// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------80
//                ICQ plugin for Miranda Instant Messenger
//                ________________________________________
// Copyright � 2000-2001 Richard Hughes, Roland Rabien, Tristan Van de Vreede
// Copyright � 2001-2002 Jon Keating, Richard Hughes
// Copyright � 2002-2004 Martin �berg, Sam Kothari, Robert Rainwater
// Copyright � 2004-2010 Joe Kucera
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//  High-level code for exported API services
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "icqoscar.h"

INT_PTR CIcqProto::AddServerContact(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
	DWORD dwUin;
	uid_str szUid;

	if (!m_bSsiEnabled) return 0;

	// Does this contact have a UID?
	if (!getContactUid(wParam, &dwUin, &szUid) && !getWord(wParam, DBSETTING_SERVLIST_ID, 0) && !getWord(wParam, DBSETTING_SERVLIST_IGNORE, 0))
	{ /// TODO: remove possible 0x6A TLV in contact server-list data!!!
		// Read group from DB
		char *pszGroup = getContactCListGroup(wParam);

		servlistAddContact(wParam, pszGroup);
	return 0;

static int LookupDatabaseSetting(const FieldNamesItem* table, int code, DBVARIANT *dbv, BYTE type)
	char *text = LookupFieldName(table, code);

	if (!text)
		dbv->type = DBVT_DELETED;
		return 1;

	if (type == DBVT_ASCIIZ)
		dbv->pszVal = mir_strdup(Translate(text));
		dbv->type = DBVT_ASCIIZ;
	else if (type == DBVT_UTF8 || !type)
		char tmp[MAX_PATH];

		dbv->pszVal = mir_strdup(ICQTranslateUtfStatic(text, tmp, MAX_PATH));
		dbv->type = DBVT_UTF8;
	else if (type == DBVT_WCHAR)
		WCHAR* wtext = make_unicode_string(text);

		dbv->pwszVal = mir_wstrdup(TranslateW(wtext));
		dbv->type = DBVT_WCHAR;

	return 0; // Success

INT_PTR CIcqProto::GetInfoSetting(WPARAM hContact, LPARAM lParam)
	BYTE type = cgs->pValue->type;
	INT_PTR rc = db_get_s(hContact, cgs->szModule, cgs->szSetting, cgs->pValue, 0);
	if (rc)
		return rc;
	// Success
	DBVARIANT dbv = *cgs->pValue;
	if (dbv.type == DBVT_BLOB) {
		cgs->pValue->pbVal = (BYTE*)mir_alloc(dbv.cpbVal);
		memcpy(cgs->pValue->pbVal, dbv.pbVal, dbv.cpbVal);
	else if (dbv.type == DBVT_ASCIIZ || dbv.type == DBVT_UTF8) {
		//  convert to the desired type
		if (!type)
			type = dbv.type;

		// type is correct, only move it to miranda's heap
		if (dbv.type == type)
			cgs->pValue->pszVal = mir_strdup(dbv.pszVal);
		else if (type == DBVT_WCHAR) {
			if (dbv.type != DBVT_UTF8) {
				int len = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, dbv.pszVal, -1, NULL, 0);
				cgs->pValue->pwszVal = (WCHAR*)mir_alloc((len + 1)*sizeof(WCHAR));
				if (cgs->pValue->pwszVal == NULL)
					rc = 1;
				else {
					MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, dbv.pszVal, -1, cgs->pValue->pwszVal, len);
					cgs->pValue->pwszVal[len] = '\0';
			else {
				char *savePtr = dbv.pszVal ? strcpy((char*)_alloca(strlennull(dbv.pszVal) + 1), dbv.pszVal) : NULL;
				if (!mir_utf8decode(savePtr, &cgs->pValue->pwszVal))
					rc = 1;
		else if (type == DBVT_UTF8) {
			cgs->pValue->pszVal = mir_utf8encode(dbv.pszVal);
			if (cgs->pValue->pszVal == NULL)
				rc = 1;
		else if (type == DBVT_ASCIIZ) {
			cgs->pValue->pszVal = mir_strdup(dbv.pszVal);
			mir_utf8decode(cgs->pValue->pszVal, NULL);

