
Jabber Protocol Plugin for Miranda IM
Copyright ( C ) 2002-04  Santithorn Bunchua
Copyright ( C ) 2005-11  George Hazan

Idea & portions of code by Artem Shpynov

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or ( at your option ) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.

Revision       : $Revision: 13452 $
Last change on : $Date: 2006-07-13 16:11:29 +0400
Last change by : $Author: george.hazan $


#include "jabber.h"
#include "jabber_list.h"

#include <m_icolib.h>

#include <m_cluiframes.h>

#define IDI_ONLINE                      104
#define IDI_OFFLINE                     105
#define IDI_AWAY                        128
#define IDI_FREE4CHAT                   129
#define IDI_INVISIBLE                   130
#define IDI_NA                          131
#define IDI_DND                         158
#define IDI_OCCUPIED                    159
#define IDI_ONTHEPHONE                  1002
#define IDI_OUTTOLUNCH                  1003

HIMAGELIST hAdvancedStatusIcon = NULL;

struct CTransportProtoTableItem
	TCHAR* mask;
	char*  proto;

static CTransportProtoTableItem TransportProtoTable[] =
	{ _T("|*icq*|jit*"),     "ICQ" },
	{ _T("msn*"),            "MSN" },
	{ _T("yahoo*"),          "YAHOO" },
	{ _T("mrim*"),           "MRA" },
	{ _T("aim*"),            "AIM" },
	//request #3094
	{ _T("|gg*|gadu*"),      "GaduGadu" },
	{ _T("tv*"),             "TV" },
	{ _T("dict*"),           "Dictionary" },
	{ _T("weather*"),        "Weather" },
	{ _T("skype*"),          "Skype" }, 
	{ _T("sms*"),            "SMS" },
	{ _T("smtp*"),           "SMTP" },
	{ _T("gtalk.*.*"),       "GTalk" },
	{ _T("|xmpp.*.*|j2j.*.*"),"Jabber2Jabber" },
	//jabbim.cz - services
	{ _T("disk*"),           "Jabber Disk" },
	{ _T("irc*"),            "IRC" },
	{ _T("rss*"),            "RSS" },
	{ _T("tlen*"),           "Tlen" },

	// German social networks
	{ _T("studivz*"),        "StudiVZ" },
	{ _T("schuelervz*"),     "SchuelerVZ" },
	{ _T("meinvz*"),         "MeinVZ" },
	{ _T("|fb*|facebook*"),  "Facebook" },

static int skinStatusToJabberStatus[] = {0,1,2,3,4,4,6,7,2,2};

// CIconPool class
int CIconPool::CPoolItem::cmp(const CPoolItem *p1, const CPoolItem *p2)
	return lstrcmpA(p1->m_name, p2->m_name);

	m_name(NULL), m_szIcolibName(NULL), m_hIcolibItem(NULL), m_hClistItem(NULL)

	if (m_hIcolibItem && m_szIcolibName)
		CallService(MS_SKIN2_REMOVEICON, 0, (LPARAM)m_szIcolibName);

	if (m_name) mir_free(m_name);

CIconPool::CIconPool(CJabberProto *proto):
	m_items(10, CIconPool::CPoolItem::cmp),

	if (m_hOnExtraIconsRebuild)
		m_hOnExtraIconsRebuild = NULL;

void CIconPool::RegisterIcon(const char *name, const char *filename, int iconid, TCHAR *szSection, TCHAR *szDescription)
	char szSettingName[128];
	mir_snprintf(szSettingName, SIZEOF(szSettingName), "%s_%s", m_proto->m_szModuleName, name);

	CPoolItem *item = new CPoolItem;
	item->m_name = mir_strdup(name);
	item->m_szIcolibName = mir_strdup(szSettingName);
	item->m_hClistItem = NULL;

	SKINICONDESC sid = {0};
	sid.cbSize = sizeof(SKINICONDESC);
	sid.pszDefaultFile = (char *)filename;	// kill const flag for compiler to shut up
	sid.pszName = szSettingName;
	sid.ptszSection = szSection;
	sid.ptszDescription = szDescription;
	sid.flags = SIDF_TCHAR;
	sid.iDefaultIndex = iconid;
	item->m_hIcolibItem = Skin_AddIcon(&sid);


