// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------80 // ICQ plugin for Miranda Instant Messenger // ________________________________________ // // Copyright © 2000-2001 Richard Hughes, Roland Rabien, Tristan Van de Vreede // Copyright © 2001-2002 Jon Keating, Richard Hughes // Copyright © 2002-2004 Martin Öberg, Sam Kothari, Robert Rainwater // Copyright © 2004-2010 Joe Kucera // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 // of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. // // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // DESCRIPTION: // // Manages Avatar connection, provides internal service for handling avatars // // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "icqoscar.h" #include "m_folders.h" BYTE hashEmptyAvatar[9] = {0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x05, 0x02, 0x01, 0xD2, 0x04, 0x72}; avatars_request::avatars_request(int type) { this->type = type; } avatars_request::~avatars_request() { if (this) { switch (type) { case ART_UPLOAD: SAFE_FREE((void**)&pData); break; case ART_GET: SAFE_FREE((void**)&hash); SAFE_FREE(&szFile); break; case ART_BLOCK: break; } } } avatars_request* CIcqProto::ReleaseAvatarRequestInQueue(avatars_request *request) { avatars_request *pNext = request->pNext; avatars_request **par = &m_avatarsQueue; avatars_request *ar = m_avatarsQueue; while (ar) { if (ar == request) { // found it, remove *par = ar->pNext; break; } par = &ar->pNext; ar = ar->pNext; } delete request; return pNext; } void CIcqProto::InitAvatars() { if (bAvatarsFolderInited) return; bAvatarsFolderInited = TRUE; // check if it does make sense TCHAR tszPath[MAX_PATH * 2]; null_snprintf(tszPath, MAX_PATH * 2, _T("%%miranda_avatarcache%%\\") _T(TCHAR_STR_PARAM) _T("\\"), m_szModuleName); hAvatarsFolder = FoldersRegisterCustomPathT(m_szModuleName, "Avatars Cache", tszPath); } TCHAR* CIcqProto::GetOwnAvatarFileName() { DBVARIANT dbvFile = {DBVT_DELETED}; if (!getSettingStringT(NULL, "AvatarFile", &dbvFile)) { TCHAR tmp[MAX_PATH * 2]; PathToAbsoluteT(dbvFile.ptszVal, tmp); db_free(&dbvFile); return null_strdup(tmp); } return NULL; } void CIcqProto::GetFullAvatarFileName(int dwUin, const char *szUid, int dwFormat, TCHAR *pszDest, int cbLen) { GetAvatarFileName(dwUin, szUid, pszDest, cbLen); AddAvatarExt(dwFormat, pszDest); } void CIcqProto::GetAvatarFileName(int dwUin, const char *szUid, TCHAR *pszDest, int cbLen) { TCHAR szPath[MAX_PATH * 2]; FOLDERSGETDATA fgd = {0}; InitAvatars(); fgd.cbSize = sizeof(FOLDERSGETDATA); fgd.nMaxPathSize = MAX_PATH * 2; fgd.szPathT = szPath; fgd.flags = FF_TCHAR; if (CallService(MS_FOLDERS_GET_PATH, (WPARAM)hAvatarsFolder, (LPARAM)&fgd)) { TCHAR *tmpPath = Utils_ReplaceVarsT(_T("%miranda_avatarcache%")); null_snprintf(szPath, MAX_PATH * 2, _T("%s\\") _T(TCHAR_STR_PARAM) _T("\\"), tmpPath, m_szModuleName); mir_free(tmpPath); } else _tcscat(szPath, _T("\\")); // fill the destination lstrcpyn(pszDest, szPath, cbLen - 1); int tPathLen = strlennull(pszDest); // make sure the avatar cache directory exists CreateDirectoryTreeT(szPath); if (dwUin != 0) { _ltot(dwUin, pszDest + tPathLen, 10); } else if (szUid) { TCHAR* p = mir_a2t(szUid); _tcscpy(pszDest + tPathLen, p); mir_free( p ); } else { TCHAR szBuf[MAX_PATH]; if (CallService(MS_DB_GETPROFILENAMET, MAX_PATH, (LPARAM)szBuf)) _tcscpy(pszDest + tPathLen, _T("avatar")); else { TCHAR *szLastDot = _tcsrchr(szBuf, '.'); if (szLastDot) szLastDot[0] = '\0'; _tcscpy(pszDest + tPathLen, szBuf); _tcscat(pszDest + tPathLen, _T("_avt")); } } } void AddAvatarExt(int dwFormat, TCHAR *pszDest) { if (dwFormat == PA_FORMAT_JPEG) _tcscat(pszDest, _T(".jpg")); else if (dwFormat == PA_FORMAT_GIF) _tcscat(pszDest, _T(".gif")); else if (dwFormat == PA_FORMAT_PNG) _tcscat(pszDest, _T(".png")); else if (dwFormat == PA_FORMAT_BMP) _tcscat(pszDest, _T(".bmp")); else if (dwFormat == PA_FORMAT_XML) _tcscat(pszDest, _T(".xml")); else if (dwFormat == PA_FORMAT_SWF) _tcscat(pszDest, _T(".swf")); else _tcscat(pszDest, _T(".dat")); } int DetectAvatarFormatBuffer(const char *pBuffer) { if (!strncmp(pBuffer, "%PNG", 4)) return PA_FORMAT_PNG; if (!strncmp(pBuffer, "GIF8", 4)) return PA_FORMAT_GIF; if (!_strnicmp(pBuffer, "isPending()) { NetLog_Server("Avatar, Multiple start thread attempt, ignored."); SAFE_FREE((void**)&cookie); return; } NetLog_Server("Avatars: Connection failed"); m_avatarsConnectionPending = FALSE; { // check if any upload request are waiting in the queue avatars_request *ar = m_avatarsQueue; int bYet = 0; while (ar) { if (ar->type == ART_UPLOAD) { // we found it, return error if (!bYet) { icq_LogMessage(LOG_WARNING, LPGEN("Error uploading avatar to server, server temporarily unavailable.")); bYet = 1; } // remove upload request from queue ar = ReleaseAvatarRequestInQueue(ar); continue; } ar = ar->pNext; } } SAFE_FREE((void**)&cookie); return; } icq_lock l(m_avatarsMutex); if (m_avatarsConnection && m_avatarsConnection->isPending()) { NetLog_Server("Avatar, Multiple start thread attempt, ignored."); NetLib_CloseConnection(&hConn, FALSE); SAFE_FREE((void**)&cookie); return; } else if (m_avatarsConnection) m_avatarsConnection->closeConnection(); m_avatarsConnection = new avatars_server_connection(this, hConn, cookie, cookieLen); // the old connection should not be used anymore // connection object created, remove the connection request pending flag m_avatarsConnectionPending = FALSE; } void