		cgs->pValue->type = type;
	else if (!strcmpnull(cgs->szModule, m_szModuleName) && (dbv.type == DBVT_BYTE || dbv.type == DBVT_WORD || dbv.type == DBVT_DWORD)) {
		int code = (dbv.type == DBVT_BYTE) ? dbv.bVal : ((dbv.type == DBVT_WORD) ? dbv.wVal : dbv.dVal);

		if (!strcmpnull(cgs->szSetting, "Language1") || !strcmpnull(cgs->szSetting, "Language2") || !strcmpnull(cgs->szSetting, "Language3"))
			rc = LookupDatabaseSetting(languageField, code, cgs->pValue, type);
		else if (!strcmpnull(cgs->szSetting, "Country") || !strcmpnull(cgs->szSetting, "OriginCountry") || !strcmpnull(cgs->szSetting, "CompanyCountry")) {
			if (code == 420) code = 42; // conversion of obsolete codes (OMG!)
			else if (code == 421) code = 4201;
			else if (code == 102) code = 1201;
			rc = LookupDatabaseSetting(countryField, code, cgs->pValue, type);
		else if (!strcmpnull(cgs->szSetting, "Gender"))
			rc = LookupDatabaseSetting(genderField, code, cgs->pValue, type);
		else if (!strcmpnull(cgs->szSetting, "MaritalStatus"))
			rc = LookupDatabaseSetting(maritalField, code, cgs->pValue, type);
		else if (!strcmpnull(cgs->szSetting, "StudyLevel"))
			rc = LookupDatabaseSetting(studyLevelField, code, cgs->pValue, type);
		else if (!strcmpnull(cgs->szSetting, "CompanyIndustry"))
			rc = LookupDatabaseSetting(industryField, code, cgs->pValue, type);
		else if (!strcmpnull(cgs->szSetting, "Interest0Cat") || !strcmpnull(cgs->szSetting, "Interest1Cat") || !strcmpnull(cgs->szSetting, "Interest2Cat") || !strcmpnull(cgs->szSetting, "Interest3Cat"))
			rc = LookupDatabaseSetting(interestsField, code, cgs->pValue, type);
	// Release database memory
	return rc;

INT_PTR CIcqProto::ChangeInfoEx(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
	if (icqOnline() && wParam)
		PBYTE buf = NULL;
		int buflen = 0;
		BYTE b;

		// userinfo
		ppackTLVWord(&buf, &buflen, 0x1C2, (WORD)GetACP());

		if (wParam & CIXT_CONTACT)
		{ // contact information
			BYTE *pBlock = NULL;
			int cbBlock = 0;
			int nItems = 0;

			// Emails
			nItems += ppackTLVWordStringItemFromDB(&pBlock, &cbBlock, "e-mail0", 0x78, 0x64, 0x00);
			nItems += ppackTLVWordStringItemFromDB(&pBlock, &cbBlock, "e-mail1", 0x78, 0x64, 0x00);
			nItems += ppackTLVWordStringItemFromDB(&pBlock, &cbBlock, "e-mail2", 0x78, 0x64, 0x00);
			ppackTLVBlockItems(&buf, &buflen, 0x8C, &nItems, &pBlock, (WORD*)&cbBlock, FALSE);

			// Phones
			nItems += ppackTLVWordStringItemFromDB(&pBlock, &cbBlock, "Phone", 0x6E, 0x64, 0x01);
			nItems += ppackTLVWordStringItemFromDB(&pBlock, &cbBlock, "CompanyPhone", 0x6E, 0x64, 0x02);
			nItems += ppackTLVWordStringItemFromDB(&pBlock, &cbBlock, "Cellular", 0x6E, 0x64, 0x03);
			nItems += ppackTLVWordStringItemFromDB(&pBlock, &cbBlock, "Fax", 0x6E, 0x64, 0x04); 
			nItems += ppackTLVWordStringItemFromDB(&pBlock, &cbBlock, "CompanyFax", 0x6E, 0x64, 0x05);
			ppackTLVBlockItems(&buf, &buflen, 0xC8, &nItems, &pBlock, (WORD*)&cbBlock, FALSE);

