// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------80
//                ICQ plugin for Miranda Instant Messenger
//                ________________________________________
// Copyright � 2000-2001 Richard Hughes, Roland Rabien, Tristan Van de Vreede
// Copyright � 2001-2002 Jon Keating, Richard Hughes
// Copyright � 2002-2004 Martin �berg, Sam Kothari, Robert Rainwater
// Copyright � 2004-2010 Joe Kucera
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// File name      : $URL: http://miranda.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/miranda/protocols/IcqOscarJ/directpackets.cpp $
// Revision       : $Revision: 11570 $
// Last change on : $Date: 2010-04-11 16:58:57 +0300 (Вс, 11 апр 2010) $
// Last change by : $Author: jokusoftware $
//  Describe me here please...
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

#include "icqoscar.h"

void EncryptDirectPacket(directconnect* dc, icq_packet* p);

void packEmptyMsg(icq_packet *packet);

void packDirectMsgHeader(icq_packet* packet, WORD wDataLen, WORD wCommand, DWORD dwCookie, BYTE bMsgType, BYTE bMsgFlags, WORD wX1, WORD wX2)
	directPacketInit(packet, 29 + wDataLen);
	packByte(packet, 2);        /* channel */
	packLEDWord(packet, 0);     /* space for crypto */
	packLEWord(packet, wCommand);
	packLEWord(packet, 14);      /* unknown */
	packLEWord(packet, (WORD)dwCookie);
	packLEDWord(packet, 0);      /* unknown */
	packLEDWord(packet, 0);      /* unknown */
	packLEDWord(packet, 0);      /* unknown */
	packByte(packet, bMsgType);
	packByte(packet, bMsgFlags);
	packLEWord(packet, wX1);    /* unknown. Is 1 for getawaymsg, 0 otherwise */
	packLEWord(packet, wX2); // this is probably priority

void CIcqProto::icq_sendDirectMsgAck(directconnect* dc, WORD wCookie, BYTE bMsgType, BYTE bMsgFlags, char* szCap)
	icq_packet packet;

	packDirectMsgHeader(&packet, (WORD)(bMsgType==MTYPE_PLAIN ? (szCap ? 53 : 11) : 3), DIRECT_ACK, wCookie, bMsgType, bMsgFlags, 0, 0);
	packEmptyMsg(&packet);   /* empty message */

	if (bMsgType == MTYPE_PLAIN)

		if (szCap)
			packLEDWord(&packet, 0x26);     /* CLSID length */
			packBuffer(&packet, (LPBYTE)szCap, 0x26); /* GUID */
	EncryptDirectPacket(dc, &packet);
	sendDirectPacket(dc, &packet);

	NetLog_Direct("Sent acknowledgement thru direct connection");

DWORD CIcqProto::icq_sendGetAwayMsgDirect(HANDLE hContact, int type)
	icq_packet packet;
	DWORD dwCookie;
	cookie_message_data *pCookieData;

	if (getSettingWord(hContact, "Version", 0) == 9)
		return 0; // v9 DC protocol does not support this message

	pCookieData = CreateMessageCookie(MTYPE_AUTOAWAY, (BYTE)type);
	dwCookie = AllocateCookie(CKT_MESSAGE, 0, hContact, (void*)pCookieData);

	packDirectMsgHeader(&packet, 3, DIRECT_MESSAGE, dwCookie, (BYTE)type, 3, 1, 0);
	packEmptyMsg(&packet);  // message

	return (SendDirectMessage(hContact, &packet)) ? dwCookie : 0;

void CIcqProto::icq_sendAwayMsgReplyDirect(directconnect* dc, WORD wCookie, BYTE msgType, const char** szMsg)
	icq_packet packet;

	if (validateStatusMessageRequest(dc->hContact, msgType))
		NotifyEventHooks(m_modeMsgsEvent, (WPARAM)msgType, (LPARAM)dc->dwRemoteUin);

		icq_lock l(m_modeMsgsMutex);

		if (szMsg && *szMsg)
			// prepare Ansi message - only Ansi supported
			WORD wMsgLen = strlennull(*szMsg) + 1;
			char *szAnsiMsg = (char*)_alloca(wMsgLen);