CIcqProto::StopAvatarThread() { icq_lock l(m_avatarsMutex); // the connection is about to close if (m_avatarsConnection) { m_avatarsConnection->shutdownConnection(); // make the thread stop } return; } #ifdef _DEBUG static void NetLog_Hash(CIcqProto *ppro, const char *pszIdent, const BYTE *pHash, int nHashLen) { if (nHashLen == 0x14) ppro->NetLog_Server("Avatars: %s hash: %02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X", pszIdent, pHash[0], pHash[1], pHash[2], pHash[3], pHash[4], pHash[5], pHash[6], pHash[7], pHash[8], pHash[9], pHash[10], pHash[11], pHash[12], pHash[13], pHash[14], pHash[15], pHash[16], pHash[17], pHash[18], pHash[19]); else if (nHashLen == 0x09) ppro->NetLog_Server("Avatars: %s hash: %02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X", pszIdent, pHash[0], pHash[1], pHash[2], pHash[3], pHash[4], pHash[5], pHash[6], pHash[7], pHash[8]); else ppro->NetLog_Server("Avatars: %s hash: Unknown hash format.", pszIdent); } #endif // handle Owner's avatar hash changes void CIcqProto::handleAvatarOwnerHash(WORD wItemID, BYTE bFlags, BYTE *pData, BYTE nDataLen) { if ((nDataLen >= 0x14) && m_bAvatarsEnabled) { switch (bFlags) { case 1: // our avatar is on the server { setSettingBlob(NULL, "AvatarHash", pData, 0x14); /// TODO: properly handle multiple avatar items (more formats) setUserInfo(); // here we need to find a file, check its hash, if invalid get avatar from server TCHAR *file = GetOwnAvatarFileName(); if (!file) { // we have no avatar file, download from server TCHAR szFile[MAX_PATH * 2 + 4]; #ifdef _DEBUG NetLog_Server("We have no avatar, requesting from server."); #endif GetAvatarFileName(0, NULL, szFile, MAX_PATH * 2); GetAvatarData(NULL, m_dwLocalUIN, NULL, pData, 0x14, szFile); } else { // we know avatar filename BYTE *hash = calcMD5HashOfFile(file); if (!hash) { // hash could not be calculated - probably missing file, get avatar from server TCHAR szFile[MAX_PATH * 2 + 4]; #ifdef _DEBUG NetLog_Server("We have no avatar, requesting from server."); #endif GetAvatarFileName(0, NULL, szFile, MAX_PATH * 2); GetAvatarData(NULL, m_dwLocalUIN, NULL, pData, 0x14, szFile); } // check if we had set any avatar if yes set our, if not download from server else if (memcmp(hash, pData + 4, 0x10)) { // we have different avatar, sync that if (m_bSsiEnabled && getSettingByte(NULL, "ForceOurAvatar", 1)) { // we want our avatar, update hash DWORD dwPaFormat = DetectAvatarFormat(file); BYTE *pHash = (BYTE*)_alloca(0x14); NetLog_Server("Our avatar is different, setting our new hash."); pHash[0] = 0; pHash[1] = dwPaFormat == PA_FORMAT_XML ? AVATAR_HASH_FLASH : AVATAR_HASH_STATIC; pHash[2] = 1; // state of the hash pHash[3] = 0x10; // len of the hash memcpy(pHash + 4, hash, 0x10); updateServAvatarHash(pHash, 0x14); } else { // get avatar from server TCHAR tszFile[MAX_PATH * 2 + 4]; #ifdef _DEBUG NetLog_Server("We have different avatar, requesting new from server."); #endif GetAvatarFileName(0, NULL, tszFile, MAX_PATH * 2); GetAvatarData(NULL, m_dwLocalUIN, NULL, pData, 0x14, tszFile); } } SAFE_FREE((void**)&hash); SAFE_FREE(&file); } break; } case 0x41: // request to upload avatar data case 0x81: { // request to re-upload avatar data if (!m_bSsiEnabled) break; // we could not change serv-list if it is disabled... TCHAR *file = GetOwnAvatarFileName(); if (!file) { // we have no file to upload, remove hash from server NetLog_Server("We do not have avatar, removing hash."); SetMyAvatar(0, 0); break; } DWORD dwPaFormat = DetectAvatarFormat(file); BYTE *hash = calcMD5HashOfFile(file); if (!hash) { // the hash could not be calculated, remove from server NetLog_Server("We could not obtain hash, removing hash."); SetMyAvatar(0, 0); } else if (!memcmp(hash, pData + 4, 0x10)) { // we have the right file HANDLE hFile = NULL, hMap = NULL; BYTE *ppMap = NULL; long cbFileSize = 0; NetLog_Server("Uploading our avatar data."); if ((hFile = CreateFile(file, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL )) != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) if ((hMap = CreateFileMapping(hFile, NULL, PAGE_READONLY, 0, 0, NULL)) != NULL) if ((ppMap = (BYTE*)MapViewOfFile(hMap, FILE_MAP_READ, 0, 0, 0)) != NULL) cbFileSize = GetFileSize(hFile, NULL); if (cbFileSize != 0) { SetAvatarData(NULL, (WORD)(dwPaFormat == PA_FORMAT_XML ? AVATAR_HASH_FLASH : AVATAR_HASH_STATIC), ppMap, cbFileSize); } if (ppMap != NULL) UnmapViewOfFile(ppMap); if (hMap != NULL) CloseHandle(hMap); if (hFile != NULL) CloseHandle(hFile); SAFE_FREE((void**)&hash); } else { BYTE *pHash = (BYTE*)_alloca(0x14); NetLog_Server("Our file is different, set our new hash."); pHash[0] = 0; pHash[1] = dwPaFormat == PA_FORMAT_XML ? AVATAR_HASH_FLASH : AVATAR_HASH_STATIC; pHash[2] = 1; // state of the hash pHash[3] = 0x10; // len of the hash memcpy(pHash + 4, hash, 0x10); updateServAvatarHash(pHash, 0x14); SAFE_FREE((void**)&hash); } SAFE_FREE(&file); break; } default: NetLog_Server("Received UNKNOWN Avatar Status."); } } } // handle Contact's avatar hash void CIcqProto::handleAvatarContactHash(DWORD dwUIN, char *szUID, HANDLE hContact, BYTE *pHash, int nHashLen, WORD wOldStatus) { int bJob = FALSE; BOOL avatarInfoPresent = FALSE; int avatarType = -1; BYTE *pAvatarHash = NULL; int cbAvatarHash; BYTE emptyItem[0x10] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; if (!m_bAvatarsEnabled) return; // only if enabled if (nHashLen < 4) return; // nothing to work with while (nHashLen >= 4) { // parse online message items one by one WORD itemType = pHash[0] << 8 | pHash[1]; BYTE itemLen = pHash[3]; BYTE itemFlags = pHash[2]; // just some validity check if (itemLen + 4 > nHashLen) itemLen = nHashLen - 4; if (itemLen && memcmp(pHash + 4, emptyItem, itemLen > 0x10 ? 