/* Jabber Protocol Plugin for Miranda NG Copyright (c) 2002-04 Santithorn Bunchua Copyright (c) 2005-12 George Hazan Copyright (c) 2007 Maxim Mluhov Copyright (C) 2012-22 Miranda NG team XEP-0146 support for Miranda IM This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "jabber_iq.h" #include "jabber_rc.h" CJabberAdhocSession::CJabberAdhocSession(CJabberProto* _ppro) : ppro(_ppro) { m_szSessionId.Format("%u%u", ppro->SerialNext(), GetTickCount()); m_dwStartTime = GetTickCount(); } bool CJabberProto::IsRcRequestAllowedByACL(CJabberIqInfo *pInfo) { if (!pInfo || !pInfo->GetFrom()) return false; return IsMyOwnJID(pInfo->GetFrom()); } bool CJabberProto::HandleAdhocCommandRequest(const TiXmlElement *iqNode, CJabberIqInfo *pInfo) { if (!pInfo->GetChildNode()) return true; if (!m_bEnableRemoteControl || !IsRcRequestAllowedByACL(pInfo)) { // FIXME: send error and return return true; } const char *szNode = XmlGetAttr(pInfo->GetChildNode(), "node"); if (szNode) m_adhocManager.HandleCommandRequest(iqNode, pInfo, szNode); return true; } bool CJabberAdhocManager::HandleItemsRequest(const TiXmlElement*, CJabberIqInfo *pInfo, const char *szNode) { if (!szNode || !m_pProto->m_bEnableRemoteControl || !m_pProto->IsRcRequestAllowedByACL(pInfo)) return false; if (mir_strcmp(szNode, JABBER_FEAT_COMMANDS)) return false; XmlNodeIq iq("result", pInfo); TiXmlElement *resultQuery = iq << XQUERY(JABBER_FEAT_DISCO_ITEMS) << XATTR("node", JABBER_FEAT_COMMANDS); { mir_cslock lck(m_cs); CJabberAdhocNode* pNode = GetFirstNode(); while (pNode) { const char *szJid = pNode->GetJid(); if (!szJid) szJid = m_pProto->m_ThreadInfo->fullJID; resultQuery << XCHILD("item") << XATTR("jid", szJid) << XATTR("node", pNode->GetNode()) << XATTR("name", pNode->GetName()); pNode = pNode->GetNext(); } } m_pProto->m_ThreadInfo->send(iq); return true; } bool CJabberAdhocManager::HandleInfoRequest(const TiXmlElement*, CJabberIqInfo *pInfo, const char *szNode) { if (!szNode || !m_pProto->m_bEnableRemoteControl || !m_pProto->IsRcRequestAllowedByACL(pInfo)) return false; // FIXME: same code twice if (!mir_strcmp(szNode, JABBER_FEAT_COMMANDS)) { XmlNodeIq iq("result", pInfo); TiXmlElement *resultQuery = iq << XQUERY(JABBER_FEAT_DISCO_INFO) << XATTR("node", JABBER_FEAT_COMMANDS); resultQuery << XCHILD("identity") << XATTR("name", "Ad-hoc commands") << XATTR("category", "automation") << XATTR("type", "command-node"); resultQuery << XCHILD("feature") << XATTR("var", JABBER_FEAT_COMMANDS); resultQuery << XCHILD("feature") << XATTR("var", JABBER_FEAT_DATA_FORMS); resultQuery << XCHILD("feature") << XATTR("var", JABBER_FEAT_DISCO_INFO); resultQuery << XCHILD("feature") << XATTR("var", JABBER_FEAT_DISCO_ITEMS); m_pProto->m_ThreadInfo->send(iq); return true; } mir_cslockfull lck(m_cs); CJabberAdhocNode *pNode = FindNode(szNode); if (pNode == nullptr) return false; XmlNodeIq iq("result", pInfo); TiXmlElement *resultQuery = iq << XQUERY(JABBER_FEAT_DISCO_INFO) << XATTR("node", JABBER_FEAT_DISCO_INFO); resultQuery << XCHILD("identity") << XATTR("name", pNode->GetName()) << XATTR("category", "automation") << XATTR("type", "command-node"); resultQuery << XCHILD("feature") << XATTR("var", JABBER_FEAT_COMMANDS); resultQuery << XCHILD("feature") << XATTR("var", JABBER_FEAT_DATA_FORMS); resultQuery << XCHILD("feature") << XATTR("var", JABBER_FEAT_DISCO_INFO); lck.unlock(); m_pProto->m_ThreadInfo->send(iq); return true; } bool CJabberAdhocManager::HandleCommandRequest(const TiXmlElement *iqNode, CJabberIqInfo *pInfo, const char *szNode) { // ATTN: ACL and db settings checked in calling function auto *commandNode = pInfo->GetChildNode(); mir_cslockfull lck(m_cs); CJabberAdhocNode* pNode = FindNode(szNode); if (!pNode) { lck.unlock(); m_pProto->m_ThreadInfo->send( XmlNodeIq("error", pInfo) << XCHILD("error") << XATTR("type", "cancel") << XCHILDNS("item-not-found", "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas")); return false; } const char *szSessionId = XmlGetAttr(commandNode, "sessionid"); CJabberAdhocSession *pSession = nullptr; if (szSessionId) { pSession = FindSession(szSessionId); if (!pSession) { lck.unlock(); XmlNodeIq iq("error", pInfo); TiXmlElement *errorNode = iq << XCHILD("error") << XATTR("type", "modify"); errorNode << XCHILDNS("bad-request", "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas"); errorNode << XCHILDNS("bad-sessionid", JABBER_FEAT_COMMANDS); m_pProto->m_ThreadInfo->send(iq); return false; } } else pSession = AddNewSession(); if (!pSession) { lck.unlock(); m_pProto->m_ThreadInfo->send( XmlNodeIq("error", pInfo) << XCHILD("error") << XATTR("type", "cancel") << XCHILDNS("forbidden", "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas")); return false; } // session id and node exits here, call handler int nResultCode = pNode->CallHandler(iqNode, pInfo, pSession); if (nResultCode == JABBER_ADHOC_HANDLER_STATUS_COMPLETED) { m_pProto->m_ThreadInfo->send( XmlNodeIq("result", pInfo) << XCHILDNS("command", JABBER_FEAT_COMMANDS) << XATTR("node", szNode) << XATTR("sessionid", pSession->GetSessionId()) << XATTR("status", "completed") << XCHILD("note", TranslateU("Command completed successfully")) << XATTR("type", "info")); RemoveSession(pSession); pSession = nullptr; } else if (nResultCode == JABBER_ADHOC_HANDLER_STATUS_CANCEL) { m_pProto->m_ThreadInfo->send( XmlNodeIq("result", pInfo) << XCHILDNS("command", JABBER_FEAT_COMMANDS) << XATTR("node", szNode) << XATTR("sessionid", pSession->GetSessionId()) << XATTR("status", "canceled") << XCHILD("note", TranslateU("Error occurred during processing command")) << XATTR("type", "error")); RemoveSession(pSession); pSession = nullptr; } else if (nResultCode == JABBER_ADHOC_HANDLER_STATUS_REMOVE_SESSION) { RemoveSession(pSession); pSession = nullptr; } return true; } void CJabberAdhocManager::FillDefaultNodes() { AddNode(nullptr, JABBER_FEAT_RC_SET_STATUS, TranslateU("Set status"), &CJabberProto::AdhocSetStatusHandler); AddNode(nullptr, JABBER_FEAT_RC_SET_OPTIONS, TranslateU("Set