HANDLE CIconPool::GetIcolibHandle(const char *name)
	if (CPoolItem *item = FindItemByName(name))
		return item->m_hIcolibItem;

	return NULL;

char *CIconPool::GetIcolibName(const char *name)
	if (CPoolItem *item = FindItemByName(name))
		return item->m_szIcolibName;

	return NULL;

HICON CIconPool::GetIcon(const char *name, bool big)
	if (CPoolItem *item = FindItemByName(name))
		return (HICON)CallService(MS_SKIN2_GETICONBYHANDLE, big, (LPARAM)item->m_hIcolibItem);

	return NULL;

HANDLE CIconPool::GetClistHandle(const char *name)
	if (!name)
		return (HANDLE)-1;

	if (!ExtraIconsSupported())
		return (HANDLE)-1;

	if (!m_hOnExtraIconsRebuild)
		int (__cdecl CIconPool::*hookProc)(WPARAM, LPARAM);
		hookProc = &CIconPool::OnExtraIconsRebuild;
		m_hOnExtraIconsRebuild = HookEventObj(ME_CLIST_EXTRA_LIST_REBUILD, (MIRANDAHOOKOBJ)*(void **)&hookProc, this);

	if (CPoolItem *item = FindItemByName(name))
		if (item->m_hClistItem)
			return item->m_hClistItem;

		HICON hIcon = (HICON)CallService(MS_SKIN2_GETICONBYHANDLE, 0, (LPARAM)item->m_hIcolibItem);
		item->m_hClistItem = (HANDLE)CallService(MS_CLIST_EXTRA_ADD_ICON, (WPARAM)hIcon, 0);
		return item->m_hClistItem;

	return (HANDLE)-1;

CIconPool::CPoolItem *CIconPool::FindItemByName(const char *name)
	CPoolItem item;
	item.m_name = mir_strdup(name);
	return m_items.find(&item);

int CIconPool::OnExtraIconsRebuild(WPARAM, LPARAM)
	for (int i = 0; i < m_items.getCount(); ++i)
		m_items[i].m_hClistItem = NULL;

	return 0;

bool CIconPool::ExtraIconsSupported()
	static int res = -1;
	if (res < 0) res = ServiceExists(MS_CLIST_EXTRA_ADD_ICON) ? 1 : 0;
	return res ? true : false;

// Icons init

struct TIconListItem
	char*  szDescr;
	char*  szName;
	int    defIconID;
	char*  szSection;
	HANDLE hIcon;

static TIconListItem iconList[] =
	{   LPGEN("%s"),                    "main",             IDI_JABBER,             NULL },

void CJabberProto::IconsInit( void )
	int i;

	m_transportProtoTableStartIndex = (int *)mir_alloc(sizeof(int) * SIZEOF(TransportProtoTable));
	for (i = 0; i < SIZEOF(TransportProtoTable); ++i)
		m_transportProtoTableStartIndex[i] = -1;

	SKINICONDESC sid = {0};
	char szFile[MAX_PATH];
	GetModuleFileNameA(hInst, szFile, MAX_PATH);

	sid.cbSize = sizeof(SKINICONDESC);
	sid.pszDefaultFile = szFile;
	sid.flags = SIDF_TCHAR;

	char szSettingName[100];
	TCHAR szSectionName[100];
	TCHAR szDescription[100];
	TCHAR szRootSection[100];

	sid.pszName = szSettingName;
	sid.ptszSection = szSectionName;
	sid.ptszDescription = szDescription;

	m_phIconLibItems = ( HANDLE* )mir_alloc( sizeof( HANDLE )*SIZEOF(iconList));

	mir_sntprintf( szRootSection, SIZEOF(szRootSection), _T("%s/%s/%s"), LPGENT("Protocols"), LPGENT("Jabber"), LPGENT("Accounts"));

	for (i = 0; i < SIZEOF(iconList); i++ ) {
		TCHAR tmp[100];