0x10 : itemLen)) { // Item types // 0000: AIM mini avatar // 0001: AIM/ICQ avatar ID/hash (len 5 or 16 bytes) // 0002: iChat online message // 0008: ICQ Flash avatar hash (16 bytes) // 0009: iTunes music store link // 000C: ICQ contact photo (16 bytes) // 000D: Last update time of online message // 000E: Status mood if (itemType == AVATAR_HASH_MINI && itemLen == 0x05 && avatarType == -1) { // mini avatar pAvatarHash = pHash; cbAvatarHash = itemLen + 4; avatarType = itemType; } else if (itemType == AVATAR_HASH_STATIC && (itemLen == 0x05 || itemLen == 0x10) && (avatarType == -1 || avatarType == AVATAR_HASH_MINI)) { // normal avatar pAvatarHash = pHash; cbAvatarHash = itemLen + 4; avatarType = itemType; } else if (itemType == AVATAR_HASH_FLASH && itemLen == 0x10 && (avatarType == -1 || avatarType == AVATAR_HASH_MINI || avatarType == AVATAR_HASH_STATIC)) { // flash avatar pAvatarHash = pHash; cbAvatarHash = itemLen + 4; avatarType = itemType; } else if (itemType == AVATAR_HASH_PHOTO && itemLen == 0x10) { // big avatar (ICQ 6+) pAvatarHash = pHash; cbAvatarHash = itemLen + 4; avatarType = itemType; } } else if ((itemLen == 0) && (itemType == AVATAR_HASH_MINI || itemType == AVATAR_HASH_STATIC || itemType == AVATAR_HASH_FLASH || itemType == AVATAR_HASH_PHOTO)) { // empty item - indicating that avatar of that type was removed avatarInfoPresent = TRUE; } pHash += itemLen + 4; nHashLen -= itemLen + 4; } if (avatarType != -1) { // check settings, should we request avatar immediatelly? DBVARIANT dbv = {DBVT_DELETED}; TCHAR tszAvatar[MAX_PATH * 2 +4]; BYTE bAutoLoad = getSettingByte(NULL, "AvatarsAutoLoad", DEFAULT_LOAD_AVATARS); if ((avatarType == AVATAR_HASH_STATIC || avatarType == AVATAR_HASH_MINI) && cbAvatarHash == 0x09 && !memcmp(pAvatarHash + 4, hashEmptyAvatar + 4, 0x05)) { // empty avatar - unlink image, clear hash if (!getSetting(hContact, "AvatarHash", &dbv)) { // contact had avatar, clear hash, notify UI #ifdef _DEBUG NetLog_Hash(this, "old", dbv.pbVal, dbv.cpbVal); #endif db_free(&dbv); NetLog_Server("%s has removed Avatar.", strUID(dwUIN, szUID)); deleteSetting(hContact, "AvatarHash"); BroadcastAck(hContact, ACKTYPE_AVATAR, ACKRESULT_STATUS, NULL, 0); } #ifdef _DEBUG else NetLog_Server("%s has empty Avatar.", strUID(dwUIN, szUID)); #endif return; } if (getSetting(hContact, "AvatarHash", &dbv)) { // we did not find old avatar hash, i.e. get new avatar int avatarState = IsAvatarChanged(hContact, pAvatarHash, cbAvatarHash); // check saved hash and file, if equal only store hash if (!avatarState) { // hashes are the same int dwPaFormat = getSettingByte(hContact, "AvatarType", PA_FORMAT_UNKNOWN); GetFullAvatarFileName(dwUIN, szUID, dwPaFormat, tszAvatar, MAX_PATH * 2); if (_taccess(tszAvatar, 0) == 0) { // the file is there, link to contactphoto, save hash NetLog_Server("%s has published Avatar. Image was found in the cache.", strUID(dwUIN, szUID)); #ifdef _DEBUG NetLog_Hash(this, "new", pAvatarHash, cbAvatarHash); #endif setSettingBlob(hContact, "AvatarHash", pAvatarHash, cbAvatarHash); BroadcastAck(hContact, ACKTYPE_AVATAR, ACKRESULT_STATUS, NULL, 0); } else { // the file was lost, request avatar again NetLog_Server("%s has published Avatar.", strUID(dwUIN, szUID)); #ifdef _DEBUG NetLog_Hash(this, "new", pAvatarHash, cbAvatarHash); #endif bJob = TRUE; } } else { // the hash is not the one we want, request avatar NetLog_Server("%s has published a new Avatar.", strUID(dwUIN, szUID)); #ifdef _DEBUG NetLog_Hash(this, "new", pAvatarHash, cbAvatarHash); #endif bJob = TRUE; } } else { // we found hash check if it changed or not if ((dbv.cpbVal != cbAvatarHash) || memcmp(dbv.pbVal, pAvatarHash, cbAvatarHash)) { // the hash is different, request new avatar #ifdef _DEBUG NetLog_Hash(this, "old", dbv.pbVal, dbv.cpbVal); #endif NetLog_Server("%s has changed Avatar.", strUID(dwUIN, szUID)); #ifdef _DEBUG NetLog_Hash(this, "new", pAvatarHash, cbAvatarHash); #endif bJob = TRUE; } else { // the hash was not changed, check if we have the correct file int avatarState = IsAvatarChanged(hContact, pAvatarHash, cbAvatarHash); // we should have file, check if the file really exists if (!avatarState) { int dwPaFormat = getSettingByte(hContact, "AvatarType", PA_FORMAT_UNKNOWN); if (dwPaFormat == PA_FORMAT_UNKNOWN) { // we do not know the format, get avatar again #ifdef _DEBUG NetLog_Hash(this, "current", dbv.pbVal, dbv.cpbVal); #endif NetLog_Server("%s has Avatar. Image is missing.", strUID(dwUIN, szUID)); bJob = 2; } else { GetFullAvatarFileName(dwUIN, szUID, dwPaFormat, tszAvatar, MAX_PATH * 2); if (_taccess(tszAvatar, 0) != 0) { // the file was lost, get it again #ifdef _DEBUG NetLog_Hash(this, "current", dbv.pbVal, dbv.cpbVal); #endif NetLog_Server("%s has Avatar. Image is missing.", strUID(dwUIN, szUID)); bJob = 2; } #ifdef _DEBUG else { NetLog_Hash(this, "current", dbv.pbVal, dbv.cpbVal); NetLog_Server("%s has Avatar. Image was found in the cache.", strUID(dwUIN, szUID)); } #endif } } else { // the hash is not the one we want, request avatar #ifdef _DEBUG NetLog_Hash(this, "current", dbv.pbVal, dbv.cpbVal); #endif NetLog_Server("%s