options"), &CJabberProto::AdhocOptionsHandler); AddNode(nullptr, JABBER_FEAT_RC_FORWARD, TranslateU("Forward unread messages"), &CJabberProto::AdhocForwardHandler); AddNode(nullptr, JABBER_FEAT_RC_LEAVE_GROUPCHATS, TranslateU("Leave group chats"), &CJabberProto::AdhocLeaveGroupchatsHandler); AddNode(nullptr, JABBER_FEAT_RC_WS_LOCK, TranslateU("Lock workstation"), &CJabberProto::AdhocLockWSHandler); AddNode(nullptr, JABBER_FEAT_RC_QUIT_MIRANDA, TranslateU("Quit Miranda NG"), &CJabberProto::AdhocQuitMirandaHandler); } static char* StatusModeToDbSetting(int status, const char *suffix) { char *prefix; static char str[64]; switch (status) { case ID_STATUS_AWAY: prefix = "Away"; break; case ID_STATUS_NA: prefix = "Na"; break; case ID_STATUS_DND: prefix = "Dnd"; break; case ID_STATUS_OCCUPIED: prefix = "Occupied"; break; case ID_STATUS_FREECHAT: prefix = "FreeChat"; break; case ID_STATUS_ONLINE: prefix = "On"; break; case ID_STATUS_OFFLINE: prefix = "Off"; break; case ID_STATUS_INVISIBLE: prefix = "Inv"; break; case ID_STATUS_IDLE: prefix = "Idl"; break; default: return nullptr; } mir_strcpy(str, prefix); mir_strcat(str, suffix); return str; } int CJabberProto::AdhocSetStatusHandler(const TiXmlElement*, CJabberIqInfo *pInfo, CJabberAdhocSession *pSession) { if (pSession->GetStage() == 0) { // first form pSession->SetStage(1); XmlNodeIq iq("result", pInfo); TiXmlElement *xNode = iq << XCHILDNS("command", JABBER_FEAT_COMMANDS) << XATTR("node", JABBER_FEAT_RC_SET_STATUS) << XATTR("sessionid", pSession->GetSessionId()) << XATTR("status", "executing") << XCHILDNS("x", JABBER_FEAT_DATA_FORMS) << XATTR("type", "form"); xNode << XCHILD("title", TranslateU("Change Status")); xNode << XCHILD("instructions", TranslateU("Choose the status and status message")); xNode << XCHILD("field") << XATTR("type", "hidden") << XATTR("var", "FORM_TYPE") << XATTR("value", JABBER_FEAT_RC); TiXmlElement *fieldNode = xNode << XCHILD("field") << XATTR("label", TranslateU("Status")) << XATTR("type", "list-single") << XATTR("var", "status"); fieldNode << XCHILD("required"); int status = CallService(MS_CLIST_GETSTATUSMODE, 0, 0); switch (status) { case ID_STATUS_INVISIBLE: fieldNode << XCHILD("value", "invisible"); break; case ID_STATUS_AWAY: fieldNode << XCHILD("value", "away"); break; case ID_STATUS_NA: fieldNode << XCHILD("value", "xa"); break; case ID_STATUS_DND: case ID_STATUS_OCCUPIED: fieldNode << XCHILD("value", "dnd"); break; case ID_STATUS_FREECHAT: fieldNode << XCHILD("value", "chat"); break; case ID_STATUS_ONLINE: default: fieldNode << XCHILD("value", "online"); break; } fieldNode << XCHILD("option") << XATTR("label", TranslateU("Free for chat")) << XCHILD("value", "chat"); fieldNode << XCHILD("option") << XATTR("label", TranslateU("Online")) << XCHILD("value", "online"); fieldNode << XCHILD("option") << XATTR("label", TranslateU("Away")) << XCHILD("value", "away"); fieldNode << XCHILD("option") << XATTR("label", TranslateU("Extended away (Not available)")) << XCHILD("value", "xa"); fieldNode << XCHILD("option") << XATTR("label", TranslateU("Do not disturb")) << XCHILD("value", "dnd"); fieldNode << XCHILD("option") << XATTR("label", TranslateU("Invisible")) << XCHILD("value", "invisible"); fieldNode << XCHILD("option") << XATTR("label", TranslateU("Offline")) << XCHILD("value", "offline"); // priority char szPriority[20]; itoa(getDword("Priority", 5), szPriority, 10); xNode << XCHILD("field") << XATTR("label", TranslateU("Priority")) << XATTR("type", "text-single") << XATTR("var", "status-priority") << XCHILD("value", szPriority); // status message text xNode << XCHILD("field") << XATTR("label", TranslateU("Status message")) << XATTR("type", "text-multi") << XATTR("var", "status-message"); // global status fieldNode = xNode << XCHILD("field") << XATTR("label", TranslateU("Change global status")) << XATTR("type", "boolean") << XATTR("var", "status-global"); ptrW tszStatusMsg((wchar_t*)CallService(MS_AWAYMSG_GETSTATUSMSGW, status, 0)); if (tszStatusMsg) fieldNode << XCHILD("value", T2Utf(tszStatusMsg)); m_ThreadInfo->send(iq); return JABBER_ADHOC_HANDLER_STATUS_EXECUTING; } if (pSession->GetStage() == 1) { // result form here auto *commandNode = pInfo->GetChildNode(); auto *xNode = XmlGetChildByTag(commandNode, "x", "xmlns", JABBER_FEAT_DATA_FORMS); if (!xNode) return JABBER_ADHOC_HANDLER_STATUS_CANCEL; auto *fieldNode = XmlGetChildByTag(xNode, "field", "var", "status"); if (!fieldNode) return JABBER_ADHOC_HANDLER_STATUS_CANCEL; auto *nodeValue = XmlFirstChild(fieldNode, "value"); if (nodeValue == nullptr) return JABBER_ADHOC_HANDLER_STATUS_CANCEL; const char *pszValue = nodeValue->GetText(); int status; if (!mir_strcmp(pszValue, "away")) status = ID_STATUS_AWAY; else if (!mir_strcmp(pszValue, "xa")) status = ID_STATUS_NA; else if (!mir_strcmp(pszValue, "dnd")) status = ID_STATUS_DND; else if (!mir_strcmp(pszValue, "chat")) status = ID_STATUS_FREECHAT; else if (!mir_strcmp(pszValue, "online")) status = ID_STATUS_ONLINE; else if (!mir_strcmp(pszValue, "invisible")) status = ID_STATUS_INVISIBLE; else if (!mir_strcmp(pszValue, "offline")) status = ID_STATUS_OFFLINE; else return JABBER_ADHOC_HANDLER_STATUS_CANCEL; int priority = -9999; if (fieldNode = XmlGetChildByTag(xNode, "field", "var", "status-priority")) priority = XmlGetChildInt(fieldNode, "value"); if (priority >= -128 && priority <= 127) setDword("Priority", priority); const char *szStatusMessage = nullptr; if (fieldNode = XmlGetChildByTag(xNode, "field", "var", "status-message")) if (auto *valueNode = XmlFirstChild(fieldNode, "value")) szStatusMessage = valueNode->GetText(); // skip f...ng away dialog int nNoDlg = db_get_b(0, "SRAway", StatusModeToDbSetting(status, "NoDlg"), 0); db_set_b(0, "SRAway", StatusModeToDbSetting(status, "NoDlg"), 1); db_set_utf(0, "SRAway", StatusModeToDbSetting(status, "Msg"), szStatusMessage ? szStatusMessage : ""); if (fieldNode = XmlGetChildByTag(xNode, "field", "var", "status-global")) { if (XmlGetChildInt(fieldNode, "value") > 0) Clist_SetStatusMode(status); else