			ppackTLVByte(&buf, &buflen, 0x1EA, getByte("AllowSpam", 0));

		if (wParam & CIXT_BASIC)
		{ // upload basic user info
			ppackTLVStringUtfFromDB(&buf, &buflen, "Nick", 0x78);
			ppackTLVStringUtfFromDB(&buf, &buflen, "FirstName", 0x64);
			ppackTLVStringUtfFromDB(&buf, &buflen, "LastName", 0x6E);
			ppackTLVStringUtfFromDB(&buf, &buflen, "About", 0x186);

		if (wParam & CIXT_MORE)
			b = getByte("Gender", 0);
			ppackTLVByte(&buf, &buflen, 0x82, (BYTE)(b ? (b == 'M' ? 2 : 1) : 0));

			ppackTLVDateFromDB(&buf, &buflen, "BirthYear", "BirthMonth", "BirthDay", 0x1A4);

			ppackTLVWord(&buf, &buflen, 0xAA, getByte("Language1", 0));
			ppackTLVWord(&buf, &buflen, 0xB4, getByte("Language2", 0));
			ppackTLVWord(&buf, &buflen, 0xBE, getByte("Language3", 0));

			ppackTLVWord(&buf, &buflen, 0x12C, getByte("MaritalStatus", 0));

		if (wParam & CIXT_WORK)
			BYTE *pBlock = NULL;
			int cbBlock = 0;
			int nItems = 1;

			// Jobs
			ppackTLVStringUtfFromDB(&pBlock, &cbBlock, "CompanyPosition", 0x64);
			ppackTLVStringUtfFromDB(&pBlock, &cbBlock, "Company", 0x6E);
			ppackTLVStringUtfFromDB(&pBlock, &cbBlock, "CompanyDepartment", 0x7D);
			ppackTLVStringFromDB(&pBlock, &cbBlock, "CompanyHomepage", 0x78);
			ppackTLVWord(&pBlock, &cbBlock, 0x82, getWord("CompanyIndustry", 0));
			ppackTLVStringUtfFromDB(&pBlock, &cbBlock, "CompanyStreet", 0xAA);
			ppackTLVStringUtfFromDB(&pBlock, &cbBlock, "CompanyCity", 0xB4);
			ppackTLVStringUtfFromDB(&pBlock, &cbBlock, "CompanyState", 0xBE);
			ppackTLVStringUtfFromDB(&pBlock, &cbBlock, "CompanyZIP", 0xC8);
			ppackTLVDWord(&pBlock, &cbBlock, 0xD2, getWord("CompanyCountry", 0));
			/// TODO: pack unknown data (need to preserve them in Block Items)
			ppackTLVBlockItems(&buf, &buflen, 0x118, &nItems, &pBlock, (WORD*)&cbBlock, TRUE);

			//			ppackTLVWord(&buf, &buflen, getWord("CompanyOccupation", 0), TLV_OCUPATION, 1); // Lost In Conversion

		if (wParam & CIXT_EDUCATION)
			BYTE *pBlock = NULL;
			int cbBlock = 0;
			int nItems = 1;

			// Studies
			ppackTLVWord(&pBlock, &cbBlock, 0x64, getWord("StudyLevel", 0));
			ppackTLVStringUtfFromDB(&pBlock, &cbBlock, "StudyInstitute", 0x6E);
			ppackTLVStringUtfFromDB(&pBlock, &cbBlock, "StudyDegree", 0x78);
			ppackTLVWord(&pBlock, &cbBlock, 0x8C, getWord("StudyYear", 0));
			ppackTLVBlockItems(&buf, &buflen, 0x10E, &nItems, &pBlock, (WORD*)&cbBlock, TRUE);

		if (wParam & CIXT_LOCATION)
			BYTE *pBlock = NULL;
			int cbBlock = 0;
			int nItems = 1;

