// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------80 // ICQ plugin for Miranda Instant Messenger // ________________________________________ // // Copyright � 2000-2001 Richard Hughes, Roland Rabien, Tristan Van de Vreede // Copyright � 2001-2002 Jon Keating, Richard Hughes // Copyright � 2002-2004 Martin �berg, Sam Kothari, Robert Rainwater // Copyright � 2004-2010 Joe Kucera // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 // of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. // // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // DESCRIPTION: // // OSCAR File-Transfers implementation // // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "icqoscar.h" struct oscarthreadstartinfo { int type; int incoming; HANDLE hContact; HANDLE hConnection; DWORD dwRemoteIP; oscar_filetransfer *ft; oscar_listener *listener; }; // small utility function extern void NormalizeBackslash(char* path); // // Common functions ///////////////////////////// char *FindFilePathContainer(const char **files, int iFile, char *szContainer) { const char *szThisFile = files[iFile]; char *szFileName = (char*)ExtractFileName(szThisFile); szContainer[0] = '\0'; if (szThisFile != szFileName) { // find an earlier subdirectory to be used as a container for (int i = iFile - 1; i >= 0; i--) { int len = strlennull(files[i]); if (!_strnicmp(files[i], szThisFile, len) && (szThisFile[len] == '\\' || szThisFile[len] == '/')) { const char *pszLastBackslash; if (((pszLastBackslash = strrchr(files[i], '\\')) == NULL) && ((pszLastBackslash = strrchr(files[i], '/')) == NULL)) { strcpy(szContainer, files[i]); } else { len = pszLastBackslash - files[i] + 1; null_strcpy(szContainer, szThisFile + len, szFileName - szThisFile - len); } } } } return szFileName; } // // Utility functions ///////////////////////////// oscar_filetransfer* CIcqProto::CreateOscarTransfer() { oscar_filetransfer* ft = (oscar_filetransfer*)SAFE_MALLOC(sizeof(oscar_filetransfer)); ft->ft_magic = FT_MAGIC_OSCAR; // Setup signature // Init members ft->fileId = -1; icq_lock l(oftMutex); fileTransferList = (basic_filetransfer**)SAFE_REALLOC(fileTransferList, sizeof(basic_filetransfer*)*(fileTransferCount + 1)); fileTransferList[fileTransferCount++] = ft; #ifdef _DEBUG NetLog_Direct("OFT: FT struct 0x%x created", ft); #endif return ft; } filetransfer *CIcqProto::CreateIcqFileTransfer() { filetransfer *ft = (filetransfer*)SAFE_MALLOC(sizeof(filetransfer)); ft->ft_magic = FT_MAGIC_ICQ; icq_lock l(oftMutex); fileTransferList = (basic_filetransfer**)SAFE_REALLOC(fileTransferList, sizeof(basic_filetransfer*)*(fileTransferCount + 1)); fileTransferList[fileTransferCount++] = (basic_filetransfer*)ft; #ifdef _DEBUG NetLog_Direct("FT struct 0x%x created", ft); #endif return ft; } int CIcqProto::getFileTransferIndex(void *ft) { for (int i = 0; i < fileTransferCount; i++) { if (fileTransferList[i] == ft) return i; } return -1; } void CIcqProto::ReleaseFileTransfer(void *ft) { int i = getFileTransferIndex(ft); if (i != -1) { fileTransferCount--; fileTransferList[i] = fileTransferList[fileTransferCount]; fileTransferList = (basic_filetransfer**)SAFE_REALLOC(fileTransferList, sizeof(basic_filetransfer*)*fileTransferCount); } } int CIcqProto::IsValidFileTransfer(void *ft) { icq_lock l(oftMutex); if (getFileTransferIndex(ft) != -1) return 1; return 0; } int CIcqProto::IsValidOscarTransfer(void *ft) { icq_lock l(oftMutex); if (getFileTransferIndex(ft) != -1 && ((basic_filetransfer*)ft)->ft_magic == FT_MAGIC_OSCAR) return 1; return 0; } oscar_filetransfer* CIcqProto::FindOscarTransfer(HANDLE hContact, DWORD dwID1, DWORD dwID2) { icq_lock l(oftMutex); for (int i = 0; i < fileTransferCount; i++) { if (fileTransferList[i]->ft_magic == FT_MAGIC_OSCAR) { oscar_filetransfer *oft = (oscar_filetransfer*)fileTransferList[i]; if (oft->hContact == hContact && oft->pMessage.dwMsgID1 == dwID1 && oft->pMessage.dwMsgID2 == dwID2) return oft; } } return NULL; } // Release file transfer structure void CIcqProto::SafeReleaseFileTransfer(void **ft) { basic_filetransfer **bft = (basic_filetransfer**)ft; icq_lock l(oftMutex); // Check for filetransfer validity if (getFileTransferIndex(*ft) == -1) return; if (*bft) { if ((*bft)->ft_magic == FT_MAGIC_ICQ) { // release ICQ filetransfer structure and its contents filetransfer *ift = (filetransfer*)(*bft); SAFE_FREE(&ift->szFilename); SAFE_FREE(&ift->szDescription); SAFE_FREE(&ift->szSavePath); SAFE_FREE(&ift->szThisFile); SAFE_FREE(&ift->szThisSubdir); if (ift->pszFiles) { for (int i = 0; i < (int)ift->dwFileCount; i++) SAFE_FREE(&ift->pszFiles[i]); SAFE_FREE((void**)&ift->pszFiles); } // Invalidate transfer ReleaseFileTransfer(ift); #ifdef _DEBUG NetLog_Direct("FT struct 0x%x released", ft); #endif // Release memory SAFE_FREE((void**)ft); } else if ((*bft)->ft_magic == FT_MAGIC_OSCAR) { // release oscar filetransfer structure and its contents oscar_filetransfer *oft = (oscar_filetransfer*)(*bft); // If connected, close connection if (oft->connection) CloseOscarConnection(oft->connection); // Release oscar listener if (oft->listener) ReleaseOscarListener((oscar_listener**)&oft->listener); // Release cookie if (oft->dwCookie) FreeCookie(oft->dwCookie); // Release all dynamic members SAFE_FREE(&oft->rawFileName); SAFE_FREE(&oft->szSavePath); SAFE_FREE(&oft->szThisFile); SAFE_FREE(&oft->szThisPath); SAFE_FREE(&oft->szDescription); if (oft->files) { for (int i = 0; i < oft->wFilesCount; i++) SAFE_FREE(&oft->files[i].szFile); SAFE_FREE((void**)&oft->files); } if (oft->files_list) { /* for (int i = 0; i < oft->wFilesCount; i++) SAFE_FREE(&oft->files_list[i]);*/ SAFE_FREE((void**)&oft->files_list); } if (oft->file_containers) { for (int i = 0; i < oft->containerCount; i++) SAFE_FREE(&oft->file_containers[i]); SAFE_FREE((void**)&oft->file_containers); } if (oft->fileId != -1) { #ifdef _DEBUG NetLog_Direct("OFT: _close(%u)", oft->fileId); #endif _close(oft->fileId); } // Invalidate transfer ReleaseFileTransfer(oft); #ifdef _DEBUG NetLog_Direct("OFT: FT struct 0x%x released", ft); #endif // Release memory SAFE_FREE((void**)ft); } } } // Calculate oft checksum of buffer // -------------------------------- // Information was gathered from Gaim's sources, thanks // DWORD oft_calc_checksum(int offset, const BYTE *buffer, int len, DWORD dwChecksum) { DWORD checksum = (dwChecksum >> 16) & 0xffff; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { WORD val = buffer[i]; DWORD oldchecksum = checksum; if (((i + offset) & 1) == 0) val = val << 8; if (checksum < val) checksum -= val + 1; else // simulate carry checksum -= val; } checksum = ((checksum & 0x0000ffff) + (checksum >> 16)); checksum = ((checksum & 0x0000ffff) + (checksum >> 16)); return checksum << 16; } DWORD oft_calc_file_checksum(int hFile, __int64 maxSize) { BYTE buf[OFT_BUFFER_SIZE]; int bytesRead; __int64 offset = 0; DWORD dwCheck = 0xFFFF0000; _lseek(hFile, 0, SEEK_SET); bytesRead = _read(hFile, buf, (maxSize < sizeof(buf)) ? maxSize : (unsigned)sizeof(buf)); if (bytesRead == -1) return dwCheck; while(bytesRead) { dwCheck = oft_calc_checksum((int)offset, buf, bytesRead, dwCheck); offset += bytesRead; bytesRead = _read(hFile, buf, sizeof(buf)); if (bytesRead + offset > maxSize) bytesRead = (int)(maxSize - offset); } _lseek(hFile, 0, SEEK_SET); // back to beginning return dwCheck; } oscar_listener* CIcqProto::CreateOscarListener(oscar_filetransfer *ft, NETLIBNEWCONNECTIONPROC_V2 handler) { oscar_listener *listener = (oscar_listener*)SAFE_MALLOC(sizeof(oscar_listener)); if (listener) { listener->ppro = this; listener->ft = ft; if (listener->hBoundPort = NetLib_BindPort(handler, listener, &listener->wPort, NULL)) return listener; // Success SAFE_FREE((void**)&listener); } return NULL; // Failure } void CIcqProto::ReleaseOscarListener(oscar_listener **pListener) { oscar_listener *listener = *pListener; if (listener) { // Close listening port if (listener->hBoundPort) NetLib_SafeCloseHandle(&listener->hBoundPort); NetLog_Direct("Oscar listener on port %d released.", listener->wPort); } SAFE_FREE((void**)pListener); } // // Miranda FT interface handlers & services ///////////////////////////// void CIcqProto::handleRecvServMsgOFT(BYTE *buf, WORD wLen, DWORD dwUin, char *szUID, DWORD dwID1, DWORD dwID2, WORD wCommand) { HANDLE hContact = HContactFromUID(dwUin, szUID, NULL); if (wCommand == 0) { // this is OFT request oscar_tlv_chain* chain = readIntoTLVChain(&buf, wLen, 0); if (chain) { WORD wAckType = chain->getWord(0x0A, 1); if (wAckType == 1) { // This is first request in this OFT oscar_filetransfer *ft = CreateOscarTransfer(); char *pszFileName = NULL; char *pszDescription = NULL; WORD wFilenameLength; NetLog_Server("This is a file request"); // This TLV chain may contain the following TLVs: // TLV(A): Acktype 0x0001 - file request / abort request // 0x0002 - file ack // TLV(F): Unknown // TLV(E): Language ? // TLV(2): Proxy IP // TLV(16): Proxy IP Check // TLV(3): External IP // TLV(4): Internal IP // TLV(5): Port // TLV(17): Port Check // TLV(10): Proxy Flag // TLV(D): Charset of User Message // TLV(C): User Message (ICQ_COOL_FT) // TLV(2711): FT info // TLV(2712): Charset of file name // init filetransfer structure ft->pMessage.dwMsgID1 = dwID1; ft->pMessage.dwMsgID2 = dwID2; ft->bUseProxy = chain->getTLV(0x10, 1) ? 1 : 0; ft->dwProxyIP = chain->getDWord(0x02, 1); ft->dwRemoteInternalIP = chain->getDWord(0x03, 1); ft->dwRemoteExternalIP = chain->getDWord(0x04, 1); ft->wRemotePort = chain->getWord(0x05, 1); ft->wReqNum = wAckType; { // User Message oscar_tlv* tlv = chain->getTLV(0x0C, 1); if (tlv) { // parse User Message BYTE* tBuf = tlv->pData; pszDescription = (char*)_alloca(tlv->wLen + 2); unpackString(&tBuf, (char*)pszDescription, tlv->wLen); pszDescription[tlv->wLen] = '\0'; pszDescription[tlv->wLen+1] = '\0'; { // apply User Message encoding oscar_tlv *charset = chain->getTLV(0x0D, 1); char *str = pszDescription; char *bTag,*eTag; if (charset) { // decode charset char *szEnc = (char*)_alloca(charset->wLen + 1); null_strcpy(szEnc, (char*)charset->pData, charset->wLen); str = ApplyEncoding((char*)pszDescription, szEnc); } else str = null_strdup(str); // eliminate HTML tags pszDescription = EliminateHtml(str, strlennull(str)); bTag = strstrnull(pszDescription, "<DESC>"); if (bTag) { // take special Description - ICQJ's extension eTag = strstrnull(bTag, "</DESC>"); if (eTag) { *eTag = '\0'; str = null_strdup(bTag + 6); SAFE_FREE(&pszDescription); pszDescription = str; } } else { bTag = strstrnull(pszDescription, "<FS>"); if (bTag) { // take only <FS> - Description tag if present eTag = strstrnull(bTag, "</FS>"); if (eTag) { *eTag = '\0'; str = null_strdup(bTag + 4); SAFE_FREE(&pszDescription); pszDescription = str; } } } } } if (!strlennull(pszDescription)) { SAFE_FREE(&pszDescription); pszDescription = ICQTranslateUtf(LPGEN("No description given")); } } { // parse File Transfer Info block oscar_tlv* tlv = chain->getTLV(0x2711, 1); // sanity check if (!tlv || tlv->wLen < 8) { NetLog_Server("Error: Malformed file request"); // release structures SafeReleaseFileTransfer((void**)&ft); SAFE_FREE(&pszDescription); return; } BYTE* tBuf = tlv->pData; WORD tLen = tlv->wLen; WORD wFlag; unpackWord(&tBuf, &wFlag); // FT flag unpackWord(&tBuf, &ft->wFilesCount); unpackDWord(&tBuf, (DWORD*)&ft->qwTotalSize); tLen -= 8; // Filename / Directory Name if (tLen) { // some filename specified, unpack wFilenameLength = tLen - 1; pszFileName = (char*)_alloca(tLen); unpackString(&tBuf, (char*)pszFileName, wFilenameLength); pszFileName[wFilenameLength] = '\0'; } else if (ft->wFilesCount == 1) // give some generic file name pszFileName = "unnamed_file"; else // or empty directory name pszFileName = ""; { // apply Filename / Directory Name encoding oscar_tlv* charset = chain->getTLV(0x2712, 1); if (charset) { char* szEnc = (char*)_alloca(charset->wLen + 1); null_strcpy(szEnc, (char*)charset->pData, charset->wLen); pszFileName = ApplyEncoding(pszFileName, szEnc); } else pszFileName = ansi_to_utf8(pszFileName); } if (ft->wFilesCount == 1) { // Filename - use for DB event char *szFileName = (char*)_alloca(strlennull(pszFileName) + 1); strcpy(szFileName, pszFileName); SAFE_FREE(&pszFileName); pszFileName = szFileName; } else { // Save Directory name for future use ft->szThisPath = pszFileName; // for multi-file transfer we do not display "folder" name, but create only a simple notice pszFileName = (char*)_alloca(64); char tmp[64]; null_snprintf(pszFileName, 64, ICQTranslateUtfStatic(LPGEN("%d Files"), tmp, SIZEOF(tmp)), ft->wFilesCount); } } // Total Size TLV (ICQ 6 and AIM 6) { oscar_tlv *tlv = chain->getTLV(0x2713, 1); if (tlv && tlv->wLen >= 8) { BYTE *tBuf = tlv->pData; unpackQWord(&tBuf, &ft->qwTotalSize); } } int bAdded; HANDLE hContact = HContactFromUID(dwUin, szUID, &bAdded); ft->hContact = hContact; ft->szDescription = pszDescription; ft->fileId = -1; // Send chain event char *szBlob = (char*)_alloca(sizeof(DWORD) + strlennull(pszFileName) + strlennull(pszDescription) + 2); *(PDWORD)szBlob = 0; strcpy(szBlob + sizeof(DWORD), pszFileName); strcpy(szBlob + sizeof(DWORD) + strlennull(pszFileName) + 1, pszDescription); PROTORECVEVENT pre; pre.flags = PREF_UTF; pre.timestamp = time(NULL); pre.szMessage = szBlob; pre.lParam = (LPARAM)ft; CCSDATA ccs; ccs.szProtoService = PSR_FILE; ccs.hContact = hContact; ccs.wParam = 0; ccs.lParam = (LPARAM)⪯ CallService(MS_PROTO_CHAINRECV, 0, (LPARAM)&ccs); } else if (wAckType == 2) { // First attempt failed, reverse requested oscar_filetransfer *ft = FindOscarTransfer(hContact, dwID1, dwID2); if (ft) { NetLog_Direct("OFT: Redirect received (%d)", wAckType); ft->wReqNum = wAckType; if (ft->flags & OFTF_SENDING) { ReleaseOscarListener((oscar_listener**)&ft->listener); ft->bUseProxy = chain->getTLV(0x10, 1) ? 1 : 0; ft->dwProxyIP = chain->getDWord(0x02, 1); ft->dwRemoteInternalIP = chain->getDWord(0x03, 1); ft->dwRemoteExternalIP = chain->getDWord(0x04, 1); ft->wRemotePort = chain->getWord(0x05, 1); OpenOscarConnection(hContact, ft, ft->bUseProxy ? OCT_PROXY_RECV: OCT_REVERSE); } else { // Just sanity BroadcastAck(ft->hContact, ACKTYPE_FILE, ACKRESULT_FAILED, (HANDLE)ft, 0); // Release transfer SafeReleaseFileTransfer((void**)&ft); } } else NetLog_Server("Error: Invalid request, no such transfer"); } else if (wAckType == 3) { // Transfering thru proxy, join tunnel oscar_filetransfer *ft = FindOscarTransfer(hContact, dwID1, dwID2); if (ft) { // release possible previous listener NetLog_Direct("OFT: Redirect received (%d)", wAckType); ft->wReqNum = wAckType; ReleaseOscarListener((oscar_listener**)&ft->listener); ft->bUseProxy = chain->getTLV(0x10, 1) ? 1 : 0; ft->dwProxyIP = chain->getDWord(0x02, 1); ft->wRemotePort = chain->getWord(0x05, 1); if (ft->bUseProxy && ft->dwProxyIP) { // Init proxy connection OpenOscarConnection(hContact, ft, OCT_PROXY_RECV); } else { // try Stage 4 OpenOscarConnection(hContact, ft, OCT_PROXY); } } else NetLog_Server("Error: Invalid request, no such transfer"); } else if (wAckType == 4) { oscar_filetransfer *ft = FindOscarTransfer(hContact, dwID1, dwID2); if (ft) { NetLog_Direct("OFT: Redirect received (%d)", wAckType); ft->wReqNum = wAckType; ft->bUseProxy = chain->getTLV(0x10, 1) ? 