CallProtoService(m_szModuleName, PS_SETSTATUS, status, 0); } SetAwayMsg(status, Utf2T(szStatusMessage)); // return NoDlg setting db_set_b(0, "SRAway", StatusModeToDbSetting(status, "NoDlg"), (uint8_t)nNoDlg); return JABBER_ADHOC_HANDLER_STATUS_COMPLETED; } return JABBER_ADHOC_HANDLER_STATUS_CANCEL; } int CJabberProto::AdhocOptionsHandler(const TiXmlElement*, CJabberIqInfo *pInfo, CJabberAdhocSession *pSession) { if (pSession->GetStage() == 0) { // first form pSession->SetStage(1); XmlNodeIq iq("result", pInfo); TiXmlElement *xNode = iq << XCHILDNS("command", JABBER_FEAT_COMMANDS) << XATTR("node", JABBER_FEAT_RC_SET_OPTIONS) << XATTR("sessionid", pSession->GetSessionId()) << XATTR("status", "executing") << XCHILDNS("x", JABBER_FEAT_DATA_FORMS) << XATTR("type", "form"); xNode << XCHILD("title", TranslateU("Set Options")); xNode << XCHILD("instructions", TranslateU("Set the desired options")); xNode << XCHILD("field") << XATTR("type", "hidden") << XATTR("var", "FORM_TYPE") << XATTR("value", JABBER_FEAT_RC); // Automatically Accept File Transfers char szTmpBuff[20]; _itoa_s(db_get_b(0, "SRFile", "AutoAccept", 0), szTmpBuff, 10); xNode << XCHILD("field") << XATTR("label", TranslateU("Automatically Accept File Transfers")) << XATTR("type", "boolean") << XATTR("var", "auto-files") << XCHILD("value", szTmpBuff); // Use sounds _itoa_s(db_get_b(0, "Skin", "UseSound", 0), szTmpBuff, 10); xNode << XCHILD("field") << XATTR("label", TranslateU("Play sounds")) << XATTR("type", "boolean") << XATTR("var", "sounds") << XCHILD("value", szTmpBuff); // Disable remote controlling xNode << XCHILD("field") << XATTR("label", TranslateU("Disable remote controlling (check twice what you are doing)")) << XATTR("type", "boolean") << XATTR("var", "enable-rc") << XCHILD("value", "0"); m_ThreadInfo->send(iq); return JABBER_ADHOC_HANDLER_STATUS_EXECUTING; } if (pSession->GetStage() == 1) { // result form here auto *commandNode = pInfo->GetChildNode(); auto *xNode = XmlGetChildByTag(commandNode, "x", "xmlns", JABBER_FEAT_DATA_FORMS); if (!xNode) return JABBER_ADHOC_HANDLER_STATUS_CANCEL; // Automatically Accept File Transfers if (auto *fieldNode = XmlGetChildByTag(xNode, "field", "var", "auto-files")) db_set_b(0, "SRFile", "AutoAccept", XmlGetChildInt(fieldNode, "value")); // Use sounds if (auto *fieldNode = XmlGetChildByTag(xNode, "field", "var", "sounds")) db_set_b(0, "Skin", "UseSound", XmlGetChildInt(fieldNode, "value")); // Disable remote controlling if (auto *fieldNode = XmlGetChildByTag(xNode, "field", "var", "enable-rc")) m_bEnableRemoteControl = XmlGetChildInt(fieldNode, "value"); return JABBER_ADHOC_HANDLER_STATUS_COMPLETED; } return JABBER_ADHOC_HANDLER_STATUS_CANCEL; } int CJabberProto::RcGetUnreadEventsCount() { int nEventsSent = 0; for (auto &hContact : AccContacts()) { ptrW jid(getWStringA(hContact, "jid")); if (jid == nullptr) continue; for (MEVENT hDbEvent = db_event_firstUnread(hContact); hDbEvent; hDbEvent = db_event_next(hContact, hDbEvent)) { DB::EventInfo dbei; dbei.cbBlob = -1; int nGetTextResult = db_event_get(hDbEvent, &dbei); if (!nGetTextResult && dbei.eventType == EVENTTYPE_MESSAGE && !