			// Home Address
			ppackTLVStringUtfFromDB(&pBlock, &cbBlock, "Street", 0x64);
			ppackTLVStringUtfFromDB(&pBlock, &cbBlock, "City", 0x6E);
			ppackTLVStringUtfFromDB(&pBlock, &cbBlock, "State", 0x78);
			ppackTLVStringUtfFromDB(&pBlock, &cbBlock, "ZIP", 0x82);
			ppackTLVDWord(&pBlock, &cbBlock, 0x8C, getWord("Country", 0));
			ppackTLVBlockItems(&buf, &buflen, 0x96, &nItems, &pBlock, (WORD*)&cbBlock, TRUE);

			nItems = 1;
			// Origin Address
			ppackTLVStringUtfFromDB(&pBlock, &cbBlock, "OriginStreet", 0x64);
			ppackTLVStringUtfFromDB(&pBlock, &cbBlock, "OriginCity", 0x6E);
			ppackTLVStringUtfFromDB(&pBlock, &cbBlock, "OriginState", 0x78);
			ppackTLVDWord(&pBlock, &cbBlock, 0x8C, getWord("OriginCountry", 0));
			ppackTLVBlockItems(&buf, &buflen, 0xA0, &nItems, &pBlock, (WORD*)&cbBlock, TRUE);

			ppackTLVStringFromDB(&buf, &buflen, "Homepage", 0xFA);

			// Timezone
			WORD wTimezone = getByte("Timezone", 0);
			if ((wTimezone & 0x0080) == 0x80) wTimezone |= 0xFF00; // extend signed number
			ppackTLVWord(&buf, &buflen, 0x17C, wTimezone);

		if (wParam & CIXT_BACKGROUND)
			BYTE *pBlock = NULL;
			int cbBlock = 0;
			int nItems = 0;

			// Interests
			nItems += ppackTLVWordStringUtfItemFromDB(&pBlock, &cbBlock, "Interest0Text", 0x6E, 0x64, getWord("Interest0Cat", 0));
			nItems += ppackTLVWordStringUtfItemFromDB(&pBlock, &cbBlock, "Interest1Text", 0x6E, 0x64, getWord("Interest1Cat", 0));
			nItems += ppackTLVWordStringUtfItemFromDB(&pBlock, &cbBlock, "Interest2Text", 0x6E, 0x64, getWord("Interest2Cat", 0));
			nItems += ppackTLVWordStringUtfItemFromDB(&pBlock, &cbBlock, "Interest3Text", 0x6E, 0x64, getWord("Interest3Cat", 0));
			ppackTLVBlockItems(&buf, &buflen, 0x122, &nItems, &pBlock, (WORD*)&cbBlock, FALSE);

			/*      WORD w; /// not supported anymore

			w = StringToListItemId("Past0", 0);
			ppackTLVWordLNTSfromDB(&buf, &buflen, w, "Past0Text", TLV_PASTINFO);
			w = StringToListItemId("Past1", 0);
			ppackTLVWordLNTSfromDB(&buf, &buflen, w, "Past1Text", TLV_PASTINFO);
			w = StringToListItemId("Past2", 0);
			ppackTLVWordLNTSfromDB(&buf, &buflen, w, "Past2Text", TLV_PASTINFO);

			w = StringToListItemId("Affiliation0", 0);
			ppackTLVWordLNTSfromDB(&buf, &buflen, w, "Affiliation0Text", TLV_AFFILATIONS);
			w = StringToListItemId("Affiliation1", 0);
			ppackTLVWordLNTSfromDB(&buf, &buflen, w, "Affiliation1Text", TLV_AFFILATIONS);
			w = StringToListItemId("Affiliation2", 0);
			ppackTLVWordLNTSfromDB(&buf, &buflen, w, "Affiliation2Text", TLV_AFFILATIONS);*/

		DWORD dwCookie = icq_changeUserDirectoryInfoServ(buf, (WORD)buflen, DIRECTORYREQUEST_UPDATEOWNER);


		return dwCookie;

	return 0; // Failure

INT_PTR CIcqProto::GetAvatarCaps(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
	if (wParam == AF_MAXSIZE)
		POINT *size = (POINT*)lParam;
		if (size) {
			size->x = 64;
			size->y = 64;
		return 0;

	if (wParam == AF_PROPORTION)
		return PIP_NONE;

		return (lParam == PA_FORMAT_JPEG || lParam == PA_FORMAT_GIF || lParam == PA_FORMAT_XML || lParam == PA_FORMAT_BMP);

	if (wParam == AF_ENABLED)
		return (m_bSsiEnabled && m_bAvatarsEnabled);

		return 0;

