/* Jabber Protocol Plugin for Miranda NG Copyright (c) 2002-04 Santithorn Bunchua Copyright (c) 2005-12 George Hazan Copyright (c) 2005-07 Maxim Mluhov Copyright (�) 2012-17 Miranda NG project This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #ifndef _JABBER_DISCO_H_ #define _JABBER_DISCO_H_ #define CHR_BULLET ((WCHAR)0x2022) // #define STR_BULLET L" \u2022 " #define JABBER_DISCO_RESULT_NOT_REQUESTED 0 #define JABBER_DISCO_RESULT_ERROR -1 #define JABBER_DISCO_RESULT_OK -2 class CJabberSDIdentity { protected: wchar_t *m_szCategory; wchar_t *m_szType; wchar_t *m_szName; CJabberSDIdentity *m_pNext; public: CJabberSDIdentity(const wchar_t *szCategory, const wchar_t *szType, const wchar_t *szName) { m_szCategory = mir_wstrdup(szCategory); m_szType = mir_wstrdup(szType); m_szName = mir_wstrdup(szName); m_pNext = nullptr; } ~CJabberSDIdentity() { mir_free(m_szCategory); mir_free(m_szType); mir_free(m_szName); if (m_pNext) delete m_pNext; } wchar_t *GetCategory() { return m_szCategory; } wchar_t *GetType() { return m_szType; } wchar_t *GetName() { return m_szName; } CJabberSDIdentity* GetNext() { return m_pNext; } CJabberSDIdentity* SetNext(CJabberSDIdentity *pNext) { CJabberSDIdentity *pRetVal = m_pNext; m_pNext = pNext; return pRetVal; } }; class CJabberSDFeature; class CJabberSDFeature { protected: wchar_t *m_szVar; CJabberSDFeature *m_pNext; public: CJabberSDFeature(const wchar_t *szVar) { m_szVar = szVar ? mir_wstrdup(szVar) : nullptr; m_pNext = nullptr; } ~CJabberSDFeature() { mir_free(m_szVar); if (m_pNext) delete m_pNext; } wchar_t *GetVar() { return m_szVar; } CJabberSDFeature* GetNext() { return m_pNext; } CJabberSDFeature* SetNext(CJabberSDFeature *pNext) { CJabberSDFeature *pRetVal = m_pNext; m_pNext = pNext; return pRetVal; } }; class CJabberSDNode { protected: wchar_t *m_szJid; wchar_t *m_szNode; wchar_t *m_szName; CJabberSDIdentity *m_pIdentities; CJabberSDFeature *m_pFeatures; CJabberSDNode *m_pNext; CJabberSDNode *m_pChild; DWORD m_dwInfoRequestTime; DWORD m_dwItemsRequestTime; int m_nInfoRequestId; int m_nItemsRequestId; HTREELISTITEM m_hTreeItem; wchar_t *m_szInfoError; wchar_t *m_szItemsError; public: CJabberSDNode(const wchar_t *szJid = nullptr, const wchar_t *szNode = nullptr, const wchar_t *szName = nullptr) { m_szJid = mir_wstrdup(szJid); m_szNode = mir_wstrdup(szNode); m_szName = mir_wstrdup(szName); m_pIdentities = nullptr; m_pFeatures = nullptr; m_pNext = nullptr; m_pChild = nullptr; m_dwInfoRequestTime = 0; m_dwItemsRequestTime = 0; m_nInfoRequestId = 0; m_nItemsRequestId = 0; m_hTreeItem = nullptr; m_szInfoError = nullptr; m_szItemsError = nullptr; } ~CJabberSDNode() { RemoveAll(); } BOOL RemoveAll() { replaceStrW(m_szJid, nullptr); replaceStrW(m_szNode, nullptr); replaceStrW(m_szName, nullptr); replaceStrW(m_szInfoError, nullptr); replaceStrW(m_szItemsError, nullptr); if (m_pIdentities) delete m_pIdentities; m_pIdentities = nullptr; if (m_pFeatures) delete m_pFeatures; m_pFeatures = nullptr; if (m_pNext) delete m_pNext; m_pNext = nullptr; if (m_pChild) delete m_pChild; m_pChild = nullptr; m_nInfoRequestId = JABBER_DISCO_RESULT_NOT_REQUESTED; m_nItemsRequestId = JABBER_DISCO_RESULT_NOT_REQUESTED; m_dwInfoRequestTime = 0; m_dwItemsRequestTime = 0; m_hTreeItem = nullptr; return TRUE; } BOOL ResetInfo() { replaceStrW(m_szInfoError, nullptr); replaceStrW(m_szItemsError, nullptr); if (m_pIdentities) delete m_pIdentities; m_pIdentities = nullptr; if (m_pFeatures) delete m_pFeatures; m_pFeatures = nullptr; if (m_pChild) delete m_pChild; m_pChild = nullptr; m_nInfoRequestId = JABBER_DISCO_RESULT_NOT_REQUESTED; m_nItemsRequestId = JABBER_DISCO_RESULT_NOT_REQUESTED; m_dwInfoRequestTime = 0; m_dwItemsRequestTime = 0; return TRUE; } BOOL SetTreeItemHandle(HTREELISTITEM hItem) { m_hTreeItem = hItem; return TRUE; } HTREELISTITEM GetTreeItemHandle() { return m_hTreeItem; } BOOL SetInfoRequestId(int nId) { m_nInfoRequestId = nId; m_dwInfoRequestTime = GetTickCount(); return TRUE; } int GetInfoRequestId() { return m_nInfoRequestId; } BOOL SetItemsRequestId(int nId) { m_nItemsRequestId = nId; m_dwItemsRequestTime = GetTickCount(); return TRUE; } int GetItemsRequestId() { return m_nItemsRequestId; } BOOL SetJid(wchar_t *szJid) { replaceStrW(m_szJid, szJid); return TRUE; } wchar_t *GetJid() { return m_szJid; } BOOL SetNode(wchar_t *szNode) { replaceStrW(m_szNode, szNode); return TRUE; } wchar_t *GetNode() { return m_szNode; } wchar_t *GetName() { return m_szName; } CJabberSDIdentity* GetFirstIdentity() { return m_pIdentities; } CJabberSDFeature* GetFirstFeature() { return m_pFeatures; } CJabberSDNode* GetFirstChildNode() { return m_pChild; } CJabberSDNode* GetNext() { return m_pNext; } CJabberSDNode* SetNext(CJabberSDNode *pNext) { CJabberSDNode *pRetVal = m_pNext; m_pNext = pNext; return pRetVal; } CJabberSDNode* FindByIqId(int nIqId, BOOL bInfoId = TRUE) { if ((m_nInfoRequestId == nIqId && bInfoId) || (m_nItemsRequestId == nIqId && !bInfoId)) return this; CJabberSDNode *pNode = nullptr; if (m_pChild && (pNode = m_pChild->FindByIqId(nIqId, bInfoId))) return pNode; CJabberSDNode *pTmpNode = nullptr; pNode = m_pNext; while (pNode) { if ((pNode->m_nInfoRequestId == nIqId && bInfoId) || (pNode->m_nItemsRequestId == nIqId && !bInfoId)) return pNode; if (pNode->m_pChild && (pTmpNode = pNode->m_pChild->FindByIqId(nIqId, bInfoId))) return pTmpNode; pNode = pNode->GetNext(); } return nullptr; } BOOL AddFeature(const wchar_t *szFeature) { if (!szFeature) return FALSE; CJabberSDFeature *pFeature = new CJabberSDFeature(szFeature); if (!pFeature) return FALSE; pFeature->SetNext(m_pFeatures); m_pFeatures = pFeature; return TRUE; } BOOL AddIdentity(const wchar_t *szCategory, const wchar_t *szType, const wchar_t *szName) { if (!szCategory || !szType) return FALSE; CJabberSDIdentity *pIdentity = new CJabberSDIdentity(szCategory, szType, szName); if (!pIdentity) return FALSE; pIdentity->SetNext(m_pIdentities); m_pIdentities = pIdentity; return TRUE; } BOOL AddChildNode(const wchar_t *szJid, const wchar_t *szNode, const wchar_t *szName) { if (!szJid) return FALSE; CJabberSDNode *pNode = new CJabberSDNode(szJid, szNode, szName); if (!pNode) return FALSE; pNode->SetNext(m_pChild); m_pChild = pNode; return TRUE; } BOOL SetItemsRequestErrorText(wchar_t *szError) { replaceStrW(m_szItemsError, szError); return TRUE; } BOOL SetInfoRequestErrorText(wchar_t *szError) { replaceStrW(m_szInfoError, szError); return TRUE; } BOOL GetTooltipText(wchar_t *szText, int nMaxLength) { CMStringW tszTmp; tszTmp.AppendFormat(L"Jid: %s\r\n", m_szJid); if (m_szNode) tszTmp.AppendFormat(L"%s: %s\r\n", TranslateT("Node"), m_szNode); if (m_pIdentities) { tszTmp.AppendFormat(L"\r\n%s:\r\n", TranslateT("Identities")); CJabberSDIdentity *pIdentity = m_pIdentities; while (pIdentity) { if (pIdentity->GetName()) tszTmp.AppendFormat(L" %c %s (%s: %s, %s: %s)\r\n", CHR_BULLET, pIdentity->GetName(), TranslateT("category"), pIdentity->GetCategory(), TranslateT("type"), pIdentity->GetType()); else tszTmp.AppendFormat(L" %c %s: %s, %s: %s\r\n", CHR_BULLET, TranslateT("Category"), pIdentity->GetCategory(), TranslateT("Type"), pIdentity->GetType()); pIdentity = pIdentity->GetNext(); } } if (m_pFeatures) { tszTmp.AppendFormat(L"\r\n%s:\r\n", TranslateT("Supported features")); for (CJabberSDFeature *pFeature = m_pFeatures; pFeature; pFeature = pFeature->GetNext()) tszTmp.AppendFormat(L" %c %s\r\n", CHR_BULLET, pFeature->GetVar()); } if (m_szInfoError) tszTmp.AppendFormat(L"\r\n%s: %s\r\n", TranslateT("Info request error"), m_szInfoError); if (m_szItemsError) tszTmp.AppendFormat(L"\r\n%s: %s\r\n", TranslateT("Items request error"), m_szItemsError); tszTmp.TrimRight(); wcsncpy_s(szText, nMaxLength, tszTmp, _TRUNCATE); return TRUE; } }; class CJabberSDManager { protected: mir_cs m_cs; CJabberSDNode *m_pPrimaryNodes; public: CJabberSDManager() { m_pPrimaryNodes = nullptr; } ~CJabberSDManager() { RemoveAll(); } mir_cs& cs() { return m_cs; } void RemoveAll() { delete m_pPrimaryNodes; m_pPrimaryNodes = nullptr; } CJabberSDNode* GetPrimaryNode() { return m_pPrimaryNodes; } CJabberSDNode* AddPrimaryNode(const wchar_t *szJid, const wchar_t *szNode, const wchar_t *szName) { if (!szJid) return nullptr; CJabberSDNode *pNode = new CJabberSDNode(szJid, szNode, szName); if (!pNode) return nullptr; pNode->SetNext(m_pPrimaryNodes); m_pPrimaryNodes = pNode; return pNode; } CJabberSDNode* FindByIqId(int nIqId, BOOL bInfoId = TRUE) { for (CJabberSDNode *pNode = m_pPrimaryNodes; pNode; pNode = pNode->GetNext()) if (CJabberSDNode *pTmpNode = pNode->FindByIqId(nIqId, bInfoId)) return pTmpNode; return nullptr; } }; #undef STR_BULLET // used for formatting #endif // _JABBER_DISCO_H_