(dbei.flags & DBEF_READ) && !(dbei.flags & DBEF_SENT)) { ptrW szEventText(DbEvent_GetTextW(&dbei, CP_ACP)); if (szEventText) nEventsSent++; } } } return nEventsSent; } int CJabberProto::AdhocForwardHandler(const TiXmlElement*, CJabberIqInfo *pInfo, CJabberAdhocSession *pSession) { if (pSession->GetStage() == 0) { int nUnreadEvents = RcGetUnreadEventsCount(); if (!nUnreadEvents) { m_ThreadInfo->send( XmlNodeIq("result", pInfo) << XCHILDNS("command", JABBER_FEAT_COMMANDS) << XATTR("node", JABBER_FEAT_RC_FORWARD) << XATTR("sessionid", pSession->GetSessionId()) << XATTR("status", "completed") << XCHILD("note", TranslateU("There is no messages to forward")) << XATTR("type", "info")); return JABBER_ADHOC_HANDLER_STATUS_REMOVE_SESSION; } // first form pSession->SetStage(1); XmlNodeIq iq("result", pInfo); TiXmlElement *xNode = iq << XCHILDNS("command", JABBER_FEAT_COMMANDS) << XATTR("node", JABBER_FEAT_RC_FORWARD) << XATTR("sessionid", pSession->GetSessionId()) << XATTR("status", "executing") << XCHILDNS("x", JABBER_FEAT_DATA_FORMS) << XATTR("type", "form"); xNode << XCHILD("title", TranslateU("Forward options")); char szMsg[1024]; mir_snprintf(szMsg, TranslateU("%d message(s) to be forwarded"), nUnreadEvents); xNode << XCHILD("instructions", szMsg); xNode << XCHILD("field") << XATTR("type", "hidden") << XATTR("var", "FORM_TYPE") << XCHILD("value", JABBER_FEAT_RC); // remove clist events xNode << XCHILD("field") << XATTR("label", TranslateU("Mark messages as read")) << XATTR("type", "boolean") << XATTR("var", "remove-clist-events") << XCHILD("value", m_bRcMarkMessagesAsRead == 1 ? "1" : "0"); m_ThreadInfo->send(iq); return JABBER_ADHOC_HANDLER_STATUS_EXECUTING; } if (pSession->GetStage() == 1) { // result form here auto *commandNode = pInfo->GetChildNode(); auto *xNode = XmlGetChildByTag(commandNode, "x", "xmlns", JABBER_FEAT_DATA_FORMS); if (!xNode) return JABBER_ADHOC_HANDLER_STATUS_CANCEL; bool bRemoveCListEvents = true; // remove clist events if (auto *fieldNode = XmlGetChildByTag(xNode, "field", "var", "remove-clist-events")) bRemoveCListEvents = XmlGetChildInt(fieldNode, "value"); m_bRcMarkMessagesAsRead = bRemoveCListEvents ? 1 : 0; int nEventsSent = 0; for (auto &hContact : AccContacts()) { ptrA szJid(getUStringA(hContact, "jid")); if (szJid == nullptr) continue; for (MEVENT hDbEvent = db_event_firstUnread(hContact); hDbEvent; hDbEvent = db_event_next(hContact, hDbEvent)) { DB::EventInfo dbei; dbei.cbBlob = -1; if (db_event_get(hDbEvent, &dbei)) continue; if (dbei.eventType != EVENTTYPE_MESSAGE || (dbei.flags & (DBEF_READ | DBEF_SENT))) continue; ptrW szEventText(DbEvent_GetTextW(&dbei, CP_ACP)); if (szEventText == nullptr) continue; XmlNode msg("message"); msg << XATTR("to", pInfo->GetFrom()) << XATTRID(SerialNext()) << XCHILD("body", T2Utf(szEventText)); TiXmlElement *addressesNode = msg << XCHILDNS("addresses", JABBER_FEAT_EXT_ADDRESSING); CMStringA