	// server accepts images of 7168 bytees, not bigger
	if (wParam == AF_MAXFILESIZE)
		return 7168;

	// do not request avatar again if server gave an error
		return 1 * 60 * 60 * 1000; // one hour

	// avatars can be fetched all the time (server only operation)
		return 1;

	return 0;

INT_PTR CIcqProto::GetAvatarInfo(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
	uid_str szUID;

	if (!m_bAvatarsEnabled) return GAIR_NOAVATAR;

	if (getSetting(pai->hContact, "AvatarHash", &dbv) || dbv.type != DBVT_BLOB || (dbv.cpbVal != 0x14 && dbv.cpbVal != 0x09))
		return GAIR_NOAVATAR; // we did not found avatar hash or hash invalid - no avatar available

	if (getContactUid(pai->hContact, &dwUIN, &szUID))
		return GAIR_NOAVATAR; // we do not support avatars for invalid contacts

	int dwPaFormat = getByte(pai->hContact, "AvatarType", PA_FORMAT_UNKNOWN);

	if (dwPaFormat != PA_FORMAT_UNKNOWN)
	{ // we know the format, test file
		TCHAR tszFile[MAX_PATH * 2 + 4];

		GetFullAvatarFileName(dwUIN, szUID, dwPaFormat, tszFile, MAX_PATH * 2);

		lstrcpyn(pai->filename, tszFile, SIZEOF(pai->filename)); // Avatar API does not support unicode :-(
		pai->format = dwPaFormat;

		if (!IsAvatarChanged(pai->hContact, dbv.pbVal, dbv.cpbVal))
		{ // hashes are the same
			if (_taccess(tszFile, 0) == 0)

				return GAIR_SUCCESS; // we have found the avatar file, whoala

	if (IsAvatarChanged(pai->hContact, dbv.pbVal, dbv.cpbVal))
	{ // we didn't received the avatar before - this ensures we will not request avatar again and again
		if ((wParam & GAIF_FORCE) != 0 && pai->hContact != 0)
		{ // request avatar data
			TCHAR tszFile[MAX_PATH * 2 + 4];

			GetAvatarFileName(dwUIN, szUID, tszFile, MAX_PATH * 2);
			GetAvatarData(pai->hContact, dwUIN, szUID, dbv.pbVal, dbv.cpbVal, tszFile);
			lstrcpyn(pai->filename, tszFile, SIZEOF(pai->filename)); // Avatar API does not support unicode :-(


			return GAIR_WAITFOR;


INT_PTR CIcqProto::GetMyAvatar(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
	if (!m_bAvatarsEnabled) return -2;

	if (!wParam) return -3;

	TCHAR *tszFile = GetOwnAvatarFileName();
	if (tszFile && !_taccess(tszFile, 0)) 
		_tcsncpy((TCHAR*)wParam, tszFile, (int)lParam);
		return 0;

	return -1;

INT_PTR CIcqProto::GrantAuthorization(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
	if (icqOnline() && wParam != 0)
		DWORD dwUin;
		uid_str szUid;

		if (getContactUid(wParam, &dwUin, &szUid))
			return 0; // Invalid contact

		// send without reason, do we need any ?
		icq_sendGrantAuthServ(dwUin, szUid, NULL);
		// auth granted, remove contact menu item
		delSetting(wParam, "Grant");

	return 0;

int CIcqProto::OnIdleChanged(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
	int bIdle = (lParam&IDF_ISIDLE);
	int bPrivacy = (lParam&IDF_PRIVACY);

	if (bPrivacy) return 0;

	setDword("IdleTS", bIdle ? time(0) : 0);

	if (m_bTempVisListEnabled) // remove temporary visible users

	icq_setidle(bIdle ? 1 : 0);

	return 0;

