/* Jabber Protocol Plugin for Miranda IM Copyright ( C ) 2002-04 Santithorn Bunchua Copyright ( C ) 2005-11 George Hazan Copyright ( C ) 2007 Artem Shpynov Module implements a search according to XEP-0055: Jabber Search http://www.xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0055.html This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ( at your option ) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. Revision : $Revision: 13452 $ Last change on : $Date: 2011-03-17 21:12:56 +0200 (Чт, 17 мар 2011) $ Last change by : $Author: george.hazan $ */ typedef struct _tagJabberSearchFieldsInfo { TCHAR * szFieldName; TCHAR * szFieldCaption; HWND hwndCaptionItem; HWND hwndValueItem; } JabberSearchFieldsInfo; typedef struct _tagJabberSearchData { struct CJabberProto* ppro; JabberSearchFieldsInfo * pJSInf; HXML xNode; int nJSInfCount; int lastRequestIq; int CurrentHeight; int curPos; int frameHeight; RECT frameRect; BOOL fSearchRequestIsXForm; }JabberSearchData; typedef struct tag_Data { TCHAR *Label; TCHAR * Var; TCHAR * defValue; BOOL bHidden; BOOL bReadOnly; int Order; } Data; typedef struct tagJABBER_CUSTOMSEARCHRESULTS { size_t nSize; int nFieldCount; TCHAR ** pszFields; JABBER_SEARCH_RESULT jsr; }JABBER_CUSTOMSEARCHRESULTS; static HWND searchHandleDlg=NULL; //local functions declarations static int JabberSearchFrameProc(HWND hwnd, int msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); static int JabberSearchAddField(HWND hwndDlg, Data* FieldDat ); static void JabberIqResultGetSearchFields( HXML iqNode, void *userdata ); static void JabberSearchFreeData(HWND hwndDlg, JabberSearchData * dat); static void JabberSearchRefreshFrameScroll(HWND hwndDlg, JabberSearchData * dat); static INT_PTR CALLBACK JabberSearchAdvancedDlgProc(HWND hwndDlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); static void JabberSearchDeleteFromRecent(TCHAR * szAddr,BOOL deleteLastFromDB); void SearchAddToRecent(TCHAR * szAddr, HWND hwnd); // Implementation of MAP class (the list template <typename _KEYTYPE , int (*COMPARATOR)(_KEYTYPE*, _KEYTYPE*) > class UNIQUE_MAP { public: typedef _KEYTYPE* (*COPYKEYPROC)(_KEYTYPE*); typedef void (*DESTROYKEYPROC)(_KEYTYPE*); private: typedef struct _tagRECORD { _tagRECORD(_KEYTYPE * key, TCHAR * value=NULL) { _key=key; _value=value; _order=0; _destroyKeyProc=NULL; } ~_tagRECORD() { if (_key && _destroyKeyProc) _destroyKeyProc(_key); _key=NULL; _destroyKeyProc=NULL; } _KEYTYPE *_key; TCHAR * _value; int _order; DESTROYKEYPROC _destroyKeyProc; } _RECORD; int _nextOrder; LIST<_RECORD> _Records; static int _KeysEqual( const _RECORD* p1, const _RECORD* p2 ) { if (COMPARATOR) return (int)(COMPARATOR((p1->_key),(p2->_key))); else return (int) (p1->_key < p2->_key); } inline int _remove(_RECORD* p) { int _itemOrder=p->_order; if (_Records.remove(p)) { delete(p); _nextOrder--; for (int i=0; i<_Records.getCount(); i++) { _RECORD * temp=_Records[i]; if (temp && temp->_order>_itemOrder) temp->_order--; } return 1; } return 0; } inline _RECORD * _getUnorderedRec (int index) { for (int i=0; i<_Records.getCount(); i++) { _RECORD * rec=_Records[i]; if (rec->_order==index) return rec; } return NULL; } public: UNIQUE_MAP(int incr):_Records(incr,_KeysEqual) { _nextOrder=0; }; ~UNIQUE_MAP() { _RECORD * record; int i=0; while (record=_Records[i++]) delete record; } int insert(_KEYTYPE* Key, TCHAR *Value) { _RECORD * rec= new _RECORD(Key,Value); int index=_Records.getIndex(rec); if (index<0) { if(!_Records.insert(rec)) delete rec; else { index=_Records.getIndex(rec); rec->_order=_nextOrder++; } } else { _Records[index]->_value=Value; delete rec; } return index; } int insertCopyKey(_KEYTYPE* Key, TCHAR *Value, _KEYTYPE** _KeyReturn, COPYKEYPROC CopyProc, DESTROYKEYPROC DestroyProc ) { _RECORD * rec= new _RECORD(Key,Value); int index=_Records.getIndex(rec); if (index<0) { _KEYTYPE* newKey=CopyProc(Key); if(!_Records.insert(rec)) { delete rec; DestroyProc(newKey); if (_KeyReturn) *_KeyReturn=NULL; } else { rec->_key=newKey; rec->_destroyKeyProc=DestroyProc; index=_Records.getIndex(rec); rec->_order=_nextOrder++; if (_KeyReturn) *_KeyReturn=newKey; } } else { _Records[index]->_value=Value; if (_KeyReturn) *_KeyReturn=_Records[index]->_key; delete rec; } return index; } inline TCHAR* operator[]( _KEYTYPE* _KEY ) const { _RECORD rec(_KEY); int index=_Records.getIndex(&rec); _RECORD * rv=_Records[index]; if (rv) { if (rv->_value) return rv->_value; else return _T(""); } else return NULL; } inline TCHAR* operator[]( int index ) const { _RECORD * rv=_Records[index]; if (rv) return rv->_value; else return NULL; } inline _KEYTYPE* getKeyName(int index) { _RECORD * rv=_Records[index]; if (rv) return rv->_key; else return NULL; } inline TCHAR * getUnOrdered(int index) { _RECORD * rec=_getUnorderedRec(index); if (rec) return rec->_value; else return NULL; } inline _KEYTYPE * getUnOrderedKeyName(int index) { _RECORD * rec=_getUnorderedRec(index); if (rec) return rec->_key; else return NULL; } inline int getCount() { return _Records.getCount(); } inline int removeUnOrdered(int index) { _RECORD * p=_getUnorderedRec(index); if (p) return _remove(p); else return 0; } inline int remove(int index) { _RECORD * p=_Records[index]; if (p) return _remove(p); else return 0; } inline int getIndex(_KEYTYPE * key) { _RECORD temp(key); return _Records.getIndex(&temp); } }; inline int TCharKeyCmp(TCHAR* a, TCHAR* b) { return (int)(_tcsicmp(a,b)); }