		if ( iconList[i].szSection ) {
			mir_sntprintf( szSectionName, SIZEOF(szSectionName), _T("%s/") _T(TCHAR_STR_PARAM), szRootSection, iconList[i].szSection );
			if (_tcsstr(szSectionName, _T("%s"))) {
				mir_sntprintf(tmp, SIZEOF(tmp), szSectionName, m_tszUserName);
				lstrcpy(szSectionName, tmp);
		else {
			mir_sntprintf( szSectionName, SIZEOF(szSectionName), _T("%s"), szRootSection );

		if (strstr(iconList[i].szDescr, "%s")) {
			mir_sntprintf( tmp, SIZEOF(tmp), _T(TCHAR_STR_PARAM), iconList[i].szDescr );
			mir_sntprintf( szDescription, SIZEOF(szDescription), tmp, m_tszUserName );
		else {
			mir_sntprintf( szDescription, SIZEOF(szDescription), _T(TCHAR_STR_PARAM), iconList[i].szDescr );

		mir_snprintf( szSettingName, SIZEOF(szSettingName), "%s_%s", m_szModuleName, iconList[i].szName );

		sid.iDefaultIndex = -iconList[i].defIconID;
		m_phIconLibItems[i] = Skin_AddIcon(&sid);
}	}

HANDLE CJabberProto::GetIconHandle( int iconId )
	if (HANDLE result = g_GetIconHandle(iconId))
		return result;

	for ( int i=0; i < SIZEOF(iconList); i++ )
		if ( iconList[i].defIconID == iconId )
			return m_phIconLibItems[i];

	return NULL;

HICON CJabberProto::LoadIconEx( const char* name, bool big )
	if (HICON result = g_LoadIconEx(name, big))
		return result;

	char szSettingName[100];
	mir_snprintf( szSettingName, sizeof( szSettingName ), "%s_%s", m_szModuleName, name );
	return ( HICON )JCallService( MS_SKIN2_GETICON, big, (LPARAM)szSettingName );

// internal functions

static inline TCHAR qtoupper( TCHAR c )
	return ( c >= 'a' && c <= 'z' ) ? c - 'a' + 'A' : c;

static BOOL WildComparei( const TCHAR* name, const TCHAR* mask )
	const TCHAR* last='\0';
	for ( ;; mask++, name++) {
		if ( *mask != '?' && qtoupper( *mask ) != qtoupper( *name ))
		if ( *name == '\0' )
			return ((BOOL)!*mask);

	if ( *mask != '*' )
		return FALSE;

	for (;; mask++, name++ ) {
		while( *mask == '*' ) {
			last = mask++;
			if ( *mask == '\0' )
				return ((BOOL)!*mask);   /* true */

		if ( *name == '\0' )
			return ((BOOL)!*mask);      /* *mask == EOS */
		if ( *mask != '?' && qtoupper( *mask ) != qtoupper( *name ))
			name -= (size_t)(mask - last) - 1, mask = last;
}	}

static BOOL MatchMask( const TCHAR* name, const TCHAR* mask)
	if ( !mask || !name )
		return mask == name;

	if ( *mask != '|' )
		return WildComparei( name, mask );

	TCHAR* temp = NEWTSTR_ALLOCA(mask);
	for ( int e=1; mask[e] != '\0'; e++ ) {
		int s = e;
		while ( mask[e] != '\0' && mask[e] != '|')

		temp[e]= _T('\0');
		if ( WildComparei( name, temp+s ))
			return TRUE;

		if ( mask[e] == 0 )
			return FALSE;

	return FALSE;

static HICON ExtractIconFromPath(const char *path, BOOL * needFree)
	char *comma;
	char file[MAX_PATH],fileFull[MAX_PATH];
	int n;
	HICON hIcon;
	if(comma==NULL) n=0;
	else {n=atoi(comma+1); *comma=0;}
	if (needFree)

	return hIcon;

