/* Jabber Protocol Plugin for Miranda IM Copyright ( C ) 2002-04 Santithorn Bunchua Copyright ( C ) 2005-12 George Hazan Copyright ( C ) 2007 Maxim Mluhov This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ( at your option ) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "jabber.h" #include <io.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include "jabber_iq.h" #include "jabber_byte.h" #include "jabber_ibb.h" #include "jabber_caps.h" void CJabberProto::FtCancel( filetransfer* ft ) { JABBER_LIST_ITEM *item; JABBER_BYTE_TRANSFER *jbt; JABBER_IBB_TRANSFER *jibb; Log( "Invoking JabberFtCancel()" ); // For file sending session that is still in si negotiation phase if ( m_iqManager.ExpireByUserData( ft )) return; // For file receiving session that is still in si negotiation phase LISTFOREACH(i, this, LIST_FTRECV) { item = ListGetItemPtrFromIndex( i ); if ( item->ft == ft ) { Log( "Canceling file receiving session while in si negotiation" ); ListRemoveByIndex( i ); JSendBroadcast( ft->std.hContact, ACKTYPE_FILE, ACKRESULT_FAILED, ft, 0 ); delete ft; return; } } // For file transfer through bytestream if (( jbt=ft->jbt ) != NULL ) { Log( "Canceling bytestream session" ); jbt->state = JBT_ERROR; if ( jbt->hConn ) { Log( "Force closing bytestream session" ); Netlib_CloseHandle( jbt->hConn ); jbt->hConn = NULL; } if ( jbt->hSendEvent ) SetEvent( jbt->hSendEvent ); if ( jbt->hEvent ) SetEvent( jbt->hEvent ); if ( jbt->hProxyEvent ) SetEvent( jbt->hProxyEvent ); } // For file transfer through IBB if (( jibb=ft->jibb ) != NULL ) { Log( "Canceling IBB session" ); jibb->state = JIBB_ERROR; m_iqManager.ExpireByUserData( jibb ); } } ///////////////// File sending using stream initiation ///////////////////////// void CJabberProto::FtInitiate( TCHAR* jid, filetransfer* ft ) { TCHAR *rs; TCHAR *filename, *p; int i; TCHAR sid[9]; if ( jid==NULL || ft==NULL || !m_bJabberOnline || ( rs=ListGetBestClientResourceNamePtr( jid ))==NULL ) { if ( ft ) { JSendBroadcast( ft->std.hContact, ACKTYPE_FILE, ACKRESULT_FAILED, ft, 0 ); delete ft; } return; } ft->type = FT_SI; for ( i=0; i<8; i++ ) sid[i] = ( rand()%10 ) + '0'; sid[8] = '\0'; if ( ft->sid != NULL ) mir_free( ft->sid ); ft->sid = mir_tstrdup( sid ); filename = ft->std.ptszFiles[ ft->std.currentFileNumber ]; if (( p = _tcsrchr( filename, '\\' )) != NULL ) filename = p+1; TCHAR tszJid[ 512 ]; mir_sntprintf( tszJid, SIZEOF(tszJid), _T("%s/%s"), jid, rs ); XmlNodeIq iq( m_iqManager.AddHandler( &CJabberProto::OnFtSiResult, JABBER_IQ_TYPE_SET, tszJid, JABBER_IQ_PARSE_FROM | JABBER_IQ_PARSE_TO, -1, ft )); HXML si = iq << XCHILDNS( _T("si"), _T(JABBER_FEAT_SI)) << XATTR( _T("id"), sid ) << XATTR( _T("mime-type"), _T("binary/octet-stream")) << XATTR( _T("profile"), _T(JABBER_FEAT_SI_FT)); si << XCHILDNS( _T("file"), _T(JABBER_FEAT_SI_FT)) << XATTR( _T("name"), filename) << XATTRI64( _T("size"), ft->fileSize[ ft->std.currentFileNumber ] ) << XCHILD( _T("desc"), ft->szDescription); HXML