/* Jabber Protocol Plugin for Miranda NG Copyright (c) 2002-04 Santithorn Bunchua Copyright (c) 2005-12 George Hazan Copyright (c) 2007 Maxim Mluhov Copyright (c) 2012-18 Miranda NG team This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "jabber_iq.h" #include "jabber_rc.h" #include "version.h" BOOL CJabberProto::OnIqRequestVersion(HXML, CJabberIqInfo *pInfo) { if (!pInfo->GetFrom()) return TRUE; if (!m_options.AllowVersionRequests) return FALSE; XmlNodeIq iq(L"result", pInfo); HXML query = iq << XQUERY(JABBER_FEAT_VERSION); query << XCHILD(L"name", L"Miranda NG Jabber"); query << XCHILD(L"version", szCoreVersion); if (m_options.ShowOSVersion) { wchar_t os[256] = { 0 }; if (!GetOSDisplayString(os, _countof(os))) mir_wstrncpy(os, L"Microsoft Windows", _countof(os)); query << XCHILD(L"os", os); } m_ThreadInfo->send(iq); return TRUE; } // last activity (XEP-0012) support BOOL CJabberProto::OnIqRequestLastActivity(HXML, CJabberIqInfo *pInfo) { m_ThreadInfo->send( XmlNodeIq(L"result", pInfo) << XQUERY(JABBER_FEAT_LAST_ACTIVITY) << XATTRI(L"seconds", m_tmJabberIdleStartTime ? time(nullptr) - m_tmJabberIdleStartTime : 0)); return TRUE; } // XEP-0199: XMPP Ping support BOOL CJabberProto::OnIqRequestPing(HXML, CJabberIqInfo *pInfo) { m_ThreadInfo->send(XmlNodeIq(L"result", pInfo) << XATTR(L"from", m_ThreadInfo->fullJID)); return TRUE; } // Returns the current GMT offset in seconds int GetGMTOffset(void) { TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION tzinfo; int nOffset = 0; DWORD dwResult = GetTimeZoneInformation(&tzinfo); switch (dwResult) { case TIME_ZONE_ID_STANDARD: nOffset = tzinfo.Bias + tzinfo.StandardBias; break; case TIME_ZONE_ID_DAYLIGHT: nOffset = tzinfo.Bias + tzinfo.DaylightBias; break; case TIME_ZONE_ID_UNKNOWN: nOffset = tzinfo.Bias; break; case TIME_ZONE_ID_INVALID: default: nOffset = 0; break; } return -nOffset; } // entity time (XEP-0202) support BOOL CJabberProto::OnIqRequestTime(HXML, CJabberIqInfo *pInfo) { wchar_t stime[100]; wchar_t szTZ[10]; TimeZone_PrintDateTime(UTC_TIME_HANDLE, L"I", stime, _countof(stime), 0); int nGmtOffset = GetGMTOffset(); mir_snwprintf(szTZ, L"%+03d:%02d", nGmtOffset / 60, nGmtOffset % 60); XmlNodeIq iq(L"result", pInfo); HXML timeNode = iq << XCHILDNS(L"time", JABBER_FEAT_ENTITY_TIME); timeNode << XCHILD(L"utc", stime); timeNode << XCHILD(L"tzo", szTZ); LPCTSTR szTZName = TimeZone_GetName(nullptr); if (szTZName) timeNode << XCHILD(L"tz", szTZName); m_ThreadInfo->send(iq); return TRUE; } BOOL CJabberProto::OnIqProcessIqOldTime(HXML, CJabberIqInfo *pInfo) { struct tm *gmt; time_t ltime; wchar_t stime[100], *dtime; _tzset(); time(<ime); gmt = gmtime(<ime); mir_snwprintf(stime, L"%.4i%.2i%.2iT%.2i:%.2i:%.2i", gmt->tm_year + 1900, gmt->tm_mon + 1, gmt->tm_mday, gmt->tm_hour, gmt->tm_min, gmt->tm_sec); dtime = _wctime(<ime); dtime[24] = 0; XmlNodeIq iq(L"result", pInfo); HXML queryNode = iq << XQUERY(JABBER_FEAT_ENTITY_TIME_OLD); queryNode << XCHILD(L"utc", stime); LPCTSTR szTZName = TimeZone_GetName(nullptr); if (szTZName) queryNode << XCHILD(L"tz", szTZName); queryNode << XCHILD(L"display", dtime); m_ThreadInfo->send(iq); return