/* Jabber Protocol Plugin for Miranda NG Copyright (c) 2002-04 Santithorn Bunchua Copyright (c) 2005-12 George Hazan Copyright (�) 2012-16 Miranda NG project This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "jabber_iq.h" #include "jabber_caps.h" bool operator==(const DBEVENTINFO &ev1, const DBEVENTINFO &ev2) { return ev1.timestamp == ev2.timestamp && ev1.eventType == ev2.eventType && ev1.cbBlob == ev2.cbBlob && (ev1.flags & DBEF_SENT) == (ev2.flags & DBEF_SENT); } void CJabberProto::EnableArchive(bool bEnable) { m_ThreadInfo->send(XmlNodeIq(_T("set"), SerialNext()) << XCHILDNS(_T("auto"), JABBER_FEAT_ARCHIVE) << XATTR(_T("save"), (bEnable) ? _T("true") : _T("false"))); } void CJabberProto::RetrieveMessageArchive(MCONTACT hContact, JABBER_LIST_ITEM *pItem) { if (pItem->bHistoryRead) return; pItem->bHistoryRead = true; XmlNodeIq iq(AddIQ(&CJabberProto::OnIqResultGetCollectionList, JABBER_IQ_TYPE_GET)); HXML list = iq << XCHILDNS(_T("list"), JABBER_FEAT_ARCHIVE) << XATTR(_T("with"), pItem->jid); time_t tmLast = getDword(hContact, "LastCollection", 0); if (tmLast) { TCHAR buf[40]; list << XATTR(_T("start"), time2str(tmLast, buf, _countof(buf))); } m_ThreadInfo->send(iq); } void CJabberProto::OnIqResultGetCollectionList(HXML iqNode, CJabberIqInfo*) { const TCHAR *to = XmlGetAttrValue(iqNode, _T("to")); if (to == NULL || mir_tstrcmp(XmlGetAttrValue(iqNode, _T("type")), _T("result"))) return; HXML list = XmlGetChild(iqNode, "list"); if (!list || mir_tstrcmp(XmlGetAttrValue(list, _T("xmlns")), JABBER_FEAT_ARCHIVE)) return; for (int nodeIdx = 1;; nodeIdx++) { HXML itemNode = XmlGetNthChild(list, _T("chat"), nodeIdx); if (!itemNode) break; const TCHAR* start = XmlGetAttrValue(itemNode, _T("start")); const TCHAR* with = XmlGetAttrValue(itemNode, _T("with")); if (!start || !with) continue; m_ThreadInfo->send(XmlNodeIq(AddIQ(&CJabberProto::OnIqResultGetCollection, JABBER_IQ_TYPE_GET)) << XCHILDNS(_T("retrieve"), JABBER_FEAT_ARCHIVE) << XATTR(_T("with"), with) << XATTR(_T("start"), start)); } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static DWORD dwPreviousTimeStamp = -1; static MCONTACT hPreviousContact = INVALID_CONTACT_ID; static MEVENT hPreviousDbEvent = NULL; // Returns TRUE if the event already exist in the database BOOL IsDuplicateEvent(MCONTACT hContact, DBEVENTINFO& dbei) { // get last event MEVENT hExistingDbEvent = db_event_last(hContact); if (!hExistingDbEvent) return FALSE; DBEVENTINFO dbeiExisting = { sizeof(dbeiExisting) }; db_event_get(hExistingDbEvent, &dbeiExisting); DWORD dwEventTimeStamp = dbeiExisting.timestamp; // compare with last timestamp if (dbei.timestamp > dwEventTimeStamp) { // remember event hPreviousDbEvent = hExistingDbEvent; dwPreviousTimeStamp = dwEventTimeStamp; return FALSE; } if (hContact != hPreviousContact) { hPreviousContact = hContact; // remember event hPreviousDbEvent = hExistingDbEvent; dwPreviousTimeStamp = dwEventTimeStamp; // get first event if (!(hExistingDbEvent = db_event_first(hContact))) return FALSE; memset(&dbeiExisting, 0, sizeof(dbeiExisting)); dbeiExisting.cbSize = sizeof(dbeiExisting); db_event_get(hExistingDbEvent, &dbeiExisting); dwEventTimeStamp = dbeiExisting.timestamp; // compare with first timestamp if (dbei.timestamp <= dwEventTimeStamp) { // remember event dwPreviousTimeStamp = dwEventTimeStamp; hPreviousDbEvent = hExistingDbEvent; if (dbei.timestamp != dwEventTimeStamp) return FALSE; } } // check for equal timestamps if (dbei.timestamp == dwPreviousTimeStamp) { memset(&dbeiExisting, 0, sizeof(dbeiExisting)); dbeiExisting.cbSize = sizeof(dbeiExisting); db_event_get(hPreviousDbEvent, &dbeiExisting); if (dbei == dbeiExisting) return TRUE; // find event with another timestamp hExistingDbEvent = db_event_next(hContact, hPreviousDbEvent); while (hExistingDbEvent != NULL) { memset(&dbeiExisting, 0, sizeof(dbeiExisting)); dbeiExisting.cbSize = sizeof(dbeiExisting); db_event_get(hExistingDbEvent, &dbeiExisting); if (dbeiExisting.timestamp != dwPreviousTimeStamp) { // use found event hPreviousDbEvent = hExistingDbEvent; dwPreviousTimeStamp = dbeiExisting.timestamp; break; } hPreviousDbEvent = hExistingDbEvent; hExistingDbEvent = db_event_next(hContact, hExistingDbEvent); } } hExistingDbEvent = hPreviousDbEvent; if (dbei.timestamp <= dwPreviousTimeStamp) { // look back while (hExistingDbEvent != NULL) { memset(&dbeiExisting, 0, sizeof(dbeiExisting)); dbeiExisting.cbSize = sizeof(dbeiExisting); db_event_get(hExistingDbEvent, &dbeiExisting); if (dbei.timestamp > dbeiExisting.timestamp) { // remember event hPreviousDbEvent = hExistingDbEvent; dwPreviousTimeStamp = dbeiExisting.timestamp; return FALSE; } // Compare event with import candidate if (dbei == dbeiExisting) { // remember event hPreviousDbEvent = hExistingDbEvent; dwPreviousTimeStamp = dbeiExisting.timestamp; return TRUE; } // Get previous event in chain hExistingDbEvent = db_event_prev(hContact, hExistingDbEvent); } } else { // look forward while (hExistingDbEvent != NULL) { memset(&dbeiExisting, 0, sizeof(dbeiExisting)); dbeiExisting.cbSize = sizeof(dbeiExisting); db_event_get(hExistingDbEvent, &dbeiExisting); if (dbei.timestamp < dbeiExisting.timestamp) { // remember event hPreviousDbEvent = hExistingDbEvent; dwPreviousTimeStamp = dbeiExisting.timestamp; return FALSE; } // Compare event with import candidate if (dbei == dbeiExisting) { // remember event hPreviousDbEvent = hExistingDbEvent; dwPreviousTimeStamp = dbeiExisting.timestamp; return TRUE; } // Get next event in chain hExistingDbEvent = db_event_next(hContact, hExistingDbEvent); } } // reset last event hPreviousContact = INVALID_CONTACT_ID; return FALSE; } void CJabberProto::OnIqResultGetCollection(HXML iqNode, CJabberIqInfo*) { if (mir_tstrcmp(XmlGetAttrValue(iqNode, _T("type")), _T("result"))) return; HXML chatNode = XmlGetChild(iqNode, "chat"); if (!chatNode || mir_tstrcmp(XmlGetAttrValue(chatNode, _T("xmlns")), JABBER_FEAT_ARCHIVE)) return; const TCHAR* start = XmlGetAttrValue(chatNode, _T("start")); const TCHAR* with = XmlGetAttrValue(chatNode, _T("with")); if (!start || !with) return; _tzset(); MCONTACT hContact = HContactFromJID(with); time_t tmStart = str2time(start); if (hContact == 0 || tmStart == 0) return; time_t tmLast = getDword(hContact, "LastCollection", 0); for (int nodeIdx = 0;; nodeIdx++) { HXML itemNode = XmlGetChild(chatNode, nodeIdx); if (!itemNode) break; int from; const TCHAR *itemName = XmlGetName(itemNode); if (!mir_tstrcmp(itemName, _T("to"))) from = DBEF_SENT; else if (!mir_tstrcmp(itemName, _T("from"))) from = 0; else continue; HXML body = XmlGetChild(itemNode, "body"); if (!body) continue; const TCHAR *tszBody = XmlGetText(body); const TCHAR *tszSecs = XmlGetAttrValue(itemNode, _T("secs")); if (!tszBody || !tszSecs) continue; T2Utf szEventText(tszBody); DBEVENTINFO dbei = { sizeof(DBEVENTINFO) }; dbei.eventType = EVENTTYPE_MESSAGE; dbei.szModule = m_szModuleName; dbei.cbBlob = (DWORD)mir_strlen(szEventText)+1; dbei.flags = DBEF_READ + DBEF_UTF + from; dbei.pBlob = szEventText; dbei.timestamp = tmStart + _ttol(tszSecs); if (!IsDuplicateEvent(hContact, dbei)) db_event_add(hContact, &dbei); tmStart = dbei.timestamp; if (dbei.timestamp > tmLast) tmLast = dbei.timestamp; } if (tmLast != 0) setDword(hContact, "LastCollection", tmLast + 1); }