field = si << XCHILDNS( _T("feature"), _T(JABBER_FEAT_FEATURE_NEG)) << XCHILDNS( _T("x"), _T(JABBER_FEAT_DATA_FORMS)) << XATTR( _T("type"), _T("form")) << XCHILD( _T("field")) << XATTR( _T("var"), _T("stream-method")) << XATTR( _T("type"), _T("list-single")); BOOL bDirect = m_options.BsDirect; BOOL bProxy = m_options.BsProxyManual; // bytestreams support? if ( bDirect || bProxy ) field << XCHILD( _T("option")) << XCHILD( _T("value"), _T(JABBER_FEAT_BYTESTREAMS)); field << XCHILD( _T("option")) << XCHILD( _T("value"), _T(JABBER_FEAT_IBB)); m_ThreadInfo->send( iq ); } void CJabberProto::OnFtSiResult( HXML iqNode, CJabberIqInfo* pInfo ) { HXML siNode, featureNode, xNode, fieldNode, valueNode; filetransfer *ft = (filetransfer *)pInfo->GetUserData(); if ( !ft ) return; if (( pInfo->GetIqType() == JABBER_IQ_TYPE_RESULT ) && pInfo->m_szFrom && pInfo->m_szTo ) { if (( siNode = xmlGetChild( iqNode , "si" )) != NULL ) { // fix for very smart clients, like gajim BOOL bDirect = m_options.BsDirect; BOOL bProxy = m_options.BsProxyManual; if (( featureNode = xmlGetChild( siNode , "feature" )) != NULL ) { if (( xNode = xmlGetChildByTag( featureNode, "x", "xmlns", _T(JABBER_FEAT_DATA_FORMS))) != NULL ) { if (( fieldNode = xmlGetChildByTag( xNode, "field", "var", _T("stream-method"))) != NULL ) { if (( valueNode = xmlGetChild( fieldNode , "value" ))!=NULL && xmlGetText( valueNode )!=NULL ) { if (( bDirect || bProxy ) && !_tcscmp( xmlGetText( valueNode ), _T(JABBER_FEAT_BYTESTREAMS))) { // Start Bytestream session JABBER_BYTE_TRANSFER *jbt = new JABBER_BYTE_TRANSFER; ZeroMemory( jbt, sizeof( JABBER_BYTE_TRANSFER )); jbt->srcJID = mir_tstrdup( pInfo->m_szTo ); jbt->dstJID = mir_tstrdup( pInfo->m_szFrom ); jbt->sid = mir_tstrdup( ft->sid ); jbt->pfnSend = &CJabberProto::FtSend; jbt->pfnFinal = &CJabberProto::FtSendFinal; jbt->ft = ft; ft->type = FT_BYTESTREAM; ft->jbt = jbt; JForkThread(( JThreadFunc )&CJabberProto::ByteSendThread, jbt ); } else if ( !_tcscmp( xmlGetText( valueNode ), _T(JABBER_FEAT_IBB))) { JABBER_IBB_TRANSFER *jibb = (JABBER_IBB_TRANSFER *) mir_alloc( sizeof ( JABBER_IBB_TRANSFER )); ZeroMemory( jibb, sizeof( JABBER_IBB_TRANSFER )); jibb->srcJID = mir_tstrdup( pInfo->m_szTo ); jibb->dstJID = mir_tstrdup( pInfo->m_szFrom ); jibb->sid = mir_tstrdup( ft->sid ); jibb->pfnSend = &CJabberProto::FtIbbSend; jibb->pfnFinal = &CJabberProto::FtSendFinal; jibb->ft = ft; ft->type = FT_IBB; ft->jibb = jibb; JForkThread(( JThreadFunc )&CJabberProto::IbbSendThread, jibb ); } } } } } } } else { Log( "File transfer stream initiation request denied or failed" ); JSendBroadcast( ft->std.hContact, ACKTYPE_FILE, pInfo->GetIqType() == JABBER_IQ_TYPE_ERROR ? ACKRESULT_DENIED : ACKRESULT_FAILED, ft, 0 ); delete ft; } } BOOL CJabberProto::FtSend( HANDLE hConn, filetransfer* ft ) { struct _stati64 statbuf; int fd; char* buffer; int numRead; Log( "Sending [%s]", ft->std.ptszFiles[ ft->std.currentFileNumber ] ); _tstati64( ft->std.ptszFiles[ ft->std.currentFileNumber ], &statbuf ); // file size in statbuf.st_size if (( fd = _topen( ft->std.ptszFiles[ ft->std.currentFileNumber ], _O_BINARY|_O_RDONLY )) < 0 ) { Log( "File cannot be opened" ); return FALSE; } ft->std.flags |= PFTS_SENDING; ft->std.currentFileSize = statbuf.st_size; ft->std.currentFileProgress = 0; if (( buffer=( char* )mir_alloc( 2048 )) != NULL ) { while (( numRead=_read( fd, buffer, 2048 )) > 0 ) { if ( Netlib_Send( hConn, buffer, numRead, 0 ) != numRead ) { mir_free( buffer ); _close( fd ); return FALSE; } ft->std.currentFileProgress += numRead; ft->std.totalProgress += numRead; JSendBroadcast( ft->std.hContact, ACKTYPE_FILE, ACKRESULT_DATA, ft, ( LPARAM )&ft->std ); } mir_free( buffer ); } _close( fd ); return TRUE; } BOOL CJabberProto::FtIbbSend( int blocksize, filetransfer* ft ) { struct _stati64 statbuf; int fd; char* buffer; int numRead; Log( "Sending [%s]", ft->std.ptszFiles[ ft->std.currentFileNumber ] ); _tstati64( ft->std.ptszFiles[ ft->std.currentFileNumber ], &statbuf ); // file size in statbuf.st_size if (( fd = _topen( ft->std.ptszFiles[ ft->std.currentFileNumber ], _O_BINARY|_O_RDONLY )) < 0 ) { Log( "File cannot be opened" ); return FALSE; } ft->std.flags |= PFTS_SENDING; ft->std.currentFileSize = statbuf.st_size; ft->std.currentFileProgress = 0; if (( buffer=( char* )mir_alloc( blocksize )) != NULL ) { while (( numRead=_read( fd, buffer, blocksize )) > 0 ) { int iqId = SerialNext(); XmlNode msg( _T("message")); xmlAddAttr( msg, _T("to"), ft->jibb->dstJID ); msg << XATTRID( iqId ); // let others send data too Sleep(2); char *encoded = JabberBase64Encode(buffer, numRead); msg << XCHILD( _T("data"), _A2T(encoded)) << XATTR( _T("xmlns"), _T(JABBER_FEAT_IBB)) << XATTR( _T("sid"), ft->jibb->sid ) << XATTRI( _T("seq"), ft->jibb->wPacketId ); HXML ampNode = msg << XCHILDNS( _T("amp"), _T(JABBER_FEAT_AMP)); ampNode << XCHILD( _T("rule")) << XATTR( _T("condition"), _T("deliver-at")) << XATTR( _T("value"), _T("stored")) << XATTR( _T("action"), _T("error")); ampNode << XCHILD( _T("rule")) << XATTR( _T("condition"), _T("match-resource")) << XATTR( _T("value"), _T("exact")) << XATTR( _T("action"), _T("error")); ft->jibb->wPacketId++; mir_free( encoded ); if ( ft->jibb->state == JIBB_ERROR || ft->jibb->bStreamClosed || m_ThreadInfo->send( msg ) == SOCKET_ERROR ) { Log( "JabberFtIbbSend unsuccessful exit" ); mir_free( buffer ); _close( fd ); return FALSE; } ft->jibb->dwTransferredSize += (DWORD)numRead; ft->std.currentFileProgress += numRead; ft->std.totalProgress += numRead; JSendBroadcast( ft->std.hContact, ACKTYPE_FILE, ACKRESULT_DATA, ft, ( LPARAM )&ft->std ); } mir_free( buffer ); } _close( fd ); return TRUE; } void CJabberProto::FtSendFinal( BOOL success, filetransfer* ft ) { if ( !success ) { Log( "File transfer complete with error" ); JSendBroadcast( ft->std.hContact, ACKTYPE_FILE, ft->state == FT_DENIED ? ACKRESULT_DENIED : ACKRESULT_FAILED, ft, 0 ); } else { if ( ft->std.currentFileNumber < ft->std.totalFiles-1 ) { ft->std.currentFileNumber++; replaceStrT( ft->std.tszCurrentFile, ft->std.ptszFiles[ ft->std.currentFileNumber ] ); JSendBroadcast( ft->std.hContact, ACKTYPE_FILE, ACKRESULT_NEXTFILE, ft, 0 ); FtInitiate( ft->jid, ft ); return; } JSendBroadcast( ft->std.hContact, ACKTYPE_FILE, ACKRESULT_SUCCESS, ft, 0 ); } delete ft; } ///////////////// File receiving through stream initiation ///////////////////////// void CJabberProto::FtHandleSiRequest( HXML iqNode ) { const TCHAR* from, *sid, *str, *szId, *filename; HXML siNode, fileNode, featureNode, xNode, fieldNode, n; int i; unsigned __int64 filesize; if ( !iqNode || ( from = xmlGetAttrValue( iqNode, _T("from"))) == NULL || ( str = xmlGetAttrValue( iqNode, _T("type"))) == NULL || _tcscmp( str, _T("set")) || ( siNode = xmlGetChildByTag( iqNode, "si", "xmlns", _T(JABBER_FEAT_SI))) == NULL ) return; szId = xmlGetAttrValue( iqNode, _T("id")); if (( sid = xmlGetAttrValue( siNode, _T("id"))) != NULL && ( fileNode = xmlGetChildByTag( siNode, "file", "xmlns", _T(JABBER_FEAT_SI_FT))) != NULL && ( filename = xmlGetAttrValue( fileNode, _T("name"))) != NULL && ( str = xmlGetAttrValue( fileNode, _T("size"))) != NULL ) { filesize = _ttoi64( str ); if (( featureNode = xmlGetChildByTag( siNode, "feature", "xmlns", _T(JABBER_FEAT_FEATURE_NEG))) != NULL && ( xNode = xmlGetChildByTag( featureNode, "x", "xmlns", _T(JABBER_FEAT_DATA_FORMS)))!=NULL && ( fieldNode = xmlGetChildByTag( xNode, "field", "var", _T("stream-method")))!=NULL ) { BOOL bIbbOnly = m_options.BsOnlyIBB; HXML optionNode = NULL; JABBER_FT_TYPE ftType = FT_OOB; if ( !bIbbOnly ) { for ( i=0; ; i++ ) { optionNode = xmlGetChild( fieldNode ,i); if ( !optionNode ) break; if ( !lstrcmp( xmlGetName( optionNode ), _T("option"))) { if (( n = xmlGetChild( optionNode , "value" )) != NULL && xmlGetText( n )) { if ( !_tcscmp( xmlGetText( n ), _T(JABBER_FEAT_BYTESTREAMS))) { ftType = FT_BYTESTREAM; break; } } } } } // try IBB only if bytestreams support not found or BsOnlyIBB flag exists if ( bIbbOnly || !optionNode ) { for ( i=0; ; i++ ) { optionNode = xmlGetChild( fieldNode ,i); if ( !optionNode ) break; if ( !lstrcmp( xmlGetName( optionNode ), _T("option"))) { if (( n = xmlGetChild( optionNode , "value" )) != NULL && xmlGetText( n )) { if ( !_tcscmp( xmlGetText( n ), _T(JABBER_FEAT_IBB))) { ftType = FT_IBB; break; } } } } } if ( optionNode != NULL ) { // Found known stream mechanism filetransfer* ft = new filetransfer( this ); ft->dwExpectedRecvFileSize = filesize; ft->jid = mir_tstrdup( from ); ft->std.hContact = HContactFromJID( from ); ft->sid = mir_tstrdup( sid ); ft->iqId = mir_tstrdup( szId ); ft->type = ftType; ft->std.totalFiles = 1; ft->std.tszCurrentFile = mir_tstrdup( filename ); ft->std.totalBytes = ft->std.currentFileSize = filesize; PROTORECVFILET pre = { 0 }; pre.flags = PREF_TCHAR; pre.fileCount = 1; pre.timestamp = time( NULL ); pre.ptszFiles = ( TCHAR** )&filename; pre.lParam = ( LPARAM )ft; if (( n = xmlGetChild( fileNode , "desc" )) != NULL ) pre.tszDescription = ( TCHAR* )xmlGetText( n ); CCSDATA ccs = { ft->std.hContact, PSR_FILE, 0, ( LPARAM )&pre }; JCallService( MS_PROTO_CHAINRECV, 0, ( LPARAM )&ccs ); return; } else { // Unknown stream mechanism XmlNodeIq iq( _T("error"), szId, from ); HXML e = iq << XCHILD( _T("error")) << XATTRI( _T("code"), 400 ) << XATTR( _T("type"), _T("cancel")); e << XCHILDNS( _T("bad-request"), _T("urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas")); e << XCHILDNS( _T("no-valid-streams"), _T(JABBER_FEAT_SI)); m_ThreadInfo->send( iq ); return; } } } // Bad stream initiation, reply with bad-profile XmlNodeIq iq( _T("error"), szId, from ); HXML e = iq << XCHILD( _T("error")) << XATTRI( _T("code"), 400 ) << XATTR( _T("type"), _T("cancel")); e << XCHILDNS( _T("bad-request"), _T("urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas")); e << XCHILDNS( _T("bad-profile"), _T(JABBER_FEAT_SI)); m_ThreadInfo->send( iq ); } void CJabberProto::FtAcceptSiRequest( filetransfer* ft ) { if ( !m_bJabberOnline || ft==NULL || ft->jid==NULL || ft->sid==NULL ) return; JABBER_LIST_ITEM *item; if (( item=ListAdd( LIST_FTRECV, ft->sid )) != NULL ) { item->ft = ft; m_ThreadInfo->send( XmlNodeIq( _T("result"), ft->iqId, ft->jid ) << XCHILDNS( _T("si"), _T(JABBER_FEAT_SI)) << XCHILDNS( _T("feature"), _T(JABBER_FEAT_FEATURE_NEG)) << XCHILDNS( _T("x"), _T(JABBER_FEAT_DATA_FORMS)) << XATTR( _T("type"), _T("submit")) << XCHILD( _T("field")) << XATTR( _T("var"), _T("stream-method")) << XCHILD( _T("value"), _T(JABBER_FEAT_BYTESTREAMS))); } } void CJabberProto::FtAcceptIbbRequest( filetransfer* ft ) { if ( !m_bJabberOnline || ft==NULL || ft->jid==NULL || ft->sid==NULL ) return; JABBER_LIST_ITEM *item; if (( item=ListAdd( LIST_FTRECV, ft->sid )) != NULL ) { item->ft = ft; m_ThreadInfo->send( XmlNodeIq( _T("result"), ft->iqId, ft->jid ) << XCHILDNS( _T("si"), _T(JABBER_FEAT_SI)) << XCHILDNS( _T("feature"), _T(JABBER_FEAT_FEATURE_NEG)) << XCHILDNS( _T("x"), _T(JABBER_FEAT_DATA_FORMS)) << XATTR( _T("type"), _T("submit")) << XCHILD( _T("field")) << XATTR( _T("var"), _T("stream-method")) << XCHILD( _T("value"), _T(JABBER_FEAT_IBB))); } } BOOL CJabberProto::FtHandleBytestreamRequest( HXML iqNode, CJabberIqInfo* pInfo ) { HXML queryNode = pInfo->GetChildNode(); const TCHAR* sid; JABBER_LIST_ITEM *item; if (( sid = xmlGetAttrValue( queryNode, _T("sid"))) != NULL && ( item = ListGetItemPtr( LIST_FTRECV, sid )) != NULL ) { // Start Bytestream session JABBER_BYTE_TRANSFER *jbt = new JABBER_BYTE_TRANSFER; ZeroMemory( jbt, sizeof( JABBER_BYTE_TRANSFER )); jbt->iqNode = xi.copyNode( iqNode ); jbt->pfnRecv = &CJabberProto::FtReceive; jbt->pfnFinal = &CJabberProto::FtReceiveFinal; jbt->ft = item->ft; item->ft->jbt = jbt; JForkThread(( JThreadFunc )&CJabberProto::ByteReceiveThread, jbt ); ListRemove( LIST_FTRECV, sid ); return TRUE; } Log( "File transfer