// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------80 // ICQ plugin for Miranda Instant Messenger // ________________________________________ // // Copyright � 2000-2001 Richard Hughes, Roland Rabien, Tristan Van de Vreede // Copyright � 2001-2002 Jon Keating, Richard Hughes // Copyright � 2002-2004 Martin �berg, Sam Kothari, Robert Rainwater // Copyright � 2004-2010 Joe Kucera // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 // of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. // // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // File name : $URL: http://miranda.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/miranda/protocols/IcqOscarJ/cookies.cpp $ // Revision : $Revision: 14075 $ // Last change on : $Date: 2012-02-11 16:41:20 +0200 (Сб, 11 фев 2012) $ // Last change by : $Author: borkra $ // // DESCRIPTION: // // Handles packet & message cookies // // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "icqoscar.h" #define INVALID_COOKIE_INDEX -1 void CIcqProto::RemoveExpiredCookies() { time_t tNow = time(NULL); for (int i = cookies.getCount()-1; i >= 0; i--) { icq_cookie_info *cookie = cookies[i]; if ((cookie->dwTime + COOKIE_TIMEOUT) < tNow) { cookies.remove(i); SAFE_FREE((void**)&cookie); } } } // Generate and allocate cookie DWORD CIcqProto::AllocateCookie(BYTE bType, WORD wIdent, HANDLE hContact, void *pvExtra) { icq_lock l(cookieMutex); DWORD dwThisSeq = wCookieSeq++; dwThisSeq &= 0x7FFF; dwThisSeq |= wIdent<<0x10; icq_cookie_info* p = (icq_cookie_info*)SAFE_MALLOC(sizeof(icq_cookie_info)); if (p) { p->bType = bType; p->dwCookie = dwThisSeq; p->hContact = hContact; p->pvExtra = pvExtra; p->dwTime = time(NULL); cookies.insert(p); } return dwThisSeq; } DWORD CIcqProto::GenerateCookie(WORD wIdent) { icq_lock l(cookieMutex); DWORD dwThisSeq = wCookieSeq++; dwThisSeq &= 0x7FFF; dwThisSeq |= wIdent<<0x10; return dwThisSeq; } int CIcqProto::GetCookieType(DWORD dwCookie) { icq_lock l(cookieMutex); int i = cookies.getIndex(( icq_cookie_info* )&dwCookie ); if ( i != INVALID_COOKIE_INDEX ) i = cookies[i]->bType; return i; } int CIcqProto::FindCookie(DWORD dwCookie, HANDLE *phContact, void **ppvExtra) { icq_lock l(cookieMutex); int i = cookies.getIndex(( icq_cookie_info* )&dwCookie ); if (i != INVALID_COOKIE_INDEX) { if (phContact) *phContact = cookies[i]->hContact; if (ppvExtra) *ppvExtra = cookies[i]->pvExtra; // Cookie found return 1; } return 0; } int CIcqProto::FindCookieByData(void *pvExtra, DWORD *pdwCookie, HANDLE *phContact) { icq_lock l(cookieMutex); for (int i = 0; i < cookies.getCount(); i++) { if (pvExtra == cookies[i]->pvExtra) { if (phContact) *phContact = cookies[i]->hContact; if (pdwCookie) *pdwCookie = cookies[i]->dwCookie; // Cookie found return 1; } } return 0; } int CIcqProto::FindCookieByType(BYTE bType, DWORD *pdwCookie, HANDLE *phContact, void** ppvExtra) { icq_lock l(cookieMutex); for (int i = 0; i < cookies.getCount(); i++) { if (bType == cookies[i]->bType) { if (pdwCookie) *pdwCookie = cookies[i]->dwCookie; if (phContact) *phContact = cookies[i]->hContact; if (ppvExtra) *ppvExtra = cookies[i]->pvExtra; // Cookie found return 1; } } return 0; } int CIcqProto::FindMessageCookie(DWORD dwMsgID1, DWORD dwMsgID2, DWORD *pdwCookie, HANDLE *phContact, cookie_message_data **ppvExtra) { icq_lock l(cookieMutex); for (int i = 0; i < cookies.getCount(); i++) { if (cookies[i]->bType == CKT_MESSAGE || cookies[i]->bType == CKT_FILE || cookies[i]->bType == CKT_REVERSEDIRECT) { // message cookie found cookie_message_data *pCookie = (cookie_message_data*)cookies[i]->pvExtra; if (pCookie->dwMsgID1 == dwMsgID1 && pCookie->dwMsgID2 == dwMsgID2) { if (phContact) *phContact = cookies[i]->hContact; if (pdwCookie) *pdwCookie = cookies[i]->dwCookie; if (ppvExtra) *ppvExtra = pCookie; // Cookie found return 1; } } } return 0; } void CIcqProto::FreeCookie(DWORD dwCookie) { icq_lock l(cookieMutex); int i = cookies.getIndex((icq_cookie_info*)&dwCookie); if (i != INVALID_COOKIE_INDEX) { // Cookie found, remove from list icq_cookie_info *cookie = cookies[i]; cookies.remove(i); SAFE_FREE((void**)&cookie); } RemoveExpiredCookies(); } void CIcqProto::FreeCookieByData(BYTE bType, void *pvExtra) { icq_lock l(cookieMutex); for (int i = 0; i < cookies.getCount(); i++) { icq_cookie_info *cookie = cookies[i]; if (bType == cookie->bType && pvExtra == cookie->pvExtra) { // Cookie found, remove from list cookies.remove(i); SAFE_FREE((void**)&cookie); break; } } RemoveExpiredCookies(); } void CIcqProto::ReleaseCookie(DWORD dwCookie) { icq_lock l(cookieMutex); int i = cookies.getIndex(( icq_cookie_info* )&dwCookie ); if (i != INVALID_COOKIE_INDEX) { // Cookie found, remove from list icq_cookie_info *cookie = cookies[i]; cookies.remove(i); SAFE_FREE((void**)&cookie->pvExtra); SAFE_FREE((void**)&cookie); } RemoveExpiredCookies(); } void CIcqProto::InitMessageCookie(cookie_message_data *pCookie) { DWORD dwMsgID1; DWORD dwMsgID2; do { // ensure that message ids are unique dwMsgID1 = time(NULL); dwMsgID2 = RandRange(0, 0x0FFFF); } while (FindMessageCookie(dwMsgID1, dwMsgID2, NULL, NULL, NULL)); if (pCookie) { pCookie->dwMsgID1 = dwMsgID1; pCookie->dwMsgID2 = dwMsgID2; } } cookie_message_data* CIcqProto::CreateMessageCookie(WORD bMsgType, BYTE bAckType) { cookie_message_data *pCookie = (cookie_message_data*)SAFE_MALLOC(sizeof(cookie_message_data)); if (pCookie) { pCookie->bMessageType = bMsgType; pCookie->nAckType = bAckType; InitMessageCookie(pCookie); } return pCookie; } cookie_message_data* CIcqProto::CreateMessageCookieData(BYTE bMsgType, HANDLE hContact, DWORD dwUin, int bUseSrvRelay) { BYTE bAckType; WORD wStatus = getContactStatus(hContact); if (!getSettingByte(hContact, "SlowSend", getSettingByte(NULL, "SlowSend", DEFAULT_SLOWSEND)) || (!dwUin && wStatus == ID_STATUS_OFFLINE)) bAckType = ACKTYPE_NONE; else if (bUseSrvRelay) bAckType = ACKTYPE_CLIENT; else bAckType = ACKTYPE_SERVER; cookie_message_data* pCookieData = CreateMessageCookie(bMsgType, bAckType); // set flag for offline messages - to allow proper error handling if (wStatus == ID_STATUS_OFFLINE || wStatus == ID_STATUS_INVISIBLE) pCookieData->isOffline = TRUE; return pCookieData; }