INT_PTR CIcqProto::RevokeAuthorization(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
	if (icqOnline() && wParam != 0)
		DWORD dwUin;
		uid_str szUid;

		if (getContactUid(wParam, &dwUin, &szUid))
			return 0; // Invalid contact

		if (MessageBox(NULL, TranslateT("Are you sure you want to revoke user's authorization?\nThis will remove you from his/her list on some clients."), TranslateT("Confirmation"), MB_ICONQUESTION | MB_YESNO) != IDYES)
			return 0;

		icq_sendRevokeAuthServ(dwUin, szUid);

	return 0;

INT_PTR CIcqProto::SendSms(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
	if (icqOnline() && wParam && lParam)
		return icq_sendSMSServ((const char *)wParam, (const char *)lParam);

	return 0; // Failure

INT_PTR CIcqProto::SendYouWereAdded(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
	if (lParam && icqOnline())
		CCSDATA* ccs = (CCSDATA*)lParam;
		if (ccs->hContact)
			DWORD dwUin, dwMyUin;

			if (getContactUid(ccs->hContact, &dwUin, NULL))
				return 1; // Invalid contact

			dwMyUin = getContactUin(NULL);

			if (dwUin)
				icq_sendYouWereAddedServ(dwUin, dwMyUin);
				return 0; // Success

	return 1; // Failure

INT_PTR CIcqProto::SetMyAvatar(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
	TCHAR* tszFile = (TCHAR*)lParam;
	int iRet = -1;

	if (!m_bAvatarsEnabled || !m_bSsiEnabled) return -2;

	if (tszFile)
	{ // set file for avatar
		int dwPaFormat = ::ProtoGetAvatarFileFormat(tszFile);
		if (dwPaFormat != PA_FORMAT_XML)
			// if it should be image, check if it is valid
			if (!avt) return iRet;

		TCHAR tszMyFile[MAX_PATH+1];
		GetFullAvatarFileName(0, NULL, dwPaFormat, tszMyFile, MAX_PATH);
		// if not in our storage, copy
		if (lstrcmp(tszFile, tszMyFile) && !CopyFile(tszFile, tszMyFile, FALSE))
			debugLogA("Failed to copy our avatar to local storage.");
			return iRet;

		BYTE *hash = calcMD5HashOfFile(tszMyFile);
		if (hash)
			BYTE* ihash = (BYTE*)_alloca(0x14);
			// upload hash to server
			ihash[0] = 0;    //unknown
			ihash[1] = dwPaFormat == PA_FORMAT_XML ? AVATAR_HASH_FLASH : AVATAR_HASH_STATIC; //hash type
			ihash[2] = 1;    //hash status
			ihash[3] = 0x10; //hash len
			memcpy(ihash+4, hash, 0x10);
			updateServAvatarHash(ihash, 0x14);

			if (setSettingBlob(NULL, "AvatarHash", ihash, 0x14))
				debugLogA("Failed to save avatar hash.");

			PathToRelativeT(tszMyFile, tmp);
			setTString(NULL, "AvatarFile", tmp);

			iRet = 0;

	{ // delete user avatar
		setSettingBlob(NULL, "AvatarHash", hashEmptyAvatar, 9);
		updateServAvatarHash(hashEmptyAvatar, 9); // set blank avatar
		iRet = 0;

	return iRet;

INT_PTR CIcqProto::SetNickName(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
	if (!icqOnline())
		return 0; // failure

	if (wParam & SMNN_UNICODE)
		setTString("Nick", (WCHAR*)lParam);
		setString("Nick", (char*)lParam);

	return ChangeInfoEx(CIXT_BASIC, 0);

INT_PTR CIcqProto::SetPassword(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
	char *pwd = (char*)lParam;
	int len = strlennull(pwd);

	if (len && len < PASSWORDMAXLEN)
		strcpy(m_szPassword, pwd);
		m_bRememberPwd = TRUE;
	return 0;