has Avatar. Image was not retrieved yet.", strUID(dwUIN, szUID)); bJob = 2; } } db_free(&dbv); } if (bJob) { if (bJob == TRUE) { // Remove possible block - hash changed, try again. icq_lock l(m_avatarsMutex); avatars_request *ar = m_avatarsQueue; while (ar) { if (ar->hContact == hContact && ar->type == ART_BLOCK) { // found one, remove ReleaseAvatarRequestInQueue(ar); break; } ar = ar->pNext; } } setSettingBlob(hContact, "AvatarHash", pAvatarHash, cbAvatarHash); BroadcastAck(hContact, ACKTYPE_AVATAR, ACKRESULT_STATUS, NULL, 0); if (bAutoLoad) { // auto-load is on, so request the avatar now, otherwise we are done GetAvatarFileName(dwUIN, szUID, tszAvatar, MAX_PATH * 2); GetAvatarData(hContact, dwUIN, szUID, pAvatarHash, cbAvatarHash, tszAvatar); } // avatar request sent or added to queue } } else if (avatarInfoPresent) { // hash was not found, clear the hash DBVARIANT dbv = {DBVT_DELETED}; if (!getSetting(hContact, "AvatarHash", &dbv)) { // contact had avatar, clear hash, notify UI #ifdef _DEBUG NetLog_Hash(this, "old", dbv.pbVal, dbv.cpbVal); #endif db_free(&dbv); NetLog_Server("%s has removed Avatar.", strUID(dwUIN, szUID)); deleteSetting(hContact, "AvatarHash"); BroadcastAck(hContact, ACKTYPE_AVATAR, ACKRESULT_STATUS, NULL, 0); } #ifdef _DEBUG else NetLog_Server("%s has no Avatar.", strUID(dwUIN, szUID)); #endif } } // request avatar data from server int CIcqProto::GetAvatarData(HANDLE hContact, DWORD dwUin, const char *szUid, const BYTE *hash, unsigned int hashlen, const TCHAR *file) { uid_str szUidData; char *pszUid = NULL; if (!dwUin && szUid) { // create a copy in local writable buffer strcpy(szUidData, szUid); pszUid = szUidData; } m_avatarsMutex->Enter(); if (m_avatarsConnection && m_avatarsConnection->isReady()) // check if we are ready { // check if requests for this user are not blocked DWORD dwNow = GetTickCount(); avatars_request *ar = m_avatarsQueue; while (ar) { if (ar->hContact == hContact && ar->type == ART_BLOCK) { // found a block item if (GetTickCount() > ar->timeOut) { // remove timeouted block ar = ReleaseAvatarRequestInQueue(ar); continue; } m_avatarsMutex->Leave(); NetLog_Server("Avatars: Requests for %s avatar are blocked.", strUID(dwUin, pszUid)); return 0; } ar = ar->pNext; } avatars_server_connection *pConnection = m_avatarsConnection; pConnection->_Lock(); m_avatarsMutex->Leave(); DWORD dwCookie = pConnection->sendGetAvatarRequest(hContact, dwUin, pszUid, hash, hashlen, file); m_avatarsMutex->Enter(); pConnection->_Release(); if (dwCookie) { // return now if the request was sent successfully m_avatarsMutex->Leave(); return dwCookie; } } // we failed to send request, or avatar thread not ready // check if any request for this user is not already in the queue avatars_request *ar = m_avatarsQueue; while (ar) { if (ar->hContact == hContact) { // we found it, return error if (ar->type == ART_BLOCK && GetTickCount() > ar->timeOut) { // remove timeouted block ar = ReleaseAvatarRequestInQueue(ar); continue; } m_avatarsMutex->Leave(); NetLog_Server("Avatars: Ignoring duplicate get %s avatar request.", strUID(dwUin, pszUid)); // make sure avatar connection is in progress requestAvatarConnection(); return 0; } ar = ar->pNext; } // add request to queue, processed after successful login ar = new avatars_request(ART_GET); // get avatar if (!ar) { // out of memory, go away m_avatarsMutex->Leave(); return 0; } ar->hContact = hContact; ar->dwUin = dwUin; if (!dwUin) strcpy(ar->szUid, szUid); ar->hash = (BYTE*)SAFE_MALLOC(hashlen); if (!ar->hash) { // alloc failed m_avatarsMutex->Leave(); delete ar; return 0; } memcpy(ar->hash, hash, hashlen); // copy the data ar->hashlen = hashlen; ar->szFile = null_strdup(file); // duplicate the string ar->pNext = m_avatarsQueue; m_avatarsQueue = ar; m_avatarsMutex->Leave(); NetLog_Server("Avatars: Request to get %s image added to queue.", strUID(dwUin, pszUid)); // make sure avatar connection is in progress requestAvatarConnection(); return -1; // we added to queue } // upload avatar data to server int CIcqProto::SetAvatarData(HANDLE hContact, WORD wRef, const BYTE *data, unsigned int datalen) { m_avatarsMutex->Enter(); if (m_avatarsConnection && m_avatarsConnection->isReady()) // check if we are ready { avatars_server_connection *pConnection = m_avatarsConnection; pConnection->_Lock(); m_avatarsMutex->Leave(); DWORD dwCookie = pConnection->sendUploadAvatarRequest(hContact, wRef, data, datalen); m_avatarsMutex->Enter(); pConnection->_Release(); if (dwCookie) { // return now if the request was sent successfully m_avatarsMutex->Leave(); return dwCookie; } } // we failed to send request, or avatar thread not ready // check if any request for this user is not already in the queue avatars_request *ar = m_avatarsQueue; int bYet = 0; while (ar) { if (ar->hContact == hContact && ar->type == ART_UPLOAD) { // we found it, return error m_avatarsMutex->Leave(); NetLog_Server("Avatars: Ignoring duplicate upload avatar request."); // make sure avatar connection is in progress requestAvatarConnection(); return 0; } ar = ar->pNext; } // add request to queue, processed after successful login ar = new avatars_request(ART_UPLOAD); // upload avatar if (!ar) { // out of memory, go away m_avatarsMutex->Leave(); return 0; } ar->hContact = hContact; ar->pData = (BYTE*)SAFE_MALLOC(datalen); if (!ar->pData) { // alloc failed m_avatarsMutex->Leave(); delete ar; return 