TRUE; } BOOL CJabberProto::OnIqRequestAvatar(HXML, CJabberIqInfo *pInfo) { if (!m_options.EnableAvatars) return TRUE; int pictureType = m_options.AvatarType; if (pictureType == PA_FORMAT_UNKNOWN) return TRUE; const wchar_t *szMimeType = ProtoGetAvatarMimeType(pictureType); if (szMimeType == nullptr) return TRUE; wchar_t szFileName[MAX_PATH]; GetAvatarFileName(0, szFileName, _countof(szFileName)); FILE* in = _wfopen(szFileName, L"rb"); if (in == nullptr) return TRUE; long bytes = _filelength(_fileno(in)); ptrA buffer((char*)mir_alloc(bytes * 4 / 3 + bytes + 1000)); if (buffer == nullptr) { fclose(in); return TRUE; } fread(buffer, bytes, 1, in); fclose(in); ptrA str(mir_base64_encode(buffer, bytes)); m_ThreadInfo->send(XmlNodeIq(L"result", pInfo) << XQUERY(JABBER_FEAT_AVATAR) << XCHILD(L"query", _A2T(str)) << XATTR(L"mimetype", szMimeType)); return TRUE; } BOOL CJabberProto::OnSiRequest(HXML node, CJabberIqInfo *pInfo) { const wchar_t *szProfile = XmlGetAttrValue(pInfo->GetChildNode(), L"profile"); if (szProfile && !mir_wstrcmp(szProfile, JABBER_FEAT_SI_FT)) FtHandleSiRequest(node); else { XmlNodeIq iq(L"error", pInfo); HXML error = iq << XCHILD(L"error") << XATTRI(L"code", 400) << XATTR(L"type", L"cancel"); error << XCHILDNS(L"bad-request", L"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas"); error << XCHILD(L"bad-profile"); m_ThreadInfo->send(iq); } return TRUE; } BOOL CJabberProto::OnRosterPushRequest(HXML, CJabberIqInfo *pInfo) { HXML queryNode = pInfo->GetChildNode(); // RFC 3921 #7.2 Business Rules if (pInfo->GetFrom()) { wchar_t *szFrom = JabberPrepareJid(pInfo->GetFrom()); if (!szFrom) return TRUE; wchar_t *szTo = JabberPrepareJid(m_ThreadInfo->fullJID); if (!szTo) { mir_free(szFrom); return TRUE; } wchar_t *pDelimiter = wcschr(szFrom, '/'); if (pDelimiter) *pDelimiter = 0; pDelimiter = wcschr(szTo, '/'); if (pDelimiter) *pDelimiter = 0; BOOL bRetVal = mir_wstrcmp(szFrom, szTo) == 0; mir_free(szFrom); mir_free(szTo); // invalid JID if (!bRetVal) { debugLogW(L" attempt to hack via roster push from %s", pInfo->GetFrom()); return TRUE; } } const wchar_t *jid, *str; debugLogA(" Got roster push, query has %d children", XmlGetChildCount(queryNode)); for (int i = 0;; i++) { HXML itemNode = XmlGetChild(queryNode, i); if (!itemNode) break; if (mir_wstrcmp(XmlGetName(itemNode), L"item") != 0) continue; if ((jid = XmlGetAttrValue(itemNode, L"jid")) == nullptr) continue; if ((str = XmlGetAttrValue(itemNode, L"subscription")) == nullptr) continue; // we will not add new account when subscription=remove if (!mir_wstrcmp(str, L"to") || !mir_wstrcmp(str, L"both") || !mir_wstrcmp(str, L"from") || !mir_wstrcmp(str, L"none")) { const wchar_t *name = XmlGetAttrValue(itemNode, L"name"); ptrW nick((name != nullptr) ? mir_wstrdup(name) : JabberNickFromJID(jid)); if (nick != nullptr) { MCONTACT hContact = HContactFromJID(jid, false); if (hContact == 0) hContact = DBCreateContact(jid, nick, false, false); else setWString(hContact, "jid", jid); JABBER_LIST_ITEM *item = ListAdd(LIST_ROSTER, jid, hContact); replaceStrW(item->nick, nick); item->bRealContact = true; HXML