1 : 0; ft->dwProxyIP = chain->getDWord(0x02, 1); ft->wRemotePort = chain->getWord(0x05, 1); if (ft->bUseProxy && ft->dwProxyIP) { // Init proxy connection OpenOscarConnection(hContact, ft, OCT_PROXY_RECV); } else NetLog_Server("Error: Invalid request, IP missing."); } else NetLog_Server("Error: Invalid request, no such transfer"); } else NetLog_Server("Error: Uknown Stage %d request", wAckType); disposeChain(&chain); } else NetLog_Server("Error: Missing TLV chain in OFT request"); } else if (wCommand == 1) { // transfer cancelled/aborted oscar_filetransfer *ft = FindOscarTransfer(hContact, dwID1, dwID2); if (ft) { NetLog_Server("OFT: File transfer cancelled by %s", strUID(dwUin, szUID)); BroadcastAck(ft->hContact, ACKTYPE_FILE, ACKRESULT_FAILED, (HANDLE)ft, 0); // Notify user, that the FT was cancelled // TODO: new ACKRESULT_? icq_LogMessage(LOG_ERROR, LPGEN("The file transfer was aborted by the other user.")); // Release transfer SafeReleaseFileTransfer((void**)&ft); } else NetLog_Server("Error: Invalid request, no such transfer"); } else if (wCommand == 2) { // transfer accepted - connection established oscar_filetransfer *ft = FindOscarTransfer(hContact, dwID1, dwID2); if (ft) { NetLog_Direct("OFT: Session established."); // Init connection if (ft->flags & OFTF_SENDING) { if (ft->connection && ft->connection->status == OCS_CONNECTED) { if (!(ft->flags & OFTF_FILE_REQUEST_SENT)) { ft->flags |= OFTF_FILE_REQUEST_SENT; // proceed with first file oft_sendPeerInit(ft->connection); } } ft->flags |= OFTF_INITIALIZED; // accept was received } else NetLog_Server("Warning: Received invalid rendezvous accept"); } else NetLog_Server("Error: Invalid request, no such transfer"); } else { NetLog_Server("Error: Unknown wCommand=0x%x in OFT request", wCommand); } } void CIcqProto::handleRecvServResponseOFT(BYTE *buf, WORD wLen, DWORD dwUin, char *szUID, void* ft) { WORD wDataLen; if (wLen < 2) return; unpackWord(&buf, &wDataLen); if (wDataLen == 2) { oscar_filetransfer *oft = (oscar_filetransfer*)ft; WORD wStatus; unpackWord(&buf, &wStatus); switch (wStatus) { case 1: { // FT denied (icq5) NetLog_Server("OFT: File transfer denied by %s", strUID(dwUin, szUID)); BroadcastAck(oft->hContact, ACKTYPE_FILE, ACKRESULT_DENIED, (HANDLE)oft, 0); // Release transfer SafeReleaseFileTransfer((void**)&oft); } break; case 4: // Proxy error { icq_LogMessage(LOG_ERROR, LPGEN("The file transfer failed: Proxy error")); BroadcastAck(oft->hContact, ACKTYPE_FILE, ACKRESULT_FAILED, (HANDLE)oft, 0); // Release transfer SafeReleaseFileTransfer((void**)&oft); } break; case 5: // Invalid request { icq_LogMessage(LOG_ERROR, LPGEN("The file transfer failed: Invalid request")); BroadcastAck(oft->hContact, ACKTYPE_FILE, ACKRESULT_FAILED, (HANDLE)oft, 0); // Release transfer SafeReleaseFileTransfer((void**)&oft); } break; case 6: // Proxy Failed (IP = 0) { icq_LogMessage(LOG_ERROR, LPGEN("The file transfer failed: Proxy unavailable")); BroadcastAck(oft->hContact, ACKTYPE_FILE, ACKRESULT_FAILED, (HANDLE)oft, 0); // Release transfer SafeReleaseFileTransfer((void**)&oft); } break; default: { NetLog_Server("OFT: Uknown request response code 0x%x", wStatus); BroadcastAck(oft->hContact, ACKTYPE_FILE, ACKRESULT_FAILED, (HANDLE)oft, 0); // Release transfer SafeReleaseFileTransfer((void**)&oft); } } } } // This function is called from the Netlib when someone is connecting to our oscar_listener static void oft_newConnectionReceived(HANDLE hNewConnection, DWORD dwRemoteIP, void *pExtra) { oscarthreadstartinfo *otsi = (oscarthreadstartinfo*)SAFE_MALLOC(sizeof(oscarthreadstartinfo)); oscar_listener *listener = (oscar_listener*)pExtra; otsi->type = listener->ft->flags & OFTF_SENDING ? OCT_NORMAL : OCT_REVERSE; otsi->incoming = 1; otsi->hConnection = hNewConnection; otsi->dwRemoteIP = dwRemoteIP; otsi->listener = listener; // Start a new thread for the incomming connection listener->ppro->ForkThread(( IcqThreadFunc )&CIcqProto::oft_connectionThread, otsi ); } static char *oftGetFileContainer(oscar_filetransfer* oft, const char** files, int iFile) { char szPath[MAX_PATH]; char* szFileName = FindFilePathContainer(files, iFile, szPath); char *szPathUtf = ansi_to_utf8(szPath); int i; // try to find existing container for (i = 0; i < oft->containerCount; i++) if (!strcmpnull(szPathUtf, oft->file_containers[i])) { SAFE_FREE((void**)&szPathUtf); return oft->file_containers[i]; } // create new container i = oft->containerCount++; oft->file_containers = (char**)SAFE_REALLOC(oft->file_containers, (sizeof(char*) * oft->containerCount)); oft->file_containers[i] = szPathUtf; return oft->file_containers[i]; } HANDLE CIcqProto::oftInitTransfer(HANDLE hContact, DWORD dwUin, char* szUid, const TCHAR** files, const TCHAR* pszDesc) { oscar_filetransfer *ft; int i, filesCount; struct _stati64 statbuf; char ** filesUtf; // Initialize filetransfer struct NetLog_Server("Init file send"); ft = CreateOscarTransfer(); ft->hContact = hContact; ft->pMessage.bMessageType = MTYPE_FILEREQ; InitMessageCookie(&ft->pMessage); for (filesCount = 0; files[filesCount]; filesCount++); ft->files = (oft_file_record *)SAFE_MALLOC(sizeof(oft_file_record) * filesCount); ft->files_list = (char**)SAFE_MALLOC(sizeof(TCHAR *) * filesCount); ft->qwTotalSize = 0; filesUtf = (char**)SAFE_MALLOC(sizeof(char *) * filesCount); for(i = 0; i < filesCount; i++) filesUtf[i] = FileNameToUtf(files[i]); // Prepare files arrays for (i = 0; i < filesCount; i++) { if (_tstati64(files[i], &statbuf)) NetLog_Server("IcqSendFile() was passed invalid filename \"%s\"", files[i]); else { if (!(statbuf.st_mode&_S_IFDIR)) { // take only files ft->files[ft->wFilesCount].szFile = ft->files_list[ft->wFilesCount] = null_strdup(filesUtf[i]); ft->files[ft->wFilesCount].szContainer = oftGetFileContainer(ft, (LPCSTR*) filesUtf, i); ft->wFilesCount++; ft->qwTotalSize += statbuf.st_size; } } } for (i = 0; i < filesCount; i++) SAFE_FREE(&filesUtf[i]); SAFE_FREE((void**)&filesUtf); if (!ft->wFilesCount) { // found no valid files to send icq_LogMessage(LOG_ERROR, LPGEN("Failed to Initialize File Transfer. No valid files were specified.")); // Notify UI BroadcastAck(ft->hContact, ACKTYPE_FILE, ACKRESULT_FAILED, (HANDLE)ft, 0); // Release transfer SafeReleaseFileTransfer((void**)&ft); return 0; // Failure } #ifdef __GNUC__ #define OSCAR_MAX_SIZE 0x100000000ULL #else #define OSCAR_MAX_SIZE 0x100000000 #endif if (ft->qwTotalSize >= OSCAR_MAX_SIZE && ft->wFilesCount > 1) { // file larger than 4GB can be send only as single icq_LogMessage(LOG_ERROR, LPGEN("The files are too big to be sent at once. Files bigger than 4GB can be sent only separately.")); // Notify UI BroadcastAck(ft->hContact, ACKTYPE_FILE, ACKRESULT_FAILED, (HANDLE)ft, 0); // Release transfer SafeReleaseFileTransfer((void**)&ft); return 0; // Failure } NetLog_Server("OFT: Found %d files.", ft->wFilesCount); ft->szDescription = tchar_to_utf8(pszDesc); ft->flags = OFTF_SENDING; ft->fileId = -1; ft->iCurrentFile = 0; ft->dwCookie = AllocateCookie(CKT_FILE, ICQ_MSG_SRV_SEND, hContact, ft); // Init oscar fields { ft->wEncrypt = 0; ft->wCompress = 0; ft->wPartsCount = 1; ft->wPartsLeft = 1; strcpy(ft->rawIDString, "Cool FileXfer"); ft->bHeaderFlags = 0x20; ft->bNameOff = 0x1C; ft->bSizeOff = 0x11; ft->dwRecvForkCheck = 0xFFFF0000; ft->dwThisForkCheck = 0xFFFF0000; ft->dwRecvFileCheck = 0xFFFF0000; } // Send file transfer request { char *pszFiles; if (ft->wFilesCount == 1) { // transfering single file, give filename pszFiles = (char*)ExtractFileName(ft->files[0].szFile); } else { // check if transfering one directory char *szFirstDiv, *szFirstDir = ft->file_containers[0]; int nFirstDirLen; // default is no root dir pszFiles = ""; if ((szFirstDiv = strstrnull(szFirstDir, "\\")) || (szFirstDiv = strstrnull(szFirstDir, "/"))) nFirstDirLen = szFirstDiv - szFirstDir; else nFirstDirLen = strlennull(szFirstDir); if (nFirstDirLen) { // got root dir from first container, check if others are only sub-dirs for (i = 0; i < ft->containerCount; i++) { if (_strnicmp((char*)ft->file_containers[i], (char*)szFirstDir, nFirstDirLen)) { szFirstDir = NULL; break; } } if (szFirstDir) { // fine, we are sending only one directory pszFiles = szFirstDir; if (szFirstDiv) szFirstDiv[0] = '\0'; nFirstDirLen++; // include backslash // cut all files container by root dir - it is transferred as root separately for (i = 0; i < ft->wFilesCount; i++) ft->files[i].szContainer += nFirstDirLen; } } } // Create listener ft->listener = CreateOscarListener(ft, oft_newConnectionReceived); // Send packet if (ft->listener) { oft_sendFileRequest(dwUin, szUid, ft, pszFiles, getSettingDword(NULL, "RealIP", 0)); } else { // try stage 1 proxy ft->szThisFile = null_strdup(pszFiles); OpenOscarConnection(hContact, ft, OCT_PROXY_INIT); } } return ft; // Success } HANDLE CIcqProto::oftFileAllow(HANDLE hContact, HANDLE hTransfer, const TCHAR *szPath) { oscar_filetransfer *ft = (oscar_filetransfer*)hTransfer; DWORD dwUin; uid_str szUid; if (getContactUid(hContact, &dwUin, &szUid)) return 0; // Invalid contact if (!IsValidOscarTransfer(ft)) return 0; // Invalid transfer ft->szSavePath = tchar_to_utf8(szPath); if (ft->szThisPath) { // Append Directory name to the save path, when transfering a directory ft->szSavePath = (char*)SAFE_REALLOC(ft->szSavePath, strlennull(ft->szSavePath) + strlennull(ft->szThisPath) + 4); NormalizeBackslash(ft->szSavePath); strcat(ft->szSavePath, ft->szThisPath); NormalizeBackslash(ft->szSavePath); } #ifdef _DEBUG NetLog_Direct("OFT: Request accepted, saving to '%s'.", ft->szSavePath); #endif // Create cookie ft->dwCookie = AllocateCookie(CKT_FILE, ICQ_MSG_SRV_SEND, hContact, ft); OpenOscarConnection(hContact, ft, ft->bUseProxy ? OCT_PROXY_RECV: OCT_NORMAL); return hTransfer; // Success } DWORD CIcqProto::oftFileDeny(HANDLE hContact, HANDLE hTransfer, const TCHAR *szReason) { oscar_filetransfer *ft = (oscar_filetransfer*)hTransfer; DWORD dwUin; uid_str szUid; if (getContactUid(hContact, &dwUin, &szUid)) return 1; // Invalid contact if (IsValidOscarTransfer(ft)) { if (ft->hContact != hContact) return 1; // Bad contact or hTransfer #ifdef _DEBUG NetLog_Direct("OFT: Request denied."); #endif oft_sendFileDeny(dwUin, szUid, ft); // Release structure SafeReleaseFileTransfer((void**)&ft); return 0; // Success } return 1; // Invalid transfer } DWORD CIcqProto::oftFileCancel(HANDLE hContact, HANDLE hTransfer) { oscar_filetransfer* ft = (oscar_filetransfer*)hTransfer; DWORD dwUin; uid_str szUid; if (getContactUid(hContact, &dwUin, &szUid)) return 1; // Invalid contact if (IsValidOscarTransfer(ft)) { if (ft->hContact != hContact) return 1; // Bad contact or hTransfer #ifdef _DEBUG NetLog_Direct("OFT: Transfer cancelled."); #endif oft_sendFileCancel(dwUin, szUid, ft); BroadcastAck(hContact, ACKTYPE_FILE, ACKRESULT_FAILED, ft, 0); // Release structure SafeReleaseFileTransfer((void**)&ft); return 0; // Success } return 1; // Invalid transfer } void CIcqProto::oftFileResume(oscar_filetransfer *ft, int action, const TCHAR *szFilename) { int openFlags; if (ft->connection == NULL) return; oscar_connection *oc = ft->connection; #ifdef _DEBUG NetLog_Direct("OFT: Resume Transfer, Action: %d, FileName: '%s'", action, szFilename); #endif switch (action) { case FILERESUME_RESUME: openFlags = _O_BINARY | _O_RDWR; break; case FILERESUME_OVERWRITE: openFlags = _O_BINARY | _O_CREAT | _O_TRUNC | _O_WRONLY; ft->qwFileBytesDone = 0; break; case FILERESUME_SKIP: openFlags = _O_BINARY | _O_WRONLY; ft->qwFileBytesDone = ft->qwThisFileSize; break; case FILERESUME_RENAME: openFlags = _O_BINARY | _O_CREAT | _O_TRUNC | _O_WRONLY; SAFE_FREE(&ft->szThisFile); ft->szThisFile = tchar_to_utf8(szFilename); ft->qwFileBytesDone = 0; break; default: // workaround for bug in Miranda Core if (ft->resumeAction == FILERESUME_RESUME) openFlags = _O_BINARY | _O_RDWR; else { // default to overwrite openFlags = _O_BINARY | _O_CREAT | _O_TRUNC | _O_WRONLY; ft->qwFileBytesDone = 0; } } ft->resumeAction = action; ft->fileId = OpenFileUtf(ft->szThisFile, openFlags, _S_IREAD | _S_IWRITE); #ifdef _DEBUG NetLog_Direct("OFT: OpenFileUtf(%s, %u) returned %u", ft->szThisFile, openFlags, ft->fileId); #endif if (ft->fileId == -1) { #ifdef _DEBUG NetLog_Direct("OFT: errno=%d", errno); #endif icq_LogMessage(LOG_ERROR, LPGEN("Your file receive has been aborted because Miranda could not open the destination file in order to write to it. You may be trying to save to a read-only folder.")); BroadcastAck(ft->hContact, ACKTYPE_FILE, ACKRESULT_FAILED, ft, 0); // Release transfer SafeReleaseFileTransfer((void**)&oc->ft); return; } if (action == FILERESUME_RESUME) ft->qwFileBytesDone = _lseeki64(ft->fileId, 0, SEEK_END); else _lseeki64(ft->fileId, ft->qwFileBytesDone, SEEK_SET); ft->qwBytesDone += ft->qwFileBytesDone; if (action == FILERESUME_RESUME) { // use smart-resume oc->status = OCS_RESUME; ft->dwRecvFileCheck = oft_calc_file_checksum(ft->fileId, ft->qwFileBytesDone); _lseek(ft->fileId, 0, SEEK_END); #ifdef _DEBUG NetLog_Direct("OFT: Starting Smart-Resume"); #endif sendOFT2FramePacket(oc, OFT_TYPE_RESUMEREQUEST); return; } else if (action == FILERESUME_SKIP) { // we are skipping the file, send "we are done" oc->status = OCS_NEGOTIATION; } else { // Send "we are ready" oc->status = OCS_DATA; ft->flags |= OFTF_FILE_RECEIVING; sendOFT2FramePacket(oc, OFT_TYPE_READY); } BroadcastAck(ft->hContact, ACKTYPE_FILE, ACKRESULT_NEXTFILE, ft, 0); if (!ft->qwThisFileSize || action == FILERESUME_SKIP) { // if the file is empty we will not receive any data BYTE buf; oft_handleFileData(oc, &buf, 0); } } static void oft_buildProtoFileTransferStatus(oscar_filetransfer* ft, PROTOFILETRANSFERSTATUS* pfts) { ZeroMemory(pfts, sizeof(PROTOFILETRANSFERSTATUS)); pfts->cbSize = sizeof(PROTOFILETRANSFERSTATUS); pfts->hContact = ft->hContact; pfts->flags = PFTS_UTF + ((ft->flags & OFTF_SENDING) ? PFTS_SENDING : PFTS_RECEIVING); if (ft->flags & OFTF_SENDING) pfts->pszFiles = ft->files_list; else pfts->pszFiles = NULL; /* FIXME */ pfts->totalFiles = ft->wFilesCount; pfts->currentFileNumber = ft->iCurrentFile; pfts->totalBytes = ft->qwTotalSize; pfts->totalProgress = ft->qwBytesDone; pfts->szWorkingDir = ft->szThisPath; pfts->szCurrentFile = ft->szThisFile; pfts->currentFileSize = ft->qwThisFileSize; pfts->currentFileTime = ft->dwThisFileDate; pfts->currentFileProgress = ft->qwFileBytesDone; } void CIcqProto::CloseOscarConnection(oscar_connection *oc) { icq_lock l(oftMutex); if (oc) { oc->type = OCT_CLOSING; if (oc->hConnection) { // we need this for Netlib handle consistency NetLib_CloseConnection(&oc->hConnection, FALSE); } } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CIcqProto::OpenOscarConnection(HANDLE hContact, oscar_filetransfer *ft, int type) { oscarthreadstartinfo *otsi = (oscarthreadstartinfo*)SAFE_MALLOC(sizeof(oscarthreadstartinfo)); otsi->hContact = hContact; otsi->type = type; otsi->ft = ft; ForkThread(( IcqThreadFunc )&CIcqProto::oft_connectionThread, otsi ); } int CIcqProto::CreateOscarProxyConnection(oscar_connection *oc) { NETLIBOPENCONNECTION nloc = {0}; // inform UI BroadcastAck(oc->ft->hContact, ACKTYPE_FILE, ACKRESULT_CONNECTPROXY, oc->ft, 0); nloc.szHost = OSCAR_PROXY_HOST; nloc.wPort = getSettingWord(NULL, "OscarPort", m_bSecureConnection ? DEFAULT_SERVER_PORT_SSL : DEFAULT_SERVER_PORT); if (nloc.wPort == 0) nloc.wPort = RandRange(1024, 65535); if (m_bGatewayMode) nloc.flags |= NLOCF_HTTPGATEWAY; oc->hConnection = NetLib_OpenConnection(m_hServerNetlibUser, "Proxy ", &nloc); if (!oc->hConnection) { // proxy connection failed return 0; } oc->type = OCT_PROXY; oc->status = OCS_PROXY; oc->ft->connection = oc; // init proxy proxy_sendInitTunnel(oc); return 1; // Success } void __cdecl CIcqProto::oft_connectionThread( oscarthreadstartinfo *otsi ) { oscar_connection oc = {0}; oscar_listener *source; NETLIBPACKETRECVER packetRecv={0}; HANDLE hPacketRecver; oc.hContact = otsi->hContact; oc.hConnection = otsi->hConnection; oc.type = otsi->type; oc.incoming = otsi->incoming; oc.ft = otsi->ft; source = otsi->listener; if (oc.incoming) { if (IsValidOscarTransfer(source->ft)) { oc.ft = source->ft; oc.ft->dwRemoteExternalIP = otsi->dwRemoteIP; oc.hContact = oc.ft->hContact; oc.ft->connection = &oc; oc.status = OCS_CONNECTED; } else { // FT is already over, kill listener NetLog_Direct("Received unexpected connection, closing."); CloseOscarConnection(&oc); ReleaseOscarListener(&source); SAFE_FREE((void**)&otsi); return; } } SAFE_FREE((void**)&otsi); if (oc.hContact) { // Load contact information getContactUid(oc.hContact, &oc.dwUin, &oc.szUid); } // Load local IP information oc.dwLocalExternalIP = getSettingDword(NULL, "IP", 0); oc.dwLocalInternalIP = getSettingDword(NULL, "RealIP", 0); if (!oc.incoming) { // create outgoing connection if (oc.type == OCT_NORMAL || oc.type == OCT_REVERSE) { // create outgoing connection to peer NETLIBOPENCONNECTION nloc = {0}; IN_ADDR addr = {0}, addr2 = {0}; if (oc.ft->dwRemoteExternalIP == oc.dwLocalExternalIP && oc.ft->dwRemoteInternalIP) addr.S_un.S_addr = htonl(oc.ft->dwRemoteInternalIP); else if (oc.ft->dwRemoteExternalIP) { addr.S_un.S_addr = htonl(oc.ft->dwRemoteExternalIP); // for different internal, try it also (for LANs with multiple external IP, VPNs, etc.) if (oc.ft->dwRemoteInternalIP != oc.ft->dwRemoteExternalIP) addr2.S_un.S_addr = htonl(oc.ft->dwRemoteInternalIP); } else // try LAN addr.S_un.S_addr = htonl(oc.ft->dwRemoteInternalIP); // Inform UI that we will attempt to connect BroadcastAck(oc.ft->hContact, ACKTYPE_FILE, ACKRESULT_CONNECTING, oc.ft, 0); if (!addr.S_un.S_addr && oc.type == OCT_NORMAL) { // IP to connect to is empty, request reverse oscar_listener* listener = CreateOscarListener(oc.ft, oft_newConnectionReceived); if (listener) { // we got listening port, fine send request oc.ft->listener = listener; // notify UI BroadcastAck(oc.ft->hContact, ACKTYPE_FILE, ACKRESULT_LISTENING, oc.ft, 0); oft_sendFileRedirect(oc.dwUin, oc.szUid, oc.ft, oc.dwLocalInternalIP, listener->wPort, FALSE); return; } if (!CreateOscarProxyConnection(&oc)) { // normal connection failed, notify peer, wait for error or stage 3 proxy oft_sendFileRedirect(oc.dwUin, oc.szUid, oc.ft, 0, 0, FALSE); // stage 3 can follow return; } } else if (addr.S_un.S_addr && oc.ft->wRemotePort) { nloc.szHost = inet_ntoa(addr); nloc.wPort = oc.ft->wRemotePort; nloc.timeout = 8; // 8 secs to connect oc.hConnection = NetLib_OpenConnection(m_hDirectNetlibUser, oc.type==OCT_REVERSE?"Reverse ":NULL, &nloc); if (!oc.hConnection && addr2.S_un.S_addr) { // first address failed, try second one if available nloc.szHost = inet_ntoa(addr2); oc.hConnection = NetLib_OpenConnection(m_hDirectNetlibUser, oc.type==OCT_REVERSE?"Reverse ":NULL, &nloc); } if (!oc.hConnection) { if (oc.type == OCT_NORMAL) { // connection failed, try reverse oscar_listener* listener = CreateOscarListener(oc.ft, oft_newConnectionReceived); if (listener) { // we got listening port, fine send request oc.ft->listener = listener; // notify UI that we await connection BroadcastAck(oc.ft->hContact, ACKTYPE_FILE, ACKRESULT_LISTENING, oc.ft, 0); oft_sendFileRedirect(oc.dwUin, oc.szUid, oc.ft, oc.dwLocalInternalIP, listener->wPort, FALSE); return; } } if (!CreateOscarProxyConnection(&oc)) { // proxy connection failed, notify peer, wait for error or stage 4 proxy oft_sendFileRedirect(oc.dwUin, oc.szUid, oc.ft, 0, 0, FALSE); // stage 3 or stage 4 can follow return; } } else { oc.status = OCS_CONNECTED; // ack normal connection oc.ft->connection = &oc; // acknowledge OFT - connection is ready oft_sendFileAccept(oc.dwUin, oc.szUid, oc.ft); // signal UI BroadcastAck(oc.ft->hContact, ACKTYPE_FILE, ACKRESULT_CONNECTED, oc.ft, 0); } } else { // try proxy, stage 3 (sending) if (!CreateOscarProxyConnection(&oc)) { // proxy connection failed, notify peer, wait for error or stage 4 proxy oft_sendFileRedirect(oc.dwUin, oc.szUid, oc.ft, 0, 0, FALSE); // stage 4 can follow return; } } } else if (oc.type == OCT_PROXY_RECV) { // stage 2 & stage 4 if (oc.ft->dwProxyIP && oc.ft->wRemotePort) { // create proxy connection, join tunnel NETLIBOPENCONNECTION nloc = {0}; IN_ADDR addr = {0}; // inform UI that we will connect to file proxy BroadcastAck(oc.ft->hContact, ACKTYPE_FILE, ACKRESULT_CONNECTPROXY, oc.ft, 0); addr.S_un.S_addr = htonl(oc.ft->dwProxyIP); nloc.szHost = inet_ntoa(addr); nloc.wPort = getSettingWord(NULL, "OscarPort", m_bSecureConnection ? DEFAULT_SERVER_PORT_SSL : DEFAULT_SERVER_PORT); if (nloc.wPort == 0) nloc.wPort = RandRange(1024, 65535); if (m_bGatewayMode) nloc.flags |= NLOCF_HTTPGATEWAY; oc.hConnection = NetLib_OpenConnection(m_hServerNetlibUser, "Proxy ", &nloc); if (!oc.hConnection) { // proxy connection failed, we are out of possibilities BroadcastAck(oc.ft->hContact, ACKTYPE_FILE, ACKRESULT_FAILED, oc.ft, 0); // notify the other side, that we failed oft_sendFileResponse(oc.dwUin, oc.szUid, oc.ft, 0x04); // Release structure SafeReleaseFileTransfer((void**)&oc.ft); return; } oc.status = OCS_PROXY; oc.ft->connection = &oc; // Join proxy tunnel proxy_sendJoinTunnel(&oc, oc.ft->wRemotePort); } else // stage 2 failed (empty IP) { // try stage 3, or send response error 0x06 if (!CreateOscarProxyConnection(&oc)) { oft_sendFileResponse(oc.dwUin, oc.szUid, oc.ft, 0x06); // notify UI BroadcastAck(oc.ft->hContact, ACKTYPE_FILE, ACKRESULT_FAILED, oc.ft, 0); // Release structure SafeReleaseFileTransfer((void**)&oc.ft); return; } } } else if (oc.type == OCT_PROXY) { // stage 4 if (!CreateOscarProxyConnection(&oc)) { // proxy connection failed, we are out of possibilities BroadcastAck(oc.ft->hContact, ACKTYPE_FILE, ACKRESULT_FAILED, oc.ft, 0); // notify the other side, that we failed oft_sendFileResponse(oc.dwUin, oc.szUid, oc.ft, 0x06); // Release structure SafeReleaseFileTransfer((void**)&oc.ft); return; } } else if (oc.type == OCT_PROXY_INIT) { // stage 1 if (!CreateOscarProxyConnection(&oc)) { // We failed to init transfer, notify UI icq_LogMessage(LOG_ERROR, LPGEN("Failed to Initialize File Transfer. Unable to bind local port and File proxy unavailable.")); // Release transfer SafeReleaseFileTransfer((void**)&oc.ft); return; } else oc.type = OCT_PROXY_INIT; } } if (!oc.hConnection) { // one more sanity check NetLog_Direct("Error: No OFT connection."); return; } if (oc.status != OCS_PROXY) { // Connected, notify FT UI BroadcastAck(oc.ft->hContact, ACKTYPE_FILE, ACKRESULT_INITIALISING, oc.ft, 0); // send init OFT frame - just for different order of packets (just like Trillian) if (oc.status == OCS_CONNECTED && (oc.ft->flags & OFTF_SENDING) && ((oc.ft->flags & OFTF_INITIALIZED) || oc.type == OCT_REVERSE) && !(oc.ft->flags & OFTF_FILE_REQUEST_SENT)) { oc.ft->flags |= OFTF_FILE_REQUEST_SENT; // proceed with first file oft_sendPeerInit(&oc); } } hPacketRecver = (HANDLE)CallService(MS_NETLIB_CREATEPACKETRECVER, (WPARAM)oc.hConnection, 8192); packetRecv.cbSize = sizeof(packetRecv); // Packet receiving loop while (oc.hConnection) { int recvResult; packetRecv.dwTimeout = oc.wantIdleTime ? 