/* Jabber Protocol Plugin for Miranda NG Copyright (c) 2002-04 Santithorn Bunchua Copyright (c) 2005-12 George Hazan Copyright (c) 2007 Maxim Mluhov Copyright (�) 2012-15 Miranda NG project This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #ifndef _JABBER_LIST_H_ #define _JABBER_LIST_H_ #include "jabber_caps.h" typedef enum { LIST_ROSTER, // Roster list LIST_CHATROOM, // Groupchat room currently joined LIST_ROOM, // Groupchat room list to show on the Jabber groupchat dialog LIST_FILE, // Current file transfer session LIST_BYTE, // Bytestream sending connection LIST_FTRECV, LIST_BOOKMARK, LIST_VCARD_TEMP, LIST_FTIQID } JABBER_LIST; typedef enum { SUB_NONE, SUB_TO, SUB_FROM, SUB_BOTH } JABBER_SUBSCRIPTION; typedef enum { AFFILIATION_NONE, AFFILIATION_OUTCAST, AFFILIATION_MEMBER, AFFILIATION_ADMIN, AFFILIATION_OWNER } JABBER_GC_AFFILIATION; typedef enum { ROLE_NONE, ROLE_VISITOR, ROLE_PARTICIPANT, ROLE_MODERATOR } JABBER_GC_ROLE; typedef enum { // initial default to RSMODE_LASTSEEN RSMODE_SERVER, // always let server decide (always send correspondence without resouce name) RSMODE_LASTSEEN, // use the last seen resource (or let server decide if haven't seen anything yet) RSMODE_MANUAL // specify resource manually (see the defaultResource field - must not be NULL) } JABBER_RESOURCE_MODE; class JABBER_RESOURCE_STATUS : public MZeroedObject { LONG m_refCount; public: JABBER_RESOURCE_STATUS(); ~JABBER_RESOURCE_STATUS(); void AddRef(); void Release(); int m_iStatus; ptrT m_tszResourceName; ptrT m_tszStatusMessage; int m_iPriority; // resource priority, -128..+127 time_t m_dwIdleStartTime;// XEP-0012 support // groupchat support JABBER_GC_AFFILIATION m_affiliation; JABBER_GC_ROLE m_role; ptrT m_tszNick; ptrT m_tszRealJid; // real jid for jabber conferences // XEP-0115 support ptrT m_tszCapsNode; ptrT m_tszCapsVer; ptrT m_tszCapsExt; DWORD m_dwVersionRequestTime, m_dwDiscoInfoRequestTime; JabberCapsBits m_jcbCachedCaps; JabberCapsBits m_jcbManualDiscoveredCaps; // XEP-232 support ptrT m_tszOs, m_tszOsVersion; ptrT m_tszSoftware, m_tszSoftwareVersion, m_tszXMirandaCoreVersion; // XEP-0085 gone event support BOOL m_bMessageSessionActive; }; class pResourceStatus { JABBER_RESOURCE_STATUS *m_pStatus; public: __forceinline pResourceStatus(JABBER_RESOURCE_STATUS *pStatus) : m_pStatus(pStatus) { pStatus->AddRef(); } __forceinline pResourceStatus(const pResourceStatus &r) { m_pStatus = r.m_pStatus; m_pStatus->AddRef(); } __forceinline ~pResourceStatus() { m_pStatus->Release(); } __forceinline operator JABBER_RESOURCE_STATUS*() const { return m_pStatus; } __forceinline JABBER_RESOURCE_STATUS* operator->() const { return m_pStatus; } __forceinline void operator=(const pResourceStatus &r) { m_pStatus->Release(); m_pStatus = r.m_pStatus; m_pStatus->AddRef(); } }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// struct JABBER_LIST_ITEM : public MZeroedObject { JABBER_LIST_ITEM(); ~JABBER_LIST_ITEM(); JABBER_LIST list; TCHAR* jid; // LIST_ROSTER // jid = jid of the contact TCHAR* nick; pResourceStatus findResource(const TCHAR *resourceName) const; pResourceStatus getBestResource() const; JABBER_RESOURCE_MODE resourceMode; LIST<JABBER_RESOURCE_STATUS> arResources; // array of resources JABBER_RESOURCE_STATUS *m_pLastSeenResource, // resource which was last seen active *m_pManualResource, // manually set resource *m_pItemResource, // resource for jids without /resource node *getTemp(); // allocates m_pItemResource if needed JABBER_SUBSCRIPTION subscription; TCHAR* group; TCHAR* photoFileName; TCHAR* messageEventIdStr; // LIST_AGENT // jid = jid of the agent TCHAR* name; TCHAR* service; // LIST_ROOM // jid = room JID TCHAR* type; // room type // LIST_CHATROOM // jid = room JID BOOL bChatActive; HWND hwndGcListBan; HWND hwndGcListAdmin; HWND hwndGcListOwner; int iChatState; // LIST_FILE // jid = string representation of port number filetransfer *ft; WORD port; // LIST_BYTE // jid = string representation of port number JABBER_BYTE_TRANSFER *jbt; JABBER_IBB_TRANSFER *jibb; // LIST_FTRECV // jid = string representation of stream id (sid) // ft = file transfer data //LIST_BOOKMARK // jid = room JID TCHAR* password; // password for room BOOL bAutoJoin; BOOL bUseResource; BOOL bHistoryRead; }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// struct JABBER_HTTP_AVATARS { char * Url; MCONTACT hContact; JABBER_HTTP_AVATARS(const TCHAR *tUrl, MCONTACT thContact) : Url(mir_t2a(tUrl)), hContact(thContact) {} ~JABBER_HTTP_AVATARS() { mir_free(Url); } static int compare(const JABBER_HTTP_AVATARS *p1, const JABBER_HTTP_AVATARS *p2) { return strcmp(p1->Url, p2->Url); } }; #endif