/* Jabber Protocol Plugin for Miranda NG Copyright (c) 2002-04 Santithorn Bunchua Copyright (c) 2005-12 George Hazan Copyright (c) 2007 Maxim Mluhov Copyright (ñ) 2012-17 Miranda NG project This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "stdafx.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace omemo { int random_func(uint8_t *data, size_t len, void * /*user_data*/) { Utils_GetRandom(data, len); return 0; } struct hmac_sha256_ctx { uint8_t *key, *data; size_t key_len, data_len; }; int hmac_sha256_init_func(void **hmac_context, const uint8_t *key, size_t key_len, void * /*user_data*/) { hmac_sha256_ctx *ctx = (hmac_sha256_ctx*)mir_alloc(sizeof(hmac_sha256_ctx)); ctx->key = (uint8_t*)mir_alloc(key_len); memcpy(ctx->key, key, key_len); ctx->key_len = key_len; *hmac_context = ctx; return 0; } int hmac_sha256_update_func(void *hmac_context, const uint8_t *data, size_t data_len, void * /*user_data*/) { hmac_sha256_ctx *ctx = (hmac_sha256_ctx*)hmac_context; ctx->data = (uint8_t*)mir_alloc(data_len); memcpy(ctx->data, data, data_len); ctx->data_len = data_len; return 0; } int hmac_sha256_final_func(void *hmac_context, signal_buffer **output, void * /*user_data*/) { hmac_sha256_ctx *ctx = (hmac_sha256_ctx*)hmac_context; BYTE hashout[MIR_SHA256_HASH_SIZE]; mir_hmac_sha256(hashout, ctx->key, ctx->key_len, ctx->data, ctx->data_len); signal_buffer *output_buffer = signal_buffer_create(hashout, MIR_SHA256_HASH_SIZE); *output = output_buffer; return 0; } void hmac_sha256_cleanup_func(void * hmac_context, void * /*user_data*/) { hmac_sha256_ctx *ctx = (hmac_sha256_ctx*)hmac_context; mir_free(ctx->key); mir_free(ctx->data); } int sha512_digest_init_func(void **digest_context, void * /*user_data*/) { int result = 0; EVP_MD_CTX *ctx; ctx = EVP_MD_CTX_create(); if (!ctx) { result = SG_ERR_NOMEM; goto complete; } result = EVP_DigestInit_ex(ctx, EVP_sha512(), 0); if (result == 1) { result = SG_SUCCESS; } else { result = SG_ERR_UNKNOWN; } complete: if (result < 0) { if (ctx) { EVP_MD_CTX_destroy(ctx); } } else { *digest_context = ctx; } return result; } int sha512_digest_update_func(void *digest_context, const uint8_t *data, size_t data_len, void * /*user_data*/) { EVP_MD_CTX *ctx = (EVP_MD_CTX*)digest_context; int result = EVP_DigestUpdate(ctx, data, data_len); return (result == 1) ? SG_SUCCESS : SG_ERR_UNKNOWN; } int sha512_digest_final_func(void *digest_context, signal_buffer **output, void * /*user_data*/) { int result = 0; unsigned char md[EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE]; unsigned int len = 0; EVP_MD_CTX *ctx = (EVP_MD_CTX*)digest_context; result = EVP_DigestFinal_ex(ctx, md, &len); if (result == 1) { result = SG_SUCCESS; } else { result = SG_ERR_UNKNOWN; goto complete; } result = EVP_DigestInit_ex(ctx, EVP_sha512(), 0); if (result == 1) { result = SG_SUCCESS; } else { result = SG_ERR_UNKNOWN; goto complete; } signal_buffer *output_buffer = signal_buffer_create(md, len); if (!output_buffer) { result = SG_ERR_NOMEM; goto complete; } *output = output_buffer; complete: return result; } void sha512_digest_cleanup_func(void *digest_context, void * /*user_data*/) { EVP_MD_CTX *ctx = (EVP_MD_CTX *)digest_context; EVP_MD_CTX_destroy(ctx); } const EVP_CIPHER *aes_cipher(int cipher, size_t key_len) { if (cipher == SG_CIPHER_AES_CBC_PKCS5) { if (key_len == 16) { return EVP_aes_128_cbc(); } else if (key_len == 24) { return EVP_aes_192_cbc(); } else if (key_len == 32) { return EVP_aes_256_cbc(); } } else if (cipher == SG_CIPHER_AES_CTR_NOPADDING) { if (key_len == 16) { return EVP_aes_128_ctr(); } else if (key_len == 24) { return EVP_aes_192_ctr(); } else if (key_len == 32) { return EVP_aes_256_ctr(); } } return 0; } int encrypt_func(signal_buffer **output, int cipher, const uint8_t *key, size_t key_len, const uint8_t *iv, size_t iv_len, const uint8_t *plaintext, size_t plaintext_len, void * /*user_data*/) { //TODO: use netlib for log int result = 0; uint8_t *out_buf = 0; const EVP_CIPHER *evp_cipher = aes_cipher(cipher, key_len); if (!evp_cipher) { //fprintf(stderr, "invalid AES mode or key size: %zu\n", key_len); return SG_ERR_UNKNOWN; } if (iv_len != 16) { //fprintf(stderr, "invalid AES IV size: %zu\n", iv_len); return SG_ERR_UNKNOWN; } if (plaintext_len > INT_MAX - EVP_CIPHER_block_size(evp_cipher)) { //fprintf(stderr, "invalid plaintext length: %zu\n", plaintext_len); return SG_ERR_UNKNOWN; } EVP_CIPHER_CTX ctx; EVP_CIPHER_CTX_init(&ctx); result = EVP_EncryptInit_ex(&ctx, evp_cipher, 0, key, iv); if (!result) { //fprintf(stderr, "cannot initialize cipher\n"); result = SG_ERR_UNKNOWN; goto complete; } if (cipher == SG_CIPHER_AES_CTR_NOPADDING) { result = EVP_CIPHER_CTX_set_padding(&ctx, 0); if (!result) { //fprintf(stderr, "cannot set padding\n"); result = SG_ERR_UNKNOWN; goto complete; } } out_buf = (uint8_t*)mir_alloc(sizeof(uint8_t) * (plaintext_len + EVP_CIPHER_block_size(evp_cipher))); if (!out_buf) { //fprintf(stderr, "cannot allocate output buffer\n"); result = SG_ERR_NOMEM; goto complete; } int out_len = 0; result = EVP_EncryptUpdate(&ctx, out_buf, &out_len, plaintext, (int)plaintext_len); if (!result) { //fprintf(stderr, "cannot encrypt plaintext\n"); result = SG_ERR_UNKNOWN; goto complete; } int final_len = 0; result = EVP_EncryptFinal_ex(&ctx, out_buf + out_len, &final_len); if (!result) { //fprintf(stderr, "cannot finish encrypting plaintext\n"); result = SG_ERR_UNKNOWN; goto complete; } *output = signal_buffer_create(out_buf, out_len + final_len); complete: EVP_CIPHER_CTX_cleanup(&ctx); if (out_buf) { mir_free(out_buf); } return result; } int decrypt_func(signal_buffer **output, int cipher, const uint8_t *key, size_t key_len, const uint8_t *iv, size_t iv_len, const uint8_t *ciphertext, size_t ciphertext_len, void * /*user_data*/) { //TODO: use netlib for log int result = 0; uint8_t *out_buf = 0; const EVP_CIPHER *evp_cipher = aes_cipher(cipher, key_len); if (!evp_cipher) { //fprintf(stderr, "invalid AES mode or key size: %zu\n", key_len); return SG_ERR_INVAL; } if (iv_len != 16) { //fprintf(stderr, "invalid AES IV size: %zu\n", iv_len); return SG_ERR_INVAL; } if (ciphertext_len > INT_MAX - EVP_CIPHER_block_size(evp_cipher)) { //fprintf(stderr, "invalid ciphertext length: %zu\n", ciphertext_len); return SG_ERR_UNKNOWN; } EVP_CIPHER_CTX ctx; EVP_CIPHER_CTX_init(&ctx); result = EVP_DecryptInit_ex(&ctx, evp_cipher, 0, key, iv); if (!result) { ///fprintf(stderr, "cannot initialize cipher\n"); result = SG_ERR_UNKNOWN; goto complete; } if (cipher == SG_CIPHER_AES_CTR_NOPADDING) { result = EVP_CIPHER_CTX_set_padding(&ctx, 0); if (!result) { //fprintf(stderr, "cannot set padding\n"); result = SG_ERR_UNKNOWN; goto complete; } } out_buf = (uint8_t*)mir_alloc(sizeof(uint8_t) * (ciphertext_len + EVP_CIPHER_block_size(evp_cipher))); if (!out_buf) { //fprintf(stderr, "cannot allocate output buffer\n"); result = SG_ERR_UNKNOWN; goto complete; } int out_len = 0; result = EVP_DecryptUpdate(&ctx, out_buf, &out_len, ciphertext, (int)ciphertext_len); if (!result) { //fprintf(stderr, "cannot decrypt ciphertext\n"); result = SG_ERR_UNKNOWN; goto complete; } int final_len = 0; result = EVP_DecryptFinal_ex(&ctx, out_buf + out_len, &final_len); if (!result) { //fprintf(stderr, "cannot finish decrypting ciphertext\n"); result = SG_ERR_UNKNOWN; goto complete; } *output = signal_buffer_create(out_buf, out_len + final_len); complete: EVP_CIPHER_CTX_cleanup(&ctx); if (out_buf) { free(out_buf); } return result; } mir_cs _signal_cs; mir_cslockfull signal_mutex(_signal_cs); void lock(void * /*user_data*/) { signal_mutex.lock(); } void unlock(void * /*user_data*/) { signal_mutex.unlock(); } signal_context *global_context; int init_omemo() { signal_mutex.unlock(); //fuck... signal_context_create(&global_context, NULL); signal_crypto_provider provider; provider.random_func = &random_func; provider.hmac_sha256_init_func = &hmac_sha256_init_func; provider.hmac_sha256_update_func = &hmac_sha256_update_func; provider.hmac_sha256_final_func = &hmac_sha256_final_func; provider.hmac_sha256_cleanup_func = &hmac_sha256_cleanup_func; provider.sha512_digest_init_func = &sha512_digest_init_func; provider.sha512_digest_update_func = &sha512_digest_update_func; provider.sha512_digest_final_func = &sha512_digest_final_func; provider.sha512_digest_cleanup_func = &sha512_digest_cleanup_func; provider.encrypt_func = &encrypt_func; provider.decrypt_func = &decrypt_func; if (signal_context_set_crypto_provider(global_context, &provider)) { //TODO: handle error } if (signal_context_set_locking_functions(global_context, &lock, &unlock)) { //TODO: handle error } return 0; } struct omemo_device { int id; ratchet_identity_key_pair *device_key; }; omemo_device* create_device() { omemo_device *dev = (omemo_device*)mir_alloc(sizeof(omemo_device)); for (dev->id = 0; dev->id == 0;) { Utils_GetRandom((void*)&(dev->id), 4); } if (signal_protocol_key_helper_generate_identity_key_pair(&(dev->device_key), global_context)) { //TODO: handle error } return dev; } bool IsFirstRun(CJabberProto *proto) { //TODO: more sanity checks //TODO: check and if necessary refresh prekeys int id = proto->getDword("OmemoDeviceId", 0); if (id == 0) return true; ptrA buf(proto->getStringA("OmemoDevicePublicKey")); if (!buf || !buf[0]) return true; ptrA buf2(proto->getStringA("OmemoDevicePrivateKey")); //ptrA reinitialization always return "" or random trash if (!buf2 || !buf2[0]) return true; return false; } void RefreshDevice(CJabberProto *proto) { //generate and save device id omemo_device *new_dev = create_device(); proto->setDword("OmemoDeviceId", new_dev->id); //generate and save device key ec_public_key *public_key = ratchet_identity_key_pair_get_public(new_dev->device_key); signal_buffer *key_buf; ec_public_key_serialize(&key_buf, public_key); char *key = mir_base64_encode(signal_buffer_data(key_buf), (unsigned int)signal_buffer_len(key_buf)); proto->setString("OmemoDevicePublicKey", key); mir_free(key); signal_buffer_free(key_buf); ec_private_key *private_key = ratchet_identity_key_pair_get_private(new_dev->device_key); ec_private_key_serialize(&key_buf, private_key); key = mir_base64_encode(signal_buffer_data(key_buf), (unsigned int)signal_buffer_len(key_buf)); proto->setString("OmemoDevicePrivateKey", key); mir_free(key); signal_buffer_free(key_buf); //TODO: generate and store "bundle" //TODO: is it required to resend bundle everytime with device ? //generate and save signed pre key session_signed_pre_key* signed_pre_key; signal_protocol_key_helper_generate_signed_pre_key(&signed_pre_key, new_dev->device_key, 1, time(0), global_context); SIGNAL_UNREF(new_dev->device_key); ec_key_pair *signed_pre_key_pair = session_signed_pre_key_get_key_pair(signed_pre_key); public_key = ec_key_pair_get_public(signed_pre_key_pair); ec_public_key_serialize(&key_buf, public_key); key = mir_base64_encode(signal_buffer_data(key_buf), (unsigned int)signal_buffer_len(key_buf)); proto->setString("OmemoSignedPreKeyPublic", key); mir_free(key); signal_buffer_free(key_buf); private_key = ec_key_pair_get_private(signed_pre_key_pair); ec_private_key_serialize(&key_buf, private_key); key = mir_base64_encode(signal_buffer_data(key_buf), (unsigned int)signal_buffer_len(key_buf)); proto->setString("OmemoSignedPreKeyPrivate", key); mir_free(key); signal_buffer_free(key_buf); char *signature = mir_base64_encode(session_signed_pre_key_get_signature(signed_pre_key), (unsigned int)session_signed_pre_key_get_signature_len(signed_pre_key)); proto->setString("OmemoSignedPreKeySignature", signature); mir_free(signature); //generate and save pre keys set signal_protocol_key_helper_pre_key_list_node *keys_root, *it; signal_protocol_key_helper_generate_pre_keys(&keys_root, 0, 100, global_context); it = keys_root; char setting_name[64]; for (int i = 0; it; it = signal_protocol_key_helper_key_list_next(it), i++) { session_pre_key *pre_key = signal_protocol_key_helper_key_list_element(it); ec_key_pair *pre_key_pair = session_pre_key_get_key_pair(pre_key); public_key = ec_key_pair_get_public(pre_key_pair); ec_public_key_serialize(&key_buf, public_key); key = mir_base64_encode(signal_buffer_data(key_buf), (unsigned int)signal_buffer_len(key_buf)); mir_snprintf(setting_name, "OmemoPreKey%dPublic", i); proto->setString(setting_name, key); mir_free(key); signal_buffer_free(key_buf); private_key = ec_key_pair_get_private(pre_key_pair); ec_private_key_serialize(&key_buf, private_key); key = mir_base64_encode(signal_buffer_data(key_buf), (unsigned int)signal_buffer_len(key_buf)); mir_snprintf(setting_name, "OmemoPreKey%dPrivate", i); proto->setString(setting_name, key); mir_free(key); signal_buffer_free(key_buf); } signal_protocol_key_helper_key_list_free(keys_root); } DWORD GetOwnDeviceId(CJabberProto *proto) { DWORD own_id = proto->getDword("OmemoDeviceId", 0); if (own_id == 0) { proto->OmemoInitDevice(); own_id = proto->getDword("OmemoDeviceId", 0); } return own_id; } }; void CJabberProto::OmemoInitDevice() { if (omemo::IsFirstRun(this)) omemo::RefreshDevice(this); } void CJabberProto::OmemoHandleMessage(HXML /*node*/) { //TODO: handle "encrypted" node here } void CJabberProto::OmemoHandleDeviceList(HXML node) { if (!node) return; HXML message = xmlGetParent(node); message = xmlGetParent(node); LPCTSTR jid = XmlGetAttrValue(message, L"from"); MCONTACT hContact = HContactFromJID(jid); node = XmlGetChild(node, "item"); //get node if (!node) return; node = XmlGetChildByTag(node, L"list", L"xmlns", JABBER_FEAT_OMEMO); // if (!node) return; bool own_jid = false; //TODO: detect own jid (not working due to jabber_thread.cpp:947+) DWORD current_id; LPCTSTR current_id_str; if (own_jid) { //check if our device exist bool own_device_listed = false; DWORD own_id = omemo::GetOwnDeviceId(this); int i = 0; char setting_name[64]; for (HXML list_item = xmlGetFirstChild(node); list_item; xmlGetNextNode(list_item)) { current_id_str = xmlGetAttrValue(list_item, L"id"); current_id = _wtoi(current_id_str); if (current_id == own_id) own_device_listed = true; mir_snprintf(setting_name, "OmemoDeviceId%d", i); setDword(setting_name, current_id); } if (!own_device_listed) OmemoAnnounceDevice(); } else { //store device id's int i = 0; char setting_name[64]; for (HXML list_item = xmlGetFirstChild(node); list_item; xmlGetNextNode(list_item), i++) { current_id_str = xmlGetAttrValue(list_item, L"id"); current_id = _wtoi(current_id_str); mir_snprintf(setting_name, "OmemoDeviceId%d", i); setDword(hContact, setting_name, current_id); } //TODO: remove all settings higher than 'i' from db } } void pubsub_createnode(wchar_t *node_name, wchar_t *pubsub_addr, CJabberProto *proto) { //xep-0060 8.1.1 required by xep-0163 3 XmlNodeIq iq(L"set", proto->SerialNext()); iq << XATTR(L"from", proto->m_ThreadInfo->fullJID); //full unstripped jid used here iq << XATTR(L"to", pubsub_addr); HXML create_node = iq << XCHILDNS(L"pubsub", L"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub") << XCHILD(L"create"); create_node << XATTR(L"node", node_name); proto->m_ThreadInfo->send(iq); } void CJabberProto::OmemoAnnounceDevice() { // check "OmemoDeviceId%d" for own id and send updated list if not exist DWORD own_id = omemo::GetOwnDeviceId(this); char setting_name[64]; for (int i = 0;; ++i) { mir_snprintf(setting_name, "OmemoDeviceId%d", i); DWORD val = getDword(setting_name); if (val == 0) break; if (val == own_id) return; // nothing to do, list is fresh enough } // add own device id // construct node wchar_t szBareJid[JABBER_MAX_JID_LEN]; XmlNodeIq iq(L"set", SerialNext()); iq << XATTR(L"from", JabberStripJid(m_ThreadInfo->fullJID, szBareJid, _countof(szBareJid))); HXML publish_node = iq << XCHILDNS(L"pubsub", L"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub") << XCHILD(L"publish") << XATTR(L"node", JABBER_FEAT_OMEMO L":devicelist"); //pubsub_createnode(JABBER_FEAT_OMEMO L":devicelist", L"TODO_pubsub_address", this); //TODO: get pubsub address somehow //TODO: handle reply of createnode HXML list_node = publish_node << XCHILDNS(L"list", JABBER_FEAT_OMEMO); for (int i = 0; ; ++i) { mir_snprintf(setting_name, "OmemoDeviceId%d", i); DWORD val = getDword(setting_name); if (val == 0) break; list_node << XCHILD(L"device") << XATTRI(L"id", val); } list_node << XCHILD(L"device") << XATTRI(L"id", own_id); // send device list back m_ThreadInfo->send(iq); } void CJabberProto::OmemoSendBundle() { // get own device id DWORD own_id = omemo::GetOwnDeviceId(this); // construct bundle node wchar_t szBareJid[JABBER_MAX_JID_LEN]; XmlNodeIq iq(L"set", SerialNext()); iq << XATTR(L"from", JabberStripJid(m_ThreadInfo->fullJID, szBareJid, _countof(szBareJid))); HXML publish_node = iq << XCHILDNS(L"pubsub", L"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub") << XCHILD(L"publish"); { wchar_t attr_val[128]; mir_snwprintf(attr_val, L"%s:bundles:%d", JABBER_FEAT_OMEMO, own_id); publish_node << XATTR(L"node", attr_val); //pubsub_createnode(attr_val, L"TODO_pubsub_address", this); //TODO: get pubsub address somehow //TODO: handle reply of createnode } HXML bundle_node = publish_node << XCHILD(L"item") << XCHILDNS(L"bundle", JABBER_FEAT_OMEMO); // add signed pre key public bundle_node << XCHILD(L"signedPreKeyPublic", ptrW(getWStringA("OmemoSignedPreKeyPublic"))) << XATTR(L"signedPreKeyId", L"1"); //add pre key signature bundle_node << XCHILD(L"signedPreKeySignature", ptrW(getWStringA("OmemoSignedPreKeySignature"))); //add identity key //it is must be a public key right ?, standart is a bit confusing... bundle_node << XCHILD(L"identityKey", ptrW(getWStringA("OmemoDevicePublicKey"))); //add prekeys HXML prekeys_node = XmlAddChild(bundle_node, L"prekeys"); char setting_name[64]; for (int i = 0;; i++) { mir_snprintf(setting_name, "OmemoPreKey%dPublic", i); ptrW val(getWStringA(setting_name)); if (val == nullptr) break; prekeys_node << XCHILD(L"preKeyPublic", val) << XATTRI(L"preKeyId", i + 1); } // send bundle m_ThreadInfo->send(iq); }