szOFrom; size_t cbBlob = mir_strlen((LPSTR)dbei.pBlob) + 1; if (cbBlob < dbei.cbBlob) // rest of message contains a sender's resource szOFrom = MakeJid(szJid, (LPSTR)dbei.pBlob + cbBlob + 1); else szOFrom = szJid; addressesNode << XCHILD("address") << XATTR("type", "ofrom") << XATTR("jid", szOFrom); addressesNode << XCHILD("address") << XATTR("type", "oto") << XATTR("jid", m_ThreadInfo->fullJID); time_t ltime = (time_t)dbei.timestamp; struct tm *gmt = gmtime(<ime); char stime[512]; mir_snprintf(stime, "%.4i-%.2i-%.2iT%.2i:%.2i:%.2iZ", gmt->tm_year + 1900, gmt->tm_mon + 1, gmt->tm_mday, gmt->tm_hour, gmt->tm_min, gmt->tm_sec); msg << XCHILDNS("delay", "urn:xmpp:delay") << XATTR("stamp", stime); m_ThreadInfo->send(msg); nEventsSent++; db_event_markRead(hContact, hDbEvent); if (bRemoveCListEvents) g_clistApi.pfnRemoveEvent(hContact, hDbEvent); } } m_ThreadInfo->send( XmlNodeIq("result", pInfo) << XCHILDNS("command", JABBER_FEAT_COMMANDS) << XATTR("node", JABBER_FEAT_RC_FORWARD) << XATTR("sessionid", pSession->GetSessionId()) << XATTR("status", "completed") << XCHILD("note", CMStringA(FORMAT, TranslateU("%d message(s) forwarded"), nEventsSent)) << XATTR("type", "info")); return JABBER_ADHOC_HANDLER_STATUS_REMOVE_SESSION; } return JABBER_ADHOC_HANDLER_STATUS_CANCEL; } int CJabberProto::AdhocLockWSHandler(const TiXmlElement*, CJabberIqInfo *pInfo, CJabberAdhocSession *pSession) { BOOL bOk = LockWorkStation(); char szMsg[1024]; if (bOk) mir_snprintf(szMsg, TranslateU("Workstation successfully locked")); else mir_snprintf(szMsg, TranslateU("Error %d occurred during workstation lock"), GetLastError()); m_ThreadInfo->send( XmlNodeIq("result", pInfo) << XCHILDNS("command", JABBER_FEAT_COMMANDS) << XATTR("node", JABBER_FEAT_RC_WS_LOCK) << XATTR("sessionid", pSession->GetSessionId()) << XATTR("status", "completed") << XCHILD("note", szMsg) << XATTR("type", bOk ? "info" : "error")); return JABBER_ADHOC_HANDLER_STATUS_REMOVE_SESSION; } static void __stdcall JabberQuitMirandaIMThread(void*) { CallService("CloseAction", 0, 0); } int CJabberProto::AdhocQuitMirandaHandler(const TiXmlElement*, CJabberIqInfo *pInfo, CJabberAdhocSession *pSession) { if (pSession->GetStage() == 0) { // first form pSession->SetStage(1); XmlNodeIq iq("result", pInfo); TiXmlElement *xNode = iq << XCHILDNS("command", JABBER_FEAT_COMMANDS) << XATTR("node", JABBER_FEAT_RC_QUIT_MIRANDA) << XATTR("sessionid", pSession->GetSessionId()) << XATTR("status", "executing") << XCHILDNS("x", JABBER_FEAT_DATA_FORMS) << XATTR("type", "form"); xNode << XCHILD("title", TranslateU("Confirmation needed")); xNode << XCHILD("instructions", TranslateU("Please confirm Miranda NG shutdown")); xNode << XCHILD("field") << XATTR("type", "hidden") << XATTR("var", "FORM_TYPE") << XCHILD("value", JABBER_FEAT_RC); // I Agree checkbox xNode << XCHILD("field") << XATTR("label", "I agree") << XATTR("type", "boolean") << XATTR("var", "allow-shutdown") << XCHILD("value", "0"); m_ThreadInfo->send(iq); return