// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------80 // ICQ plugin for Miranda Instant Messenger // ________________________________________ // // Copyright � 2000-2001 Richard Hughes, Roland Rabien, Tristan Van de Vreede // Copyright � 2001-2002 Jon Keating, Richard Hughes // Copyright � 2002-2004 Martin �berg, Sam Kothari, Robert Rainwater // Copyright � 2004-2010 Joe Kucera // Copyright � 2012-2014 Miranda NG Team // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 // of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef __UTILITIES_H #define __UTILITIES_H struct icq_ack_args { MCONTACT hContact; int nAckType; int nAckResult; HANDLE hSequence; LPARAM pszMessage; }; struct icq_contacts_cache { MCONTACT hContact; DWORD dwUin; const char *szUid; }; /*---------* Functions *---------------*/ void MoveDlgItem(HWND hwndDlg, int iItem, int left, int top, int width, int height); void EnableDlgItem(HWND hwndDlg, UINT control, int state); void ShowDlgItem(HWND hwndDlg, UINT control, int state); void icq_EnableMultipleControls(HWND hwndDlg, const UINT* controls, int cControls, int state); void icq_ShowMultipleControls(HWND hwndDlg, const UINT* controls, int cControls, int state); int IcqStatusToMiranda(WORD wStatus); WORD MirandaStatusToIcq(int nStatus); int MirandaStatusToSupported(int nMirandaStatus); char *MirandaStatusToStringUtf(int); int AwayMsgTypeToStatus(int nMsgType); void SetGatewayIndex(HANDLE hConn, DWORD dwIndex); DWORD GetGatewayIndex(HANDLE hConn); void FreeGatewayIndex(HANDLE hConn); char *NickFromHandle(MCONTACT hContact); char *NickFromHandleUtf(MCONTACT hContact); char *strUID(DWORD dwUIN, char *pszUID); int __fastcall strcmpnull(const char *str1, const char *str2); int __fastcall stricmpnull(const char *str1, const char *str2); char* __fastcall strstrnull(const char *str, const char *substr); char* __fastcall null_strdup(const char *string); char* __fastcall null_strcpy(char *dest, const char *src, size_t maxlen); size_t __fastcall null_strcut(char *string, size_t maxlen); WCHAR* __fastcall null_strdup(const WCHAR *string); WCHAR* __fastcall null_strcpy(WCHAR *dest, const WCHAR *src, size_t maxlen); void parseServerAddress(char *szServer, WORD* wPort); char *DemangleXml(const char *string, size_t len); char *MangleXml(const char *string, size_t len); char *EliminateHtml(const char *string, size_t len); char *ApplyEncoding(const char *string, const char *pszEncoding); int RandRange(int nLow, int nHigh); bool IsStringUIN(const char *pszString); char* time2text(time_t time); void __fastcall SAFE_FREE(void** p); void* __fastcall SAFE_MALLOC(size_t size); void* __fastcall SAFE_REALLOC(void* p, size_t size); __inline static void SAFE_FREE(char** str) { SAFE_FREE((void**)str); } __inline static void SAFE_FREE(WCHAR** str) { SAFE_FREE((void**)str); } struct lockable_struct: public MZeroedObject { private: int nLockCount; public: lockable_struct() { _Lock(); }; virtual ~lockable_struct() {}; void _Lock() { nLockCount++; }; void _Release() { nLockCount--; if (!nLockCount) delete this; }; int getLockCount() { return nLockCount; }; }; void __fastcall SAFE_DELETE(MZeroedObject **p); void __fastcall SAFE_DELETE(lockable_struct **p); DWORD ICQWaitForSingleObject(HANDLE hHandle, DWORD dwMilliseconds, int bWaitAlways = FALSE); struct icq_critical_section: public lockable_struct { private: HANDLE hMutex; public: icq_critical_section() { hMutex = CreateMutex(NULL, FALSE, NULL); } ~icq_critical_section() { CloseHandle(hMutex); } void Enter(void) { ICQWaitForSingleObject(hMutex, INFINITE, TRUE); } void Leave(void) { ReleaseMutex(hMutex); } }; __inline static void SAFE_DELETE(icq_critical_section **p) { SAFE_DELETE((lockable_struct**)p); } struct icq_lock { private: icq_critical_section *pMutex; public: icq_lock(icq_critical_section *mutex) { pMutex = mutex; pMutex->Enter(); }; ~icq_lock() { pMutex->Leave(); pMutex = NULL; }; }; HANDLE NetLib_OpenConnection(HANDLE hUser, const char* szIdent, NETLIBOPENCONNECTION* nloc); void NetLib_CloseConnection(HANDLE *hConnection, int bServerConn); void NetLib_SafeCloseHandle(HANDLE *hConnection); char* __fastcall ICQTranslateUtf(const char *src); char* __fastcall ICQTranslateUtfStatic(const char *src, char *buf, size_t bufsize); WORD GetMyStatusFlags(); /* Unicode FS utility functions */ int IsValidRelativePath(const char *filename); const char* ExtractFileName(const char *fullname); char* FileNameToUtf(const TCHAR *filename); int FileAccessUtf(const char *path, int mode); int FileStatUtf(const char *path, struct _stati64 *buffer); int MakeDirUtf(const char *dir); int OpenFileUtf(const char *filename, int oflag, int pmode); /* Unicode UI utility functions */ WCHAR* GetWindowTextUcs(HWND hWnd); void SetWindowTextUcs(HWND hWnd, WCHAR *text); char *GetWindowTextUtf(HWND hWnd); char *GetDlgItemTextUtf(HWND hwndDlg, int iItem); void SetWindowTextUtf(HWND hWnd, const char *szText); void SetDlgItemTextUtf(HWND hwndDlg, int iItem, const char *szText); int ComboBoxAddStringUtf(HWND hCombo, const char *szString, DWORD data); int ListBoxAddStringUtf(HWND hList, const char *szString); int MessageBoxUtf(HWND hWnd, const char *szText, const char *szCaption, UINT uType); void InitXStatusIcons(); void setContactExtraIcon(MCONTACT hContact, int xstatus); int OnReloadIcons(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); #endif /* __UTILITIES_H */