			utf8_decode_static(*szMsg, szAnsiMsg, wMsgLen);
			wMsgLen = strlennull(szAnsiMsg);
			packDirectMsgHeader(&packet, (WORD)(3 + wMsgLen), DIRECT_ACK, wCookie, msgType, 3, 0, 0);
			packLEWord(&packet, (WORD)(wMsgLen + 1));
			packBuffer(&packet, (LPBYTE)szAnsiMsg, (WORD)(wMsgLen + 1));
			EncryptDirectPacket(dc, &packet);

			sendDirectPacket(dc, &packet);

void CIcqProto::icq_sendFileAcceptDirect(HANDLE hContact, filetransfer* ft)
	// v7 packet
	icq_packet packet;

	packDirectMsgHeader(&packet, 18, DIRECT_ACK, ft->dwCookie, MTYPE_FILEREQ, 0, 0, 0);
	packLEWord(&packet, 1);    // description
	packByte(&packet, 0);
	packWord(&packet, wListenPort);
	packLEWord(&packet, 0);
	packLEWord(&packet, 1);    // filename
	packByte(&packet, 0);     // TODO: really send filename
	packLEDWord(&packet, ft->dwTotalSize);  // file size 
	packLEDWord(&packet, wListenPort);    // FIXME: ideally we want to open a new port for this

	SendDirectMessage(hContact, &packet);

	NetLog_Direct("Sent file accept direct, port %u", wListenPort);

void CIcqProto::icq_sendFileDenyDirect(HANDLE hContact, filetransfer *ft, const char *szReason)
	// v7 packet
	icq_packet packet;
  char *szReasonAnsi = NULL;
  int cbReasonAnsi = 0;

  if (!utf8_decode(szReason, &szReasonAnsi))
    szReasonAnsi = NULL;
    cbReasonAnsi = strlennull(szReasonAnsi);

	packDirectMsgHeader(&packet, (WORD)(18 + cbReasonAnsi), DIRECT_ACK, ft->dwCookie, MTYPE_FILEREQ, 0, 1, 0);
	packLEWord(&packet, (WORD)(1 + cbReasonAnsi));  // description
	if (szReasonAnsi) packBuffer(&packet, (LPBYTE)szReasonAnsi, (WORD)cbReasonAnsi);
	packByte(&packet, 0);
	packWord(&packet, 0);
	packLEWord(&packet, 0);
	packLEWord(&packet, 1);   // filename
	packByte(&packet, 0);     // TODO: really send filename
	packLEDWord(&packet, 0);  // file size 
	packLEDWord(&packet, 0);  


	SendDirectMessage(hContact, &packet);

	NetLog_Direct("Sent file deny direct.");

int CIcqProto::icq_sendFileSendDirectv7(filetransfer *ft, const char *pszFiles)
	icq_packet packet;
	char *szFilesAnsi = NULL;
	WORD wDescrLen = strlennull(ft->szDescription), wFilesLen = 0;

  if (!utf8_decode(pszFiles, &szFilesAnsi))
    szFilesAnsi = NULL;
    wFilesLen = strlennull(szFilesAnsi);

	packDirectMsgHeader(&packet, (WORD)(18 + wDescrLen + wFilesLen), DIRECT_MESSAGE, (WORD)ft->dwCookie, MTYPE_FILEREQ, 0, 0, 0);
	packLEWord(&packet, (WORD)(wDescrLen + 1));
	packBuffer(&packet, (LPBYTE)ft->szDescription, (WORD)(wDescrLen + 1));
	packLEDWord(&packet, 0);   // listen port
	packLEWord(&packet, (WORD)(wFilesLen + 1));
	packBuffer(&packet, (LPBYTE)szFilesAnsi, (WORD)(wFilesLen + 1));
	packLEDWord(&packet, ft->dwTotalSize);
	packLEDWord(&packet, 0);    // listen port (again)