// TODO: Adding needs some more work in general

MCONTACT CIcqProto::AddToListByUIN(DWORD dwUin, DWORD dwFlags)
	int bAdded;
	MCONTACT hContact = HContactFromUIN(dwUin, &bAdded);
	if (hContact)
		if (!(dwFlags & PALF_TEMPORARY) && db_get_b(hContact, "CList", "NotOnList", 0))
			setContactHidden(hContact, 0);
			db_unset(hContact, "CList", "NotOnList");

		return hContact; // Success

	return NULL; // Failure

MCONTACT CIcqProto::AddToListByUID(const char *szUID, DWORD dwFlags)
	int bAdded;
	MCONTACT hContact = HContactFromUID(0, szUID, &bAdded);
	if (hContact)
		if (!(dwFlags & PALF_TEMPORARY) && db_get_b(hContact, "CList", "NotOnList", 0))
			setContactHidden(hContact, 0);
			db_unset(hContact, "CList", "NotOnList");

		return hContact; // Success

	return NULL; // Failure


void CIcqProto::ICQAddRecvEvent(MCONTACT hContact, WORD wType, PROTORECVEVENT* pre, DWORD cbBlob, PBYTE pBlob, DWORD flags)
	if (pre->flags & PREF_CREATEREAD) 
		flags |= DBEF_READ;

	if (pre->flags & PREF_UTF) 
		flags |= DBEF_UTF;

	if (hContact && db_get_b(hContact, "CList", "Hidden", 0))
		DWORD dwUin;
		uid_str szUid;

		//setContactHidden(hContact, 0);

		// if the contact was hidden, add to client-list if not in server-list authed
		if (!getWord(hContact, DBSETTING_SERVLIST_ID, 0) || getByte(hContact, "Auth", 0))
			getContactUid(hContact, &dwUin, &szUid);
			icq_sendNewContact(dwUin, szUid); /// FIXME

	AddEvent(hContact, wType, pre->timestamp, flags, cbBlob, pBlob);

INT_PTR __cdecl CIcqProto::IcqAddCapability(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
    ICQ_CUSTOMCAP *icqCustomCapIn = (ICQ_CUSTOMCAP *)lParam;
    ICQ_CUSTOMCAP *icqCustomCap = (ICQ_CUSTOMCAP *)malloc(sizeof(ICQ_CUSTOMCAP));
    memcpy(icqCustomCap, icqCustomCapIn, sizeof(ICQ_CUSTOMCAP));
//	MessageBoxA(NULL, ((ICQ_CUSTOMCAP *)(lstCustomCaps->items[lstCustomCaps->realCount-1]))->name, "custom cap", MB_OK);
	return 0;

INT_PTR __cdecl CIcqProto::IcqCheckCapability(WPARAM hContact, LPARAM lParam)
    int res = 0;
    DBVARIANT dbvariant;
    ICQ_CUSTOMCAP *icqCustomCap = (ICQ_CUSTOMCAP *)lParam;

	 db_get(hContact, m_szModuleName, "CapBuf", &dbvariant);
    if (dbvariant.type == DBVT_BLOB)
        res = MatchCapability(dbvariant.pbVal, dbvariant.cpbVal, (const capstr*)&icqCustomCap->caps, 0x10)?1:0;	// FIXME: Why icqCustomCap->caps is not capstr?

    return res;


INT_PTR icq_getEventTextMissedMessage(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)

	INT_PTR nRetVal = 0;
	char *pszText = NULL;

	if (pEvent->dbei->cbBlob > 1)
		switch (((WORD*)pEvent->dbei->pBlob)[0])
		case 0:
			pszText = LPGEN("** This message was blocked by the ICQ server ** The message was invalid.");

		case 1:
			pszText = LPGEN("** This message was blocked by the ICQ server ** The message was too long.");

		case 2:
			pszText = LPGEN("** This message was blocked by the ICQ server ** The sender has flooded the server.");

		case 4:
			pszText = LPGEN("** This message was blocked by the ICQ server ** You are too evil.");

			pszText = LPGEN("** Unknown missed message event.");
		if (pEvent->datatype == DBVT_WCHAR)
			WCHAR *pwszText;
			int wchars = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, pszText, strlennull(pszText), NULL, 0);

			pwszText = (WCHAR*)_alloca((wchars + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR));
			pwszText[wchars] = 0;

			MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, pszText, strlennull(pszText), pwszText, wchars);

			nRetVal = (INT_PTR)mir_wstrdup(TranslateW(pwszText));
		else if (pEvent->datatype == DBVT_ASCIIZ)
			nRetVal = (INT_PTR)mir_strdup(Translate(pszText));

	return nRetVal;