invalid bytestream initiation request received" ); return TRUE; } BOOL CJabberProto::FtHandleIbbRequest( HXML iqNode, BOOL bOpen ) { if ( !iqNode ) return FALSE; const TCHAR *id = xmlGetAttrValue( iqNode, _T("id")); const TCHAR *from = xmlGetAttrValue( iqNode, _T("from")); const TCHAR *to = xmlGetAttrValue( iqNode, _T("to")); if ( !id || !from || !to ) return FALSE; HXML ibbNode = xmlGetChildByTag( iqNode, bOpen ? "open" : "close", "xmlns", _T(JABBER_FEAT_IBB)); if ( !ibbNode ) return FALSE; const TCHAR *sid = xmlGetAttrValue( ibbNode, _T("sid")); if ( !sid ) return FALSE; // already closed? JABBER_LIST_ITEM *item = ListGetItemPtr( LIST_FTRECV, sid ); if ( !item ) { m_ThreadInfo->send( XmlNodeIq( _T("error"), id, from ) << XCHILD( _T("error")) << XATTRI( _T("code"), 404 ) << XATTR( _T("type"), _T("cancel")) << XCHILDNS( _T("item-not-found"), _T("urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas"))); return FALSE; } // open event if ( bOpen ) { if ( !item->jibb ) { JABBER_IBB_TRANSFER *jibb = ( JABBER_IBB_TRANSFER * ) mir_alloc( sizeof( JABBER_IBB_TRANSFER )); ZeroMemory( jibb, sizeof( JABBER_IBB_TRANSFER )); jibb->srcJID = mir_tstrdup( from ); jibb->dstJID = mir_tstrdup( to ); jibb->sid = mir_tstrdup( sid ); jibb->pfnRecv = &CJabberProto::FtReceive; jibb->pfnFinal = &CJabberProto::FtReceiveFinal; jibb->ft = item->ft; item->ft->jibb = jibb; item->jibb = jibb; JForkThread(( JThreadFunc )&CJabberProto::IbbReceiveThread, jibb ); m_ThreadInfo->send( XmlNodeIq( _T("result"), id, from )); return TRUE; } // stream already open m_ThreadInfo->send( XmlNodeIq( _T("error"), id, from ) << XCHILD( _T("error")) << XATTRI( _T("code"), 404 ) << XATTR( _T("type"), _T("cancel")) << XCHILDNS( _T("item-not-found"), _T("urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas"))); return FALSE; } // close event && stream already open if ( item->jibb && item->jibb->hEvent ) { item->jibb->bStreamClosed = TRUE; SetEvent( item->jibb->hEvent ); m_ThreadInfo->send( XmlNodeIq( _T("result"), id, from )); return TRUE; } ListRemove( LIST_FTRECV, sid ); return FALSE; } int CJabberProto::FtReceive( HANDLE, filetransfer* ft, char* buffer, int datalen ) { if ( ft->create() == -1 ) return -1; __int64 remainingBytes = ft->std.currentFileSize - ft->std.currentFileProgress; if ( remainingBytes > 0 ) { int writeSize = ( remainingBytes<datalen ) ? remainingBytes : datalen; if ( _write( ft->fileId, buffer, writeSize ) != writeSize ) { Log( "_write() error" ); return -1; } ft->std.currentFileProgress += writeSize; ft->std.totalProgress += writeSize; JSendBroadcast( ft->std.hContact, ACKTYPE_FILE, ACKRESULT_DATA, ft, ( LPARAM )&ft->std ); return ( ft->std.currentFileSize == ft->std.currentFileProgress ) ? 0 : writeSize; } return 0; } void CJabberProto::FtReceiveFinal( BOOL success, filetransfer* ft ) { if ( success ) { Log( "File transfer complete successfully" ); ft->complete(); } else Log( "File transfer complete with error" ); delete ft; }