0 : 120000; recvResult = CallService(MS_NETLIB_GETMOREPACKETS, (WPARAM)hPacketRecver, (LPARAM)&packetRecv); if (!recvResult) { NetLog_Direct("Clean closure of oscar socket (%p)", oc.hConnection); break; } if (recvResult == SOCKET_ERROR) { if (GetLastError() == ERROR_TIMEOUT) { // TODO: this will not work on some systems if (oc.wantIdleTime) { // here we want to send file data packets oft_sendFileData(&oc); } else if (oc.status != OCS_WAITING) { NetLog_Direct("Connection timeouted, closing."); break; } } else if (oc.type != OCT_CLOSING || GetLastError() != 87) { // log only significant errors, not "connection killed by us" NetLog_Direct("Abortive closure of oscar socket (%p) (%d)", oc.hConnection, GetLastError()); break; } } if (oc.type == OCT_CLOSING) packetRecv.bytesUsed = packetRecv.bytesAvailable; else packetRecv.bytesUsed = oft_handlePackets(&oc, packetRecv.buffer, packetRecv.bytesAvailable); } // End of packet receiving loop NetLib_SafeCloseHandle(&hPacketRecver); CloseOscarConnection(&oc); { // Clean up icq_lock l(oftMutex); if (getFileTransferIndex(oc.ft) != -1) oc.ft->connection = NULL; // release link } // Give server some time for abort/cancel to arrive SleepEx(1000, TRUE); // Error handling if (IsValidOscarTransfer(oc.ft)) { if (oc.status == OCS_DATA) { BroadcastAck(oc.hContact, ACKTYPE_FILE, ACKRESULT_FAILED, oc.ft, 0); icq_LogMessage(LOG_ERROR, LPGEN("Connection lost during file transfer.")); // Release structure SafeReleaseFileTransfer((void**)&oc.ft); } else if (oc.status == OCS_NEGOTIATION) { BroadcastAck(oc.hContact, ACKTYPE_FILE, ACKRESULT_FAILED, oc.ft, 0); icq_LogMessage(LOG_ERROR, LPGEN("File transfer negotiation failed for unknown reason.")); // Release structure SafeReleaseFileTransfer((void**)&oc.ft); } } } void CIcqProto::sendOscarPacket(oscar_connection *oc, icq_packet *packet) { if (oc->hConnection) { int nResult; nResult = Netlib_Send(oc->hConnection, (const char*)packet->pData, packet->wLen, 0); if (nResult == SOCKET_ERROR) { NetLog_Direct("Oscar %p socket error: %d, closing", oc->hConnection, GetLastError()); CloseOscarConnection(oc); } } SAFE_FREE((void**)&packet->pData); } int CIcqProto::oft_handlePackets(oscar_connection *oc, BYTE *buf, int len) { int bytesUsed = 0; while (len > 0) { if (oc->status == OCS_DATA && (oc->ft->flags & OFTF_FILE_RECEIVING)) { return oft_handleFileData(oc, buf, len); } else if (oc->status == OCS_PROXY) { return oft_handleProxyData(oc, buf, len); } if (len < 6) break; BYTE *pBuf = buf; DWORD dwHead; unpackDWord(&pBuf, &dwHead); if (dwHead != 0x4F465432) { // bad packet NetLog_Direct("OFT: Received invalid packet (dwHead = 0x%x).", dwHead); CloseOscarConnection(oc); break; } WORD datalen; unpackWord(&pBuf, &datalen); if (len < datalen) // wait for whole packet break; WORD datatype; unpackWord(&pBuf, &datatype); #ifdef _DEBUG NetLog_Direct("OFT2: Type %u, Length %u bytes", datatype, datalen); #endif handleOFT2FramePacket(oc, datatype, pBuf, (WORD)(datalen - 8)); /* Increase pointers so we can check for more data */ buf += datalen; len -= datalen; bytesUsed += datalen; } return bytesUsed; } int CIcqProto::oft_handleProxyData(oscar_connection *oc, BYTE *buf, int len) { oscar_filetransfer *ft = oc->ft; BYTE *pBuf; WORD datalen; WORD wCommand; int bytesUsed = 0; while (len > 2) { pBuf = buf; unpackWord(&pBuf, &datalen); datalen += 2; if (len < datalen) break; // packet is not complete if (datalen < 12) { // malformed packet CloseOscarConnection(oc); break; } pBuf += 2; // packet version unpackWord(&pBuf, &wCommand); pBuf += 6; // handle packet switch (wCommand) { case 0x01: // Error { WORD wError; char* szError; unpackWord(&pBuf, &wError); switch(wError) { case 0x0D: szError = "Bad request"; break; case 0x0E: szError = "Malformed packet"; break; case 0x10: szError = "Initial request timeout"; break; case 0x1A: szError = "Accept period timeout"; break; case 0x1C: szError = "Invalid data"; break; default: szError = "Unknown"; } // Notify peer oft_sendFileResponse(oc->dwUin, oc->szUid, oc->ft, 0x06); NetLog_Server("Proxy Error: %s (0x%x)", szError, wError); // Notify UI BroadcastAck(oc->hContact, ACKTYPE_FILE, ACKRESULT_FAILED, oc->ft, 0); // Release structure SafeReleaseFileTransfer((void**)&oc->ft); } break; case 0x03: // Tunnel created { WORD wCode; DWORD dwIP; unpackWord(&pBuf, &wCode); unpackDWord(&pBuf, &dwIP); if (oc->type == OCT_PROXY_INIT) { // Proxy ready, send Stage 1 Request ft->bUseProxy = 1; ft->wRemotePort = wCode; ft->dwProxyIP = dwIP; oft_sendFileRequest(oc->dwUin, oc->szUid, ft, ft->szThisFile, 0); SAFE_FREE(&ft->szThisFile); // Notify UI BroadcastAck(oc->hContact, ACKTYPE_FILE, ACKRESULT_INITIALISING, oc->ft, 0); } else { NetLog_Server("Proxy Tunnel ready, notify peer."); oft_sendFileRedirect(oc->dwUin, oc->szUid, ft, dwIP, wCode, TRUE); } } break; case 0x05: // Connection ready oc->status = OCS_CONNECTED; // connection ready to send packets // Notify UI BroadcastAck(oc->hContact, ACKTYPE_FILE, ACKRESULT_CONNECTED, oc->ft, 0); // signal we are ready if (oc->type == OCT_PROXY_RECV) { oft_sendFileAccept(oc->dwUin, oc->szUid, ft); if (ft->flags & OFTF_SENDING) // connection is ready for transfer (sending only) ft->flags |= OFTF_INITIALIZED; } NetLog_Server("Proxy Tunnel established"); if ((ft->flags & OFTF_INITIALIZED) && (ft->flags & OFTF_SENDING) && !(ft->flags & OFTF_FILE_REQUEST_SENT)) { ft->flags |= OFTF_FILE_REQUEST_SENT; // proceed with first file oft_sendPeerInit(ft->connection); } break; default: NetLog_Server("Unknown proxy command 0x%x", wCommand); } buf += datalen; len -= datalen; bytesUsed += datalen; } return bytesUsed; } int CIcqProto::oft_handleFileData(oscar_connection *oc, BYTE *buf, int len) { oscar_filetransfer *ft = oc->ft; DWORD dwLen = len; int bytesUsed = 0; // do not accept more data than expected if (ft->qwThisFileSize - ft->qwFileBytesDone < dwLen) dwLen = (int)(ft->qwThisFileSize - ft->qwFileBytesDone); if (ft->fileId == -1) { // something went terribly bad #ifdef _DEBUG NetLog_Direct("Error: handleFileData(%u bytes) without fileId!", len); #endif CloseOscarConnection(oc); return 0; } _write(ft->fileId, buf, dwLen); // update checksum ft->dwRecvFileCheck = oft_calc_checksum((int)ft->qwFileBytesDone, buf, dwLen, ft->dwRecvFileCheck); bytesUsed += dwLen; ft->qwBytesDone += dwLen; ft->qwFileBytesDone += dwLen; if (GetTickCount() > ft->dwLastNotify + 700 || ft->qwFileBytesDone == ft->qwThisFileSize) { // notify FT UI of our progress, at most every 700ms - do not be faster than Miranda PROTOFILETRANSFERSTATUS pfts; oft_buildProtoFileTransferStatus(ft, &pfts); BroadcastAck(ft->hContact, ACKTYPE_FILE, ACKRESULT_DATA, ft, (LPARAM)&pfts); ft->dwLastNotify = GetTickCount(); } if (ft->qwFileBytesDone == ft->qwThisFileSize) { /* EOF */ ft->flags &= ~OFTF_FILE_RECEIVING; #ifdef _DEBUG NetLog_Direct("OFT: _close(%u)", ft->fileId); #endif _close(ft->fileId); ft->fileId = -1; if (ft->resumeAction != FILERESUME_SKIP && ft->dwRecvFileCheck != ft->dwThisFileCheck) { NetLog_Direct("Error: File checksums does not match!"); { // Notify UI char *pszMsg = ICQTranslateUtf(LPGEN("The checksum of file \"%s\" does not match, the file is probably damaged.")); char szBuf[MAX_PATH]; null_snprintf(szBuf, MAX_PATH, pszMsg, ExtractFileName(ft->szThisFile)); icq_LogMessage(LOG_ERROR, szBuf); SAFE_FREE(&pszMsg); } } // keep transfer going (icq6 ignores checksums completely) else if (ft->resumeAction == FILERESUME_SKIP) NetLog_Direct("OFT: File receive skipped."); else NetLog_Direct("OFT: File received successfully."); if ((DWORD)(ft->iCurrentFile + 1) == ft->wFilesCount) { ft->bHeaderFlags = 0x01; // the whole process is over // ack received file sendOFT2FramePacket(oc, OFT_TYPE_DONE); oc->type = OCT_CLOSING; NetLog_Direct("File Transfer completed successfully."); BroadcastAck(ft->hContact, ACKTYPE_FILE, ACKRESULT_SUCCESS, ft, 0); // Release transfer SafeReleaseFileTransfer((void**)&ft); } else { // ack received file sendOFT2FramePacket(oc, OFT_TYPE_DONE); oc->status = OCS_NEGOTIATION; } } return bytesUsed; } void CIcqProto::handleOFT2FramePacket(oscar_connection *oc, WORD datatype, BYTE *pBuffer, WORD wLen) { oscar_filetransfer *ft = oc->ft; DWORD dwID1; DWORD dwID2; if (wLen < 232) { // allow shorter packets, but at least with filename NetLog_Direct("Error: Malformed OFT2 Frame, ignoring."); return; } unpackLEDWord(&pBuffer, &dwID1); wLen -= 4; unpackLEDWord(&pBuffer, &dwID2); wLen -= 4; if (datatype == OFT_TYPE_REQUEST && !