	NetLog_Direct("Sending v%u file transfer request direct", 7);

	return SendDirectMessage(ft->hContact, &packet);

int CIcqProto::icq_sendFileSendDirectv8(filetransfer *ft, const char *pszFiles)
	icq_packet packet;
	char *szFilesAnsi = NULL;
	WORD wDescrLen = strlennull(ft->szDescription), wFilesLen = 0;

  if (!utf8_decode(pszFiles, &szFilesAnsi))
    szFilesAnsi = NULL;
    wFilesLen = strlennull(szFilesAnsi);

	packDirectMsgHeader(&packet, (WORD)(0x2E + 22 + wDescrLen + wFilesLen + 1), DIRECT_MESSAGE, (WORD)ft->dwCookie, MTYPE_PLUGIN, 0, 0, 0);
	packEmptyMsg(&packet);  // message
	packPluginTypeId(&packet, MTYPE_FILEREQ);

	packLEDWord(&packet, (WORD)(18 + wDescrLen + wFilesLen + 1)); // Remaining length
	packLEDWord(&packet, wDescrLen);          // Description
	packBuffer(&packet, (LPBYTE)ft->szDescription, wDescrLen);
	packWord(&packet, 0x8c82); // Unknown (port?), seen 0x80F6
	packWord(&packet, 0x0222); // Unknown, seen 0x2e01
	packLEWord(&packet, (WORD)(wFilesLen + 1));
	packBuffer(&packet, (LPBYTE)szFilesAnsi, (WORD)(wFilesLen + 1));
	packLEDWord(&packet, ft->dwTotalSize);
	packLEDWord(&packet, 0x0008c82); // Unknown, (seen 0xf680 ~33000)


	NetLog_Direct("Sending v%u file transfer request direct", 8);

	return SendDirectMessage(ft->hContact, &packet);

DWORD CIcqProto::icq_SendDirectMessage(HANDLE hContact, const char *szMessage, int nBodyLength, WORD wPriority, cookie_message_data *pCookieData, char *szCap)
	icq_packet packet;
	DWORD dwCookie = AllocateCookie(CKT_MESSAGE, 0, hContact, (void*)pCookieData);

	// Pack the standard header
	packDirectMsgHeader(&packet, (WORD)(nBodyLength + (szCap ? 53:11)), DIRECT_MESSAGE, dwCookie, (BYTE)pCookieData->bMessageType, 0, 0, 0);

	packLEWord(&packet, (WORD)(nBodyLength+1));            // Length of message
	packBuffer(&packet, (LPBYTE)szMessage, (WORD)(nBodyLength+1)); // Message
	if (szCap)
		packLEDWord(&packet, 0x00000026);                    // length of GUID
		packBuffer(&packet, (LPBYTE)szCap, 0x26);                    // UTF-8 GUID

	if (SendDirectMessage(hContact, &packet))
		return dwCookie; // Success
	FreeCookie(dwCookie); // release cookie
	return 0; // Failure

void CIcqProto::icq_sendXtrazRequestDirect(HANDLE hContact, DWORD dwCookie, char* szBody, int nBodyLen, WORD wType)
	icq_packet packet;

	packDirectMsgHeader(&packet, (WORD)(11 + getPluginTypeIdLen(wType) + nBodyLen), DIRECT_MESSAGE, dwCookie, MTYPE_PLUGIN, 0, 0, 1);
	packEmptyMsg(&packet);  // message (unused)
	packPluginTypeId(&packet, wType);

	packLEDWord(&packet, nBodyLen + 4);
	packLEDWord(&packet, nBodyLen);
	packBuffer(&packet, (LPBYTE)szBody, (WORD)nBodyLen);

	SendDirectMessage(hContact, &packet);

void CIcqProto::icq_sendXtrazResponseDirect(HANDLE hContact, WORD wCookie, char* szBody, int nBodyLen, WORD wType)
	icq_packet packet;

	packDirectMsgHeader(&packet, (WORD)(getPluginTypeIdLen(wType) + 11 + nBodyLen), DIRECT_ACK, wCookie, MTYPE_PLUGIN, 0, 0, 0);
	packEmptyMsg(&packet);  // Message (unused)

	packPluginTypeId(&packet, wType);

	packLEDWord(&packet, nBodyLen + 4);
	packLEDWord(&packet, nBodyLen);
	packBuffer(&packet, (LPBYTE)szBody, (WORD)nBodyLen);

	SendDirectMessage(hContact, &packet);