JSONNode &data = root.data(); m_szAToken = data["token"]["a"].as_mstring(); m_szAToken = ptrA(mir_urlDecode(m_szAToken)); setString(DB_KEY_ATOKEN, m_szAToken); CMStringA szSessionSecret = data["sessionSecret"].as_mstring(); CMStringA szPassTemp = m_szPassword; unsigned int len; BYTE hashOut[MIR_SHA256_HASH_SIZE]; HMAC(EVP_sha256(), szPassTemp, szPassTemp.GetLength(), (BYTE*)szSessionSecret.c_str(), szSessionSecret.GetLength(), hashOut, &len); m_szSessionKey = ptrA(mir_base64_encode(hashOut, sizeof(hashOut))); setString(DB_KEY_SESSIONKEY, m_szSessionKey); CMStringA szUin = data["loginId"].as_mstring(); if (szUin) m_dwUin = atoi(szUin); StartSession(); } void CIcqProto::OnGetUserHistory(NETLIBHTTPREQUEST *pReply, AsyncHttpRequest *pReq) { MCONTACT hContact = (MCONTACT)pReq->pUserInfo; RobustReply root(pReply); if (root.error() != 20000) return; __int64 lastMsgId = getId(hContact, "LastMsgId"); const JSONNode &results = root.results(); for (auto &it : results["messages"]) { ParseMessage(hContact, it); __int64 msgId = _wtoi64(it["msgId"].as_mstring()); if (msgId > lastMsgId) lastMsgId = msgId; } setId(hContact, "LastMsgId", lastMsgId); } void CIcqProto::OnGetUserInfo(NETLIBHTTPREQUEST *pReply, AsyncHttpRequest *pReq) { MCONTACT hContact = (MCONTACT)pReq->pUserInfo; JsonReply root(pReply); if (root.error() != 200) { ProtoBroadcastAck(hContact, ACKTYPE_GETINFO, ACKRESULT_FAILED, nullptr); return; } const JSONNode &data = root.data(); for (auto &it : data["users"]) ParseBuddyInfo(it); ProtoBroadcastAck(hContact, ACKTYPE_GETINFO, ACKRESULT_SUCCESS, nullptr); } void CIcqProto::OnStartSession(NETLIBHTTPREQUEST *pReply, AsyncHttpRequest*) { JsonReply root(pReply); switch (root.error()) { case 200: break; case 401: if (root.detail() == 1002) { // session expired delSetting(DB_KEY_ATOKEN); delSetting(DB_KEY_SESSIONKEY); CheckPassword(); } else ConnectionFailed(LOGINERR_WRONGPASSWORD); return; default: ConnectionFailed(LOGINERR_WRONGPROTOCOL); return; } JSONNode &data = root.data(); m_fetchBaseURL = data["fetchBaseURL"].as_mstring(); m_aimsid = data["aimsid"].as_mstring(); OnLoggedIn(); for (auto &it : data["events"]) ProcessEvent(it); m_hPollThread = ForkThreadEx(&CIcqProto::PollThread, 0, 0); } void CIcqProto::OnReceiveAvatar(NETLIBHTTPREQUEST *pReply, AsyncHttpRequest *pReq) { MCONTACT hContact = (MCONTACT)pReq->pUserInfo; const wchar_t *pwszExtension; PROTO_AVATAR_INFORMATION ai; ai.hContact = hContact; ai.format = ProtoGetBufferFormat(pReply->pData, &pwszExtension); setByte(hContact, "AvatarType", ai.format); GetAvatarFileName(hContact, ai.filename, _countof(ai.filename)); FILE *out = _wfopen(ai.filename, L"wb"); if (out != nullptr) { fwrite(pReply->pData, pReply->dataLength, 1, out); fclose(out); if (hContact != 0) { ProtoBroadcastAck(hContact, ACKTYPE_AVATAR, ACKRESULT_SUCCESS, HANDLE(&ai), 0); debugLogW(L"Broadcast new avatar: %s", ai.filename); } else CallService(MS_AV_REPORTMYAVATARCHANGED, (WPARAM)m_szModuleName, 0); } else ProtoBroadcastAck(hContact, ACKTYPE_AVATAR, ACKRESULT_FAILED, HANDLE(&ai), 0); } void CIcqProto::OnSearchResults(NETLIBHTTPREQUEST *pReply, AsyncHttpRequest *pReq) { RobustReply root(pReply); if (root.error() != 20000) { ProtoBroadcastAck(0, ACKTYPE_SEARCH, ACKRESULT_FAILED, (HANDLE)pReq, 0); return; } const JSONNode &results = root.results(); PROTOSEARCHRESULT psr = {}; psr.cbSize = sizeof(psr); psr.flags = PSR_UNICODE; for (auto &it : results["data"]) { const JSONNode &anketa = it["anketa"]; CMStringW wszId = it["sn"].as_mstring(); CMStringW wszNick = anketa["nickname"].as_mstring(); CMStringW wszFirst = anketa["firstName"].as_mstring(); CMStringW wszLast = anketa["lastName"].as_mstring(); psr.id.w = wszId.GetBuffer(); psr.nick.w = wszNick.GetBuffer(); psr.firstName.w = wszFirst.GetBuffer(); psr.lastName.w = wszLast.GetBuffer(); ProtoBroadcastAck(0, ACKTYPE_SEARCH, ACKRESULT_DATA, (HANDLE)pReq, LPARAM(&psr)); } ProtoBroadcastAck(0, ACKTYPE_SEARCH, ACKRESULT_SUCCESS, (HANDLE)pReq); } void CIcqProto::OnSendMessage(NETLIBHTTPREQUEST *pReply, AsyncHttpRequest *pReq) { IcqOwnMessage *ownMsg = (IcqOwnMessage*)pReq->pUserInfo; JsonReply root(pReply); if (root.error() != 200) { ProtoBroadcastAck(ownMsg->m_hContact, ACKTYPE_MESSAGE, ACKRESULT_FAILED, (HANDLE)ownMsg->m_msgid, 0); for (auto &it : m_arOwnIds) { if (it == ownMsg) { m_arOwnIds.remove(m_arOwnIds.indexOf(&it)); break; } } } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CIcqProto::ProcessBuddyList(const JSONNode &ev) { for (auto &it : ev["groups"]) { CMStringW szGroup = it["name"].as_mstring(); bool bCreated = false; for (auto &buddy : it["buddies"]) { MCONTACT hContact = ParseBuddyInfo(buddy); if (db_get_sm(hContact, "CList", "Group").IsEmpty()) { if (!bCreated) { Clist_GroupCreate(0, szGroup); bCreated = true; } db_set_ws(hContact, "CList", "Group", szGroup); } } } for (auto &it : m_arCache) if (!it->m_bInList) db_set_b(it->m_hContact, "CList", "NotOnList", 1); } void CIcqProto::ProcessEvent(const JSONNode &ev) { const JSONNode &pData = ev["eventData"]; CMStringW szType = ev["type"].as_mstring(); if (szType == L"buddylist") ProcessBuddyList(pData); else if (szType == L"histDlgState") ProcessHistData(pData); else if (szType == L"myInfo") ProcessMyInfo(pData); else if (szType == L"presence") ProcessPresence(pData); else if (szType == L"typing") ProcessTyping(pData); } void CIcqProto::ProcessHistData(const JSONNode &ev) { DWORD dwUin = _wtol(ev["sn"].as_mstring()); MCONTACT hContact = CreateContact(dwUin, true); __int64 lastMsgId = getId(hContact, "LastMsgId"); __int64 srvlastId = _wtoi64(ev["lastMsgId"].as_mstring()); // on first start we don't load history not to create dups if (lastMsgId == 0) setId(hContact, "LastMsgId", srvlastId); // or load missing messages if any else if (srvlastId > lastMsgId) RetrieveUserHistory(hContact, srvlastId, lastMsgId); } void CIcqProto::ProcessMyInfo(const JSONNode &ev) { CheckNickChange(0, ev); CheckAvatarChange(0, ev); } void CIcqProto::ProcessPresence(const JSONNode &ev) { DWORD dwUin = _wtol(ev["aimId"].as_mstring()); IcqCacheItem *pCache = FindContactByUIN(dwUin); if (pCache) { setDword(pCache->m_hContact, "Status", StatusFromString(ev["state"].as_mstring())); CheckNickChange(pCache->m_hContact, ev); CheckAvatarChange(pCache->m_hContact, ev); } } void CIcqProto::ProcessTyping(const JSONNode &ev) { DWORD dwUin = _wtol(ev["aimId"].as_mstring()); CMStringW wszStatus = ev["typingStatus"].as_mstring(); IcqCacheItem *pCache = FindContactByUIN(dwUin); if (pCache) { if (wszStatus == "typing") CallService(MS_PROTO_CONTACTISTYPING, pCache->m_hContact, 60); else CallService(MS_PROTO_CONTACTISTYPING, pCache->m_hContact, PROTOTYPE_CONTACTTYPING_OFF); } } void CIcqProto::OnFetchEvents(NETLIBHTTPREQUEST *pReply, AsyncHttpRequest*) { JsonReply root(pReply); if (root.error() != 200) { ShutdownSession(); return; } JSONNode &data = root.data(); m_fetchBaseURL = data["fetchBaseURL"].as_mstring(); for (auto &it : data["events"]) ProcessEvent(it); } void __cdecl CIcqProto::PollThread(void*) { debugLogA("Polling thread started"); bool bFirst = true; while (m_bOnline) { CMStringA szUrl = m_fetchBaseURL; if (bFirst) { bFirst = false; szUrl.Append("&first=1"); } else szUrl.Append("&timeout=60000"); auto *pReq = new AsyncHttpRequest(CONN_FETCH, REQUEST_GET, szUrl, &CIcqProto::OnFetchEvents); if (!bFirst) pReq->timeout = 62000; ExecuteRequest(pReq); } debugLogA("Polling thread ended"); m_hPollThread = nullptr; }