(ft->flags & OFTF_FILE_REQUEST_RECEIVED)) { // first request does not contain MsgIDs we need to send them in ready packet dwID1 = ft->pMessage.dwMsgID1; dwID2 = ft->pMessage.dwMsgID2; } if (ft->pMessage.dwMsgID1 != dwID1 || ft->pMessage.dwMsgID2 != dwID2) { // this is not the right packet - bad Message IDs NetLog_Direct("Error: Invalid Packet Cookie, closing."); CloseOscarConnection(oc); return; } switch (datatype) { case OFT_TYPE_REQUEST: { // Sender ready if (ft->flags & OFTF_SENDING) { // just sanity check - this is only for receiving client NetLog_Direct("Error: Invalid Packet, closing."); CloseOscarConnection(oc); return; } // Read Frame data if (!(ft->flags & OFTF_FILE_REQUEST_RECEIVED)) { unpackWord(&pBuffer, &ft->wEncrypt); unpackWord(&pBuffer, &ft->wCompress); unpackWord(&pBuffer, &ft->wFilesCount); } else pBuffer += 6; unpackWord(&pBuffer, &ft->wFilesLeft); ft->iCurrentFile = ft->wFilesCount - ft->wFilesLeft; if (!(ft->flags & OFTF_FILE_REQUEST_RECEIVED)) unpackWord(&pBuffer, &ft->wPartsCount); else pBuffer += 2; unpackWord(&pBuffer, &ft->wPartsLeft); if (!(ft->flags & OFTF_FILE_REQUEST_RECEIVED)) { // just check it DWORD dwSize; unpackDWord(&pBuffer, &dwSize); if (dwSize != (DWORD)ft->qwTotalSize) { // the 32bits does not match, use them as full size ft->qwTotalSize = dwSize; NetLog_Server("Warning: Invalid total size."); } } else pBuffer += 4; { // this allows us to receive single >4GB file correctly DWORD dwSize; unpackDWord(&pBuffer, &dwSize); if (dwSize == (DWORD)ft->qwTotalSize && ft->wFilesCount == 1) ft->qwThisFileSize = ft->qwTotalSize; else ft->qwThisFileSize = dwSize; } unpackDWord(&pBuffer, &ft->dwThisFileDate); unpackDWord(&pBuffer, &ft->dwThisFileCheck); unpackDWord(&pBuffer, &ft->dwRecvForkCheck); unpackDWord(&pBuffer, &ft->dwThisForkSize); unpackDWord(&pBuffer, &ft->dwThisFileCreation); unpackDWord(&pBuffer, &ft->dwThisForkCheck); pBuffer += 4; // File Bytes Done unpackDWord(&pBuffer, &ft->dwRecvFileCheck); if (!(ft->flags & OFTF_FILE_REQUEST_RECEIVED)) unpackString(&pBuffer, ft->rawIDString, 32); else pBuffer += 32; unpackByte(&pBuffer, &ft->bHeaderFlags); unpackByte(&pBuffer, &ft->bNameOff); unpackByte(&pBuffer, &ft->bSizeOff); if (!(ft->flags & OFTF_FILE_REQUEST_RECEIVED)) { unpackString(&pBuffer, (char*)ft->rawDummy, 69); unpackString(&pBuffer, (char*)ft->rawMacInfo, 16); } else pBuffer += 85; unpackWord(&pBuffer, &ft->wEncoding); unpackWord(&pBuffer, &ft->wSubEncoding); ft->cbRawFileName = wLen - 176; SAFE_FREE((void**)&ft->rawFileName); // release previous buffers SAFE_FREE(&ft->szThisFile); ft->rawFileName = (char*)SAFE_MALLOC(ft->cbRawFileName + 2); unpackString(&pBuffer, ft->rawFileName, ft->cbRawFileName); // Prepare file if (ft->wEncoding == 2) { // UCS-2 encoding ft->szThisFile = ApplyEncoding(ft->rawFileName, "unicode-2-0"); } else { ft->szThisFile = ansi_to_utf8(ft->rawFileName); } { // convert dir markings to normal backslashes int i; for (i = 0; i < strlennull(ft->szThisFile); i++) { if (ft->szThisFile[i] == 0x01) ft->szThisFile[i] = '\\'; } } ft->flags |= OFTF_FILE_REQUEST_RECEIVED; // First Frame Processed NetLog_Direct("File '%s', %I64u Bytes", ft->szThisFile, ft->qwThisFileSize); { // Prepare Path Information char *szFile = strrchr(ft->szThisFile, '\\'); SAFE_FREE(&ft->szThisPath); // release previous path if (szFile) { ft->szThisPath = ft->szThisFile; szFile[0] = '\0'; // split that strings ft->szThisFile = null_strdup(szFile + 1); // no cheating with paths if (!IsValidRelativePath(ft->szThisPath)) { NetLog_Direct("Invalid path information"); break; } } else ft->szThisPath = null_strdup(""); } /* no cheating with paths */ if (!IsValidRelativePath(ft->szThisFile)) { NetLog_Direct("Invalid path information"); break; } char *szFullPath = (char*)SAFE_MALLOC(strlennull(ft->szSavePath)+strlennull(ft->szThisPath)+strlennull(ft->szThisFile)+3); strcpy(szFullPath, ft->szSavePath); NormalizeBackslash(szFullPath); strcat(szFullPath, ft->szThisPath); NormalizeBackslash(szFullPath); // make sure the dest dir exists if (MakeDirUtf(szFullPath)) NetLog_Direct("Failed to create destination directory!"); strcat(szFullPath, ft->szThisFile); // we joined the full path to dest file SAFE_FREE(&ft->szThisFile); ft->szThisFile = szFullPath; ft->qwFileBytesDone = 0; { /* file resume */ PROTOFILETRANSFERSTATUS pfts; oft_buildProtoFileTransferStatus(ft, &pfts); if (BroadcastAck(ft->hContact, ACKTYPE_FILE, ACKRESULT_FILERESUME, ft, (LPARAM)&pfts)) { oc->status = OCS_WAITING; break; /* UI supports resume: it will call PS_FILERESUME */ } ft->fileId = OpenFileUtf(ft->szThisFile, _O_BINARY | _O_CREAT | _O_TRUNC | _O_WRONLY, _S_IREAD | _S_IWRITE); #ifdef _DEBUG NetLog_Direct("OFT: OpenFileUtf(%s, %u) returned %u", ft->szThisFile, _O_BINARY | _O_CREAT | _O_TRUNC | _O_WRONLY, ft->fileId); #endif if (ft->fileId == -1) { #ifdef _DEBUG NetLog_Direct("OFT: errno=%d", errno); #endif icq_LogMessage(LOG_ERROR, LPGEN("Your file receive has been aborted because Miranda could not open the destination file in order to write to it. You may be trying to save to a read-only folder.")); BroadcastAck(ft->hContact, ACKTYPE_FILE, ACKRESULT_FAILED, ft, 0); // Release transfer SafeReleaseFileTransfer((void**)&oc->ft); return; } } // Send "we are ready" oc->status = OCS_DATA; ft->flags |= OFTF_FILE_RECEIVING; sendOFT2FramePacket(oc, OFT_TYPE_READY); BroadcastAck(ft->hContact, ACKTYPE_FILE, ACKRESULT_NEXTFILE, ft, 0); if (!ft->qwThisFileSize) { // if the file is empty we will not receive any data BYTE buf; oft_handleFileData(oc, &buf, 0); } return; } case OFT_TYPE_READY: case OFT_TYPE_RESUMEACK: { // Receiver is ready oc->status = OCS_DATA; oc->wantIdleTime = 1; ft->flags |= OFTF_FILE_SENDING; NetLog_Direct("OFT: Receiver ready."); } break; case OFT_TYPE_RESUMEREQUEST: { // Receiver wants to resume file transfer from point DWORD dwResumeCheck, dwResumeOffset, dwFileCheck; if (!(ft->flags & OFTF_SENDING)) { // just sanity check - this is only for sending client NetLog_Direct("Error: Invalid Packet, closing."); CloseOscarConnection(oc); return; } // Read Resume Frame data pBuffer += 44; unpackDWord(&pBuffer, &dwResumeOffset); unpackDWord(&pBuffer, &dwResumeCheck); dwFileCheck = oft_calc_file_checksum(ft->fileId, dwResumeOffset); if (dwFileCheck == dwResumeCheck && dwResumeOffset <= ft->qwThisFileSize) { // resume seems ok ft->qwFileBytesDone = dwResumeOffset; ft->qwBytesDone += dwResumeOffset; _lseek(ft->fileId, dwResumeOffset, SEEK_SET); NetLog_Direct("OFT: Resume request, ready."); } else NetLog_Direct("OFT: Resume request, restarting."); // Ready for resume sendOFT2FramePacket(oc, OFT_TYPE_RESUMEREADY); } break; case OFT_TYPE_RESUMEREADY: { // Process Smart-resume reply DWORD dwResumeOffset, dwResumeCheck; if (ft->flags & OFTF_SENDING) { // just sanity check - this is only for receiving client NetLog_Direct("Error: Invalid Packet, closing."); CloseOscarConnection(oc); return; } // Read Resume Reply data pBuffer += 44; unpackDWord(&pBuffer, &dwResumeOffset); unpackDWord(&pBuffer, &dwResumeCheck); if (ft->qwFileBytesDone != dwResumeOffset) { ft->qwBytesDone -= (ft->qwFileBytesDone - dwResumeOffset); ft->qwFileBytesDone = dwResumeOffset; if (dwResumeOffset) ft->dwRecvFileCheck = dwResumeCheck; else // Restarted resume (data mismatch) ft->dwRecvFileCheck = 0xFFFF0000; } _lseek(ft->fileId, dwResumeOffset, SEEK_SET); if (ft->qwThisFileSize != ft->qwFileBytesDone) NetLog_Direct("OFT: Resuming from offset %u.", dwResumeOffset); // Prepare to receive data oc->status = OCS_DATA; BroadcastAck(ft->hContact, ACKTYPE_FILE, ACKRESULT_NEXTFILE, ft, 0); // Ready for receive sendOFT2FramePacket(oc, OFT_TYPE_RESUMEACK); if (ft->qwThisFileSize == ft->qwFileBytesDone) { // all data already processed BYTE buf; oft_handleFileData(oc, &buf, 0); } } break; case OFT_TYPE_DONE: { // File