/* Jabber Protocol Plugin for Miranda NG Copyright (c) 2002-04 Santithorn Bunchua Copyright (c) 2005-12 George Hazan Copyright (c) 2007 Maxim Mluhov Copyright (�) 2012-17 Miranda NG project XEP-0146 support for Miranda IM This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #ifndef _JABBER_RC_H_ #define _JABBER_RC_H_ class CJabberAdhocSession; #define JABBER_ADHOC_HANDLER_STATUS_EXECUTING 1 #define JABBER_ADHOC_HANDLER_STATUS_COMPLETED 2 #define JABBER_ADHOC_HANDLER_STATUS_CANCEL 3 #define JABBER_ADHOC_HANDLER_STATUS_REMOVE_SESSION 4 typedef int (CJabberProto::*JABBER_ADHOC_HANDLER)(HXML iqNode, CJabberIqInfo *pInfo, CJabberAdhocSession* pSession); // 5 minutes to fill out form :) #define JABBER_ADHOC_SESSION_EXPIRE_TIME 300000 class CJabberAdhocSession { protected: CMStringW m_szSessionId; CJabberAdhocSession* m_pNext; DWORD m_dwStartTime; void* m_pUserData; BOOL m_bAutofreeUserData; DWORD m_dwStage; public: CJabberProto *ppro; CJabberAdhocSession(CJabberProto* global); ~CJabberAdhocSession() { if (m_bAutofreeUserData && m_pUserData) mir_free(m_pUserData); if (m_pNext) delete m_pNext; } CJabberAdhocSession* GetNext() { return m_pNext; } CJabberAdhocSession* SetNext(CJabberAdhocSession *pNext) { CJabberAdhocSession *pRetVal = m_pNext; m_pNext = pNext; return pRetVal; } DWORD GetSessionStartTime() { return m_dwStartTime; } LPCTSTR GetSessionId() { return m_szSessionId; } BOOL SetUserData(void* pUserData, BOOL bAutofree = FALSE) { if (m_bAutofreeUserData && m_pUserData) mir_free(m_pUserData); m_pUserData = pUserData; m_bAutofreeUserData = bAutofree; return TRUE; } DWORD SetStage(DWORD dwStage) { DWORD dwRetVal = m_dwStage; m_dwStage = dwStage; return dwRetVal; } DWORD GetStage() { return m_dwStage; } }; class CJabberAdhocNode; class CJabberAdhocNode { protected: wchar_t *m_szJid; wchar_t *m_szNode; wchar_t *m_szName; CJabberAdhocNode* m_pNext; JABBER_ADHOC_HANDLER m_pHandler; CJabberProto *m_pProto; public: CJabberAdhocNode(CJabberProto* pProto, wchar_t* szJid, wchar_t* szNode, wchar_t* szName, JABBER_ADHOC_HANDLER pHandler) { memset(this, 0, sizeof(CJabberAdhocNode)); replaceStrW(m_szJid, szJid); replaceStrW(m_szNode, szNode); replaceStrW(m_szName, szName); m_pHandler = pHandler; m_pProto = pProto; } ~CJabberAdhocNode() { mir_free(m_szJid); mir_free(m_szNode); mir_free(m_szName); if (m_pNext) delete m_pNext; } CJabberAdhocNode* GetNext() { return m_pNext; } CJabberAdhocNode* SetNext(CJabberAdhocNode *pNext) { CJabberAdhocNode *pRetVal = m_pNext; m_pNext = pNext; return pRetVal; } wchar_t* GetJid() { return m_szJid; } wchar_t* GetNode() { return m_szNode; } wchar_t* GetName() { return m_szName; } BOOL CallHandler(HXML iqNode, CJabberIqInfo *pInfo, CJabberAdhocSession* pSession) { if (m_pHandler == NULL) return FALSE; return (m_pProto->*m_pHandler)(iqNode, pInfo, pSession); } }; class CJabberAdhocManager { protected: CJabberProto *m_pProto; CJabberAdhocNode* m_pNodes; CJabberAdhocSession* m_pSessions; mir_cs m_cs; CJabberAdhocSession* FindSession(const wchar_t *szSession) { CJabberAdhocSession* pSession = m_pSessions; while (pSession) { if (!mir_wstrcmp(pSession->GetSessionId(), szSession)) return pSession; pSession = pSession->GetNext(); } return NULL; } CJabberAdhocSession* AddNewSession() { CJabberAdhocSession* pSession = new CJabberAdhocSession(m_pProto); if (!pSession) return NULL; pSession->SetNext(m_pSessions); m_pSessions = pSession; return pSession; } CJabberAdhocNode* FindNode(const wchar_t *szNode) { CJabberAdhocNode* pNode = m_pNodes; while (pNode) { if (!mir_wstrcmp(pNode->GetNode(), szNode)) return pNode; pNode = pNode->GetNext(); } return NULL; } BOOL RemoveSession(CJabberAdhocSession* pSession) { if (!m_pSessions) return FALSE; if (pSession == m_pSessions) { m_pSessions = m_pSessions->GetNext(); pSession->SetNext(NULL); delete pSession; return TRUE; } CJabberAdhocSession* pTmp = m_pSessions; while (pTmp->GetNext()) { if (pTmp->GetNext() == pSession) { pTmp->SetNext(pSession->GetNext()); pSession->SetNext(NULL); delete pSession; return TRUE; } pTmp = pTmp->GetNext(); } return FALSE; } BOOL _ExpireSession(DWORD dwExpireTime) { if (!m_pSessions) return FALSE; CJabberAdhocSession* pSession = m_pSessions; if (pSession->GetSessionStartTime() < dwExpireTime) { m_pSessions = pSession->GetNext(); pSession->SetNext(NULL); delete pSession; return TRUE; } while (pSession->GetNext()) { if (pSession->GetNext()->GetSessionStartTime() < dwExpireTime) { CJabberAdhocSession* pRetVal = pSession->GetNext(); pSession->SetNext(pSession->GetNext()->GetNext()); pRetVal->SetNext(NULL); delete pRetVal; return TRUE; } pSession = pSession->GetNext(); } return FALSE; } public: CJabberAdhocManager(CJabberProto* pProto) { m_pProto = pProto; m_pNodes = NULL; m_pSessions = NULL; } ~CJabberAdhocManager() { delete m_pNodes; delete m_pSessions; } BOOL FillDefaultNodes(); BOOL AddNode(wchar_t* szJid, wchar_t* szNode, wchar_t* szName, JABBER_ADHOC_HANDLER pHandler) { CJabberAdhocNode* pNode = new CJabberAdhocNode(m_pProto, szJid, szNode, szName, pHandler); if (!pNode) return FALSE; mir_cslock lck(m_cs); if (!m_pNodes) m_pNodes = pNode; else { CJabberAdhocNode* pTmp = m_pNodes; while (pTmp->GetNext()) pTmp = pTmp->GetNext(); pTmp->SetNext(pNode); } return TRUE; } CJabberAdhocNode* GetFirstNode() { return m_pNodes; } BOOL HandleItemsRequest(HXML iqNode, CJabberIqInfo *pInfo, const wchar_t *szNode); BOOL HandleInfoRequest(HXML iqNode, CJabberIqInfo *pInfo, const wchar_t *szNode); BOOL HandleCommandRequest(HXML iqNode, CJabberIqInfo *pInfo, const wchar_t *szNode); BOOL ExpireSessions() { mir_cslock lck(m_cs); DWORD dwExpireTime = GetTickCount() - JABBER_ADHOC_SESSION_EXPIRE_TIME; while (_ExpireSession(dwExpireTime)) ; return TRUE; } }; #endif //_JABBER_RC_H_