0; } memcpy(ar->pData, data, datalen); // copy the data ar->cbData = datalen; ar->wRef = wRef; ar->pNext = m_avatarsQueue; m_avatarsQueue = ar; m_avatarsMutex->Leave(); NetLog_Server("Avatars: Request to upload image added to queue."); // make sure avatar connection is in progress requestAvatarConnection(); return -1; // we added to queue } void CIcqProto::requestAvatarConnection() { m_avatarsMutex->Enter(); if (!m_avatarsConnectionPending && (!m_avatarsConnection || (!m_avatarsConnection->isPending() && !m_avatarsConnection->isReady()))) { // avatar connection is not pending, request new one m_avatarsConnectionPending = TRUE; m_avatarsMutex->Leave(); icq_requestnewfamily(ICQ_AVATAR_FAMILY, &CIcqProto::StartAvatarThread); } else m_avatarsMutex->Leave(); } void __cdecl CIcqProto::AvatarThread(avatars_server_connection *pInfo) { NetLog_Server("%s thread started.", "Avatar"); // Execute connection handler pInfo->connectionThread(); { // Remove connection reference icq_lock l(m_avatarsMutex); if (m_avatarsConnection == pInfo) m_avatarsConnection = NULL; } { // Release connection handler icq_lock l(m_avatarsMutex); delete pInfo; } NetLog_Server("%s thread ended.", "Avatar"); } avatars_server_connection::avatars_server_connection(CIcqProto *ppro, HANDLE hConnection, char *pCookie, WORD wCookieLen): isLoggedIn(FALSE), stopThread(FALSE), isActive(FALSE) { this->ppro = ppro; this->hConnection = hConnection; this->pCookie = pCookie; this->wCookieLen = wCookieLen; // Initialize packet sequence localSeqMutex = new icq_critical_section(); wLocalSequence = generate_flap_sequence(); // Initialize rates m_ratesMutex = new icq_critical_section(); // Create connection thread ppro->ForkThread(( IcqThreadFunc )&CIcqProto::AvatarThread, this); } avatars_server_connection::~avatars_server_connection() { delete m_ratesMutex; delete localSeqMutex; } int avatars_server_connection::NetLog_Server(const char *fmt,...) { va_list va; char szText[1024 + 9]; strcpy(szText, "Avatars: "); va_start(va, fmt); mir_vsnprintf(szText + 9, sizeof(szText) - 9, fmt, va); va_end(va); return CallService(MS_NETLIB_LOG,(WPARAM)ppro->m_hServerNetlibUser,(LPARAM)szText); } void avatars_server_connection::closeConnection() { stopThread = TRUE; icq_lock l(localSeqMutex); if (hConnection) NetLib_SafeCloseHandle(&hConnection); } void avatars_server_connection::shutdownConnection() { stopThread = TRUE; icq_lock l(localSeqMutex); if (hConnection) Netlib_Shutdown(hConnection); } DWORD avatars_server_connection::sendGetAvatarRequest(HANDLE hContact, DWORD dwUin, char *szUid, const BYTE *hash, unsigned int hashlen, const TCHAR *file) { int i; DWORD dwNow = GetTickCount(); ppro->m_avatarsMutex->Enter(); for(i = 0; i < runCount;) { // look for timeouted requests if (runTime[i] < dwNow) { // found outdated, remove runContact[i] = runContact[runCount - 1]; runTime[i] = runTime[runCount - 1]; runCount--; } else i++; } for(i = 0; i < runCount; i++) { if (runContact[i] == hContact) { ppro->m_avatarsMutex->Leave(); NetLog_Server("Ignoring duplicate get %s image request.", strUID(dwUin, szUid)); return -1; // Success: request ignored } } if (runCount < 4) { // 4 concurent requests at most int bSendNow = TRUE; { // rate management icq_lock l(m_ratesMutex); WORD wGroup = m_rates->getGroupFromSNAC(ICQ_AVATAR_FAMILY, ICQ_AVATAR_GET_REQUEST); if (m_rates->getNextRateLevel(wGroup) < m_rates->getLimitLevel(wGroup, RML_ALERT)) { // we will be over quota if we send the request now, add to queue instead bSendNow = FALSE; #ifdef _DEBUG NetLog_Server("Rates: Delay avatar request."); #endif } } if (bSendNow) { runContact[runCount] = hContact; runTime[runCount] = GetTickCount() + 30000; // 30sec to complete request runCount++; ppro->m_avatarsMutex->Leave(); int nUinLen = getUIDLen(dwUin, szUid); cookie_avatar *ack = (cookie_avatar*)SAFE_MALLOC(sizeof(cookie_avatar)); if (!ack) return 0; // Failure: out of memory ack->dwUin = 1; //dwUin; // I should be damned for this - only to identify get request ack->hContact = hContact; ack->hash = (BYTE*)SAFE_MALLOC(hashlen); memcpy(ack->hash, hash, hashlen); // copy the data ack->hashlen = hashlen; ack->szFile = null_strdup(file); // duplicate the string DWORD dwCookie = ppro->AllocateCookie(CKT_AVATAR, ICQ_AVATAR_GET_REQUEST, hContact, ack); icq_packet packet; serverPacketInit(&packet, (WORD)(12 + nUinLen + hashlen)); packFNACHeader(&packet, ICQ_AVATAR_FAMILY, ICQ_AVATAR_GET_REQUEST, 0, dwCookie); packUID(&packet, dwUin, szUid); packByte(&packet, 1); // unknown, probably type of request: 1 = get icon :) packBuffer(&packet, hash, (WORD)hashlen); if (sendServerPacket(&packet)) { NetLog_Server("Request to get %s image sent.", strUID(dwUin, szUid)); return dwCookie; } ppro->FreeCookie(dwCookie); // sending failed, free resources SAFE_FREE(&ack->szFile); SAFE_FREE((void**)&ack->hash); SAFE_FREE((void**)&ack); } else ppro->m_avatarsMutex->Leave(); } else ppro->m_avatarsMutex->Leave(); return 0; // Failure } DWORD avatars_server_connection::sendUploadAvatarRequest(HANDLE hContact, WORD wRef, const BYTE *data, unsigned int datalen) { cookie_avatar *ack = (cookie_avatar*)SAFE_MALLOC(sizeof(cookie_avatar)); if (!ack) return 0; // Failure: out of memory ack->hContact = hContact; DWORD dwCookie = ppro->AllocateCookie(CKT_AVATAR, ICQ_AVATAR_UPLOAD_REQUEST, 0, ack); icq_packet packet; serverPacketInit(&packet, (WORD)(14 + datalen)); packFNACHeader(&packet, ICQ_AVATAR_FAMILY, ICQ_AVATAR_UPLOAD_REQUEST, 