done oc->status = OCS_NEGOTIATION; oc->wantIdleTime = 0; ft->flags &= ~OFTF_FILE_SENDING; NetLog_Direct("OFT: File sent successfully."); #ifdef _DEBUG NetLog_Direct("OFT: _close(%u)", ft->fileId); #endif _close(ft->fileId); // FIXME: this needs fix for "skip file" feature ft->fileId = -1; ft->iCurrentFile++; // continue with next file oft_sendPeerInit(oc); } break; default: NetLog_Direct("Error: Uknown OFT frame type 0x%x", datatype); } } // // Proxy packets ///////////////////////////// void CIcqProto::proxy_sendInitTunnel(oscar_connection *oc) { icq_packet packet; WORD wLen = 39 + getUINLen(m_dwLocalUIN); packet.wLen = wLen; init_generic_packet(&packet, 2); packWord(&packet, wLen); packWord(&packet, OSCAR_PROXY_VERSION); packWord(&packet, 0x02); // wCommand packDWord(&packet, 0); // Unknown packWord(&packet, 0); // Flags? packUIN(&packet, m_dwLocalUIN); packLEDWord(&packet, oc->ft->pMessage.dwMsgID1); packLEDWord(&packet, oc->ft->pMessage.dwMsgID2); packDWord(&packet, 0x00010010); // TLV(1) packGUID(&packet, MCAP_FILE_TRANSFER); sendOscarPacket(oc, &packet); } void CIcqProto::proxy_sendJoinTunnel(oscar_connection *oc, WORD wPort) { icq_packet packet; WORD wLen = 41 + getUINLen(m_dwLocalUIN); packet.wLen = wLen; init_generic_packet(&packet, 2); packWord(&packet, wLen); packWord(&packet, OSCAR_PROXY_VERSION); packWord(&packet, 0x04); // wCommand packDWord(&packet, 0); // Unknown packWord(&packet, 0); // Flags? packUIN(&packet, m_dwLocalUIN); packWord(&packet, wPort); packLEDWord(&packet, oc->ft->pMessage.dwMsgID1); packLEDWord(&packet, oc->ft->pMessage.dwMsgID2); packDWord(&packet, 0x00010010); // TLV(1) packGUID(&packet, MCAP_FILE_TRANSFER); sendOscarPacket(oc, &packet); } // // Direct packets ///////////////////////////// void CIcqProto::oft_sendFileData(oscar_connection *oc) { oscar_filetransfer *ft = oc->ft; BYTE buf[OFT_BUFFER_SIZE]; if (ft->fileId == -1) return; int bytesRead = _read(ft->fileId, buf, sizeof(buf)); if (bytesRead == -1) return; if (!bytesRead) { // oc->wantIdleTime = 0; return; } if ((DWORD)bytesRead > (ft->qwThisFileSize - ft->qwFileBytesDone)) { // do not send more than expected, limit to known size bytesRead = (DWORD)(ft->qwThisFileSize - ft->qwFileBytesDone); oc->wantIdleTime = 0; } if (bytesRead) { icq_packet packet; packet.wLen = bytesRead; init_generic_packet(&packet, 0); packBuffer(&packet, buf, (WORD)bytesRead); // we are sending raw data sendOscarPacket(oc, &packet); ft->qwBytesDone += bytesRead; ft->qwFileBytesDone += bytesRead; } if (GetTickCount() > ft->dwLastNotify + 700 || oc->wantIdleTime == 0 || ft->qwFileBytesDone == ft->qwThisFileSize) { // notify only once a while or after last data packet sent PROTOFILETRANSFERSTATUS pfts; oft_buildProtoFileTransferStatus(ft, &pfts); BroadcastAck(ft->hContact, ACKTYPE_FILE, ACKRESULT_DATA, ft, (LPARAM)&pfts); ft->dwLastNotify = GetTickCount(); } } void CIcqProto::oft_sendPeerInit(oscar_connection *oc) { icq_lock l(oftMutex); oscar_filetransfer *ft = oc->ft; struct _stati64 statbuf; char *pszThisFileName; // prepare init frame if (ft->iCurrentFile >= (int)ft->wFilesCount) { // All files done, great! BroadcastAck(ft->hContact, ACKTYPE_FILE, ACKRESULT_SUCCESS, ft, 0); // Release transfer SafeReleaseFileTransfer((void**)&oc->ft); return; } SAFE_FREE(&ft->szThisFile); ft->szThisFile = null_strdup(ft->files[ft->iCurrentFile].szFile); if (FileStatUtf(ft->szThisFile, &statbuf)) { icq_LogMessage(LOG_ERROR, LPGEN("Your file transfer has been aborted because one of the files that you selected to send is no longer readable from the disk. You may have deleted or moved it.")); BroadcastAck(ft->hContact, ACKTYPE_FILE, ACKRESULT_FAILED, ft, 0); // Release transfer SafeReleaseFileTransfer((void**)&oc->ft); return; } { // create full relative filename char* szThisContainer = ft->files[ft->iCurrentFile].szContainer; pszThisFileName = (char*)SAFE_MALLOC(strlennull(ft->szThisFile) + strlennull(szThisContainer) + 4); strcpy(pszThisFileName, szThisContainer); NormalizeBackslash(pszThisFileName); strcat(pszThisFileName, ExtractFileName(ft->szThisFile)); } { // convert backslashes to dir markings int i; for (i = 0; i < strlennull(pszThisFileName); i++) if (pszThisFileName[i] == '\\' || pszThisFileName[i] == '/') pszThisFileName[i] = 0x01; } BroadcastAck(ft->hContact, ACKTYPE_FILE, ACKRESULT_NEXTFILE, ft, 0); ft->fileId = OpenFileUtf(ft->szThisFile, _O_BINARY | _O_RDONLY, 0); #ifdef _DEBUG NetLog_Direct("OFT: OpenFileUtf(%s, %u) returned %u", ft->szThisFile, _O_BINARY | _O_RDONLY, ft->fileId); #endif if (ft->fileId == -1) { #ifdef _DEBUG NetLog_Direct("OFT: errno=%d", errno); #endif SAFE_FREE((void**)&pszThisFileName); icq_LogMessage(LOG_ERROR, LPGEN("Your file transfer has been aborted because one of the files that you selected to send is no longer readable from the disk. You may have deleted or moved it.")); // BroadcastAck(ft->hContact, ACKTYPE_FILE, ACKRESULT_FAILED, ft, 0); // Release transfer SafeReleaseFileTransfer((void**)&oc->ft); return; } ft->qwThisFileSize = statbuf.st_size; ft->dwThisFileDate = statbuf.st_mtime; ft->dwThisFileCreation = statbuf.st_ctime; ft->dwThisFileCheck = oft_calc_file_checksum(ft->fileId, ft->qwThisFileSize); ft->qwFileBytesDone = 0; ft->dwRecvFileCheck = 0xFFFF0000; SAFE_FREE((void**)&ft->rawFileName); if (IsUSASCII(pszThisFileName, strlennull(pszThisFileName))) { ft->wEncoding = 0; // ascii ft->cbRawFileName = strlennull(pszThisFileName) + 1; if (ft->cbRawFileName < 64) ft->cbRawFileName = 64; ft->rawFileName = (char*)SAFE_MALLOC(ft->cbRawFileName); strcpy(ft->rawFileName, (char*)pszThisFileName); SAFE_FREE((void**)&pszThisFileName); } else { ft->wEncoding = 2; // ucs-2 WCHAR *pwsThisFile = make_unicode_string(pszThisFileName); SAFE_FREE((void**)&pszThisFileName); ft->cbRawFileName = strlennull(pwsThisFile) * (int)sizeof(WCHAR) + 2; if (ft->cbRawFileName < 64) ft->cbRawFileName = 64; ft->rawFileName = (char*)SAFE_MALLOC(ft->cbRawFileName); // convert to LE ordered string BYTE *pwsThisFileBuf = (BYTE*)pwsThisFile; // need this - unpackWideString moves the address! unpackWideString(&pwsThisFileBuf, (WCHAR*)ft->rawFileName, (WORD)(strlennull(pwsThisFile) * sizeof(WCHAR))); SAFE_FREE((void**)&pwsThisFile); } ft->wFilesLeft = (WORD)(ft->wFilesCount - ft->iCurrentFile); sendOFT2FramePacket(oc, OFT_TYPE_REQUEST); } void CIcqProto::sendOFT2FramePacket(oscar_connection *oc, WORD datatype) { oscar_filetransfer *ft = oc->ft; icq_packet packet; packet.wLen = 192 + ft->cbRawFileName; init_generic_packet(&packet, 0); // Basic Oscar Frame packDWord(&packet, 0x4F465432); // Magic packWord(&packet, packet.wLen); packWord(&packet, datatype); // Cookie packLEDWord(&packet, ft->pMessage.dwMsgID1); packLEDWord(&packet, ft->pMessage.dwMsgID2); packWord(&packet, ft->wEncrypt); packWord(&packet, ft->wCompress); packWord(&packet, ft->wFilesCount); packWord(&packet, ft->wFilesLeft); packWord(&packet, ft->wPartsCount); packWord(&packet, ft->wPartsLeft); packDWord(&packet, (DWORD)ft->qwTotalSize); packDWord(&packet, (DWORD)ft->qwThisFileSize); packDWord(&packet, ft->dwThisFileDate); packDWord(&packet, ft->dwThisFileCheck); packDWord(&packet, ft->dwRecvForkCheck); packDWord(&packet, ft->dwThisForkSize); packDWord(&packet, ft->dwThisFileCreation); packDWord(&packet, ft->dwThisForkCheck); packDWord(&packet, (DWORD)ft->qwFileBytesDone); packDWord(&packet, ft->dwRecvFileCheck); packBuffer(&packet, (LPBYTE)ft->rawIDString, 32); packByte(&packet, ft->bHeaderFlags); packByte(&packet, ft->bNameOff); packByte(&packet, ft->bSizeOff); packBuffer(&packet, ft->rawDummy, 69); packBuffer(&packet, ft->rawMacInfo, 16); packWord(&packet, ft->wEncoding); packWord(&packet, ft->wSubEncoding); packBuffer(&packet, (LPBYTE)ft->rawFileName, ft->cbRawFileName); sendOscarPacket(oc, &packet); }