JABBER_ADHOC_HANDLER_STATUS_EXECUTING; } if (pSession->GetStage() == 1) { // result form here auto *commandNode = pInfo->GetChildNode(); auto *xNode = XmlGetChildByTag(commandNode, "x", "xmlns", JABBER_FEAT_DATA_FORMS); if (!xNode) return JABBER_ADHOC_HANDLER_STATUS_CANCEL; // I Agree checkbox if (auto *fieldNode = XmlGetChildByTag(xNode, "field", "var", "allow-shutdown")) if (XmlGetChildInt(fieldNode, "value")) CallFunctionAsync(JabberQuitMirandaIMThread, nullptr); return JABBER_ADHOC_HANDLER_STATUS_COMPLETED; } return JABBER_ADHOC_HANDLER_STATUS_CANCEL; } int CJabberProto::AdhocLeaveGroupchatsHandler(const TiXmlElement*, CJabberIqInfo *pInfo, CJabberAdhocSession *pSession) { int i = 0; if (pSession->GetStage() == 0) { // first form int nChatsCount = 0; { mir_cslock lck(m_csLists); LISTFOREACH_NODEF(i, this, LIST_CHATROOM) { JABBER_LIST_ITEM *item = ListGetItemPtrFromIndex(i); if (item != nullptr) nChatsCount++; } } if (!nChatsCount) { m_ThreadInfo->send( XmlNodeIq("result", pInfo) << XCHILDNS("command", JABBER_FEAT_COMMANDS) << XATTR("node", JABBER_FEAT_RC_LEAVE_GROUPCHATS) << XATTR("sessionid", pSession->GetSessionId()) << XATTR("status", "completed") << XCHILD("note", TranslateU("There is no group chats to leave")) << XATTR("type", "info")); return JABBER_ADHOC_HANDLER_STATUS_REMOVE_SESSION; } pSession->SetStage(1); XmlNodeIq iq("result", pInfo); TiXmlElement *xNode = iq << XCHILDNS("command", JABBER_FEAT_COMMANDS) << XATTR("node", JABBER_FEAT_RC_LEAVE_GROUPCHATS) << XATTR("sessionid", pSession->GetSessionId()) << XATTR("status", "executing") << XCHILDNS("x", JABBER_FEAT_DATA_FORMS) << XATTR("type", "form"); xNode << XCHILD("title", TranslateU("Leave group chats")); xNode << XCHILD("instructions", TranslateU("Choose the group chats you want to leave")); xNode << XCHILD("field") << XATTR("type", "hidden") << XATTR("var", "FORM_TYPE") << XATTR("value", JABBER_FEAT_RC); // Groupchats TiXmlElement *fieldNode = xNode << XCHILD("field") << XATTR("label", nullptr) << XATTR("type", "list-multi") << XATTR("var", "groupchats"); fieldNode << XCHILD("required"); { mir_cslock lck(m_csLists); LISTFOREACH_NODEF(i, this, LIST_CHATROOM) { JABBER_LIST_ITEM *item = ListGetItemPtrFromIndex(i); if (item != nullptr) fieldNode << XCHILD("option") << XATTR("label", item->jid) << XCHILD("value", item->jid); } } m_ThreadInfo->send(iq); return JABBER_ADHOC_HANDLER_STATUS_EXECUTING; } if (pSession->GetStage() == 1) { // result form here auto *commandNode = pInfo->GetChildNode(); auto *xNode = XmlGetChildByTag(commandNode, "x", "xmlns", JABBER_FEAT_DATA_FORMS); if (!xNode) return JABBER_ADHOC_HANDLER_STATUS_CANCEL; // Groupchat list here: auto *fieldNode = XmlGetChildByTag(xNode, "field", "var", "groupchats"); if (fieldNode) { for (auto *valueNode : TiXmlFilter(fieldNode, "value")) { JABBER_LIST_ITEM *item = ListGetItemPtr(LIST_CHATROOM, valueNode->GetText()); if (item) GcQuit(item, 0, nullptr); } } return JABBER_ADHOC_HANDLER_STATUS_COMPLETED; } return JABBER_ADHOC_HANDLER_STATUS_CANCEL; }