static HICON LoadTransportIcon(char *filename,int i,char *IconName,TCHAR *SectName,TCHAR *Description,int internalidx, BOOL * needFree)
	char szPath[MAX_PATH],szMyPath[MAX_PATH], szFullPath[MAX_PATH],*str;
	BOOL has_proto_icon=FALSE;
	if (needFree) *needFree=FALSE;
	GetModuleFileNameA(NULL, szPath, MAX_PATH);
	if(str!=NULL) *str=0;
	_snprintf(szMyPath, sizeof(szMyPath), "%s\\Icons\\%s", szPath, filename);
	_snprintf(szFullPath, sizeof(szFullPath), "%s\\Icons\\%s,%d", szPath, filename, i);
	BOOL nf;
	HICON hi=ExtractIconFromPath(szFullPath,&nf);
	if (hi) has_proto_icon=TRUE;
	if (hi && nf) DestroyIcon(hi);
	if ( IconName != NULL && SectName != NULL)  {
		sid.cbSize = sizeof(sid);
		sid.hDefaultIcon = (has_proto_icon)?NULL:(HICON)CallService(MS_SKIN_LOADPROTOICON,(WPARAM)NULL,(LPARAM)(-internalidx));
		sid.ptszSection = SectName;
		sid.flags = SIDF_TCHAR;
	return ((HICON)CallService(MS_SKIN2_GETICON, 0, (LPARAM)IconName));

static HICON LoadSmallIcon(HINSTANCE hInstance, LPCTSTR lpIconName)
	HICON hIcon=NULL;                 // icon handle
	int index=-(int)lpIconName;
	TCHAR filename[MAX_PATH]={0};
	return hIcon;

int CJabberProto::LoadAdvancedIcons(int iID)
	int i;
	char *proto = TransportProtoTable[iID].proto;
	char defFile[MAX_PATH] = {0};
	TCHAR Group[255];
	char Uname[255];
	int first=-1;
	HICON empty=LoadSmallIcon(NULL,MAKEINTRESOURCE(102));

	mir_sntprintf(Group, SIZEOF(Group), _T("Status Icons/%s/") _T(TCHAR_STR_PARAM) _T(" transport"), m_tszUserName, proto);
	mir_snprintf(defFile, SIZEOF(defFile), "proto_%s.dll",proto);
	if (!hAdvancedStatusIcon)

	EnterCriticalSection( &m_csModeMsgMutex );
		HICON hicon;
		BOOL needFree;
		int n=skinStatusToJabberStatus[i];
		mir_snprintf(Uname, SIZEOF(Uname), "%s_Transport_%s_%d", m_szModuleName, proto, n);
		int index=(m_transportProtoTableStartIndex[iID] == -1)?-1:m_transportProtoTableStartIndex[iID]+n;
		int added=ImageList_ReplaceIcon(hAdvancedStatusIcon,index,hicon?hicon:empty);
		if (first == -1) first=added;
		if (hicon && needFree) DestroyIcon(hicon);

	if ( m_transportProtoTableStartIndex[iID] == -1 )
		m_transportProtoTableStartIndex[iID] = first;
	LeaveCriticalSection( &m_csModeMsgMutex );
	return 0;

int CJabberProto::GetTransportProtoID( TCHAR* TransportDomain )
	for ( int i=0; i<SIZEOF(TransportProtoTable); i++ )
		if ( MatchMask( TransportDomain, TransportProtoTable[i].mask ))
			return i;

	return -1;

int CJabberProto::GetTransportStatusIconIndex(int iID, int Status)
	if ( iID < 0 || iID >= SIZEOF( TransportProtoTable ))
		return -1;

	//icons not loaded - loading icons
	if ( m_transportProtoTableStartIndex[iID] == -1 )
		LoadAdvancedIcons( iID );

	//some fault on loading icons
	if ( m_transportProtoTableStartIndex[iID] == -1 )
		return -1;

	if ( Status < ID_STATUS_OFFLINE )

	return m_transportProtoTableStartIndex[iID] + skinStatusToJabberStatus[ Status - ID_STATUS_OFFLINE ];

// a hook for the IcoLib plugin

int CJabberProto::OnReloadIcons(WPARAM, LPARAM)
	for ( int i=0; i < SIZEOF(TransportProtoTable); i++ )
		if ( m_transportProtoTableStartIndex[i] != -1 )

	return 0;

// Prototype for Jabber and other protocols to return index of Advanced status
// wParam - HCONTACT of called protocol
// lParam - should be 0 (reserverd for futher usage)
// return value: -1 - no Advanced status
// : other - index of icons in clcimagelist.
// if imagelist require advanced painting status overlay(like xStatus)
// index should be shifted to HIWORD, LOWORD should be 0