0, dwCookie); packWord(&packet, wRef); // unknown, probably reference packWord(&packet, (WORD)datalen); packBuffer(&packet, data, (WORD)datalen); if (sendServerPacket(&packet)) { NetLog_Server("Upload image packet sent."); return dwCookie; } ppro->ReleaseCookie(dwCookie); // failed to send, free resources return 0; } void avatars_server_connection::checkRequestQueue() { #ifdef _DEBUG NetLog_Server("Checking request queue..."); #endif ppro->m_avatarsMutex->Enter(); while (ppro->m_avatarsQueue && runCount < 3) // pick up an request and send it - happens immediatelly after login { // do not fill queue to top, leave one place free avatars_request *pRequest = ppro->m_avatarsQueue; { // rate management icq_lock l(m_ratesMutex); WORD wGroup = m_rates->getGroupFromSNAC(ICQ_AVATAR_FAMILY, (WORD)(pRequest->type == ART_UPLOAD ? ICQ_AVATAR_GET_REQUEST : ICQ_AVATAR_UPLOAD_REQUEST)); if (m_rates->getNextRateLevel(wGroup) < m_rates->getLimitLevel(wGroup, RML_ALERT)) { // we are over rate, leave queue and wait #ifdef _DEBUG NetLog_Server("Rates: Leaving avatar queue processing"); #endif break; } } if (pRequest->type == ART_BLOCK) { // block contact processing avatars_request **ppRequest = &ppro->m_avatarsQueue; while (pRequest) { if (GetTickCount() > pRequest->timeOut) { // expired contact block, remove *ppRequest = pRequest->pNext; delete pRequest; } else // it is not time, move to next request ppRequest = &pRequest->pNext; pRequest = *ppRequest; } // end queue processing (only block requests follows) break; } else ppro->m_avatarsQueue = pRequest->pNext; ppro->m_avatarsMutex->Leave(); #ifdef _DEBUG NetLog_Server("Picked up the %s request from queue.", strUID(pRequest->dwUin, pRequest->szUid)); #endif switch (pRequest->type) { case ART_GET: // get avatar sendGetAvatarRequest(pRequest->hContact, pRequest->dwUin, pRequest->szUid, pRequest->hash, pRequest->hashlen, pRequest->szFile); break; case ART_UPLOAD: // set avatar sendUploadAvatarRequest(pRequest->hContact, pRequest->wRef, pRequest->pData, pRequest->cbData); break; } delete pRequest; ppro->m_avatarsMutex->Enter(); } ppro->m_avatarsMutex->Leave(); } void avatars_server_connection::connectionThread() { // This is the "infinite" loop that receives the packets from the ICQ avatar server NETLIBPACKETRECVER packetRecv = {0}; DWORD wLastKeepAlive = 0; // we send keep-alive at most one per 30secs DWORD dwKeepAliveInterval = ppro->getSettingDword(NULL, "KeepAliveInterval", KEEPALIVE_INTERVAL); hPacketRecver = (HANDLE)CallService(MS_NETLIB_CREATEPACKETRECVER, (WPARAM)hConnection, 65536); packetRecv.cbSize = sizeof(packetRecv); packetRecv.dwTimeout = dwKeepAliveInterval < KEEPALIVE_INTERVAL ? dwKeepAliveInterval: KEEPALIVE_INTERVAL; // timeout - for stopThread to work while (!stopThread) { int recvResult = CallService(MS_NETLIB_GETMOREPACKETS, (WPARAM)hPacketRecver, (LPARAM)&packetRecv); if (recvResult == 0) { NetLog_Server("Clean closure of server socket"); break; } if (recvResult == SOCKET_ERROR) { if (GetLastError() == ERROR_TIMEOUT) { // timeout, check if we should be still running if (Miranda_Terminated()) { // we must stop here, cause due to a hack in netlib, we always get timeout, even if the connection is already dead stopThread = 1; continue; } #ifdef _DEBUG else NetLog_Server("Thread is Idle."); #endif if (GetTickCount() > wLastKeepAlive) { // limit frequency (HACK: on some systems select() does not work well) if (!ppro->m_bGatewayMode && ppro->getSettingByte(NULL, "KeepAlive", DEFAULT_KEEPALIVE_ENABLED)) { // send keep-alive packet icq_packet packet; packet.wLen = 0; write_flap(&packet, ICQ_PING_CHAN); sendServerPacket(&packet); } wLastKeepAlive = GetTickCount() + dwKeepAliveInterval; } else { // this is bad, the system does not handle select() properly #ifdef _DEBUG NetLog_Server("Thread is Forcing Idle."); #endif SleepEx(500, TRUE); // wait some time, can we do anything else ?? if (Miranda_Terminated()) { stopThread = 1; continue; } } // check if we got something to request checkRequestQueue(); continue; } if (!stopThread) NetLog_Server("Abortive closure of server socket, error: %d", GetLastError()); else NetLog_Server("Connection closed."); break; } // Deal with the packet packetRecv.bytesUsed = handleServerPackets(packetRecv.buffer, packetRecv.bytesAvailable); if (isActive && (packetRecv.bytesAvailable == packetRecv.bytesUsed)) // no packets pending { // process request queue checkRequestQueue(); } } { // release connection icq_lock l(localSeqMutex); NetLib_SafeCloseHandle(&hPacketRecver); // Close the packet receiver NetLib_CloseConnection(&hConnection, FALSE); // Close the connection } { // release rates icq_lock l(m_ratesMutex); SAFE_DELETE((MZeroedObject**)&m_rates); } SAFE_FREE((void**)&pCookie); } int avatars_server_connection::sendServerPacket(icq_packet *pPacket) { int lResult = 0; // This critsec makes sure that the sequence order doesn't get screwed up localSeqMutex->Enter(); if (hConnection) { int nRetries; int nSendResult; // :IMPORTANT: // The FLAP sequence must be a WORD. When it reaches 0xFFFF it should wrap to // 0x0000, otherwise we'll get kicked by server. wLocalSequence++; // Pack sequence number pPacket->pData[2] = ((wLocalSequence & 0xff00) >> 8); pPacket->pData[3] = (wLocalSequence & 0x00ff); for (nRetries = 3; nRetries >= 0; nRetries--) { nSendResult = Netlib_Send(hConnection, (const char *)pPacket->pData, pPacket->wLen, 