/* Jabber Protocol Plugin for Miranda NG Copyright (c) 2002-04 Santithorn Bunchua Copyright (c) 2005-12 George Hazan Copyright (C) 2012-24 Miranda NG team This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "stdafx.h" #include ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // roster editor // enum { RRA_FILLLIST = 0, RRA_SYNCROSTER, RRA_SYNCDONE }; struct ROSTEREDITDAT { HWND hList; int index; int subindex; }; static void _RosterItemEditEnd(HWND hEditor, ROSTEREDITDAT *edat, BOOL bCancel) { if (!bCancel) { int len = GetWindowTextLength(hEditor) + 1; wchar_t *buff = (wchar_t*)mir_alloc(len*sizeof(wchar_t)); if (buff) { GetWindowText(hEditor, buff, len); ListView_SetItemText(edat->hList, edat->index, edat->subindex, buff); } mir_free(buff); } DestroyWindow(hEditor); } static LRESULT CALLBACK _RosterItemNewEditProc(HWND hEditor, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { ROSTEREDITDAT * edat = (ROSTEREDITDAT *)GetWindowLongPtr(hEditor, GWLP_USERDATA); if (!edat) return 0; switch (msg) { case WM_KEYDOWN: switch (wParam) { case VK_RETURN: _RosterItemEditEnd(hEditor, edat, FALSE); return 0; case VK_ESCAPE: _RosterItemEditEnd(hEditor, edat, TRUE); return 0; } break; case WM_GETDLGCODE: if (lParam) { MSG *msg2 = (MSG*)lParam; if (msg2->message == WM_KEYDOWN && msg2->wParam == VK_TAB) return 0; if (msg2->message == WM_CHAR && msg2->wParam == '\t') return 0; } return DLGC_WANTMESSAGE; case WM_KILLFOCUS: _RosterItemEditEnd(hEditor, edat, FALSE); return 0; case WM_DESTROY: SetWindowLongPtr(hEditor, GWLP_USERDATA, (LONG_PTR)0); free(edat); return 0; } return mir_callNextSubclass(hEditor, _RosterItemNewEditProc, msg, wParam, lParam); } static LRESULT CALLBACK _RosterNewListProc(HWND hList, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { if (msg == WM_MOUSEWHEEL || msg == WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN || msg == WM_NCRBUTTONDOWN) SetFocus(hList); if (msg == WM_LBUTTONDOWN) { POINT pt; GetCursorPos(&pt); ScreenToClient(hList, &pt); LVHITTESTINFO lvhti = { 0 }; lvhti.pt = pt; ListView_SubItemHitTest(hList, &lvhti); if (lvhti.flags&LVHT_ONITEM && lvhti.iSubItem != 0) { RECT rc; wchar_t buff[260]; ListView_GetSubItemRect(hList, lvhti.iItem, lvhti.iSubItem, LVIR_BOUNDS, &rc); ListView_GetItemText(hList, lvhti.iItem, lvhti.iSubItem, buff, _countof(buff)); HWND hEditor = CreateWindow(TEXT("EDIT"), buff, WS_CHILD | ES_AUTOHSCROLL, rc.left + 3, rc.top + 2, rc.right - rc.left - 3, rc.bottom - rc.top - 3, hList, nullptr, g_plugin.getInst(), nullptr); SendMessage(hEditor, WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM)SendMessage(hList, WM_GETFONT, 0, 0), 0); ShowWindow(hEditor, SW_SHOW); SetWindowText(hEditor, buff); ClientToScreen(hList, &pt); ScreenToClient(hEditor, &pt); mouse_event(MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN, 0, 0, 0, 0); mouse_event(MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP, 0, 0, 0, 0); ROSTEREDITDAT * edat = (ROSTEREDITDAT *)malloc(sizeof(ROSTEREDITDAT)); mir_subclassWindow(hEditor, _RosterItemNewEditProc); edat->hList = hList; edat->index = lvhti.iItem; edat->subindex = lvhti.iSubItem; SetWindowLongPtr(hEditor, GWLP_USERDATA, (LONG_PTR)edat); } } return mir_callNextSubclass(hList, _RosterNewListProc, msg, wParam, lParam); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // JabberRosterOptDlgProc - advanced options dialog procedure class CRosterEditorDlg : public CJabberDlgBase { friend struct CJabberProto; typedef CJabberDlgBase CSuper; uint8_t m_bRRAction; BOOL m_bReadyToDownload = true; BOOL m_bReadyToUpload = false; void _RosterSendRequest(uint8_t rrAction) { m_bRRAction = rrAction; m_proto->m_ThreadInfo->send( XmlNodeIq(m_proto->AddIQ(&CJabberProto::_RosterHandleGetRequest, JABBER_IQ_TYPE_GET)) << XCHILDNS("query", JABBER_FEAT_IQ_ROSTER)); } int _RosterInsertListItem(const char *jid, const char *nick, const char *group, const char *subscr, bool bChecked) { Utf2T wszJid(jid); LVITEM item = { 0 }; item.mask = LVIF_TEXT | LVIF_STATE; item.iItem = m_list.GetItemCount(); item.pszText = wszJid; int index = m_list.InsertItem(&item); if (index < 0) return index; m_list.SetCheckState(index, bChecked); m_list.SetItemText(index, 1, Utf2T(nick)); m_list.SetItemText(index, 2, Utf2T(group)); m_list.SetItemText(index, 3, TranslateW(Utf2T(subscr))); return index; } void _RosterListClear() { m_list.DeleteAllItems(); while (m_list.GetColumnWidth(0) > 0) m_list.DeleteColumn(0); LV_COLUMN column = { 0 }; column.mask = LVCF_TEXT; column.pszText = TranslateT("JID"); m_list.InsertColumn(1, &column); column.pszText = TranslateT("Nickname"); m_list.InsertColumn(2, &column); column.pszText = TranslateT("Group"); m_list.InsertColumn(3, &column); column.pszText = TranslateT("Subscription"); m_list.InsertColumn(4, &column); RECT rc; GetClientRect(m_list.GetHwnd(), &rc); ResizeColumns(rc.right - rc.left); } void ResizeColumns(int width) { m_list.SetColumnWidth(0, width * 40 / 100); m_list.SetColumnWidth(1, width * 25 / 100); m_list.SetColumnWidth(2, width * 20 / 100); m_list.SetColumnWidth(3, width * 12 / 100); } void OnChangeStatus() { int count = m_list.GetItemCount(); btnDownload.Enable(m_proto->m_bJabberOnline); btnUpload.Enable(count && m_proto->m_bJabberOnline); btnExport.Enable(count > 0); } CCtrlButton btnDownload, btnUpload, btnExport, btnImport; CCtrlListView m_list; public: CRosterEditorDlg(CJabberProto *m_proto) : CSuper(m_proto, IDD_ROSTER_EDITOR), m_list(this, IDC_ROSTER), btnExport(this, IDC_EXPORT), btnImport(this, IDC_IMPORT), btnUpload(this, IDC_UPLOAD), btnDownload(this, IDC_DOWNLOAD) { SetMinSize(550, 390); btnExport.OnClick = Callback(this, &CRosterEditorDlg::onClick_Export); btnImport.OnClick = Callback(this, &CRosterEditorDlg::onClick_Import); btnUpload.OnClick = Callback(this, &CRosterEditorDlg::onClick_Upload); btnDownload.OnClick = Callback(this, &CRosterEditorDlg::onClick_Download); } bool OnInitDialog() override { SetWindowTextW(m_hwnd, CMStringW(FORMAT, L"%s: %s", TranslateT("Roster Editor"), m_proto->m_tszUserName)); Window_SetIcon_IcoLib(m_hwnd, g_plugin.getIconHandle(IDI_AGENTS)); Utils_RestoreWindowPosition(m_hwnd, 0, m_proto->m_szModuleName, "rosterCtrlWnd_"); m_list.SetExtendedListViewStyle(LVS_EX_CHECKBOXES | LVS_EX_BORDERSELECT | LVS_EX_GRIDLINES); mir_subclassWindow(m_list.GetHwnd(), _RosterNewListProc); _RosterListClear(); OnChangeStatus(); return true; } void OnDestroy() override { m_proto->m_hwndRosterEditor = nullptr; Utils_SaveWindowPosition(m_hwnd, 0, m_proto->m_szModuleName, "rosterCtrlWnd_"); Window_FreeIcon_IcoLib(m_hwnd); } int Resizer(UTILRESIZECONTROL *urc) override { switch (urc->wId) { case IDC_HEADERBAR: return RD_ANCHORX_LEFT | RD_ANCHORY_TOP | RD_ANCHORX_WIDTH; case IDC_ROSTER: ResizeColumns(urc->rcItem.right - urc->rcItem.left + urc->dlgNewSize.cx - urc->dlgOriginalSize.cx); return RD_ANCHORX_LEFT | RD_ANCHORY_TOP | RD_ANCHORY_HEIGHT | RD_ANCHORX_WIDTH; case IDC_DOWNLOAD: case IDC_UPLOAD: return RD_ANCHORX_LEFT | RD_ANCHORY_BOTTOM; case IDC_EXPORT: case IDC_IMPORT: return RD_ANCHORX_RIGHT | RD_ANCHORY_BOTTOM; } return RD_ANCHORX_LEFT | RD_ANCHORY_TOP; } void HandleNode(const TiXmlElement *node) { if (m_bRRAction == RRA_FILLLIST) { _RosterListClear(); auto *query = XmlFirstChild(node, "query"); if (query == nullptr) return; for (auto *item : TiXmlFilter(query, "item")) { const char *jid = XmlGetAttr(item, "jid"); if (jid == nullptr) continue; const char *name = XmlGetAttr(item, "name"); const char *subscription = XmlGetAttr(item, "subscription"); const char *group = XmlGetChildText(item, "group"); _RosterInsertListItem(jid, name, group, subscription, true); } // now it is require to process whole contact list to add not in roster contacts for (auto &hContact : m_proto->AccContacts()) { ptrW tszJid(m_proto->getWStringA(hContact, "jid")); if (tszJid == nullptr || Contact::IsGroupChat(hContact)) continue; LVFINDINFO lvfi = { 0 }; lvfi.flags = LVFI_STRING; lvfi.psz = tszJid; if (m_list.FindItem(-1, &lvfi) == -1) { ptrA tszName(db_get_utfa(hContact, "CList", "MyHandle")); ptrA tszGroup(db_get_utfa(hContact, "CList", "Group")); _RosterInsertListItem(T2Utf(tszJid), tszName, tszGroup, nullptr, false); } } m_bReadyToDownload = false; m_bReadyToUpload = true; btnDownload.SetText(TranslateT("Download")); btnUpload.SetText(TranslateT("Upload")); OnChangeStatus(); return; } if (m_bRRAction == RRA_SYNCROSTER) { btnUpload.SetText(TranslateT("Uploading...")); auto *queryRoster = XmlFirstChild(node, "query"); if (!queryRoster) return; int ListItemCount = m_list.GetItemCount(); for (int index = 0; index < ListItemCount; index++) { wchar_t jid[JABBER_MAX_JID_LEN] = L""; wchar_t name[260]; wchar_t group[260]; wchar_t subscr[260]; m_list.GetItemText(index, 0, jid, _countof(jid)); m_list.GetItemText(index, 1, name, _countof(name)); m_list.GetItemText(index, 2, group, _countof(group)); m_list.GetItemText(index, 