INT_PTR __cdecl CJabberProto::JGetAdvancedStatusIcon(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM)
	HANDLE hContact=(HANDLE) wParam;
	if ( !hContact )
		return -1;

	if ( !JGetByte( hContact, "IsTransported", 0 ))
		return -1;

	if ( JGetStringT( hContact, "Transport", &dbv ))
		return -1;

	int iID = GetTransportProtoID( dbv.ptszVal );
	if ( iID >= 0 ) {
		Status = JGetWord( hContact, "Status", ID_STATUS_OFFLINE );
		if ( Status < ID_STATUS_OFFLINE )
		else if (Status > ID_STATUS_INVISIBLE )
		return GetTransportStatusIconIndex( iID, Status );
	return -1;

//   Transport check functions

BOOL CJabberProto::DBCheckIsTransportedContact(const TCHAR* jid, HANDLE hContact)
	// check if transport is already set
	if ( !jid || !hContact )
		return FALSE;

	// strip domain part from jid
	TCHAR* domain  = _tcschr(( TCHAR* )jid, '@' );
	BOOL   isAgent = (domain == NULL) ? TRUE : FALSE;
	BOOL   isTransported = FALSE;
	if ( domain!=NULL )
		domain = NEWTSTR_ALLOCA(domain+1);
		domain = NEWTSTR_ALLOCA(jid);

	TCHAR* resourcepos = _tcschr( domain, '/' );
	if ( resourcepos != NULL )
		*resourcepos = '\0';

	for ( int i=0; i < SIZEOF(TransportProtoTable); i++ ) {
		if ( MatchMask( domain, TransportProtoTable[i].mask )) {
			GetTransportStatusIconIndex( GetTransportProtoID( domain ), ID_STATUS_OFFLINE );
			isTransported = TRUE;
	}	}

	if ( m_lstTransports.getIndex( domain ) == -1 ) {
		if ( isAgent ) {
			m_lstTransports.insert( mir_tstrdup(domain));
			JSetByte( hContact, "IsTransport", 1 );
	}	}

	if ( isTransported ) {
		JSetStringT( hContact, "Transport", domain );
		JSetByte( hContact, "IsTransported", 1 );
	return isTransported;

void CJabberProto::CheckAllContactsAreTransported()
	HANDLE hContact = ( HANDLE ) JCallService( MS_DB_CONTACT_FINDFIRST, 0, 0 );
	while ( hContact != NULL ) {
		char* szProto = ( char* )JCallService( MS_PROTO_GETCONTACTBASEPROTO, ( WPARAM ) hContact, 0 );
		if ( !lstrcmpA( m_szModuleName, szProto )) {
			if ( !JGetStringT( hContact, "jid", &dbv )) {
				DBCheckIsTransportedContact( dbv.ptszVal, hContact );
				JFreeVariant( &dbv );
		}	}

		hContact = ( HANDLE )JCallService( MS_DB_CONTACT_FINDNEXT, ( WPARAM )hContact, 0 );
}	}

// Cross-instance shared icons

static TIconListItem sharedIconList[] =
	{   LPGEN("Privacy Lists"),         "privacylists",     IDI_PRIVACY_LISTS,      NULL },
	{   LPGEN("Bookmarks"),             "bookmarks",        IDI_BOOKMARKS,          NULL },
	{   LPGEN("Notes"),                 "notes",            IDI_NOTES,              NULL },
	{   LPGEN("Multi-User Conference"), "group",            IDI_GROUP,              NULL },
	{   LPGEN("Agents list"),           "Agents",           IDI_AGENTS,             NULL },