groupNode = XmlGetChild(itemNode, "group"); replaceStrW(item->group, XmlGetText(groupNode)); if (name != nullptr) { ptrW tszNick(getWStringA(hContact, "Nick")); if (tszNick != nullptr) { if (mir_wstrcmp(nick, tszNick) != 0) db_set_ws(hContact, "CList", "MyHandle", nick); else db_unset(hContact, "CList", "MyHandle"); } else db_set_ws(hContact, "CList", "MyHandle", nick); } else db_unset(hContact, "CList", "MyHandle"); if (!m_options.IgnoreRosterGroups) { if (item->group != nullptr) { Clist_GroupCreate(0, item->group); db_set_ws(hContact, "CList", "Group", item->group); } else db_unset(hContact, "CList", "Group"); } } } if (JABBER_LIST_ITEM *item = ListGetItemPtr(LIST_ROSTER, jid)) { if (!mir_wstrcmp(str, L"both")) item->subscription = SUB_BOTH; else if (!mir_wstrcmp(str, L"to")) item->subscription = SUB_TO; else if (!mir_wstrcmp(str, L"from")) item->subscription = SUB_FROM; else item->subscription = SUB_NONE; debugLogW(L"Roster push for jid=%s, set subscription to %s", jid, str); MCONTACT hContact = HContactFromJID(jid); // subscription = remove is to remove from roster list // but we will just set the contact to offline and not actually // remove, so that history will be retained. if (!mir_wstrcmp(str, L"remove")) { if (hContact) { SetContactOfflineStatus(hContact); ListRemove(LIST_ROSTER, jid); } } else if (isChatRoom(hContact)) db_unset(hContact, "CList", "Hidden"); else UpdateSubscriptionInfo(hContact, item); } } UI_SAFE_NOTIFY(m_pDlgServiceDiscovery, WM_JABBER_TRANSPORT_REFRESH); RebuildInfoFrame(); return TRUE; } BOOL CJabberProto::OnIqRequestOOB(HXML, CJabberIqInfo *pInfo) { if (!pInfo->GetFrom() || !pInfo->GetHContact()) return TRUE; HXML n = XmlGetChild(pInfo->GetChildNode(), "url"); if (!n || !XmlGetText(n)) return TRUE; if (m_options.BsOnlyIBB) { // reject XmlNodeIq iq(L"error", pInfo); HXML e = XmlAddChild(iq, L"error", L"File transfer refused"); XmlAddAttr(e, L"code", 406); m_ThreadInfo->send(iq); return TRUE; } filetransfer *ft = new filetransfer(this); ft->std.totalFiles = 1; ft->jid = mir_wstrdup(pInfo->GetFrom()); ft->std.hContact = pInfo->GetHContact(); ft->type = FT_OOB; ft->httpHostName = nullptr; ft->httpPort = 80; ft->httpPath = nullptr; // Parse the URL wchar_t *str = (wchar_t*)XmlGetText(n); // URL of the file to get if (!wcsnicmp(str, L"http://", 7)) { wchar_t *p = str + 7, *q; if ((q = wcschr(p, '/')) != nullptr) { wchar_t text[1024]; if (q - p < _countof(text)) { wcsncpy_s(text, p, q - p); text[q - p] = '\0'; if ((p = wcschr(text, ':')) != nullptr) { ft->httpPort = (WORD)_wtoi(p + 1); *p = '\0'; } ft->httpHostName = mir_u2a(text); } } } if (pInfo->GetIdStr()) ft->szId = JabberId2string(pInfo->GetIqId()); if (ft->httpHostName && ft->httpPath) { wchar_t *desc = nullptr; debugLogA("Host=%s Port=%d Path=%s", ft->httpHostName, ft->httpPort, ft->httpPath); if ((n = XmlGetChild(pInfo->GetChildNode(), "desc")) != nullptr) desc = (wchar_t*)XmlGetText(n); wchar_t *str2; debugLogW(L"description = %s", desc); if ((str2 = wcsrchr(ft->httpPath, '/')) != nullptr) str2++; else str2 = ft->httpPath; str2 = mir_wstrdup(str2); JabberHttpUrlDecode(str2); PROTORECVFILE