0); if (nSendResult != SOCKET_ERROR) break; Sleep(1000); } // Send error if (nSendResult == SOCKET_ERROR) { // thread stops automatically NetLog_Server("Your connection with the ICQ avatar server was abortively closed"); } else { lResult = 1; // packet sent successfully icq_lock l(m_ratesMutex); if (m_rates) m_rates->packetSent(pPacket); } } else { NetLog_Server("Error: Failed to send packet (no connection)"); } localSeqMutex->Leave(); SAFE_FREE((void**)&pPacket->pData); return lResult; } int avatars_server_connection::handleServerPackets(BYTE *buf, int buflen) { BYTE channel; WORD sequence; WORD datalen; int bytesUsed = 0; while (buflen > 0) { // All FLAPS begin with 0x2a if (*buf++ != FLAP_MARKER) break; if (buflen < 6) break; unpackByte(&buf, &channel); unpackWord(&buf, &sequence); unpackWord(&buf, &datalen); if (buflen < 6 + datalen) break; #ifdef _DEBUG NetLog_Server("Server FLAP: Channel %u, Seq %u, Length %u bytes", channel, sequence, datalen); #endif switch (channel) { case ICQ_LOGIN_CHAN: handleLoginChannel(buf, datalen); break; case ICQ_DATA_CHAN: handleDataChannel(buf, datalen); break; default: NetLog_Server("Warning: Unhandled Server FLAP Channel: Channel %u, Seq %u, Length %u bytes", channel, sequence, datalen); break; } /* Increase pointers so we can check for more FLAPs */ buf += datalen; buflen -= (datalen + 6); bytesUsed += (datalen + 6); } return bytesUsed; } void avatars_server_connection::handleLoginChannel(BYTE *buf, WORD datalen) { icq_packet packet; if (*(DWORD*)buf == 0x1000000) { // here check if we received SRV_HELLO wLocalSequence = generate_flap_sequence(); serverCookieInit(&packet, (LPBYTE)pCookie, wCookieLen); sendServerPacket(&packet); #ifdef _DEBUG NetLog_Server("Sent CLI_IDENT to %s", "avatar server"); #endif SAFE_FREE((void**)&pCookie); wCookieLen = 0; } else { NetLog_Server("Invalid Server response, Channel 1."); } } void avatars_server_connection::handleDataChannel(BYTE *buf, WORD datalen) { snac_header snacHeader = {0}; if (!unpackSnacHeader(&snacHeader, &buf, &datalen) || !snacHeader.bValid) { NetLog_Server("Error: Failed to parse SNAC header"); } else { #ifdef _DEBUG if (snacHeader.wFlags & 0x8000) NetLog_Server(" Received SNAC(x%02X,x%02X), version %u", snacHeader.wFamily, snacHeader.wSubtype, snacHeader.wVersion); else NetLog_Server(" Received SNAC(x%02X,x%02X)", snacHeader.wFamily, snacHeader.wSubtype); #endif switch (snacHeader.wFamily) { case ICQ_SERVICE_FAMILY: handleServiceFam(buf, datalen, &snacHeader); break; case ICQ_AVATAR_FAMILY: handleAvatarFam(buf, datalen, &snacHeader); break; default: NetLog_Server("Ignoring SNAC(x%02X,x%02X) - FAMILYx%02X not implemented", snacHeader.wFamily, snacHeader.wSubtype, snacHeader.wFamily); break; } } } void avatars_server_connection::handleServiceFam(BYTE *pBuffer, WORD wBufferLength, snac_header *pSnacHeader) { icq_packet packet; switch (pSnacHeader->wSubtype) { case ICQ_SERVER_READY: #ifdef _DEBUG NetLog_Server("Server is ready and is requesting my Family versions"); NetLog_Server("Sending my Families"); #endif // Miranda mimics the behaviour of Icq5 serverPacketInit(&packet, 18); packFNACHeader(&packet, ICQ_SERVICE_FAMILY, ICQ_CLIENT_FAMILIES); packDWord(&packet, 0x00010004); packDWord(&packet, 0x00100001); sendServerPacket(&packet); break; case ICQ_SERVER_FAMILIES2: /* This is a reply to CLI_FAMILIES and it tells the client which families and their versions that this server understands. * We send a rate request packet */ #ifdef _DEBUG NetLog_Server("Server told me his Family versions"); NetLog_Server("Requesting Rate Information"); #endif serverPacketInit(&packet, 10); packFNACHeader(&packet, ICQ_SERVICE_FAMILY, ICQ_CLIENT_REQ_RATE_INFO); sendServerPacket(&packet); break; case ICQ_SERVER_RATE_INFO: #ifdef _DEBUG NetLog_Server("Server sent Rate Info"); #endif /* init rates management */ m_rates = new rates(ppro, pBuffer, wBufferLength); /* ack rate levels */ #ifdef _DEBUG NetLog_Server("Sending Rate Info Ack"); #endif m_rates->initAckPacket(&packet); sendServerPacket(&packet); // send cli_ready serverPacketInit(&packet, 26); packFNACHeader(&packet, ICQ_SERVICE_FAMILY, ICQ_CLIENT_READY); packDWord(&packet, 0x00010004); // mimic ICQ 6 packDWord(&packet, 0x0010164f); packDWord(&packet, 0x00100001); packDWord(&packet, 0x0010164f); sendServerPacket(&packet); isActive = TRUE; // we are ready to process requests isLoggedIn = TRUE; NetLog_Server(" *** Yeehah, login sequence complete"); break; default: NetLog_Server("Warning: Ignoring SNAC(x%02x,x%02x) - Unknown SNAC (Flags: %u, Ref: %u)", ICQ_SERVICE_FAMILY, pSnacHeader->wSubtype, pSnacHeader->wFlags, pSnacHeader->dwRef); break; } } void avatars_server_connection::handleAvatarFam(BYTE *pBuffer, WORD wBufferLength, snac_header *pSnacHeader) { switch (pSnacHeader->wSubtype) { case ICQ_AVATAR_GET_REPLY: // received avatar data, store to file { // handle new avatar, notify cookie_avatar *pCookieData; if (ppro->FindCookie(pSnacHeader->dwRef, NULL, (void**)&pCookieData)) { PROTO_AVATAR_INFORMATIONT ai = {0}; BYTE bResult; { // remove from active request list icq_lock l(ppro->m_avatarsMutex); for(int i = 0; i < runCount; i++) { // look for our record if (runContact[i] == pCookieData->hContact) { // found, remove runContact[i] = runContact[runCount - 1]; runTime[i] = runTime[runCount - 1]; runCount--; break; } } } ai.cbSize = sizeof(PROTO_AVATAR_INFORMATIONT); ai.format = PA_FORMAT_JPEG; // this