; [JABBER] General [Ok] [Cancel] [Close] [Agents...] [Change Password...] [Multi-User Conference...] [Personal vCard...] [JID] ; [JABBER] General error message [Error] [Redirect] [Bad request] [Unauthorized] [Payment required] [Forbidden] [Not found] [Not allowed] [Not acceptable] [Registration required] [Request timeout] [Conflict] [Internal server error] [Not implemented] [Remote server error] [Service unavailable] [Remote server timeout] [Unknown error] [Unknwon error message] ; [JABBER] Miscellaneous message box [Jabber Error Message] [Jabber Connection Error] [Enter password for] [Jabber Authentication] [Authentication failed for] [CHAT plugin is required for conferences. Install it before chatting] ; [JABBER] Registration dialog [Jabber Account Registration] [Register] [No message] [Connecting...] [Sending registration information...] [Requesting registration instruction...] [Error: Not enough memory] [Error: Cannot resolve server address] [Error: Cannot connect to the server] [Error: Connection lost] [Registration successful] ; [JABBER] Network (Netlib) config [connection] ; [JABBER] Option -> Jabber [Username:] [Password:] [Resource:] [Save password] [Login Server:] [Port:] [Register new user] [Jabber Protocol Option] [List of public servers] [Expert] [Manually specify connection host] [Host:] [Keep connection alive] [Automatically reconnect after unintentional disconnection] [User directory:] [Messaging language:] [System default] [These changes will take effect the next time you connect to the Jabber network.] ; [JABBER] Option -> Jabber Advanced [Advanced] [File Transfer] [Use PASS server] [PASS server:] [Specify local address for file sending] [External address:] [Miscellaneous] [Show transport agents on contact list] [Automatically add contact when accept authorization] [Send messages slower, but with full acknowledgement] ; [JABBER] Jabber Agents Dialog [Jabber Agents] [Register/Search Jabber Agents] [Jabber server:] [Browse] [Description] [Register...] [Browse/Join chat room...] [Search] [Registered Jabber Transports] [Status] [Online] [Offline] [Log on] [Log off] [Unregister] ; [JABBER] Jabber Agent Registration Dialog [Jabber Agent Registration] [Instruction:] [Please wait...] ; [JABBER] Change Password [Change Password] [Set New Password for] [Current Password:] [New Password:] [Confirm New Password:] [New password does not match.] [Current password is incorrect.] [Password is successfully changed. Don't forget to update your password in the Jabber protocol option.] [Password cannot be changed.] ; [JABBER] Jabber Multi-User Conference Dialog [Jabber Multi-User Conference] [Conference server:] [Join...] [Name] [Type] ; [JABBER] Join Multi-User Conference Room Dialog [Join Jabber Multi-User Conference Room] [Room:] ; [JABBER] Personal vCard [Personal vCard] [Jabber vCard] [Personal] [Full name:] [Nick name:] [First name:] [Middle:] [Last name:] [Date of birth:] [YYYY-MM-DD] [Gender:] [Occupation:] [Homepage:] [Contacts] [E-mail:] [Phone:] [Home] [Work] [Company:] [Department:] [Title:] [Address1:] [Address2:] [City:] [State:] [ZIP:] [Country:] [Photo] [Note] [Description:] [All Bitmaps] [Only JPG, GIF, and BMP image files smaller than 40 KB are supported.] [Update Now] [Save changes] [Updating] [Saving] ; [JABBER] User info dialog [Resources:] [Subscription type:] [both] [to] [from] [none] [none (not on roster)] [Male] [Female] [Software:] [Version:] [System:] [<not specified>] [Windows] [Windows 95] [Windows 98] [Windows ME] [Windows NT] [Windows XP] [Windows Server 2003] [<Photo not available while offline>] [<No photo>] ; [JABBER] Tlen plugin specific [Show invisible users] [Tlen Authentication]