3, subscr, _countof(subscr)); T2Utf szJid(jid), szName(name), szGroup(group), szSubscr(subscr); auto *itemRoster = XmlGetChildByTag(queryRoster, "item", "jid", szJid); bool bRemove = !m_list.GetCheckState(index); if (itemRoster && bRemove) { // delete item XmlNodeIq iq(m_proto->AddIQ(&CJabberProto::_RosterHandleGetRequest, JABBER_IQ_TYPE_SET)); iq << XCHILDNS("query", JABBER_FEAT_IQ_ROSTER) << XCHILD("item") << XATTR("jid", szJid) << XATTR("subscription", "remove"); m_proto->m_ThreadInfo->send(iq); } else if (!bRemove) { bool bPushed = itemRoster != 0; const char *rosterName = 0, *rosterGroup = 0; if (!bPushed) { rosterName = XmlGetAttr(itemRoster, "name"); if ((rosterName != nullptr || name[0] != 0) && mir_strcmpi(rosterName, szName)) bPushed = true; if (!bPushed) { auto *szSub = XmlGetAttr(itemRoster, "subscription"); if ((szSub != nullptr || subscr[0] != 0) && mir_strcmpi(szSub, szSubscr)) bPushed = true; } if (!bPushed) { rosterGroup = XmlGetChildText(itemRoster, "group"); if (rosterGroup != nullptr && mir_strcmpi(rosterGroup, szGroup)) bPushed = true; } } if (bPushed) { XmlNodeIq iq(m_proto->AddIQ(&CJabberProto::_RosterHandleGetRequest, JABBER_IQ_TYPE_SET)); auto *item = iq << XCHILDNS("query", JABBER_FEAT_IQ_ROSTER) << XCHILD("item"); if (rosterGroup || mir_strlen(szGroup)) item << XCHILD("group", szGroup); if (rosterName || mir_strlen(szName)) item << XATTR("name", szName); item << XATTR("jid", szJid) << XATTR("subscription", subscr[0] ? szSubscr : "none"); m_proto->m_ThreadInfo->send(iq); } } } m_bRRAction = RRA_SYNCDONE; _RosterSendRequest(RRA_FILLLIST); return; } btnUpload.SetText(TranslateT("Upload")); onClick_Download(nullptr); }; void onClick_Download(CCtrlButton*) { m_bReadyToUpload = m_bReadyToDownload = false; OnChangeStatus(); btnDownload.SetText(TranslateT("Downloading...")); _RosterSendRequest(RRA_FILLLIST); } void onClick_Upload(CCtrlButton*) { m_bReadyToUpload = false; OnChangeStatus(); btnUpload.SetText(TranslateT("Connecting...")); _RosterSendRequest(RRA_SYNCROSTER); } void onClick_Export(CCtrlButton*) { wchar_t filename[MAX_PATH] = { 0 }; wchar_t filter[MAX_PATH]; mir_snwprintf(filter, L"%s (*.xml)%c*.xml%c%c", TranslateT("XML (UTF-8 encoded)"), 0, 0, 0); OPENFILENAME ofn = {}; ofn.lStructSize = OPENFILENAME_SIZE_VERSION_400; ofn.hwndOwner = m_hwnd; ofn.lpstrFilter = filter; ofn.lpstrFile = filename; ofn.Flags = OFN_HIDEREADONLY; ofn.nMaxFile = _countof(filename); ofn.nMaxFileTitle = MAX_PATH; ofn.lpstrDefExt = L"xml"; if (!GetSaveFileNameW(&ofn)) return; FILE * fp = _wfopen(filename, L"wb"); if (!fp) return; int ListItemCount = m_list.GetItemCount(); XmlNode root("Roster"); for (int index = 0; index < ListItemCount; index++) { wchar_t jid[JABBER_MAX_JID_LEN] = L""; wchar_t name[260] = L""; wchar_t group[260] = L""; wchar_t subscr[260] = L""; m_list.GetItemText(index, 0, jid, _countof(jid)); m_list.GetItemText(index, 1, name, _countof(name)); m_list.GetItemText(index, 