is for error only ai.hContact = pCookieData->hContact; lstrcpyn(ai.filename, pCookieData->szFile, SIZEOF(ai.filename)); AddAvatarExt(PA_FORMAT_JPEG, ai.filename); ppro->FreeCookie(pSnacHeader->dwRef); BYTE len; WORD datalen; unpackByte(&pBuffer, &len); if (wBufferLength < ((pCookieData->hashlen)<<1)+4+len) { NetLog_Server("Received invalid avatar reply."); ppro->BroadcastAck(pCookieData->hContact, ACKTYPE_AVATAR, ACKRESULT_FAILED, (HANDLE)&ai, 0); SAFE_FREE(&pCookieData->szFile); SAFE_FREE((void**)&pCookieData->hash); SAFE_FREE((void**)&pCookieData); break; } pBuffer += len; pBuffer += pCookieData->hashlen; unpackByte(&pBuffer, &bResult); pBuffer += pCookieData->hashlen; unpackWord(&pBuffer, &datalen); wBufferLength -= 4 + len + (pCookieData->hashlen<<1); if (datalen > wBufferLength) { datalen = wBufferLength; NetLog_Server("Avatar reply broken, trying to do my best."); } if (datalen > 4) { // store to file... int aValid = 1; if (pCookieData->hashlen == 0x14 && pCookieData->hash[3] == 0x10 && ppro->getSettingByte(NULL, "StrictAvatarCheck", DEFAULT_AVATARS_CHECK)) { // check only standard hashes mir_md5_state_t state; mir_md5_byte_t digest[16]; mir_md5_init(&state); mir_md5_append(&state, (const mir_md5_byte_t *)pBuffer, datalen); mir_md5_finish(&state, digest); // check if received data corresponds to specified hash if (memcmp(pCookieData->hash+4, digest, 0x10)) aValid = 0; } if (aValid) { NetLog_Server("Received user avatar, storing (%d bytes).", datalen); int dwPaFormat = DetectAvatarFormatBuffer((char*)pBuffer); TCHAR *tszImageFile = (TCHAR*)_alloca(sizeof(TCHAR)*(strlennull(pCookieData->szFile) + 6)); _tcscpy(tszImageFile, pCookieData->szFile); AddAvatarExt(dwPaFormat, tszImageFile); ppro->setSettingByte(pCookieData->hContact, "AvatarType", (BYTE)dwPaFormat); ai.format = dwPaFormat; // set the format lstrcpyn(ai.filename, tszImageFile, SIZEOF(ai.filename)); int out = _topen(tszImageFile, _O_BINARY | _O_CREAT | _O_TRUNC | _O_WRONLY, _S_IREAD | _S_IWRITE); if (out != -1) { DBVARIANT dbv = {DBVT_DELETED}; _write(out, pBuffer, datalen); _close(out); if (!pCookieData->hContact) // our avatar, set filename { TCHAR tmp[MAX_PATH * 2]; PathToRelativeT(tszImageFile, tmp); ppro->setSettingStringT(NULL, "AvatarFile", tmp); } else { // contact's avatar set hash if (!ppro->getSetting(pCookieData->hContact, "AvatarHash", &dbv)) { if (ppro->setSettingBlob(pCookieData->hContact, "AvatarSaved", dbv.pbVal, dbv.cpbVal)) NetLog_Server("Failed to set file hash."); db_free(&dbv); } else { NetLog_Server("Warning: DB error (no hash in DB)."); // the hash was lost, try to fix that if (ppro->setSettingBlob(pCookieData->hContact, "AvatarSaved", pCookieData->hash, pCookieData->hashlen) || ppro->setSettingBlob(pCookieData->hContact, "AvatarHash", pCookieData->hash, pCookieData->hashlen)) { NetLog_Server("Failed to save avatar hash to DB"); } } } ppro->BroadcastAck(pCookieData->hContact, ACKTYPE_AVATAR, ACKRESULT_SUCCESS, (HANDLE)&ai, 0); } } else { // avatar is broken NetLog_Server("Error: Avatar data does not match avatar hash, ignoring."); if (pCookieData->hContact) { avatars_request *ar = new avatars_request(ART_BLOCK); icq_lock l(ppro->m_avatarsMutex); if (ar) { avatars_request *last = ppro->m_avatarsQueue; ar->hContact = pCookieData->hContact; ar->timeOut = GetTickCount() + 14400000; // do not allow re-request four hours // add it to the end of queue, i.e. do not block other requests while (last && last->pNext) last = last->pNext; if (last) last->pNext = ar; else ppro->m_avatarsQueue = ar; } } ppro->BroadcastAck(pCookieData->hContact, ACKTYPE_AVATAR, ACKRESULT_FAILED, (HANDLE)&ai, 0); } } else { // the avatar is empty NetLog_Server("Received empty avatar, nothing written (error 0x%x).", bResult); ppro->BroadcastAck(pCookieData->hContact, ACKTYPE_AVATAR, ACKRESULT_FAILED, (HANDLE)&ai, 0); } SAFE_FREE(&pCookieData->szFile); SAFE_FREE((void**)&pCookieData->hash); SAFE_FREE((void**)&pCookieData); } else { NetLog_Server("Warning: Received unexpected Avatar Reply SNAC(x10,x07)."); } break; } case ICQ_AVATAR_UPLOAD_ACK: { // upload completed, notify BYTE res; unpackByte(&pBuffer, &res); if (!res && (wBufferLength == 0x15)) { cookie_avatar *pCookieData; if (ppro->FindCookie(pSnacHeader->dwRef, NULL, (void**)&pCookieData)) { // here we store the local hash ppro->ReleaseCookie(pSnacHeader->dwRef); } else { NetLog_Server("Warning: Received unexpected Upload Avatar Reply SNAC(x10,x03)."); } } else if (res) { NetLog_Server("Error uploading avatar to server, #%d", res); ppro->icq_LogMessage(LOG_WARNING, LPGEN("Error uploading avatar to server, server refused to accept the image.")); } else NetLog_Server("Received invalid upload avatar ack."); break; } case ICQ_ERROR: { WORD wError; cookie_avatar *pCookieData; if (ppro->FindCookie(pSnacHeader->dwRef, NULL, (void**)&pCookieData)) { if (pCookieData->dwUin) { NetLog_Server("Error: Avatar request failed"); SAFE_FREE(&pCookieData->szFile); SAFE_FREE((void**)&pCookieData->hash); } else { NetLog_Server("Error: Avatar upload failed"); } ppro->ReleaseCookie(pSnacHeader->dwRef); } if (wBufferLength >= 2) unpackWord(&pBuffer, &wError); else wError = 0; ppro->LogFamilyError(ICQ_AVATAR_FAMILY, wError); break; } default: NetLog_Server("Warning: Ignoring SNAC(x%02x,x%02x) - Unknown SNAC (Flags: %u, Ref: %u)", ICQ_AVATAR_FAMILY, pSnacHeader->wSubtype, pSnacHeader->wFlags, pSnacHeader->dwRef); break; } }