	{   LPGEN("Transports"),            "transport",        IDI_TRANSPORT,          NULL },
	{   LPGEN("Registered transports"), "transport_loc",    IDI_TRANSPORTL,         NULL },
	{   LPGEN("Change password"),       "key",              IDI_KEYS,               NULL },
	{   LPGEN("Personal vCard"),        "vcard",            IDI_VCARD,              NULL },
	{   LPGEN("Request authorization"), "Request",          IDI_REQUEST,            NULL },
	{   LPGEN("Grant authorization"),   "Grant",            IDI_GRANT,              NULL },
	{   LPGEN("Revoke authorization"),  "Revoke",           IDI_AUTHREVOKE,         NULL },
	{   LPGEN("Convert to room"),       "convert",          IDI_USER2ROOM,          NULL },
	{   LPGEN("Add to roster"),         "addroster",        IDI_ADDROSTER,          NULL },
	{   LPGEN("Login/logout"),          "trlogonoff",       IDI_LOGIN,              NULL },
	{   LPGEN("Resolve nicks"),         "trresolve",        IDI_REFRESH,            NULL },
	{   LPGEN("Send note"),             "sendnote",         IDI_SEND_NOTE,          NULL },
	{   LPGEN("Service Discovery"),     "servicediscovery", IDI_SERVICE_DISCOVERY,  NULL },
	{   LPGEN("AdHoc Command"),         "adhoc",            IDI_COMMAND,            NULL },
	{   LPGEN("XML Console"),           "xmlconsole",       IDI_CONSOLE,            NULL },
	{   LPGEN("OpenID Request"),        "openid",           IDI_HTTP_AUTH,          NULL },

	{   LPGEN("Discovery succeeded"),   "disco_ok",         IDI_DISCO_OK,           LPGEN("Dialogs") },
	{   LPGEN("Discovery failed"),      "disco_fail",       IDI_DISCO_FAIL,         LPGEN("Dialogs") },
	{   LPGEN("Discovery in progress"), "disco_progress",   IDI_DISCO_PROGRESS,     LPGEN("Dialogs") },
	{   LPGEN("View as tree"),          "sd_view_tree",     IDI_VIEW_TREE,          LPGEN("Dialogs") },
	{   LPGEN("View as list"),          "sd_view_list",     IDI_VIEW_LIST,          LPGEN("Dialogs") },
	{   LPGEN("Apply filter"),          "sd_filter_apply",  IDI_FILTER_APPLY,       LPGEN("Dialogs") },
	{   LPGEN("Reset filter"),          "sd_filter_reset",  IDI_FILTER_RESET,       LPGEN("Dialogs") },

	{   LPGEN("Navigate home"),         "sd_nav_home",      IDI_NAV_HOME,           LPGEN("Dialogs/Discovery") },
	{   LPGEN("Refresh node"),          "sd_nav_refresh",   IDI_NAV_REFRESH,        LPGEN("Dialogs/Discovery") },
	{   LPGEN("Browse node"),           "sd_browse",        IDI_BROWSE,             LPGEN("Dialogs/Discovery") },
	{   LPGEN("RSS service"),           "node_rss",         IDI_NODE_RSS,           LPGEN("Dialogs/Discovery") },
	{   LPGEN("Server"),                "node_server",      IDI_NODE_SERVER,        LPGEN("Dialogs/Discovery") },
	{   LPGEN("Storage service"),       "node_store",       IDI_NODE_STORE,         LPGEN("Dialogs/Discovery") },
	{   LPGEN("Weather service"),       "node_weather",     IDI_NODE_WEATHER,       LPGEN("Dialogs/Discovery") },