2, group, _countof(group)); m_list.GetItemText(index, 3, subscr, _countof(subscr)); root << XCHILD("Item") << XATTR("jid", T2Utf(jid)) << XATTR("name", T2Utf(name)) << XATTR("group", T2Utf(group)) << XATTR("subscription", T2Utf(subscr)); } tinyxml2::XMLPrinter printer(fp); root.Print(&printer); fclose(fp); } void onClick_Import(CCtrlButton*) { wchar_t filename[MAX_PATH] = {}; OPENFILENAME ofn = { 0 }; ofn.lStructSize = OPENFILENAME_SIZE_VERSION_400; ofn.hwndOwner = m_hwnd; ofn.hInstance = nullptr; ofn.lpstrFilter = L"XML (UTF-8 encoded)(*.xml)\0*.xml\0\0"; ofn.Flags = OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST | OFN_HIDEREADONLY; ofn.lpstrFile = filename; ofn.nMaxFile = _countof(filename); ofn.nMaxFileTitle = MAX_PATH; ofn.lpstrDefExt = L"xml"; if (!GetOpenFileNameW(&ofn)) return; FILE * fp = _wfopen(filename, L"rb"); if (!fp) return; TiXmlDocument doc; int ret = doc.LoadFile(fp); fclose(fp); if (ret != 0) return; _RosterListClear(); const TiXmlElement *Table = TiXmlConst(&doc)["Workbook"]["Worksheet"]["Table"].ToElement(); if (Table) { for (auto *Row : TiXmlFilter(Table, "Row")) { bool bAdd = false; const char *jid = nullptr; const char *name = nullptr; const char *group = nullptr; const char *subscr = nullptr; auto *Cell = XmlFirstChild(Row, "Cell"); auto *Data = XmlFirstChild(Cell, "Data"); if (Data) { if (!mir_strcmpi(Data->GetText(), "+")) bAdd = true; else if (mir_strcmpi(Data->GetText(), "-")) continue; Cell = Cell->NextSiblingElement("Cell"); if (Cell) Data = XmlFirstChild(Cell, "Data"); else Data = nullptr; if (Data) { jid = Data->GetText(); if (!jid || mir_strlen(jid) == 0) continue; } Cell = Cell->NextSiblingElement("Cell"); if (Cell) Data = XmlFirstChild(Cell, "Data"); else Data = nullptr; if (Data) name = Data->GetText(); Cell = Cell->NextSiblingElement("Cell"); if (Cell) Data = XmlFirstChild(Cell, "Data"); else Data = nullptr; if (Data) group = Data->GetText(); Cell = Cell->NextSiblingElement("Cell"); if (Cell) Data = XmlFirstChild(Cell, "Data"); else Data = nullptr; if (Data) subscr = Data->GetText(); } _RosterInsertListItem(jid, name, group, subscr, bAdd); } } else if (Table = TiXmlConst(&doc)["Roster"].ToElement()) { for (auto *Row : TiXmlFilter(Table, "Item")) { auto *jid = Row->Attribute("jid"); auto *name = Row->Attribute("name"); auto *group = Row->Attribute("group"); auto *subscr = Row->Attribute("subscription"); _RosterInsertListItem(jid, name, group, subscr, true); } } OnChangeStatus(); } }; INT_PTR __cdecl CJabberProto::OnMenuHandleRosterControl(WPARAM, LPARAM) { if (m_hwndRosterEditor) SetForegroundWindow(m_hwndRosterEditor->GetHwnd()); else { m_hwndRosterEditor = new CRosterEditorDlg(this); m_hwndRosterEditor->Show(); } return 0; } void CJabberProto::_RosterHandleGetRequest(const TiXmlElement *node, CJabberIqInfo*) { if (m_hwndRosterEditor) m_hwndRosterEditor->HandleNode(node); } void CJabberProto::JabberUpdateDialogs(BOOL) { if (m_hwndRosterEditor) m_hwndRosterEditor->OnChangeStatus(); }