// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------80
//                ICQ plugin for Miranda Instant Messenger
//                ________________________________________
// Copyright � 2000-2001 Richard Hughes, Roland Rabien, Tristan Van de Vreede
// Copyright � 2001-2002 Jon Keating, Richard Hughes
// Copyright � 2002-2004 Martin �berg, Sam Kothari, Robert Rainwater
// Copyright � 2004-2010 Joe Kucera
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//  OSCAR File-Transfers headers
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

#define FT_MAGIC_ICQ    0x00
#define FT_MAGIC_OSCAR  0x4F

struct basic_filetransfer
	cookie_message_data pMessage;
	BYTE ft_magic;

#define OFT_BUFFER_SIZE 8192

struct oft_file_record
	char *szContainer;
	char *szFile;

char *FindFilePathContainer(const char **files, int iFile, char *szContainer);

// file-transfer status flags
#define OFTF_INITIALIZED            0x0001  // connection established (ack received)
#define OFTF_SENDING                0x0002  // sending files (receiving otherwise)
#define OFTF_FILE_REQUEST_SENT      0x0004  // request sent (sending only)
#define OFTF_FILE_REQUEST_RECEIVED  0x0008  // first request processed (receiving only)
#define OFTF_FILE_SENDING           0x0010  // sending file contents
#define OFTF_FILE_RECEIVING         0x0020  // receiving file contents
#define OFTF_FILE_DONE              0x0040  // file finished

struct oscar_filetransfer: public basic_filetransfer
	MCONTACT hContact;
	int flags; // combination of OFTF_*
	int containerCount;
	char **file_containers;
	oft_file_record *files;
	char **files_list; // sending only 
	int iCurrentFile;
	int currentIsDir;
	int bUseProxy;
	DWORD dwProxyIP;
	DWORD dwRemoteInternalIP;
	DWORD dwRemoteExternalIP;
	WORD wRemotePort;
	char *szSavePath;
	char *szDescription;
	char *szThisFile; 
	char *szThisPath;
	// Request sequence
	DWORD dwCookie;
	WORD wReqNum;
	// OFT2 header data
	WORD wEncrypt, wCompress;
	WORD wFilesCount,wFilesLeft;
	WORD wPartsCount, wPartsLeft;
	DWORD64 qwTotalSize;
	DWORD64 qwThisFileSize;
	DWORD dwThisFileDate; // modification date
	DWORD dwThisFileCheck;
	DWORD dwRecvForkCheck, dwThisForkSize;
	DWORD dwThisFileCreation; // creation date (not used)
	DWORD dwThisForkCheck;
	DWORD64 qwBytesDone;
	DWORD dwRecvFileCheck;
	char rawIDString[32];
	BYTE bHeaderFlags;
	BYTE bNameOff, bSizeOff;
	BYTE rawDummy[69];
	BYTE rawMacInfo[16];
	WORD wEncoding, wSubEncoding;
	WORD cbRawFileName;
	char *rawFileName;
	// helper data
	DWORD64 qwFileBytesDone;
	int fileId;
	struct oscar_connection *connection;
	struct oscar_listener *listener;
	DWORD dwLastNotify;
	int resumeAction;

#define OFT_TYPE_REQUEST            0x0101 // I am going to send you this file, is that ok?
#define OFT_TYPE_READY              0x0202 // Yes, it is ok for you to send me that file
#define OFT_TYPE_DONE               0x0204 // I received that file with no problems
#define OFT_TYPE_RESUMEREQUEST      0x0205 // Resume transferring from position
#define OFT_TYPE_RESUMEREADY        0x0106 // Ok, I am ready to send it
#define OFT_TYPE_RESUMEACK          0x0207 // Fine, ready to receive

void SafeReleaseFileTransfer(void **ft);

struct oscar_connection 
	MCONTACT hContact;
	HANDLE hConnection;
	int status;
	DWORD dwUin;
	uid_str szUid;
	DWORD dwLocalInternalIP;
	DWORD dwLocalExternalIP;
	int type;
	int incoming;
	oscar_filetransfer *ft;
	int wantIdleTime;

#define OCT_NORMAL      0
#define OCT_REVERSE     1
#define OCT_PROXY       2
#define OCT_PROXY_INIT  3
#define OCT_PROXY_RECV  4
#define OCT_CLOSING     10

#define OCS_READY       0
#define OCS_CONNECTED   1
#define OCS_RESUME      3
#define OCS_DATA        4
#define OCS_PROXY       8
#define OCS_WAITING     10

struct oscar_listener 
  CIcqProto *ppro;
  WORD wPort;
  HANDLE hBoundPort;
  oscar_filetransfer *ft;