	{   LPGEN("Generic privacy list"),  "pl_list_any",      IDI_PL_LIST_ANY,        LPGEN("Dialogs/Privacy") },
	{   LPGEN("Active privacy list"),   "pl_list_active",   IDI_PL_LIST_ACTIVE,     LPGEN("Dialogs/Privacy") },
	{   LPGEN("Default privacy list"),  "pl_list_default",  IDI_PL_LIST_DEFAULT,    LPGEN("Dialogs/Privacy") },
	{   LPGEN("Move up"),               "arrow_up",         IDI_ARROW_UP,           LPGEN("Dialogs/Privacy") },
	{   LPGEN("Move down"),             "arrow_down",       IDI_ARROW_DOWN,         LPGEN("Dialogs/Privacy") },
	{   LPGEN("Allow Messages"),        "pl_msg_allow",     IDI_PL_MSG_ALLOW,       LPGEN("Dialogs/Privacy") },
	{   LPGEN("Allow Presences (in)"),  "pl_prin_allow",    IDI_PL_PRIN_ALLOW,      LPGEN("Dialogs/Privacy") },
	{   LPGEN("Allow Presences (out)"), "pl_prout_allow",   IDI_PL_PROUT_ALLOW,     LPGEN("Dialogs/Privacy") },
	{   LPGEN("Allow Queries"),         "pl_iq_allow",      IDI_PL_QUERY_ALLOW,     LPGEN("Dialogs/Privacy") },
	{   LPGEN("Deny Messages"),         "pl_msg_deny",      IDI_PL_MSG_DENY,        LPGEN("Dialogs/Privacy") },
	{   LPGEN("Deny Presences (in)"),   "pl_prin_deny",     IDI_PL_PRIN_DENY,       LPGEN("Dialogs/Privacy") },
	{   LPGEN("Deny Presences (out)"),  "pl_prout_deny",    IDI_PL_PROUT_DENY,      LPGEN("Dialogs/Privacy") },
	{   LPGEN("Deny Queries"),          "pl_iq_deny",       IDI_PL_QUERY_DENY,      LPGEN("Dialogs/Privacy") },

static void sttProcessIcons( int iAmount )
	char szFile[MAX_PATH];
	GetModuleFileNameA(hInst, szFile, MAX_PATH);

	SKINICONDESC sid = {0};
	sid.cbSize = sizeof(SKINICONDESC);
	sid.pszDefaultFile = szFile;

	char szRootSection[100];
	mir_snprintf( szRootSection, SIZEOF(szRootSection), "%s/%s", LPGEN("Protocols"), LPGEN("Jabber"));

	for ( int i = 0; i < iAmount; i++ ) {
		char szSettingName[100], szSectionName[100];

		mir_snprintf( szSettingName, sizeof( szSettingName ), "%s_%s",
			GLOBAL_SETTING_PREFIX, sharedIconList[i].szName);

		if ( sharedIconList[i].szSection ) {
			mir_snprintf( szSectionName, sizeof( szSectionName ), "%s/%s", szRootSection, sharedIconList[i].szSection );
			sid.pszSection = szSectionName;
		else sid.pszSection = szRootSection;

		sid.pszName = szSettingName;
		sid.pszDescription = sharedIconList[i].szDescr;
		sid.iDefaultIndex = -sharedIconList[i].defIconID;
		sharedIconList[i].hIcon = Skin_AddIcon(&sid);
}	}

void g_IconsInit()
	sttProcessIcons( SIZEOF( sharedIconList ));

HANDLE g_GetIconHandle( int iconId )
	for ( int i=0; i < SIZEOF(sharedIconList); i++ )
		if ( sharedIconList[i].defIconID == iconId )
			return sharedIconList[i].hIcon;

	return NULL;

HICON g_LoadIconEx( const char* name, bool big )
	char szSettingName[100];
	mir_snprintf( szSettingName, sizeof( szSettingName ), "%s_%s", GLOBAL_SETTING_PREFIX, name );
	return ( HICON )JCallService( MS_SKIN2_GETICON, big, (LPARAM)szSettingName );

void g_ReleaseIcon( HICON hIcon )
	if ( hIcon ) CallService(MS_SKIN2_RELEASEICON, (WPARAM)hIcon, 0);

void ImageList_AddIcon_Icolib( HIMAGELIST hIml, HICON hIcon )
	ImageList_AddIcon( hIml, hIcon );
	g_ReleaseIcon( hIcon );

void WindowSetIcon(HWND hWnd, CJabberProto *proto, const char* name)
	SendMessage(hWnd, WM_SETICON, ICON_BIG, ( LPARAM )proto->LoadIconEx( name, true ));
	SendMessage(hWnd, WM_SETICON, ICON_SMALL, ( LPARAM )proto->LoadIconEx( name ));

void WindowFreeIcon(HWND hWnd)
	g_ReleaseIcon(( HICON )SendMessage(hWnd, WM_SETICON, ICON_BIG, 0));
	g_ReleaseIcon(( HICON )SendMessage(hWnd, WM_SETICON, ICON_SMALL, 0));