pre; pre.dwFlags = PRFF_UNICODE; pre.timestamp = time(nullptr); pre.descr.w = desc; pre.files.w = &str2; pre.fileCount = 1; pre.lParam = (LPARAM)ft; ProtoChainRecvFile(ft->std.hContact, &pre); mir_free(str2); } else { // reject XmlNodeIq iq(L"error", pInfo); HXML e = XmlAddChild(iq, L"error", L"File transfer refused"); XmlAddAttr(e, L"code", 406); m_ThreadInfo->send(iq); delete ft; } return TRUE; } BOOL CJabberProto::OnHandleDiscoInfoRequest(HXML iqNode, CJabberIqInfo *pInfo) { if (!pInfo->GetChildNode()) return TRUE; const wchar_t *szNode = XmlGetAttrValue(pInfo->GetChildNode(), L"node"); // caps hack if (m_clientCapsManager.HandleInfoRequest(iqNode, pInfo, szNode)) return TRUE; // ad-hoc hack: if (szNode && m_adhocManager.HandleInfoRequest(iqNode, pInfo, szNode)) return TRUE; // another request, send empty result m_ThreadInfo->send( XmlNodeIq(L"error", pInfo) << XCHILD(L"error") << XATTRI(L"code", 404) << XATTR(L"type", L"cancel") << XCHILDNS(L"item-not-found", L"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas")); return TRUE; } BOOL CJabberProto::OnHandleDiscoItemsRequest(HXML iqNode, CJabberIqInfo *pInfo) { if (!pInfo->GetChildNode()) return TRUE; // ad-hoc commands check: const wchar_t *szNode = XmlGetAttrValue(pInfo->GetChildNode(), L"node"); if (szNode && m_adhocManager.HandleItemsRequest(iqNode, pInfo, szNode)) return TRUE; // another request, send empty result XmlNodeIq iq(L"result", pInfo); HXML resultQuery = iq << XQUERY(JABBER_FEAT_DISCO_ITEMS); if (szNode) XmlAddAttr(resultQuery, L"node", szNode); if (!szNode && m_options.EnableRemoteControl) resultQuery << XCHILD(L"item") << XATTR(L"jid", m_ThreadInfo->fullJID) << XATTR(L"node", JABBER_FEAT_COMMANDS) << XATTR(L"name", L"Ad-hoc commands"); m_ThreadInfo->send(iq); return TRUE; } BOOL CJabberProto::AddClistHttpAuthEvent(CJabberHttpAuthParams *pParams) { char szService[256]; mir_snprintf(szService, "%s%s", m_szModuleName, JS_HTTP_AUTH); CLISTEVENT cle = {}; cle.hIcon = (HICON)LoadIconEx("openid"); cle.flags = CLEF_PROTOCOLGLOBAL | CLEF_UNICODE; cle.hDbEvent = -99; cle.lParam = (LPARAM)pParams; cle.pszService = szService; cle.szTooltip.w = TranslateT("Http authentication request received"); pcli->pfnAddEvent(&cle); return TRUE; } BOOL CJabberProto::OnIqHttpAuth(HXML node, CJabberIqInfo *pInfo) { if (!m_options.AcceptHttpAuth) return TRUE; if (!node || !pInfo->GetChildNode() || !pInfo->GetFrom() || !pInfo->GetIdStr()) return TRUE; HXML pConfirm = XmlGetChild(node, "confirm"); if (!pConfirm) return TRUE; const wchar_t *szId = XmlGetAttrValue(pConfirm, L"id"); const wchar_t *szMethod = XmlGetAttrValue(pConfirm, L"method"); const wchar_t *szUrl = XmlGetAttrValue(pConfirm, L"url"); if (!szId || !szMethod || !szUrl) return TRUE; CJabberHttpAuthParams *pParams = (CJabberHttpAuthParams*)mir_calloc(sizeof(CJabberHttpAuthParams)); if (pParams) { pParams->m_nType = CJabberHttpAuthParams::IQ; pParams->m_szFrom = mir_wstrdup(pInfo->GetFrom()); pParams->m_szId = mir_wstrdup(szId); pParams->m_szMethod = mir_wstrdup(szMethod); pParams->m_szUrl = mir_wstrdup(szUrl); AddClistHttpAuthEvent(pParams); } return TRUE; }